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Callichthyids take a basal position in the loricarioid evolutionary lineage leading up to an algae scraping feeding mechanism in the loricariid family. Therefore, the study of the morphology and development of a callichthyid representative would contribute to a better knowledge on the differences in cranial morphology and their impact on feeding ecology within this superfamily. Therefore, development in the chondrocranium of Corydoras aeneus was studied based on 22 cleared and stained specimens and 6 series of serial sections. The latter sections were also digitized and used for 3D reconstructions. Development overall follows the typical siluriform trends in chondrocranial development. Even the low complexity of the chondrocranium at hatching fits the trend observed in other siluriforms, although other studies showed loricarioid hatchlings to generally show more complex chondrocrania. In contrast to other catfish, in C. aeneus, the notochord was never found to protrude into the hypophyseal fenestra. In addition, also differing from other siluriforms, a commissura lateralis is present, a state also reported for Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Geerinckx et al., [2005] J Morphol 266:331-355). The splanchnocranium again has the typical siluriform shape during its ontogeny, with the presence of a compound hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate, although not fused to the neurocranium or interhyal at any time during ontogeny, a state described earlier for Callichthys callichthys (Hoedeman, [1960a] Bull Aquat Biol 1:73-84; Howes and Teugels, [1989] J Zool Lond 219:441-456). The most striking difference found in comparison to other catfishes, however, involves thebranchial basket, which arises as a single element with a further differentiation from the middle arches on in both a rostral and caudal direction.  相似文献   

A complete study of the early ontogeny of the cranial muscles of Corydoras aeneus (Callichthyidae) was undertaken and results were compared with those for the loricariid Ancistrus cf. triradiatus. This comparison reveals a high degree of similarity in the ontogeny of both species' cranial muscles. Both species lack a musculus protractor hyoidei, and the musculus intermandibularis posterior is divided into two different parts that have partly obtained a novel function (serving the lower lip) in A. cf. triradiatus. A similar increase in muscular complexity in this species is found in the dorsal constrictor of the hyoid muscle plate. This constrictor gives rise to the same muscles in both C. aeneus and A. cf. triradiatus, but in A. cf. triradiatus the musculus levator operculi later hypertrophies. In C. aeneus the musculus extensor tentaculi forms a single muscle diverging posteriorly, whereas in A. cf. triradiatus the musculus extensor tentaculi differentiates into two separate bundles. Also, a loricariid neoformation is present called the musculus levator tentaculi.  相似文献   

The surface structure of the eggs of the catfish Corydoras aeneus was examined and showed to be a unique pattern among teleosts. The surface was covered with small protuberances, which resemble attaching‐filaments of teleost eggs. Eggs were, however, found to be very adhesive and since the species is known to inhabit turbid waters, this rare egg attachment mode could well be related to these environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract In some living osteichthyans (e.g. the armoured catfishes) the postcranial dermal skeleton exhibits tooth-like structures (odontodes) similar to those present in the dermal skeleton of the ancient craniates. We have undertaken this work to compare odontode with tooth development, structure, attachment to a bony support and replacement. We studied the odontodes fixed on the scutes (i.e. postcranial dermal plates) in a growth series of Corydoras aeneus using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Odontodes are constituted of a pulp cavity surrounded by a cone of dentine itself capped with hypermineralized substance. The pulp cavity is devoid of nerves and blood vessels and there are no odontoblastic processes in the dentine. The dentine cone is firmly attached to a circular bony protuberance of the scute surface, the pedicel or attachment bone, by means of a ligament. An odontode anlage develops as a small invagination of a dermal papilla projecting into the epidermis, the basal cell layer of which constitutes a dental epithelium. First, dentine is deposited, next the hypermineralized substance, then the ligament and attachment bone. Odontodes develop in two positions with regard to the scute surface: a primary position when new odontodes form at the posterior border of the enlarging scute; a secondary position when new odontodes replace old odontodes that have been shed during thickening of the scute. In this case, the ligament and part of the base of the dentine cone are resorbed but not the pedicel of attachment bone, which is covered by deposition of scute matrix after the odontode has been shed. Within the scute matrix, the embedded pedicels of successive generations of odontodes are preserved, forming piles in the scutes of adult specimens.  相似文献   

The development of the osteocranium of the suckermouth armored catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus is described based on specimens ranging from prehatching stages to juvenile stages where the osteocranium is more or less fully formed. The first bony elements that arise are the opercle, jaws, and lateralmost branchiostegal rays, as well as the basioccipital and parasphenoid in the skull floor. The supracleithrum and the membranous and perichondral pterotic components form one large, double-layered skull bone during ontogeny, without clear evidence of the involvement of a supratemporal. The Baudelot's ligament ossifies from two sides, i.e., from the basioccipital medially and the supracleithrum laterally. The lower jaw consists of a dentary, mentomeckelian, and angulo-articular, which all soon fuse. The parurohyal, formed by the fusion of a ventral sesamoid bone and a dorsal cartilage element associated with the first basibranchial, is pierced by a vein, unlike in some other siluriforms. The interhyal cartilage disappears during ontogeny; medially of it, a small sesamoid bone appears in a ligament. The largest, canal-bearing cheek plate is not homologous to the interopercle. The results of the present research, with emphasis on bone formations and homologies, are compared with studies on related catfishes.  相似文献   

We have studied the premaxillary teeth in three armoured catfish, Corydoras aeneus, C. arcuatus and Hoplosternum littorale , by means of light and electron microscopy, in order to compare their development, fine structure and mode of attachment with that of odontodes and other teleost teeth. A premaxillary dentition consisting of small (50–100 μm long) slender pointed teeth showing no true replacement is only present in larval and juvenile stages and is subsequently lost, possibly in relation to a change in feeding mode from predatory to bottom feeder. Like odontodes, teeth are composed of dentine surrounding a pulp cavity and are covered by a hypermineralized cap. Particular features, also found in odontodes, are the absence of dentinal tubules and of nerves and capillaries in the pulp cavity, both possibly related to the small size of the teeth. The irregular pattern of implantation and the variability in attachment mode (primary and/or secondary attachment bone, fusion, mere apposition or ligamentous connection) distinguish the teeth from most other teleost teeth and from odontodes and are interpreted as reflecting considerable differences in dynamics of remodeling of the supporting element (premaxillary bone vs scute). This comparison of teeth and odontodes strongly supports current views according to which teeth and odontodes are two very closely related phenotypic expressions of a single, modifiable, morphogenetic system probably rooted in the earliest stages of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

The chondrocranium of the suckermouth armored catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus was studied. Its development is described based on specimens ranging from small prehatching stages with no cartilage visible, to larger posthatching stages where the chondrocranium is reducing. Cleared and stained specimens, as well as serial sections, revealed a cartilaginous skeleton with many features common for Siluriformes, yet several aspects of A. cf. triradiatus are not seen as such in other catfishes, or to a lesser extent. The skull is platybasic, but the acrochordal cartilage is very small and variably present, leaving the notochord protruding into the hypophyseal fenestra in the earlier stages. The ethmoid region is slender, with a rudimentary solum nasi. A lateral commissure and myodomes are present. The larger posterior myodome is roofed by a prootic bridge. The maxillary barbel is supported by a conspicuous cartilaginous rod from early prehatching stages. The ceratohyal has four prominent lateral processes. Infrapharyngobranchials I-II do not develop. During ontogeny, the skull lengthens, with an elongated ethmoid, pointing ventrally, and a long and bar-shaped hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate. Meckel's cartilages point medially instead of rostrally.  相似文献   

The teeth of the oral jaws of two sympatric species of Argyrosomus, Argyrosomus japonicus and Argyrosomus inodorus, found along the South African coast developed first on the premaxilla and then on the dentary of the lower jaw. Teeth were observed on the premaxilla of A. inodorus [head length (LH) = 1·0 mm; notochord length (LN) = 2·7 mm] at a smaller size than in A. japonicus (LH = 1·2 mm; LN = 4·7 mm). The ventral elements of the gill arches (hypo‐ and basibranchials) were not ossified by the end of preflexion. The fifth ceratobranchial began ossifying and possessed pharyngeal teeth by 1·2 mm LH (LN = 4·7 mm) in A. japonicus and 1·1 mm LH (LN = 3·2 mm) in A. inodorus. To complement the osteological data, stomach contents were also analysed as a proxy for feeding apparatus functionality. Prey were first present in the stomach of A. japonicus at 1·2 mm LH (LN = 4·7 mm) and only 22% of the stomachs contained no prey suggesting that A. japonicus is already actively foraging by preflexion. In comparison, 83% of the stomachs of A. inodorus contained no prey and a single prey item was present in the largest examined specimen (LH = 1·6 mm; LN = 5·4 mm). Elements of the feeding apparatus begin to ossify early during ontogeny. While the overall pattern of ossification is similar between the two species, A. japonicus may be able to begin feeding at smaller head lengths relative to A. inodorus in their nursery habitats.  相似文献   

Interstitial trichomycterid catfishes of the Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae with uncommon morphology have been known for long time from taxa endemic to the Amazon. In most recent decades, two genera, Listrura and Microcambeva, respectively, placed in Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae on the basis of morphological characters, have been described from the Atlantic Forest of eastern South America, about 1,500 km from the area inhabited by those Amazon taxa. Herein, we first test the phylogenetic positioning of Listrura and Microcambeva using a multigene data set, including two nuclear and three mitochondrial genes for nine species of Listrura and Microcambeva and 11 species representing all closely related subfamilies (TSVSG-clade), as well as five used as outgroups. The phylogenetic analyses generated a robust tree with high support values in all nodes, where monophyly of Glanapteryginae and Sarcoglanidinae is refuted. In contrast, Listrura and Microcambeva form a highly supported clade, herein formally described as a new subfamily, sister to a clade containing taxa representing the Glanapteryginae, Sarcoglanidinae, Stegophilinae, Tridentinae and Vandelliinae. This study also indicates that Microcambeva and Listrura exhibit divergent evolutionary trends in ecological and morphological attributes. Species of Microcambeva inhabit patches of loose sand and possess morphological traits that were convergently acquired by Amazon sand-dwelling sarcoglanidines, including loss of body pigmentation and long maxilla. Species of Listrura live burrowed inside small stretches of dense leaf litter and have morphological traits that were convergently acquired by Amazon glanapterygines inhabiting leaf litter bottom rivers, including elongate body, with numerous vertebrae and loss or reduction of all fins.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between fertilization modalities and the morphology of male reproductive apparatus, two species of Auchenipteridae, Auchenipterus nuchalis and Tatia intermedia , and six species of Callichthyidae, Callichthys callichthys , Corydoras aeneus , Corydoras bondi , Corydoras ehrhardti , Corydoras potaroensis and Hoplosternum littorale were studied. The species analysed show either internal or external fertilization, the latter including the so called 'sperm drinking' type of mating. An anal fin modified as an intromittent organ, a pair of seminal vesicles, and the release of sperm in the form of discrete bundles (spermatozeugmata) characterize the male reproductive apparatus of the internal fertilizer A. nuchalis . Seminal vesicles are present also in C. aeneus , C. bondi , C. ehrhardti , C. potaroensis and H. littorale , species performing 'sperm drinking' spawning. In contrast, regardless of the family, species showing the more classic type of external fertilization lack specialized accessory organs. Where occurring, the major function of seminal vesicles is the secretion of mucins. The role of these mucosubstances, in relation to spermatozeugmata formation, in internal fertilizers, or the protection of sperm passing through the female gut, in the 'sperm-drinking' species, is discussed. Variation, between families, in the shape of testis and accessory structures, as well as in the type of spermatogenesis was found. Neither the reproductive modalities nor the phylogenetic relationships, however, appear to fully account for these differences.  相似文献   

A new long-snouted Corydoras species is described from two tributaries of the río Manuripe and a tributary of the río Madre de Dios, rio Madeira basin, Peru. Corydoras fulleri can be distinguished from its congeners by having the following features: (a) branch of the temporal sensory canal at sphenotic, which gives rise to the supraorbital canal, with two pores; (b) upper tooth plate of branchial arch with three series of teeth; (c) area at the corner of the mouth, ventral to the maxillary barbel, with a small fleshy flap; (d) two moderate-sized dark-brown or black blotches on caudal-fin base, one on its lateral portion and another one on its dorsal portion, blotches variably diffuse and/or fused with each other; (e) absence of a dark-brown or black stripe transversally crossing the orbit; (f) a longitudinal dark-brown or black stripe on the postdorsal region of flank midline, variably fused with the lateral peduncular blotch, some specimens with slender, longitudinally elongated, dark-brown or black blotch on flank midline, forming a dash-like marking, stripe or dash-like blotch diffuse in some specimens; and (g) region around dorsal-fin origin generally lacking dark brown or black blotch, or displaying diffuse blotch.  相似文献   

After 80 years of misidentifications, the analysis of the holotype of Corydoras arcuatus plus several non-type specimens attributed to this species allowed its recognition and also revealed a new species, both sharing the following diagnostic features: a long, arched, continuous black stripe that runs parallel to the dorsal profile of the body and extends at least from the anterior margin of the first dorsolateral body plate to the posterior portion of caudal peduncle; absence of transverse black bars on caudal fin; infraorbital 2 in contact with sphenotic and compound pterotic. In addition to these features, C. arcuatus can be distinguished from congeners by having the posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with laminar serrations directed towards their origins. The new species can be additionally distinguished from its congeners by presenting the following combination of features: ventral surface of trunk entirely or partially covered by relatively large and coalescent platelets; absence of spots or blotches on dorsal fin; and posterior margin of both dorsal and pectoral spines with serrations directed towards their tips. Finally, an identification key to all arc-striped species of Corydoras is provided.  相似文献   

Karyotypes and nuclear DNA content were studied in 11 species of the genus Corydoras from rivers in South America: C . sp. from Caripi river 2 n =60, C . cf. simulatus 2 n =62, C . simulatus 2 n =62, C . reticulatus 2 n =74, C . sp. from Galheiro river 2 n =84, C . aff. punctatus from Negro river 2 n =102, C . flaveolus 2 n =58, C . arcuatus 2 n =46, C . trilineatus 2 n =46, C . schwartzi 2 n =46, and C . metae 2 n =92. Extensive chromosome diversity and differences in DNA content were detected among species. The high variability in chromosome counts was not exclusively related to chromosomal structural rearrangements, but also to large changes in DNA content. Species could be grouped using their shared cytogenetic characteristics, suggesting that within the genus Corydoras different groups of species followed distinct evolutionary trends. Chromosomal rearrangements in Corydoras are, apparently, more frequent that morphological modifications, so cytogenetic data may be very useful for species delimitation and for the understanding of interrelationships among species.  相似文献   

The cephalic and pectoral girdle structures of the erethistid Erethistes pusillus (Erethistinae) are described and compared with those of another species of the subfamily Erethistinae, namely Hara filamentosa , and of the single species of the subfamily Continae, Conta conta , as well as of several other catfishes, as the foundation for a discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic position of the Erethistidae. The observations and comparisons support de Pinna's phylogenetic hypothesis, according to which the Erethistidae is the sister‐group of the Aspredinidae, with the clade formed by these two families being the sister‐group of the Sisoridae sensu stricto . In addition, the observations and comparisons pointed out a new, additional character to diagnose the family Erethistidae, namely: mesocoracoid arch deeply bifurcated dorsally.  相似文献   

A light and transmission electron microscopic study of the intestine of catfish C. aeneus shows that the anterior part of the intestine is a site of digestion and absorption and its structure is typical of that of other teleostean fishes. However, in this species the thin-walled posterior intestine is adapted to air breathing. In this region mucosa is smooth and lined with respiratory epithelium with capillary network. Several types of cells are observed in the epithelium: flattened respiratory epithelial cells with short microvili, goblet cells, scarce epithelial cells with numerous longer microvilli, and two types of endocrine cells (EC). The solitary brush cells with several long and thick microvilli described here are the first observation of such cells in the gastrointestinal tract of fishes. Bodies of respiratory epithelial cells lie between capillaries. Their cytoplasm, apart from typical organelles contains dense and lamellar bodies, which are a site of accumulation of surfactant. In regions where capillaries are covered by thin cytoplasmic sheets of respiratory epithelial cells, a thin (0.24-3.00 microm) air-blood barrier is formed, thus enabling gas exchange. Epithelial cells with longer microvilli do not participate in the formation of the air-blood barrier and are probably responsible for absorbtion. EC of the closed type are dispersed within the epithelium. Their cytoplasm contains characteristic round or oval dense core vesicles 69 to 230 nm in diameter. The role of EC and brush cells in the regulation of processes related to absorbtion, and to respiration, is disscused.  相似文献   

In callichthyid catfishes, the posterior intestine is modified to function as an air breathing organ by being air-filled, thin-walled and highly vascularized. These modifications make it unsuitable for digestive functions and digesta has to be transported quickly through this region to minimize disruption of vital respiratory functions. However, the weak muscles of the wall of the respiratory intestine make this problematic. It is hypothesized that the unidirectional ventilatory air current within the respiratory intestine is responsible for the quick transport of digesta through the respiratory intestine. To verify this, movement of digesta through the alimentary tract was examined in Hoplosternum littorale and Corydoras aeneus that were either allowed to breathe air or prevented from air breathing. When air breathing was prevented, digesta was not transported to the rectum in H. littorale and there was a 94% reduction in the amount of digesta in the rectum of C. aeneus. This study suggests that the anterior digestive intestine facilitates the passage of air although it is filled with digesta. The anterior digestive intestine packages digesta into a string of slightly compressed boluses, creating an air channel in the digestive intestine thus allowing air to pass unimpeded.  相似文献   

The development and the structure of the bony scutes have been studied in a growth series of the armored catfish Corydoras arcuatus using light and electron microscopy. Fibroblast-like cell condensations appear in the dermis, in the posterior region of the caudal peduncle, and these will constitute the scute papillae. Collagen bundles of the preexisting dermis colonized by the papilla cells are remodeled and incorporated in the papilla to form, in addition to newly synthesized woven-fibered bony material, the initium of the scute. This process of formation differs from that described for the dermal papilla of an elasmoid scale. During growth, the osteoblasts surrounding the scute constitute the scute sac in which the scute grows. Parallel-fibered bone is deposited on both sides of the initium, and osteoblasts are incorporated within the scute matrix. The remodeling and incorporation of collagen bundles of the preexisting dermis is maintained during growth only in the deep, anterior region of the scute. The posterior region and the upper surface of the scute are close to the epidermal-dermal boundary. When growth slows down in the upper part of the scute, a characteristic, well-mineralized tissue, composed of thin vertical fibrils and granules and devoid of typical striated collagen fibrils, is deposited on the scute surface. A new term, hyaloine, is introduced for this nonosseous, highly mineralized layer constituting the upper part of the scute. Hyaloine shows thin electron-dense lines, which probably correspond to periodic growth arrests. The structure and localization of the hyaloine are compared to other well-mineralized, similar tissues found on the surface of the dermal skeleton in lower vertebrates. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The family Callichthyidae, divided into the subfamilies Corydoradinae and Callichthyinae, contains more than 200 species of armoured catfishes distributed throughout the Neotropics, as well as fossil species dating from the Palaeocene. Both subfamilies are very widely distributed throughout the continent, with some species ranges extending across multiple hypothesized biogeographical barriers. Species with such vast geographical ranges could be made up of multiple cryptic populations that are genetically distinct and have diverged over time. Although relationships among Callichthyinae genera have been thoroughly investigated, the historical biogeography of the Callichthyinae and the presence of species complexes have yet to be examined. Furthermore, there is a lack of fossil‐calibrated molecular phylogenies providing a time frame for the evolution of the Callichthyinae. Here, we present a novel molecular data set for all Callichthyinae genera composed of partial sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear markers. These data were used to construct a fossil‐calibrated tree for the Callichthyinae and to reconstruct patterns of spatiotemporal evolution. All phylogenetic analyses [Bayesian, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony (MP)] resulted in a single fully resolved and well‐supported hypothesis for the Callichthyinae, where Dianema is the sister group of all the remaining genera. Results suggest that the ancestry of most Callichthyinae genera originated in the Amazonas basin, with a number of subsequent ancestral dispersal events between adjacent basins. High divergences in sequences and time were observed for several samples of Hoplosternum littorale, Megalechis picta and Callichthys callichthys, suggesting that these species may contain cryptic diversity. The results highlight the need for a taxonomic revision of species complexes within the Callichthyinae, which may reveal more diversity within this relatively species‐poor lineage.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic studies of the eggs and larvae of fish can provide information on the initial life history and biology of a species, are important for taxonomic and evolutionary studies, and for cultivation in captivity. The aim of this study was to analyze and describe the main morphological differences in the larval ontogeny of Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum, Leiarius marmoratus, and its hybrid (♀ P. reticulatum × ♂ L. marmoratus), as well as to identify characteristics that can identify the species and their hybrid at the larvae and juvenile stages. 205 L. marmoratus, 210 P. reticulatum, and 205 hybrid specimens were analyzed, all of which were obtained through induced reproduction. Analyses were performed from hatching to 30 days post-hatching. 19 morphometric and 5 meristic characteristics were evaluated, in addition to chromatophore shape and distribution. The specimens were classified into two life periods: Larval (stages: yolk sac, pre-flexion, flexion, and post-flexion) and Juvenile. Newly hatched larvae were transparent, poorly developed, and had a scarcity of chromatophores. During the early stages of larval development, the three groups showed similarities in appearance and proportional dimensions. However, at both the end of the post-flexion stage and at the juvenile period when individuals were approximately 2 cm long, it was possible to differentiate between hybrids and their parental species by their morphometric, meristic, and pigment characteristics. The hybrid, despite occupying an intermediate position in relationship to its parents, exhibited a shape and size more similar to P. reticulatum, its maternal parent.  相似文献   

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