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The mechanism of profilin-promoted actin polymerization has been systematically reinvestigated. Rates of barbed-end elongation onto Spectrin.4.1.Actin seeds were measured by right angle light scattering to avoid confounding effects of pyrenyl-actin, and KINSIM was used to analyze elongation progress curves. Without thymosin-beta4, both actin and Profilin.Actin (P.A) are competent in barbed-end polymerization, and kinetic simulations yielded the same bimolecular rate constant ( approximately 10 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1)) for actin monomer or Profilin.Actin. When measured in the absence of profilin, actin assembly curves over a 0.7-4 microM thymosin-beta4 concentration range fit a simple monomer sequestering model (1 microM K(D) for Thymosin-beta4.Actin). The corresponding constant for thymosin-beta4.pyrenyl-Actin, however, was significantly higher ( approximately 9-10 microM), suggesting that the fluorophore markedly weakens binding to thymosin-beta4. With solutions of actin (2 microM) and thymosin-beta4 (2 or 4 microM), the barbed-end assembly rate rose with increasing profilin concentration (0.7-2 microM). Actin assembly in presence of thymosin-beta4 and profilin fit a simple thermodynamic energy cycle, thereby disproving an earlier claim (D. Pantaloni and M.-F. Carlier (1993) Cell 75, 1007-1014) that profilin promotes nonequilibrium filament assembly by accelerating hydrolysis of filament-bound ATP. Our findings indicate that profilin serves as a polymerization catalyst that captures actin monomers from Thymosin-beta4.Actin and ushers actin as a Profilin.Actin complex onto growing barbed filament ends.  相似文献   

The lengths of the DNA molecules of eukaryotic genomes are much greater than the dimensions of the metaphase chromosomes in which they are contained during mitosis. From this observation it has been generally assumed that the linear packing ratio of DNA is an adequate measure of the degree of DNA compaction. This review summarizes the evidence suggesting that the local concentration of DNA is more appropriate than the linear packing ratio for the study of chromatin condensation. The DNA concentrations corresponding to most of the models proposed for the 30-40 nm chromatin fiber are not high enough for the construction of metaphase chromosomes. The interdigitated solenoid model has a higher density because of the stacking of nucleosomes in secondary helices and, after further folding into chromatids, it yields a final concentration of DNA that approaches the experimental value found for condensed chromosomes. Since recent results have shown that metaphase chromosomes contain high concentrations of the chromatin packing ions Mg2+ and Ca2+, it is discussed that dynamic rather than rigid models are required to explain the condensation of the extended fibers observed in the absence of these cations. Finally, considering the different lines of evidence demonstrating the stacking of nucleosomes in different chromatin complexes, it is suggested that the face-to-face interactions between nucleosomes may be the driving force for the formation of higher order structures with a high local concentration of DNA.  相似文献   

F-actin at steady state in the presence of ATP partially depolymerized to a new steady state upon mechanical fragmentation. The increase in critical concentration with the number concentration of filaments has been quantitatively studied. The data can be explained by a model in which the preferred pathway for actin association-dissociation reactions at steady state in the presence of ATP involves binding of G-actin . ATP to filaments, ATP hydrolysis, and dissociation of G-actin . ADP which is then slowly converted to G-actin . ATP. As a consequence of the slow exchange of nucleotide on G-actin, the respective amounts of G-actin . ATP and G-actin . ADP coexisting with F-actin at steady state depend on the filament number concentration. G-actin coexisting with F-actin at zero number concentration of filaments would then consist of G-actin . ATP only, while the critical concentration obtained at infinite number of filaments would be that for G-actin . ADP. Values of 0.35 and 8 microM, respectively, were found for these two extreme critical concentrations for skeletal muscle actin at 20 degrees C, pH 7.8, 0.1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgCl2, and 0.2 mM ATP. The same value of 8 microM was directly measured for the critical concentration of G-actin . ADP polymerized in the presence of ADP and absence of ATP, and it was unaffected by fragmentation. These results have important implications for experiments in which critical concentrations are compared under conditions that change the filament number concentrations.  相似文献   

Maize root tip cells were examined for the distribution of actin microfilaments in various cell types and to determine the effects of microfilament disrupters. Fluorescence microscopy on fixed, stabilized, squashed cells using the F-actin specific probe, rhodamine-labelled phalloidin, allowed for a three-dimensional visualization of actin microfilaments. Microfilaments were observed as long, meandering structures in root cap cells and meristematic cells, while those in immature vascular parenchyma were abundant in the thin band of cytoplasm and were long and less curved. By modifying standard electron microscopic fixation procedures, microfilaments in plant cells could be easily detected in all cell types. Treatment with cytochalasin B, cytochalasin D and lead acetate, compounds that interfere with microfilament related processes, re-organized the microfilaments into abnormal crossed and highly condensed masses. All the treatments affected not only the microfilaments but also the accumulation of secretory vesicles. The vivid demonstration of the effects of all of these microfilament disrupters on the number and size of Golgi vesicles indicates that these vesicles may depend on microfilaments for intracellular movement.  相似文献   

Summary Maize root tip cells were examined for the distribution of actin microfilaments in various cell types and to determine the effects of microfilament disrupters. Fluorescence microscopy on fixed, stabilized, squashed cells using the F-actin specific probe, rhodamine-labelled phalloidin, allowed for a three-dimensional visualization of actin microfilaments. Microfilaments were observed as long, meandering structures in root cap cells and meristematic cells, while those in immature vascular parenchyma were abundant in the thin band of cytoplasm and were long and less curved. By modifying standard electron microscopic fixation procedures, microfilaments in plant cells could be easily detected in all cell types. Treatment with cytochalasin B, cytochalasin D and lead acetate, compounds that interfere with microfilament related processes, re-organized the microfilaments into abnormal crossed and highly condensed masses. All the treatments affected not only the microfilaments but also the accumulation of secretory vesicles. The vivid demonstration of the effects of all of these microfilament disrupters on the number and size of Golgi vesicles indicates that these vesicles may depend on microfilaments for intracellular movement.  相似文献   

Almost all cells contain actin, which in its polymerized form, F-actin, binds 1 molecule of ADP/monomer. Little is known about the availability to metabolism of this bound ADP. A comparison was therefore made between perchloric acid and EDTA/ethanol extracts of human blood platelets. When the cells were extracted under conditions where the ATPase activity was negligible, the ethanol extracts had a 75% higher ATP/ADP ratio and a higher adenylate energy charge than perchloric acid extracts. The methods differed in that a considerable portion of protein-bound ADP was not extracted by ethanol. This bound ADP behaved as though it were unavailable to energy metabolism and should thus be considered as a compartment separate from the bulk metabolic pool of extragranular platelet adenine nucleotides. These results suggest that the level of ADP obtained with the common acid extraction overestimates the level available to participation in metabolism.  相似文献   

We combined fluorescence labeling, digital image processing, and micromanipulation to investigate the intracellular events induced by inflicting a mechanical stress on rat basophilic leukemia cells. Our findings were as follows: 1. Most cells displayed a localized calcium rise in response to micropipet aspiration. This represented an average threefold increase as compared to resting level, and it was observed during the first 10 s following aspiration. A slow return to initial level occurred within about 3 min. Further, this calcium rise involved a mobilization of intracellular stores, since it was not prevented by adding a calcium chelator into the extracellular medium. 2. All micropipet-aspirated cells displayed a local accumulation of microfilaments, with a preferential localization in the cell protrusions or near the pipet tips. 3. No absolute correlation was found between the localization of calcium rise and cytoskeletal accumulation. 4. Cell deformability was decreased when intracellular calcium was maintained at a constant (high or low) level with ionomycin and/or EGTA. It is concluded that cells have a general ability to respond to mechanical stimulation by a coordinated set of events. More parameters must be studied before the mechanisms of cell shape regulation are fully understood.  相似文献   

A barbed-end capping activity was found in high speed supernates of neutrophils lysed in submicromolar calcium. In dilute supernate (> or = 100-fold dilution of cytoplasm), this activity accounted for most of the inhibition of barbed-end elongation of pyrenyl-G-actin from spectrin-F-actin seeds. Pointed-end elongation from gelsolin-capped F-actin seeds was not inhibited at comparable concentrations of supernate, thus excluding actin monomer sequestration as a cause of the observed inhibition. Most of the capping activity was due to capping protein-beta 2 (a homologue of cap Z). Thus, while immunoadsorption of > or = 95% of the gelsolin in the supernate did not decrease capping activity, immunoadsorption of capping protein-beta 2 reduced capping activity proportionally to the amount of capping protein-beta 2 adsorbed. Depletion of > 90% of capping protein-beta 2 from the supernate removed 90% of its capping activity. The functional properties of the capping activity were defined. The dissociation constant for binding to barbed ends (determined by steady state and kinetic analyses) was approximately 1-2 nM; the on-rate of capping was between 7 x 10(5) and 5 x 10(6) M-1 s-1; and the off-rate was approximately 2 x 10(-3) s-1. The concentration of capper free in the intact cell (determined by adsorption of supernate with spectrin-actin seeds) was estimated to be approximately 1-2 microM. Thus, there appeared to be enough high affinity capper to cap all the barbed ends in vivo. Nevertheless, immediately after lysis with detergent, neutrophils contained sites that nucleate barbed-end elongation of pyrenyl-G-actin. These barbed ends subsequently become capped with a time course and concentration dependence similar to that of spectrin-F-actin seeds in high speed supernates. These observations suggest that, despite the excess of high affinity capper, some ends either are not capped in vivo or are transiently uncapped upon lysis and dilution.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has an unusual small nuclear RNA, containing a 100-nucleotide RNA molecule, spliced leader RNA, which donates its 5' 22 nucleotides to a variety of recipient RNAs by a trans-splicing reaction. The spliced leader RNA has a 5' trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap, which becomes the 5' end of trans-spliced mRNAs. We found that mature trans-spliced mRNAs were immunoprecipitable with anti-TMG cap antibodies and that TMG-containing dinucleotides specifically competed with the trans-spliced mRNAs for antibody binding. We also found that these mRNAs retained their TMG caps throughout development and that the TMG-capped mRNAs were polysome associated. Since the large majority of C. elegans mRNAs are not trans-spliced, the addition of the spliced leader and its TMG cap to a limited group of recipient RNAs may create a functionally distinct subset of mRNAs.  相似文献   

Orbán J  Lorinczy D  Hild G  Nyitrai M 《Biochemistry》2008,47(15):4530-4534
Actin plays important roles in eukaryotic cell motility. During actin polymerization, the actin-bound ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP and P i. We carried out differential scanning calorimetry experiments to characterize the cooperativity of the stabilizing effect of phalloidin on actin filaments in their ADP.P i state. The ADP.P i state was mimicked by using ADP.BeF x or ADP.AlF 4. The results showed that the binding of the nucleotide analogues or phalloidin stabilized the actin filaments to a similar extent when added separately. Phalloidin binding to ADP.BeF x- or ADP.AlF 4-actin filaments further stabilized them, indicating that the mechanism by which phalloidin and the nucleotide analogues affect the filament structure was different. The results also showed that the stabilization effect of phalloidin binding to ADP.BeF x or ADP.AlF 4-bound actin filaments was not cooperative. Since the effect of phalloidin binding was cooperative in the absence of these nucleotide analogues, these results suggest that the binding of ADP.BeF x or ADP.AlF 4 to the actin modified the protomer-protomer interactions along the actin filaments.  相似文献   

The effect of shear rate on the adenosine diphosphate-induced aggregation of human platelets in Poiseuille flow was studied using the method described in part I (Bell, D.N., S. Spain, and H.L. Goldsmith. 1989. Biophys. J. 56:817-828). The rate and extent of aggregation in citrated platelet-rich plasma were measured over a range of mean transit time from 0.2 to 8.6 s and mean tube shear rate, G, from 41.9 to 1,920 s-1. At 0.2 microM ADP, changes in the single platelet concentration with time suggest that more than one type of platelet-platelet bond mediates platelet aggregation at physiological shear rates. At low G, a high initial rate of aggregation reflects the formation of a weak bond of high affinity, the strength of which diminishes with time. Here, the fraction of collisions yielding stable doublets, the collision efficiency, reached a maximum of 26%. The collision efficiency decreased with increasing G and was accompanied by a progressive delay in the onset of aggregation. However, the gradual expression of a more shear rate-resistant bond at high shear rates and long mean transit times produced a subsequent increase in collision efficiency and a corresponding increase in the rate of aggregation. Although the collision efficiencies here were less than 1%, the high collision frequencies were able to sustain a high rate of aggregation. At 0.2 microM ADP, aggregate size generally decreased with increasing G. At 1.0 microM ADP, aggregate size was still limited at high shear rates even though the rate of single platelet aggregation was much higher than at 0.2 microM ADP. Platelet aggregation was greater for female than for male donors, an effect related to differences in the hematocrit of donors before preparing platelet-rich plasma.  相似文献   

Nearly every cellular process requires the presence of ATP. This is reflected in the vast number of enzymes like kinases or ATP hydrolases, both of which cleave the terminal phosphate from ATP, thereby releasing ADP. Despite the fact that ATP hydrolysis is one of the most fundamental reactions in biological systems, there are only a few methods available for direct measurements of enzymatic-driven ATP conversion. Here we describe the development of a reagentless biosensor for ADP, the common product of all ATPases and kinases, which allows the real-time detection of ADP, produced enzymatically. The biosensor is derived from a bacterial actin homologue, ParM, as protein framework. A single fluorophore (a diethylaminocoumarin), attached to ParM at the edge of the nucleotide binding site, couples ADP binding to a >3.5-fold increase in fluorescence intensity. The labeled ParM variant has high affinity for ADP (0.46 μm) and a fast signal response, controlled by the rate of ADP binding to the sensor (0.65 μm−1s−1). Amino acids in the active site were mutated to reduce ATP affinity and achieve a >400-fold discrimination against triphosphate binding. A further mutation ensured that the final sensor did not form filaments and, as a consequence, has extremely low ATPase activity. The broad applicability of N-[2-(1-maleimidyl)ethyl]-7-diethylaminocoumarin-3-carboxamide (MDCC)-ParM as a sensitive probe for ADP is demonstrated in real-time kinetic assays on two different ATPases and a protein kinase.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of actin microfilaments (MFs) was studied during pollen development ofBrassica napus cv. Topas. Cells were prepared using three techniques and double labelled for fluorescence microscopy with rhodamine-labelled phalloidin for MFs and Hoechst 33258 for DNA. Microfilaments are present at all stages of pollen development with the exception of tricellular pollen just prior to anthesis. Unicellular microspores contain MFs which radiate from the surface of the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm. During mitosis MFs form a network partially surrounding the mitotic apparatus and extend into the cytoplasm. Both cytoplasmic and phragmoplast-associated MFs are present during cytokinesis. Nuclear associated-, cytoplasmic, and randomly oriented cortical MFs appear in the vegetative cell of the bicellular microspore. Cortical MFs in the vegetative cell organize into parallel MF bundles (MFBs) aligned transverse to the furrows. The MFBs disappear prior to microspore elongation. At anthesis MFs are restricted to the cortical areas subjacent to the furrows of the vegetative cell. The use of cytochalasin D to disrupt MF function resulted in: (1) displacement of the acentric nucleus in the unicellular microspore; (2) displacement of the spindle apparatus in the mitotic cell; (3) symmetrical growth of the bicellular microspore rather than elongation and (4) inhibition of pollen tube germination in the mature pollen grain. This suggests that MFs play an important role in anchoring the nucleus in the unicellular microspore as well as the spindle apparatus during microspore mitosis, in microspore shape determination and in pollen tube germination.Abbreviations MF microfilament - MFB microfilament bundle - rhph rhodamine phalloidin Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

beta-Actinin is an actin-pointed end capping protein in skeletal muscle. Casella et al. have reported that a protein isolated from muscle acetone powder by procedures similar to those used for beta-actinin purification caps the barbed end of an actin filament (J. Biol. Chem. 261, 10915-10921 (1986)). We have confirmed the above results. However, it turned out that the two proteins were identical as to subunit sizes, peptide maps, and cross-reactivities with anti-beta-actinin IgG. The binding of the two proteins to opposite ends of an actin filament remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i, was estimated in single rabbit blood platelets by digital imaging microscopy with the use of the specific Ca(2+)-indicator dye Fura-2. Uneven distribution and low level of [Ca2+]i was found in the resting platelet even in the presence of extracellular 1 mM Ca2+. Thrombin at 1 unit/ml immediately caused a transient increase in [Ca2+]i, which was followed by a secondary and sustained increase in [Ca2+]i. The distribution of increased levels of [Ca2+]i was also shown to be uneven within the cell. The presence of 1 mM EGTA in the medium only slightly decreased the initial rise in [Ca2+]i, but completely inhibited the latter phase, a sustained rise in [Ca2+]i. This result shows that the initial rise of [Ca2+]i might not be caused by Ca2+ influx, but might be induced by mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular Ca2+ storage sites. This speculation is further supported by the fact that the elevated [Ca2+]i induced by thrombin immediately decreased to the base line value when 3 mM EGTA was applied. Thus, thrombin induced elevation of [Ca2+]i is suggested to consist of two different processes, namely the mobilization of Ca2+ from the intracellular storage sites and the successive Ca2+ influx through the receptor activated Ca2+ channels. Stimulation with ADP also caused a rapid elevation of platelet [Ca2+]i, but this effect of ADP was different form that of thrombin. Thus, the ADP induced rise in [Ca2+]i was accompanied by oscillation and was inhibited by extracellular EGTA. Our present experiment is the first report that clearly and directly reveals the differences between the effects of thrombin and ADP on [Ca2+]i of platelets.  相似文献   

HuT-14T is a highly tumorigenic fibroblast cell line which exhibits a reduced steady-state level of beta-actin due to coding mutations in one of two beta-actin alleles. The normal rate of total actin synthesis could be restored in some clones of cells following transfection of the functional beta-actin gene but not following transfection of the functional gamma-actin gene. In gamma-actin gene-transfected substrains that have increased rates of gamma-actin synthesis, beta-actin synthesis is further reduced in a manner consistent with an autoregulatory mechanism, resulting in abnormal ratios of actin isoforms. Thus, both beta- and gamma-actin proteins can apparently regulate the synthesis of their coexpressed isoforms. In addition, decreased synthesis of normal beta-actin seems to correlate with a concomitant down-regulation of tropomyosin isoforms.  相似文献   

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