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SYNOPSIS. Nonfeeding larval forms of echinoderms are believedto have evolved repeatedly from feeding larval forms, and thesetransformations usually result in major shifts in morphogenesis.Current hypotheses on form change invoke relaxation of stabilizingselection on traits that functionin feeding, coupled with selectionfor rapid development of juvenile traits. However, comparativeevidence from 51 species of nonfeeding larvae, representing19 independent origins, suggests that body form, patterns ofciliation, and possibly buoyancy reflect functional requirementsfor maintenance of swimming performance. Nonfeeding larvae withbody lengths less than 600 µm usually have several transverseciliated bands, while those with body lengths greater than 800µm usually have uniform ciliation. A preliminary modelwhich compares estimated drag and buoyancy forces with ciliarypropulsive forces predicts that bands of simple cilia do notproduce sufficient propulsive forces to permit swimming in largerlarvae. For larger larvae, increases in areal coverage of ciliamay be required to produce propulsive forces sufficient to opposedrag and buoyancy forces and permit movement. For these largerlarvae, estimates of water velocities at the tips of uniformarrays of cilia are well below the upper limits of water movementsby cilia of echinoderms. Functional constraints on nonfeedinglarval forms should be considered, along with (above mentioned)current hypotheses, in explanations of morphogenetic changesassociated with transition from feeding to nonfeeding larvaldevelopment.  相似文献   

Activation of CD4+ T cells requires the recognition of peptides that are presented by HLA class II molecules and can be assessed experimentally using the ELISpot assay. However, even given an individual’s HLA class II genotype, identifying which class II molecule is responsible for a positive ELISpot response to a given peptide is not trivial. The two main difficulties are the number of HLA class II molecules that can potentially be formed in a single individual (3–14) and the lack of clear peptide binding motifs for class II molecules. Here, we present a Bayesian framework to interpret ELISpot data (BIITE: Bayesian Immunogenicity Inference Tool for ELISpot); specifically BIITE identifies which HLA-II:peptide combination(s) are immunogenic based on cohort ELISpot data. We apply BIITE to two ELISpot datasets and explore the expected performance using simulations. We show this method can reach high accuracies, depending on the cohort size and the success rate of the ELISpot assay within the cohort.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is a highly regulated process used to eliminate unwanted or damaged cells from multicellular organisms. The morphology of cells undergoing apoptosis is similar to cells undergoing both normal mitosis and an aberrant form of mitosis called mitotic catastrophe. During each of these processes, cells release substrate attachments, lose cell volume, condense their chromatin, and disassemble the nuclear lamina. The morphological similarities among cells undergoing these processes suggest that the underlying biochemical changes also may be related. The susceptibility of cells to apoptosis frequently depends on the differentiation state of the cell. Additionally, cell cycle checkpoints appear to link the cell cycle to apoptosis. Deregulation of the cell cycle components has been shown to induce mitotic catastrophe and also may be involved in triggering apoptosis. Some apoptotic cells express abnormal levels of cell cycle proteins and often contain active Cdc2, the primary kinase active during mitosis. Although cell cycle components may not be involved in all forms of apoptosis, in many instances cell proliferation and cell death may share common pathways.  相似文献   

Biological and immunological properties of recombinant human, rat, and chicken nerve growth factors (NGFs) were studied and compared. Recombinant NGF proteins were produced in a transient expression system using COS cells and levels of secreted NGF protein were assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of conditioned media from in vivo [35S]cysteine-labeled cell cultures. Antigenic differences among the three NGFs were studied by immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation of secreted cell products using a rabbit polyclonal antiserum against purified mouse NGF, and by a two-site enzyme im-munoassay (EIA) with a monoclonal antibody against mouse NGF. Although all three NGFs were recognized equally well in the immunoblotting, only one-third of the chicken NGF protein could be detected by immunoprecipitation or by the EIA as compared to the rat and human NGFs. Thus, changes in the three-dimensional structure of the NGF molecule are most likely responsible for the antigenic differences between avian and mammalian NGFs. The three NGF proteins were also compared in their ability to displace 125I-mouse NGF from low-affinity NGF receptors on rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells. Similar displacement curves and values were obtained for each NGF protein, indicating that structural differences among these molecules do not affect low-affinity binding to NGF receptors. Biological activities were studied by the ability of the conditioned media to promote neurite outgrowth from explants of 9 chick sympathetic ganglia and from PC12 ceils. Although the rat system showed a slight preference for the homologous molecule, the morphological changes, dose-response curves, and maximal stimulation values obtained with the different NGFs were practically indistinguishable in the chicken bioassay. The observed differences and similarities among the three NGF proteins are discussed in the context of their evolutionary relationship and their potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Predicting protein function from structure remains an active area of interest, particularly for the structural genomics initiatives where a substantial number of structures are initially solved with little or no functional characterisation. Although global structure comparison methods can be used to transfer functional annotations, the relationship between fold and function is complex, particularly in functionally diverse superfamilies that have evolved through different secondary structure embellishments to a common structural core. The majority of prediction algorithms employ local templates built on known or predicted functional residues. Here, we present a novel method (FLORA) that automatically generates structural motifs associated with different functional sub-families (FSGs) within functionally diverse domain superfamilies. Templates are created purely on the basis of their specificity for a given FSG, and the method makes no prior prediction of functional sites, nor assumes specific physico-chemical properties of residues. FLORA is able to accurately discriminate between homologous domains with different functions and substantially outperforms (a 2–3 fold increase in coverage at low error rates) popular structure comparison methods and a leading function prediction method. We benchmark FLORA on a large data set of enzyme superfamilies from all three major protein classes (α, β, αβ) and demonstrate the functional relevance of the motifs it identifies. We also provide novel predictions of enzymatic activity for a large number of structures solved by the Protein Structure Initiative. Overall, we show that FLORA is able to effectively detect functionally similar protein domain structures by purely using patterns of structural conservation of all residues.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Early detection of tumor response to therapy is a key goal. Finding measurement algorithms capable of early detection of tumor response could individualize therapy treatment as well as reduce the cost of bringing new drugs to market. On an individual basis, the urgency arises from the desire to prevent continued treatment of the patient with a high-cost and/or high-risk regimen with no demonstrated individual benefit and rapidly switch the patient to an alternative efficacious therapy for that patient. In the context of bringing new drugs to market, such algorithms could demonstrate efficacy in much smaller populations, which would allow phase 3 trials to achieve statistically significant decisions with fewer subjects in shorter trials. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This consensus-based article describes multiple, image modality-independent means to assess the relative performance of algorithms for measuring tumor change in response to therapy. In this setting, we describe specifically the example of measurement of tumor volume change from anatomic imaging as well as provide an overview of other promising generic analytic methods that can be used to assess change in heterogeneous tumors. To support assessment of the relative performance of algorithms for measuring small tumor change, data sources of truth are required. RESULTS: Very short interval clinical imaging examinations and phantom scans provide known truth for comparative evaluation of algorithms. CONCLUSIONS: For a given category of measurement methods, the algorithm that has the smallest measurement noise and least bias on average will perform best in early detection of true tumor change.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Differently located tumors of the same origin may exhibit diverse responses to the same therapeutics. To test this hypothesis, we compared the responses of rodent hepatic and subcutaneous engrafts of rhabdomyosarcoma-1 (R1) to a vascular disrupting agent Combretastatin A4 phosphate (CA4P). METHODS: Twelve WAG/Rij rats, each bearing three R1 implanted in the right and left hepatic lobes and subcutaneously in the thoracic region, received CA4P intravenously at 5 mg/kg (n = 6) or solvent (n = 6). Therapeutic responses were compared interindividually and intraindividually among tumors of different sites till 48 hours after injection using in vivo MRI, postmortem digital microangiography, and histopathology. RESULTS: MRI revealed that the subcutaneous tumors (STs) significantly increased in volume than hepatic tumors (HTs) 48 hours after CA4P (P < .05). Relative to vehicle controls and treated group at baseline, necrosis ratio, apparent diffusion coefficient, and enhancement ratio changed slightly with the STs but significantly with HTs (P < .05) after CA4P treatment. Vessel density derived from microangiography was significantly lower in STs compared to HTs without CA4P treatment. CA4P treatment resulted in decreased vessel density in HTs, while it did not affect vessel density in STs. MRI and microangiography outcomes were supported by histopathologic findings. CONCLUSIONS: MRI and microangiography allowed quantitative comparison of therapeutic responses to CA4P in rats with multifocal tumors. The discovered diverse effects of the same drug on tumors of the same origin but different locations emphasize the presence of cancer heterogeneity and the importance of individualization of drug delivery.  相似文献   

TWO topics on decapod larval biology are discussed: retentionand recruitment of decapod larvae to the parental populationand the ecological role of decapod larvae in the water column. Most decapods have retained a planktonic larval phase whichis generally interpreted as a mechanism for increased dispersal.Evidence of restricted gene flow and biological/physical interactionresearch have suggested that larvae can be retained and recruitedto the parental population via mesoscale processes. To fullyunderstand recruitment processes improved estimates of mortalityrates for planktonic larval stages will be required. Recentevidence suggests that mortality rates are not constant overthe complete larval developmental period but decrease with time. During some seasons meroplankton including decapod l arvae canconstitute more than 50% of the plankton biomass. The quantityof energy transferred into the water column can be significant.Their role in planktonic ecology may be significant and additionalresearch is required.  相似文献   

Animals evolved a variety of gene families involved in cell–cell communication and developmental control by gene duplication and domain shuffling. Each family is made up of several subtypes or subfamilies with distinct structures and functions, which diverged by gene duplications and domain shufflings before the divergence of parazoans and eumetazoans. Since the separation from protostomes, vertebrates expanded the multiplicity of members (isoforms) in the same subfamily by further gene duplications in their early evolution before the fish–tetrapod split. To know the dates of isoform duplications more closely, we have conducted isolation and sequencing cDNAs encoding the fibroblast growth factor receptor, Eph, src, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor subtypes belonging to the protein tyrosine kinase family from Branchiostoma belcheri, an amphioxus, Eptatretus burgeri, a hagfish, and Lampetra reissneri, a lamprey. From a phylogenetic tree of each subfamily inferred from a maximum likelihood (ML) method, together with a bootstrap analysis based on the ML method, we have shown that the isoform duplications frequently occurred in the early evolution of vertebrates around or just before the divergence of cyclostomes and gnathostomes by gene duplications and possibly chromosomal duplications. Received: 28 April 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

Permanent nerve transection of the adult rat sciatic nerve forces Schwann cells in the distal nerve segment from a myelin-maintaining to a quiescent state. This transition was followed by serial morphometric evaluation of the percentage fascicular area having myelin (myelin percent of area) in transverse sections of the distal nerve segment and revealed a rapid decline from a normal value of 36.6% to 3.2% by 14 days for the sciatic nerve to less than 1.0% throughout the remaining time course (up to 105 days). No evidence of axonal reentry into the distal nerve segment or new myelin formation was observed at times under 70 days. In some of the distal nerve segments at 70, 90, and 105 days, new myelinated fibers were observed that usually consisted of only a few myelinated fibers at the periphery and in the worst case amounted to 1.6% (myelin percent of area). Radioactive precursor incorporation of [3H]mannose into endoneurial slices at 4 and 7 days after transection revealed two species of the major myelin glycoprotein, P0, with Mr of 28,500 and 27,700. By 14 days after nerve transection, only the 27,700 Mr species remained. Incorporation of [3H]mannose into the 27,700 Mr species increased progressively to 35 days after transection and then began to decline at 70 and 105 days. Alterations in the oligosaccharide structure of this down-regulated myelin glycoprotein accounted for the progressive increase in mannose incorporation. Lectin affinity chromatography of pronase-digested P0 glycopeptides on concanavalin A-Sepharose revealed that the 28,500 Mr species of P0 had the complex-type oligosaccharide as the predominant oligosaccharide structure (92%). In contrast, the high mannose-type oligosaccharide was the predominate structure for the 27,700 Mr form, which increased to 70% of the total radioactivity by 35 days after nerve transection. Since the biosynthesis of the complex-type oligosaccharide chains on glycoproteins involves high mannose-type intermediates, the mechanism of down-regulation in the biosynthesis of this major myelin glycoprotein, therefore, results in a biosynthetic switch from the complex-type oligosaccharide structure as an end product to the predominantly high mannose-type oligosaccharide structure as a biosynthetic intermediate. This biosynthetic switch occurs gradually between 7 and 14 days after nerve transection and likely reflects a decreased rate of processing through the Golgi apparatus. It remains to be determined if the high mannose-type oligosaccharide chain on P0 can undergo additional processing steps in this permanent nerve transection model.  相似文献   

A method is described by which the precipitate that normally fills impregnated cells in Golgi preparations is confined to a thin and transparent scattering of fine particles that defines the somata and cellular processes. The coating is stable enough to withstand counterstaining and thus makes possible direct evaluation of structural features not only of cellular processes but also of cytoplasmic components.  相似文献   

Although the peripheral nerve is capable of regeneration, only a small minority of patients regain normal function after surgical reconstruction of a major peripheral nerve lesion, resulting in a severe and lasting negative impact on the quality of life. Glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has potent survival- and outgrowth-promoting effects on motoneurons, but locally elevated levels of GDNF cause trapping of regenerating axons and the formation of nerve coils. This phenomenon has been called the “candy store” effect. In this study we created gradients of GDNF in the sciatic nerve after a ventral root avulsion. This approach also allowed us to study the effect of increasing concentrations of GDNF on Schwann cell proliferation and morphology in the injured peripheral nerve. We demonstrate that lentiviral vectors can be used to create a 4 cm long GDNF gradient in the intact and lesioned rat sciatic nerve. Nerve coils were formed throughout the gradient and the number and size of the nerve coils increased with increasing GDNF levels in the nerve. In the nerve coils, Schwann cell density is increased, their morphology is disrupted and myelination of axons is severely impaired. The total number of regenerated and surviving motoneurons is not enhanced after the distal application of a GDNF gradient, but increased sprouting does result in higher number of motor axon in the distal segment of the sciatic nerve. These results show that lentiviral vector mediated overexpression of GDNF exerts multiple effects on both Schwann cells and axons and that nerve coil formation already occurs at relatively low concentrations of exogenous GDNF. Controlled expression of GDNF, by using a viral vector with regulatable GDNF expression, may be required to avoid motor axon trapping and to prevent the effects on Schwann cell proliferation and myelination.  相似文献   

Lectins from the seeds of broad bean (Vicia faba L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.), common vetch (V. sativa L.), and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) were isolated and purified by affinity chromatography. The hemagglutinating activity of lectins was most effectively inhibited by methyl--D-mannopyranoside, trehalose, and D-mannose. Other carbohydrate haptens, such as methyl--D-glucopyranoside, maltose, and alginic and D-glucuronic acids were less effective. Two lectins obtained from different lentil cultivars, unlike other lectins, had a relatively high affinity for melecitose, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, L-sorbose, and sucrose. Furthermore, these lectins interacted with soluble starch. All the lectins examined had similar, but not identical, carbohydrate-binding properties. Because of their similar D-mannose/D-glucose specificity, these lectins interacted with lipopolysaccharides and exopolysaccharides of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae, root nodule bacteria that infect broad-bean, pea, common-vetch, and lentil plants with the formation of nitrogen-fixing symbiosis. However, owing to individual distinctions of carbohydrate-binding properties, these lectins showed a higher affinity for the polysaccharides of those microsymbionts within the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae species that were better specialized towards one or the other host plant from the cross inoculation group of legumes.  相似文献   

Inventories of the gene content of the last common ancestor (LCA), i.e., the cenancestor, include sequences that may have undergone horizontal transfer events, as well as sequences that have originated in different pre-cenancestral epochs. However, the universal distribution of highly conserved genes involved in RNA metabolism provide insights into early stages of cell evolution during which RNA played a much more conspicuous biological role, and is consistent with the hypothesis that extant living systems were preceded by an RNA/protein world. Insights into the traits of primitive entities from which the LCA evolved may be derived from the analysis of paralogous gene families, including those formed by sequences that resulted from internal elongation events. Three major types of paralogous gene families can be recognized. The importance of this grouping for understanding the traits of early cells is discussed. Presented at: International School of Complexity – 4th Course: Basic Questions on the Origins of Life; “Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 1–6 October 2006.  相似文献   

Since separation from fungi and plants, multicellular animals evolved a variety of gene families involved in cell-cell communication from a limited number of ancestral precursors by gene duplications in two separate periods of animal evolution. In the very early evolution of animals before the separation of parazoans and eumetazoans, animals underwent extensive gene duplications by which different subtypes (subfamilies) with distinct functions diverged. The multiplicity of members (isoforms) in the same subtype increased by further gene duplications (isoform duplications) in the first half of chordate evolution before the fish-tetrapod split; different isoforms are virtually identical in structure and function but differ in tissue distribution. From cloning and phylogenetic analyses of four subfamilies of the protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) family, we recently showed extensive isoform duplications in a limited period around or just before the cyclostome-gnathostome split. To obtain a reliable estimate for the divergence time of vertebrate isoforms, we have conducted isolation of cDNAs encoding the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) from Branchiostoma belcheri, an amphioxus, Eptatretus burgeri, a hagfish, and Potamotrygon motoro, a ray. We obtained 33 different cDNAs in total, most of which belong to known PTP subfamilies. The phylogenetic analyses of five subfamilies based on the maximum likelihood method revealed frequent isoform duplications in a period around or just before the gnathostome-cyclostome split. An evolutionary implication was discussed in relation to the Cambrian explosion.  相似文献   

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