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This study examined the effects of 2 manipulations-a brief, regular period of human contact and diet-on the behavior of dogs confined in a public animal shelter. A behavioral battery designed to assess reactions to novel situations, and a test of responsiveness to an unfamiliar human were administered both prior to (pretest) and immediately following (posttest) the 8-week intervention period. Overall, the regular periods of increased human contact together with a diet that contained augmented levels of digestible protein, fat, calories, and animal-derived ingredients reduced signs of behavioral reactivity from pretest to posttest. In some cases, the comparison diet appeared more effective, but only for dogs receiving minimal human interaction. The results indicate that a combination of human interaction and high quality diet may positively affect the behavior of dogs in animal shelters.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to investigate determinants of adoption of cats and dogs from a large municipal animal shelter. The subjects were 4,813 cats and 3,301 dogs impounded by the Sacramento County Department of Animal Care and Regulation and offered for adoption September 9, 1994 to May 26, 1995. The study constructed models predicting the conditional probability of adoption using logistic regression and a final multiple logistic regression model from variables found to be important predictors of adoption. Age, sex, coat color, and reason for relinquishment were major determinants of adoption in cats. Age, sex, coat color, reason for relinquishment, breed, purebred status, and injury status were major determinants of adoption in dogs. Shelter personnel could utilize this information to increase the adoption of frequently overlooked animals. Alternatively, shelters could use this to focus their resources on animals with characteristics the public prefers.  相似文献   

This study carried out a survey in an Italian shelter to analyze adoptions resulting in the rejection of the newly adopted dog. The results of this study show that the number of dogs adopted and returned was stable during the study, that more females than males were adopted, and that males were more likely to be returned. Almost all the dogs were returned because of behavioral problems, and most were more than 6 months of age. Some dogs were returned more than once, with 20% of the people who adopted the same dog at different times reporting the same behavioral problem. Having a house with a yard, a garden, or a terrace appeared to be important for better management of the dog and influenced the length of adoption. Half of the adopters had previous experience as caregiver for a dog; compared to adopters who had no previous experience, however, they returned their companion animal after a shorter period and because of behavioral reasons. Understanding why adopters return their dogs to shelters is an important step toward attempting to minimize relinquishments and, thus, optimize adoptions.  相似文献   

Like many teleosts, male bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) provide sole parental care. To understand some of the proximate costs of parental care, we measured body condition and plasma levels of testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11KT) and cortisol in nesting bluegill males during pre-spawning, spawning and parental care stages. T and 11KT were at their highest mean levels during the pre-spawning period and decreased to lower levels early during the parental care period before rising again when the eggs hatched. Cortisol levels fluctuated across the breeding stages, but there was a noticeable increase from low levels on the day of spawning during the first 2 days of parental care when egg fanning is most intense. Levels of all hormones varied considerably among males, with androgen levels often correlating positively with a male's body condition. We also demonstrate, using a brood reduction experiment and repeated sampling of known individuals, that the presence of eggs affects hormone levels shortly after eggs hatch. Parental males in better body condition had higher levels of androgens during parental care. Males that were known to renest later in the season also had higher androgen levels and were in better body condition during the first nesting bout than males only known to have nested once. However, circulating levels of cortisol did not differ significantly between these groups. We discuss our findings in the context of proximate and ultimate costs of parental care and propose several reasons why elevated androgen levels may not be as incompatible with the expression of paternal care in male teleosts, as compared with avian and mammalian fathers.  相似文献   

This study investigated how the current economic recession (since December 2007) has affected dog and cat relinquishment, adoption, and euthanasia at the Anti-Cruelty Society animal shelter in Chicago, Illinois. The study compared temporal patterns of the investigated statistics before (2000-2007) the start of the current recession with the patterns after the start of the recession (2008-2010). The results showed that once the guardianship (ownership) of a nonhuman animal had been established, the recession did not greatly affect the owner's decision on relinquishment-except for the relinquishment of senior dogs, which may be associated with increased costs of care. However, an unfavorable economic environment may have reduced adoption of animals. The consequences of a decline in adoptions might be reflected in an increase in the proportion or number of sheltered animals euthanized. This study demonstrated how monitoring changes in temporal patterns in these shelter statistics can help guide animal shelters to better prepare for the current recession.  相似文献   

Acute hemorrhage and horizontal to vertical postural change are accompanied by decrease in blood volume of cardiovascular central reflexogenic areas (CRA) and by central hypoxia, followed by pressor responses. In these both circumstances important reflexogenic and humoral pressor reactions occured, as cathecolamine, renin and aldosterone hypersecretions. Aldosterone hypersecretion is considered as produced by angiotensin II, by a complex renin-angiotensin(RA)-aldosterone system. The main purpose of this work was to clarify the presence of this RA-aldosterone system after acute hemorrhage and in head-up postural change. In this aim we studied on dogs renin, aldosterone and cortisol responses. We analysed in these two circumstances the correlation of plasma renin activity(PRA) and aldosterone plasma concentration(p.c.) in intact and bilaterally nephrectomised(BN) dogs. We also studied correlations between aldosterone and cortisol p.c., having in view that both are stimulated by ACTH, searching in this way another modality for aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare in the ewe the effects of easy and difficult procedures for artificial insemination (AI) (as related to rapid or poor accessibility of the cervix, respectively) on plasma cortisol (CORT) and oxytocin (OT), and uterine motility. All AI were simulated using a catheter empty of semen to study genital and environmental stimuli only. In experiment 1, 40 ewes were sampled after Al, and whether it was an easy or difficult procedure was reported for each animal. While CORT concentrations rose to a similar amount in all ewes, whatever the Al procedure, a significant OT response occurred after a difficult procedure only (n = 18) (17.4 +/- 1.7 versus 12.7 +/- 0.7 pg x mL(-1) before Al, p < 0.05). In experiment 2, uterine activity was monitored in 4 ewes using an implantable telemetric transmitter equipped with an intrauterine pressure catheter. An increased uterine activity occurred during 2 +/- 1 min after an easy Al (n = 5), whereas the evoked activity lasted for 15 +/- 4 min after a difficult Al (p < 0.001, n = 7). A similar long-lasting response occurred after OT administration (100 mIU, i.v.). We concluded that the increase in uterine motility after a difficult Al resulted from a reflex release of OT, and not to a "stress" effect.  相似文献   

Plasma ACTH and cortisol levels were studied in smokers and non smokers, (exposed or not to smoke of the environment), after passive exposure to cigarette smoking. Non smokers, usually not exposed to smoke, show a rise in both hormones, whereas smokers and non smokers commonly exposed to smoke don't show any change in ACTH and cortisol levels. These data suggest that nicotine acts as an acute stimulus on the hypophysis-adrenal axis even passively inhaled.  相似文献   

To study the effect of individual housing on behavior and adrenocortical activity, eight bulls were moved to a novel housing environment and subjected to 5 weeks of tethering in individual stanchions with a concrete and partially slatted floor. During the first and fourth week, resting behavior and episodic cortisol secretion were analyzed over two 24-hr periods and compared to those of eight control bulls kept free on deep straw. In addition, in the fifth week adrenocortical reactivity after ACTH(1-24) stimulation was analyzed in all subjects. Resting behavior was markedly influenced by type of housing. Although duration of lying down over 24 hr was similar in tethered and control bulls, the number of periods of lying down was significantly reduced and the frequency of investigating the lying area prior to lying down was significantly increased in tethered bulls. In the first week of study, the cortisol secretory patterns of experimental and control bulls differed. The frequency of secretory episodes was significantly reduced, and the mean amplitude of the episodes increased, though not significantly in experimental compared with control bulls. After 4 weeks of tethering, however, the secretory pattern had returned to levels similar to those of control bulls. Despite this return of the basic cortisol secretion, adrenocortical reactivity after a high dosage of ACTH(1-24) was significantly reduced in tethered bulls. The results suggest that an adaptation to tethering at the brain-pituitary level does not occur, but that the return of the basal cortisol secretion could be due to changes at the adrenocortical level.  相似文献   

Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus were housed individually during 7 days in a continuous flow-trough respirometry system and daily exposed to one of three treatments: (1) a series of knocks on the side of the aquarium, (2) a series of photo-flashes and (3) control group. Exposure to photo-flashes did not change locomotor activity but decreased both night-time and daytime oxygen consumption throughout the experiment. Knocking induced a short-lived increase in locomotor activity and tended to increase oxygen consumption, but this latter effect was not significant. Night-time oxygen consumption was not affected by knocking exposure. Cortisol levels assayed from fish-holding water collected at the end of the experiment were significantly lower in subjects exposed to photo-flashes than in subjects exposed to knocks or controls. Males did not respond differently than females to the treatments in any of the measurements taken. In summary, the data reported here suggest that exposure to repetitive photo-flashes, but not knocking, suppressed normal energy metabolism and cortisol levels. These effects were present hours to a half day after exposure to the flashes.  相似文献   

Although the guinea pig is characterized by precocial physical development and minimal active maternal care, studies suggest the presence of the mother can influence neuroendocrine and behavioral activity of offspring even well beyond weaning. Previous results may have been influenced by the procedure of housing weaned subjects with the mother to within 2 days of testing. The present study examined approximately 40-day-old guinea pigs housed apart from the mother for 0 (not rehoused), 2, or 10 days. Rehousing without the mother led to elevations in plasma testosterone (measured in males), progesterone (measured in females), cortisol, and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) (both measured in males and females). Offspring housed without the mother for 10 days had the highest progesterone, cortisol, and ACTH levels. Testosterone elevations were observed in 2-day-, but not 10-day-, rehoused animals. Regardless of rehousing condition, 60 min isolation in a novel test cage elevated progesterone, cortisol, and ACTH, and reduced testosterone. These effects were all moderated if the subject was tested with the mother or another female. Sexual behavior toward the mother was observed frequently, but only in males housed apart from her prior to testing. Overall, males and females that had been housed apart from the mother interacted with her as they would an unfamiliar female. Our results corroborate previous findings, suggest the effect of housing apart from the mother on male testosterone is transitory, and indicate that continuous housing with the mother past weaning suppresses circulating progesterone in females and cortisol and ACTH in both sexes.  相似文献   

Population hand preferences are rare in nonhuman primates, but individual hand preferences are consistent over a lifetime and considered to reflect an individual's preference to use a particular hemisphere when engaged in a specific task. Previous findings in marmosets have indicated that left‐handed individuals tend to be more fearful than their right‐handed counterparts. Based on these findings, we tested the hypotheses that left‐handed marmosets are (a) more reactive to a social stressor and (b) are slower than right‐handed marmosets in acquiring a reversal learning task. We examined the hand preference of 27 male and female marmosets (ages of 4–7 years old) previously tested in a social separation task and a reversal learning task. Hand preference was determined via a simple reaching task. In the social separation task, monkeys were separated from their partner and the colony for a single 7‐hr session. Urinary cortisol levels and behavior were assessed at baseline, during the separation and 24 hr postseparation. Hand preferences were equally distributed between left (n = 10), right‐handed (n = 10), and ambidextrous (n = 7) individuals. The separation phase was associated with an increase in cortisol levels and behavioral changes that were similar across handedness groups. However, cortisol levels at baseline were positively correlated with right‐handedness, and this relationship was stronger in females than in males. In addition, the occurrence of social behaviors (pre‐ and postseparation) was positively correlated with right‐handedness in both sexes. Baseline cortisol levels did not correlate significantly with social behavior. Acquisition of the reversals was poorer in females than males but did not differ as a function of handedness. We conclude that (a) both stress reactivity and cognitive flexibility are similar across handedness groups and (b) left‐handers exhibit less social behavior and have lower basal cortisol levels than ambidextrous and right‐handed subjects. The underlying causes for these differences remain to be established.  相似文献   

The correlations between measures of activity in different situations, including inhibitory training, were positive but low. Activity in non-stressful situations was independent of fearfulness. There appears to be individual variation between dogs which determines whether a dog responds to fear by increasing or decreasing activity. Fearfulness was correlated with high visual and auditory exploration. General fearfulness was uncorrelated with olfactory exploration, but lack of experience in crowded, noisy places increased both olfactory exploration and fear of certain objects likely to be encountered in such places, and so caused a correlation between these two traits. Dogs which were reared in a home with another dog were less distracted by other dogs. Between 6 and 12 months, the dogs declined in activity and unwanted exploration. Females showed a higher level of activity during inhibitory training and a higher level of olfactory exploration than males.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of ambient noise on animals have found variable results. A study was conducted at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park to determine what effect short‐term demolition work would have on the behavior and cortisol excretion of giant pandas. Behavioral and endocrine differences were examined during the presence and absence of demolition work being conducted on an adjacent exhibit complex. High frequency noise was significantly louder on work days compared to non‐work days. Panda activity budgets differed significantly between work and post‐work periods, although in different ways. The male's use of substrates and locations that might be associated with refuge or shelter changed during the study; the female did not show similar changes. He spent more time in the enclosure adjacent to the work site rather than a more distant enclosure during the demolition period whether work was occurring or not. The behavior of both animals was more often characterized as “restless” during, as opposed to before or after the work period. In general, cortisol excretion increased during the study in both animals but this was likely a seasonal effect in the male. In many cases, significant short‐term increases in cortisol were temporally associated with certain kinds of construction noises or specific physiological events. Variability in cortisol secretion fluctuated during the study for both animals but in differing patterns. These results demonstrate that demolition noise was associated with behavioral and some physiological changes in giant pandas, and these changes were individual‐specific. Zoo Biol 0:1–18, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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