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Closely related species often have remarkably different vocalizations. Some of the variation in acoustic structure may result from species adapting their calls to maximize transmission through their acoustic environments. We document the relative magnitude of inter- and intraspecific variation in acoustic transmission properties of the habitats of three closely related marmot species to study the relative importance that the acoustic environment may have played in selecting for species-specific marmot alarm calls. We used spectrogram correlation to quantify the degree to which pure tones and alarm calls changed as they were broadcast through marmot home ranges to describe the acoustic habitats of golden (M. candata aurea), yellow-bellied (M. flaviventris), and alpine (M. marmota L.) marmots. Species lived in quantifiably different acoustic habitats. One analysis partitioned variation between species and between marmot social groups (nested within species). We found significant interspecific variation in the acoustic transmission fidelity of the three species' habitats and insignificant intraspecific variation between social groups. Further analysis of a larger sample of alarm calls broadcast through golden marmot social groups found significant intraspecific variation. Interspecific variation greater than intraspecific variation suggests that variable acoustic habitats may be responsible for at least some of the interspecific variation in alarm call structure. This is the first study to use spectrogram correlation to describe habitat acoustics. We discuss aspects of the method that may be useful for others seeking to quantify habitat acoustics.  相似文献   

Synopsis This study investigated the distribution of behaviours and species interactions within home range contours in five Caribbean labrid species: Halichoeres bivittatus, H. garnoti, H. maculipinna, H. poeyi, and Thalassoma bifasciatum. For this study, contours were defined as: (a) 30%—the core use area, (b) 30–75%—the intermediate activity area, and (c) 75–95%—the peripheral activity area. Behaviours analyzed for this study included: (i) feeding (=biting the substrate or chewing), (ii) chased by pomacentrids, (iii) swimming alone, (iv) swimming with other fishes, and (v) all activities with other fishes. Fifty-nine percent of Halichoeres bivittatus observed showed a higher frequency than expected being chased by pomacentrids in the peripheral region of their home ranges. Halichoeres garnoti showed a lower frequency than expected swimming with other individuals in their core use area, and 64% of the individuals observed showed a higher frequency than expected being chased by pomacentrids in the peripheral region. In general, H. maculipinna exhibited a random distribution of behaviours throughout their home range areas, with a non-significant trend for more agonistic interactions with pomacentrids in peripheral regions. Halichoeres poeyi and T. bifasciatum showed higher frequencies than expected being chased by pomacentrids in the peripheral regions. Overall, the non-random distribution of agonistic interactions with pomacentrids throughout home range areas suggests that the presence or prior residence of territorial pomacentrids on coral reefs may modify the post-settlement selection of home range areas by these labrid species.  相似文献   

Sleeping habits of brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were studied during 19 months in French Guiana. High forest, covering 89% of the 355 ha home range of the studied group, was the only vegetal formation used for sleeping. The sleeping-focused area of 94 ha, located in the center of the home range, was more frequently used for daily activities. Twenty-six percent of the individuals spent the night in patawa palms, which account for only 0.62% of the plants of diameter at breast height ≥ 16.1 in the 43 1 ha quadrats used for sleeping. Three major factors seem to affect the preference of patawas as sleeping trees: security, comfort, and social contact. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We contrast the range use patterns of male and female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) based on repeated sightings over three years of 19 individuals in the Kanyawara community of Kibale Forest Reserve, Uganda. Depending on how home range size was calculated, male chimpanzees used an area that was 1.5 to 2 times greater than that of females. There was no difference between the sexes in whether their home ranges were used in a clumped or uniform fashion. However, males were more likely to be seen in boundary areas than females. These results are discussed in light of previously proposed models of chimpanzee social organization. It is concluded that the scenario in which females have smaller core areas within the defended home range of the males is most strongly supported by the range use patterns observed in Kibale chimpanzees. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated long-term site fidelity of gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena) groups in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Concurrently, we monitored shifts in home range by individual females and subadult and adult males. We documented home range stability by calculating the area of overlap in successive years, and by recording the drift of each group’s monthly centroid from its initial location. Home ranges remained stable for 3 of our 4 groups (overlap over 10 yr >60%). Core areas were more labile, but group centroids drifted an average of only 530 m over the entire decade. Deviations from site fidelity were associated with dispersal or group fission. During natal dispersal, subadult males expanded their home ranges over many months, settling ≤4 home ranges away. Adult males, in contrast, typically dispersed within a few days to an adjacent group in an area of home range overlap. Adult males made solitary forays, but nearly always into areas used by their current group or by a group to which they had previously belonged. After secondary dispersal, they expanded their ranging in the company of their new group, apparently without prior solitary exploration of the new area. Some females also participated in home range shifts. Females shifted home ranges only within social groups, in association with temporary or permanent group splits. Our observations raise the possibility that male mangabeys use a finder-joiner mechanism when moving into new home ranges during secondary dispersal. Similarly, females might learn new resource locations from male immigrants before or during group fission.  相似文献   

Group size is related to parasite infections in primates. This relationship probably reflects the fact that group size is associated with body contact between group members and with contact with contaminated items in the environment. The latter is highly associated with range use. In the present study we hypothesized that if infection by directly transmitted parasites (DTP) is mainly determined by the exposure of individuals to parasites that accumulate in the environment, and group size correlates negatively with the intensity of home range use, then smaller groups should be more infected by DTP. Additionally, groups that share a higher proportion of their home range with other groups should be more infected. To test our hypothesis we observed and collected fecal samples of two groups of Alouatta palliata (large group size) and two groups of A. pigra (small group size) that live sympatrically in a forest fragment located in Macuspana (Mexico). Group size was positively correlated with range area size and negatively correlated with the intensity of home range use. Range use variables were not related to either DTP prevalence or load. However, there were significant differences in DTP loads between groups, which were positively correlated with group size. Our results suggest that the intensity of home range use is a poor predictor of DTP infection parameters in groups with marked differences in size. Therefore, it is possible that the individual or combined effects of other ecological (e.g., microclimate), social (e.g., contact rate), or physiological (e.g., immune function) factors are more important in the dynamics of DTP in free-ranging primates.  相似文献   

Mate-choice theory predicts different optimal mating systems depending on resource availability and habitat stability. Regions with limited resources are thought to promote monogamy. We tested predictions of monogamy in a social rodent, the hoary marmot (Marmota caligata), at the northern climatic extreme of its distribution. Mating systems, social structure and genetic relationships were investigated within and among neighbouring colonies of marmots within a 4 km(2) valley near Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada, using 21 microsatellite loci. While both monogamous and polygynous populations of hoary marmots have been observed in the southern reaches of this species' range; northern populations of this species are thought to be predominantly monogamous. Contrary to previous studies, we did not find northern hoary marmot social groups to be predominantly monogamous; rather, the mating system seemed to be facultative, varying between monogamy and polygyny within, as well as among, social groups. These findings reveal that the mating systems within colonies of this species are more flexible than previously thought, potentially reflecting local variation in resource availability.  相似文献   

The per capita home range area of Japanese macaques,Macaca fuscata, is significantly smaller in evergreen forest than in deciduous forest, though a corresponding difference in food resource utilization patterns has never been described. The present study compared the home range utilization pattern of Japanese macaques living in two habitats: the Yakushima population inhabits an evergreen forest, while the Kinkazan population inhabits a deciduous forest. We found that in the Yakushima population, (1) food density was higher; (2) inter-feeding bout sites distance was shorter; (3) daily travel distance was shorter; (4) home range size was smaller; and (5) the unit value of the main home range was higher, than in the Kinkazan population. Yakushima groups utilized a small home range area intensively, compared to Kinkazan groups. We also found that a Yakushima group shared 24% of its main home range with neighboring groups, though a Kinkazan group shared only 10% with other groups. It is supposed that food distribution affects daily ranging pattern, and ultimately the social relationships between groups in Japanese macaques.  相似文献   

Migratory birds often form flocks on their wintering grounds, but important details of social structure such as the patterns of association between individuals are virtually unknown. We analysed networks of co‐membership in short‐term flocks for wintering golden‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) across three years and discovered social complexity unsuspected for migratory songbirds. The population was consistently clustered into distinct social communities within a relatively small area (~ 7 ha). Birds returned to the same community across years, with mortality and recruitment leading to some degree of turnover in membership. These spatiotemporal patterns were explained by the combination of space use and social preference – birds that flocked together in one year flocked together again in the subsequent year more often than were expected based on degrees of home range overlap. Our results suggest that a surprising level of social fidelity across years leads to repeatable patterns of social network structure in migratory populations.  相似文献   

Synopsis The social and reproductive biology of the sand tilefish,Malacanthus plumieri (Malacanthidae), was studied at Glover's Reef, Belize, where this species occurs in colonies over sand-rubble flats. Individuals each occupy a home burrow refuge and a surrounding home range. Home range overlap among adjacent fish of the same sex is low, and individuals defend exclusive use of much of their home range against all conspecifics except mates (i.e., territoriality). Areas defended by males overlap the territories of up to 6 females; and male territory area is positively related to the number of female residents. Males maintain dominance over females within their territories by aggression, including intervention into some female disputes. Females spawn pelagically-dispersed eggs as frequently as every day. Each female spawns near her burrow, almost exclusively with the male whose defended area encompasses her territory (harem polygyny). Tilefish colonies therefore consist of a mosaic of female territories over which adjacent male territories are superimposed. Histological evidence and observation of behavioral sex change in one female revealed thatM. plumieri is capable of protogynous sex reversal. Females did not change sex in response to removal of one male. Occurrence of small transitional fish indicates that the onset of sex change is controlled by factors other than size-related social hierarchies within harems or colonies.  相似文献   

The displays and social behavior of two closely related species of leopard lizards, Gambelia silus and Gambelia wislizenii, are described.
  • 1 The main difference between the social behavior of the two species is the presence of home range defense in G. silus and the lack of it in G. wislizenii. G. silus is typical of iguanids in its use of displays and defense of a home range by males. However, G. wislizenii is unusual because both sexes display infrequently, the displays do not appear to be associated with interactions between conspecifics, and neither sex defends a home range.
  • 2 Male G. silus are most likely defending an area where they can find a female on a day to day basis. The larger male home ranges included more females than the smallest home ranges. Food, burrows, basking, and shelter sites did not appear to be the primary defended resource.
  • 3 The absence of home range defense in G. wislizenii is related to its diet of vertebrate prey, mode of foraging and poor visibility in the habitat. The costs of destroying its camouflage in terms of capture of prey and predator avoidance appear to be greater than the benefits of defending a territory.

MASAHIKO NAKAMURA 《Ibis》1995,137(4):477-483
The spacing system of Alpine Accentors Prunella collaris was studied on the summit of Mt. Norikura in central Japan for five breeding seasons. This species lived in groups (mean 7.2 individuals), sharing large areas of their individual home ranges within which all activities occurred. Membership of a group was closed and stable within a breeding season. The group home ranges overlapped little with each other, and antagonistic behaviour, including communal defence, was observed at the boundaries. Each female established an exclusive area around her own nest which she defended against other females (but not males) within the shared home range, but her activities (feeding, singing and mating) were observed over the whole of the group home range. Members of the same group moved around and fed together within the home range during the prebreeding season, but individual birds tended to become more solitary as the breeding season progressed. These results suggest that the primary breeding unit of Alpine Accentors is a group consisting of five to ten members who share a group territory which contains all the resources necessary for living and breeding, but this species is not a typical social one in which all members move around together within their group territory.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of a species’ range use aids in understanding their ecological requirements, which in turn facilitates designing effective conservation strategies. The ranging behaviour of golden monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis kandti) in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda was studied from January 2003 to February 2004 to establish habitat preferences. In each 0.25 ha grid cell in the group’s home range we quantified the basal area of food trees (n = 12,133 trees), measured bamboo (Arundinaria alpina) stems (n = 103,548), and estimated vine and shrub coverage. The evaluation of habitat preferences was facilitated by the fact that only five plant species, plus invertebrates (7.5%) constituted 96.4% of the group’s foraging effort; this included bamboo (59.9%), Maesa lanceolata (18.7%), Hypericum revolutum (6.8%), Galiniera saxifraga (2.1%) and Ilex mitis (1.4%). Phenology data were collected for all five food tree species, three vines, and two shrubs. Range use generally followed food tree basal area distribution and not the distribution of bamboo, with the abundance of M. lanceolata being more closely associated with home range use than any other food plant. Bamboo was ubiquitous in distribution and a vital year‐round resource for golden monkeys, which they combined with other food items to meet their nutritional requirements. Illegal bamboo or tree extraction both pose a serious threat to the conservation of the golden monkey, but activities that affect food tree abundance will likely have the most influence on monkey persistence.  相似文献   

Alpine marmots were introduced into the northern Pyrenees between 1948 and 1988 from individuals captured in the French Alps, in order to bolster food sources for the golden eagle and brown bear. The marmot’s subsequent occupation of the southern Pyrenees has been extremely fast. From an initial population of ~400 individuals, the present population in the southern Pyrenees is estimated to be of more than 10,000 individuals. The objective of this study was to assess what were the mechanisms that have enabled such a fast occupation of the territory. We studied habitat preferences and habitat selection of the alpine marmot in the southern Pyrenees both at the micro- and meso-scale, and compared our results with similar data in the bibliography on their native region. We also compared climatic data from both the native and introduction sites. Our results indicate relatively low climate (precipitation and temperature) matching between the two sites but a relatively high habitat matching. Marmots negatively select high woody cover and the presence of conifers in their home range, while they choose alpine and sub-alpine meadows close to rivers with boulders. Furthermore, the marmot population is independent of snow cover duration. We conclude that the successful establishment in the Pyrenees by the alpine marmot is explained both by the habitat- and climate-matching mechanisms. In both aspects, marmots show a generalist response. Meso-scale GIS-derived variables were non significant when analyzed together with local, micro-scale variables from field measurements.  相似文献   

Marmot species exhibit a great diversity of social structure, mating systems and reproductive skew. In particular, among the social species (i.e. all except Marmota monax), the yellow-bellied marmot appears quite different from the others. The yellow-bellied marmot is primarily polygynous with an intermediate level of sociality and low reproductive skew among females. In contrast, all other social marmot species are mainly monogamous, highly social and with marked reproductive skew among females. To understand the evolution of this difference in reproductive skew, I examined four possible explanations identified from reproductive skew theory. From the literature, I then reviewed evidence to investigate if marmot species differ in: (1) the ability of dominants to control the reproduction of subordinates; (2) the degree of relatedness between group members; (3) the benefit for subordinates of remaining in the social group; and (4) the benefit for dominants of retaining subordinates. I found that the optimal skew hypothesis may apply for both sets of species. I suggest that yellow-bellied marmot females may benefit from retaining subordinate females and in return have to concede them reproduction. On the contrary, monogamous marmot species may gain by suppressing the reproduction of subordinate females to maximise the efficiency of social thermoregulation, even at the risk of departure of subordinate females from the family group. Finally, I discuss scenarios for the simultaneous evolution of sociality, monogamy and reproductive skew in marmots.  相似文献   

Northern bobwhites thrive in fine-grained landscapes with a diversity of early succession woodland, grassland, and agriculture-associated habitat types. Bobwhite conservation has proved challenging in the increasingly coarse-grained Midwestern landscape as simplified agricultural cropping systems are implemented at larger spatial scales. Regardless, managing agricultural landscapes on private lands is the primary opportunity to restore bobwhite populations in the Midwestern United States. Although bobwhite habitat requirements are well understood, habitat selection in contemporary Midwestern landscapes is not well understood, especially on private lands where populations are declining. We used compositional analysis to investigate second- (study area) and third- (home range) order habitat selection by radiomarked bobwhite coveys on 4 private land study areas in southwestern Ohio. Mean covey home range size was 26.1 ± 2.2 ha (n = 48). Although home ranges were established in areas with more grassland cover, bobwhites most strongly selected early succession woody habitat (e.g., fencerows and ditches) at all scales, and selection for grassland diminished between the study area and home range scales. Grassland selection varied among sites and was strongest on sites with more row crop area. Woodlots were avoided at the study area scale, but were selected within home ranges. Grassland cover, like that provided by contemporary conservation programs, is an essential component of bobwhite habitat in the Midwest, but our results suggest more emphasis should be placed on early succession woody cover. Woody cover associated with fencerows, ditches, and woodlots adjacent to food sources and breeding habitat will likely improve non-breeding season survival, which is an influential vital rate in northern populations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

采用MCP方法研究了2011年至2012年新疆卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区野放普氏野马家域的变化。通过方差分析验证了年间、季节间不同群体家域及其两两重叠无差异。以家族群大小为协变量进行了野放野马家域协方差分析。利用野放野马家族大小为协变量的协方差分析分析检验了野放野马家族大小与家域关系。结果表明:(1)野马平均家域面积由2011年的(20±2)km~2/匹扩大到2012年的(30±2)km~2/匹。对部分野放群体中头马未发生更替的野马群的研究表明,随着野马群体增大,其家域面积显著增大(P0.05)。(2)单因素方差分析显示,不同野马群的家域面积在不同年份差异显著,且春季家域秋季家域夏季家域。(3)2011年不同群家域两两间相互重叠面积与群大小无显著相关(r=0.256,P=0.5800.05)。而2012年野马群家域两两之间重叠面积有显著差异(F=4.521,df=8,P0.001)。家域两两相互重叠面积与群大小显著相关(r=0.706,P=0.0330.05)。(4)不同季节间野马群家域重叠面积有显著差异(F=5.695,df=8,P0.001)。5号群、7号群和8号群的自身家域重叠面积(P0.05),3号群、6号群和9号群的家域重叠面积(P0.05)。(5)影响野放野马家域面积的生物因子有草本盖度、灌木盖度,非生物因子主要有温度、湿度、风速、最近水源地距离和最近居民点距离等。温度与草本盖度是影响野放野马家域面积大小的主要因素,两者与野放野马家域面积显著相关(P0.01)。  相似文献   

Mammalian scent marking in localized defecation sites (latrines) has often been interpreted in the context of (male) territory defense. However, latrines could have different functions in males and females, especially where territorial males monopolize groups of females with stable social alliances and pronounced home range overlap. We investigated the communicatory significance of latrines in wild Arabian gazelles (Gazella arabica) and assessed the spatial distribution of latrines within home ranges. Latrine density and utilization was highest in the center of female group home ranges, and less frequent in peripheral home range sections, pointing towards communication within groups rather than towards territoriality. When considering male home ranges, latrine densities and utilization were higher in non-overlap zones, contradicting a territorial function. This pattern appears to be caused by more females than territorial males per given area establishing latrines. A subsequent survey of latrine utilization, based on camera trapping, suggests that males use latrines for territory defense: males visited latrines in overlap zones disproportionally more often than females, and successions of two males prevailed. Our study thus highlights that male territorial marking can be masked when males and females use the same marking system for different purposes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the manipulative propensities of a captive group of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus). Simple natural objects (browse and bamboo poles) were provided regularly in the home cage. Findings indicate richness in the frequency and form of manipulative activities, with juvenile males manipulating the test objects more frequently and exhibiting more goal-directed manipulative activity than adult females. A variety of goal-directed manipulative activities (use of objects to act as ladders, to apply leverage, and to create perches) occurred spontaneously, with some instances involving joint action or social use. These data are consistent with the hypotheses that macaques possess extensive capacities for object exploration and social facilitation, and that an evolutionary history of omnivorous foraging habits correlates positively with the expression of anomalous sensorimotor skills.  相似文献   

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