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Euglena gracilis is shown to be able to grow on potato liquor as the main medium component leading to an interesting biotechnological product represented by paramylon – a β‐1,3‐glucan – and, at the same time, revaluating an otherwise annoying waste stream of the potato‐starch industry. Paramylon mass fractions of about 75% are obtained for biomass concentrations of 15 g/L during simple batch cultivation under heterotrophic conditions. Supplementation of the growth medium with glucose and the vitamins B1 and B12 are shown to improve growth rate as well as paramylon content. E. gracilis grows best at about 27.5°C without requiring pH control.  相似文献   

Recently, it had been shown that Euglena gracilis was able to grow heterotrophically not only on synthetic media, but also on media based on potato liquor. Supplementation with glucose in both cases led to the accumulation of paramylon, a β‐1,3‐glucan. Thus, such a process may yield a valuable product accompanied by the revaluation of an otherwise annoying waste stream of the potato‐starch industry. Actually, process strategies have been evaluated in order to optimise the concentration of paramylon obtained at the end of the cultivation process. Therefore, cultivation processes based on fed‐batch and in particular repeated‐batch strategies have been studied. It is shown that repeated‐batch operation maybe particularly suited for such a process since E. gracilis seems to adapt gradually to the cultivation medium so that the concentration of media components may be increased step by step. Repeated‐batch cultivation of E. gracilis leads to biomass concentrations in access of 20 g/L with a consistent paramylon mass fraction of about 75%. Cultivations have been carried out at an operating temperature of 27.5°C. As had been found earlier already, pH control is not required during cultivation. On the basis of these results it is clear that repeated‐batch cultivation represent a simple and economic way for the production of paramylon by heterotrophic cultivation of E. gracilis.  相似文献   

Euglena gracilis was cultivated on a synthetic medium of well‐defined components. Biomass and paramylon (β‐1,3‐glucan) concentrations were the most important variables monitored. Mass production in the bioreactor was carried out following studies of operating conditions in shaken flasks. E. gracilis grew best at about 30°C and at a low pH of 3. A pH control was not necessary, although the pH increased considerably at the end of the cultivation processes. Aeration could be performed at low stirrer frequency. Biomass concentrations of about 13–14 g/L were obtained with paramylon mass fractions of 50–60%, by starting with a synthetic medium containing 15 g/L of glucose as the main carbon source.  相似文献   

Aims: To analyse the production of different metabolites by dark‐grown Euglena gracilis under conditions found to render high cell growth. Methods and Results: The combination of glutamate (5 g l?1), malate (2 g l?1) and ethanol (10 ml l?1) (GM + EtOH); glutamate (7·15 g l?1) and ethanol (10 ml l?1); or malate (8·16 g l?1), glucose (10·6 g l?1) and NH4Cl (1·8 g l?1) as carbon and nitrogen sources, promoted an increase of 5·6, 3·7 and 2·6‐fold, respectively, in biomass concentration in comparison with glutamate and malate (GM). In turn, the production of α‐tocopherol after 120 h identified by LC‐MS was 3·7 ± 0·2, 2·4 ± 0·1 and 2 ± 0·1 mg [g dry weight (DW)]?1, respectively, while in the control medium (GM) it was 0·72 ± 0·1 mg (g DW)?1. For paramylon synthesis, the addition of EtOH or glucose induced a higher production. Amino acids were assayed by RP‐HPLC; Tyr a tocopherol precursor and Ala an amino acid with antioxidant activity were the amino acids synthesized at higher concentration. Conclusions: Dark‐grown E. gracilis Z is a suitable source for the generation of the biotechnologically relevant metabolites tyrosine, α‐tocopherol and paramylon. Significance and Impact of the Study: By combining different carbon and nitrogen sources and inducing a tolerable stress to the cell by adding ethanol, it was possible to increase the production of biomass, paramylon, α‐tocopherol and some amino acids. The concentrations of α‐tocopherol achieved in this study are higher than others reported previously for Euglena, plant and algal systems. This work helps to understand the effect of different carbon sources on the synthesis of bio‐molecules by E. gracilis and can be used as a basis for future works to improve the production of different metabolites of biotechnological importance by this organism.  相似文献   

β‐1,3‐glucan recognition proteins (βGRPs) function as pattern recognition receptors in the innate immune response against invading pathogens. In the present study, we obtain full‐length cDNA clones for two novel putative βGRPs: TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd from the ghost moth Thitarodes pui (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae). Phylogenetic analysis shows a small distinct lineage, βGRP clade 4, consisting of T. pui βGRPs including TpβGRPa and TpβGRPb that have been identified previously. TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd, comprising 488 and 229 amino acids, have calculated molecular masses of 52 596 and 24 589 Da, respectively. TpβGRPc is 85.52% identical in sequence to TpβGRPa. TpβGRPb and TpβGRPd share the same deletion start site located at the conserved residue Pro 43, although TpβGRPd exhibits a much larger deletion of up to approximately 270 residues covering both the N‐ and C‐terminal regions. Affinity purification, associated with subsequent peptide sequencing, confirms the constitutive occurrence of TpβGRPa and TpβGRPc of similar size (approximately 65 kDa) in sixth‐instar larval haemolymph. These two βGRPs show clear binding affinities to curdlan, an insoluble β‐1,3‐glucan. A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis reveals the high‐level constitutive expression of TpβGRPc and TpβGRPd in the fat body of mid‐instar larvae, which are found to be susceptible to fungal pathogens in field investigations. Remarkable induction of both TpβGRPs occurs in response to haemocoelic challenge with entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The results of the present study suggest that TpβGRPs may contribute to the detection and control of fungal infections.  相似文献   

The distribution of extracellular 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) was investigated in situ in inoculated wheat roots by immunogold labelling and transmission electron microscopy. Antiserum was prepared by subcutaneously injecting rabbits with purified 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by the pathogenic fungus. A specific antibody of 1,3‐β‐glucanase, anti‐GluGgt, was purified and characterized. Double immunodiffusion tests revealed that the antiserum was specific for 1,3‐β‐glucanase of Ggt, but not for 1,3‐β‐glucanase from wheat plants. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified and crude enzyme extract and immunoblotting showed that the antibody was monospecific for 1,3‐β‐glucanase in fungal extracellular protein populations. After incubation of ultrathin sections of pathogen‐infected wheat roots with anti‐1,3‐β‐glucanase antibody and the secondary antibody, deposition of gold particles occurred over hyphal cells and the host tissue. Hyphal cell walls and septa as well as membranous structures showed regular labelling with gold particles, while few gold particles were detected over the cytoplasm and other organelles such as mitochondria and vacuoles. In host tissues, cell walls in contact with the hyphae usually exhibited a few gold particles, whereas host cytoplasm and cell walls distant from the hyphae were free of labelling. Furthermore, over lignitubers in the infected host cells labelling with gold particles was detected. No gold particles were found over sections of non‐inoculated wheat roots. The results indicate that 1,3‐β‐glucanase secreted by Ggt may be involved in pathogenesis of the take‐all fungus through degradation of callose in postinfectionally formed cell wall appositions, such as lignitubers.  相似文献   

We have firstly demonstrated the renaturation process of dissociated single chains of lentinan (s‐LNT) and the variable conformations of the renatured LNT (r‐LNT). The results from ultrasensitive differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism revealed that the variable structures including perfect triple helix, defective triple helix containing duplex segment, and single chains occurred in the renaturation of s‐LNT, depending on the renaturation time, solvent composition, molecular weight, and the mode of renaturation. When water was added into s‐LNT/dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to reach 95% (v/v), the classic low‐temperature intra‐triple‐helical conformational transition at ~10°C (T1) appeared within 4 h, indicative of a rapid reconstruction of triple helical structure. Besides, one newly endothermic peak at ~43°C (T2) simultaneously occurred, which was first ascribed to the melting of duplex segment in the imperfect triplex. The duplex stretches disappeared when DMSO reached 50%, in which single chains coexisted with triplex. Moreover, the duplex segment disappeared by slowly dropping water into s‐LNT/DMSO. This work suggested that the structure of r‐LNT could be controllable, and provided important information for their successful development and application in polymer and life science. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 97:988–997, 2012.  相似文献   

Although Hif‐2α is a master regulator of catabolic factor expression in osteoarthritis development, Hif‐2α inhibitors remain undeveloped. The aim of this study was to determine whether Cirsium japonicum var. maackii (CJM) extract and one of its constituents, apigenin, could attenuate the Hif‐2α‐induced cartilage destruction implicated in osteoarthritis progression. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that CJM reduced the IL‐1β‐, IL‐6, IL‐17‐ and TNF‐α‐induced up‐regulation of MMP3, MMP13, ADAMTS4, ADAMTS5 and COX‐2 and blocked osteoarthritis development in a destabilization of the medial meniscus mouse model. Activation of Hif‐2α, which directly up‐regulates MMP3, MMP13, ADAMTS4, IL‐6 and COX‐2 expression, is inhibited by CJM extract. Although cirsimarin, cirsimaritin and apigenin are components of CJM and can reduce inflammation, only apigenin effectively reduced Hif‐2α expression and inhibited Hif‐2α‐induced MMP3, MMP13, ADAMTS4, IL‐6 and COX‐2 expression in articular chondrocytes. IL‐1β induction of JNK phosphorylation and IκB degradation, representing a critical pathway for Hif‐2α expression, was completely blocked by apigenin in a concentration‐dependent manner. Collectively, these effects indicate that CJM and one of its most potent constituents, apigenin, can lead to the development of therapeutic agents for blocking osteoarthritis development as novel Hif‐2α inhibitors.  相似文献   

β‐dystroglycan (β‐DG) is a widely expressed transmembrane protein that plays important roles in connecting the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton, and thereby contributing to plasma membrane integrity and signal transduction. We previously observed nuclear localization of β‐DG in cultured cell lines, implying the existence of a nuclear targeting mechanism that directs it to the nucleus instead of the plasma membrane. In this study, we delineate the nuclear import pathway of β‐DG, characterizing a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the β‐DG cytoplasmic domain, within amino acids 776–782. The NLS either alone or in the context of the whole β‐DG protein was able to target the heterologous GFP protein to the nucleus, with site‐directed mutagenesis indicating that amino acids R779 and K780 are critical for NLS functionality. The nuclear transport molecules Importin (Imp)α and Impβ bound with high affinity to the NLS of β‐DG and were found to be essential for NLS‐dependent nuclear import in an in vitro reconstituted nuclear transport assay; cotransfection experiments confirmed the dependence on Ran for nuclear accumulation. Intriguingly, experiments suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of β‐DG may result in cytoplasmic retention, with Y892 playing a key role. β‐DG thus follows a conventional Impα/β‐dependent nuclear import pathway, with important implications for its potential function in the nucleus. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 706–717, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Preparative enantioseparation of four β‐substituted‐2‐phenylpropionic acids was performed by countercurrent chromatography with substituted β‐cyclodextrin as chiral selectors. The two‐phase solvent system was composed of n‐hexane‐ethyl acetate‐0.10 mol L‐1 of phosphate buffer solution at pH 2.67 containing 0.10 mol L‐1 of hydroxypropyl‐β‐cyclodextrin (HP‐β‐CD) or sulfobutylether‐β‐cyclodextrin (SBE‐β‐CD). The influence factors, including the type of substituted β‐cyclodextrin, composition of organic phase, concentration of chiral selector, pH value of the aqueous phase, and equilibrium temperature were optimized by enantioselective liquid–liquid extraction. Under the optimum separation conditions, 100 mg of 2‐phenylbutyric acid, 100 mg of tropic acid, and 50 mg of 2,3‐diphenylpropionic acid were successfully enantioseparated by high‐speed countercurrent chromatography, and the recovery of the (±)‐enantiomers was in the range of 90–91% for (±)‐2‐phenylbutyric acid, 91–92% for (±)‐tropic acid, 85–87% for (±)‐2,3‐diphenylpropionic acid with purity of over 97%, 96%, and 98%, respectively. The formation of 1:1 stoichiometric inclusion complex of β‐substituted‐2‐phenylpropionic acids with HP‐β‐CD was determined by UV spectrophotometry and the inclusion constants were calculated by a modified Benesi‐Hildebrand equation. The results showed that different enantioselectivities among different racemates were mainly caused by different enantiorecognition between each enantiomer and HP‐β‐CD, while it might be partially caused by different inclusion capacity between racemic solutes and HP‐β‐CD. Chirality 27:795–801, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Oxysterols, such as 7β‐hydroxy‐cholesterol (7β‐OH) and cholesterol‐5β,6β‐epoxide (β‐epoxide), may have a central role in promoting atherogenesis. This is thought to be predominantly due to their ability to induce apoptosis in cells of the vascular wall and in monocytes/macrophages. Although there has been extensive research regarding the mechanisms through which oxysterols induce apoptosis, much remains to be clarified. Given that experimental evidence has long associated alterations of calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis to apoptotic cell death, the aim of the present study was to determine the influence of intracellular Ca2+ changes on apoptosis induced by 7β‐OH and β‐epoxide. Ca2+ responses in differentiated U937 cells were assessed by epifluorescence video microscopy, using the ratiometric dye fura‐2. Over 15‐min exposure of differentiated U937 cells to 30 μM of 7β‐OH induced a slow but significant rise in fura‐2 ratio. The Ca2+ channel blocker nifedipine and the chelating agent EGTA blocked the increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+. Moreover, dihydropyridine (DHP) binding sites identified with BODIPY‐FLX‐DHP were blocked following pretreatment with nifedipine, indicating that the influx of Ca2+ occurred through L‐type channels. However, following long‐term incubation with 7β‐OH, elevated levels of cytoplasmic Ca2+ were not maintained and nifedipine did not provide protection against apoptotic cell death. Our results indicate that the increase in Ca2+ may be an initial trigger of 7β‐OH–induced apoptosis, but following chronic exposure to the oxysterol, the influence of Ca2+ on apoptotic cell death appears to be less significant. In contrast, Ca2+ did not appear to be involved in β‐epoxide–induced apoptosis. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:324–332, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20295  相似文献   

The biological underpinnings linking stress to Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk are poorly understood. We investigated how corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF), a critical stress response mediator, influences amyloid‐β (Aβ) production. In cells, CRF treatment increases Aβ production and triggers CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1) and γ‐secretase internalization. Co‐immunoprecipitation studies establish that γ‐secretase associates with CRFR1; this is mediated by β‐arrestin binding motifs. Additionally, CRFR1 and γ‐secretase co‐localize in lipid raft fractions, with increased γ‐secretase accumulation upon CRF treatment. CRF treatment also increases γ‐secretase activity in vitro, revealing a second, receptor‐independent mechanism of action. CRF is the first endogenous neuropeptide that can be shown to directly modulate γ‐secretase activity. Unexpectedly, CRFR1 antagonists also increased Aβ. These data collectively link CRF to increased Aβ through γ‐secretase and provide mechanistic insight into how stress may increase AD risk. They also suggest that direct targeting of CRF might be necessary to effectively modulate this pathway for therapeutic benefit in AD, as CRFR1 antagonists increase Aβ and in some cases preferentially increase Aβ42 via complex effects on γ‐secretase.  相似文献   

Inducible plant defences against pathogens are stimulated by infections and comprise several classes of pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins. Endo‐β‐1,3‐glucanases (EGases) belong to the PR‐2 class and their expression is induced by many pathogenic fungi and oomycetes, suggesting that EGases play a role in the hydrolysis of pathogen cell walls. However, reports of a direct effect of EGases on cell walls of plant pathogens are scarce. Here, we characterized three EGases from Vitis vinifera whose expression is induced during infection by Plasmopara viticola, the causal agent of downy mildew. Recombinant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli. The enzymatic characteristics of these three enzymes were measured in vitro and in planta. A functional assay performed in vitro on germinated P. viticola spores revealed a strong anti‐P. viticola activity for EGase3, which strikingly was that with the lowest in vitro catalytic efficiency. To our knowledge, this work shows, for the first time, the direct effect against downy mildew of EGases of the PR‐2 family from Vitis.  相似文献   

Seventy‐one cultivars of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) were screened for aluminium (Al) tolerance by measuring relative root growth (RRG). Two contrasting cultivars, ROMA (Al tolerant) and POTCHETSTRM (Al sensitive), were selected to study shorter term responses to Al stress. POTCHETSTRM had higher callose synthase activity, lower β‐1,3‐glucanase activity and more callose deposition in the root apices during Al treatment compared with ROMA. We monitored the expression of 12 genes involved in callose synthesis and degradation and found that one of these, SbGlu1 (Sb03g045630.1), which encodes a β‐1,3‐glucanase enzyme, best explained the contrasting deposition of callose in ROMA and POTCHETSTRM during Al treatment. Full‐length cDNAs of SbGlu1 was prepared from ROMA and POTCHETSTRM and expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana using the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter. Independent transgenic lines displayed significantly greater Al tolerance than wild‐type plants and vector‐only controls. This phenotype was associated with greater total β‐1,3‐glucanase activity, less Al accumulation and reduced callose deposition in the roots. These results suggest that callose production is not just an early indicator of Al stress in plants but likely to be part of the toxicity pathway that leads to the inhibition of root growth.  相似文献   

Plants offer fast, flexible and easily scalable alternative platforms for the production of pharmaceutical proteins, but differences between plant and mammalian N‐linked glycans, including the presence of β‐1,2‐xylose and core α‐1,3‐fucose residues in plants, can affect the activity, potency and immunogenicity of plant‐derived proteins. Nicotiana benthamiana is widely used for the transient expression of recombinant proteins so it is desirable to modify the endogenous N‐glycosylation machinery to allow the synthesis of complex N‐glycans lacking β‐1,2‐xylose and core α‐1,3‐fucose. Here, we used multiplex CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to generate N. benthamiana production lines deficient in plant‐specific α‐1,3‐fucosyltransferase and β‐1,2‐xylosyltransferase activity, reflecting the mutation of six different genes. We confirmed the functional gene knockouts by Sanger sequencing and mass spectrometry‐based N‐glycan analysis of endogenous proteins and the recombinant monoclonal antibody 2G12. Furthermore, we compared the CD64‐binding affinity of 2G12 glycovariants produced in wild‐type N. benthamiana, the newly generated FX‐KO line, and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, confirming that the glyco‐engineered antibody performed as well as its CHO‐produced counterpart.  相似文献   

Modulation of protein–protein interactions involved in the immune system by using small molecular mimics of the contact interfaces may lead to the blockage of the autoimmune response and the development of drugs for immunotherapy. The nonpolymorphic β‐regions, exposed to the microenvironment, of the modeled HLA‐DQ7, which is genetically linked to autoimmune diseases, were determined. Peptides 132–141 and 58–67, located at the β1 and β2 domains of HLA‐DQ7, respectively, were tested for their involvement in the interactions with CD4+ T lymphocytes. Linear, cyclic, and dimeric analogs that mimic the exposed surfaces of HLA‐DQ7 were designed and synthesized. Their immunosuppressory activities, found in the secondary, humoral immune response to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) in mice in vitro, ranged from 11% to 53%. The significance of the total charge of the peptides, the pattern of the hydrogen bonding, and the presence of secondary structure were investigated in relation to the immunomodulatory effect of the peptides. Two dimeric analogs of the HLA‐DQ7 58–67 fragment, consisting of the two monomers covalently linked by a polyethylene glycol (PEG) spacer, able to mimic the superdimers, were also synthesized and studied. As the 58–67 segment is located at the β1 region of HLA‐DQ7, close to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) groove, one may assume that the 58–67 peptide could accommodate the association between T‐cell receptor (TCR) and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) by activating a co‐stimulatory molecule of the TCR/HLA interaction. This hypothesis is supported by the confocal laser image of the fluorescein‐labeled 58–67 peptide and by the fact that it is an immunostimulator at low concentration. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

TGF‐β1 (transforming growth factor‐β1) plays a central role in regulating proliferation, migration and differentiation of dental pulp cells during the repair process after tooth injury. Our previous study showed that p38 mitogen‐activated protein kinase may act downstream of TGF‐β1 signalling to effect the differentiation of dental pulp cells. However, the molecular mechanisms that trigger and regulate the process remain to be elucidated. TGF‐β1 interacts with signalling pathways such as Wnt/β‐catenin and Rho to induce diverse biological effects. TGF‐β1 activates β‐catenin signalling, increases β‐catenin nuclear translocation and interacts with LEF/TCF to regulate gene expression. Morphologic changes in response to TGF‐β1 are associated with activation of Rho GTPases, but are abrogated by inhibitors of Rho‐associated kinase, a major downstream target of Rho. These results suggest that the Wnt/β‐catenin and Rho pathways may mediate the downstream events of TGF‐β1 signalling.  相似文献   

5α‐Androst‐16‐en‐3α‐ol (α‐androstenol) is an important contributor to human axilla sweat odor. It is assumed that α‐andostenol is excreted from the apocrine glands via a H2O‐soluble conjugate, and this precursor was formally characterized in this study for the first time in human sweat. The possible H2O‐soluble precursors, sulfate and glucuronide derivatives, were synthesized as analytical standards, i.e., α‐androstenol, β‐androstenol sulfates, 5α‐androsta‐5,16‐dien‐3β‐ol (β‐androstadienol) sulfate, α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide, α‐androstenol α‐glucuronide, β‐androstadienol β‐glucuronide, and α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide furanose. The occurrence of α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide was established by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC)/MS (heated electrospray ionization (HESI)) in negative‐ion mode in pooled human sweat, containing eccrine and apocrine secretions and collected from 25 female and 24 male underarms. Its concentration was of 79 ng/ml in female secretions and 241 ng/ml in male secretions. The release of α‐androstenol was observed after incubation of the sterile human sweat or α‐androstenol β‐glucuronide with a commercial glucuronidase enzyme, the urine‐isolated bacteria Streptococcus agalactiae, and the skin bacteria Staphylococcus warneri DSM 20316, Staphylococcus haemolyticus DSM 20263, and Propionibacterium acnes ATCC 6919, reported to have β‐glucuronidase activities. We demonstrated that if α‐ and β‐androstenols and androstadienol sulfates were present in human sweat, their concentrations would be too low to be considered as potential precursors of malodors; therefore, the H2O‐soluble precursor of α‐androstenol in apocrine secretion should be a β‐glucuronide.  相似文献   

Metallo‐β‐lactamases (MBLs) are some of the best known β‐lactamases produced by common Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative pathogens and are crucial factors in the rise of bacterial resistance against β‐lactam antibiotics. Although many types of β‐lactamase inhibitors have been successfully developed and used in clinical settings, no MBL inhibitors have been identified to date. Nitrocefin, checkerboard and time‐kill assays were used to examine the enzyme behaviour in vitro. Molecular docking calculation, molecular dynamics simulation, calculation of the binding free energy and ligand‐residue interaction decomposition were used for mechanistic research. The behaviour of the enzymes in vivo was investigated by a mouse infection experiment. We showed that theaflavin‐3,3´‐digallate (TFDG), a natural compound lacking antibacterial activities, can inhibit the hydrolysis of MBLs. In the checkerboard and time‐kill assays, we observed a synergistic effect of TFDG with β‐lactam antibiotics against methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus BAA1717. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to identify the mechanism of the inhibition of MBLs by TFDG, and we observed that the hydrolysis activity of the MBLs was restricted by the binding of TFDG to Gln242 and Ser369. Furthermore, the combination of TFDG with β‐lactam antibiotics showed effective protection in a mouse Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia model. These findings suggest that TFDG can effectively inhibit the hydrolysis activity of MBLs and enhance the antibacterial activity of β‐lactam antibiotics against pathogens in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

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