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Fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) have an alarm substance (AS), or 'Schreckstoff', in epidermal club cells. Mechanical damage to the skin, as caused by a predator attack, releases the AS. The area in which conspecifics detect AS may be considered dangerous or risky because of the high probability of a subsequent predator attack. We exposed fathead minnows to water from one of two habitats (an open-water site and a vegetated-cover site) that we mixed with either AS or a distilled water control. Upon subsequent exposure to water from these habitats alone, minnows showed an antipredator response to the water they experienced in conjunction with AS, but not to water they received in conjunction with the distilled water control. These results confirmed that minnows can be conditioned with AS to recognize chemical cues from high-risk habitats. Naive minnows present during the fright response of conditioned minnows also exhibited antipredator behaviour, and subsequently responded when tested alone. Our results demonstrate that learned recognition of high-risk habitats can be transmitted culturally, which may allow minnows to lower their risk of predation.  相似文献   

A wide diversity of aquatic organisms release chemical alarm cues upon encountering or being attacked by a predator. These alarm cues can be used by nearby individuals to assess local predation risk. Receivers warned by chemical alarm cues gain a survival benefit when encountering predators. Animals that are in the same prey guild (i.e. that co‐occur and share the same predators) may learn to recognize each others’ chemical alarm cues. This ability may confer an adaptive advantage if the prey animals are vulnerable to the same predators. However, if the prey grow to different sizes and as a consequence are no longer vulnerable to the same suite of predators, then there should no longer be an advantage for the prey to respond to each others’ alarm cues. In this study, we exposed small and large fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to cues from syntopic injured damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale), cues from injured mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and to distilled water. Small minnows exhibited antipredatory behaviour and increased shelter use in response to injured damselfly cues but not to the controls of injured mealworm or distilled water. On the contrary, large minnows exhibited no significant change in shelter use in response to any of the injured cues. These data demonstrate that fathead minnows exhibit an antipredator response to damselfly alarm cues, but only when minnows are small and members of the same prey guild as damselfly larvae. These results demonstrate the considerable flexibility in the responses to heterospecific alarm cues.  相似文献   

Chemical structures of several urinary reproductive pheromones in fish have been identified, and their role in the chemical communication of reproductive condition is well characterized. On the contrary, the role of chemical communication in signalling of social/territorial status in fish is poorly understood. Fathead minnows are an example of a fish species whose life history traits appear conducive to evolution of chemical communication systems that confer information about social/territorial status. Male reproduction in this species is dependent upon their ability to acquire and defend a high quality nesting territory, and to attract a female to the nest. We hypothesized that fathead minnow males use visual and urine-derived chemical cues to signal territorial status. To test this hypothesis, effects of territorial acquisition on male-specific secondary sex characteristics (SSCs) and urine volumes were first assessed. Second, frequencies of male urination in varying social contexts were examined. Finally, nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics was used to identify urinary metabolites that were differentially excreted in the urine of territorial versus non-territorial males. The expression of SSCs, sperm, and urine volumes increased with territory acquisition, and either remained unchanged or decreased in non-territorial males. Frequency of male urination increased significantly in the presence of females (but not males), suggesting that females are the main target of the urinary signals. Territorial and non-territorial males had distinct urinary metabolomic profiles. An unforeseen finding was that one could discern future territorial status of males, based on their initial metabolomic profiles. Bile acids and volatile amines were identified as potential chemical signals of social status in the fathead minnow. The finding that trimethylamine (a fishy smelling volatile amine) may be a social cue is particularly interesting, because it is known to bind trace amine-associated receptors, indicating that these receptors may play role in chemical signalling of social status in fish.  相似文献   

In four experiments conducted over a 6-year period, we investigated whether fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, could acquire the ability to recognize chemical alarm cues of introduced brook stickleback, Culaea inconstans. A laboratory experiment documented that stickleback-naïve minnows did not exhibit an anti-predator response when exposed to the chemical alarm cues of stickleback. In a laboratory experiment conducted 5 years after the introduction of stickleback to the pond, minnows exhibited an antipredator response to stickleback cues. Moreover, in a field experiment the minnows exhibited avoidance of areas labelled with stickleback alarm cues. Minnows raised from eggs taken from the test pond did not exhibit an anti-predator response to stickleback cues while minnows from the test pond that had experience with stickleback cues did respond to stickleback cues. Our results provide clear evidence that cross-species responses to chemical alarm cues of fishes can be learned. Learned recognition of alarm cues has important implications for predator/prey interactions.  相似文献   

Injury‐released chemical cues are reliable indicators of predation risk among many aquatic taxa. When a novel, neutral stimulus is presented in tandem with chemical cues from an injured conspecific, an association is formed between the novel stimulus and apparent risk. Learned recognition of predation risk is well documented for fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. When minnows detect alarm cues in nature they are also potentially exposed to multiple environmental stimuli, few of which are likely to be relevant indicators of risk. How do minnows discern among candidate stimuli potentially associated with predation risk? Two possibilities are shape and motion. In this study, individual piscivore‐naïve minnows were presented simultaneously with conspecific chemical alarm cues and two stimulus objects. One object was a darkened tube with its long axis in the horizontal plane (fish‐like). The second object was a black disk. Following introduction of chemical alarm cues, one of the objects was raised and lowered repeatedly. After a single conditioning trial, minnows associated risk significantly more with the previously moving object than the previously stationary object, as indicated by reduced activity. Object shape had no significant effect on response intensity in test trials. Our data suggest that minnows have been selected to form aversive responses to moving objects at a site of recent predation because movement is a more predictable indicator of predator identity than shape.  相似文献   

Interactions between Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, were studied in laboratory exposures to two commercial formulations, Vectobac-G and Mosquito Attack. Mortality among fatheads exposed to 2.0 × 106 to 6.5 × 106 CFU/ml with both formulations was attributed to severe dissolved oxygen depletion due to formulation ingredients rather than to direct toxicity from the parasporal crystal. No adverse effects were observed at 6.4 × 105 CFU/ml and below. Fathead minnows rapidly accumulated high numbers of spores with 1 h of exposure to 2.2 × 105 CFU of Mosquito Attack per ml, producing whole-body counts of 4.0 × 106 CFU per fish. Comparison of counts on gastrointestinal tract samples and whole-body samples and high numbers of spores in feces indicated that ingestion was the major route of exposure. B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis spore counts decreased rapidly after transfer of fish to clean water, with a drop of over 3 orders of magnitude in 1 day. Spores were rarely detected in fish after 8 days but were detectable in feces for over 2 weeks. These findings suggest that fish could influence the dissemination of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, and possibly other microbial agents, in the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Pike-naive fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) were fed ad libitum or deprived of food for 12, 24, or 48 h and then exposed to either conspecific alarm pheromone or distilled water and the odour of a predatory northern pike (Esox lucius). Minnows fed ad libitum or deprived for 12 h showed a stereotypic alarm response to the alarm pheromone (increased time under cover objects and increased occurrence of dashing and freezing behaviour); those deprived of food for 24 h showed a significantly reduced alarm response, while those deprived of food for 48 h did not differ significantly from the minnows exposed to a distilled water control. Upon subsequent testing in an Opto-Varimex activity meter, all groups initially exposed to alarm pheromone and pike odour exhibited an alarm response when exposed to pike odour alone. Those initially conditioned with distilled water and pike odour did nor show an alarm response to pike odour alone. These results demonstrate that there exists a significant trade-off between hunger level and predator-avoidance behaviour in fathead minnows and that minnows can learn the chemical cues of a predatory northern pike through association with alarm pheromone even in the absence of an observable alarm response.  相似文献   

The viral susceptibility range of a poikilothermic cell line derived from the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) (FHM) to infection by a number of homoiothermic viruses representing most of the presently recognized viral groups and a member of the psittacosis-lymphogranuloma-trachoma group of agents was studied. All infectious agents, except poliovirus types 1 and 3, infectious bursal agent, and an avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) strain, readily multiplied in the FHM cell culture system, producing a detectable cytopathic effect. Although inconclusive evidence was obtained with two other avian IBV strains, these results indicated the ability of the FHM cell culture system to readily support the propagation of a variety of cytopathogenic homoiothermic viral agents.  相似文献   

Fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, raised from eggs in the laboratory, were experimentally infected with oocysts of Eimeria iroquoina from either P. promelas or the common shiner, Notropis cornutus. Within intestinal epithelial cells, trophozoites thought to be derived from the sporozoites contained a prominent electron-dense refractile body. Merozoites dedifferentiated into trophic forms by losing components of their apical complex and pellicle. The inner membrane components of the pellicle appeared discontinuous, and the micronemes became enclosed within vacuoles. Prior to merozoite formation, multinucleate meronts were limited by a single membrane. Golgi complexes were associated with the nuclei of this stage. Merozoites were formed by ectomerogony in one generation and by endomerogony in the final generation. In both forms of merogony the final nuclear division was coupled with the onset of differentiation of the merozoites and featured eccentric mitotic spindles associated with centrocones located within the nuclear envelope and with the precursors of the apical complex. A Golgi complex was closely associated with the nucleus and apical tip of the forming merozoite. Unlike other Eimeria species, the complete pellicle of the merozoites of the final asexual generation of E. iroquoina was formed within the cytoplasm of the meront, without association with the limiting membrane, thus, all pellicular components are synthesized de novo. The inner membranes of the pellicle initially appeared as longitudinal strips, each of which was associated with a pair of the 22–24 subpellicular microtubules. Mature meronts of the final asexual generation averaged 9 μm in diameter and produced 13–16 merozoites. With the exception of the internal completion of the pellicle of the final generation merozoites, the basic processes of merogony in fish Eimeria species are similar to those recorded in terrestrial hosts.  相似文献   

We exposed fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) to water fromone of two distinct habitat types (an open water site or a vegetatedcover site in the same stream) that we mixed with either alarmsubstance or a distilled water control. Upon subsequent exposuresto the habitat waters alone, minnows showed a fright responseto the habitat water that they received in conjunction withalarm substance but not to the other habitat water. These resultsindicate that minnows can learn to recognize high-risk habitatsbased on the association of habitat specific chemical cues withalarm substance. The ability to recognize these habitats couldpotentially lower the minnows' risk of predation. These resultsprovide evidence of a long-term benefit to receivers of a chemicalalarm signal.  相似文献   

Endocrine disruptors that act via the androgen receptor (AR) are less well studied than environmental estrogens, and there is evidence that treatment with AR agonists can result in masculinization of female fish. In this study, female fathead minnows (FHM) were exposed to the model nonaromatizable androgen 5-alpha dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (100 μg/L), the ureic-based herbicide linuron (LIN) (100 μg/L), and a mixture of DHT and LIN (100 μg/L each) to better characterize androgen action in females. LIN was used because of reports that this chemical has an antiandrogenic mode of action in fish. After 21d, DHT and LIN treatments resulted in a significant depression of plasma vitellogenin (Vtg) and DHT and DHT + LIN increased the prevalence of nuptial tubercles in female FHMs indicating masculinization. Using iTRAQ and an LTQ Orbitrap Velos, ~2000 proteins were identified in the FHM liver and the number of proteins quantified after exposures was >1200. Proteins that significantly and consistently changed in abundance across biological replicates included prostaglandin E synthase 3, programmed cell death 4a, glutathione S transferases, canopy, selenoprotein U, and ribosomal proteins. Subnetwork enrichment analysis identified that interferon and epidermal growth factor signaling were regulated by DHT and LIN, suggesting that these signaling pathways are correlated to depressed plasma vitellogenin. These data provide novel insight into hepatic protein networks that are associated with the process of masculinization in teleosts.  相似文献   

Annual, seasonal, and interlake variation in prevalence and intensity of Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust) metacercariae was assessed in populations of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) collected from 4 lakes in north-central Alberta. Mean metacercariae intensity in young-of-the-year minnows varied extensively (5-123 metacercariae/host) among year, month, and lakes. In 2 of the lakes, prevalence always reached 100%, and mean intensity always peaked in September or October. The high spatial and annual variation in metacercarial recruitment was partly attributable to variation in host size. but variation in water depth, temperature, snail densities, and bird visitation likely also played a role. A laboratory experiment demonstrated that host and metacercariae survival was intensity-independent during a period of simulated winter. Thus, metacercariae recruited in the fall survive until the following spring.  相似文献   

Prey fishes, like many organisms under fluctuating predation threat, rely on multiple sources of information to accurately gauge current risk. This includes the use of chemical cues such as alarm cues from damaged conspecifics or familiar heterospecifics, as well as the odour of known predators. While each fish is well equipped with its own array of sensory abilities, they should also be alert to the behaviours of nearby neighbours who may have information they lack. In the present study, we tested the ability of fathead minnows to use social cues in combination with the odour of damaged conspecifics and heterospecifics to mediate the assessment of predation risk. Specifically, we tested whether the presence of a shoal of conspecifics or familiar heterospecifics would significantly change a minnow's antipredator behaviour when exposed to the odour of a damage‐release cue from a conspecific or ecologically similar heterospecific. The results of our study showed a significant interaction between the damage‐release cues to which the minnows were exposed and the presence/absence of shoalmates. These findings have important implications for the design of future investigations of antipredator responses because most studies of group‐living prey have been conducted on solitary subjects.  相似文献   

Uguz C 《Tissue & cell》2008,40(4):299-306
The timing of sex determination and the pattern of sex differentiation have not been studied in fathead minnow even though this species of fish are commonly used as a research model for toxicological studies. In this study, the developmental histology of gonadal development was investigated. Fish were cultured in the laboratory conditions and spawning obtained at a photoperiod of 16 h-light and 8 h-dark. Samples were collected from day 7 fish post-spawning (day 7 fps) to day 150 fps and their gonads were processed for histological examination. Developmental histology was assessed by using a light microscopy. The results showed that ovarian differentiation normally occurs at around day 13 fps, while testicular differentiation normally occurs at around day 22 fps.  相似文献   

The idea that emotional expression varies with ethnicity is based largely on questionnaires and behavioral observations rather than physiological measures. We therefore compared the skin conductance responses (SCR) of Hispanic (Puerto Rican) and White non-Hispanic subjects in a fear conditioning and fear extinction task. Subjects were recruited from two sites: San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and Boston, Massachusetts (MA), using identical methods. A total of 78 healthy subjects (39 from PR, 39 from MA) were divided by sex and matched for age and educational level. Females from the two sites did not differ in their SCRs during any experimental phase of fear conditioning (habituation, conditioning, or extinction). In contrast, PR males responded significantly to the conditioned stimulus than MA males or PR females. Subtracting ethnic differences observed during the habituation phase (prior to conditioning) eliminated differences from subsequent phases, suggesting that PR males are elevated in their response to novelty rather than fear learning. Our findings suggest that, in addition to sex differences, there are ethnic differences in physiological responses to novel stimuli at least in males, which could be relevant for the assessment and treatment of anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Parasites of the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, were examined in fish collected from Elk Creek (40.88534 degrees N, 96.83366 degrees W) and West Oak Creek (40.90821 degrees N, 96.81432 degrees W), Lancaster County, Nebraska. These 2 streams are part of the Salt Valley watershed and flow together approximately 2 km downstream from the collection sites to form Oak Creek. This study examined the extent to which the 2 tributaries constitute a continuous habitat with respect to fish hosts. The parasite community included Trichodina sp., Myxobolus sp., Dactylogyrus simplex, D. bychowskyi, and D. pectenatus (all on gills); Gyrodactylus hoffmani (gill and body surface); Posthodiplostomum sp. (neascus, body cavity); and Uvulifer ambloplitis (encysted in skin). Among 46 fish from Elk Creek and 56 fish from West Oak Creek taken on 5 dates during April-July 1998, U. ambloplitis was found in Elk Creek fish at prevalences of 44-100% but in only 2 West Oak fish on 1 date. Prevalence and mean abundance of D. simplex also differed between the 2 sites. On the basis of these observations, fish populations in the 2 streams were considered to be distinct, with little or no fish movement between the tributaries.  相似文献   

Some Responses of Tsetse Flies to Visual and Olfactory Stimuli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HISTOCHEMICAL fluorescence experiments, using the modifications1,2 of the formaldehyde condensation procedure described by Falck et al.3, are increasingly common. The procedures for demonstrating monoamines in freeze-dried tissue, require that the sections cut from formaldehyde gas-treated tissue be kept away from water and so the conventional heated water bath for relaxing the cut paraffin sections cannot be used. Acetonitrile4 and liquid paraffin5 have been utilized and some laboratories even use a heated mercury bath (S. Norr, personal communication), although what is desired is a very non-reactive liquid. ‘Fluorinert Electronic Liquids FC-75, FC-77’ (3M Company, St Paul, Minnesota 55101) adequately replace the water bath. At 45° C these two clear liquids allow cut sections to be handled in the same manner as in the conventional water bath. Other liquids in this series can probably be chosen to give similar characteristics at other bath temperatures, although they have not been tried. A bath with intermediate qualities could be made as the liquids in the series are completely miscible with one another. The ‘Fluorinert Electronic Liquids’ are stated by their manufacturer to be very non-reactive and to have very low water and oil solubilities. The inertness of these liquids suggests that they may also be used to float sections as they are cut and to immerse freeze-dried tissue for storage.  相似文献   

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