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Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a betaretrovirus that infects rodent cells and uses mouse transferrin receptor 1 for cell entry. To characterize the interaction of MMTV with its receptor, we aligned the MMTV envelope surface (SU) protein with that of Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MLV) and identified a putative receptor-binding domain (RBD) that included a receptor binding sequence (RBS) of five amino acids and a heparin-binding domain (HBD). Mutation of the HBD reduced virus infectivity, and soluble heparan sulfate blocked infection of cells by wild-type pseudovirus. Interestingly, some but not all MMTV-like elements found in primary and cultured human breast cancer cell lines, termed h-MTVs, had sequence alterations in the putative RBS. Single substitution of one of the amino acids found in an h-MTV RBS variant in the RBD of MMTV, Phe(40) to Ser, did not alter species tropism but abolished both virus binding to cells and infectivity. Neutralizing anti-SU monoclonal antibodies also recognized a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein that contained the five-amino-acid RBS region from MMTV. The critical Phe(40) residue is located on a surface of the MMTV RBD model that is distant from and may be structurally more rigid than the region of F-MLV RBD that contains its critical binding site residues. This suggests that, in contrast to other murine retroviruses, binding to its receptor may result in few or no changes in MMTV envelope protein conformation.  相似文献   

Most enveloped viruses enter cells through binding of virion surface envelope proteins to receptors found on the plasma membrane of the cell. The beta retrovirus mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) uses transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) to enter cells in a pH-dependent mechanism, probably co-trafficking with TfR1 to an acidic compartment where virus entry occurs. We have shown here that, although mouse and rat TfR1 function as entry receptors, cat, dog, hamster, or human TfR1s do not support MMTV infection. We also demonstrated that MMTV entry is independent of transferrin, iron, and the TfR1 cofactor hereditary hematochromatosis HFE protein. Using chimeric mouse/human hybrid TfR1 constructs, we determined the site of interaction with MMTV and found that it maps to two segments physically disparate from the TfR and HFE binding sites. Thus, MMTV has apparently evolved to enter cells independently of the iron status of the host.  相似文献   

Cryoelectron microscopy of Mouse mammary tumor virus, a Betaretrovirus, provided information about glycoprotein structure and core formation. The virions showed the broad range of diameters typical of retroviruses. Betaretroviruses assemble cytoplasmically, so the broad size range cannot reflect the use of the plasma membrane as a platform for assembly.  相似文献   

Purified glucocorticoid receptor (GR) from rat liver was used for a quantitative analysis of the protein-DNA interaction at specific GR-binding segments within the 5'-long terminal repeat of the mouse mammary tumor virus. A truncated receptor was generated and used to demonstrate formation of heterodimeric GR, which furthermore was shown to be in rapid equilibrium with receptor-monomer. The relative affinity for GR binding to specific GR sites versus random calf thymus DNA was approximately 2 x 10(3). At equilibrium a free GR concentration of 3 x 10(-10) M was required for half-maximal saturation of the two functionally important DNA sites within the mouse mammary tumor virus 5'-long terminal repeat. Although these two DNA segments act synergistically in mediating hormonal response, we did not detect cooperative GR binding to these regions in vitro. However, GR bound cooperatively within the downstream binding region. Similarly, GR was unable to facilitate factor binding to a neighboring nuclear factor 1 site, another essential element in the promoter. In contrast, nuclear factor 1 binding was inhibited slightly by GR.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus-producing cultures of mouse mammary tumor cells synthesize a viral-related polypeptide of molecular weight of 73,000 (gp 73) which is rapidly labeled during a short pulse but disappears during the chase concomitantly with the appearance of label in the virion glycoproteins gp 49 and gp 37.5/33.5. The addition of the protein synthesis-inhibitor cycloheximide to the chase medium has little effect on this conversion. Treatment of the proposed precursor with alpha-chymotrypsin leads to the formation of a polypeptide of molecular weight 49,000, similar to the major virion glycoprotein. A comparison of tryptic digest maps of the glycoproteins involved supports the hypothesis that both the viral glycoproteins gp 49 and gp 37.5/33.5 are derived from gp 73.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA corresponding to the RNA genome of mouse mammary tumor virus was used to identify viral RNA contained in polysomes of a virus-producing mammary tumor cell line. Separation of polysomal mRNA by agarose gel electrophoresis, transfer of the RNA to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper, and hybridization with 32P-labeled mouse mammary tumor virus complementary DNA revealed three viral RNA size classes of 10, 8.8, and 4.4 kilobases in length, respectively.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase radioiodination of mammary epithelial cells cultured in monolayers followed by SDS-PAGE analysis revealed only a few distinct peaks. One of these, identified as major envelope glycoptrotein (gp 52) of MTV, is present on the surface of mammary epithelial cells (both tumor and normal) from chronically infected BALB/cfC3H mice but not on the surface of normal mammary epithelial cells from virus-free solBALBc mice. Its presence on the cell surface is influenced by both hormones and cell density, the same factors which greatly control the production and release of intact MTV virions into culture media. This suggests a correlation between abundance of radioiodinatable gp 52 on the cell surface and MTV found in culture media.  相似文献   

Summary Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

The hormone regulatory element (HRE) of mouse mammary tumor virus can mediate activation of an adjacent promoter by glucocorticoids and progestins. A detailed comparison of the DNA binding of receptors for both hormones using DNAase I footprinting and methylation protection detects clear differences in their interactions with the HRE region between positions -130 and -100. Binding studies and gene transfer experiments with a variety of mutants covering the entire HRE demonstrate differences in the relevance of the individual sequence motifs for induction by each hormone. The influence of changes in the angular orientation of receptor binding sites is also different for glucocorticoid and progesterone induction. In transfection experiments with mutated HREs, we find a functional cooperation between the receptor binding sites that does not correlate with variations in the in vitro affinity of the receptors for the corresponding DNA fragment.  相似文献   

Effect of trypsin on mouse mammary tumor virus.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Undisrupted mouse mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) derived from the milk of of RIII mice has been analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy after treatment with insolubilized trypsin. No alterations were found in viral fine structure by either freeze-etch or negative-stain electron microscopy. No alterations were found in the ability of trypsinized virus to compete in a radioimmune assay for viral antigens. Infectivity experiments indicate no significant differences in the ability of treated virus to infect C57Bl mice. However, significant differences were observed in polypeptide composition. The intensely periodic acid-Schiff-positive band, gp140, was shown by galactose oxidase-borotritide labeling to be degraded into a fragment of 125,000 molecular weight. The major glycoprotein, gp55, was split into fragments of 36,000 and 23,000 molecular weight, both of which stained with periodic acid-Schiff stain. Gp68 was removed from the virus. Experiments with purified, iodinated gp55 showed that the trypsin-induced fragments of gp55 were immunologically active. We conclude that: (i) certain glycoproteins at the surface of MuMTV are accessible to an insoluble form of trypsin, (ii) the trypsin causes a nick in the polypeptide chain without affecting the configuration of the molecule; (iii) the nicked molecules remain bound to the virus; and (iv) the presence of these nicked molecules does not interfere with the biological or antigenic expression of virus function.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor viruses express a superantigen essential for their life cycle. It has been proposed that viral superantigens (vSags) require processing by prohormone convertases (PCs) for activity. We now observe, using a panel of mutant forms of potential PC cleavage sites and in vitro cleavage assays, that only the CS1 (position 68 to 71) and CS2 (position 169 to 172) sites are utilized by furin and PC5. Other members of the convertase family that are expressed in lymphocytes are not endowed with this activity. Furthermore, mutant forms of two different viral superantigens, vSag7 and vSag9, which completely abrogated in vitro processing by convertases, were efficient in functional presentation to responsive T-cell hybridomas. This effect was observed in both endogenous presentation and paracrine transfer of the vSag. Processing by convertases thus appears not to be essential for vSag function. Finally, we have identified the purified endosomal protease cathepsin L as another protease that is able to cleave convertase mutant vSag in vitro, yielding fragments similar to those detected in vivo, thus suggesting that proteases other than convertases are involved in the activation of vSags.  相似文献   

R F Bauer  L O Arthur  D L Fine 《In vitro》1976,12(8):558-563
Five different mouse mammary tumor cell lines were propagated in a serum free medium. Evaluation of growth characteristics, including logarithmic growth, cell population increase, protein production and days to confluency, showed serum-free medium comparable to serum-containing medium. Mouse mammary tumor virus expression and production, in C3H and GR tumor cell lines, as determined by virus particle counting and RNA dependent DNA polymerase assays, subsequent to dexamethasone stimulation revealed equivalent to higher levels of virus in serum-free medium as compared to serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

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