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Polemonium viscosum has a continuous distribution from 3,500 m in the krummholz to 4,025 m on the summit ridges of Pennsylvania Mountain, Colorado. Seeds produced by plants at opposite ends of this cline, 1.5 km apart, differed significantly at allozyme loci in two consecutive breeding seasons. Mean multilocus Fst values for both years (0.015 and 0.069) were significantly different from zero, indicating restricted gene exchange between subpopulations. Average allele frequencies at two individual loci also differed significantly between families comprising krummholz and summit subpopulations. Progeny of plants growing on the summit had higher leaf production rates, more densely packed leaflets, and lower resistance to aphids than progeny of plants growing in the krummholz site, when tested under greenhouse conditions. These differences probably reflect the restricted opportunities for growth and severe exposure at high elevations, and the increased risk from herbivores near timberline. The two subpopulations did not differ in leaf length (stature), leaf width, or pubescence. Reciprocal transplanting of seedlings between krummholz and summit sites confirmed that the differences were adaptive, since progeny from each subpopulation performed significantly better in their parent's habitat. Coordinated studies of genetic structure, quantitative variation, and local adaptation across the elevational range of P. viscosum provide a comprehensive view of ecotypic divergence in this widespread alpine plant.  相似文献   

Animal pollinators are thought to shape floral evolution, yet the tempo of this process has seldom been measured. I used the prediction equation of quantitative genetics, R = h2S , to predict the rate at which a change in pollinator abundance may have caused divergence in floral morphology of the alpine skypilot, Polemonium viscosum. A selection experiment determined the rate at which such divergence can actually proceed. Corolla flare in this species increases by 12% from populations pollinated by a wide assemblage of insect visitors to those pollinated only by bumblebees. To simulate the evolutionary process giving rise to this change, I used a pollinator selection experiment. Plants with broad flowers set significantly more seeds than plants with narrow flowers under bumblebee pollination but had equivalent fecundity when visited by other insects or hand-pollinated. Bumblebee-mediated selection for broad corolla flare intensified from 0.07 at seed set to 0.17 at progeny establishment. Maternal parent-offspring regression yielded a confidence interval of 0.22–1.00 for trait heritability. Given these parameter estimates, the prediction equation shows that broadly flared flowers of bumblebee-pollinated P. viscosum could have evolved from narrower ones in a single generation. This prediction is matched by an observed 9% increase in offspring corolla flare after a single bout of bumblebee-mediated selection, relative to offspring of unselected controls. Findings show that plant populations can adapt rapidly to abrupt changes in pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

Abstract We address how a conflict between pollinator attraction and avoidance of flower predation influences the evolution of flower shape in Polemonium viscosum. Flower shape in P. viscosum is the product of an isometric relationship between genetically correlated (rA= 0.70) corolla flare and length. Bumblebee pollinators preferentially visit flowers that are more flared and have longer tubes, selecting for a funnel‐shaped corolla. However, flower shape also influences nectar‐foraging ants that sever the style at its point of attachment to the ovary. Surveys of ant damage show that plants having flowers with flared, short corollas are most vulnerable to ant predation. Consistent with this result, the ratio of corolla length to flare is significantly greater in a krummholz (high predation risk) population than in a tundra (low predation risk) population. To explicitly test whether the evolution of a better defended flower would exact a cost in pollination, we created tubular flowers by constricting the corolla during development. Performance of tubular flowers and natural controls was compared for defensive and attractive functions. In choice trials, ants entered control flowers significantly more often than tubular ones, confirming that the evolution of tubular flowers would reduce the risk of predation. However, in a bumblebee‐pollinated population, tubular flowers received significantly less pollen and set fewer seeds than controls. A fitness model incorporating these data predicts that in the absence of the genetic correlation between corolla length and flare, intermittent selection for defense could allow tubular flowers to spread in the krummholz population. However, in the tundra, where bumblebees account for nearly all pollination, the model predicts that tubular flowers should always confer a fitness disadvantage.  相似文献   

The alpine wildflower, Polemonium viscosum, depends on insect visitors for effective pollination. Here, I examine experimentally the effects of pollinator visitation on pollen removal, pollen dispersal success, paternity, and gene flow. Bumble bee pollinators visited donor individuals homozygous for marker alleles at an isozyme (GOT-2) encoding locus and then were presented with arrays of recipient plants lacking the marker alleles. Four aspects of male fitness were estimated for each donor: the number of pollen grains dispersed to flowers of the first recipient visited, the number of offspring sired on that recipient, the proportion of offspring sired in the full array, and the proportion of mates in the array bearing seeds of the donor. Pollen removal was strongly influenced by the number of bee visits to donor flowers. The amount of pollen removed in turn significantly affected the number of pollen grains reaching flowers of the first recipient. However, because seed production decelerates with stigma pollen load, the relationship between pollen export and paternal success at this proximate scale showed diminishing returns. The probability of reaching mates within the array also increased with pollen export. These findings show that floral characters enhancing pollinator visitation rate in P. viscosum have positive effects on paternity and gene flow.  相似文献   

Morphological consequences of hybridization were studied in a group of three interbreeding species of Darwin's finches on the small Galápagos island of Daphne Major in the inclusive years 1976 to 1992. Geospiza fortis bred with G. scandens and G. fuliginosa. Although interbreeding was always rare (< 5%), sufficient samples of measurements of hybrids and backcrosses were accumulated for analysis. Five beak and body dimensions and mass were measured, and from these two synthetic (principal-component) traits were constructed. All traits were heritable in two of the interbreeding species (G. fuliginosa were too rare to be analyzed) and in the combined samples of F, hybrids and backcrosses to G. fortis. In agreement with expectations from a model of polygenic inheritance, hybrid and backcross classes were generally phenotypically intermediate between the breeding groups that had produced them. Hybridization increased additive genetic and environmental variances, increased heritabilities to a moderate extent, and generally strengthened phenotypic and genetic correlations. New additive genetic variance introduced by hybridization is estimated to be two to three orders of magnitude greater than that introduced by mutation. Enhanced variation facilitates directional evolutionary change, subject to constraints arising from genetic correlations between characters. The Darwin's finch data suggest that these constraints become stronger when species with similar proportions hybridize, but some become weaker when the interbreeding species have different allometries. This latter effect of hybridization, together with an enhancement of genetic variation, facilitates evolutionary change in a new direction.  相似文献   

Adaptive phenotypic plasticity is the predicted evolutionary response to fine-grained fluctuation in major environmental factors, such as soil moisture in plant habitats. This study examines genotypes from two natural populations of Polygonum persicaria, one from a relatively homogeneous, moderately moist site, and one from a site in which severe drought and root flooding occur within single growth seasons. Norms of reaction (phenotypic response curves) were determined for a random sample of eight and ten cloned genotypes, respectively, from each of the populations over a controlled moisture gradient ranging from drought to flooding.  相似文献   

The relationship between genotype (which is inherited) and phenotype (the target of selection) is mediated by environmental inputs on gene expression, trait development, and phenotypic integration. Phenotypic plasticity or epigenetic modification might influence evolution in two general ways: (1) by stimulating evolutionary responses to environmental change via population persistence or by revealing cryptic genetic variation to selection, and (2) through the process of genetic accommodation, whereby natural selection acts to improve the form, regulation, and phenotypic integration of novel phenotypic variants. We provide an overview of models and mechanisms for how such evolutionary influences may be manifested both for plasticity and epigenetic marking. We point to promising avenues of research, identifying systems that can best be used to address the role of plasticity in evolution, as well as the need to apply our expanding knowledge of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms to our understanding of how genetic accommodation occurs in nature. Our review of a wide variety of studies finds widespread evidence for evolution by genetic accommodation.  相似文献   

The reproductive composition and genetic diversity of populations of the red seaweed Lithothrix aspergillum Gray (O. Corallinales) were studied at three southern California sites (Shaw's Cove and Treasure Island, Laguna Beach; Indian Rock, Santa Catalina Island) and at a fourth site (Bodega Bay) located in northern California. Sexually reproducing populations were confined to southern California. Diploid individuals were numerically dominant over haploid (gametophytic) individuals at all sites. Intertidal and subtidal subpopulations from Shaw's Cove differed in their reproductive profiles. Most intertidal specimens found on emersed surfaces were densely branched, turf-forming, and bore tetrasporangial (68.6%), carposporangial (11.4%), or spermatangial (5.7%) conceptacles, reflecting a sexual life history; none produced asexual bispores. In contrast, 74.3% of the larger, loosely branched subtidal specimens bore bisporangial conceptacles indicative of asexual reproduction. Nearly 70% of the Indian Rock thalli showed no evidence of conceptacle formation. Only asexual, diploid bispore-producing thalli were obtained from the Bodega Bay site. Genetic diversity (mean number of alleles per locus, percent of polymorphic loci, and average expected heterozygosity) of diploid L. aspergillum populations varied with life-history characteristics and geographic location. A total of 30 alleles was inferred from zymograms of 16 loci examined by starch-gel electrophoresis; of these loci, 11 were polymorphic. The genetic diversity of sexual, diploid populations of L. aspergillum (alleles per locus [A/L] = 1.4-1.5; percent polymorphic loci [%P] = 37.5-50.0) was relatively high compared with other red seaweeds. Lowest diversity (A/L = 1.0; %P = 0.0) occurred in the exclusively asexual Bodega Bay population which consisted of genetic clones. All sexual L. aspergillum populations deviated significantly from Hardy-Wein-berg expectations due to lower than expected heterozygosity. Genetic differentiation (Wright's Fstatistic [FST]; Nei's Genetic Distance [D]) among sexually reproducing southern California populations was low (FST= 0.030) on a local scale (ca. 5 km), suggesting high levels of gene flow, but high genetic differention (FST= 0.390 and 0.406) occurred among southern California populations separated by ca. 70 km. Very high genetic differentiation (FST= 0.583–0.683) was obtained between northern and southern California populations separated by 700–760 km. Our genetic and reproductive data suggest that the L. aspergillum population from Bodega Bay is sustained by perennation, vegetative propagation, or asexual reproduction by bispores and may represent an isolated remnant or a population established by a founder event.  相似文献   

A genetically variable sensory mechanism provides phenotypic plasticity in the seasonal cycle of the Chrysoperla carnea species-complex of green lacewings. The mechanism functions as a switch during the pupal and early imaginal stages to determine aestival reproduction versus aestival dormancy, and it has two major components: (1) response to photoperiod and (2) response to a stimulus(i) associated with the prey of the larvae. Ultimately, the switch is based on the response to photoperiod—an all-or-nothing trait whose variation (long-day reproduction versus a short-day/long-day requirement for reproduction) is determined by alleles at two unlinked autosomal loci. In eastern North America, variation in this component of the switch differentiates two reproductively isolated “species” that are sympatric throughout the region: Chrysoperla carnea, in which both loci are homozygous for the dominant alleles that determine long-day, spring and summer reproduction and thus multivoltinism, and C. downesi, which has a very high incidence of the recessive alleles for the short-day/long-day requirement, and thus univoltine spring breeding. In contrast, geographical populations in western North America harbor variable amounts of within-and among-family genetic variation for the photoperiodic responses and also for the switch's second component—adult responsiveness to the prey of the larvae. The geographic pattern of genetic variation in the two components of the switch indicates that it is a highly integrated adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. Expression of among-family variation in the prey component of the switch is highly dependent on photoperiodic conditions and genotype (it requires a constant long daylength and the recessive short-day/long-day genotype). Thus, we infer that responsiveness to prey evolved as a modifier of the photoperiodic trait. The switch has a significant negative effect on a major determinant of fitness; it lengthens the preoviposition period in nondiapausing reproductives. This negative effect may result in temporal variation in the direction of selection, which helps maintain genetic variability in the switch mechanisms of western populations. Also, the photoperiodic and prey components of the switch are positively correlated with fecundity in nondiapausing reproductives; however, the strong influence of environmental factors—presence or absence of prey—leaves open the question whether the correlated effects on fecundity are expressed in nature.  相似文献   

Patterns of floral nectar production and standing crop were measured in four populations of the herbaceous perennial plant species Polemonium foliosissimum. Contrary to prediction (Pleasants, 1983), individual flowers in this mass-flowering species were found to produce equivalent nectar volumes every day of their lives. Alternative methods of increasing the reward variability presented to pollinators are evaluated for P. foliosissimum and the relationship between that variability and risk-aversive foraging by pollinators is discussed. Significant spatial and temporal variability in rate of nectar production was found. Populations separated by approximately 200 m exhibited different rates. Nectar production declined significantly as a function of time of the flowering season in two populations but not in a third. In spite of such variability, individual plants showed consistency in production both within a single blooming season and across successive seasons. Because of the variability found in the present study, care should be taken to design appropriate sampling protocols in future nectar studies. Patterns of standing nectar crop were consistent with those expected if pollinators were using an area-restricted searching pattern.  相似文献   

Evolution cannot proceed without phenotypic variation for selection to act on. This is particularly true of ontogenetic parameters because it is changes in these parameters that give rise to new phenotypes. I analyzed the amount and dimensionality of phenotypic variation on growth trajectories in early ontogeny in three species of finches (Fringillidae) using the recently developed infinite-dimensional model. For two species, eight traits were analyzed, and for a third, six traits. Growth data were analyzed only up to 6 d of age in two species and 8 d of age in the third. The results were very similar for all species and traits. A very large proportion of the phenotypic variation in growth trajectories was confined to a single dimension. This dimension corresponded to a simultaneous increase/decrease at all ages in early ontogeny. The eigenfunctions, each describing a family of similar-shaped growth trajectories, were highly collinear among traits. A high covariance existed among traits at the same and different ages. If some part of the phenotypic variation has an additive genetic basis, then any selection for a change in size at one age in one trait will lead to a response in a size at subsequent ages and in the other traits. This in turn suggests that morphological evolution frequently will move along a multivariate size axis, as has indeed been found in several taxa.  相似文献   

Cheilostome bryozoan species show long-term morphologic stasis, implying stabilizing selection sustained for millions of years, but nevertheless retain significant heritable variation in traits of skeletal morphology. The possible role of within-genotype (within-colony) phenotypic variability in preserving genetic diversity was analyzed using breeding data for two species of Stylopoma from sites along 110 km of the Caribbean coast of Panama. Variation among zooids within colonies accounts for nearly two-thirds of the phenotypic variance on average, increases with environmental heterogeneity, and includes significant genotype-environment interaction. Thus, within-colony variability apparently represents phenotypic plasticity, at least some of which is heritable, rather than random “developmental noise.” Almost all of the among-colonies component of phenotypic variance is accounted for by additive genetic differences in trait means, suggesting that within-colony plasticity includes virtually all of the environmental component of phenotypic variance in these populations of Stylopoma. Thus, heritable within-colony plasticity could play a significant part in maintaining genetic diversity in cheilostomes, but it is also possible that rates of polygenic mutation alone are sufficient to balance the effects of selection.  相似文献   

川西云杉天然种群表型多样性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
为了揭示川西云杉(Picea balfouriana)天然种群表型变异程度和变异规律, 以四川甘孜藏族自治州天然分布的川西云杉为研究对象, 调查了12个种群360个单株的种实和针叶表型性状, 采用变异系数、巢式方差分析、相关分析和聚类分析等方法, 分析了种群间和种群内表型多样性。结果表明: 川西云杉表型性状在种群间和种群内存在极其丰富的多样性, 种群间表型分化系数均值为36.53%, 小于种群内变异(63.47%); 球果、针叶、种鳞和种翅的表型分化系数均值分别为47.15%、31.93%、21.89%和45.14%, 球果、针叶、种鳞和种翅4类表型性状的变异系数分别为12.56%、22.16%、12.61%和16.53%, 种鳞的变异系数和表型分化系数最小, 表明其性状最为稳定; 12个表型性状间多数呈显著或极显著正相关, 球果长、球果径、针叶长和种鳞长为川西云杉重要的表型性状。川西云杉表型变异在空间分布上呈现以经度(球果和针叶)和纬度(种鳞和种翅)并存的单向变异模式; 利用种群间欧氏距离进行聚类分析, 可以把川西云杉12个种群划分为3类。  相似文献   

What is the nature of the genetic changes underlying phenotypic evolution? We have catalogued 1008 alleles described in the literature that cause phenotypic differences among animals, plants, and yeasts. Surprisingly, evolution of similar traits in distinct lineages often involves mutations in the same gene (“gene reuse”). This compilation yields three important qualitative implications about repeated evolution. First, the apparent evolution of similar traits by gene reuse can be traced back to two alternatives, either several independent causative mutations or a single original mutational event followed by sorting processes. Second, hotspots of evolution—defined as the repeated occurrence of de novo mutations at orthologous loci and causing similar phenotypic variation—are omnipresent in the literature with more than 100 examples covering various levels of analysis, including numerous gain‐of‐function events. Finally, several alleles of large effect have been shown to result from the aggregation of multiple small‐effect mutations at the same hotspot locus, thus reconciling micromutationist theories of adaptation with the empirical observation of large‐effect variants. Although data heterogeneity and experimental biases prevented us from extracting quantitative trends, our synthesis highlights the existence of genetic paths of least resistance leading to viable evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Age-specific mortality is measured to characterize the costs of reproduction in the beetle Callosobruchus maculatus, providing explicit details of the timing, duration, magnitude, and acceleration of mortality. We experimentally manipulated reproductive effort in four cohorts of 200 individually housed females by controlling exposure to males and to an artificial oviposition substrate. We demonstrate that (1) early reproduction produces long-term increases in age-specific mortality; (2) egg-laying effort affects the onset of age-specific mortality but not its shape or rate of change; and (3) mating with subsequent reproduction increases the rate of change in age-specific mortality relative to virgins. Accelerated senescence is defined demographically as an increase in the rate of change of age-specific mortality. Our results challenge the hypothesis that reproductive effort accelerates senescence but provides evidence that mating itself may have this effect.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits is common. The relationship between phenotype and environment, or reaction norm, associated with life-history plasticity can evolve by natural selection if there is genetic variation within a population for the reaction norm and if the traits involved affect fitness. As with other traits, selection on plasticity in a particular trait or in response to a particular environmental factor may be constrained by trade-offs with other traits that affect fitness. In this paper, I experimentally evaluated broad-sense genetic variation in the reaction norms of age and size at metamorphosis in response to two environmental factors, food level and temperature. Differences among full-sib families in one or both traits were evident in all treatments. However, variation among families in their responses to each treatment (genotype-environment interaction) resulted in variation among treatments in estimated heritabilities and genetic correlations. Age at metamorphosis was equally sensitive to temperature in all families, but size at metamorphosis was more sensitive to temperature in some families than in others. Size at metamorphosis was equally sensitive to food level in all families, but age at metamorphosis was sensitive to food in some families but not in others. At high temperature or low food, the genetic correlation between age and size at metamorphosis was positive, generating a potential trade-off between metamorphosing early to attain higher larval survival and metamorphosing later to achieve larger size. This trade-off extends across treatments: families with the largest average size at metamorphosis achieved larger size with the longest average and greatest plasticity in age at metamorphosis. Other families achieved shorter average larval periods by exhibiting greater plasticity in size at metamorphosis but had the smallest average size at metamorphosis. This trade-off may reflect an underlying functional constraint on the ability to respond optimally to all environments, resulting in persistent genetic variation in reaction norms.  相似文献   

In a heterogeneous world, the optimal strategy for an individual is to continually change its phenotype to match the optimal type. However, in the real world, organisms do not behave in this fashion. One potential reason why is that phenotypic plasticity is costly. We measured production and maintenance costs of plasticity in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulex (Cladocera: Crustacea) in response to the presence of chemical signals from a predator, the insect Chaoborus americanus. We looked at three changes in juvenile body size and shape: body length, body depth, and tailspine length. Fitness costs were measured as changes in adult growth and fecundity, and summarized as the intrinsic rate of increase (r) for individuals reared in the presence or absence of Chaoborus extract. The cost of plasticity was measured as a multiple regression of mean clone fitness against trait and trait plasticity. We found scant evidence for either production or maintenance costs of plasticity. We also failed to find direct costs of these juvenile structures, which is surprising, as others have found such costs. We attribute the lack of measurable direct or plasticity costs to a decrease in metabolic rates in the presence of the Chaoborus extract. This decrease in metabolic rate may have compensated for any cost increases. We call for more extensive measures of the costs of plasticity, especially under natural conditions, and the incorporation of costs into evolutionary models.  相似文献   

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