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The possible role of genetic mechanisms, as revealed by inbreeding depression and pleiotropic effects of the ABO, Es D and CA II loci, on blood pressures, pulse rate and hematocrit, was studied in a sample of 7,642 migrant Brazilian individuals of rural origin. It was not possible to confirm previous claims of the effects of ABO blood groups system and inbreeding on diastolic blood pressure. On the other hand, a significant inbreeding depression on pulse rate of about 1.23 bmp/10% F, among adult individuals, was revealed. The observed significant effects of several markers on hemodynamic variables, due to its number, were attributed to chance.  相似文献   

The influence of Ca2+ on the basic reaction between thrombin and fibrinogen was investigated. The results demonstrate that: (a) A Ca2+-dependent dimeric intermediate is formed during the early step of the clotting process. This dimeric intermeidate is shown to be formed by the association of an intact fibrinogen molecule and a fibrin monomer devoid in only the peptide A, (b) Ca2+ enhances the proteolytic step as illustrated by the measure of the kinetics of H+ release at pH 8.6. On the basis of these observations it is proposed that Ca2+ catalyses the proteolysis of fibrinogen by thrombin through the formation of a Ca2+-dependent dimer.  相似文献   

Shear rate can affect protein adsorption and platelet aggregation by regulating both the collision frequency and the capture efficiency (alpha). These effects were evaluated in well defined shear field in a micro-couette for shear rate G = 10 - 1000 s-1. The rate of protein binding was independent of G, shown for adsorption of albumin to latex beads and PAC1 to activated platelets. The initial aggregation rate for ADP-activated platelets in citrated platelet-rich plasma followed second order kinetics at the initial platelet concentrations between 20,000 and 60,000/microliters. alpha values, which dropped nearly fivefold for a 10-fold increase in G, were approximately proportional to G-1, contrary to a minor drop predicted by the theory that includes protein cross-bridging. Varying ADP concentration did not change alpha of maximally activated platelet subpopulations, suggesting that aggregation between unactivated and activated platelets is negligible. Directly blocking the unoccupied but activated GPIIb-IIIa receptors without affecting pre-bound Fg on "RGD"-activated, fixed platelets (AFP) by GRGDSP or Ro 43-5054 eliminated aggregation, suggesting that cross-bridging of GPIIb-IIIa on adjacent platelets by fibrinogen mediates aggregation. Alpha for AFP remained maximal (approximately 0.24) over 25-75% Fg occupancy, otherwise decreasing rapidly, with a half-maximum occurring at around 2% occupancy, suggesting that very few bound Fg were required to cause significant aggregation.  相似文献   

Mature nonlactating British Saanen and Toggenburg does with a body score 2 were fed 25% (n=24) and 100% (n=16) maintenance rations from about 19 days before mating until slaughter at approximately 60 days after mating. Estrus was synchronized using PGF(2alpha), and the ovulation rate was determined by laparoscopic examination of the ovaries once between Days 6 and 10 after mating. Pregnancy rate, potential kidding rate and embryo loss were determined by counts of viable fetuses at slaughter. The proportion of does in estrus within 96 hours of PGF(2alpha) administration was not different (P<0.5) between the feed-restricted and the maintenance groups (71.0% and 87.5%, respectively); however, the time of onset of estrus after PGF(2alpha) tended to be longer (P=0.12) in the feed-restricted group. Ovulation rate, incidence of multiple ovulations and proportion of does pregnant at 60 days were significantly lower (P=0.0004, P=0.025, P=0.05, respectively) in the restricted group. More embryos from single than multiple ovulations were lost in the restricted group (P=0.01). There was no difference in the overall ovulatory activity between right and left ovaries in the 2 groups. Transuterine migrations were observed in all does that had unilateral multiple ovulations. No migration was observed in does which had single ovulations. These data indicate that restricted feed intake in goats tended to delay the onset of estrus and lowered the ovulation rate, incidence of multiple ovulations, and pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

Human factor XIa cleaves fibrinogen: effects on structure and function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Factor XIa, the enzymatic form of the factor XI zymogen, is generated as a result of factor XII-dependent surface activation in plasma. Factor XIa degrades high molecular weight kininogen, its cofactor for activation (which binds factor XIa to the surface), as well as cleaves and activates coagulation factor IX. In this report, we present evidence that factor XIa can also cleave fibrinogen and decrease the thrombin-catalyzed formation of the fibrin clot. Furthermore, the products of factor XIa-digested fibrinogen markedly inhibited the rate of polymerization of fibrin monomers. Factor XIa initially cleaved the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen and subsequently degraded the B beta-chain. However, the cleavage sites on both chains were distinct from those susceptible to thrombin. The gamma-chain was degraded only after prolonged incubation with factor XIa. Furthermore, the profile of fibrinogen proteolysis by factor XIa was distinctly different from that of plasmin-catalyzed fibrinogenolysis. Unlike plasmin, factor XIa was not able to cleave the NH2-terminus of the B beta-chain of fibrinogen. Moreover, factor XIa, unlike plasmin, failed to hydrolyze fibrin. Further study of the proteolytic digests of fibrinogen produced by factor XIa may give additional insight into the mechanism of polymerization of this protein.  相似文献   

The effect of isovolemic hemodilution on the circulation of red blood cells (RBCs) in the cerebrocortical capillary network was studied by intravital videomicroscopy with use of a closed-cranial-window technique in the rat. Velocity and supply rate of RBCs were measured by tracking the movement and counting the number of fluorescently labeled cells. Arterial blood was withdrawn in increments of 2 ml and replaced by serum albumin. Arterial blood pressure was maintained constant with an infusion of methoxamine. Both velocity and supply rate of RBCs increased, by approximately equal amounts, as arterial hematocrit was reduced from 44 to 15%. The maximum increase in RBC velocity was 4.6 and in RBC supply rate was 5.2 times the baseline value. Calculated lineal density of RBC, an index of capillary hematocrit, did not change with hemodilution. The results suggest that RBC flow and oxygen supply in the cerebral capillary network are maintained during isovolemic hemodilution. The "optimal hematocrit" is as low as 15%.  相似文献   

We sought to examine flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) in both the arm [brachial artery (BA)] and lower leg [popliteal artery (PA)] of 12 young, healthy subjects. Vessel diameter, blood velocity, and calculated shear rate were determined with ultrasound Doppler following a suprasystolic cuff occlusion (5 min) in both the BA and PA and an additional reduced occlusion period (30-120 s) in the BA to more closely equate the shear stimulus observed in the PA. The BA revealed a smaller diameter and larger postischemic cumulative blood velocity [area under curve (AUC)] than the PA, a combination that resulted in an elevated postcuff cumulative shear rate (AUC) in the BA (BA: 25,419 +/- 2,896 s(-1).s, PA 8,089 +/- 1,048 s(-1).s; P < 0.05). Thus, when expressed in traditional terms, there was a tendency for the BA to have a greater FMD than the PA (6.5 +/- 1.0 and 4.5 +/- 0.8%, respectively; P = 0.1). However, when shear rate was experimentally matched (PA: 4.5 +/- 0.8%; BA: -0.4 +/- 0.4%) or mathematically normalized (PA: 6.8 x 10(-4) +/- 1.6 x 10(-4)%Delta/s(-1).s; BA: 2.5 x 10(-4) +/- 0.4 x 10(-4)%Delta/s(-1).s), the PA revealed a greater FMD per unit of shear rate than the BA (P < 0.05). These data highlight the importance of assessing the shear stimulus to which each vessel is exposed and reveal limb-specific differences in flow-mediated dilation.  相似文献   

To further improve our understanding of trabecular bone mechanical behavior in torsion, our objective was to determine the effects of strain rate, apparent density, and presence of bone marrow on trabecular bone shear material properties. Torsion tests of cylindrical trabecular bone specimens from sheep lumbar vertebrae with and without bone marrow were conducted. The bones with marrow were divided into two groups and tested at shear strain rates of 0.002 and 0.05s(-1) measured at the specimen perimeter. The bones without marrow were divided into three groups and tested at shear strain rates of 0.002, 0.015, and 0.05s(-1). Comparing the results of bones with and without marrow tested at low (0.002s(-1)) and high (0.05s(-1)) strain rates, presence of bone marrow did not have any significant effect on trabecular bone shear modulus and strength. In specimens without marrow, power relationships were used to define shear strength and modulus as dependent variables in terms of strain rate and apparent density as independent variables. The shear strength was proportional to the apparent density raised to the 1.02 power and to the strain rate raised to the 0.13 power. The shear modulus was proportional to the apparent density raised to the 1.08 power and to the strain rate raised to the 0.07 power. This study provides further insight into the mechanism of bone failure in trauma as well as failure at the interface between bone and implants as it relates to prediction of trabecular bone shear properties.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the human neutrophil can be mechanically represented as a droplet of polymeric fluid enclosed by some sort of thin slippery viscoelastic cortex. Many questions remain however about the detailed rheology and chemistry of the interior fluid and the cortex. To address these quantitative issues, we have used a finite element method to simulate the dynamics of neutrophils during micropipet aspiration using various plausible assumptions. The results were then systematically compared with aspiration experiments conducted at eight different combinations of pipet size and pressure. Models in which the cytoplasm was represented by a simple Newtonian fluid (i.e., models without shear thinning) were grossly incapable of accounting for the effects of pressure on the general time scale of neutrophil aspiration. Likewise, models in which the cortex was purely elastic (i.e., models without surface viscosity) were unable to explain the effects of pipet size on the general aspiration rate. Such models also failed to explain the rapid acceleration of the aspiration rate during the final phase of aspiration nor could they account for the geometry of the neutrophil during various phases of aspiration. Thus, our results indicate that a minimal mechanical model of the neutrophil needs to incorporate both shear thinning and surface viscosity to remain valid over a reasonable range of conditions. At low shear rates, the surface dilatation viscosity of the neutrophil was found to be on the order of 100 poise-cm, whereas the viscosity of the interior cytoplasm was on the order of 1000 poise. Both the surface viscosity and the interior viscosity seem to decrease in a similar fashion when the shear rate exceeds approximately 0.05 s(-1). Unfortunately, even models with both surface viscosity and shear thinning studied are still not sufficient to fully explain all the features of neutrophil aspiration. In particular, the very high rate of aspiration during the initial moments after ramping of pressure remains mysterious.  相似文献   

The platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex (GPIIb-IIIa) recognizes peptides containing the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp, a sequence present at two locations in the alpha chain of fibrinogen. GPIIb-IIIa also interacts with peptides containing the carboxyl-terminal 10-15 residues of the fibrinogen gamma chain. We found that the alpha chain tetrapeptide, Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS), and the gamma chain peptide, Leu-Gly-Gly-Ala-Lys-Gln-Ala-Gly-Asp-Val (LGGAKQAG-DV), each inhibited fibrinogen binding to ADP-stimulated platelets with Ki values of 15.6 +/- 2.7 and 46.2 +/- 8.2 microM, respectively. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of the peptides was additive, indicating that they interact with GPIIb-IIIa in a mutually exclusive manner. Mutually exclusive binding suggests that either the alpha and gamma chain peptides bind to identical or overlapping sites on the GPIIb-IIIa complex or that one peptide induces a change in the complex that excludes the other. To differentiate between these possibilities, we compared the ability of RGDS and LGGAKQAGDV to inhibit the binding of fibrinogen and two GPIIb-IIIa complex-specific monoclonal antibodies, A2A9 and PAC-1, to ADP-stimulated platelets. A2A9 and PAC-1 appear to bind to different sites on GPIIb-IIIa because A2A9 binds to both stimulated and unstimulated platelets while PAC-1 only binds to stimulated platelets. RGDS specifically inhibited fibrinogen and PAC-1 binding with nearly identical Ki values of 15.6 +/- 2.7 and 20.2 +/- 3.5 microM, respectively. In contrast, LGGAKQAGDV had a differential effect on fibrinogen and PAC-1 binding, inhibiting PAC-1 binding with a Ki of 116.1 +/- 12.9 microM and fibrinogen binding with a Ki of 46.2 +/- 8.2 microM (p less than 0.005). Furthermore, while RGDS had no effect on the binding of the monoclonal antibody A2A9, LGGAKQAGDV was a partial inhibitor of A2A9 binding to activated platelets. These results suggest that the bindings sites for RGDS and LGGAKQAGDV are spatially distinct. They also suggest that ligand-induced changes in GPIIb-IIIa conformation are likely to be responsible for the mutually exclusive nature of alpha and gamma chain peptide binding.  相似文献   

Histamine release from rat mast cells by dextran and by antigen under various conditions was studied in terms of the rate of release and the duration of release, which together determined the total amount released. Reducing the concentration of the releasing agent decreased the rate of release without greatly affecting its duration. Reducing the temperature also decreased the rate, but prolonged the duration. Under all of the various conditions, release stopped as the cells became desensitized to the releasing agent. It appeared, therefore, that the rate of desensitization controlled the duration of release.  相似文献   

Combinations of different light quality and fluence exposure times were investigated for their effects on in vitro growth of the woody plant Spiraea nipponica. An interaction was demonstrated between different levels of benzyladenine (BA) used for in vitro propagation and the specific light regimes investigated. This relationship was affected by the length of exposure to either white or red/FR light and the time of transfer from one fluence rate to another. In all instances exposure to red/FR light resulted in more extensive growth than under white light. Thus explants cultured under 0.25 and 0.4 mg l-1 of BA exhibited high shoot proliferation rates when transferred, after 4 weeks of low photon fluence red/FR light, to higher fluence white light for a further week. The proliferation rates obtained were higher than any white light treatment including that with the highest BA level of 0.5 mg l-1. In addition, the combination of red/FR light exposure with a white light stage of higher fluence improved proliferation at lower exogenous BA levels.  相似文献   

The immediate effects on heart rate and blood pressure of withdrawing antihypertensive drugs were studied over three-day periods in 26 patients. Four groups of drugs were studied. After withdrawal all patients taking clonidine showed a considerable increase in heart rate and blood pressure with intense ectopic activity. Patients taking postganglionic neurone-blocking drugs showed a similar but less pronounced reaction with increased ventricular ectopic activity. No alarming reactions were seen after withdrawal of methyldopa or beta-blocking drugs. Methyldopa and, especially, beta-blocking drugs are less likely to produce withdrawal reactions than clonidine or the postganglionic neurone-blocking drugs, and patients taking these drugs are therefore less likely to suffer violent reactions if they forget to take their tablets.  相似文献   

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