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17 northern bats, comprising a maternity colony, were observed and recorded in their natural feeding habitat in southern Sweden. They searched for insects in more or less open habitats, 2–50 m above ground, and usually established individual feeding territories, which were patrolled in straight or slightly curved flight paths at rather constant altitudes. Duration, bandwidth, amplitude, repetition rate and, to a lesser extent, terminal frequency of the echolocation pulses varied according to feeding habitat and situation. In general, long (13.0–17.7 ms), loud, shallow frequency-modulated (FM) signals were used during search flight near treetop level (15 m) or above. At lower altitudes, steep FM-components were added, and the terminal shallow-sweep portions were shortened. These pulses were 6.3–13.4 ms long. Steep FM-signals of short (0.4–8.4 ms) duration and relatively low amplitude were used in the vicinity of obstacles or targets.  相似文献   

Aim This paper examines the migration of the tropical nectarivorous bat Leptonycteris curasoae considered as a latitudinal migrant that breeds in south-west United States and northern Mexico in spring and migrates southward during fall. We tested the hypothesis that the latitudinal migration occurs only locally given by the local availability of bat resources, leading to migratory movements in zones with seasonal scarcity of resources and to resident bat populations where resources are available throughout the year. Localization We analysed the presence of L. curasoae along its distribution range in North America (between 14°N and 33°N). Study cases were also conducted in three Mexican localities: the Tehuacán Valley (17°48′–18°58′N and 96°48′–97°43′W), Sonoran Desert (28°41′N and 110°15′W), and the coast of Jalisco (19°32′N and 105°07′W). Methods Geographic evidence for latitudinal migration of L. curasoae was analysed using 94-year capture records housed in twenty-two collections of North America. Records were analysed using a Geographical Information System (GIS), in which floral resources and capture records were integrated. Monthly captures in the Tehuacán Valley were conducted during three years and bats abundance and reproductive status were correlated with the phenology of bat resources. Bat captures were also conducted during two consecutive years in an extratropical desert during winter and spring, and during one spring in the coast of Jalisco. Results The latitudinal migration of L. curasoae in North America only occurs at latitudes near 30°N, whereas bats may be residents at latitudes lower than 21°N. Captures were associated always to the availability of floral resources in both geographical and local scales. Main conclusions The existence of resident populations in the tropics with two reproductive events support the hypothesis that migration only occurs in the northern distribution limit of this nectar-feeding bat.  相似文献   

Latitudinal patterns in biotic interactions, including herbivory, have been widely debated during the past years. In particular, recent meta‐analysis questioned the hypothesis that herbivory increases from the poles towards the equator. Our study was designed to verify this hypothesis by exploring latitudinal patterns in abundance and diversity of birch‐feeding insect herbivores belonging to the leafminer guild in northern Europe, from 59° to 69°N. We collected branches from five mature trees of two birch species (Betula pendula and B. pubescens) at each study site (ten sites for each of five latitudinal gradients) twice per season (in early and late summer of 2008–2011) and attributed all mines found on leaves of these branches to a certain taxon of insects. Latitudinal patterns were quantified by calculating Spearman rank correlation coefficients between both abundance and diversity of leafmining taxa and latitudes of sampling sites. In general, both abundance and diversity of leafminers significantly decreased with latitude. However, we discovered pronounced variation in patterns of latitudinal changes among study years and leafminer taxa. Variation among study years was best explained by mean temperatures in July at the northern ends of our gradients. During cold years, abundance of leafminers significantly decreased with latitude, while during warm years the abundance was either independent of latitude or even increased towards the pole. In the northern boreal forests (66° to 69°N), herbivores demonstrated larger changes in densities in response to temperature variations than in the boreo‐nemoral forests (59° to 62°N). Our data suggest that climate warming will result in a stronger increase in herbivory at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

The prey pursuit behavior of Japanese horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon) was investigated by tasking bats during flight with choosing between two tethered fluttering moths. Echolocation pulses were recorded using a telemetry microphone mounted on the bat combined with a 17-channel horizontal microphone array to measure pulse directions. Flight paths of the bat and moths were monitored using two high-speed video cameras. Acoustical measurements of returning echoes from fluttering moths were first collected using an ultrasonic loudspeaker, turning the head direction of the moth relative to the loudspeaker from 0° (front) to 180° (back) in the horizontal plane. The amount of acoustical glints caused by moth fluttering varied with the sound direction, reaching a maximum at 70°–100° in the horizontal plane. In the flight experiment, moths chosen by the bat fluttered within or moved across these angles relative to the bat’s pulse direction, which would cause maximum dynamic changes in the frequency and amplitude of acoustical glints during flight. These results suggest that echoes with acoustical glints containing the strongest frequency and amplitude modulations appear to attract bats for prey selection.  相似文献   

Aim We describe the distributions of mammal species between the Indochinese and Sundaic subregions and examine the traditional view that the two faunas show a transition near the Isthmus of Kra on the Thai–Malay peninsula. Location Species distributions are described along a 2000‐km transect from 20° N (northernmost Thailand) to 1° N (Singapore). Methods For the 325 species of native non‐marine mammals occurring along the transect we used published records to provide a database of their distributional records by degree of latitude. Results Along the transect we found 128 Indochinese species with southern range limits, 121 Sundaic species with northern range limits, four un‐assignable endemics and 72 widespread species. In total, 152 southern and 147 northern range limits were identified, and their distribution provides no evidence for a narrow faunal transition near the Isthmus of Kra (10°30′ N) or elsewhere. Range limits of both bats and non‐volant mammals cluster in northernmost peninsular Malaysia (5° N) and 800 km further north, where the peninsula joins the continent proper (14° N). The clusters of northern and southern range limits are not concordant but overlap by 100–200 km. Similarly, the range limits of bats and non‐volant mammals cluster at slightly different latitudes. There are 30% fewer species and range limits in the central and northern peninsula (between 6 and 13° N), and 35 more widely distributed species have range gaps in this region. In addition, we found 70 fewer species at the southern tip of the peninsula (1° N) than at 3–4° N. Main conclusions The deficiencies of both species and species range limits in the central and northern peninsula are attributed to an area effect caused by repeated sea‐level changes. Using a new global glacioeustatic curve developed by Miller and associates we show that there were > 58 rapid sea‐level rises of > 40 m in the last 5 Myr that would have resulted in significant faunal compression and local population extirpation in the narrow central and northern parts of the peninsula. This new global sea‐level curve appears to account for the observed patterns of the latitudinal diversity of mammal species, the concentration of species range limits north and south of this area, the nature and position of the transition between biogeographical subregions, and possibly the divergence of the faunas themselves during the Neogene. The decline of species diversity at the southern end of the transect is attributed to a peninsula effect similar to that described elsewhere.  相似文献   

The sea growth of two whitefish forms, anadromous (Coregonus lavaretus lavaretus) and sea‐spawning (Coregonus lavaretus widegreni), was analysed using samples collected from the commercial sea catch in the Gulf of Bothnia (GoB) in the northern Baltic Sea during 1998–2014. In the GoB area, these two forms are possible to identify because the gill‐raker number and size at maturity vary between forms. The growth rate of the forms is linked to their feeding area. Sea‐spawning whitefish, which has a feeding migration near its home site, was shorter in the northern GoB (66°N–64°N) at the ages of 3–11 than those in the southern GoB (64°N–60°30′N). In the data, most whitefish were caught with gill nets in the GoB. The mesh sizes of gill nets capturing the anadromous form were mostly 35–45 mm, while those capturing the sea‐spawning form were <35 mm in the northern GoB. It is likely that the different growth trends for small and large whitefish were connected with differences in their recruitment for fishing. The length of anadromous females at the age of four sea years increased significantly, but the length of six‐year‐old anadromous female whitefish decreased over the catch years from 1998–2014. In contrast, the length of slow‐growing sea‐spawning whitefish of six years or older increased significantly in relation to the catch year in the gill‐net catch. The increase in the growth of young age groups in both forms was probably associated with the increasing temperature and the low fishing pressure on small fish. The decreasing age at capture for both forms and the depression of the mean size of old anadromous whitefish are signs of high fishing pressure with a high gill‐net effort that selectively removes the largest and oldest individuals of both forms.  相似文献   

Between 4 and 16 January 1996, during a period of cool weather, we studied the emergence and foraging behavior of Molossus ater at a site near Akumal, in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The bats, a colony of at least 32 individuals, roosted in a north-facing cinder block wall, and emerged about sunset. Emerging bats were usually clustered in time, while those returning usually were not. Radio-tracking revealed that the bats foraged for short periods (mean 26.8 min) and captures of returning individuals indicated that 27 of 28 had fed, taking, on average, 4.4 g of insects, mainly hydrophilid beetles. On some nights, few or none of the radio-tagged bats emerged from the roost. Calculations concerning the costs of flight and roosting show that they were more than covered by the energy intake the bats achieved. Molossus ater have high aspect ratio (8.3–9.1) wings and high wing-loadings of 17.55–24.15 N/m2. When searching for prey, these bats produce long (12.3 ms), narrowband(3.8 kHz), echolocation calls that sweep from 27.6–23.8 kHz. Energy was not limiting for these bats at the time of our study.  相似文献   


The authors monitored five maternity colonies of Plecotus austriacus to obtain data about phenology, roosting, and emergence behaviour. The bats occupied their roosts between April and October, with maximum colony sizes in August. Roosting sites in the attic’s roof ridge and temperatures of 20–25°C were favoured. Also considering the small colony (maximum 59) and cluster sizes (maximum 13 bats), P. austriacus behaved less thermophilic than other attic-dwelling species. During low temperatures, the bats chose small crevice-like roosting sites to compensate for that; during daytime, many bats remained hidden in crevices. Emergence began approximately 30 min after sunset; the bats used multiple, preferably crevice-like openings. P. austriacus left its summer roosts comparatively late; renovation works should, therefore, not start before November. For monitoring purposes, we recommend two to three emergence countings outside the attics in early August during warm weather, alongside two attic inspections 1–2 h before emergence for offspring monitoring.


The return of individual birds to a specific area in successional years, i.e. philopatry, is a remarkable behavioural trait. Here we report on the remarkably reversed: the complete absence of returning individuals of a migratory passerine with otherwise pronounced philopatry. At a high latitude study site in Abisko (68°32?N, 18°80?E) in northern Sweden none of the banded adult willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus returned to breed 2011–2014. This is in stark contrast to all other reports in the literature and also to our two southern study sites (at 56°56?N, 18°10?E and at 58°94?N, 17°14?E) where 18–38% of adults returned. We investigated this aberrant pattern found in Abisko by analysing three parameters known to influence philopatry; nest predation, breeding success and breeding density, and predicted that absence of philopatry should co‐occur with low breeding success, low breeding density and/or high nest predation. The results did not corroborate this, except that breeding density was lower at Abisko (49–71 pairs km–2) than at the southern sites (106 pairs km–2, 101 pairs km–2). Instead, we suggest the hypothesis that the absence of philopatry is caused by an influx of southern, dispersal‐prone individuals deploying another breeding strategy and that this intra‐specific range expansion is enabled by milder climate and low population density.  相似文献   

Size, peripheral auditory tuning and target strength in noctuid moths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated relationships among body size, the frequency of peak auditory sensitivity (best frequency) and acoustic conspicuousness (measured as target strength) to simulated bat echolocation calls in a range of tympanate moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Audiograms of Amphipyra pyramidea Linnaeus, Agrotis exclamationis Linnaeus, Omphaloscelis lunosa Haworth and Xestia xanthographa Denis and Schiffermüller are described for the first time. Best frequency was inversely related to forewing length, an index of body size. Models predict that target strength falls off rapidly once wavelength (1/frequency) exceeds some defined feature of target size (e.g. circumference for spheres). We investigated how target strength varies in relation to target size and emitted frequency for simple targets (paper discs) and for moths. Target strength fell rapidly when target radius/wavelength < 2 for paper discs of similar size to many noctuid moths. Target strength fell rapidly below wing‐length/wavelength ratios of 2 in relatively small (O. lunosa, wing‐length = 15.2 ± 0.4 mm, best frequency = 45 kHz) and large (N. pronuba, wing‐length = 24.6 ± 0.8 mm, best frequency = 15 kHz) noctuid species, and decreased rapidly at frequencies below 25 kHz in both species. These target strengths were used to predict the detection distance of the moths by bat sonar between 10 and 55 kHz. Predicted detection distances of both species were maximal for fictive call frequencies of 20 kHz, and were reduced at lower frequencies due to decreased target strength and at higher frequencies by excess atmospheric attenuation. Both relatively large and small noctuid moths are therefore strong acoustic targets to bats that echolocate at relatively low frequencies. Bats may emit allotonic calls at low frequency because the costs of reduced detection range are smaller than the benefits of reduced audibility to moths. Because best frequency scales with body size and maximum detection distance is not very sensitive to body size, noctuid moths in the size range examined do not necessarily have best frequencies that would match the call frequencies of bats that may detect the moths at greatest distance precisely. Hence, best frequency may be constrained in part by body size.  相似文献   

J. Rydell 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(3):517-529
The population density of the northern bat Eptesicus nilssoni at 65° N was about one-fifth of that in southern Sweden (57° N). No other bat species was observed at 65° N. In one maternity colony, young northern bats were born in July and were flying by early August. The diet consisted mainly of small insects, predominantly dipterans, which were captured and eaten in the air. The bats maintained a nocturnal (22:00–02:30 h) foraging schedule in summer, partly reflecting the activity of insects, and spent about three hours away from the day roost each night. Owing to the short periods of darkness, the foraging flights usually started and ended in daylight. Habitat use reflected the occurrence of small insects near vegetation.  相似文献   

Data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, sex ratio, and feeding of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagial of the northern Atlantic (Irminger and Labrador seas) during mating are provided. From 1982 to 1999, the mating of S. mentella took place in the central and southern parts of the Irminger Sea (56°–62° N, 30°–43° W); since 2000 it took place in two geographically isolated areas: in the water area of the open part of the Labrador Sea, at sites of the south of the Irminger Sea adjacent to it (54°–58° N, 38°–50° W), and above the western slopes of the Reykjanes Ridge (62°–65° N, 25°–34° W). It is assumed that during mating in the northern area mixed aggregations of two ecological groups of S. mentella—an oceanic group that distributes in the pelagial and a bottom group that inhabits the slopes of Iceland—are formed. The formation of isolated areas of mating of the species is determined by the orientation of feeding migrations that are simultaneously migrations to spawning grounds. Fish of medium sizes migrate to spawning grounds in the southwestern direction, while large fish migrate in the northern direction; the fertilization of females in these areas occurs at the end of summer. In S. mentella, the seasonal and age differences in food composition are clearly pronounced. With the onset of mating, the males’ intensity of feeding in both regions decreases by a factor of 1.5–2.0, while females continue to feed actively.  相似文献   

The microclimate at Thermocline Cave (lat, 30° 45′S, long, 149° 43′E) was investigated by measuring air temperature and relative humidity at five stations on 18 occasions from September 1971 to December, 1973. The activity, body weight and roosting sites of the bat Miniopterus schreibersii blepotis in the cave were recorded on each visit. Relative humidity in the cave was generally high and paralleled temperature. The cave exhibited a range of temperatures from 9 to 19.5°C but bats selected roosting sites only in a part of this range. During the autumn when the bats arrived and were feeding, their body weights were low, and they roosted in a domed area at the rear of the cave with a temperature of 19.5°C. As they became less active and body weight increased they moved to cooler parts (9.5-11°C) towards the front of the cave and underwent periods of torpor, in one case lasting for at least 12 days. From July to September body weight decreased. The bats became more active in September and most had left the cave by October. It appears that M.s. blepotis can detect temperature differences of 1°C. They used this ability to select cold areas with stable high humidity in Thermocline Cave to under go periods of winter torpor.  相似文献   

According to materials of 1997–2002, the characteristic of the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, size and sex structure, and feeding of the Korean flounder Glyptocephalus stelleri in the summer period in waters off Kamchatka in the Sea of Okhotsk (the site from 51°15′ to 57°20′ N, depths of 10–300 m) is given. It is shown that throughout the observation period, maximum catches of this flatfish were constantly observed at two sites of the western Kamchatka shelf (51°20′–53°00′ N and 55°00′–56°00′ N) in the zone exposed to the effect of anticyclonic gyres in the range of depths 101–200 m at the near-bottom temperature below 2°C. Unlike other habitat areas, off the coast of western Kamchatka, G. stelleri in the summer time is quite frequently found at negative temperature values, which is obviously determined by the specifics of thermal conditions of the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. It was established that, in this species of flatfish, sex dimorphism is distinctly pronounced in sizes—males are considerably smaller than females whose relative number among individuals with a length larger than 50 cm reaches 100%. The main items of feeding of G. stelleri at the western Kamchatka shelf in the summer period are oligochaetes.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata (Emballonuridae), uses two distinct echolocation call sequences: a ‘monotonous’ sequence, where bats emit ~48 kHz calls at a relatively stable rate, and a frequency-alternating sequence, where bats emit calls at ~45 kHz (low-note call) and ~48 kHz (high-note call). The frequencies of these low–high-note pairs remain stable within sequences. In Panama, we recorded echolocation calls from S. bilineata with a multi-microphone array at two sites: one a known roosting site, the other a known foraging site. Our results indicate that this species (1) only produces monotonous sequences in non-foraging contexts and, at times, directly after emitting a feeding buzz and (2) produces frequency-alternating sequences when actively foraging. These latter sequences are also characterized by an unusual, offbeat emission rhythm. We found significant positive relationships between (1) call intensity and call duration and (2) call intensity and distance from clutter. However, these relationships were weaker than those reported for bats from other families. We speculate on how call frequency alternation and an offbeat emission rhythm might reflect a novel strategy for prey detection at the edge of complex habitat in this ancient family of bats.  相似文献   

Many of the world's northern peatlands are underlain by rapidly thawing permafrost. Because plant production in these peatlands is often nitrogen (N)‐limited, a release of N stored in permafrost may stimulate net primary production or change species composition if it is plant‐available. In this study, we aimed to quantify plant‐available N in thawing permafrost soils of subarctic peatlands. We compared plant‐available N‐pools and ‐fluxes in near‐surface permafrost (0–10 cm below the thawfront) to those taken from a current rooting zone layer (5–15 cm depth) across five representative peatlands in subarctic Sweden. A range of complementary methods was used: extractions of inorganic and organic N, inorganic and organic N‐release measurements at 0.5 and 11 °C (over 120 days, relevant to different thaw‐development scenarios) and a bioassay with Poa alpina test plants. All extraction methods, across all peatlands, consistently showed up to seven times more plant‐available N in near‐surface permafrost soil compared to the current rooting zone layer. These results were supported by the bioassay experiment, with an eightfold larger plant N‐uptake from permafrost soil than from other N‐sources such as current rooting zone soil or fresh litter substrates. Moreover, net mineralization rates were much higher in permafrost soils compared to soils from the current rooting zone layer (273 mg N m?2 and 1348 mg N m?2 per growing season for near‐surface permafrost at 0.5 °C and 11 °C respectively, compared to ?30 mg N m?2 for current rooting zone soil at 11 °C). Hence, our results demonstrate that near‐surface permafrost soil of subarctic peatlands can release a biologically relevant amount of plant available nitrogen, both directly upon thawing as well as over the course of a growing season through continued microbial mineralization of organically bound N. Given the nitrogen‐limited nature of northern peatlands, this release may have impacts on both plant productivity and species composition.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the latitudinal patterns in biotic interactions, and especially in herbivory, is crucial for understanding the mechanisms that govern ecosystem functioning and for predicting their responses to climate change. We used sap‐feeding insects as a model group to test the hypotheses that the strength of plant–herbivore interactions in boreal forests decreases with latitude and that this latitudinal pattern is driven primarily by midsummer temperatures. We used a replicated sampling design and quantitatively collected and identified all sap‐feeding insects from four species of forest trees along five latitudinal gradients (750–1300 km in length, ten sites in each gradient) in northern Europe (59 to 70°N and 10 to 60°E) during 2008–2011. Similar decreases in diversity of sap‐feeding insects with latitude were observed in all gradients during all study years. The sap‐feeder load (i.e. insect biomass per unit of foliar biomass) decreased with latitude in typical summers, but increased in an exceptionally hot summer and was independent of latitude during a warm summer. Analysis of combined data from all sites and years revealed dome‐shaped relationships between the loads of sap‐feeders and midsummer temperatures, peaking at 17 °C in Picea abies, at 19.5 °C in Pinus sylvestris and Betula pubescens and at 22 °C in B. pendula. From these relationships, we predict that the losses of forest trees to sap‐feeders will increase by 0–45% of the current level in southern boreal forests and by 65–210% in subarctic forests with a 1 °C increase in summer temperatures. The observed relationships between temperatures and the loads of sap‐feeders differ between the coniferous and deciduous tree species. We conclude that climate warming will not only increase plant losses to sap‐feeding insects, especially in subarctic forests, but can also alter plant‐plant interactions, thereby affecting both the productivity and the structure of future forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

On range-wide and regional scales, climate and site factors exert control over tree growth, masking the genetic basis of biomass accumulation and allocation. To determine intrinsic population differences in productivity, aboveground net primary production (ANPP) was measured in 16-year-old Scots pine from 19 geographically distinct populations grown in a common garden experiment in central Poland (52°N). The populations originated from the northern (>55°N), central (54–47°N), and southern (<45°N) European range of Scots pine. We calculated ANPP from aboveground growth components, using diameter-based allometric equations developed for this site. Average foliage, aboveground woody and total ANPP differed significantly among populations and were greater for central European populations than for the southern and northern ones. Stocking and total ANPP per tree were positively correlated to stand aboveground biomass (r 2≥0.71). The relationship between the latitude of seed origin and ANPP was curvilinear and maximum for populations originating near the planting site (52°N). ANPP declined in populations with increasing longitude eastward from the Atlantic Ocean towards the center of the continent. This study underscores the potentially large genetic control of ANPP and biomass accumulation among diverse Scots pine populations. Received: 3 January 2000 / Accepted: 29 March 2000  相似文献   

Aim The purpose of this study is to develop palaeovegetation zonation models for central and north‐central North America, based on late‐Quaternary and Holocene pollen stratigraphic data (n = 246 sites). A secondary purpose was to evaluate an hypothesis ( Strong & Hills, 2003 ) to explain the disjunct distribution of species in western Alberta. Location Hudson Bay‐Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains region, north of 36° N to the Arctic Ocean (c. 70° N). Methods Pollen profiles spanning 40 years of palaeoecological research in North America were extracted from published and unpublished archival sources. Individual profiles were subdivided into 1000‐year increments based on the assumption of a constant sedimentation rate between stratigraphic dates (e.g. surface sediments, radiocarbon 14C dates, tephra layers). The pollen composition among profiles was standardized to 54 commonly recognized taxa, with percentage composition within each stratigraphic sample prorated to 100% prior to analysis. Near‐surface sediments from these profiles were included as analogues of modern vegetation. Cluster analysis was used as a guide to the classification of 2356 temporal stratigraphic samples, which resulted in the recognition of 16 pollen groups. These groups were summarized in terms of their pollen composition, mapped, and used in combination with terrain information and an ecological knowledge of the study area to construct six physiognomically‐based palaeovegetation zonation models at 2000‐year intervals from 14,000 to 4000 yr bp (radiocarbon years before present). Results The 14,000 yr bp model placed Boreal and Cordilleran Forests proximal to the southern glacial front, whereas Arctic tundra dominated the Yukon Territory–Alaska ice‐free zone. Pollen and macrofossil evidence suggests that this Boreal Forest zone contained a mixture of coniferous and deciduous tree species. Grassland was postulated immediately south of the forest zone, with its northern extreme near 49° N latitude in the Alberta–Montana border area. Separation of the Laurentide and Cordilleran glacial fronts about 12,000 yr bp initiated the northward advance of Boreal Forests into western Canada. By the end of the Hypsithermal at about 6000 yr bp , Boreal Forests occurred near the Arctic Ocean, and Grassland and Aspen Parkland zones may have extended to 54° N and 59° N latitude in Alberta, respectively. Between 6000 and 4000 yr bp , a 5° and 1° latitudinal southward shift of the northern Boreal Forest and Grassland/Aspen Parkland boundaries occurred, respectively, near their contemporary positions with corresponding expansions of the Subarctic and Arctic zones. Modern Canadian Cordilleran Forests along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains were interpreted as originating from the north‐central Montana–south‐western Alberta area. Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), a common Boreal Forest species, appears to have entered central Canada via the north side of Lake Superior after 11,000 yr bp . Main conclusions Modern vegetation in central Canada evolved from biomes located in the northern USA during the late‐Quaternary. The Boreal Forest biome contained the same arboreal taxa as the modern vegetation, except it lacked jack pine. The proposed regional palaeovegetation models support the hypothesis of Strong & Hills (2003) , but new independent palaeoecological data will be needed for a proper evaluation.  相似文献   

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