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Many hybrid zones have a mosaic structure, yet we know of no theoretical work that examines the impact of mosaicism on the outcome of evolution. We developed a computer simulation model designed to test whether the outcome of reinforcing selection differs in a mosaic and a clinal hybrid zone. Our model was a one-dimensional stepping-stone model. The mosaic and clinal hybrid zones that we modeled were, respectively, a mosaic maintained by differential fitness of the interacting taxa in patchy habitats and a tension zone. We modeled changes in gene frequency at two biallelic loci, A and B. Hybrids at the A locus were selected against. An allele at the B locus caused assortative mating at the A locus, which promoted reinforcement; there was a selective cost to this allele. In a mosaic hybrid zone, spatial variation in the fitness of A-locus homozygotes in different patches caused gene and genotype frequencies at the A and B loci to differ greatly from those in a tension zone. Compared to a tension zone, a mosaic hybrid zone had a broader region in which hybrids could be formed and, thus, a broader region in which the assortative-mating allele provided a net selective advantage (via decreased production of the less fit A-locus hybrids). This caused the assortative-mating allele to be favored under a broader set of conditions in a mosaic hybrid zone than in a tension zone. In mosaic and tension hybrid zones, both low and high levels of migration could prevent the establishment of the allele that promoted reinforcement, but the allele could establish under a wider range of migration rates in a mosaic than in a tension zone. In a tension zone, both low and high levels of selection against A-locus hybrids could prevent the establishment of the assortative-mating allele. In a mosaic hybrid zone, the assortative-mating allele established under lower levels of selection against hybrids than in a tension zone, and high levels of selection did not impede the establishment of this allele. Overall, our work illustrates how the structure of a hybrid zone can alter the outcome of an important evolutionary process, in this case, reinforcement.  相似文献   

Abstract A hybrid zone between the grasshoppers Chorthippus brunneus and C. jacobsi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in northern Spain has been analyzed for variation in morphology and ecology. These species are readily distinguished by the number of stridulatory pegs on the hind femur. Both sexes are fully winged and inhabit disturbed habitats throughout the study area. We develop a maximum-likelihood approach to fitting a two-dimensional cline to geographical variation in quantitative traits and for estimating associations of population mean with local habitat. This method reveals a cline in peg number approximately 30 km south of the Picos de Europa Mountains that shows substantial deviations in population mean compared with the expectations of simple tension zone models. The inclusion of variation in local vegetation in the model explains a significant proportion of the residual variation in peg number, indicating that habitat-genotype associations contribute to the observed spatial pattern. However, this association is weak, and a number of populations continue to show strong deviations in mean even after habitat is included in the final model. These outliers may be the result of long-distance colonization of sites distant from the cline center or may be due to a patchy pattern of initial contact during postglacial expansion. As well as contrasting with the smooth hybrid zones described for Chorthippus parallelus , this situation also contrasts with the mosaic hybrid zones observed in Gryllus crickets and in parts of the hybrid zone between Bombina toad species, where habitat-genotype associations account for substantial amounts of among-site variation.  相似文献   

Two closely related species of ground crickets, Allonemobius fasciatus and A. socius, overlap and hybridize in a contact zone in the eastern United States. In earlier work, Howard (1986) described geographic variation in the width of the zone and in the strength of reproductive isolation between the two ground crickets. The zone was wider in the hills and mountains of southeastern Ohio and West Virginia than along the eastern coastal plain, and reproductive isolation appeared to be stronger where the zone was wider. Howard attributed the greater width in the mountains to the wide intermingling and patchy distribution of habitats appropriate for a species adapted to a northern climate and for a species adapted to a southern climate. He also pointed out that the mosaicism and the increased breadth of the zone in the mountains enhanced the probability of occurrence of reinforcement. We tested three predictions that emerged from Howard's hypothesized links among topographic diversity, zone width, and the strength of reproductive isolation. The first two predictions were fulfilled. The northern cricket, A. fasciatus, occurred in the high mountains south of its previously known distributional limit; and the zone narrowed considerably in Illinois, an area of low topographic diversity. These results provide further evidence for the importance of the environment in determining the structure of the zone. The third prediction was falsified. Contrary to the prediction, the strength of reproductive isolation between the two species was as strong in Illinois as in the Appalachian Mountains. This result suggests that if reinforcement has occurred in the zone, the width of the zone has not been a major factor in the process.  相似文献   

Two introduced fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and S. richteri, hybridize over an extensive area in the United States spanning central Mississippi, Alabama, and western Georgia. We studied a portion of this hybrid zone in northwestern Mississippi in detail by sampling ants at many sites along two transects extending across the zone and examining gene frequency and size distributions at a large number of genetic and morphological markers. The distributional patterns at these markers are most consistent with the mosaic hybrid zone model, whereby the distribution of various fire ant genotypes is determined initially by the historical patterns of colonization of newly available habitats. However, these distributional patterns probably do not reflect the equilibrium state of interactions because of the very recent secondary contact of the species (< 60 yr) and the dynamic nature of available nesting habitats in this area. Our data suggest that, with prolonged contact and interaction, differential fitness of various hybrid genotypes due to intrinsic and extrinsic selective factors is important in structuring the hybrid zone. For instance, consistent differential introgression of morphological and genetic markers, combined with previous evidence of differences in developmental stability among genotypes, suggest reduced fitness of hybrids relative to parentals due to intrinsic selection (as may be caused by breakup of parental gene complexes). Furthermore, marked reductions in the occurrence of parental-like hybrids in areas where the similar parental species is common suggest reduced fitness of these parental-like hybrids in competition with the parentals (i.e., extrinsic selection). Because the relative roles of such deterministic as well as stochastic forces apparently vary both spatially and temporally, the eventual distribution of the various fire ant genotypes and the fate of the hybrid zone in the United States is difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Models of hybrid zones differ in their assumptions about the relative fitnesses of hybrids and the parental species. These fitness relationships determine the form of selection across the hybrid zone and, along with gene flow, the evolutionary dynamics and eventual outcome of natural hybridization. We measured a component of fitness, export and receipt of pollen in single pollinator visits, for hybrids between the herbaceous plants Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and for both parental species. In aviary experiments with captive hummingbirds, hybrid flowers outperformed flowers of both parental species by receiving more pollen on the stigma. Although hummingbirds were more effective at removing pollen from anthers of I. aggregata, hybrid flowers matched both parental species in the amount of pollen exported to stigmas of other flowers. These patterns of pollen transfer led to phenotypic stabilizing selection, during that stage of the life cycle, for a stigma position intermediate between that of the two species and to directional selection for exserted anthers. Pollen transfer between the species was high, with flowers of I. aggregata exporting pollen equally successfully to conspecific and I. tenuituba flowers. Although this study showed that natural hybrids enjoy the highest quality of pollinator visits, a previous study found that I. aggregata receives the highest quantity of pollinator visits. Thus, the relative fitness of hybrids changes over the life cycle. By combining the results of both studies, pollinator-mediated selection in this hybrid zone is predicted to be strong and directional, with hybrid fitness intermediate between that of the parental species.  相似文献   

Two models developed to discern the mode of selection in hybrid zones differ in some predictions. The tension-zone model predicts that selection acts against hybrids and independently of the environment (endogenous selection) and that selection is invariant throughout the hybrid zone. The ecological selection-gradient, or ecotone, model maintains that fitness of different genotypes varies in response to environmental variation (exogenous selection) and thus, that in a region of the zone, fitness of hybrids is at least equal to that of the parental species. Therefore, to assess the predominant mode of selection operating in a hybrid zone, it is fundamental to evaluate whether selection is acting specifically against hybrid individuals, that is, whether hybridity alone is the basis for deficiencies of hybrids, and to evaluate whether the relative fitness of hybrids versus that of pure species varies across the zone. In a hardclam (genus Mercenaria) hybrid zone located in a polyhaline lagoon in east-central Florida, we used age-specific and location-specific analyses to determine that a hybrid deficit occurrs, that the deficit seems to be due to selection against hybrids, and that selection varies across the zone. Various measures of deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, linkage disequilibrium analyses, and shifts in allele frequencies at semidiagnostic loci support the idea that selection is strongest in the northern region of the lagoon, the zone of sympatry and hybridization. Southward, into the range of M. mercenaria (the numerically predominant species), the percentage of hybrids remains relatively high and selection against hybrids decreases. For some genetic linkage groups, selection for M. mercenaria alleles seems to be occurring, but selection seems to be acting principally against alleles characteristic of M. mercenaria and, to a lesser degree, for alleles characteristic of M. campechiensis (the rarer species). These findings and others from previous analyses we have done on this hybrid zone demonstrate that selection in the zone is complex, and that characteristics of both the tension-zone and ecotone models are present. Supporting the tension-zone model, selection against hybrids per se clearly occurs, but specific genotypes seem to be at a selective disadvantage, whereas others have a selective advantage, and selection operates differentially on the two parental species within the zone. Supporting the ecotone model, the strength of overall selection varies throughout the zone, and environmentally mediated selection in which each species and hybrids have an advantage in specific habitats occurs, but some selection against hybrids is invariant throughout the zone. Thus, the structure and genetic architecture of this hybrid zone appear to be products of a complicated interaction between both types of selective forces cited in the two competing models.  相似文献   

Two subspecies of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus meet in the Pyrenees forming a hybrid zone several kilometers wide. Crosses between the two pure taxa result in sterile male offspring and normal females (i.e., Haldane's rule applies). However, no such dysfunction has been detected in hybrid males collected through the center of the hybrid zone. By assessing the level of dysfunction in the offspring of reciprocal crosses, it was possible to map clines for the genes responsible for dysfunction through the zone. This analysis shows that there is no abrupt transition between incompatible genomes in the field. Crosses were also made between females collected from a transect spanning the hybrid zone and pure males of both subspecies. This reveals noncoincident clines for dysfunction near the center of the hybrid zone such that the dysfunction expressed in the offspring of these crosses is less than expected from simple models. More complex models involving interaction among genes must be invoked. Also, the possibility exists that since the postglacial contact of these two grasshopper taxa, hybrid dysfunction has become ameliorated by the evolution of modifiers. This hybrid zone is thought to be a tension zone, maintained by a balance between selection against hybrid genotypes and dispersal into the zone center. The lessening of hybrid disadvantage over time through the breakdown of epistatic interactions by recombination or through modification could account for the general lack of dysfunction in field collected hybrids today.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques provide powerful tools for studying the geographic structure of hybrid zones and the dynamics of gene exchange between incipient species. We examined allozyme variation at five loci (PGM, GPI, MDH-1, MDH-2, and LDH) for 27 populations of Palaemonetes kadiakensis from the central, coastal, and eastern regions of Texas. Central Texas populations of P. kadiakensis exhibited highly significant linkage disequilibrium and departures from Hardy-Weinberg genotype proportions. In populations with linkage disequilibrium, allelic differences at GPI defined two types of P. kadiakensis, designated A and B. Both types existed in central Texas with little or no evidence of interbreeding, whereas the populations from all other localities showed complete introgression of type B alleles into the type A gene pool. We also examined ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in a subset of populations, chosen to cover a range of geographic locations and levels of linkage disequilibrium. Two groups of mtDNA haplotypes and two restriction fragment patterns for the rDNA corresponded to allozyme type A and B individuals in populations exhibiting linkage disequilibrium. In populations with ongoing hybridization, all hybrid animals (N= 15) exhibited type A mtDNA. Exhibition of type A mtDNA indicated that type A females had mated successfully with type B males, but type B females had not mated successfully with type A males. Genotype distributions suggest reduced reproduction by hybrid offspring in central Texas populations. These patterns are consistent with a mosaic model of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of clines (Brues, 1972; Endler, 1977) as well as theoretical arguments (Nagylaki, 1975), have shown that steps in gene frequencies will be pulled to partial barriers (areas of reduced gene flow) if they form within approximately a cline width of the partial barrier. The behavior of a hybrid zone between two chromosomal taxa (“Moreton” and “Torresian”) of the acridine grasshopper Caledia captiva in southeast Queensland has been analyzed and found to comform qualitatively with a model of altered gene flow patterns. Clines in four enzyme systems were analyzed for 1983 and 1986 along a transect across the hybrid zone. The clines have shifted towards an area of regenerating forest, while homozygote frequencies have increased at this point. This forest barrier has broken the continuity of the spatial distribution of C. captiva, forming population islands in part of the hybrid zone, and thus reducing the amount of gene flow. The distance between the barrier and the original cline is approximately of the order of a cline width, so that they would be expected to interact. Historical information suggests that the secondary contact between the “Moreton” and “Torresian” taxa occurred very recently (1844–1940), due to the intensive land-clearing activities during the European settlement.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the effect of habitat heterogeneity and a habitat preference on the genetic structure of a hybrid zone between the toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata (Anura: Discoglossidae); 1613 toads from 85 sites across a transect near Pe??enica, Croatia, were scored for five unlinked diagnostic allozyme markers. These were found to be largely concordant. Aside from minor systematic deviations, there was little variance in allele frequency among loci within sites. Yet the allele frequencies did not follow a smooth cline, but formed a mosaic in the center, such that neighboring sites could differ markedly in their enzyme score. A detailed ecological survey revealed a correlation between this pattern and habitat. In keeping with the typical breeding sites of the parental taxa, B. bombina-like hybrids were found more often in ponds, whereas B. variegata-like hybrids were more common in puddles. In addition, there was significant heterozygote deficit (FIS) and strong linkage disequilibrium (R), both of which were stronger on the B. bombina side of the transect, and stronger in puddles than ponds. Mark-recapture data showed: (1) that the animals disperse beyond the scale of the habitat pattern; (2) frequent turn-over of individuals within sites; and (3) nonrandom movement between two sites of different habitat type. We conclude that an active habitat preference must contribute to the observed association between marker alleles and habitat. As a consequence, there is incomplete mixing of the two gene pools, which could explain the high level of FIS and R. The asymmetry in these parameters may reflect asymmetry in the preference or in the distribution of habitats across the zone. We discuss the implications of habitat preference for the dynamics of hybrid zones.  相似文献   

Patterns of life-history adaptation and reproductive isolation were investigated in the acridid grasshoppers Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. devastator, which hybridize along an altitudinal gradient in the Sierra Nevada of California. Melanoplus sanguinipes females crossed with M. devastator males produced eggs that were approximately half as viable as eggs from other crosses. Diminished viability was not attributable either to infection by Wolbachia pipientis or to failure of sperm transfer. When offered an opportunity to choose a mate, females from all populations discriminated against males of the other species, whereas in no-choice tests measuring copulation duration only females from the tails of the clines showed preferences. Melanoplus sanguinipes, found at high elevations where the growing season is short, exhibited faster egg hatch, faster larval development, smaller adult body sizes, and smaller clutch sizes than M. devastator. Melanoplus devastator, from California's Central Valley, endured a hot and dry summer in a reproductive diapause that was absent in M. sanguinipes. Clines in reproductive diapause and clutch size coincided with the region of reproductive incompatibility. Development time, body size, and hatch time also changed across the hybrid zone, but the regions of largest transitions in these traits were either difficult to locate using the limited populations studied here or were not coincident with the zone's center. A method is described for combining ecological and phylogenetic analyses to address the unknown issue of whether life-history divergence has conributed to reproductive isolation in this system.  相似文献   

Three components of mating call (pulse duration, cycle length, and fundamental frequency) were measured and six diagnostic enzyme loci scored across the hybrid zone between the toads Bombina bombina and B. variegata. All three call components differ significantly, but only cycle length is diagnostic. The clines in call coincide with those for enzymes, and have similar widths. This suggests that there is no strong selection on any of these characters. There are significant correlations between electrophoretic markers and call components, but these are no stronger than would be expected if the electrophoretic loci and the genes causing mating call were neutral. The selection differential on the call is no greater than 6% of the difference in mean cycle length between the two taxa. There is a substantial increase in the variance of cycle length in the center of the zone, suggesting that a small number of loci are involved (≈ three). Recombination between these loci will hinder the evolution of reinforcement and may partly be responsible for the lack of premating isolation between B. bombina and B. variegata.  相似文献   

The water stricter species Limnoporus dissortis and L. notabilis hybridize across a broad zone in western Canada. Body length and alleles at four allozyme loci show a steep cline along the east slope of the Rocky Mountains in western Alberta, while in central British Columbia the parental phenotypes coexist without merging fully. One sex-linked locus shows little introgression, while there is apparently considerable gene flow at three autosomal loci. Although the hybrid zone has characteristics of a broad tension zone, the spatial distribution of introgression suggests that habitat patchiness and differential habitat associations of the two species also contribute to the pattern of hybridization. Asymmetry in interspecific mating success and incompatibilities of sex chromosomes with each other or with cytoplasmic factors appear to account for the occurrence of L. dissortis genotypes within the range of L. notabilis, and the lack of L. notabilis genotypes within the range of L. dissortis. The genetic structure of this hybrid zone supports the importance of sex-linked traits in maintaining the integrity of species, while its spatial structure suggests that extrinsic habitat features can combine with intrinsic genetic incompatibilities to produce complex hybrid interactions.  相似文献   

The white oaks Quercus gambelii and Q. grisea overlap in distribution in New Mexico and Arizona. Within the region of overlap, there are numerous instances of contact between the two taxa. In some areas of contact morphologically, intermediate trees are common, whereas in others, morphologically intermediate trees are rare or absent. We describe a set of RAPD markers that distinguish between the two species and use these markers to examine patterns of gene exchange in an area of contact in the San Mateo Mountains of New Mexico. The markers are highly coincident with morphology and confirm that hybridization between the two species takes place. Despite the occurrence of hybrids, both species remain distinct, even in areas of sympatry, and marker exchange appears to be limited.  相似文献   

Flower color is often viewed as a trait that signals rewards to pollinators, such that the relationship between flower color and plant fitness might result from its association with another trait. We used experimental manipulations of flower color and nectar reward to dissociate the natural character correlations present in a hybrid zone between Ipomopsis aggregata and Ipomopsis tenuituba. Isozyme markers were used to follow the male and female reproductive success of these engineered phenotypes. One field experiment compared fitnesses of I. aggregata plants that varied only in flower color. Plants with flowers painted red received more hummingbird visits and sired more seeds than did plants with flowers painted pink or white to match those of hybrids and I. tenuituba. Our second field experiment compared fitnesses of I. aggregata, I. tenuituba, and hybrid plants in an unmanipulated array and in a second array where all flowers were painted red. In the unmanipulated array, I. aggregata received more hummingbird visits, set more seeds per flower, and sired more seeds per flower. These fitness differences largely disappeared when the color differences were eliminated. The higher male fitness of I. aggregata was due to its very high success at siring seeds on conspecific recipients. On both I. tenuituba and hybrid recipients, hybrid plants sired the most seeds, despite showing lower pollen fertility than I. aggregata in mixed donor pollinations in the greenhouse. Ipomopsis tenuituba had a fitness of only 13% relative to I. aggregata when traits varied naturally, compared to a fitness of 36% for white relative to red flowers when other traits were held constant.  相似文献   

The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into several karyotypic races in Britain. Two of these races meet near Oxford o form the “Oxford-Hermitage” hybrid zone. We present a model which describes this system a; a “tension zone,” i.e., a set of clines maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection against chromosomal heterozygotes. The Oxford and Hermitage races differ by Robertsonian fusions with monobrachial homology (kq, no versus ko), and so Fl hybrids between them would have low fertility. However, the acrocentric karyotype is found at high frequency within the hybrid zone, so that complex Robertsonian heterozygotes (kg no/q ko n) are replaced by more fertile combinations, such as (kg no/k q n o). This suggests that the hybrid zone has been modified so as to increase hybrid fitness. Mathematical analysis and simulation show that, if selection against complex heterozygotes is sufficiently strong relative to selection against simple heterozygotes, acrocentrics increase, and displace the clines for kg and no from the cline for ko. Superimposed on this separation is a tendency for the hybrid zone to move in favor of the Oxford (kg no) race. We compare the model with estimates of linkage disequilibrium and cline shape made from field data.  相似文献   

Two hybridizing species of newts, Triturus cristatus and T. marmoratus, with overlapping distributions show a parapatric distribution when surveyed in detail. The factors that govern the distribution of cristatus vs. marmoratus in the département (province) of Mayenne in western France are identified as forestation and relief. The parapatric hybrid zone running through Mayenne is narrow but widens to approximately 20 km in an area with mixed habitat. In this area most breeding sites are shared and F1 hybrids form about 4% of the total population. Analysis of survey data collected about 30 years previously also shows an essentially parapatric distribution. Comparison of past and present distribution maps reveals that cristatus has superseded marmoratus over large areas in the south of Mayenne. An area where marmoratus replaced cristatus also exists, but it is more limited in size. Gene flow between cristatus and marmoratus is analyzed using 10 diagnostic genetic markers [9 protein loci and mitochondrial (mt) DNA]. In syntopic populations nuclear gene flow is bidirectional with a mean frequency of introgressed alleles (f) of 0.3%. In allotopic populations of cristatus and marmoratus gene flow is present in areas of species replacement (f = 0.3%), while gene flow appears to be absent in those areas that have been continuously occupied by a single species. At the biogeographic level, the presence or absence of introgression is paralleled by the persistence or absence, respectively, of pockets of cristatus–marmoratus syntopy. All F1 hybrids possess the cristatus type mtDNA. This may be due to asymmetric interspecific mate choice and would explain the observed absence of introgression of the maternally inherited mtDNA genome in areas where cristatus replaced marmoratus. The cristatus–marmoratus hybrid zone bears characteristics of both the clinal (parapatric) hybrid zone model and the mosaic hybrid zone model. Such a mixed model—for which we propose the term “reticulate hybrid zone”—can be appreciated only if studied over a two-dimensional geographic area and also through time.  相似文献   

Observations on the means, variances, and covariances of quantitative traits across hybrid zones can give information similar to that from Mendelian markers. In addition, they can identify particular traits through which the cline is maintained. We describe a survey of six traits across the hybrid zone between Bombina bombina and Bombina variegata (Amphibia: Discoglossidae) near Pe??enica in Croatia. We obtained laboratory measuments of the belly pattern, skin thickness, mating call, skeletal form, egg size, and the developmental time of tadpoles. Although offspring from hybrid populations showed no evidence of reduced viability, a third of the F1 families failed completely, irrespective of the direction of the cross. All traits differed significantly between the taxa. Clines in belly pattern, skin thickness, mating call, and skeletal form were closely concordant with clines in four diagnostic enzyme loci. However, the cline in developmental time was displaced towards bombina, and the cline in egg size was displaced towards variegata. This discordance could be because the traits are not inherited additively or because they are subject to different selection pressures. We favor the latter explanation in the case of developmental time. We show that moderate selection acting directly on a trait suffices to shift its position; rather stronger selection is needed to change its width appreciably. Within hybrid populations, there are significant associations among quantitative traits, and between traits and enzymes. Phenotypic variances also increase in hybrid populations. These observations can be explained by linkage disequilibria among the underlying loci. However, the average magnitude of the covariance between traits is about half that expected from the linkage disequilibria between enzyme loci. The discrepancy is not readily explained by nonadditive gene action. This puzzle is now unresolved and calls for further investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract A previous study of the hybrid zone in western Panama between white‐collared (Manacus candei) and golden‐collared manakins (M. vitellinus) documented the unidirectional introgression of vitellinus male secondary sexual traits across the zone. Here, we examine the hybrid zone in greater genetic and morphological detail. Statistical comparisons of clines are performed using maximum‐likelihood and nonparametric bootstrap methods. Our results demonstrate that an array of six molecular and two morphometric markers agree in cline position and width. Clines for male collar and belly color are similar in width to the first eight clines, but are shifted in position by at least five cline widths. The result is that birds in intervening populations are genetically and morphometrically very like parental candei, but males have the plumage color of parental vitellinus. Neither neutral diffusion nor nonlinearity of color scales appear to be viable explanations for the large cline shifts. Genetic dominance of vitellinus plumage traits is another potential explanation that will require breeding experiments to test. Sexual selection remains a plausible explanation for the observed introgression of vitellinus color traits in these highly dimorphic, polygynous, lek‐mating birds. Two other clines, including a nondiagnostic isozyme locus, are similar in position to the main cluster of clines, but are broader in width. Thus, introgression at some loci is greater than that detected with diagnostic markers. Assuming that narrow clines are maintained by selection, variation in cline width indicates that selection is not uniform throughout the genome and that diagnostic markers are under more intense selective pressure. The traditional focus on diagnostic markers in studies of hybrid zones may therefore lead to underestimates of average introgression. This effect may be more pronounced in organisms with low levels of genetic divergence between hybridizing taxa.  相似文献   

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