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Effect of 8-(N,N-diethylamino)octyl-3, 4, 5 - trimethoxybenzoate hydrochloride (TMB-8), a calcium antagonist, on germination of Bacillus cereus T spores induced by L -alanine and inosine was investigated. TMB-8 had no effect on the germination of heat-activated spores, whereas it inhibited that of nonactivated spores. The TMB-8 inhibitory effect was antagonized competitively by inosine, but not by L -alanine. Addition of Ca2+ reversed the inhibitory effect of TMB-8 in a dose-related fashion. Based on the results, a role of inosine and a site(s) for inhibitory action of TMB-8 in the process leading to the germination of nonactivated spores were discussed.  相似文献   

An extract from intact spores of Bacillus cereus T having a germination-inducing activity was studied. Two distinct germinative principles were found through dialysis of the extract. One was diffusible through the dialysis membrane and the other was non-diffusible. The activity of the former fraction was inhibited by the addition of 1 mM glycoletherdiamine-N, N, N', N'-tetraacetic acid (GEDTA), whereas the latter fraction was inactive unless GEDTA was added to the assay system. The diffusible principle maintained the major portion of the activity found in the crude spore extract. By means of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a gel permeation chromatography column, 9 fractions were obtained from the deproteinized diffusible fraction. Of those fractions, two fractions (No. 1 and No. 8) were responsible for the germination-inducing activity, but no reconstituted activity was observed unless both fractions No. 1 and No. 8 were added to the assay system. Amino acid analysis of fraction No. 1 revealed that the fraction was rich in free amino acids, especially in alanine. On the other hand, by the use of reverse-phase HPLC and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry, it was concluded that the effective substance in fraction No. 8 was inosine. Based on these findings, it was suggested that the active substances in fraction No. 1 might be a free amino acid such as L-alanine and/or Ca2+ and a Ca2+-binding substance.  相似文献   

Aims: Our aim was to assess the diversity of the nutrient germination response of Bacillus cereus spores. Methods and Results: B. cereus spore germination was monitored by decrease in optical density using a Bioscreen C analyser in response to the major germinant substances inosine and l -alanine. Spores of a set of 12 strains taken to illustrate the diversity of the B. cereus group showed ranging germination capacities. Two strains never germinated in the presence of l -alanine, at any of the germinant concentrations tested. Both the extent and rate of spore germination were affected by low pH and high NaCl concentration, but differently according to the strain. Conclusions: A broad diversity was observed in nutrient-triggered spore germination among the members of the B. cereus group. Spore germination of some strains occurred at low concentrations of inosine or l -alanine, suggesting high receptor sensitivity to germinants. The activity of these receptors was also affected by pH or high NaCl concentration. Significance and Impact of the Study: The greater ability of some strains to germinate in response to l -alanine and inosine is one criterion among others for B. cereus strain selection in food processing or storage studies, before confirmation in complex food or laboratory media. The diversity in response to germinants found among the B. cereus strains suggests a differential expression and (or) absence of some germination genes involved in the response, mainly to l -alanine.  相似文献   

The involvement of Ca2+ in the response to high Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+ was investigated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast cells responded through a sharp increase in cytosolic Ca2+ when exposed to Cd2+, and to a lesser extent to Cu2+, but not to Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, or Hg2+. The response to high Cd2+ depended mainly on external Ca2+ (transported through the Cch1p/Mid1p channel) but also on vacuolar Ca2+ (released into the cytosol through the Yvc1p channel). The adaptation to high Cd2+ was influenced by perturbations in Ca2+ homeostasis. Thus, the tolerance to Cd2+ often correlated with sharp Cd2+-induced cytosolic Ca2+ pulses, while the Cd2+ sensitivity was accompanied by the incapacity to rapidly restore the low cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of different treatments that increase cyclic AMP levels on the in vitro synthesis and release of catecholamines in the rabbit carotid body. We also measured the rate of 45Ca2+ efflux from previously loaded carotid bodies under different conditions. Forskolin produced a dose-dependent increase in the release of [3H]dopamine elicited by a hypoxic stimulus of medium intensity (PO2 = 33 mm Hg) without altering basal [3H]dopamine release (100% O2-equilibrated medium). At a concentration of 5 x 10(-6) M, forskolin increased the release of [3H]dopamine induced by hypoxic stimuli of different intensities; the increase was maximal (498%) at the lowest intensity of hypoxic stimuli (PO2 = 66 mm Hg), averaged 260% for hypoxic stimuli of intermediate intensity and 2 x 10(-4) M cyanide, and was 150% under anoxia. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (2 mM) and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (0.5 mM) mimicked forskolin effects under hypoxic stimulation. Forskolin (5 x 10(-6) M) also increased (180%) the release of [3H]dopamine induced by 20% CO2/pH 6.6, 2.5 x 10(-4) M dinitrophenol, and 3 x 10(-5) M ionomycin. Forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine were without effect on the release of [3H]dopamine elicited by 30 mM extracellular K+. Forskolin (5 x 10(-6) M) augmented significantly the rate of 45Ca2+ efflux induced by hypoxic stimuli (PO2 of 33 and 66 mm Hg) and 2 x 10(-4) M cyanide and showed a tendency to increase (20%) the 45Ca2+ efflux induced by dinitrophenol and low pH and to decrease (21%) the efflux induced by 30 mM K+ without altering the rate of efflux under basal conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   



Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women worldwide. Mammalian cells are constantly exposed to a wide variety of genotoxic agents from both endogenous and exogenous sources. The RAD51 protein is required for meiotic and mitotic recombination and plays a central role in homology-dependent recombinational repair of double-strand breaks (DSBs). Given the functional relevance of the DNA repair system on carcinogenesis, potential associations between genetic polymorphisms of DNA repair genes, cancer risk and response to therapy have been intensively evaluated. This is the first study evaluating the role of the RAD51 G172T genetic variants in cancer prognosis and clinical outcome of cervical cancer patients.

Material and methods

We analyzed RAD51 G172T polymorphism genotypes in cervical cancer patients who underwent a platinum-based chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy. Genotyping was performed by Taqman™ Allelic Discrimination methodology.

Results and discussion

Concerning the overall survival rates found using Kaplan–Meier method and Log Rank Test, we observed that the mean survival rates were statistically different according to the patients RAD51 genotypes. The group of patients carrying the T allele present a higher mean survival rate than the other patients (102.3 months vs. 86.4 months, P = 0.020). Using the Cox regression analysis, we found an increased overall survival time for T-carrier patients, when compared with GG genotype, with tumor stage, age and presence of lymph nodes as covariates [hazard ratio (HR), 0.373; 95% CI, 0.181–0.770; P = 0.008]. Among patients (n = 193), RAD51 genotype frequency distributions were not under the influence of clinicopathologic characteristics, namely, treatment response (P = 0.508), recurrence (P = 0.150) and tumor stage (P = 0.250).


This is the first study evaluating the role of the RAD51 G172T genetic variants in cancer prognosis and clinical outcome of cervical cancer patients. Our results indicate an influence of the RAD51 genetic variants in overall survival of cervical cancer. Thereby, RAD51 G172T genotypes may provide additional prognostic information in cervical cancer patients who underwent cisplatin-based chemotherapy in combination with radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Isabelle Cornez 《FEBS letters》2010,584(12):2681-2688
A variety of immunoregulatory signals to effector T cells from monocytes, macrophages and regulatory T cells act through cyclic adenosine monophosphate. In the effector T cell, the protein kinase A (PKA) type I isoenzyme localizes to lipid rafts during T cell activation and modulates directly the proximal events that take place after engagement of the T cell receptor. The most proximal target for PKA phosphorylation is C-terminal Src kinase (Csk), which initiates a negative signal pathway that fine-tunes the T cell activation process. The A kinase anchoring protein Ezrin colocalizes PKA and Csk by forming a supramolecular signaling complex consisting of PKA, Ezrin, Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) binding protein of 50 kDa (EBP50), phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane microdomains (GEMs) (PAG) and Csk.  相似文献   

José Ramón Peregrina 《BBA》2010,1797(9):1638-1264
Two transient charge-transfer complexes (CTC) form prior and upon hydride transfer (HT) in the reversible reaction of the FAD-dependent ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) with NADP+/H, FNRox-NADPH (CTC-1), and FNRrd-NADP+ (CTC-2). Spectral properties of both CTCs, as well as the corresponding interconversion HT rates, are here reported for several Anabaena FNR site-directed mutants. The need for an adequate initial interaction between the 2′P-AMP portion of NADP+/H and FNR that provides subsequent conformational changes leading to CTC formation is further confirmed. Stronger interactions between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings might relate with faster HT processes, but exceptions are found upon distortion of the active centre. Thus, within the analyzed FNR variants, there is no strict correlation between the stability of the transient CTCs formation and the rate of the subsequent HT. Kinetic isotope effects suggest that, while in the WT, vibrational enhanced modulation of the active site contributes to the tunnel probability of HT; complexes of some of the active site mutants with the coenzyme hardly allow the relative movement of isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings along the HT reaction. The architecture of the WT FNR active site precisely contributes to reduce the stacking probability between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings in the catalytically competent complex, modulating the angle and distance between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine and the C4 of the coenzyme nicotinamide to values that ensure efficient HT processes.  相似文献   

The static fluid mosaic model of biological membranes has been progressively complemented by a dynamic membrane model that includes phospholipid reordering in domains that are proposed to extend from nanometers to microns. Kinetic models for lipolytic enzymes have only been developed for homogeneous lipid phases. In this work, we develop a generalization of the well-known surface dilution kinetic theory to cases where, in a same lipid phase, both domain and nondomain phases coexist. Our model also allows understanding the changes in enzymatic activity due to a decrease of free substrate concentration when domains are induced by peptides. This lipid reordering and domain dynamics can affect the activity of lipolytic enzymes, and can provide a simple explanation for how basic peptides, with a strong direct interaction with acidic phospholipids (such as beta-amyloid peptide), may cause a complex modulation of the activities of many important enzymes in lipid signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The seventh human coronavirus SARS-CoV2 belongs to the cluster of extremely pathogenic coronaviruses including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, which can cause fatal lower respiratory tract infection. Likewise, SARS-CoV2 infection can be fatal as the disease advances to pneumonia, followed by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The development of lethal clinical symptons is associated with an exaggerated production of inflammatory cytokines, referred to as the cytokine storm, is a consequence of a hyperactivated immune response aginst the infection. In this article, we discuss the pathogenic consequences of the cytokine storm and its relationship with COVID-19 associated risk factors. The increased pro-inflammatory immune status in patients with risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, COPD) exacerbates the Cytokine-storm of COVID-19 into a ‘Cytokine Super Cyclone’. We also evaluate the antiviral immune responses provided by BCG vaccination and the potential role of ‘trained immunity’ in early protection against SARS-CoV2.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease, and its prevalence is increasing with age. A wealth of genetic evidence indicates that the endo-lysosomal system is a major pathway driving PD pathogenesis with a growing number of genes encoding endo-lysosomal proteins identified as risk factors for PD, making it a promising target for therapeutic intervention. However, detailed knowledge and understanding of the molecular mechanisms linking these genes to the disease are available for only a handful of them (e.g. LRRK2, GBA1, VPS35). Taking on the challenge of studying poorly characterized genes and proteins can be daunting, due to the limited availability of tools and knowledge from previous literature. This review aims at providing a valuable source of molecular and cellular insights into the biology of lesser-studied PD-linked endo-lysosomal genes, to help and encourage researchers in filling the knowledge gap around these less popular genetic players. Specific endo-lysosomal pathways discussed range from endocytosis, sorting, and vesicular trafficking to the regulation of membrane lipids of these membrane-bound organelles and the specific enzymatic activities they contain. We also provide perspectives on future challenges that the community needs to tackle and propose approaches to move forward in our understanding of these poorly studied endo-lysosomal genes. This will help harness their potential in designing innovative and efficient treatments to ultimately re-establish neuronal homeostasis in PD but also other diseases involving endo-lysosomal dysfunction.  相似文献   

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