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Eight species of fossil plants are described for the first time from the Lower Carboniferous of the Arkhangelsk Region. One of these species, Adiantites lisitzynii O. Orlova et Jurina, is new. The taxonomic composition of the assemblage of 20 species indicates a woody vegetation of the Euramerian aspect. The rich assemblage recovered for the first time from terrigenous deposits of the Arkhangelsk Region dates them to the Visean (Early Carboniferous).  相似文献   

Even if climates play an evident role in the bumblebees distribution, at the present time, no research has been performed to test whether climatic parameters actually affect their abundance and diversity. For more than one decade (1999–2009), we monitored the bumblebee fauna of a mountain hotspot in the Eastern Pyrenees. We sampled each year, in July, the same hayfield habitat, resulting in the sampling of 28 species. We computed the correlation of the yearly abundance of the main species with several climatic parameters concerning temperature and precipitation. We separated the parameters measured during the bumblebee solitary phase and those measured during their social phase. Bumblebee fauna composition varied significantly over years. In the 13 species considered, the abundance of 9 was correlated with at least one climatic parameter. The lowest abundance of bumblebees was correlated with hot and dry conditions during the month of August the year before sampling (the nuptial time of the founders). The highest overall abundance of bumblebees was observed during the social phase in the rainy months. Across years, climatic parameters seem to have strongly affected the composition of bumblebee fauna. Our results seem to indicate that hot and dry weather represent serious threat for most bumblebee species. The potential effects of Global Warming are discussed: they may cause a severe reduction of the mountain bumblebee diversity.  相似文献   

横断山区蚜虫区系的组成和特点   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
研究了横断山区蚜虫区系的组成和特点.横断山区共有蚜虫11科69属125种,以东洋区、特有种类占优势.蚜虫区系古北成分和东洋成分充分交融,特有种类丰富,区系组成复杂多样.对该区蚜虫的分布进行了初步分析,特有种分布不均衡,水平主要分布在滇西北的丽江和玉龙雪山地区,垂直分布在海拔3 000~3 200 m,是特有种丰富度最高的地带.此外,对跨古北和东洋区分布种类的东亚起源进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

Species composition and ecological structure of ground beetle population was studied in northern taiga meadows of the Arkhangelsk Region. Meadows in the northern forest zone proved to harbor 91 ground beetle species. Carabid complexes formed in the intrazonal biocenoses of the northern forest zone can be as rich as the family topical groups in the southern forest zone by the number of species and ecological diversity. Ecological properties of the fauna and ground beetle population proved similar in different parts of the forest zone. The proportion of stenobiotic meadow species proved to decrease while that of ecologically plastic ones increased from south to north. The proportion of the genus Harpalus decreased in the ground beetle population while the number of Amara species remained unaltered and their abundance increased. The changes in the species composition caused no transformation of the ecological structure of ground beetle population since they were limited to a single life form or guild.  相似文献   

Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) have been declining rapidly in many temperate regions of the Old World. Despite their ecological and economic importance as pollinators, North American bumblebees have not been extensively surveyed and their conservation status is largely unknown. In this study, two approaches were used to determine whether bumblebees in that region were in decline spatially and temporally. First, surveys performed in 2004–2006 in southern Ontario were compared to surveys from 1971 to 1973 in the same sites to look at changes in community composition, in one of the most bumblebee diverse areas of eastern North America. Second, the extent of range decline for a focal species (Bombus affinis Cresson) was estimated by surveying 43 sites throughout its known native range in eastern Canada and the United States. Our study documents an impoverishment of the bumblebee community in southern Ontario over the past 35 years. Bombus affinis in particular was found to have declined drastically in abundance not only in southern Ontario but throughout its native range. The loss of any bumblebee species may result in cascading impacts on native fauna and flora and reduce agricultural production. Implications for the conservation of this important group of pollinators are discussed.  相似文献   

The bumblebee fauna of the North of European Russia includes 34 species. The trends in bumblebee diversity within the region are characterized. The species richness is the greatest in the middle taiga subzone and decreases from south to north, reaching its minimum in the Arctic tundra. Based on analysis of the zonal differentiation of bumblebee species, only four of them were found to be true arctic forms: Bombus (Alpinobombus) polaris, B. (Al.) balteatus, B. (Al.) hyperboreus, and B. (Pr.) lapponicus glacialis, whereas the rest belong to the temperate, boreal, and subboreal groups.  相似文献   

Two new species of Protopanorpa Carpenter (Mecoptera: Permochoristidae), P. longicubitalis sp. nov. and P. similis sp. nov. from the Ufimian Solikamsk Horizon of the Perm Region (Tyulkino locality) are described. Scorpionflies of Tyulkino are compared with scorpionflies of the Kungurian Chekarda locality (Perm Region) and the Early Kazanian Soyana locality (Arkhangelsk Region).  相似文献   

Aim North America harbours the most diverse freshwater mussel fauna on Earth. This fauna has high endemism at the continental scale and within individual river systems. Previous faunal classifications for North America were based on intuitive, subjective assessments of species distributions, primarily the occurrence of endemic species, and do not portray continent‐wide patterns of faunal similarity. The aim of this study is to provide an analytical portrayal of patterns of mussel diversity in a hierarchical framework that informs the biogeographical history of the fauna. Location The study considered the mussel fauna of North America from the Rio Grande system northwards. Methods Patterns of mussel faunal similarity in 126 river systems or lake watersheds across North America were examined. The dataset was developed from the literature and consisted of recent species presence/absence (282 species) in each drainage unit; subspecies were not included. Patterns of mussel diversity were examined with hierarchical cluster analysis, based on a pairwise distance matrix between all drainage units. Results Cluster analysis revealed 17 faunal provinces within four major faunal regions: Mississippian, Atlantic, Eastern Gulf and Pacific. The Mississippian Region dominates the North American fauna with 11 provinces, including five not recognized by previous classifications: Mississippi Embayment, Upper Mississippi, Great Plains, Ohioan and Pontchartrain–Pearl–Pascagoula. Within the Eastern Gulf Region (containing three provinces), the Escambia–Choctawhatchee Province is distinctive from the Apalachicolan Province, under which it was previously subsumed. Patterns of diversity in the Atlantic Region (two provinces) and Pacific Region (one province) were similar to previous classifications. Main conclusions The classification proposed in this study largely corroborates earlier schemes based on the occurrence of endemic species but identifies additional heterogeneity that reflects unique assemblages of widely distributed species. The study proposes a hierarchical structure that illustrates relationships among these provinces. Although some provinces in the Mississippian Region have high endemism, all Mississippian provinces share a group of widely distributed species. The Atlantic and Eastern Gulf regions have distinctive, endemic faunas suggesting limited past connectivity with the Mississippian Region. The Pacific Region is the most distinct fauna in North America and bears close affinity to the Eurasian mussel fauna.  相似文献   

中国熊蜂多样性、人工利用与保护策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊蜂是众多野生植物和农作物的重要传粉者, 在维持自然和农业生态系统平衡中发挥着十分重要的作用。中国地形多样、植被丰富, 是全球熊蜂多样性的热点地区, 但过去缺乏系统调查研究, 中国熊蜂多样性现状及其利用特性不详。本文介绍了近20年在中国熊蜂资源系统调查及其人工利用方面取得的主要研究结果: (1) 2002-2017年采集熊蜂标本5万余号, 先后揭示了一系列疑难类群的分类地位, 确认中国已知熊蜂125种, 占全球熊蜂已知物种总数的50%, 表明中国是全球熊蜂物种资源最丰富的国家; (2)首次报道了中国熊蜂物种名录, 其中22种为中国特有种。我国青藏高原东部向黄土高原、秦岭山地和四川盆地过渡的地带, 是全球熊蜂多样性分布中心; (3) 1998-2017年, 明亮熊蜂(Bombus lucorum)、密林熊蜂(B. patagiatus)、红光熊蜂(B. ignitus)、火红熊蜂(B. pyrosoma)、重黄熊蜂(B. picipes)和兰州熊蜂(B. lantschouensis) 6种本土熊蜂先后被驯养成功, 其中密林熊蜂和兰州熊蜂的繁殖性状优良, 已应用于我国设施作物传粉服务。同时, 我们从栖息地、食物资源、外来物种、农药使用等方面提出了保护中国熊蜂资源的策略, 以期为野生传粉昆虫特别是熊蜂资源的保护与可持续利用提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Chorological structure of ichthyofauna of the Arctic Region is described. Distribution patterns of 504 fish-like vertebrates and fish species are characterized. One hundred and eighty-nine range types are defined, which are combined into eight main categories: 1—Arctic; 2—Atlantic-Arctic; 3—transitional subarctic zone of Atlantic sector; 4—Pacific-Arctic; 5—transitional subarctic subarctic zone of Pacific sector, 6—Pacific-Atlantic (amphiboreal); 7—bipolar; 8—continental (fresh and brackish waters). Arctic and boreal regions are bordered by transitional (subarctic) zones, which are the areas of intermutual penetration of faunas. The distribution of most fish species that penetrate into to the Arctic Region from the southern areas is limited by these transitional zones. The benthic fish species prevail in the group of autochthonous Arctic species (which includes 64 species or 14% of marine fauna). The demersal fauna of the Arctic preudoabyssal is presented by endemic species. Ten variations of amphiboreal distribution patterns are revealed. Three areas may be defined within the Atlantic-subarctic zone in regard to the fish fauna and range types, i.e., Labrador-Greenland region, the Barents Sea region, and Icelandic (transitional) region.  相似文献   

中国阿勒泰地区位于新疆北部, 与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、蒙古国交界, 该区包含阿尔泰山及山前荒漠和绿洲, 属于全球200个生物多样性最丰富和最具代表性生态区之一的阿尔泰-萨彦岭生物热点地区。阿勒泰地区生境多样, 鸟类物种资源丰富。尽管以往曾在阿勒泰地区进行过一些鸟类调查, 但对于该地区不同景观和生境类型中鸟类物种丰富度和分布尚无详尽报道。本文通过2013-2016年在中国境内阿尔泰山及山前平原地区对不同生境类型中的鸟类进行实地调查, 并总结文献资料及观鸟爱好者的记录数据, 重新整理了阿勒泰地区鸟类名录及地理分布, 分析了鸟类的物种组成、区系成分; 通过鸟类分布位点数据, 选取气候、土地覆被类型、人类足迹指数及地形共4类环境因子作为自变量建立MaxEnt生态位模型, 通过模拟77种鸟类的适宜分布区并叠加分布图层, 获得了阿勒泰地区的鸟类物种丰富度分布格局。结果表明: 阿勒泰共记录鸟类344种, 隶属19目55科149属, 其中雀形目163种。在垂直海拔带上, 鸟类物种数分别为高山裸岩带24种, 高山草甸带35种, 山地森林草原带172种, 低山灌木带130种, 荒漠草原带84种, 平原绿洲带173种, 以及各海拔带的湿地与水域生境中水鸟92种; 在区系成分上, 以北方型鸟类为主(170种, 占49.4%), 其次为广布种(93种, 占27.0%)。阿尔泰山地的鸟类区系呈现出西伯利亚动物区系特征, 山前平原地区呈现蒙新区分布特征, 因此, 阿勒泰地区动物地理区系属于古北界欧洲-西伯利亚亚界阿尔泰-萨彦岭区阿尔泰亚区; 山前平原地区属于古北界中亚亚界蒙新区西部荒漠亚区。MaxEnt模型推测阿勒泰地区山前平原绿洲地区、山地森林草原带和低山灌木带具有较高的鸟类物种丰富度, 尤其是额尔齐斯河流域下游的绿洲带宽阔, 鸟类物种丰富, 而高山区和荒漠生境中鸟类物种相对较少。模型预测的结果与实际调查情况相符。阿勒泰地区应采用生态友好的经济发展策略, 加强对乔木和灌木的保护, 这有助于维持较高的鸟类物种多样性。此外, 降低生境破碎化不仅对该地区物种保护有重要作用, 也对维持阿尔泰-萨彦岭生物热点地区的山地鸟类多样性有重要意义。  相似文献   

分析了中国蛱蝶科已知324种昆虫的分布与区系组成,主要由古北区、东洋区、古北一东洋区共有种类组成,共计309种,占总数的95.37%;其种类组成与澳洲区、新北区有明显差异;特有种类较少,占总数的12.65%;广布种很少,仅占1.74%。同时统计分析了324种蛱蝶在我国各省的贫富指数。  相似文献   

横断山区蚜虫区系的特异性与历史渊源   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章系统分析了横断山区蚜虫区系的特异性,主要表现在:区系成分的复杂性、古北与东洋成分的交融性、区系组成的特有性和物种分布的间断性.进一步结合地质历史事件对横断山区蚜虫区系的历史渊源及其特异性演化进行了初步讨论.根据蚜虫类分布特点,建议古北区和东洋区在横断山区的分界线南移至丽江一线;横断山区蚜虫和其他地区的间隔分布可能是由地质历史上板块运动和青藏高原的隆升及第四纪冰期-间冰期的循环往复造成的;横断山区蚜虫区系是一个复合区系,同其他动物地理区划如新北区、澳洲区、非洲区等的蚜虫区系都有密切的历史渊源,青藏高原和横断山区的隆起及第四纪冰期-间冰期的循环往复又使得本区蚜虫区系有着独特的演化历程,从而造成了本区蚜虫区系的特有性.  相似文献   

河北省熊蜂属区系调查(膜翅目,蜜蜂科)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
作者在2005-2008年对河北省的熊蜂区系进行了调查.根据所采集的标本和中国科学院动物研究所馆藏标本,经鉴定该地区有熊蜂8亚属31种,包括河北省7新纪录种和中国新2纪录种.在河北境内,熊蜂主要分布在西部太行山区、北部坝上高原和燕山山区;采访植物涉及到18科67种,其中,豆科、菊科、蔷薇科和唇形科植物是熊蜂访问的主要对象.区系成分分析表明,河北省31种熊蜂的区系成分有5类,其中,古北区和东洋区共有种为河北省熊蜂的主要成分,为18种,占河北省熊蜂种类总数的58.06%.  相似文献   

We used TWINSPAN and CANOCO to investigate the biogeography of the western Iberian Peninsula on the basis of the distribution of earthworms among ninety areas of Galicia, Portugal, Asturias, León, Zamora, Salamanca, Cáceres, Badajoz and Huelva. This part of Iberia is clearly divisible into a Eurosiberian Region in the north and west and a Mediterranean Region in the south and east. For earthworm faunas, however, the limit between these regions is considerably further south than is conventionally accepted on the basis of Rivas Martinez's (1987) vegetation-type classification. Species character- istic of the Eurosiberian Region include Dendrobaena madeirensis, D. octaedra, Allolobophora caliginosa and various species of the genus Lumbricus . Within this region the earthworm fauna of Asturias is clearly distinct from that of Galicia and northern Portugal. Species characteristic of the Mediterranean Region include Allolobophora caliginosa , A. chlorotica and A. rosea , but inventories from this region are most easily identified by the absence or scarcity of those species characteristic of the Eurosiberian Region. Many areas show intermediate characteristics between the two major regions, and in some cases one region 'intrudes' into the other.  相似文献   

The Value of Uncropped Field Margins For Foraging Bumblebees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intensification of agriculture has led to declines in species diversity and abundance within groups of certain flora and fauna. Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) are one group where a decline has been documented, and it is thought to be attributable to a decrease in forage resources and potential nest sites. As bumblebees play an important role in the pollination of many entomophilous crops, this decline could impact on agricultural productivity. We examined the role of naturally regenerated field margins in providing forage plants on land where nectar resources are otherwise impoverished. The following question was addressed – Are naturally regenerated unsprayed field margins more attractive to foraging bumblebees and honeybees than cropped field margins managed as conservation headlands? Significantly more bees visited naturally regenerated field margins than cropped field margins. Honeybees (Apis mellifera), Bombus terrestris, and Bombus lapidarius were the most commonly observed bee species. Different wildflower species within the naturally regenerated margins varied greatly in relative number of visits received, and bumblebee species were found to prefer different flower species to honeybees. The potential role that naturally regenerated field margins could play in the conservation of bumblebee species, and the implications for other species of flora and fauna, are discussed.  相似文献   

We have studied karyofonds of natural populations and B-chromosome morphology of 8 species of blackflies from the North-Western region of Russia: Odagmia ornata Mg., Hellichiella crassa Rubz., Simulium morsitans Edw., Simulium argyreatum Mg., Shoenbaueria pusilla Fries., Cnetha fontinalis Radzv., Stegopterna duo-decimata Rubz., and Archesimulium tuberosum Lundstr. For this purpose we made slides of squashed blackflies larvae with salivary gland polytene chromosomes stained by aceto-orcein, in addition to similarly stained slides with mitotic chromosomes from gonads and ganglia. Morphology of polytene B-chromosomes of Shoenbaueria pusilla Fries., Cnetha fontinalis Radzv., Stegopterna duodecimata Rubz., and Archesimulium tuberosum Lundstr. has been first described. B-chromosome polymorphism was found in all species, but the number of B chromosomes was conserved within each differences in polytene individual. Stable and distinct interspecific differences in the morphology of polytene B-chromosomes were demonstrated, and these characters are advisable to use to distinguish the species. We have investigated for the first time karyofonds of Od. ornata populations from Arkhangelsk Region (Solovetskie Islands) and Leningrad Region (railway station Sablino), and those of S. argyreatum populations from Murmansk Region (Kandalaksha environs) and Karelia (railway station Chupa). A long term study of Od. ornata and S. argyrestum population from North-Western Russia revealed interspecific and interpopulation dynamics of the occurrence of specimens with B-chromosomes. Some populations showed an increased percentage of individuals with B-chromosomes. It is suggested that B-chromosomes may play a role in adaptation of polulations to severe environmental conditions.  相似文献   

本文报道泉州市的爬行动物共 5 8种 ,分析了这 5 8种爬行类所属的动物区系。它们当中属于古北界的仅 2种 ,属于东洋界的有 5 3种 ,其中华南区与华中区共有者 30种 ,华中区的种类 4种 ,华南区的种类有 19种 ,说明泉州市爬行类的区系组成是以华南区的种类占优势。  相似文献   

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