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In order to understand the ecological adaptations of primates to survive in temperate forests, we need to know the general patterns of plant phenology in temperate and tropical forests. Comparative analyses have been employed to investigate general trends in the seasonality and abundance of fruit and young leaves in tropical and temperate forests. Previous studies have shown that (1) fruit fall biomass in temperate forest is lower than in tropical forest, (2) non-fleshy species, in particular acorns, comprise the majority of the fruit biomass in temperate forest, (3) the duration of the fruiting season is shorter in temperate forest, and (4) the fruiting peak occurs in autumn in most temperate forests. Through our comparative analyses of the fruiting and flushing phenology between Asian temperate and tropical forests, we revealed that (1) fruiting is more annually periodic (the pattern in one year is similar to that seen in the next year) in temperate forest in terms of the number of fruiting species or trees, (2) there is no consistent difference in interannual variations in fruiting between temperate and tropical forests, although some oak-dominated temperate forests exhibit extremely large interannual variations in fruiting, (3) the timing of the flushing peak is predictable (in spring and early summer), and (4) the duration of the flushing season is shorter. The flushing season in temperate forests (17–28 % of that in tropical forests) was quite limited, even compared to the fruiting season (68 %). These results imply that temperate primates need to survive a long period of scarcity of young leaves and fruits, but the timing is predictable. Therefore, a dependence on low-quality foods, such as mature leaves, buds, bark, and lichens, would be indispensable for temperate primates. Due to the high predictability of the timing of fruiting and flushing in temperate forests, fat accumulation during the fruit-abundant period and fat metabolization during the subsequent fruit-scarce period can be an effective strategy to survive the lean period (winter).  相似文献   

Abstract We present a model of gaps in the vertical structure of forest vegetation. The traditional model of a forest gap assumes the existence of a ‘hole’ in the uppermost canopy layer, often extending down to near the ground. The present model extends the concept to gaps at any level, including those in lower layers below an intact canopy or subcanopy. It assumes that gaps at any level represent spaces with unused resources, especially favourable for plant growth and survival. Evidence from temperate and tropical forests indicates that gaps in the subcanopy and understorey layers below intact canopies are common, and that plants have higher growth rates in them than in non-gap sites. We also extend this model to below-ground gaps in the root zone.  相似文献   

A total of 500 strains of basidiomycetes isolated from temperate forests in Japan and 379 strains from tropical forests in Indonesia were subjected to a laboratory screening for dioxin-degrading ability. At first, about 200 fungal strains were selected by their ability to decolorize Remazol Brilliant Blue R dye as an indicator of ligninolytic activities. Next, for excluding the factor of dioxin sorption by mycelia, we prepared two series of living cultures exposed either long-term or short-term to 2,7-dichlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,7-DCDD), and compared the decreases in the remaining amounts of this model compound. We chose Bjerkandera adusta strain VH57 as a promising new candidate for dioxin degradation, because it gave 40% difference in 2,7-DCDD levels between the two treatments after 30 days of exposure.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing and complex characteristics of reproductive phenology in tropical forests is high diversity within and among forests. To understand such diversity, Newstrom et al. provided a systematic framework for the classification of tropical flowering phenology. They adopted frequency and regularity as criteria with priority, and classified plants in La Selva, Costa Rica, where most plants reproduced more than once a year irregularly. Many other studies have demonstrated annual cycles corresponding to rainfall patterns at the community level in Neotropical forests, including La Selva. On the other hand, supraannual flowering synchronized among various plant species, called general flowering, is known from aseasonal lowland dipterocarp forests in Southeast Asia. Within both forests, a wide spectrum of flowering patterns is found. This range of patterns suggests the great potential of tropical phenological studies to explore the selective pressures on phenology. Various abiotic and biotic factors can be selective agents. The shared pollinators hypothesis suggests that plant species sharing pollinators segregate flowering temporarily to minimize interspecific overlap in flowering times and thus minimize ineffective pollination or competition for pollinators, indicating strong phylogenetic constraints in timing and variation of flowering. Comparison of phenology within and among forests may help our understanding of phenological diversity. Attempts are now being made to develop a common language to communicate concepts and render interpretations of data more compatible among investigators and to create a network to promote comparative studies. Received: September 8, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

Site‐to‐site variation in species composition (β‐diversity) generally increases from low‐ to high‐diversity regions. Although biogeographical differences in community assembly mechanisms may explain this pattern, random sampling effects can create this pattern through differences in regional species pools. Here, we compared assembly mechanisms between spatially extensive networks of temperate and tropical forest plots with highly divergent species pools (46 vs. 607 species). After controlling for sampling effects, β‐diversity of woody plants was similar and higher than expected by chance in both forests, reflecting strong intraspecific aggregation. However, different mechanisms appeared to explain aggregation in the two forests. In the temperate forest, aggregation reflected stronger environmental correlations, suggesting an important role for species‐sorting (e.g. environmental filtering) processes, whereas in the tropics, aggregation reflected stronger spatial correlations, more likely reflecting dispersal limitation. We suggest that biogeographical differences in the relative importance of different community assembly mechanisms contribute to these striking gradients in global biodiversity.  相似文献   

Summary Samples from temperate forest communities across the North American continent were analysed for correlations of plant species diversity with environment and community structure.Alpha diversity relationships are complicated by different vegetation patterns and community history. The differences in community diversity patterns may be due to the independent evolution of communities in different regions.Results of analyses were: 1) on a continental scale plant species diversity is related to mean annual temperature, but not precipitation; 2) diversity is substantially greater in continental climates than in maritime regions; 3) diversity-community structure relationships are generally weak, except 4) there is an inverse relationship between diversity and abundance of conifer tree species. Attempts to relate diversity to environmental parameters with multiple regression techniques met with only moderate success.I thank R. H. Whittaker, R. K. Peet and H. G. Gauch, Jr., for their help and comments. I am especially grateful to R. H. Whittaker for making his data available to me. Computation was supported in part by N.S.F. grant No. GB-30679. I was supported by a Nat. Inst. of Health Traineeship during part of this study.  相似文献   

The seed dispersal mechanisms and regeneration of various forest ecosystems can benefit from the actions of carnivores via endozoochory. This study was aimed to evaluate the role of carnivores in endozoochory and diploendozoochory, as well as their effect on seed viability, scarification, and germination in two forest ecosystems: temperate and tropical dry forest. We collected carnivore scat in the Protected Natural Area of Sierra Fría in Aguascalientes, Mexico, for 2 years to determine the abundance and richness of seeds dispersed by each carnivore species, through scat analysis. We assessed seed viability through optical densitometry using X‐rays, analyzed seed scarification by measuring seed coat thickness using a scanning electron microscope, and evaluated seed germination in an experiment as the percentage of seeds germinated per carnivore disperser, plant species, and forest type. In the temperate forest, four plant species (but mainly Arctostaphylos pungens) were dispersed by four mammal species. The gray fox dispersed the highest average number of seeds per scat (66.8 seeds). Bobcat dispersed seeds through diploendozoochory, which was inferred from rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) hair detected in their scats. The tropical dry forest presented higher abundance of seeds and richness of dispersed plant species (four species) than in the temperate forest, and the coati dispersed the highest number of seeds (8,639 seeds). Endozoochory and diploendozoochory did not affect viability in thick‐testa seeds (1,480 µm) in temperate forest and thin‐testa seeds (281 µm) in tropical dry forest. Endozoochory improved the selective germination of seeds. Nine plant species were dispersed by endozoochory, but only one species (Juniperus sp.) by diploendozoochory. These results suggest that carnivores can perform an important ecological function by dispersing a great abundance of seeds, scarifying these seeds causing the formation of holes and cracks in the testas without affecting viability, and promoting the selective germination of seeds.  相似文献   

Aim To test the hypothesis that animal communities within environmentally relatively uniform lowland forests are characterized by low beta diversity, both in tropical and in temperate areas. Location Lowland forests in the basins of the Sepik and Ramu rivers in New Guinea, the Amazon river in Bolivia, and the Elbe and Dyje rivers in the Czech Republic. Methods A network of 5–6 study sites spanning distances from 20–80 to 300–500 km in each study area was systematically surveyed for all frogs, using visual detection and call tracking. The community data were analysed for alpha and beta diversity. Results Local (alpha) diversity of frog communities was similar in the two tropical areas, New Guinea (mean ± SE of 22 ± 1.4 species per site) and Amazonia (24 ± 1.7 species), but was significantly lower in Europe (8 ± 0.8 species). In Amazonia, 36 of the total of 70 species were recorded from single sites. In contrast, widespread species dominated in Europe, whereas New Guinea exhibited an intermediate pattern with both local and widespread species well represented. The rate of species accumulation across different sites was lowest in Europe, intermediate in New Guinea and highest in Amazonia. The regional species diversity, expressed as the combined number of species from five study sites, was 1.5 times higher than the local species diversity at a single site in Europe, 2.0 times higher in New Guinea and 2.7 times higher in Amazonia. The proportion of species shared between communities decreased with geographic distance in New Guinea and Europe, but not in Amazonia. Main conclusions Frog communities in the lowland tropical rain forests of New Guinea and Amazonia had similar numbers of species, but differed in their beta diversity. More species in Amazonia had restricted distributions than in New Guinea. Both tropical areas had markedly higher alpha and beta diversity than the temperate area in Europe.  相似文献   

The annual leaf fall of three species of cool temperate forest trees was examined for two different consecutive seasons at two localities in Tasmania. The reverse summation of the sequential fall of leaves throughout an annual cycle provided a population biomass that was amenable to life table analyses. Rates of leaf fall were compared between species at different times, and were related to temperature. The threshold temperature for leaf fall to commence was approximately 11–12°C. Estimates of the probability of leaves remaining on trees at different times through the cycle were also obtained.  相似文献   

Mountainous areas of the Korean Peninsula are among the biodiversity hotspots of the world's temperate forests. Understanding patterns in spatial distribution of their species richness requires explicit consideration of different environmental drivers and their effects on functionally differing components. In this study, we assess the impact of both geographical and soil variables on the fine-scale (400 m2) pattern of plant diversity using field data from six national parks, spanning a 1300 m altitudinal gradient. Species richness and the slopes of species–area curves were calculated separately for the tree, shrub and herb layer and used as response variables in regression tree analyses. A cluster analysis distinguished three dominant forest communities with specific patterns in the diversity–environment relationship. The most widespread middle-altitude oak forests had the highest tree richness but the lowest richness of herbaceous plants due to a dense bamboo understory. Total richness was positively associated with soil reaction and negatively associated with soluble phosphorus and solar radiation (site dryness). Tree richness was associated mainly with soil factors, although trees are frequently assumed to be controlled mainly by factors with large-scale impact. A U-shaped relationship was found between herbaceous plant richness and altitude, caused by a distribution pattern of dwarf bamboo in understory. No correlation between the degree of canopy openness and herb layer richness was detected. Slopes of the species–area curves indicated the various origins of forest communities. Variable diversity–environment responses in different layers and communities reinforce the necessity of context-dependent differentiation for the assessment of impacts of climate and land-use changes in these diverse but intensively exploited regions.  相似文献   

热带森林植物多样性及其维持机制   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
热带森林具有地球上最丰富的植物多样性。关于热带森林植物多样性的维持机制,虽有众多假说,但均未形成完善的理论体系。不同的学者从不同的角度出发得出了许多结论,但也引起了不少争议。本文主要简述了4种经常被用来解释热带森林高植物多样性的机制:生态位分化、取食压力、生活史负相关和随机竞争,每一种机制都有大量的证据支持。热带森林植物沿微环境梯度的非随机空间分布表明其生态位分化很明显,并对其多样性起重要作用。动物的取食降低母树周围同种幼苗的生长率和存活率,为其他物种存活提供了机会,这就是取食压力假说,这是一个极有前景但仍需大量实验验证的假说。生活史负相关使得热带森林的许多植物能够共存。冠层植物的抑制使得随机性在林下植物的建立过程中起决定作用。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity (PD, the diversity of lineages) and functional diversity (FD, the diversity of functional traits or groups in a biological community) reflect important yet poorly understood attributes of species assemblages. Until recently, few studies have examined the spatial variation of PD and FD in natural communities. Yet the relationships between PD and FD and area (termed PDAR and FDAR), like the analogous species–area relationship (SAR), have received less attention and may provide insights into the mechanisms that shape the composition and dynamics of ecological communities. In this study, we used four spatial point process models to evaluate the likely roles of the random placement of species, habitat filtering, dispersal limitation, and the combined effects of habitat filtering and dispersal limitation in producing observed PDARs and FDARs in two large, fully mapped temperate forest research plots in northeast China and in north‐central USA. We found that the dispersal limitation hypothesis provided a good approximation of the accumulation of PD and FD with increasing area, as it did for the species area curves. PDAR and FDAR patterns were highly correlated with the SAR. We interpret this as evidence that species interactions, which are often influenced by phylogenetic and functional similarity, may be relatively unimportant in structuring temperate forest tree assemblages at this scale. However, the scale‐dependent departures of the PDAR and FDAR that emerged for the dispersal limitation hypothesis agree with operation of competitive exclusion at small scales and habitat filtering at larger scales. Our analysis illustrates how emergent community patterns in fully mapped temperate forest plots can be influenced by multiple underlying processes at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

The carbon balance of tropical, temperate and boreal forests   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Forest biomes are major reserves for terrestrial carbon, and major components of global primary productivity. The carbon balance of forests is determined by a number of component processes of carbon acquisition and carbon loss, and a small shift in the magnitude of these processes would have a large impact on the global carbon cycle. In this paper, we discuss the climatic influences on the carbon dynamics of boreal, temperate and tropical forests by presenting a new synthesis of micrometeorological, ecophysiological and forestry data, concentrating on three case-study sites. Historical changes in the carbon balance of each biome are also reviewed, and the evidence for a carbon sink in each forest biome and its likely behaviour under future global change are discussed. We conclude that there have been significant advances in determining the carbon balance of forests, but there are still critical uncertainties remaining, particularly in the behaviour of soil carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Clearance, fragmentation, and degradation of tropical forests have resulted in declines of biodiversity. This loss of biodiversity is endangering important ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. If anthropogenic disturbances affect seed dispersal of keystone plants, effects on tropical ecosystems might be especially pronounced. We studied frugivore assemblages and fruit removal from 25 Ficus thonningii trees in the heavily fragmented and disturbed Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. During 400 observation hours we recorded 36 frugivores visiting F. thonningii trees. We recorded significantly fewer frugivorous species in fragments compared to the main forest and in highly, compared to little, disturbed sites. Effects of fragmentation and local disturbance on the number of individuals were not significant but showed similar trends to those in the previous analyses. Furthermore, fruit removal from focal trees was slightly reduced in fragmented and significantly reduced in highly disturbed sites. These results suggest that mutualistic interactions of keystone species can be particularly sensitive to human forest disturbance with potential long-term effects on the biodiversity of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Ungulates are leading drivers of plant communities worldwide, with impacts linked to animal density, disturbance and vegetation structure, and site productivity. Many ecosystems have more than one ungulate species; however, few studies have specifically examined the combined effects of two or more species on plant communities. We examined the extent to which two ungulate browsers (moose [Alces americanus]) and white‐tailed deer [Odocoileus virginianus]) have additive (compounding) or compensatory (opposing) effects on herbaceous layer composition and diversity, 5–6 years after timber harvest in Massachusetts, USA. We established three combinations of ungulates using two types of fenced exclosures – none (full exclosure), deer (partial exclosure), and deer + moose (control) in six replicated blocks. Species composition diverged among browser treatments, and changes were generally additive. Plant assemblages characteristic of closed canopy forests were less abundant and assemblages characteristic of open/disturbed habitats were more abundant in deer + moose plots compared with ungulate excluded areas. Browsing by deer + moose resulted in greater herbaceous species richness at the plot scale (169 m2) and greater woody species richness at the subplot scale (1 m2) than ungulate exclusion and deer alone. Browsing by deer + moose resulted in strong changes to the composition, structure, and diversity of forest herbaceous layers, relative to areas free of ungulates and areas browed by white‐tailed deer alone. Our results provide evidence that moderate browsing in forest openings can promote both herbaceous and woody plant diversity. These results are consistent with the classic grazing‐species richness curve, but have rarely been documented in forests.  相似文献   

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