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Complete deprivation of nest materials for the first year significantly retarded development of weaving ability in yearling, male village weaverbirds. One male which reached 9 years of age and held territory in breeding colouration never learned to build a nest. Deprivation for the first year starting from 7 weeks of age had some retarding effect, significant only when deprived birds were matched by dominance rank with controls. The crude appearance of nest of yearling males is caused by lack of practice in selecting and preparing nest materials, but practice is necessary before the male can weave a nest. Prolonged deprivation during adult life had no effect on weaving ability if a male had learned to build nests during his first or second year.  相似文献   

Microtus pennsylvanicus were attacked by weanling Peromyscus of all three species tested: P. leucopus noveboracensis, P. maniculatus bairdii, and P. polionotus (colemani). However, defensive behaviours were more frequent than aggressive behaviours. Of the three species of Peremyscus tested, P. m. bairdii are most likely to meet Microtus in the field and displayed more agonistic behaviours in the laboratory. Female Peromyscus of all species tested were as likely to engage in all agonistic behaviours as were males. Inter-generic aggression developed before intra-generic aggression.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of the two hamster species Phodopus sungorus and P. roborovskii were analyzed with several banding techniques and compared. The homoeologies found between all chromosomes led to the proposal of the most likely common ancestral karyotype of these two species. The differences in the karyotypes were found to be a result of seven independent centric fusions, three inversions, and one possible telomeric fusion, as well as changes in the quantity and DNA-base pair composition of the constitutive heterochromatin.  相似文献   

Both Cricetus cricetus and Phodopus sungorus mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) were sequenced and elaborated for the first time in the present study. Their mitogenomes contained 37 genes and showed typical characteristics of the vertebrate mitogenome. Comparative analysis of 10 cricetine mitogenomes indicated that they shared similar characteristics with those of other cricetines in terms of genes arrangement, nucleotide composition, codon usage, tRNA structure, nucleotide skew and the origin of replication of light strand. Phylogenetic relationship of the subfamily Cricetinae was reconstructed using mitogenomes data with the methods of Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that Cricetulus kamensis was at basal position and phylogenetically distant from all other Cricetulus species but had a close relationship with the group of Phodopus, and supported that the genus Urocricetus deserved as a separate genus rank. The phylogenetic status of Tscherskia triton represented a separate clade corresponding to a diversified cricetine lineage (Cricetulus, Allocricetulus, and Cricetus).  相似文献   

Everett H. Lindsay 《Geobios》1977,10(4):597-623
Simimys is a late Eocene and earliest Oligocene genus that shares dipodoid (zygoma) and muroid (dental) characters. The Oligocene record of dipodoid rodents includes Plesiosminthus from middle Oligocene deposits of Asia and late Oligocene deposits of Europe. The Oligocene record of muroid rodents includes at least two genera (Eucricetodon and (Cricetops)) from Asia, six genera (Eucricetodon, Pseudocricetodon, Melissiodon, Paracricetodon, Heterocricetodon and Adelomyorion)) from Europe, and three genera (Eumys, Scottimus and Nonomys)) from North America. The known record, as given above, suggests that Siminys is the earliest and most primitive genus with muroid affinities; it also implies that muroid rodents were derived from unknown Eocene dipodoid rodents.The Oligocene cricetid rodents display progressive expansion and inclination of the anterior plate of the zygoma. These changes in the zygoma probably reflect evolutionary stages in the development of a myomorphous zygoma from an hystricomorphous zygoma. Changes in the zygoma apparently took place at different rates and times in Asia. Europe, and North America; they probably reflect differenciation of Cricetodontinae in Palaearctica, and Eumyinae in Nearctica during the Oligocene.  相似文献   

Lawrence J. Flynn 《Geobios》1982,15(3):327-389
Larges samples of fossil rhizomyids from the Siwalikmolasse deposits of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan, enable reevaluation of fossil taxa and their evolutionary relationships. Siwalik Rhizomyidae constitute a basis for analysis of poorly represented rhizomyids from other areas in Asia and contribute to biochronological correlation. The extant Tachyoryctinae and Rhizomyinae diverged during the early history of the family and diagnoses of the subfamilies are amended to include extinct genera. Siwalik tachyoryctines include Kanisamys, Protachyoryctes, Rhizomyides, and Eicooryctes nov. gen.; rhizomyines are Brachyrhizomys and Anepsirhizomys nov. gen. Kanisamys, the earliest Siwalik rhizomyid, appeared by about 13 Ma and evolved slowly, displaying stasis in K. sivalensis. Brachyrhizomys evolved from Kanisamys by 9.5 Ma and radiated rapidly. B. nagrii displays rapid increase in size through time. About 7 Ma, Kanisamys and Brachyrhizomys became extinct locally and Protachyoryctes, Eicooryctes, and Rhizomyides appeared, perhaps in response to increasing aridity. After 5.5 Ma, rhizomyids became uncommon in the Potwar and Anepsirhizomys (3.0 Ma) constitutes the latest record of Rhizomyidae in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Phodopus roborovskii (subfamily Cricetinae) is widely distributed in the northern arid regions of China. This study reports its complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) for the first time. The complete sequence was 16,273 bp long, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and 1 major noncoding region. The base composition and codon usage were described. The putative origin of replication for the light strand (OL) of P. roborovskii was approximately 45 bp long and was highly conserved in the stem-loop and adjacent sequences, but the starting sequence of replication varied between genera among Rodentia. We analyzed the three domains of the D-loop region, and the results indicated that the central domain had higher G + C content and lower A + T content than two peripheral domains. Phylogenetic analyses indicated high resolution in four main divergent clades using mitogenomes data within Cricetidae. Within Cricetinae clade, P. roborovskii was at basal position which was in line with previous researches, and it shared a common ancestor with other extant hamsters. This work validated previous molecular and karyotype researches using mitogenomes data, and provided a set of useful data on phylogeny and molecular evolution in Cricetidae species.  相似文献   

Patterns of behaviour associated with preventing wind-blown sand from entering the burrows of the wolf spider Geolycosa wrightii were investigated in a laboratory study. The method of closing the burrow depended upon the rate of sand entry. The spider employed a web block at low rates and used its body to block at high rates.  相似文献   

Haowen Tong 《Geobios》2007,40(2):219
The materials of Aeretesmelanopterus from the Tianyuan Cave, a Late Pleistocene site with human fossils recovered recently near Zhoukoudian, are the richest of this species ever reported in North China. Aeretesmelanopterus is an endemic species of China, its relationship with Petaurista and Trogopterus is still controversal. Studies based on the dental characters show that Aeretesmelanopterus resembles Petaurista more closely than Trogopterus. The earliest fossil record of Aeretesmelanopterus was found in South China in Middle Pleistocene deposits. The earliest records in the Beijing area are from Upper Cave and Tianyuan Cave at Zhoukoudian are of late-Late Pleistocene age, around 30 kyrs BP. The geographical distributions of this species are very limited. In evolution, Aeretesmelanopterus experienced both the increase and the decrease in tooth size; but its crown height of cheek teeth was continuously increasing.  相似文献   

It was shown that application of fluoroacetate to leaf disks of Dichapetalum cymosum (Gifblaar) did not lead to an inhibition of oxygen uptake or accumulation of citrate, in contrast to the 'control plant' Parimarium capense which lacks fluoroacetate. The addition of fluorocitrate did, however, inhibit the oxygen uptake of both plants and caused an accumulation of citrate. From the results it was deduced that either citrate synthetase or acetate thiokinase from D. cymosum had different affinities for the fluorinated derivative and the 'normal' metabolite. The addition of fluoropyruvate to leaf disks caused a decrease in oxygen uptake and no change in the citrate concentration. From this it was deduced that fluoropyruvate inhibited pyruvate oxidase in both plants. It was concluded that the tolerance of D. cymosum to such high concentrations of fluoroacetate may be ascribed to the fact that the 'lethal synthesis' of fluorocitrate does not take place in the plant most probably because citrate synthetase has different affinities for fluoroacetylcoenzyme A and acetylcoenzyme A.  相似文献   

Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) will feed upon the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. Fryxell & Hasle but cannot fulfil its energy requirement for metabolism on this food. Its daily metabolic requirement can be exceeded when the euphausiid feeds upon the copepods Calanus finmarchicus Gunner or Centropages typicus Krøeyer, but not when feeding upon the smaller copepods Pseudocalanus spp. or Acartia spp. When feeding upon a natural copepod assemblage Meganyctiphanes norvegica requires high concentrations of copepods to achieve its metabolic requirements, suggesting that the euphausiid may exploit vertically patchy concentrations of prey. Short-term predation rates on Pseudocalanus spp. were also used to estimate feeding rates. Feeding in Meganyctiphanes norvegica appears to be adapted to a spatially variable food supply and rapid exploitation of food sources concentrated into patches or layers. The filter area of the feeding basket of M. norvegica is proportionally smaller than the filter area of Euphausia superba Dana, but has the same allometric length exponent. The filter area probably reflects the difference between the primarily carnivorous diet of Meganyctiphanes norvegica and herbivorous diet of Euphausia superba.  相似文献   

Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris), which nest solitarily as well as in colonies, offer an opportunity to assess within one species the relative advantages of clumping versus spacing out. An experiment with artificial, egg-baited nests showed that predation in the absence of fieldfares was higher on clumped than on scattered nests. In another experiment, we tested whether artificial nests run a higher risk of predation near solitary fieldfare pairs than near fieldfare colonies. Nest predation was higher near solitary fieldfare pairs than outside and inside fieldfare colonies. The risk probably was higher outside than inside colonies. Communal antipredator attacks is the likely cause of reduced predation near colonies. Even solitary fieldfare pairs confer some degree of protection, because predation was lower at artificial nests near solitary fieldfare pairs than at nests without neighbouring fieldfares.  相似文献   

Karyotyping and several molecular methods have allowed successful identification of two morphologically similar wide-ranging Western Palearctic species, the yellow-necked field mouse Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1934) and the long-tailed wood mouse A. sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758), but reliable species diagnosis on the basis of morphometric characters is particularly problematic. Although they are easily morphologically distinguishable in Central and Northern Europe, this is not the case in southern parts of their distribution areas. Despite that, we have successfully discriminated A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from Serbia (Southern Europe) using geometric and traditional morphometric methods on a data set for ventral crania of specimens previously genotyped by the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat-PCR (ISSR-PCR). Discrimination power of applied approaches was more or less similar. The majority of our results were consistent with those obtained for specimens collected across the Czech Republic (Central Europe). Morphological differences observed herein, as well as those already reported between A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from the central and northern parts of their distribution areas, could be the outcome of their biology, i.e. ecological discrepancies, different assumed evolutionary scenarios considering biogeography, phylogeny, history and ontogeny.  相似文献   

Exposure of Peromyscus leucopus to low ambient temperature (5°C versus 26°C) during a 5-day test resulted in the building of larger nests. The weight of cotton used by the animal was employed as an index of nest size. Animals which had been acclimated to 5°C for 6 weeks prior to testing built larger nests at 5°C and smaller nests at 26°C than did warm-acclimated mice. In addition, warmacclimated P. leucopus maintained for 6 weeks under short photoperiod (LD9:15; L=light, D=dark) built larger nests at both 5°C and 26°C than did animals maintained under long photoperiod (LD 16:8). This pattern of response to environmental conditions approximating winter (low ambient temperature, short photoperiod) indicates that nesting is a component of the physiological-behavioural complex of cold adaptation.  相似文献   

Size and shape changes in the skull of the genus Gerbillus were investigated using geometric morphometrics. Six species from Tunisia were studied (G. gerbillus, G. campestris, G. nanus, G. tarabuli, G. simoni and G. latastei). Statistical analyses of shape variability allowed us to discriminate three morphological groups which are congruent with the three groups suggested by previous morphological and molecular studies. However, our results contrast with previous molecular investigations. In fact, according to results obtained by the use of principal component analysis, canonical variate analysis and UPGMA, we found a higher degree of divergence between the subgenus Dipodillus and the other two subgenera Gerbillus and Hendecapleura. This fact suggests that the morphometric differences observed among species within the genus Gerbillus are not mainly related to phylogeny. To reconciliate the molecular and morphological approaches, we propose a hypothesis of differential rates of phenotypic evolution in the genus Gerbillus. In this view, the species belonging to the subgenus Dipodillus evolved apomorphic features of the skull likely related to a higher degree of habitat specialization. By contrast, the more generalist Gerbillus and Hendecapleura subgenera show less differentiated plesiomorphic morphology.  相似文献   

Borisov IuM 《Genetika》2012,48(5):634-638
The karyotypes of 13 greater long-tailed hamsters (Tscherskia triton de Winton, 1899) (eight males and five females) from Primorskii krai (Russia), including six males and one female from the vicinity of the city of Ussuriisk and two males and four females from the vicinity of the village of Pogranichnyi, have been studied. The karyotypes of five males (four from the vicinity of Ussuriisk and one from the vicinity of Pogranichnyi) have been found to contain one or two small acrocentric B chromosomes each. In males with B chromosomes, each germline cell contains one or two B chromosomes. The proportion of somatic cells carrying B chromosomes varies from 34.9 to 55.9% in these males. Karyological study of a total of 45 Tscherskia triton (30 males and 15 females) from Primorskii krai has been performed, B chromosomes being found in only five males (11.1%). In T. triton populations of Korea and China, also only a few animals have been found to carry one or two B chromosomes. The greater long-tailed hamster belongs to the monotypic genus Tscherskia; the animals described earlier under the names T. (Cricettilus) triton albipes Ognev, 1914 and T. (Cricettilus) triton nestor Thomas, 1907 belong to the only species in the genus, T. triton de Winton, 1899.  相似文献   

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