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Stock strains of Eschericia coli isolated from patients with traveller's diarrhea were examined for production of heat-stable enterotoxin II (STII). Of 400 strains examined, 3 were found to produce STII. The nucleotide sequence of the STII gene of these human strains was shown to be identical to that of porcine strains. Cultured cells of these strains induced fluid accumulation in ligated mouse intestinal loops and the activity was neutralized by anti-STII antiserum. These results suggest that STII-produciing enterotoxigenic E. coli can cause human diarrhea.  相似文献   

Treating the mouse intestine with the calmodulin antagonist W-7 and KN-93, an inhibitor of Ca2+ -calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK II), reduced the sensitivity of the host to the action of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin II (STII). CaMK II activity in mouse intestinal cells increased after exposure to STII. These results indicate that CaMK II is involved in the mechanism of action of STII.  相似文献   

Heat-stable enterotoxin II of Escherichia coli (STII) is synthesized as a precursor form consisting of pre- and mature regions. The pre-region is cleaved off from the mature region during translocation across the inner membrane, and the mature region emerges in the periplasm. The mature region, composed of 48 amino acid residues, is processed in the periplasm by DsbA to form an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys-10 and Cys-48 and between Cys-21 and Cys-36. STII formed with these disulfide bonds is efficiently secreted out of the cell through the secretory system, including TolC. However, it remains unknown which regions of STII are involved in interaction with TolC. In this study, we mutated the STII gene and examined the secretion of these STIIs into the culture supernatant. A deletion of the part covering from amino acid residue 37 to the carboxy terminal end did not markedly reduce the efficiency of secretion of STII into the culture supernatant. On the other hand, the efficiency of secretion of the peptide covering from the amino terminal end to position 18 to the culture supernatant was significantly low. These observations indicated that the central region of STII from amino acid residue 19 to that at position 36 is involved in the secretion of STII into the milieu. The experiment using a dsbA-deficient strain of E. coli showed that the disulfide bond between Cys-21 and Cys-36 by DsbA is necessary for STII to adapt to the structure that can cross the outer membrane.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the receptor protein for a heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was cloned from intestinal epithelial cells of a 10-week-old pig. The cDNA had an open reading frame of 3,219 base pairs and coded for a protein with 1,073 amino acid residues. The mature protein consisted of 1,050 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of ca. 121 kDa and was 87% and 82% identical with the human and rat protein, respectively. The CHO cell line overexpressing the pig recombinant STa receptor specifically bound to a photoaffinity-labeled analog of STa and showed marked elevation of the cellular content of cGMP in response to STa.  相似文献   

将毒素原性大肠杆菌(ETEC)编码耐热肠毒素(ST)的基因片段与编码热敏肠毒素B亚基(LT—B)的基因进行融合,并在此基础上进行不同数目ST基因的串联。ELISA检测融合基因表达蛋白产物,观察到ST与LT-B之间存在着相互影响。ST的检测滴度随基因串联个数增加而逐渐升高,而LT的ELISA滴度则减弱。本研究说明ST可以通过基因串联提高表达产物抗原活性。这为毒素原性大肠杆菌多价疫苗的研制提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin type I (LT-I)-binding galactoproteins, which were not recognized by cholera toxin, were detected in intestinal epithelial cells of BALB/c mouse by Western blotting. Inhibitory studies using lectins and modifications of sugar chain suggest that LT-I recognizes certain mucin-type sugar chains containing the terminal Galβ1-3GalNAc sugar sequence in the galactoproteins. The terminal sugar sequence is identical to that of GM1 ganglioside, the well-documented functional receptor for LT-I.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) is a holotoxin which consists of one A and five B subunits. Although B subunit monomers released into periplasm can associate into pentameric structures in the absence of the A subunit, the A subunit accelerates the assembly. To express the function, A subunit constructs the proper spatial structure. However, the regions involved in the construction are unknown. To identify the regions, we substituted arginine residues near position 146 of the A subunit with glycine by oligonucleotide-directed site-specific mutagenesis and obtained the mutants expressing LT(R141G), LT(R143G), LT(R146G), LT(R143G, R146G), LT(R141G, R143G, R146G) and LT(R143G, R146G, R148G). We purified these mutant LTs by using an immobilized d -galactose column and analyzed the purified mutant LTs by SDS-PAGE to examine the amount of A subunit associated with B-subunit oligomer. The substitution of an arginine residue at any position did not induce a significant alteration in the amount of A subunit associated with B-subunit oligomer. However, the substitution of more than two arginine residues induced a significant decrease in the amount of A subunits associated with the B-subunit oligomer. Subsequently, we measured the level of the intracellular B-subunit oligomer of these mutant strains. The measurement revealed that the amount of B-subunit oligomer in cells decreased as the number of substituted arginine residues increased. These results show that all arginine residues near position 146 are important for the construction of the functional A subunit, and thus for holotoxin formation, although each individual arginine residue is not an absolute requirement.  相似文献   

The binding of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) type I to glycosylated proteins with lactose (Galβ1-4Glc) by amino carbonyl reaction was studied by the Western blot assay and by the microtiter well binding assay. LT bound to a lactose-α-lactalbumin amino carbonyl product (Lac-LA), whereas cholera toxin did not. The binding ability of Lac-LA was abolished by β-galactosidase treatment, indicating that the terminal galactose is essential for the binding of LT. The binding of LT to Lac-LA was inhibited by galactose and lactose, and most effectively inhibited by lactulose (Galβ1-4Fru), which is a structural analog of the Amadori rearrangement product of the amino carbonyl reaction between lactose and an ε-amino group of a lysine residue (lactuloselysine). The results suggest that LT recognizes the portion of lactuloselysine in Lac-LA. LT also bound to a melibiose (Galα1-6Glc)-α-lactalbumin amino carbonyl product (Mel-LA), but the binding ability of Mel-LA was weaker than that of Lac-LA, suggesting that the β1-4 linked terminal galactose is dispensable but preferable for the binding. Furthermore, LT bound to the amino carbonyl products of lactose with β-lactoglobulin, caseins, bovine serum albumin, and ovalbumin. These results indicate that LT binds to the amino carbonyl products between proteins and sugars containing the terminal galactose, such as lactose.  相似文献   

人产肠毒素大肠杆菌ST、LT—B肠毒素基因融合的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将人产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC),编码耐热肠毒素(ST)的基因片段与编码不耐热肠毒素B亚基(LT-B)的基因进行融合,并在此基础上进行不同数目ST基因的串联,ELISA检测融合基因表达蛋白产物观察到ST与LT-B之间存在着相互影响。ST的检测滴度随基因串联个数增加而逐渐升高,而LT的ELISA滴度则减弱。说明了ST可以通过基因串联提高表达产物抗原活性,这为产肠毒素大肠杆菌多价疫苗的研制提供了重要的研究基础。  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli TolC, composed of 471 amino-acid residues, functions as a channel tunnel in the transport of various molecules across the outer membrane. We found previously that Leu-412, the 60th amino-acid residue from the carboxy terminal end, was crucial to the transport activity of TolC. Leu-412 is located in a domain which protrudes from the main body of TolC into the periplasm. Subsequent study indicated that the hydrophobicity generated by Leu-412 played an important role in the activity of TolC (H. Yamanaka, T. Nomura, N. Morisada, S. Shinoda, and K. Okamoto, Microb. Pathog. 33: 81-89, 2002). We predicted that other hydrophobic amino-acid residues around Leu-412 were also involved in the expression of the activity of TolC. To test this possibility, we substituted several hydrophobic residues around Leu-412, (Leu-3, Val-6, Leu-212, Leu-213, Leu-223, and Leu-224), with serine and examined the activity of these mutant TolCs. The result showed that Leu-3 is involved in the activity of TolC, but the other residues are not. The involvement of Leu-3 was confirmed by the residue deletion experiment. A subsequent point-mutational analysis of the residue showed that a hydrophobic side chain is required at position 3 for TolC to express its activity. As the distance between the alpha-carbons of Leu-3 and Leu-412 is just 7.45 angstroms, hydrophobic interaction between the two leucine residues might be involved in the activity of TolC.  相似文献   

The elaboration of heat stable enterotoxin (STa) is an important step in the pathogenesis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), which causes severe diarrhea in newborn animals. In this study, the distribution of the STa-specific receptors on enterocytes and brush border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) prepared from the anterior jejunum, posterior jejunum, ileum and colon of newborn kids was investigated. The density of STa-receptors on enterocytes and BBMVs was higher in the posterior jejunum than that in other segments of the kids' intestines. Additionally, the affinity of the posterior jejunum STa-receptors was higher than the affinity of receptors present on the epithelium of other intestinal segments. Our findings suggest that the posterior jejunum is a major target for STa within the intestinal tract of newborn kids.  相似文献   

The heat-stable enterotoxin (O1-ST) gene (sto) was cloned from chromosome of the strain GP156 of Vibrio cholerae O1 (Inaba, El Tor) in Escherichia coli K-12, and its nucleotide seqence was determined. The nucleotide sequence of sto was very similar to that of NAG-ST gene (stn) of V. cholerae non-O1. Both sto and stn were flanked by 123-base pair direct repeats which had at least 93% homology to one another and included some inverted repeats. All the strains of V. cholerae, V. mimicus, V. metschnikovii, V. hollisae and Yersinia enterocolitica examined by colony hybridization had the direct repeat sequence regardless of ST-gene possession.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位的克隆、表达及初步纯化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位(LTB)的佐剂活性。从大肠杆菌中调出LTB的原始基因,将该基因克隆、构建pET21b—LTB表达载体、转化大肠杆菌B121(DE3)进行表达,并对表达产物进行初步纯化;经DNA测序、SDS—PAGE、ELISA检测,结果表明成功构建了能够稳定表达可溶性LTB的菌株,并获得初步纯化LTB的方法。为今后LTB的研究及应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

We have investigated the Shiga toxin genes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifying the full lengths of these genes. As a result, we found the Shiga toxin 2 gene which was insertionally inactivated by an insertion sequence (IS). This IS element was identical to IS1203v which has been also found in inactivated Shiga toxin 2 genes, and was inserted at the same site as in the previous paper. On the other hand, both Shiga toxin 2 genes were different (98.3% identity). These suggested that IS1203v independently inserted into each Shiga toxin 2 genes, and STEC strains possessing the insertionally inactivated Shiga toxin genes are most likely to have a wide distribution. Amplification of the full length of the Shiga toxin gene is one of the effective methods to detect the gene no matter where the IS element is included, i.e., the insertion can be reflected in the size of amplicon.  相似文献   

重组大肠杆菌不耐热肠毒素B亚单位基因表达系统构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全胜  严杰 《微生物学杂志》2003,23(2):14-15,20
从E .coli 4 4 815株基因组DNA中扩增不耐热肠毒素B亚单位 (LTB)基因并分析了核苷酸序列 ,构建pET32a的LTB表达载体 ,在E .coliBL2 1DE3宿主菌中用不同浓度的IPTG诱导表达 ,采用SDS PAGE鉴定表达产物。克隆的LTB基因与报道的核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为 99.12 %~ 99.71%和 97.5 8%~ 99.19% ,pET32a LTB BL2 1DE3系统表达的rLTB量约占细菌总蛋白的 30 %。  相似文献   

Heat-stable enterotoxin Ip (STIp) of Escherichia coli is synthesized as a precursor form consisting of pre- (amino acid residues 1 to 19), pro- (amino acid residues 20 to 54) and mature (amino acid residues 55 to 72) regions. Mature STIp (bioactive STIp) is formed in the periplasmic space after the precursor is proteolytically processed and the mature STIp translocates across the outer membrane through the secretory system including TolC, an outer membrane protein of E. coli. However, it remains unknown how the mature STIp is recognized by this secretory system. In this study, we investigated the amino acid residues of STIp involved in its translocation across the outer membrane. We prepared mutant STIp genes by site-directed mutagenesis and analyzed translocation of the mutant STIps across the outer membrane. Deletion of the Phe or Tyr residue at position 3 or 18, respectively, decreased the efficiency of translocation of STIp across the outer membrane. To confirm the involvement of these amino acid residues, we further mutated the codons for these amino acid residues to that for Gly. These mutations also decreased the efficiency of extracellular secretion of STIp. In contrast, substitution of Phe-3 and Syr-18 with Tyr and Phe, respectively, did not affect the efficiency of translocation of the toxin. These results indicated that the aromatic amino acid residues at positions 3 and 18 in the mature region are important for the ability of STIp to cross the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) can produce attaching and effacing (AE) lesions on intestinal epithelium in vitro and in vivo. A gene necessary to cause the AE lesion has been identified and designated Escherichia coli attaching and effacing A (eaeA) gene. In this study, an alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-conjugated oligonucleotide probe for the eaeA gene was developed and used to detect the eaeA gene among 163 strains of classical EPEC and 25 strains of EHEC O157. The prevalence rates of eaeA gene in the strains of classical EPEC and EHEC O157 were 51.5 and 100%, respectively. The eaeA-positive rate (60.0%) in strains of class I EPEC serogroups (O26, O55, O86, O111, O119, O125, O126, O127, O128ab, and O142) was significantly higher than that (22.9%) in strains of the class II EPEC serogroups (O18, O44, O114) (P<0.01). A total of 109 eaeA-positive classical EPEC and EHEC O157 were positive for fluorescent actin staining (FAS) assay, whereas 79 eaeA-negative classical EPEC were negative. Both the sensitivity and specificity of the eaeA probe versus the FAS assay positivity were 100%. Thus, use of the ALP-conjugated oligonucleotide probe for the eaeA gene would be specific and reliable in identifying the adherence capability of EPEC and EHEC.  相似文献   

A one-shot multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed for detecting 12 virulence genes of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli. In order to differentiate between the five categories of diarrheagenic E. coli, we selected the target genes: stx1, stx2, and eaeA for enterohemorrhagic E. coli(EHEC); eaeA, bfpA, and EAF for enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC); invE for enteroinvasive E. coli(EIEC); elt, estp, and esth for enterotoxigenic E. coli(ETEC); CVD432 and aggR for enteroaggregative E. coli(EAggEC); and astA distributed over the categories of diarrheagenic E. coli. In our multiplex PCR system, all 12 targeted genes (stx1, stx2, eaeA, invE, elt, estp, astA, esth, bfpA, aggR, EAF, and CVD432) were amplified in a single PCR reaction in one tube and detected by electrophoresis. Using our multiplex PCR, the 208 clinically isolated strains of diarrheagenic E. coli in our laboratory were successfully categorized and easily analyzed for the presence of virulence plasmids.  相似文献   

编码LT-B/ST融合抗原的基因插入pYA248载体中,构建了重组质粒pXZL66。该重组质粒转入无毒鼠伤寒沙门氏菌SR-11,ΔCya,Δcrp,Δasd菌株X4072。此无抗药性的杂合菌株X4072(pXZL66)表达的LT-B/ST融合抗原具有LT和ST抗原性而没有生物毒性,可望成为预防ETEC腹泻和相应的沙门氏菌病双价口服活疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

Abstract 273 Strains of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrhoeic and healthy control cattle and buffalo calves in Sri Lanka, were tested for Verocytotoxin (VT) and for heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins. VT and ST toxigenic E. coli were significantly associated with diarrhoea, accounting for 28% and 18% of diarrhoeic episodes, respectively. LT toxigenic E. coli were not significantly associated with diarrhoea.  相似文献   

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