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Skeletal elements of the gill arches of adult cypriniform fishes vary widely in number, size, and shape and are important characters in morphologically based phylogenetic studies. Understanding the developmental basis for this variation is thus phylogenetically significant but also important in relation to the many developmental genetic and molecularly based studies of the early developing and hence experimentally tractable gill arches in the zebrafish, a cyprinid cypriniform. We describe the sequence of the chondrification and ossification of the pharyngeal arches and associated dermal bones from Catostomus commersonii (Catostomidae, Cypriniformes) and make selected comparisons to other similarly described pharyngeal arches. We noted shared spatial trends in arch development including the formation of ventral cartilages before dorsal and anterior cartilages before posterior. Qualitatively variable gill arch elements in Cypriniformes including pharyngobranchial 1, pharyngobranchial 4, and the sublingual are the last such elements to chondrify in C. commersonii. We show that the sublingual bone in C. commersonii has two cartilaginous precursors that fuse and ossify to form the single bone in adults. This indicates homology of the sublingual in catostomids to the two sublingual bones in the adults of cobitids and balitorids. Intriguing patterns of fusion and segmentation of the cartilages in the pharyngeal arches were discovered. These include the individuation of the basihyal and anterior copula through segmentation of a single cartilage rod, fusion of cartilaginous basibranchials 4 and 5, and fusion of hypobranchial 4 with ceratobranchial 4. Such “fluidity” in cartilage patterning may be widespread in fishes and requires further comparative developmental studies. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the gill‐arch osteology of Cypriniformes has been well studied, comparable works on gill‐arch musculature are scarce. The focus of previous studies has been on Cyprinidae while other families have received little or no attention. Consequently, generalizations for Cypriniformes have been made from the musculature of cyprinid gill‐arches. This study describes the gill‐arch musculature of a catostomid, the quillback Carpiodes cyprinus, and demonstrates that there are striking differences in the overall gill‐arch musculature of catostomids in comparison to cyprinids, especially in the dorsal gill‐arch region. Of the 23 muscles found in the dorsal gill‐arch region of cyprinids, only 13 were present in C. cyprinus. Muscles that are absent include adductores 1–5, levator internus 4, levator ceratobranchialis 5 accessorius, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 externus, retractor ceratobranchialis 5 internus, and the retractor ceratobranchialis 5 transversus. In the ventral gill‐arch region, the rectus communis is absent. The derived scrolling shape of the dorsal gill‐arch skeleton associated with food processing is likely related to the change in musculature. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Ossifications associated with the gill filaments of members of the Balitoridae and Cobitidae are described for the first time. Although gill‐filament ossifications are common in teleosts, similar ossifications were not observed in other members of the order Cypriniformes. Their presence is interpreted as a shared and derived character uniting the families Balitoridae and Cobitidae as a monophyletic group.  相似文献   

Polypterids are unusual among ray‐finned fishes in possessing only four rather than five gill arches. We review the two current hypotheses regarding the homology of the last gill arch in polypterids: that it represents (1) the fifth or (2) the fourth arch of other actinopterygians. Arguments for the alternative hypotheses drawn from different anatomical systems are compiled and evaluated. We conclude that in polypterids the last arch represents the fourth arch of other Actinopterygii and the fifth arch is absent. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 138, 495–503.  相似文献   

We compared the phylogenetic relationships and the population structure of the sympatric cyprinids Opsariichthys bidens and Zacco platypus across the Yangzte, Pearl and Hai He drainages in Mainland China. We used the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to evaluate their phylogeographical structure and to discuss further systematic implications. We sequenced 71 new individuals of Z. platypus to add to a previous study and to construct a geographically comparable data set with O. bidens (Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 31, 2004, 192; Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 37, 2005, 920). Phylogeographic analysis of Z. platypus identified two additional mtDNA lineages (Zacco E and F) in addition to the previously recovered lineages (Zacco A–D). The geographical range of the Zacco A was extended across the Pearl drainage, broadening considerably the previous distribution that was circumscribed to the Yangtze drainage. Our results show high molecular divergence between all Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages (mean TrN + I + G distance 17.7%, range 4.4–30.8%), and the population analyses showed that most of the genetic variation was found among major river tributaries (90.2%). Values of θST higher than 0.97 corroborated this interruption of gene flow between Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages. Nested clade analysis results were also concordant with the phylogenetic relationships recovered. We found similar phylogeographic patterns in Z. platypus and O. bidens: they exhibited two widespread and common lineages (Zacco A and Opsariichthys 1) ranging across the Yangtze and Pearl drainages, and both taxa had Northern lineages (Zacco F and Opsariichthys 5) clearly differentiated. Similar phylogeographic patterns suggest that common historical factors have shaped current Zacco and Opsariichthys diversity. High genetic distances and θST values suggested that differentiation of Zacco A–F mtDNA lineages and Opsariichthys 1–5 was not recent and was probably favoured by old geological events. However, population parameters and low genetic differentiation inside Zacco A and Opsariichthys 1 suggest a recent gene flow across river drainages. Mitochondrial‐based phylogenies for the combined data sets of Zacco A–F and Opsariichthys 1–5 mtDNA lineages always recovered both taxa as paraphyletic, highlighting the notion that their current systematics need a revision.  相似文献   

Branchial arch muscle innervation by the glossopharyngeal (IX) and vagal (X) nerves in 10 tetraodontiform families and five outgroup taxa was examined, with special reference to muscle homologies. Basic innervation patterns and their variations were described for all muscle elements (except gill filament muscles). In the tetraodontids Takifugu poecilonotus and Canthigaster rivulata, diodontid Diodon holocanthus, and molid Mola mola, levator externus 4 was innervated by the 3rd vagal branchial trunk (BX3) in addition to BX2, owing to strong posterior expansion of the muscle. Based on nerve innervation, migrations of the muscle attachment sites (i.e., origins and insertions) were recognized in levator internus 2 (in Mola mola), obliquus dorsalis 3 (in Ostracion immaculatus and Canthigaster rivulata), and obliquus ventralis 2 (in Stephanolepis cirrhifer), muscle topologies not necessarily being indicative of homologies. Embryonic origin of the retractor dorsalis and parallel attainment of the swimbladder muscle within the order were also discussed.  相似文献   

Conservation status, identification, distribution, abundance, habitat and ecology, conservation actions and recommendations of a endemic cyprinid fish, Cyprinus micristius were introduced based on data and knowledge from a GEF project in Lake Dianchi, Yunnan, China.  相似文献   

Amphibians (Lissamphibia) are characterized by a bi‐phasic life‐cycle that comprises an aquatic larval stage and metamorphosis to the adult. The ancestral aquatic feeding behavior of amphibian larvae is suction feeding. The negative pressure that is needed for ingestion of prey is created by depression of the hyobranchial apparatus as a result of hyobranchial muscle action. Understanding the homologies of hyobranchial muscles in amphibian larvae is a crucial step in understanding the evolution of this important character complex. However, the literature mostly focuses on the adult musculature and terms used for hyal and ventral branchial muscles in different amphibians often do not reflect homologies across lissamphibian orders. Here we describe the hyal and ventral branchial musculature in larvae of caecilians (Gymnophiona) and salamanders (Caudata), including juveniles of two permanently aquatic salamander species. Based on previous alternative terminology schemes, we propose a terminology for the hyal and ventral branchial muscles that reflects the homologies of muscles and that is suited for studies on hyobranchial muscle evolution in amphibians. We present a discussion of the hyal and ventral branchial muscles in larvae of the most recent common ancestor of amphibians (i.e. the ground plan of Lissamphibia). Based on our terminology, the hyal and ventral branchial musculature of caecilians and salamanders comprises the following muscles: m. depressor mandibulae, m. depressor mandibulae posterior, m. hyomandibularis, m. branchiohyoideus externus, m. interhyoideus, m. interhyoideus posterior, m. subarcualis rectus I, m. subarcualis obliquus II, m. subarcualis obliquus III, m. subarcualis rectus II‐IV, and m. transversus ventralis IV. Except for the m. branchiohyoideus externus, all muscles considered herein can be assigned to the ground plan of the Lissamphibia with certainty. The m. branchiohyoideus externus is either apomorphic for the Batrachia (frogs + salamanders) or salamander larvae depending on whether or not a homologous muscle is present in frog tadpoles. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined the genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships of some Chinese populations from the Chang Jiang (=Yangtze) drainage of the cyprinid Zacco platypus. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 64 individuals from 6 upper and middle tributaries of the Sichuan and Hunan Provinces to assess their population structure and systematics. The combined analyses of the phylogenetic information and the population structure suggested that Chinese Z. platypus consist of four distinct mtDNA lineages which exhibit high genetic variation and haplotypic diversity (Zacco A-D). The high molecular divergence observed among Zacco A-D mtDNA lineages (TrN+I (0.76) distance, mean 8.9%+/-1.7%) and their phylogeographic structure indicate that all four lineages have evolved independently. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicates that most of the genetic variation observed is found among the four Zacco mtDNA lineages (thetaCT = 0.94) suggesting restricted gene flow among the Chang Jiang populations. Long-term interruption of gene flow was also evidenced by thetaST values higher than 0.9 that could be favoured by the discontinuous distributions of the lineages inhabiting upper (Sichuan Province) and middle (Hunan Province) Chang Jiang tributaries. The significant correlation between the geographic and genetic distances provide support for the importance of geographic discontinuity in shaping the Zacco genetic structure. Nested clade analysis (NCA) results were congruent with phylogenetic relationships recovered and confirm the genetic distinctiveness of four independent Zacco groups. These four groups correspond to the four Zacco A-D mtDNA lineages recovered in the phylogeny and were defined by nucleotide synapomorphies permitting bootstrapped and Bayesian confidence of 95% or greater. The high level of mitochondrial sequence divergence separating all Zacco mtDNA lineages suggested that the Z. platypus populations from the Chang Jiang drainage probably correspond to four different species.  相似文献   

Synopsis InChaetodon trifasciatus, the large eye has the form of a thick disk rather than that of a globe. A deep cutaneous groove surrounds the eyeball, probably allowing rapid eye movements. The form and innervation of the three pairs of extraocular muscles are described. Each muscle is made of two types of fascicles of fibres, thick and thin. There is neither an anterior nor posterior myodome. The skull attachment of the obliques and of the inferior rectus is made on the thin sagittal ethmoidal membranous septum while that of the other recti occurs on osseous pieces of the skull. The attachment on the eyeball is made on the cartilaginous sclera. The ratio of the lengths of the antagonist muscles, superior vs. inferior oblique, superior vs. inferior rectus and medial vs. lateral rectus, is about 1.43:1. The three oculomotor nerves (III: common oculomotor, IV: trochlear and VI: abducens) as well as the ciliary system are described. For the following reasons, an analogy between the lateral rectus ofChaetodon trifasciatus and the lateral rectus + retractor bulbi of other vertebrates is indicated: (1) the nucleus of nerve III (which innervates four muscles) has four sectors, while that of IV (which innervates only the superior oblique) is made of one sector; (2) nerve VI consists of two roots corresponding to two groups of nerve cells of its motor nucleus and (3) in other vertebrates, nerve VI innervates both the lateral rectus and the retractor bulbi.  相似文献   

The presence of the pale chub Zacco platypus (Japanese name, Oikawa) in Taiwan has been suggested to be a result of its inadvertent introduction from Lake Biwa in Japan in the 1980s in conjunction with the Japanese Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, which was released several times into the Tamsui River to restock the extinct Ayu population of Taiwan. However, it is also possible that Z. platypus is native to Taiwan and has not been previously described for reasons of its narrow range. Knowledge of the colonizing history of Z. platypus is of considerable importance because it provides insight into the evolutionary process and, hence, impacts management decisions regarding this species in Taiwan. A portion of the mitochondrial D-loop was sequenced for 77 specimens from five populations of Z. platypus from Japan and Taiwan. A total of 22 haplotypes were identified, and nucleotide divergence among haplotypes ranged from 0.20% to 2.82%. Haplotype diversity was high in all populations examined, with a range from 0.718 in the Tagiri River population to 0.909 in the Lake Biwa population. Phylogenetic and statistical parsimony analyses of the molecular data revealed a close genetic relationship between Taiwanese and Japanese Z. platypus and supported the previous report that the Taiwanese Z. platypus originated in Lake Biwa in Japan.  相似文献   

The schizothoracine fishes, members of the Teleost order Cypriniformes, are one of the most diverse group of cyprinids in the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and surrounding regions. However, taxonomy and phylogeny of these species remain unclear. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of Schizopygopsis malacanthus. We also used the newly obtained sequence, together with 31 published schizothoracine mitochondrial genomes that represent eight schizothoracine genera and six outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Schizothoracinae by different partitioned maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian inference at nucleotide and amino acid levels. The schizothoracine fishes sampled form a strongly supported monophyletic group that is the sister taxon to Barbus barbus. A sister group relationship between the primitive schizothoracine group and the specialized schizothoracine group + the highly specialized schizothoracine group was supported. Moreover, members of the specialized schizothoracine group and the genera Schizothorax, Schizopygopsis, and Gymnocypris were found to be paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Molecular variation in six nuclear genes provides substantive phylogenetic evidence for the recognition of a new cypriniform family, the Ellopostomatidae, to include the enigmatic Southern Asia loach genus Ellopostoma. The current six loach families form a monophyletic group, with the Nemacheilidae as the sister group to Ellopostomatidae; Vaillantellidae forms the sister group to all families exclusive of Botiidae. While the superfamily Cobitoidea includes eight families, the monophyly of this large clade within the Cypriniformes remains a vexing problem despite extensive molecular analyses and is in need of further investigation.  相似文献   

A new species, Sinocyclocheilus xingyiensis, is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Guizhou Province, China. The authors used an integrated taxonomic approach, including morphological and molecular data, to identify the new species as a member of the Sinocyclocheilu angularis group, and it can be distinguished from all other members of this group by a combination of the following features: two pairs of long barbels and long pectoral fins, 42–46 lateral-line scales, 7 (13–14) on outer (inner) side of the first gill arch and 35 (14–15 + 4 + 16 − 17) vertebrae. Phylogenetic analyses based on the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene fragment suggest that S. xingyiensis is a sister lineage to Sinocyclocheilus flexuosdorsalis. The genetic distance (Kimura 2-parameter) between the S. xingyiensis and S. angularis groups of Sinocyclocheilus species based on cyt b gene fragment ranged from 1.2% to 15.4%.  相似文献   

Summary Feather follicles in the avian skin are interconnected by well-defined bundles of smooth muscle cells, which are responsible for the erection and depression of feathers and thus play an important role in thermoregulation. The depressing and erecting muscle bundles were found to receive a very dense supply of unmyelinated nerve fibres that displayed ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of noradrenergic axons (formaldehyde- and glyoxylic acid-induced catecholamine fluorescence; uptake to 5-hydroxydopamine). No nerve fibres were encountered showing histochemical acetylcholinesterase activity. There was no indication of the presence of peptidergic or purinergic nerve endings.The neuromuscular space usually ranged from 40–60 nm in width and contained a basal lamina. Occasionally, this space was reduced to approximately 20 nm. At such close neuromuscular contacts a basal lamina was lacking, and focal densities beneath the pre- and postsynaptic plasma membrane were observed. Since no gap junctions between muscle cells were detected, the dense supply with noradrenergic nerve fibres indicates a high amount of directly innervated smooth muscle cells.An additional finding of the present study was the observation that high local concentrations of 5-hydroxydopamine led to degeneration of noradrenergic nerve endings.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Dr. 91)  相似文献   

The ovaries of the largescale yellowfish, Labeobarbus marequensis (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), are made up of the germinal epithelium, nests of late chromatin nucleolus stage oocytes, and ovarian follicles. Each follicle is composed of a single oocyte, which is surrounded by somatic follicular cells and a basal lamina covered by thecal cells. We describe polarization and ultrastructure of oocytes during the primary growth stage. The oocyte nucleus contains lampbrush chromosomes, nuclear bodies and fibrillar material in which multiple nucleoli arise. Nuage aggregations composed of material of a nuclear origin are present in the perinuclear cytoplasm. The Balbiani body (Bb) contains aggregations of nuage, rough endoplasmic reticulum, individual mitochondria and complexes of mitochondria with nuage (cement). Some mitochondria in the Bb come into close contact with endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and vesicles that contain granular material. At the start of primary growth, the Bb is present in the cytoplasm close to the nucleus. Next, it expands towards the oocyte plasma membrane. In these oocytes, a spherical structure, the so-called yolk nucleus, arises in the Bb. It consists of granular nuage in which mitochondria and vesicles containing granular material are immersed. Later, the Bb becomes fragmented and a fully grown yolk nucleus is present in the vegetal region. It contains numerous threads composed of granular nuage, mitochondria, lysosome-like organelles and autophagosomes. We discuss the formation of autophagosomes in the cytoplasm of primary growth oocytes. During the final step of primary growth, the cortical alveoli arise in the cytoplasm and are distributed evenly. The eggshell is deposited on the external surface of the oocyte plasma membrane and is made up of two egg envelopes that are pierced by numerous pore canals. The external egg envelope is covered in protuberances. During primary growth no lipid droplets are synthesized or stored in the oocytes.  相似文献   

Homologies of muscles of the m. transversospinalis group in the dorsal and cervical regions in Sauria are established based on detailed dissections and published accounts of lepidosaurs, crocodylians, and birds. Attachments and directions of tendons comprising this muscle group are fairly conserved among the saurian clades, enabling rather robust inferences on muscle homologies. The innervation pattern indicates that mm. ascendentes are the most lateral muscles of the m. transversospinalis group in Aves, and are inferred to be homologous with the crocodylian m. tendinoarticularis based on their topological similarities. It is suggested here that the lepidosaurian articulo-parietalis part of m. longissimus cervico-capitis actually belongs to the m. transversospinalis group because its tendons of origin are shared with those of m. semispinalis. The avian m. complexus and the lateral part of the crocodylian m. transversospinalis capitis have origins and insertions similar to this lepidosaurian muscle, and are proposed to be homologous with the latter. In some birds, m. longus colli dorsalis, pars profunda continues directly into the anterior cervical region as m. splenius accessorius, suggesting a serially homologous relationship. Similarly, m. splenius anticus continues anteriorly from m. longus colli dorsalis, pars cranialis, and both of these muscles lie dorsal to m. splenius accessorius. Therefore, the currently used nomenclature that regards m. splenius accessorius as a part of m. longus colli dorsalis, pars cranialis and that regards m. splenius anticus as a part of the former muscle does not accurately reflect the serial homologies among these muscles and may not be justified.  相似文献   

The family Cyprinidae is the largest freshwater fish group in the world, including over 200 genera and 2100 species. The phylogenetic relationships of major clades within this family are simply poorly understood, largely because of the overwhelming diversity of the group; however, several investigators have advanced different hypotheses of relationships that pre- and post-date the use of shared-derived characters as advocated through phylogenetic systematics. As expected, most previous investigations used morphological characters. Recently, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and combined morphological and mtDNA investigations have been used to explore and advance our understanding of species relationships and test monophyletic groupings. Limitations of these studies include limited taxon sampling and a strict reliance upon maternally inherited mtDNA variation. The present study is the first endeavor to recover the phylogenetic relationships of the 12 previously recognized monophyletic subfamilies within the Cyprinidae using newly sequenced nuclear DNA (nDNA) for over 50 species representing members of the different previously hypothesized subfamily and family groupings within the Cyprinidae and from other cypriniform families as outgroup taxa. Hypothesized phylogenetic relationships are constructed using maximum parsimony and Basyesian analyses of 1042 sites, of which 971 sites were variable and 790 were phylogenetically informative. Using other appropriate cypriniform taxa of the families Catostomidae (Myxocyprinus asiaticus), Gyrinocheilidae (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri), and Balitoridae (Nemacheilus sp. and Beaufortia kweichowensis) as outgroups, the Cyprinidae is resolved as a monophyletic group. Within the family the genera Raiamas, Barilius, Danio, and Rasbora, representing many of the tropical cyprinids, represent basal members of the family. All other species can be classified into variably supported and resolved monophyletic lineages, depending upon analysis, that are consistent with or correspond to Barbini and Leuciscini. The Barbini includes taxa traditionally aligned with the subfamily Cyprininae sensu previous morphological revisionary studies by Howes (Barbinae, Labeoninae, Cyprininae and Schizothoracinae). The Leuciscini includes six other subfamilies that are mainly divided into three separate lineages. The relationships among genera and subfamilies are discussed as well as the possible origins of major lineages.  相似文献   

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