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The first cell migration event in the mouse embryo is the movement of parietal endoderm cells from the surface of the inner cell mass facing the blastocoel cavity to line the inner surface of the trophectoderm. F9 embryoid bodies provide an in vitro model for this event. They have an inner core of undifferentiated stem cells surrounded by an outer visceral endoderm layer. When plated on a laminin coated substrate, visceral endoderm transitions to parietal endoderm and migrates onto the dish, away from the attached embryoid body. We now show that this outgrowth contains abundant focal complexes and focal adhesions, as well as lamellipodia and filopodia. Treatment with the ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 promotes a 2-fold increase in outgrowth, and a transition from focal adhesions and associated stress fibers, to focal complexes and a decrease in stress fibers. ROCK inhibition also leads to an increase in lamellipodia. Inhibition of RhoA by transfection of a vector encoding C3 transferase, direct administration of the C3 enzyme, or transfection of a vector encoding p190 Rho GTPase Activating Protein also promotes outgrowth and an apparent transition from focal adhesions to focal complexes. Parietal endoderm outgrowth generated using vinculin-deficient F9 stem cells migrates 2-fold further than wild type cultures, but this outgrowth retains the morphology of wild type parietal endoderm, including focal adhesions and stress fibers. Addition of Y-27632 to vinculin-null outgrowth cultures further stimulates migration an additional 2-fold, supporting the conclusion that Rho/ROCK and vinculin regulate parietal endoderm outgrowth by distinct pathways.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases参与调控细胞的多种关键生物学行为,特别是细胞的生长、细胞骨架的形成、转录调节等生物学过程. 在肿瘤的发生发展中Rho GTPases也扮演了重要的角色.本文将回顾Rho GTPases的调控(包括经典及非经典调控方式)及其关键成员(RhoA、Cdc42及Rac1)与临床肿瘤的研究进展,特别是它们参与调控肿瘤的增殖、迁移、侵袭、凋亡等恶性生物学行为,从而为研发靶向Rho GTPases的小分子/基因药物了奠定基础.  相似文献   

The differentiation of valvular interstitial cells (VICs) to a myofibroblastic or osteoblast-like phenotype is commonly found in calcific valvular stenosis, although the molecular-level mechanisms of this process remain poorly understood. Due to the role of the Rho pathway in various vascular diseases and in the expression of a myofibroblast phenotype, the present study was inspired by the hypothesis that Rho activation is involved in regulating cellular processes related to valve calcification. It was found that increased RhoA and Rho kinase (ROCK) activity was associated with increased nodule formation in VIC cultures in vitro, and intentional induction of RhoA activity led to a further increase in nodules and expression of α-smooth muscle actin. VICs treated with ROCK inhibitors were also examined for nodule formation, proliferation, apoptosis, and expression of myofibroblastic or osteoblastic markers. ROCK inhibition dramatically reduced myofibroblast-regulated nodule formation in VIC cultures, as evidenced by a decrease in nodule number, total nodule area, α-smooth muscle actin-positive stress fibers, apoptosis, and gene expression of myofibroblast-related phenotypic markers. Meanwhile, ROCK inhibition was less effective at reducing nodule formation associated with osteogenic activity. In fact, ROCK inhibition increased the expression of alkaline phosphatase and effected only a modest decrease in nodule number when applied to VIC cultures with higher osteogenic activity. Thus, the Rho pathway possesses a complex role in regulating the VIC phenotype and nodule formation, and it is hoped that further elucidation of these molecular-level events will lead to an improved understanding of valvular disease and identification of potential treatments.  相似文献   

Concomitant Na(+)/H(+) and Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange activation occurs during stimulation of acid secretion in cultured rabbit parietal cells, possibly related to a necessity for volume regulation during the secretory process. We investigated whether cytoplasmic volume changes occur during secretagogue stimulation of cultured rabbit parietal cells. Cells were loaded with the fluorescent dye calcein, and the calcein concentration within a defined cytoplasmic volume was recorded by confocal microscopy. Forskolin at 10(-5) M, carbachol at 10(-4) M, and hyperosmolarity (400 mosmol) resulted in a rapid increase in the cytoplasmic dye concentration by 21 +/- 6, 9 +/- 4, and 23 +/- 5%, respectively, indicative of cell shrinkage, followed by recovery to baseline within several minutes, indicative of regulatory volume increase (RVI). Depolarization by 5 mM barium resulted in a decrease of the cytoplasmic dye concentration by 10 +/- 2%, indicative of cell swelling, with recovery within 15 min, and completely prevented forskolin- or carbachol-induced cytoplasmic shrinkage. Na(+)/H(+) exchange inhibitors slightly reduced the initial cell shrinkage and significantly slowed the RVI, whereas 100 microM bumetanide had no significant effect on either parameter. We conclude that acid secretagoguges induce a rapid loss of parietal cell cytoplasmic volume, followed by RVI, which is predominantly mediated by Na(+)/H(+) and Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchange.  相似文献   

Rho GTPase-activating proteins in cell regulation   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  

Rho GTPases in animal cell mitosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The Rho GTPases have been thought to influence cell morphogenesis through remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Consistently, downstream targets such as the mDia family of formins and the WASP family proteins induce actin nucleation and polymerization, and another set of downstream effectors, the ROCK family protein kinases, are involved in regulation of actomyosin contractility. However, evidence has now accumulated that Rho GTPases also regulate local dynamics of microtubules. The mDia family proteins, for example, function downstream of Rho to stabilize and align microtubules in interphase cells. Concomitantly, the role of Rho GTPases in animal cell division, once thought to be limited to cytokinesis, has now been shown to extend to mitosis. Recent work indicates that they may function during both spindle orientation and chromosome congression. However, their involvement is cell-type-specific, raising arguments for and against a mitotic role for Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases in cancer cell biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Vega FM  Ridley AJ 《FEBS letters》2008,582(14):2093-2101

The role of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-induced Rho kinase (ROCK) activation in the angiogenic responses of pulmonary artery-derived endothelial cells (PAEC) and smooth muscle cells (PASMC) was examined. S1P, a biologically active phospholipid that regulates angiogenesis, promoted PAEC chemotaxis and capillary morphogenesis; furthermore, this activity was unaltered by pretreatment with the pharmacological inhibitor of ROCK, H1152. In contrast, S1P (500 nM) significantly inhibited spontaneous PASMC chemotaxis and differentiation; however, this inhibition was eradicated upon H1152 pretreatment. Similarly, PASMCs transfected with ROCK II siRNA diminished S1P-induced inhibition of the development of multi-cellular structures. Analysis by RT-PCR identified the presence of S1P1 and S1P3 receptors on both PAECs and PASMCs, while S1P2 receptor expression was confined to only PASMCs. Consistent with this observation, the S1P1 and S1P3 receptor antagonist, VPC23019, virtually abolished the S1P-initiated PAEC differentiation but did not impede the S1P-induced inhibition of PASMC differentiation. However, the S1P2 receptor antagonist, JTE013, had no effect on S1P-mediated differentiation of PAECs but abolished the S1P-induced inhibition of PASMC function. Co-cultured endothelial and smooth muscle cells differentiated into “neovascular-like” networks, which were significantly inhibited by S1P. The inhibition of co-culture differentiation in both PAECs and PASMCs was negated by H1152 pretreatment. However, when smooth muscle cells were added to S1P-initiated endothelial cell networks, additional S1P treatment did not inhibit the cellular networks generated by these cells. In conclusion, S1P-induced PAEC angiogenic responses are regulated by S1P1 and/or S1P3 receptors independent of Rho kinase activation, whereas S1P2 receptor-mediated curtailment of PASMC function by S1P.  相似文献   

Summary The gastric parietal cells of newborn rabbits show a reduction in number and change in distribution of the smooth cytoplasmic vesicles when compared with the full term fetus. The apical surface and intracellular canaliculus become more complex. The changes are believed to be a manifestation of the onset of acid secretion. The remaining cells of the mucosa and of the submucosal connective tissue show dilatation of endoplasmic reticulum and accumulation of fat with other abnormal features of non-specific nature and unknown origin.  相似文献   

Rho family small GTPase plays a key role in the regulation of cell shape and migration in mammalian cells. Constitutive activation of Rho GTPase leads to the aberrant cell morphology and migration. We identified nm23-H2 as a binding partner of Lbc proto-oncogene product, which specifically activates RhoA, and revealed that nm23-H2 could act as a negative regulator of Rho activity. Furthermore, we found that Lbc, nm23-H2 and ICAP1-α could form tertial complex in cells, and this complex formation was thought to be critical for cell migration stimulated by integrin. It is reported that nm23-H1 bound to Tiam1 and Dbl, which activates Rac and Cdc42 small GTPase, respectively. We discuss the role of nm23 in the regulation of cell morphology and cell migration via Rho family GTPases.  相似文献   

The last decades have witnessed an exponential increase in our knowledge of Rho GTPase signaling network which further highlighted the cross talk between these proteins and the complexity of their signaling pathways. In this review, we summarize the upstream and downstream players from Rho GTPases that are mainly involved in actin polymerization leading to cell motility and potentially playing a role in cancer cell metastasis.  相似文献   

A number of proteins that play key roles in biological regulatory events undergo a process of post-translational modifications termed prenylation. The prenylation pathway consists of three enzymatic steps; the final processed protein is isoprenoid-modified and methylated on the C-terminal cysteine. This protein modification pathway plays a significant role in cancer biology because many oncogenic proteins undergo prenylation. Methylation of the C terminus by isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (Icmt) is the final step in the prenylation pathway. Cysmethynil, a specific Icmt inhibitor discovered in our laboratory, is able to inhibit Ras-mediated signaling, cell growth, and oncogenesis. We sought to examine the role of Icmt-mediated methylation on the behaviors of cancer cells associated with metastatic potential. Our results indicate that inhibition of methylation reduces migration of the highly metastatic MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line. In addition, cell adhesion and cell spreading are also significantly impacted by cysmethynil. To examine the mechanism of Icmt-dependent migration we focused on RhoA and Rac1, prenylated proteins that are important mediators of cell migration through their control of the actin cytoskeleton. Inhibition of Icmt significantly decreases the activation of both RhoA and Rac1; an increase in Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor (RhoGDI) binding in the absence of methylation appears to contribute to this effect. Furthermore, in the absence of Icmt activity the addition of exogenous RhoA or Rac1 is able to partially rescue directed and random migration, respectively. These findings establish a role for Icmt-mediated methylation in cell migration and advance our understanding of the biological consequences of Rho methylation.Post-translational modifications of proteins play vital roles in many aspects of cell biology. Hence, identifying and understanding the biological impact of these processes is crucial to furthering our basic understanding of how cells function. Numerous proteins that control important biological regulatory events undergo a complex series of post-translational modifications that are directed by the presence of a so-called CaaX motif at their C terminus. This post-translational pathway, termed protein prenylation, is initiated by the attachment of an isoprenoid lipid to an invariant cysteine residue, the C of the CaaX motif (1, 2). Either a 15-carbon farnesyl or 20-carbon geranylgeranyl isoprenoid is covalently attached to this cysteine by protein farnesyltransferase (FTase)2 or protein geranylgeranyltransferase-I (GGTase-I), respectively (3). The prenylation step is followed by cleavage of the three C-terminal amino acids (the -AAX) by an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound protease termed Rce1. Finally, the prenylated cysteine, which is now located at the C terminus, is methylated by isoprenylcysteine carboxylmethyltransferase (Icmt), another integral ER membrane protein (4, 5). The final result of these modifications is a protein that contains a prenylated and methylated cysteine at its C terminus. Numerous studies have demonstrated that this post-translational processing not only facilitates protein association with cellular membranes, but also can play important roles in protein-protein interactions and protein stability (1, 6, 7). Thus, it is clear that CaaX processing is necessary for the biological activities of these proteins.The prenylation pathway has been targeted for potential anticancer therapy because most members of the Ras superfamily, which contains many known oncogenes, undergo CAAX processing. The Ras superfamily consists of five large subfamilies; the two most well-characterized are the Ras and Rho subfamilies (8). Both Ras and Rho proteins are processed by the CaaX pathway; Ras family members are farnesylated, while most Rho family members are geranylgeranylated. These monomeric GTPases cycle between a GDP-bound inactive state and a GTP-bound active state. In their active states, Ras and Rho subfamily members control numerous cell signaling pathways that are involved in cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, polarity, and morphology (9).Abnormally high activity of Ras and Rho signaling pathways contribute to initiation and progression of many types of cancer (10, 11). For example, many breast cancers that are highly metastatic express abnormally high levels of Rho proteins (12). Rho proteins control migration and invasion of cells by tightly coordinating changes in the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Acting through their effectors, Rho proteins rearrange the actin cytoskeleton to respond to chemo-attractant gradients, polarize cells, and control migration and invasion. While cell migration is necessary for development, leukocyte function, and other normal cell biologies, dysregulation of migration and invasion results in cancer metastasis (13). Metastasis is an important and deadly progression of cancer and understanding the biology of migrating cancer cells is crucial for therapeutic targeting of this aspect of cancer.Pharmacologic targeting of the enzymes involved in the CaaX-processing pathway has emerged as a promising anticancer strategy. In particular, there has been much effort in designing inhibitors against the protein prenyltransferases, most notably FTase (14, 15). There is also recent evidence that inhibition of geranygeranylation of Rho proteins also impacts oncogenesis and metastasis (1618). However, the overall success of the FTase inhibitors (FTIs) in the clinical setting has been somewhat disappointing. One possible reason is a phenomenon termed “alternate prenylation” in which some FTase substrates, most notably K- and N- Ras, are modified by GGTase and escape inhibition by FTIs (1921). Because the Rce1 protease and Icmt methyltransferase act on all CaaX proteins, problems such as alternate prenylation would not arise if these enzymes were targeted. Hence, while protein prenyltransferase inhibitors still show some promise as anticancer agents, the emerging view that global attenuation of CaaX protein function may be advantageous in blocking cancer cell growth has increased interest in studying the two downstream enzymes involved in CaaX processing.While the biological consequences of prenylation are fairly well understood, the precise roles of C-terminal methylation in CaaX protein function are still elusive. Depending on the CaaX protein, methylation has been ascribed to roles in localization, protein-protein interactions and protein stability (11). The development of an Icmt knock-out mouse model has furthered our understanding of Icmt function (22, 23). Localization studies conducted in cells with genetically deleted Icmt have shown that methylation is important for proper membrane association of Ras proteins. However, the localization of Rho proteins in the absence of Icmt activity appears to be more complicated and may vary depending on family member and activation status (2426). Importantly, inhibition of CaaX protein methylation via either genetic or pharmacologic targeting has shown a clear impact on oncogenic transformation and tumor growth (23, 27, 28).Defining the role of Icmt-mediated methylation in complex cellular behaviors such as migration and invasion is crucial for furthering our understanding of the impact of CaaX protein methylation on the biology of normal and cancer cells. In the current study, we have assessed the impact of Icmt inhibition on cell biological processes associated with the function of Rho proteins, specifically cell adhesion, morphology, and migration. We found that inhibition of Icmt results in a disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and impairs ligand-mediated activation of RhoA and Rac1, a potential consequence of increased RhoGDI binding to both RhoA and Rac1 when their methylation is impaired. Further, we show that the impact of Icmt inhibition on cell migration is due at least in part to impairment of RhoA and Rac1function. These findings establish a role for Icmt-mediated methylation in cell migration and further elucidate the role that methylation plays in the function of Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by a wide loss of synapses and dendritic spines. Despite extensive efforts, the molecular mechanisms driving this detrimental alteration have not yet been determined. Among the factors potentially mediating this loss of neuronal connectivity, the contribution of Rho GTPases is of particular interest. This family of proteins is classically considered a key regulator of actin cytoskeleton remodeling and dendritic spine maintenance, but new insights into the complex dynamics of its regulation have recently determined how its signaling cascade is still largely unknown, both in physiological and pathological conditions. Here, we review the growing evidence supporting the potential involvement of Rho GTPases in spine loss, which is a unanimously recognized hallmark of early AD pathogenesis. We also discuss some new insights into Rho GTPase signaling framework that might explain several controversial results that have been published. The study of the connection between AD and Rho GTPases represents a quite unchartered avenue that holds therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Host cell invasion of the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is one of the primary reasons of tissue damage in humans but molecular mechanisms are widely unclear. Here, we show that C. jejuni triggers membrane ruffling in the eukaryotic cell followed by invasion in a very specific manner first with its tip followed by the flagellar end. To pinpoint important signalling events involved in the C. jejuni invasion process, we examined the role of small Rho family GTPases. Using specific GTPase-modifying toxins, inhibitors and GTPase expression constructs we show that Rac1 and Cdc42, but not RhoA, are involved in C. jejuni invasion. In agreement with these observations, we found that internalization of C. jejuni is accompanied by a time-dependent activation of both Rac1 and Cdc42. Finally, we show that the activation of these GTPases involves different host cell kinases and the bacterial fibronectin-binding protein CadF. Thus, CadF is a bifunctional protein which triggers bacterial binding to host cells as well as signalling leading to GTPase activation. Collectively, our results suggest that C. jejuni invade host target cells by a unique mechanism and the activation of the Rho GTPase members Rac1 and Cdc42 plays a crucial role in this entry process.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that stimulation of acid secretion in parietal cells causes rapid initial cell shrinkage, followed by Na(+)/H(+) exchange-mediated regulatory volume increase (RVI). The factors leading to the initial cell shrinkage are unknown. We therefore monitored volume changes in cultured rabbit parietal cells by confocal measurement of the cytoplasmic calcein concentration. Although blocking the presumably apically located K(+) channel KCNQ1 with chromanol 293b reduced both the forskolin- and carbachol-induced cell shrinkage, inhibition of Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels with charybdotoxin strongly inhibited the cell volume decrease after carbachol, but not after forskolin stimulation. The cell shrinkage induced by both secretagogues was partially inhibited by blocking H(+)-K(+)-ATPase with SCH28080 and completely absent after incubation with NPPB, which inhibits parietal cell anion conductances involved in acid secretion. The subsequent RVI was strongly inhibited with the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 1 (NHE1)-specific concentration of HOE642 and completely by 500 muM dimethyl-amiloride (DMA), which also inhibits NHE4. None of the above substances induced volume changes under baseline conditions. Our results indicate that cell volume decrease associated with acid secretion is dependent on the activation of K(+) and Cl(-) channels by the respective secretagogues. K(+), Cl(-), and water secretion into the secretory canaliculi is thus one likely mechanism of stimulation-associated cell shrinkage in cultured parietal cells. The observed RVI is predominantly mediated by NHE1.  相似文献   

The stimulated fusion of intracellular H/K-ATPase-containing tubulovesicles with a target canalicular membrane surface is central to the process of acid secretion. A super-family of small GTP-binding proteins (smGTPBPs) has been implicated in many aspects of intracellular dynamics and vesicle membrane trafficking. We have investigated the presence of smGTPBPs in isolated rabbit parietal cells. Parietal cells possess a number of smGTPBP species with molecular masses of 18-28 kDa. One 23 kDa smGTPBP has been localized to tubulovesicles and identified immunochemically as rab2. Rab2 redistributes during stimulation in concert with the movement of the H/K-ATPase. The results demonstrate that specific smGTPBPs are associated with the parietal cell secretory apparatus. Small GTP-binding proteins are important candidate regulators of parietal secretory membrane dynamics.  相似文献   

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