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When recessive mutations are the primary cause of inbreeding depression, a negative relationship between the levels of prior inbreeding and inbreeding depression is expected. We tested this prediction using 15 populations chosen a priori to represent a wide range of prior inbreeding among four closely related taxa of the Mimulus guttatus species complex. Artificially selfed and outcrossed progeny were grown under controlled growth-chamber conditions, and inbreeding depression was estimated for each population as one minus the ratio of the fitness of selfed to outcrossed progeny. Estimates of inbreeding depression varied from 0% to 68% among populations. Inbreeding coefficients, estimated from electrophoretic assay of field-collected progenies, ranged from 0.02 to 0.76. All five fitness traits displayed a negative association between inbreeding depression and the inbreeding coefficient, but only height showed a statistically significant correlation. Inbreeding depression was also not correlated with the level of genetic variability. In addition, populations with similar levels of prior inbreeding showed significant differences of inbreeding depression, whereas populations with different levels of prior inbreeding showed similar inbreeding depression. Within populations, inbreeding depression did not differ between progeny selfed one versus two generations. Our results are weakly consistent with the recessive mutation model of inbreeding depression, but suggest that additional factors, including genotype-by-environment interaction and complex modes of inheritance, may influence the expression of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Severe inbreeding depression is routinely observed in outcrossing species. If inbreeding load is due largely to deleterious alleles of large effect, such as recessive lethals or steriles, then most of it is expected to be purged during brief periods of inbreeding. In contrast, if inbreeding depression is due to the cumulative effects of many deleterious alleles of small effect, then it will be maintained in the face of periodic inbreeding. Whether or not inbreeding depression can be purged with inbreeding in the short term has important implications for the evolution of mating systems and the probability that a small population will go extinct. In this paper I evaluate the extent to which the tremendous inbreeding load in a primarily outcrossing population of the wildflower, Mimulus guttatus, is due to alleles of large effect. To do this, I first constructed a large outbred “ancestral” population by randomly mating plants collected as seeds from a natural population. From this population I formed 1200 lines that were maintained by self-fertilization and single seedling descent: after five generations of selling, 335 lines had survived the inbreeding process. Selection during the line formation is expected to have largely purged alleles of large effect from the collection of highly inbred lines. Because alleles with minor effects on fitness should have been effectively neutral, the inbreeding depression due to this class of genes should have been unchanged. The inbred lines were intercrossed to form a large, outcrossed “purged” population. Finally, I estimated the fitness of outbred and selfed progeny from the ancestral and purged populations to determine the contribution of major deleterious alleles on inbreeding depression. I found that although the average fitness of the outcrossed progeny nearly doubled following purging, the limited decline in inbreeding depression and limited increase in inbred fitness indicates that alleles of large effect are not the principle cause of inbreeding depression in this population. In aggregate, the data suggest that lethals and steriles make a minority contribution to inbreeding depression and that the increased outbred fitness is due primarily to adaptation to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Several recent theoretical considerations of mating-system evolution predict within-population covariation between levels of inbreeding depression and genetically controlled mating-system characters. If inbreeding depression is caused by deleterious recessive alleles, families with characters that promote self-pollination should show lower levels of inbreeding depression than families with characters that promote outcrossing. The converse is expected if inbreeding depression is due to overdominant allelic interactions. Whether these associations between mating-system and viability loci evolve will have important consequences for mating-system evolution. The evolution of selfing within the genus Mimulus is associated with a reduction in stigma-anther separation (i.e., a loss of herkogamy) and high autogamous seed set. In this study we compared families from two M. guttatus populations that differed genetically in their degree of stigma-anther separation. In one of these populations we also compared families that differed genetically in the degree to which they autogamously set seed in a pollinator-free greenhouse. Dams often differed significantly in levels of inbreeding depression for aboveground biomass and flower production, but variation in inbreeding depression was never explained by herkogamy class or autogamy class. Several factors might account for why families with traits associated with selfing did not show lower inbreeding depression, and these are discussed. Our study also demonstrated significant variation among self progeny from a given female likely due to differences in pollination date and position of fruit maturation. The detection of significant dam × sire interactions suggests biparental inbreeding or differences in combining ability for specific pairs of parents.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical work has shown that there can be selection favoring the maintenance of sexual reproduction and the evolution of increased recombination when deleterious mutations at different loci interact synergistically, such that the logarithm of fitness declines at a greater than linear rate with the number of harmful mutations per genome. The purpose of this experimental study was to determine whether synergism exists for genes affecting fitness components in two partially selfing populations of the monkey flower Mimulus guttatus. For each wild population, a large randomly mated base population was constructed and many independent lines, inbred to differing degrees, were extracted from this base population. Lines with expected inbreeding coefficients of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 were raised simultaneously in the greenhouse and were scored for germination, flowering, flower production, and pollen viability. All fitness traits except germination success declined with increased inbreeding, but in spite of the substantial inbreeding depression found in this study, relatively little evidence of synergistic epistasis was found. The only trait that showed evidence of synergism was pollen viability. These results indicate that synergism is not strong for the fitness components measured in this study. The evidence for synergism from other published studies is also reviewed.  相似文献   

Estimates of inbreeding depression obtained from the literature were used to evaluate the association between inbreeding depression and the degree of self-fertilization in natural plant populations. Theoretical models predict that the magnitude of inbreeding depression will decrease with inbreeding as deleterious recessive alleles are expressed and purged through selection. If selection acts differentially among life history stages and deleterious effects are uncorrelated among stages, then the timing of inbreeding depression may also evolve with inbreeding. Estimates of cumulative inbreeding depression and stage-specific inbreeding depression (four stages: seed production of parent, germination, juvenile survival, and growth/reproduction) were compiled for 79 populations (using means of replicates, N = 62) comprising 54 species from 23 families of vascular plants. Where available, data on the mating system also were collected and used as a measure of inbreeding history. A significant negative correlation was found between cumulative inbreeding depression and the primary selfing rate for the combined sample of angiosperms (N = 35) and gymnosperms (N = 9); the correlation was significant for angiosperms but not gymnosperms examined separately. The average inbreeding depression in predominantly selfing species (δ = 0.23) was significantly less (43%) than that in predominantly outcrossing species (δ = 0.53). These results support the theoretical prediction that selfing reduces the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Most self-fertilizing species expressed the majority of their inbreeding depression late in the life cycle, at the stage of growth/reproduction (14 of 18 species), whereas outcrossing species expressed much of their inbreeding depression either early, at seed production (17 of 40 species), or late (19 species). For species with four life stages examined, selfing and outcrossing species differed in the magnitude of inbreeding depression at the stage of seed production (selfing δ = 0.05, N = 11; outcrossing δ = 0.32, N = 31), germination (selfing δ = 0.02, outcrossing δ = 0.12), and survival to reproduction (selfing δ = 0.04, outcrossing δ = 0.15), but not at growth and reproduction (selfing δ = 0.21, outcrossing δ = 0.27); inbreeding depression in selfers relative to outcrossers increased from early to late life stages. These results support the hypothesis that most early acting inbreeding depression is due to recessive lethals and can be purged through inbreeding, whereas much of the late-acting inbreeding depression is due to weakly deleterious mutations and is very difficult to purge, even under extreme inbreeding.  相似文献   

If inbreeding depression is caused by deleterious recessive alleles, as suggested by the partial dominance hypothesis, a negative correlation between inbreeding and inbreeding depression is predicted. This hypothesis has been tested several times by comparisons of closely related species or comparisons of populations of the same species with different histories of inbreeding. However, if one is interested in whether this relationship contributes to mating-system evolution, which occurs within populations, comparisons among families within a population are needed; that is, inbreeding depression among individuals with genetically based differences in their rate of selfing should be compared. In gynodioecious species with self-compatible hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites will have a greater history of potential inbreeding via both selfing and biparental inbreeding as compared to females and may therefore express a lower level of inbreeding depression. We estimated the inbreeding depression of female and hermaphrodite lineages in gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica in a greenhouse experiment by comparing the performance of selfed and outcrossed progeny, as well as sibling crosses and crosses among subpopulations. We did not find support for lower inbreeding depression in hermaphrodite lineages. Multiplicative inbreeding depression (based on seed germination, juvenile survival, survival to flowering, and flower production in the first growing season) was not significantly different between hermaphrodite lineages (δ = 0.30 ± 0.08) and female lineages (δ = 0.15 ± 0.18), although the trend was for higher inbreeding depression in the hermaphrodite lineages. The population-level estimate of inbreeding depression was relatively low for a gynodioecious species (δ = 0.25) and there was no significant inbreeding depression following biparental inbreeding (δ = 0.01). All measured traits showed significant variation among families, and there was a significant interaction between family and pollination treatment for four traits (germination date, date of first flowering, number of flowers, and aboveground biomass). Our results suggest that the families responded differently to selfing and outcrossing: Some families exhibited lower fitness following selfing whereas others seemed to benefit from selfing as compared to outcrossing. Our results support recent simulation results in that prior inbreeding of the lineages did not determine the level of inbreeding depression. These results also emphasize the importance of determining family-level estimates of inbreeding depression, relative to population-level estimates, for studies of mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

We compared inbreeding depression in hermaphroditic Schiedea lydgatei and its gynodioecious sister species, S. salicaria, to infer the level of inbreeding depression in their common ancestor. With measurements of selfing rates, this information can be used to assess the importance of inbreeding depression in the evolution of breeding systems in S. lydgatei and S. salicaria. Morphological and physiological characters related to fitness were compared for inbred and outcrossed S. lydgatei in high- and low-fertilizer environments in the greenhouse. Seed mass, number of seeds per capsule, germination, survival, biomass, number of flowers, and age at first flowering were compared for inbred versus outcrossed progeny. We also measured inbreeding depression in maximal rates of photosynthetic carbon assimilation and stomatal conductance to water vapor, traits that affect fitness through their influence on plant carbon balance and water-use efficiency (ratio of carbon gain to water loss). All traits except number of seeds per capsule in parents and survival showed inbreeding depression, with the magnitude depending on family and environment. High inbreeding depression is likely in the ancestor of S. lydgatei and S. salicaria, indicating that, with sufficiently high selfing rates, females could spread in populations. Hermaphroditism in S. lydgatei is probably favored by low selfing rates. In contrast, the evolution of gynodioecy in S. salicaria apparently has been favored by relatively high selfing rates in combination with high inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

The effects of one and two generations of inbreeding were studied in plants from four natural populations of the annual plant, Collinsia heterophylla, using inbred and outcrossed plants generated by hand pollinations to create expected inbreeding coefficients ranging from 0–0.75. The selfing rates of the populations were estimated using allozyme markers to range from 0.37–0.69. Inbreeding depression was mild, ranging from 5–40%, but significant effects were detected for characters measured at all stages of the life cycle. Fitness components declined significantly with the inbreeding coefficient, and regression of fitness characters on inbreeding coefficients gave no evidence of any strongly synergistic effects attributable to the different genetic factors that contribute to decline in fitness under inbreeding. The magnitude of inbreeding depression did not clearly decrease with the populations' levels of inbreeding. This is not surprising because the selfing rates are similar enough that it is unlikely that the populations have been characterized for long periods of time by these different inbreeding levels.  相似文献   

We established inbred laboratory lines of the satyrid Bicyclus anynana with one, three and 10 pairs of butterflies, which were subsequently allowed to increase freely to a maximum size of 300 butterflies. Minimally inbred control lines were established with 300 randomly selected virgin butterflies of equal sex ratio. We measured fecundity, egg weight, egg hatching, adult emergence, adult size, and the proportion of crippled adults in generations F2, F3, F5, and F7 (the latter two for the one pair bottleneck lines only). The most striking result was an unexpectedly large decrease in egg hatching with increase in inbreeding (25% per 10% increase in inbreeding). Such a level of inbreeding depression has not been reported previously for any insect. The distribution of egg hatching rate for individual clutches within inbred lines was markedly skewed, with a large fraction of clutches producing no eggs at all. This is interpreted as a relatively lower ratio of detrimental to lethal (or sterile) mutation loads than is found in Drosophila, the only insects for which mutation loads have been well characterized. Possible explanations for this severe inbreeding depression include a relatively high rate of mutation to recessive alleles with substantial damaging effects and infrequent episodes of inbreeding in nature. In the experiments, average egg hatching rate recovered rapidly between F2 and F7 in three of the six one-pair lines. We discuss the implications of these results for survival of populations through extreme bottlenecks in nature and in captivity.  相似文献   

Most models of mating-system evolution predict inbreeding depression to be low in inbred populations due to the purging of deleterious recessive alleles. This paper presents estimates of outcrossing rates and inbreeding depression for two highly selfing, monoecious annuals Begonia hirsuta and B. semiovata. Outcrossing rates were estimated using isozyme polymorphisms, and the magnitude of inbreeding depression was quantified by growing progeny in the greenhouse produced through controlled selfing and outcrossing. The estimated single-locus outcrossing rate was 0.03 ± 0.01 (SE) for B. hirsuta and 0.05 ± 0.02 for B. semiovata. In both species, the seed production of selfed flowers was on average 12% lower than that of outcrossed flowers (B. hirsuta P = 0.07, B. semiovata P < 0.05, mixed model ANOVAs). There was no significant effect of crosstype on germination rate or survival, but selfed offspring had a lower dry mass than outcrossed offspring 18 weeks after planting in both species (on average 18% lower in B. hirsuta and 31% lower in B. semiovata). Plants that were the products of selfing began flowering later than plants produced through outcrossing in B. semiovata, but not in B. hirsuta. The effects of crosstype on seed production (B. semiovata), days to first flower and offspring dry mass (both species) varied among maternal parents, as indicated by significant crosstype x maternal parent interactions for these characters. Both species showed significant inbreeding depression for total fitness (estimated as the product of seed production, germination rate, survival and dry mass at 18 weeks). In B. hirsuta, the average total inbreeding depression was 22% (range -57%-98%; N = 23 maternal parents), and in B. semiovata, it was 42% (-11%-84%; N = 21). This study demonstrates that highly selfing populations can harbor substantial inbreeding depression. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a high mutation rate to mildly deleterious alleles contributes to the maintenance of inbreeding depression in selfing populations.  相似文献   

This paper examines several aspects of the expression of inbreeding depression in an outcrossing, obligately biennial plant, Hydrophyllum appendiculatum (Hydrophyllaceae). The amount of inbreeding depression detected was small during the first year of life but increased with age and had significant effects on adult size and reproductive traits. The lack of significant inbreeding depression during early growth is likely due to the overriding influence of maternal environmental effects on seed size and seedling growth. However, as maternal effects decreased with age, the seedling's own genotype became a more important determinant of its fate. To examine whether the expression of inbreeding depression was sensitive to ecological conditions, selfed and outcrossed seedlings were grown alone or with other H. appendiculatum seedlings. No inbreeding depression was detected in the plants grown alone. In contrast, under competitive conditions, outcrossed seedlings were significantly larger than selfed seedlings by the end of the first growing season. To address whether parental mating history influences the amount of inbreeding depression expressed, I examined the consequences of two successive generations of selfing on seed set and seed weight. The amount of inbreeding depression increased following the second generation of selfing. In the first generation, seed set and seed weight differed by less than 5% between selfed and outcrossed progeny. However, both traits were 15% greater for outcrossed plants after two generations. These results indicate that the alleles responsible for the reductions in these traits were not purged and suggest the action of multiple loci with deleterious effects.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression varies among species and among populations within a species. Few studies, however, have considered the extent to which inbreeding depression varies within a single population. We report on two experiments to provide evidence that inbreeding depression is genetically variable, such that within a single population some lineages suffer severe inbreeding depression, others suffer only mild inbreeding depression, and some lineages actually increase in phenotypic value at higher levels of inbreeding. We examine the effects of population structure on inbreeding depression for two traits in the first experiment (adult dry weight and female relative fitness), and for seven traits in the second experiment (female and male adult dry weight, female and male relative fitness, female and male developmental time, and egg-to-adult viability). In the first experiment, we collected data from 4 families within each of 38 lineages derived from a single ancestral stock population and maintained for four generations of full-sib mating. Both traits demonstrate significant inbreeding depression and provide evidence that even within a single lineage there is significant genetic variability in inbreeding depression. In the second experiment, we collected data from 5 replicates for each of 15 lineages derived from the same ancestral population used in the first experiment; these lineages were maintained for four generations of full-sib mating. We also collected data on outbred control beetles in each generation and incorporated these data into the analyses to account for environmental effects in an unbiased manner. All traits except female and male developmental time show significant inbreeding depression. All traits showing inbreeding depression are genetically variable in inbreeding depression, as is evident from a significant linear lineage-×-f component. For both experiments, the effect of population structure on inbreeding depression is further evident from the increasing amount of variation that can be explained by the models used to measure inbreeding depression when additional levels of population structure are included. Genetic variation in inbreeding depression has important implications for conservation biology and may be an important factor in mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to examine the consequences of five sequential generations of enforced selfing and outcrossing in two annual populations of the mixed-mating Mimulus guttatus. Our primary goal was to determine whether purging of deleterious recessive alleles occurs uniformly between populations and among families, and thus gain insights into the mode of gene action (dominance, overdominance, and/or epistasis) governing the expression of inbreeding depression at both the population and family levels across the life cycle.  相似文献   

The severity of inbreeding depression appears to vary among taxa, but few ecological or other patterns have been identified that predict accurately which taxa are most sensitive to inbreeding. To examine the causes of heterogeneity in inbreeding depression, the effects of inbreeding on reproduction, survival, and growth were measured in three replicate experimental stocks for each of three subspecies of Peromyscus polionotus mice. Inbreeding of the dam reduced the probability of breeding, the probability of producing a second litter, and litter size. Inbreeding of the litter caused depression of litter size, juvenile viability, and mass at weaning, and caused an increase in the within-litter variance in mass. In spite of differences between the subspecies in natural population sizes, genetic variation, and mean rates of reproduction and survival, all variation observed between experimental populations in their responses to inbreeding could be attributed to random founder effects. The genetic load of deleterious alleles in each replicate was unequally partitioned among its founder pairs, and different founders contributed to the load affecting different fitness components. Thus, inbreeding depression for any one fitness component, in our experimental environment, must be due to relatively few deleterious alleles with major effects. Genetic loads so comprised would be expected to diverge among natural populations due to both random drift and selective removal of recessive deleterious alleles during population bottlenecks. The near universality of inbreeding depression would be maintained, however, if different alleles contribute to inbreeding depression of different fitness components and in different environments.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression may be caused by (partially) recessive or overdominant gene action. The relative evolutionary importance of these two modes has been debated; the former mode is emphasized in the “dominance hypothesis,” the latter in the “overdominance hypothesis.” We analyzed the genetic basis of inbreeding depression in the self-incompatible herb Arabis petraea (L.) Lam.: In the selfed progeny of twelve parental plants, we studied the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, the genotypic distributions of marker genes, and associations of marker genotypes with viability and quantitative traits. Early components of fitness were examined by scoring seed size, germination time, and early growth rate and by observing the proportion of chlorophyll-deficient seedlings. Later components of fitness, flowering, and root and aboveground biomass were also measured. Marker genotypes of young seedlings were scored for 11 enzyme loci and three microsatellite markers. We found a high proportion (about 70%) of families with chlorophyll-deficient seedlings, indicating a high mutational load. We found six significant deviations from 1:2:1 ratio at marker loci of 60 tests in seedlings, with three of these significant at the experimentwide level. Deviations from the expected ratio were assumed to be due to linked viability loci. A graphical and a Bayesian method were used to distinguish between the overdominance and dominance hypotheses. Most of the deviant segregation ratios suggested overdominance instead of recessivity of the deleterious allele. Neither the early (seed size, germination time, or early growth trait) nor the late quantitative traits (flowering, and root and aboveground biomass) showed significant linkage to markers at the experimentwide level. Presence of significant associations between markers and early viability, but lack thereof for quantitative traits expressed late, suggests either that there may be relatively low inbreeding depression in later life stages or that individual quantitative trait loci may have smaller effects than loci contributing to early viability.  相似文献   

Depending on its genetic causes, outbreeding depression in quantitative characters may occur first in the free-living F1 generation produced by a wide cross. In 1981–1985, we generated F1 progenies by hand-pollinating larkspurs (Delphinium nelsonii) with pollen from 1-m, 3-m, 10-m, or 30-m distances. From the spatial genetic structure indicated by previous electrophoretic and reciprocal transplantation studies, we estimate that these crosses range from being inbred (f ≈ 0.06) to outbred. We planted 594 seeds from 66 maternal sibships under natural conditions. As of 1992, there was strong evidence for both inbreeding depression and outbreeding depression. Progeny from intermediate crossing distances grew approximately twice as large as more inbred or outbred progeny in the first 5 yr after planting (P = 0.013, repeated measures ANOVA), and survived almost 1 yr longer on average (contrast of 3-m and 10-m treatments versus 1 m and 30 m; P = 0.028, ANOVA). Twenty maternal sibships produced flowering individuals; only four and two of these represented 1-m and 30-m crossing distances, respectively (P = 0.021, G-test). The cumulative fitness of intermediate distance sibships averaged about twice that of 1-m sibships, and five to eight times that of 30-m sibships (P = 0.017, ANOVA). Thus, even though progeny of 1-m crosses were inbred to a degree only about one-eighth that of selling, inbreeding depression approximated 50%, and outbreeding depression equaled or exceeded 50% for all fitness components.  相似文献   

Studies of inbreeding depression in plant populations have focused primarily on comparisons of selfing versus outcrossing in self-compatible species. Here we examine the effect of five naturally occurring levels of inbreeding (f ranging from 0 to 0.25 by pedigree) on components of lifetime fitness in a field population of the self-incompatible annual, Raphanus sativus. Pre- and postgermination survival and reproductive success were examined for offspring resulting from compatible cross-pollinations. Multiple linear regression of inbreeding level on rates of fruit and seed abortion as well as seed weight and total seed weight per fruit were not significant. Inbreeding level was not found to affect seed germination, offspring survival in the field, date of first flowering, or plant biomass (dry weight minus fruit). The effect of inbreeding on seedling viability in the greenhouse and viability to flowering was significant but small and inconsistently correlated with inbreeding level. Maternal fecundity, however, a measure of seed yield, was reduced almost 60% in offspring from full-sib crosses (f = 0.25) relative to offspring resulting from experimental outcross pollinations (f = 0). Water availability, a form of physiological stress, affected plant biomass but did not affect maternal fecundity, nor did it interact with inbreeding level to influence these characters. The delayed expression of strong inbreeding depression suggests that highly deleterious recessive alleles were not a primary cause of fitness loss with inbreeding. Highly deleterious recessives may have been purged by bottlenecks in population size associated with the introduction of Raphanus and its recent range expansions. In general, reductions in total relative fitness of greater than 50% associated with full-sib crosses should be sufficient to prohibit the evolution of self-compatibility via transmission advantage in Raphanus.  相似文献   

When populations are partially inbred due to the population structure or to a mixed mating system like partial self-fertilization, some individuals will be more inbred than others. This heterogeneity among individuals in the history of inbreeding can greatly complicate the interpretation of measures of quantitative genetic variability when the traits studied exhibit inbreeding depression. Partial inbreeding can also bias measures of phenotypic selection toward the detection of strong directional and stabilizing selection. In this paper, data are presented from several inbreeding experiments conducted on two partially selfing, annual populations of the monkeyflower Mimulus guttatus that show that the means of many of the morphological and phenological traits measured were affected by inbreeding. These findings imply that estimates of heritabilities and additive genetic covariances would not reflect the potential for these populations to respond to selection. Phenotypic selection analyses conducted on naturally occurring plants, involving linear regressions of relative seed production on the traits, revealed significant directional selection on many of the same quantitative traits measured in the inbreeding studies. However, when the same selection analyses were performed on plants with known histories of inbreeding, part of the statistical relationship between relative seed number and the traits was found to be due to the mating system: inbred individuals had both lower seed production and different mean values for the traits than outcrossed individuals. It is also shown, with a hypothetical example, that partial inbreeding can bias measures of stabilizing selection toward the detection of strong stabilizing selection. Partial inbreeding therefore tends to make directional and stabilizing selection appear stronger than it is, and it may be that natural selection in the wild is actually weaker than many studies of partially inbred species suggest.  相似文献   

This paper examines the consequences of self-fertilization on life-history traits and neutral genetic polymorphism in natural populations of three species of hermaphrodite freshwater snails: Biomphalaria straminea, Bulinus globosus, and the aphallic species Bulinus truncatus. Life-history traits (fecundity, growth, hatching rate, and survival of offspring) are compared under laboratory conditions between isolated (obligatory selfing) and paired (outcrossing possible) snails in one population of B. straminea and B. globosus and two populations of B. truncatus. The genetic polymorphism of the same four populations is analyzed using electrophoretic markers in B. straminea and B. globosus and microsatellite markers in B. truncatus. In B. truncatus and B. straminea, isolated snails have a higher fecundity than paired snails, whereas the contrary is observed in B. globosus. For all populations, no difference in hatching rate and offspring survival is detected between the two treatments. Genetic analyses using microsatellite markers conducted in B. truncatus on progeny of paired snails reveal a high selfing rate in spite of high copulation rates, highlighting the difficulties of obtaining outcrossing in highly selfing snails. The high survival of selfed offspring in B. truncatus and B. straminea indicates that inbreeding depression is limited. The extent of inbreeding depression in B. globosus is less clear. Overall, fitness decrease in this species is limited to fecundity. The extent of allozyme polymorphism is very limited whereas a much higher variability is observed with microsatellites. Biomphalaria straminea and B. truncatus populations are also characterized by very low observed heterozygosities and large heterozygote deficiencies, whereas the B. globosus population does not exhibit such a deficiency. Overall these results allow the definition of a self-fertilization syndrome in hermaphrodite freshwater snails: selfing populations (such as those of B. straminea and B. truncatus studied here) are characterized by high selfing rates in spite of copulations, limited deleterious effects of selfing, limited neutral genetic polymorphism, and large heterozygote deficiencies.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is a key factor influencing mating system evolution in plants, but current understanding of its relationship with selfing rate is limited by a sampling bias with few estimates for self‐incompatible species. We quantified inbreeding depression (δ) over two growing seasons in two populations of the self‐incompatible perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. petraea in Scandinavia. Inbreeding depression was strong and of similar magnitude in both populations. Inbreeding depression for overall fitness across two seasons (the product of number of seeds, offspring viability, and offspring biomass) was 81% and 78% in the two populations. Chlorophyll deficiency accounted for 81% of seedling mortality in the selfing treatment, and was not observed among offspring resulting from outcrossing. The strong reduction in both early viability and late quantitative traits suggests that inbreeding depression is due to deleterious alleles of both large and small effect, and that both populations experience strong selection against the loss of self‐incompatibility. A review of available estimates suggested that inbreeding depression tends to be stronger in self‐incompatible than in self‐compatible highly outcrossing species, implying that undersampling of self‐incompatible taxa may bias estimates of the relationship between mating system and inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

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