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By examining the morphometry (i.e., length, width, length‐to‐width ratio, and volume) of pellets in three different categories (adult males, adult females, and yearlings) mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), we were able to distinguish via discriminant function and fuzzy clustering analyses the age and sex of these animals. To determine a priori the identity of the pellet samples and evaluate the accuracy of our methods, we obtained samples from individuals in captivity. The discriminant function allowed us to correctly assign 100% of adult males, 91.66% of adult females, and 75% of yearlings to an age class, using previous information. The fuzzy clustering method enabled us to correctly distinguish 100% of adult males, 83.3% of adult females, and 75% of yearlings. The methods are based upon different assumptions. An important assumption with the discriminant function method is that the membership of each pellet group must be established a priori. This may be a disadvantage in certain cases, such as when pellet samples are gathered for an indirect population assessment procedure. Despite this drawback, however, both methods appear to be highly accurate. Zoo Biol 23:139–146, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Antler lengths were recorded of a total of 250 male fallow deer (Dama dama (L)). Animals sampled were from marked populations where the majority of individuals were of known age. Asymmetry in antler length was normally distributed with a mean not significantly different from zero, confirming that differences in length between the antler pair constitute a true fluctuating asymmetry (FA). We found no clear relationship between the degree of asymmetry in antler length of an individual male and either population density or actual body mass. We did, however, detect a significant relationship between asymmetry and deviation from maximum cohort bodyweight. If deviation from maximum weight within a cohort may be considered some index of competitive success or increasing environmental stress, this may suggest that asymmetry in antler length relates in some way to developmental stress suffered by the individual concerned. The degree of asymmetry recorded in antler length also showed a significant decline with animal age, with antlers of animals of 2 years or older showing significantly greater symmetry. This is consistent with a hypothesis that despite continued competition for resources, there is a changing balance of selection pressure as animals reach maturity, with increased pressure from sexual selection requiring males to produce significantly more symmetrical ornaments.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio and fecundity (juveniles per female) are key population parameters in sustainable wildlife management, but inferring these requires abundance estimates of at least three age/sex classes of the population (male and female adults and juveniles). Prior to harvest, we used an array of 36 wildlife camera traps during 2 and 3 weeks in the early autumn of 2016 and 2017, respectively. We recorded white‐tailed deer adult males, adult females, and fawns from the pictures. Simultaneously, we collected fecal DNA (fDNA) from 92 20 m × 20 m plots placed in 23 clusters of four plots between the camera traps. We identified individuals from fDNA samples with microsatellite markers and estimated the total sex ratio and population density using spatial capture–recapture (SCR). The fDNA‐SCR analysis concluded equal sex ratio in the first year and female bias in the second year, and no difference in space use between sexes (fawns and adults combined). Camera information was analyzed in a spatial capture (SC) framework assuming an informative prior for animals’ space use, either (a) as estimated by fDNA‐SCR (same for all age/sex classes), (b) as assumed from the literature (space use of adult males larger than adult females and fawns), or (c) by inferring adult male space use from individually identified males from the camera pictures. These various SC approaches produced plausible inferences on fecundity, but also inferred total density to be lower than the estimate provided by fDNA‐SCR in one of the study years. SC approaches where adult male and female were allowed to differ in their space use suggested the population had a female‐biased adult sex ratio. In conclusion, SC approaches allowed estimating the preharvest population parameters of interest and provided conservative density estimates.  相似文献   

For more than a century, the Boone and Crockett Club has kept records of harvest locations for 38 categories of North American big game, which includes measurement details and sizes of enduring characteristics (e.g., antlers, skulls, horns). All white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) entered in the Club records (i.e., record deer) have large antlers because the measurements must meet or exceed a minimum size to qualify for entry. We used the records from the Club to test the hypothesis that the spatial distribution in the harvest of record deer was related to the number of antlered deer harvested, variations in land productivity, soil mineral content, and attributes of land cover for 9 states in the midwestern United States. We used a Bayesian theoretical framework to develop a spatial model that examined the influence of explanatory variables on the number of record deer harvested in each county. In our study area, 3,658 record deer were harvested in 692 of the 856 counties (80.8%). More record deer were harvested in counties that had more high-contrast edges, less contiguous land cover, and greater variation in soil productivity. These results provide information for managers and hunters to better understand the spatial distribution of record deer and factors that are correlated with their distribution. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The evolution of the giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus (Blumenbach)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The giant deer, Megaloceros giganteus , is best known from its fossil occurrences in Ireland around 11 000 years ago, but has a history across Europe and Western Asia spanning 300 000–400 000 years. This paper reports a biometric study of variation and evolution in the giant deer through its history. Most early populations were as large in body size as the Irish sample, but some were distincdy smaller and others had markedly shorter limbs. Thickened skull and mandibular bones, especially marked in males, are constant throughout die species' history. Some earlier populations had anders which were relatively smaller, more upright and differing in other details from the celebrated Irish specimens. Observed variation in body and antler form is discussed in terms of changing palaeoenvironments. Interpretation of the fighting or display roles of M. giganteus antlers needs to take account of their differing forms through time.  相似文献   

Dietary onion and garlic caused an increase in the level of liver and plasma total lipids in Coturnix coturnix japonica. This increase could be due to the effect of an increased feed intake, bile production, digestion and absorption that in turn caused an increased utilisation of dietary fat, increased transfer of dietary lipids to the liver and/or due to increased lipogenesis as such. However, there was no increase in the muscle lipid content. This effect in the muscle could be due to inhibitory effect of onion or garlic on lipoprotein lipase activity. Further, the changes in the tissue total lipid level in the control group due to change in age and sex were also observed.  相似文献   

Game species like the red deer have been subjected to anthropogenic impacts for centuries. Translocations are often carried out—sometimes illegally—not only for sporting purposes, but also to increase trophy quality, reduce inbreeding, or mitigate bottlenecks after excessive persecution. Apart from the blurring of large‐scale genetic structure, translocations without adequate quarantine measure risk introducing pathogens into potentially immunologically naïve populations. It is therefore important to understand the frequency of clandestine translocations. Identification of non‐autochthonous animals and their potential origin is often difficult and, in red deer, has been hampered by the lack of large‐scale genotypic datasets for comparison. In the present study, we make use of a recently published European‐wide microsatellite dataset to detect and quantify the presence of non‐autochthonous red deer in a large population sample (n = 1,780) from Central Europe (Belgium). Using factorial correspondence analysis, assignment tests and Bayesian clustering algorithms we arrive at an estimate of 3.7% non‐autochthonous animals (or their descendants). Some of these animals were assigned to a nearby French population and may have immigrated into Belgium naturally, but the large majority must have been introduced by humans. Our analysis pointed to the British Isles and Germany/Poland as the potential origin of many introduced deer, regions known to have been source populations for translocations in Europe and beyond. We found evidence for recreational hunters using carcasses from farmed deer to fulfill mandatory hunting quotas. Our study is the first to quantify the extent of human‐mediated introductions in a European game species at such a large scale with large and representative sample sizes.  相似文献   

Wataru Makino  Syuhei Ban 《Hydrobiologia》2003,501(1-3):101-107
We measured the fecal pellet production rate (FPR) of a cyclopoid copepod (Cyclops cf. sibiricus) individually through the copepodite 5th stage in order to describe the molt-cycle dependent variations in the FPR and the relationship between the FPR and growth and development. Even though individuals of C.cf. sibirucus were kept in the same environmental condition (food quantity, etc.) throughout the development, the FPR was not constant. In general, the FPR was low just after molting into C5, but increased with time and reached the maximum a few days after the molt, and then decreased toward the next molt. More fecal pellets were produced during the earlier part of stage duration time, irrespective of variations in the stage duration time. The total volume of fecal pellets voided through C5 (tCFP) also varied individually with females tending to void more than males. However, neither the weight-specific FPR nor the weight-specific tCFP were different between the sexes. The weight-specific FPR was positively correlated with the individual stage-specific growth rate, suggesting that better growers had a higher ingestion rate, given that the FPR is proportional to the ingestion rate as suggested by other studies.  相似文献   

Association of sex and age with responses to lower-body negative pressure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Responses of 21 women and 29 men (29-56 yr of age) to -50 Torr lower body negative pressure (LBNP) were examined for differences due to sex or age. Responses to LBNP were normal, including fluid shift from thorax to lower body, increased heart rate and peripheral resistance, and decreased stroke volume, cardiac output, and Heather index of ventricular function. Mean arterial blood pressure did not change. Comparison of responses of the women to responses of an age-matched subset of the men (n = 26) indicated the men had larger relative increases in calf circumference and greater increases in peripheral resistance during LBNP than the women, whereas the women experienced greater increases in thoracic impedance and heart rate. Analyses of responses of the 29 men for age-related differences indicated older subjects had greater increases in peripheral resistance and less heart rate elevation in response to LBNP (P less than 0.05 for all differences, except sex-related heart rate difference, where P less than 0.10). Based on these data and the data of other investigators, we hypothesize the age-related circulatory differences in response to LBNP are due to a reduction in vagal response and a switch to predominant sympathetic nervous system influence in older men. We cannot exclude the possibility that diminished responsiveness in the afferent arm of the baroreceptor reflex also plays a role in the attenuated heart rate response of older men to LBNP.  相似文献   

By means of centrifugation, two groups of cells of the determined relative age were isolated: (1) a group of cells without bud scars, nonhomogeneous in size, not synchronous after isolation, (2) a group of cells with a higher number of bud scars synchronous after isolation. The cells with a higher number of bud scars affect the synchrony of the culture positively. The difference between the cells in the category with 1 ton bud scars is smaller than between those in the category without bud scars. The group of cells without bud scars affects the synchrony of the culture negatively. By a shift in nutrition, these cells complete their development which results in synchronous growth.  相似文献   

《Ecological Informatics》2007,2(2):128-137
Assessment of ecosystem viability is an important requirement for conservation planning. Valuable ecosystems, which are less viable against external non-natural pressures, deserve more protection. Such an assessment is a multiple attribute analysis process due to involvement of several decision criteria. The problem in such a process is the fact that the required information is not always precisely defined. In addition, the interactions of an ecosystem with the other surrounding ecosystems and with the external non-natural disturbance cannot be effectively expressed via simple quantified indicators. In this sense, assessment of viability by qualitative terms provides an opportunity to utilize experts’ judgments to comprehensively address the viability attributes, and in particular, interactions of ecosystems with each other and with the external disturbance and pressure factors. In doing so, in this study, a methodology for viability assessment of ecosystems is proposed based on joint consideration of theory of multiple attribute analysis and fuzzy set theory to deal with qualitative and imprecise information. A novel approach on the basis of conjunction implication method is constructed capable of considering fuzziness in both partial scores and weights. The method will be examined using three classes of ordering approaches proposed in literature. To illustrate the usefulness and the applicability of the proposed approach, it will be employed in a case study for viability assessment of ecosystems within the reach area of an oil–sand mining project.  相似文献   

Immunocontraceptives can control growth in wild and captive populations; however, in doing so, they should not disrupt species‐typical behavior patterns. The presence of treated females could disrupt social interactions in a population; yet, few studies have examined effects of immunocontraception on behavior. The goal of this project was to determine whether behavior in a fallow deer (Dama dama) population vaccinated with porcine anti‐zona pellucida (pZP)‐immunocontraceptives differed from behavior in a population of unvaccinated deer. We predicted that pZP‐treated females would spend a higher percentage of time exhibiting mating and dominance behavior than nontreated females, and that males interacting with pZP‐treated females would spend a higher percentage of time demonstrating mating and aggressive behavior than males interacting with nontreated females. We recorded activity budgets of males and females in two fallow deer populations, one pZP‐treated and the other untreated, before, during, and after rut. Females did not differ in time spent displaying mating or dominance behavior compared to nontreated females. Males coexisting with nontreated females spent more time exhibiting aggressive behavior during rut than males living with pZP‐treated females, but males did not differ in time spent in mating behavior. Thus, immunocontraception did not seem to affect behavior adversely. However, sample sizes, living conditions, and sex ratios may have affected the results. Given these limitations, future research is needed to confirm our findings. Zoo Biol 27:49–61, 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Plantation forests substitute natural habitats and have rotation cycles of 7 years due to their high growth rates. This variation reflects on local and landscape changes, influencing habitat availability and affecting mammal communities. In this study, our general hypothesis was that the richness and composition of mammals varied in eucalyptus plantations in relation to native forest patches and in relation to the age of eucalyptus plantations. We predicted that (1) there would be lower mammalian richness and compositional differences in eucalyptus plantations compared to native vegetation due to monocultures having simplified environmental characteristics and (2) predicted that the richness and composition would vary according to eucalyptus age and that the highest values of richness would be found in plantations of up to middle age, considering that in these phases there are environmental characteristics that positively qualify these structures for a greater presence of fauna, such as the shrubby aspect of the plantations and the presence of undergrowth. We performed model selection to observe the effect of environmental variables on mammalian richness. We also performed a multivariate permutational analysis of variance, a non-metric multidimensional scaling and partitioned the beta diversity to observe how the composition was influenced by environmental variables. We found greater richness in the native vegetation compared to eucalyptus plantations. The richness of the plantations varied according to the age, with higher values up to middle age. The composition varied according to the land user/cover, with the eucalyptus age and with the management unit due to the nestedness of species. We suggest that eucalyptus plantations at early ages are more used by mammals due to the shrubby aspect of the stand, generating a positive visual effect for the search of resources and shelter, in addition to the possibility of the occurrence of grasses, some understory and lower anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

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