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Amber is renowned for the exceptional preservation state of its inclusions, allowing detailed morphological analysis and providing relevant environmental, palaeoecological, geographical, and geological information. Amber deposits are predominantly known from North America, Europe, and Asia, and are considered to be rare on the continents that formed Gondwana. The recent discovery of fossiliferous amber deposits in Ethiopia, therefore, provides an inimitable opportunity to close gaps in the fossil record of African terrestrial biota and to study organisms which are otherwise rare in the fossil record. Here we show that diverse cryptogams are preserved in highest fidelity in Miocene Ethiopian amber. We describe gametophyte fragments of four liverworts: Thysananthus aethiopicus sp. nov. (Porellales, Lejeuneaceae), Lejeunea abyssinicoides sp. nov. (Porellales, Lejeuneaceae), Frullania shewanensis sp. nov. (Porellales, Frullaniaceae), and Frullania palaeoafricana sp. nov. (Porellales, Frullaniaceae). Furthermore, we describe a pleurocarpous moss of the extant genus Isopterygium (Hypnales, Pylaisiadelphaceae) and a lichen representing the order Lecanorales. These new specimens represent the first amber fossils of liverworts, mosses, and lichens from the African continent and render Ethiopian amber as one of the few worldwide amber deposits preserving bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) or lichens. Fossil species of Thysananthus were recorded in Eocene Baltic and Oligocene Bitterfeld as well as Miocene Dominican and probably also Miocene Mexican ambers. Fossils that can unequivocally be assigned to Lejeunea have only been found in Dominican amber so far. Neotropical ambers contain only one taxon of Frullania to date, while the genus is most diverse in Baltic, Bitterfeld, and Rovno ambers, formed in temperate regions. The new fossils support a tropical to subtropical origin of Ethiopian amber. The new African liverwort fossils are included in an updated list of leafy liverworts described from worldwide Cenozoic ambers to date.  相似文献   

The taxonomic significance of the polysaccharide structures of algal cell walls has been underscored several times over the past few decades but has never been pursued systematically. Many changes in red algal systematics and the biochemical analyses of phycocolloids have occured in recent years. The cell-wall composi-tion of representatives of 167 (24.7%) genera and 470 (11.5%) species of red algae has been documented.The method developed by Chopin and Whalen for carrageenan identification by Fourier transform infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is extended to the study of phycocolloids for diverse species in many red algal orders. This paper focuses on the Gigartinales in which representatives of 28 (68.3%) families, 88 (50.6%) genera and 224 (27.9%) species have been analyzed. In light of recent molecular phylogenies, some patterns of distribution of key phycocolloid attributes, corresponding to familial and ordinal level groupings, are emerging; however, more species remain to be analyzed. The well-documented biochemical alternation of generations in the Phyllophoraceae, Petrocelidaceae and Gigartinaceae still holds (with two exceptions), but this pattern was not recorded in other families of Gigartinales.  相似文献   

New Ceratopogonidae from the Early Cretaceous amber of Hammana (Central Lebanon) are studied. Five new species (Lebanoculicoides daheri sp. nov., Protoculicoides krzeminskii sp. nov., Archiaustroconops annae sp. nov., Archiaustroconops hammanensis sp. nov., and Archiaustroconops dominiakae sp. nov.) are characterized, described, illustrated, and compared with other Cretaceous taxa. New keys for species of the three genera Lebanoculioides, Protoculicoides, and Archiaustroconops, but also for all genera of Lebanese fossil biting midges, are proposed.  相似文献   


Two chironomid flies, Ziadeus kamili n. gen., n. sp. and Paicheleria magnifica n. gen., n. sp., respectively attributed to the recent subfamilies Tanypodinae and Prodiamesinae, are described from the Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber. Although very old, this non-biting midge fauna was very diverse with no less than 11 genera and species. However, it was also strongly different from the recent faunas for the complete absence of the Chironominae, that is today the dominant subfamily. The development of the modern chironomid fauna occurred during the Late Cretaceous and/or the Early Paleogene, but when and how?  相似文献   

A new species of the fungus weevil genus Glaesotropis is described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. G. diadiasashai sp. nov. differs from G. weitschati and G. minor described from Baltic amber in having a longer rostrum and in the structure of its antennae, with the third and fourth antennomeres being longer than the first and second ones. Additionally, the new species differs from G. weitschati in being smaller, in having unswollen frons, and weakly and smoothly concave elytral margin near hind coxae. The new species also differs from G. minor in having an uninterrupted posterior transverse carina on the pronotum, elytra less convex longitudinally, and a slightly broadened rostrum at the attachment of antennae.  相似文献   

The tribe Formicini (Formicinae) from the Late Eocene Baltic, Bitterfeld, Rovno, and Scandinavian ambers is revised. Ants are recorded for the first time from the Bitterfeld and Scandinavian ambers. Two new genera (Cataglyphoides gen. nov. and Conoformica gen. nov.) and six new species (Cataglyphoides intermedius sp. nov., Conoformica bitterfeldiana sp. nov., Formica kutscheri sp. nov., F. palaeopolonica sp. nov., F. radchenkoi sp. nov., F. zherikhini sp. nov.) are described. A new combination, Cataglyphoides constrictus (Mayr, 1868), comb. nov., is established. A lectotype of Camponotus constrictus Mayr, 1868 and a neotype of Formica phaethusa Wheeler, 1915 are designated. Formica clymene Wheeler, 1915 is recognized as a new synonym of F. phaethusa Wheeler, 1915. An identification key for workers of Formicini species from Late Eocene European ambers is provided.  相似文献   

The complex between adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and 4-guanidinobutyric acid (GBA) has been studied by infrared spectroscopy dry and hydrated (60% relative humidity). Partial nonenzymic hydrolysis has been detected, as deduced from characteristic bands of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic orthophosphate formation. An infrared continuum, which increases upon hydration, demonstrates that the hydrogen bonded system in this complex has a large proton polarizability due to collective proton fluctuation. On this basis, a mechanism for splitting of lytic water molecules is also discussed.  相似文献   



Allicin has received much attention due to its anti-proliferative activity and not-well elucidated underlying mechanism of action. This work focuses towards determining the cellular toxicity of allicin and understanding its interaction with nucleic acid at molecular level.


MTT assay was used to assess the cell viability of A549 lung cancer cells against allicin. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV-visible spectroscopy were used to study the binding parameters of nucleic acid-allicin interaction.


Allicin inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells in a concentration dependent manner. FTIR spectroscopy exhibited that allicin binds preferentially to minor groove of DNA via thymine base. Analysis of tRNA allicin complex has also revealed that allicin binds primarily through nitrogenous bases. Some amount of external binding with phosphate backbone was also observed for both DNA and RNA. UV visible spectra of both DNA allicin and RNA allicin complexes showed hypochromic shift with an estimated binding constant of 1.2 × 104 M- 1 for DNA and 1.06 × 103 M− 1for RNA binding. No major transition from the B-form of DNA and A-form of RNA is observed after their interaction with allicin.


The results demonstrated that allicin treatment inhibited the proliferation of A549 cells in a dose-dependent manner. Biophysical outcomes are suggestive of base binding and helix contraction of nucleic acid structure upon binding with allicin.

General significance

The results describe cytotoxic potential of allicin and its binding properties with cellular nucleic acid, which could be helpful in deciphering the complete mechanism of cell death exerted by allicin.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), masses of abnormal blood vessels which grow in the brain, produce high flow shunts that steal blood from surrounding brain tissue, which is chronically hypoperfused. Hypoperfusion is a condition of inadequate tissue perfusion and oxygenation, resulting in abnormal tissue metabolism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used in this study to investigate the effect of hypoperfusion on homogenized rat brain samples at the molecular level. The results suggest that the lipid content increases, the protein content decreases, the lipid-to-protein ratio increases, and the state of order of the lipids increases in the hypoperfused brain samples. FTIR results also revealed that, owing to hypoperfusion, not only the protein synthesis but also the protein secondary structure profile is altered in favor of -sheets and random coils. These findings clearly demonstrate that, FTIR spectroscopy can be used to extract valuable information at the molecular level so as to have a better understanding of the effect of hypoperfusion on rat brain.  相似文献   

Macrosiagon deuvei n. sp., the second fossil representative of this extant genus of Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini is described from the lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). The new species is compared with the extant species of the genus. Taxonomic position of other two fossil representatives of the family described from France by Perrichot et al. (2004) is discussed. The genus Paleoripiphorus Perrichot et al. 2004 is tentatively transferred from Ripiphorinae to Ripidiinae.  相似文献   

Second-derivative Fourier transform infrared spectra of seaweed galactans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fourier transform infrared spectra of agar, agarose, -, -, and -carrageenan, and ofChondrus canaliculatus, Iridaea ciliata, I. membranacea, I. laminarioides andGracilaria chilensis polysaccharides were recorded in the 4000–400 cm-1 region. The bands in the second derivative mode are sharper and more bands are resolved than in the normal spectra.Agar, agarose andG. chilensis phycocolloids exhibit diagnostic bands at 790 and 713 cm-1. -, - and -carrageenans, and native carrageenan-type polysaccharides fromC. canaliculatus andIridaea species exhibit bands at around 1160, 1140, 1100, 1070, 1040, 1008, 610, and 580 cm-1. Therefore, FT-IR spectroscopy in the second-derivative mode may be applied to differentiate between agar- and carrageenan-types seaweed galactans.  相似文献   

Fourier-transform infrared(FTIR) transmission spectroscopy has beenused for the determination of glucoseconcentrations in whole blood samples fromtwenty-eight patients. A four-vectorpartial least squares calibration model,using the spectral range 950–1200 cm-1,yielded a standard error of prediction of0.59 mM for an independent test set. Forblood samples from a single patient, wefound that the glucose concentration wasproportional to the difference between thevalues of the second derivative spectrum at1082 cm-1 and 1093 cm-1, suggestingthat these two specific wavelengths can beused for determining glucose concentrationsin blood.  相似文献   

The structural aspects in the interaction of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with photosystem II (PSII),mainly the effect of PG on conformation and microenvironment of tyrosine residues of PSII proteins were studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.It was found that the binding of PG to PSII particle induces changes in the conformation and micropolarity of phenol ring in the tyrosine residues.In other words,the PG effect on the PSII results in blue shift of the stretch vibrational band in the phenol ring from 1620 to 1500 cm-1 with the enhancement of the absorbance intensity.Additionally,a new spectrum of hydrogen bond was also observed.The results imply that the hydrogen-bond formation between the OH group of phenol and one of PG might cause changes in the structures of tyrosine residues in PSII proteins.  相似文献   


Stallion sperm exhibits great male-to-male variability in survival after cryopreservation. In this study, we have investigated if differences in sperm freezability can be attributed to membrane phase and permeability properties. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to determine supra and subzero membrane phase transitions and characteristic subzero membrane hydraulic permeability parameters. Sperm was obtained from stallions that show differences in sperm viability after cryopreservation. Stallion sperm undergoes a broad and gradual phase transition at suprazero temperatures, from 30–10°C, whereas freezing-induced dehydration of the cells causes a more severe phase transition to a highly ordered gel phase. Sperm from individual stallions showed significant differences in post-thaw progressive motility, percentages of sperm with abnormal cell morphology, and chromatin stability. The biophysical membrane properties evaluated in this study, however, did not show clear differences amongst stallions with differences in sperm freezability. Cyclodextrin treatment to remove cholesterol from the cellular membranes increased the cooperativity of the suprazero phase transition, but had little effects on the subzero membrane phase behavior. In contrast, freezing of sperm in the presence of protective agents decreased the rate of membrane dehydration and increased the total extent of dehydration. Cryoprotective agents such as glycerol decrease the amount of energy needed to transport water across cellular membranes during freezing.  相似文献   

不同供氮水平的水稻叶尖的傅里叶转换红外光谱(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
四个氮素水平处理的盆栽水稻 (OryzasativaL .)的叶尖在不同生育期均表现出明显的傅里叶转换红外光谱差异。新定义的光谱指数 ((A3 4 0 0 -A1653 ) / (A3 4 0 0 A1653 ) ,A为某频率处的吸收值 )随着施氮水平的提高而降低。结果表明 ,傅里叶转换红外光谱可用于诊断植物的氮素状况。  相似文献   

四个氮素水平处理的盆栽水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的叶尖在不同生育期均表现出明显的傅里叶转换红外光谱差异.新定义的光谱指数((A3400-A1653)/(A3400+A1653),A为某频率处的吸收值)随着施氮水平的提高而降低.结果表明,傅里叶转换红外光谱可用于诊断植物的氮素状况.  相似文献   

Two rapid vibrational spectroscopic approaches (diffuse reflectance-absorbance Fourier transform infrared [FT-IR] and dispersive Raman spectroscopy), and one mass spectrometric method based on in vacuo Curie-point pyrolysis (PyMS), were investigated in this study. A diverse range of unprocessed, industrial fed-batch fermentation broths containing the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi producing the natural product gibberellic acid, were analyzed directly without a priori chromatographic separation. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) were applied to all of the information-rich spectra obtained by each of the methods to obtain quantitative information on the gibberellic acid titer. These estimates were of good precision, and the typical root-mean-square error for predictions of concentrations in an independent test set was <10% over a very wide titer range from 0 to 4925 ppm. However, although PLSR and ANNs are very powerful techniques they are often described as "black box" methods because the information they use to construct the calibration model is largely inaccessible. Therefore, a variety of novel evolutionary computation-based methods, including genetic algorithms and genetic programming, were used to produce models that allowed the determination of those input variables that contributed most to the models formed, and to observe that these models were predominantly based on the concentration of gibberellic acid itself. This is the first time that these three modern analytical spectroscopies, in combination with advanced chemometric data analysis, have been compared for their ability to analyze a real commercial bioprocess. The results demonstrate unequivocally that all methods provide very rapid and accurate estimates of the progress of industrial fermentations, and indicate that, of the three methods studied, Raman spectroscopy is the ideal bioprocess monitoring method because it can be adapted for on-line analysis.  相似文献   

The structural aspects in the interaction of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with photosystem II (PSIl), mainly the effect of PQ on conformation and microenvironment of tyrosine residues of PSIl proteins were studied by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It was found that the binding of PG to PSIl particle induces changes in the conformation and micropolarity of phenol ring in the tyrosine residues. In other words, the PG effect on the PSIl results in blue shift of the stretch vibrational band in the phenol ring from 1620 to 1500 cm-1 with the enhancement of the absorb-ance intensity. Additionally, a new spectrum of hydrogen bond was also observed. The results imply that the hydrogen-bond formation between the OH group of phenol and one of PG might cause changes in the structures of tyrosine residues in PSIl proteins.  相似文献   

The S2 state of the oxygen-evolving Mn-cluster of Photosystem II (PS II) is known to have different forms that exhibit the g =2 multiline and g = 4.1 EPR signals. These two spin forms are interconvertible at > 200 K and the relative amplitudes of the two signals are dependent on the species of cryoprotectant and alcohol contained in the medium. Also, it was recently found that the mutiline form can be converted to the g = 4.1 form by absorption of near-infrared light by the Mn-cluster itself at around 150 K [Boussac et al. (1996) Biochemistry 35: 6984–6989]. We have used light-induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy to study the structural difference in these two S2 forms. FTIR difference spectra for S2/S1 as well as for S2QA -/S1QA measured at cryogenic temperatures using PS II membranes in the presence of various cryoprotectants, and monohydric alcohols did not show any specific differences except for intensities of amide I bands, which were larger when ethylene glycol or glycerol was present in addition to sucrose. This result was interpreted due to more flexible movement of the protein backbones upon S2 formation with a higher cryoprotectant content. Light-induced difference spectra measured at 150 K using either blue light without near-infrared light or red plus near-infrared light also did not show any detectable difference. In addition, a different spectrum upon near-infrared illumination at 150 K of the PS II sample in which the S2 state had been photogenerated at 200 K exhibited no meaningful signals. These results indicate that the two S2 forms that give rise to the multiline and g = 4.1 signals have only minor differences, if any, in the structures of amino-acid ligands and polypeptide backbones. This conclusion suggests that conversion between the two spin states is caused by a spin-state transition in the Mn(III) ion rather than valence swapping within the Mn-cluster that would considerably affect the vibrations of ligands.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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