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The BRCA2 tumor suppressor is a DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair factor essential for maintaining genome integrity. BRCA2‐deficient cells spontaneously accumulate DNA‐RNA hybrids, a known source of genome instability. However, the specific role of BRCA2 on these structures remains poorly understood. Here we identified the DEAD‐box RNA helicase DDX5 as a BRCA2‐interacting protein. DDX5 associates with DNA‐RNA hybrids that form in the vicinity of DSBs, and this association is enhanced by BRCA2. Notably, BRCA2 stimulates the DNA‐RNA hybrid‐unwinding activity of DDX5 helicase. An impaired BRCA2‐DDX5 interaction, as observed in cells expressing the breast cancer variant BRCA2‐T207A, reduces the association of DDX5 with DNA‐RNA hybrids, decreases the number of RPA foci, and alters the kinetics of appearance of RAD51 foci upon irradiation. Our findings are consistent with DNA‐RNA hybrids constituting an impediment for the repair of DSBs by homologous recombination and reveal BRCA2 and DDX5 as active players in their removal.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody S9.6 binds DNA–RNA hybrids with high affinity, making it useful in research and diagnostic applications, such as in microarrays and in the detection of R‐loops. A single‐chain variable fragment (scFv) of S9.6 was produced, and its affinities for various synthetic nucleic acid hybrids were measured by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). S9.6 exhibits dissociation constants of approximately 0.6 nM for DNA–RNA and, surprisingly, 2.7 nM for RNA–RNA hybrids that are AU‐rich. The affinity of the S9.6 scFv did not appear to be strongly influenced by various buffer conditions or by ionic strength below 500 mM NaCl. The smallest epitope that was strongly bound by the S9.6 scFv contained six base pairs of DNA–RNA hybrid. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

A DNA–DNA hybridization method, reverse dot blot analysis (RDBA), was used to identify Anopheles gambiae s.s. and Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) hosts. Of 299 blood‐fed and semi‐gravid An. gambiae s.l. collected from Kisian, Kenya, 244 individuals were identifiable to species; of these, 69.5% were An. arabiensis and 29.5% were An. gambiae s.s. Host identifications with RDBA were comparable with those of conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by direct sequencing of amplicons of the vertebrate mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Of the 174 amplicon‐producing samples used to compare these two methods, 147 were identifiable by direct sequencing and 139 of these were identifiable by RDBA. Anopheles arabiensis bloodmeals were mostly (94.6%) bovine in origin, whereas An. gambiae s.s. fed upon humans more than 91.8% of the time. Tests by RDBA detected that two of 112 An. arabiensis contained blood from more than one host species, whereas PCR and direct sequencing did not. Recent use of insecticide‐treated bednets in Kisian is likely to have caused the shift in the dominant vector species from An. gambiae s.s. to An. arabiensis. Reverse dot blot analysis provides an opportunity to study changes in host‐feeding by members of the An. gambiae complex in response to the broadening distribution of vector control measures targeting host‐selection behaviours.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of substrate divergence and DNA mismatch repair (MMR) on recombination in Arabidopsis thaliana. Relative to the frequency observed in plants with a homologous construct (0% divergence), recombination was decreased 4.1-, 9.6-, 11.7- or 20.3-fold, respectively, in lines with constructs containing 0.5%, 2%, 4% or 9% divergence between the recombination substrates. To evaluate the contribution of the MMR system in this decrease, 12 independent reporter lines (two or three lines per reporter construct) were crossed to an AtMSH2 T-DNA insertional mutant. We examined the recombination frequency in progeny homozygous for a reporter T-DNA and homozygous either for the wild type or the mutant allele of AtMSH2. The loss of MMR activity led to a two- to ninefold increase in homeologous recombination and the size of the increase did not seem to correlate with the amount of divergence. Inversely, complementation of the insertional mutant with a wild-type cDNA of AtMSH2 reduced recombination. Our results demonstrate clearly that sequence divergence can dramatically reduce the recombination frequency in plants and that the MMR system plays a part in this decrease.  相似文献   

Yunhui Peng  Emil Alexov 《Proteins》2017,85(2):282-295
Protein–nucleic acid interactions play a crucial role in many biological processes. This work investigates the changes of pKa values and protonation states of ionizable groups (including nucleic acid bases) that may occur at protein–nucleic acid binding. Taking advantage of the recently developed pKa calculation tool DelphiPka, we utilize the large protein–nucleic acid interaction database (NPIDB database) to model pKa shifts caused by binding. It has been found that the protein's interfacial basic residues experience favorable electrostatic interactions while the protein acidic residues undergo proton uptake to reduce the energy cost upon the binding. This is in contrast with observations made for protein–protein complexes. In terms of DNA/RNA, both base groups and phosphate groups of nucleotides are found to participate in binding. Some DNA/RNA bases undergo pKa shifts at complex formation, with the binding process tending to suppress charged states of nucleic acid bases. In addition, a weak correlation is found between the pH‐optimum of protein–DNA/RNA binding free energy and the pH‐optimum of protein folding free energy. Overall, the pH‐dependence of protein–nucleic acid binding is not predicted to be as significant as that of protein–protein association. Proteins 2017; 85:282–295. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Analysis of the reassociation kinetics of the DNA from Cladophora pellucida (Huds.) Kütz. indicates that the genome of this benthic alga is comprised of approximately 75% repetitive sequences. Single-copy sequences reassociated with a rate constant of 1.8 × 10?3 M?1· s?1, which corresponds to a haploid genome size of 4.7 × 108 bp. Genotypic relationships between members of the form section Longiarticulatae were determined by the method of DNA–DNA hybridization. No significant divergence was observed between the single-copy sequences of C. pellucida isolates from the East Atlantic coast and Mediterranean Sea. Cladophora feredayi Harv. and C. att. ad pellucida from Australia and C. pellucidoidea van den Hoek from the West Atlantic coast were highly and about equally divergent from C. pellucida. The data support the hypothesis that the West Atlantic–West Pacific divergence reflects the middle Miocene closure of the Mediterranean–Indo-Pacific seaways, and the hypothesis that the Northwest Atlantic–Northeast Atlantic divergence reflects the middle Miocene thermal separation of these coasts.  相似文献   

Monoubiquitination of the Fanconi anaemia protein FANCD2 is a key event leading to repair of interstrand cross‐links. It was reported earlier that FANCD2 co‐localizes with NBS1. However, the functional connection between FANCD2 and MRE11 is poorly understood. In this study, we show that inhibition of MRE11, NBS1 or RAD50 leads to a destabilization of FANCD2. FANCD2 accumulated from mid‐S to G2 phase within sites containing single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates, or at sites of DNA damage, such as those created by restriction endonucleases and laser irradiation. Purified FANCD2, a ring‐like particle by electron microscopy, preferentially bound ssDNA over various DNA substrates. Inhibition of MRE11 nuclease activity by Mirin decreased the number of FANCD2 foci formed in vivo. We propose that FANCD2 binds to ssDNA arising from MRE11‐processed DNA double‐strand breaks. Our data establish MRN as a crucial regulator of FANCD2 stability and function in the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

Shen Li  Philip Bradley 《Proteins》2013,81(8):1318-1329
When proteins bind to their DNA target sites, ordered water molecules are often present at the protein–DNA interface bridging protein and DNA through hydrogen bonds. What is the role of these ordered interfacial waters? Are they important determinants of the specificity of DNA sequence recognition, or do they act in binding in a primarily nonspecific manner, by improving packing of the interface, shielding unfavorable electrostatic interactions, and solvating unsatisfied polar groups that are inaccessible to bulk solvent? When modeling details of structure and binding preferences, can fully implicit solvent models be fruitfully applied to protein–DNA interfaces, or must the individualistic properties of these interfacial waters be accounted for? To address these questions, we have developed a hybrid implicit/explicit solvation model that specifically accounts for the locations and orientations of small numbers of DNA‐bound water molecules, while treating the majority of the solvent implicitly. Comparing the performance of this model with that of its fully implicit counterpart, we find that explicit treatment of interfacial waters results in a modest but significant improvement in protein side‐chain placement and DNA sequence recovery. Base‐by‐base comparison of the performance of the two models highlights DNA sequence positions whose recognition may be dependent on interfacial water. Our study offers large‐scale statistical evidence for the role of ordered water for protein–DNA recognition, together with detailed examination of several well‐characterized systems. In addition, our approach provides a template for modeling explicit water molecules at interfaces that should be extensible to other systems. Proteins 2013; 81:1318–1329. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA‐protein crosslinks (DPCs) obstruct essential DNA transactions, posing a serious threat to genome stability and functionality. DPCs are proteolytically processed in a ubiquitin‐ and DNA replication‐dependent manner by SPRTN and the proteasome but can also be resolved via targeted SUMOylation. However, the mechanistic basis of SUMO‐mediated DPC resolution and its interplay with replication‐coupled DPC repair remain unclear. Here, we show that the SUMO‐targeted ubiquitin ligase RNF4 defines a major pathway for ubiquitylation and proteasomal clearance of SUMOylated DPCs in the absence of DNA replication. Importantly, SUMO modifications of DPCs neither stimulate nor inhibit their rapid DNA replication‐coupled proteolysis. Instead, DPC SUMOylation provides a critical salvage mechanism to remove DPCs formed after DNA replication, as DPCs on duplex DNA do not activate interphase DNA damage checkpoints. Consequently, in the absence of the SUMO‐RNF4 pathway cells are able to enter mitosis with a high load of unresolved DPCs, leading to defective chromosome segregation and cell death. Collectively, these findings provide mechanistic insights into SUMO‐driven pathways underlying replication‐independent DPC resolution and highlight their critical importance in maintaining chromosome stability and cellular fitness.  相似文献   

Experimental data suggest a possible role of DNA damage in aging, mainly related to oxidative lesions. With the objective of evaluating DNA lesions as molecular biomarkers of aging, we measured 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) and DNA–protein crosslinks (DPXL) levels in different organs of mice aged 12 and 24 months. 8-OH-dG was detected by 32P postlabelling after removing unmodified dG by trifluoracetic acid, which prevented the artificial formation of 8-OH-dG during 32P labelling procedures. Appreciable 8-OH-dG amounts were detected in 12-month-old mice in liver (1.8±0.7 8-OH-dG/105 normal nucleotides), brain (1.6±0.5) and heart (2.3±0.5). In 24-month-old mice these values were higher in all examined organs (liver, 2.7±0.4; brain, 3.6±1.1; heart, 6.8±2.2 8-OH-dG/105 normal nucleotides). This accounted for a 1.5-fold increase in liver (not significant), 2.3-fold increase in brain (P<0.01), and 3.0-fold increase in heart (P<0.001). A similar trend was observed for DPXL levels, which were the 1.8±0.3%, 1.2±0.2%, and 2.2±0.3% of total DNA in liver, brain, and heart of 12-month-old mice and 1.9±0.4%, 2.0±0.4%, and 3.4±0.5% in 24-month-old mice, with ratios of 1.0, 1.7 (P<0.01), and 1.5 (P<0.001), respectively. Highly significant correlations between 8-OH-dG and DPXL levels were recorded in brain (r=0.619, P<0.001) and heart (r=0.800, P<0.0001), but not in liver (r=0.201, not significant). These data suggest that brain and heart are more severely affected by the monitored age-related DNA lesions than liver, which can be ascribed to certain characteristics of these postmitotic organs, including the low detoxifying capacities, the high oxygen consumption, and the impossibility to replace damaged cells by mitosis. The strong correlation between 8-OH-dG and DPXL supports a possible contribution of oxidative mechanisms to formation of DPXL in those organs, such as brain and heart, which play a primary role in the aging of the whole organism.  相似文献   

Bacterial RecA is a prototype of ATP-dependent homologous recombinases, found ubiquitously from bacteriophages to humans. The RecA filament formed on single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP initiates a strand exchange reaction with homologous double-stranded DNA. Of the three stages of this reaction (search for homology, annealing of a triple-stranded structure accompanied by a switch of pairing, and displacement of the third strand), the first stage is the most enigmatic and least studied. As is generally accepted, this stage is directed by a special (extended) RecA filament structure and does not require any additional energy from ATP hydrolysis. The new approaches to the study of the strand exchange reaction with short oligonucleotides as DNA substrates and sensitive methods for a real-time monitoring of this reaction suggest that all three stages depend on ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

In this review, the recent advances in the development of fluorescence sensors based on DNA and metal–organic framework hybrids have been reported for nucleic acid, metal ion and amino acid detection. The main detection mechanism depends on different adsorption capacities of MOFs towards different DNA structures (single‐stranded DNA, double‐stranded DNA), and consequently the fluorescence intensity of probe DNA is changed. These results might open up a way to study their potential application in material science and clinical diagnosis of some related diseases.  相似文献   

We analyzed structural features of 11,038 direct atomic contacts (either electrostatic, H-bonds, hydrophobic, or other van der Waals interactions) extracted from 139 protein-DNA and 49 protein-RNA nonhomologous complexes from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Globally, H-bonds are the most frequent interactions (approximately 50%), followed by van der Waals, hydrophobic, and electrostatic interactions. From the protein viewpoint, hydrophilic amino acids are over-represented in the interaction databases: Positively charged amino acids mainly contact nucleic acid phosphate groups but can also interact with base edges. From the nucleotide point of view, DNA and RNA behave differently: Most protein-DNA interactions involve phosphate atoms, while protein-RNA interactions involve more frequently base edge and ribose atoms. The increased participation of DNA phosphate involves H-bonds rather than salt bridges. A statistical analysis was performed to find the occurrence of amino acid-nucleotide pairs most different from chance. These pairs were analyzed individually. Finally, we studied the conformation of DNA in the interaction sites. Despite the prevalence of B-DNA in the database, our results suggest that A-DNA is favored in the interaction sites.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double‐stranded breaks by homologous recombination (HR) is dependent on DNA end resection and on post‐translational modification of repair factors. In budding yeast, single‐stranded DNA is coated by replication protein A (RPA) following DNA end resection, and DNA–RPA complexes are then SUMO‐modified by the E3 ligase Siz2 to promote repair. Here, we show using enzymatic assays that DNA duplexes containing 3'' single‐stranded DNA overhangs increase the rate of RPA SUMO modification by Siz2. The SAP domain of Siz2 binds DNA duplexes and makes a key contribution to this process as highlighted by models and a crystal structure of Siz2 and by assays performed using protein mutants. Enzymatic assays performed using DNA that can accommodate multiple RPA proteins suggest a model in which the SUMO‐RPA signal is amplified by successive rounds of Siz2‐dependent SUMO modification of RPA and dissociation of SUMO‐RPA at the junction between single‐ and double‐stranded DNA. Our results provide insights on how DNA architecture scaffolds a substrate and E3 ligase to promote SUMO modification in the context of DNA repair.  相似文献   

The Mre11–Rad50 nuclease–ATPase is an evolutionarily conserved multifunctional DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair factor. Mre11–Rad50's mechanism in the processing, tethering, and signaling of DSBs is unclear, in part because we lack a structural framework for its interaction with DNA in different functional states. We determined the crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima Rad50NBD (nucleotide‐binding domain) in complex with Mre11HLH (helix‐loop‐helix domain), AMPPNP, and double‐stranded DNA. DNA binds between both coiled‐coil domains of the Rad50 dimer with main interactions to a strand‐loop‐helix motif on the NBD. Our analysis suggests that this motif on Rad50 does not directly recognize DNA ends and binds internal sites on DNA. Functional studies reveal that DNA binding to Rad50 is not critical for DNA double‐strand break repair but is important for telomere maintenance. In summary, we provide a structural framework for DNA binding to Rad50 in the ATP‐bound state.  相似文献   

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