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Komeiji Y  Ueno Y  Uebayasi M 《FEBS letters》2002,521(1-3):133-139
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to simulate Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change of calmodulin (CaM). Simulations of the fully Ca(2+)-bound form of CaM (Holo-CaM) and the Ca(2+)-free form (Apo-CaM) were performed in solution for 4 ns starting from the X-ray crystal structure of Holo-CaM. A striking difference was observed between the trajectories of Holo-CaM and Apo-CaM: the central helix remained straight in the former but became largely bent in the latter. Also, the flexibility of Apo-CaM was higher than that of Holo-CaM. The results indicated that the bound Ca(2+) ions harden the structure of CaM.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of alpha-actinin from rabbit skeletal muscle was determined by cryoelectron microscopy in combination with homology modeling of the separate domain structures based on results previously determined by X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. alpha-Actinin was induced to form two-dimensional arrays on a positively charged lipid monolayer and micrographs were collected from unstained, frozen hydrated specimens at tilt angles from 0 degrees to 60 degrees. Interpretation of the 15 A-resolution three-dimensional structure was done by manually docking homologous models of the three key domains, actin-binding, three-helix motif and the C-terminal calmodulin-like domains. The initial model was refined quantitatively to improve its fit to the experimental reconstruction. The molecular model of alpha-actinin provides the first view of the overall structure of a complete actin cross-linking protein. The structure is characterized by close proximity of the C-terminal, calmodulin-like domain to the linker between the two calponin-homology domains that comprise the actin-binding domain. This location suggests a hypothesis to explain the involvement of the C-terminal domain in Ca(2+)-dependent actin binding of non-muscle isoforms.  相似文献   

N Ogawa  S Okumura  K Izui 《FEBS letters》1992,302(1):86-88
In C4 plants the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC is regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation which is mediated by light/dark signals. The study using protein kinase inhibitors showed that the inhibition pattern of maize PEPC-protein kinase (PEPC-PK) is similar to that of myosin light chain kinase, a Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent PK. The kinase activity was also inhibited by EGTA and the inhibition was relieved by Ca2+. These results suggest that PEPC-PK is Ca(2+)-dependent in contrast with previous observations by other research groups.  相似文献   

An early development-specific soluble 55 kDa Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase has been purified to homogeneity from sandalwood somatic embryos and biochemically characterized. The purified enzyme, swCDPK, resolved into a single band on 10% polyacrylamide gels, both under denaturing and non-denaturing conditions. swCDPK activity was strictly dependent on Ca(2+), K(0.5) (apparent binding constant) for Ca(2+)-activation of substrate phosphorylation activity being 0.7 microM and for autophosphorylation activity approximately 50 nM. Ca(2+)-dependence for activation, CaM-independence, inhibition by CaM-antagonist (IC(50) for W7=6 microM, for W5=46 microM) and cross-reaction with polyclonal antibodies directed against the CaM-like domain of soybean CDPK, confirmed the presence of an endogenous CaM-like domain in the purified enzyme. Kinetic studies revealed a K(m) value of 1.3 mg/ml for histone III-S and a V(max) value of 0.1 nmol min(-1) mg(-1). The enzyme exhibited high specificity for ATP with a K(m) value of 10 nM. Titration with calcium resulted in the enhancement of intrinsic emission fluorescence of swCDPK and a shift in the lambda(max) emission from tryptophan residues. A reduction in the efficiency of non-radiative energy transfer from tyrosine to tryptophan residues was also observed. These are taken as evidence for the occurrence of Ca(2+)-induced conformational change in swCDPK. The emission spectral properties of swCDPK in conjunction with Ca(2+) levels required for autophosphorylation and substrate phosphorylation help understand mode of Ca(2+) activation of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Phosphorylase kinase (EC activity in crude cytosol preparations of chicken adipose tissue was assayed using as substrate either the endogenous phosphorylase b in the preparation or added purified rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase b. The results obtained with the two substrates were similar. The phosphorylase kinase reaction was markedly inhibited by ethyleneglycol-bis-(β-aminoethylether)-N,N′,-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), maximum inhibition (about 90%) occurring at approx. 0.2 mM. This inhibition was readily reversed by addition of Ca2+. Full reversal was achieved with 0.3 mM Ca2+ in the presence of 0.5 mM EGTA; the estimated free Ca2+ concentration required was 4 μM. The activation of phosphorylase b was blocked immediately and completely by EGTA added during the course of the assay; reversal was achieved without a time lag by the addition of Ca2+. The Ca2+ requirement was also demonstrated directly by preparing an enzyme fraction from which Ca2+ had been removed and by using Ca2+-free reagents. Under these conditions the Ca2+ concentration needed for half maximum activation was 10 μM and maximum activation was obtained at about 100 μM. The possibility that the effects of EGTA and Ca2+ might be related to changes in phosphorylase phosphatase activity rather than phosphorylase kinase was considered unlikely since the phosphorylase phosphatase activity was inhibited during the phosphorylase kinase assay step by the inclusion of fluoride and β-glycerophosphate. Phosphorylase kinase activity in rat adipocytes, using endogenous phosphorylase as substrate, was also inhibited EGTA but, whereas the activity in chicken adipose tissue was inhibited by 90%, the activity in rat adipose tissue was inhibited only 60%. These data indicate that adipose tissue phosphorylase kinase has a Ca2+ requirement for optimal activity and is thus qualitatively similar to the enzyme in contractile tissues.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) was purified 900-fold from the soluble fraction of Dunaliella tertiolecta cells by ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-Toyopearl, phenyl-Sepharose, and hydroxylapatite column chromatography. The CDPK was activated by micromolar concentration of Ca2+ and required neither calmodulin nor phospholipids for its activation. The enzyme phosphorylated casein, myosin light chain, and histone type III-S (histone H-1), but did not phosphorylate protamine and phosvitin. The Km values for ATP and casein were 11 microM and 300 micrograms/ml, respectively. Phosphorylation of casein was inhibited by calmodulin antagonists, calmidazolium, trifluoperazine, and compound 48/80, but not affected by calmodulin. CDPK bound to phenyl-Sepharose in the presence of Ca2+ and was eluted by ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether) N,N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA). This suggests that hydrophobicity of the enzyme was increased by Ca2+. CDPK was also bound to the microsomes isolated from Dunaliella cells in the presence of micromolar concentration of Ca2+ and released in the presence of EGTA, suggesting the possibility of in vivo Ca(2+)-dependent association of the enzyme. The enzyme phosphorylated many proteins in the microsomes but few in the cytosol, if at all.  相似文献   

Berggård T  Silow M  Thulin E  Linse S 《Biochemistry》2000,39(23):6864-6873
Calbindin D(28k) is a member of a large family of intracellular Ca(2+) binding proteins characterized by EF-hand structural motifs. Some of these proteins are classified as Ca(2+)-sensor proteins, since they are involved in transducing intracellular Ca(2+) signals by exposing a hydrophobic patch on the protein surface in response to Ca(2+) binding. The hydrophobic patch serves as an interaction site for target enzymes. Other members of this group are classified as Ca(2+)-buffering proteins, because they remain closed after Ca(2+) binding and participate in Ca(2+) buffering and transport functions. ANS (8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid) binding and affinity chromatography on a hydrophobic column suggested that both the Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-loaded form of calbindin D(28k) have exposed hydrophobic surfaces. Since exposure of hydrophobic surface is unfavorable in the aqueous intracellular milieu, calbindin D(28k) most likely interacts with other cellular components in vivo. A Ca(2+)-induced conformational change was readily detected by several optical spectroscopic methods. Thus, calbindin D(28k) shares some of the properties of Ca(2+)-sensor proteins. However, the Ca(2+)-induced change in exposed hydrophobic surface was considerably less pronounced than that in calmodulin. The data also shows that calbindin D(28k) undergoes a rapid and reversible conformational change in response to a H(+) concentration increase within the physiological pH range. The pH-dependent conformational change was shown to reside mainly in EF-hands 1-3. Urea-induced unfolding of the protein at pH 6, 7, and 8 showed that the stability of calbindin D(28k) was increased in response to H(+) in the range examined. The results suggest that calbindin D(28k) may interact with targets in a Ca(2+)- and H(+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic Syk kinase plays key roles in immune responses and comprises two N-terminal regulatory Src homology 2 (SH2) domains followed by a catalytic region. Atomic structures of these domains have only been solved in isolation. To gain insights into the three-dimensional structure of full-length Syk, we have used single-particle electron microscopy. Syk acquires a closed conformation resembling the inhibited structure of Zap-70, another member of the Syk family. Such configuration suggests an inhibition of the N-terminal domains on its catalytic activity. The phosphotyrosine binding pockets of both SH2 domains are not occluded and they could interact with other phosphoproteins.  相似文献   

Recently we were able to show that calmodulin from vertebrates, plants (spinach) and the mold Neurospora crassa can be covalently conjugated to ubiquitin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner by ubiquityl-calmodulin synthetase (uCaM-synthetase) from mammalian sources [R. Ziegenhagen and H.P. Jennissen (1990) FEBS Lett. 273, 253-256]. It was therefore of high interest to investigate whether this covalent modification of calmodulin also occurs in one of the simplest eukaryotes, the unicellular Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast calmodulin was therefore purified from bakers yeast. In contrast to calmodulin from spinach and N. crassa it does not activate phosphorylase kinase. Crude yeast uCaM-synthetase conjugated ubiquitin Ca(2+)-dependently to yeast and mammalian (bovine) calmodulin. Yeast calmodulin was also a substrate for mammalian (reticulocyte) uCaM-synthetase. As estimated from autoradiograms the monoubiquitination product (first-order conjugate) of yeast calmodulin has an apparent molecular mass of ca. 23-26 kDa and the second-order conjugate an apparent molecular mass of ca. 28-32 kDa. Two to three ubiquitin molecules can be incorporated per yeast calmodulin. Experiments with methylated ubiquitin in the heterologous reticulocyte system indicate that, as with vertebrate calmodulins, only one lysine residue of yeast calmodulin reacts with ubiquitin so that the incorporation of multiple ubiquitin molecules will lead to a polyubiquitin chain. These results also indicate that the ability of coupling ubiquitin to calmodulin was acquired at a very early stage in evolution.  相似文献   

S H Yoo 《Biochemistry》1992,31(26):6134-6140
Chromogranin A (CGA), the most abundant protein in bovine adrenal chromaffin granules, is a high-capacity, low-affinity Ca(2+)-binding protein found in most neuroendocrine cells, and binds calmodulin (CaM) in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The binding of chromogranin A to calmodulin was determined by measuring the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of chromogranin A in the presence and absence of Ca2+. Binding was specifically Ca(2+)-dependent; neither Mg2+ nor Mn2+ could substitute for Ca2+. Chelation of Ca2+ by EGTA completely eliminated the chromogranin A-calmodulin interaction. CaM binding was demonstrated by a synthetic CGA peptide representing residues 40-65. When the CGA peptide and CaM were mixed in the presence of 15 mM CaCl2, the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence emission underwent a substantial blue-shift, shifting from 350 to 330 nm. Like the intact CGA, the peptide-CaM binding was specifically Ca(2+)-dependent, and neither Mg2+ nor Mn2+ could induce the binding. Calmodulin bound both to CGA and to the synthetic CGA peptide with a stoichiometry of one to one. The dissociation constants (Kd) determined by fluorometric titration were 13 nM for the peptide-CaM binding and 17 nM for intact CGA-CaM binding. The Kd values are comparable to those (approximately 10(-9) M) of other CaM-binding proteins and peptides, demonstrating a tight binding of CaM by CGA. The CaM-binding CGA residues 40-65 are 100% conserved among all the sequenced CGAs in contrast to 50-60% conservation found in the entire sequence, implying essential roles of this region.  相似文献   

A direct binding of HRC (histidine-rich Ca(2+)-binding protein) to triadin, the main transmembrane protein of the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal muscle, seems well supported. Opinions are still divided, however, concerning the triadin domain involved, either the cytoplasmic or the lumenal domain, and the exact role played by Ca(2+), in the protein-to-protein interaction. Further support for colocalization of HRC with triadin cytoplasmic domain is provided here by experiments of mild tryptic digestion of tightly sealed TC vesicles. Accordingly, we show that HRC is preferentially phosphorylated by endogenous CaM K II, anchored to SR membrane on the cytoplasmic side, and not by lumenally located casein kinase 2. We demonstrate that HRC can be isolated as a complex with triadin, following equilibrium sucrose-density centrifugation in the presence of mM Ca(2+). Here, we characterized the COOH-terminal portion of rabbit HRC, expressed and purified as a fusion protein (HRC(569-852)), with respect to Ca(2+)-binding properties, and to the interaction with triadin on blots, as a function of the concentration of Ca(2+). Our results identify the polyglutamic stretch near the COOH terminus, as the Ca(2+)-binding site responsible, both for the acceleration in mobility of HRC on SDS-PAGE in the presence of millimolar concentrations of Ca(2+), and for the enhancement by high Ca(2+) of the interaction between HRC and triadin cytoplasmic segment. (c)2001 Elsevier Science.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests the expression of a Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) in vascular endothelial cells. To elucidate the functional role of endothelial NCX, we studied Ca(2+) signaling and Ca(2+)-dependent activation of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS) at normal, physiological Na(+) gradients and after loading of endothelial cells with Na(+) ions using the ionophore monensin. Monensin-induced Na(+) loading markedly reduced Ca(2+) entry and, thus, steady-state levels of intracellular free Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) in thapsigargin-stimulated endothelial cells due to membrane depolarization. Despite this reduction of overall [Ca(2+)](i), Ca(2+)-dependent activation of eNOS was facilitated as indicated by a pronounced leftward shift of the Ca(2+) concentration response curve in monensin-treated cells. This facilitation of Ca(2+)-dependent activation of eNOS was strictly dependent on the presence of Na(+) ions during treatment of the cells with monensin. Na(+)-induced facilitation of eNOS activation was not due to a direct effect of Na(+) ions on the Ca(2+) sensitivity of the enzyme. Moreover, the effect of Na(+) was not related to Na(+) entry-induced membrane depolarization or suppression of Ca(2+) entry, since neither elevation of extracellular K(+) nor the Ca(2+) entry blocker 1-(beta-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-propoxy]-4-methoxyphenethyl)-1H-imidazol e hydrochloride (SK&F 96365) mimicked the effects of Na(+) loading. The effects of monensin were completely blocked by 3', 4'-dichlorobenzamil, a potent and selective inhibitor of NCX, whereas the structural analog amiloride, which barely affects Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange, was ineffective. Consistent with a pivotal role of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange in Ca(2+)-dependent activation of eNOS, an NCX protein was detected in caveolin-rich membrane fractions containing both eNOS and caveolin-1. These results demonstrate for the first time a crucial role of cellular Na(+) gradients in regulation of eNOS activity and suggest that a tight functional interaction between endothelial NCX and eNOS may take place in caveolae.  相似文献   

We previously showed that A23187 in high ionophore/protein ratios almost completely inhibits the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase [Hara, H. & Kanazawa, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16584-16590]. In an attempt to obtain information on the mechanism of this inhibition, the effects of A23187 on conformational changes involved in the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme were investigated. The purified enzyme from sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit skeletal muscle as well as the purified enzyme labeled with fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) were preincubated with A23187 in the absence of Ca2+ at pH 7.0 and 0 degrees C for 45 min. The activation of the enzyme following addition of CaCl2 was assessed by determining the capacity for rapid formation of phosphoenzyme from ATP. This activation was strongly inhibited by the preincubation with A23187. This indicates that the previously observed inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase is mostly due to hindrance of the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme. In the control, in which the FITC-labeled enzyme was preincubated without A23187, the fluorescence intensity of the bound FITC decreased in a biphasic manner upon addition of CaCl2. The first rapid phase of this fluorescence drop was unaffected by A23187, whereas its second slow phase was almost completely inhibited by this drug. These results show that the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change is biphasic and that the second slow phase (but not the first rapid phase) of this conformational change is inhibited by A23187. This suggests that the observed inhibition of Ca2+ activation is attributed to hindrance of the second slow phase of the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change.  相似文献   

We used whole-cell, voltage-clamp methodology to study the activation and inhibition of cationic currents in neutrophil. Cationic channels involved were impermeable to N-methyl-D-glucamine and to choline, but permeable to Na+, K+, Cs+, tris(hydroxymethyl)amino-ethane, and tetraethylammonium. N-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine, the Ca(2+)-ionophore A23187, and phorbol myristate acetate activated the cationic current. Activated currents showed voltage dependence and outward rectification. The Ca(2+)-chelator 1,2 bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate markedly inhibited A23187-induced currents, but only partially decreased phorbol ester- or chemoattractant-induced currents. Dibutyryl cAMP diminished only the chemoattractant-induced currents. The adenosine analogs 5'N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine and N6-cyclohexyladenosine blocked the currents induced by all agents. Thus, we conclude that activation and inhibition of cationic channels in human neutrophils involve both Ca(2+)-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis in muscle wasting   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Skeletal muscle wasting is a prominent feature of cachexia, a complex systemic syndrome that frequently complicates chronic diseases such as inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, cancer and AIDS. Muscle wasting may also develop as a manifestation of primary or neurogenic muscular disorders. It is now generally accepted that muscle depletion mainly arises from increased protein catabolism. The ubiquitin-proteasome system is believed to be the major proteolytic machinery in charge of such protein breakdown, yet there is evidence suggesting that Ca(2+)-dependent system, lysosomes and, in some conditions at least, even caspases are involved as well. The role of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis in skeletal muscle wasting is reviewed in the present paper. This system relies on the activity of calpains, a family of Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases, whose regulation is complex and not completely elucidated. Modulations of Ca(2+)-dependent proteolysis have been associated with muscle protein depletion in various pathological contexts and particularly with muscle dystrophies. Calpains can only perform a limited proteolysis of their substrates, however they may play a critical role in initiating the breakdown of myofibrillar protein, by releasing molecules that become suitable for further degradation by proteasomes. Some evidence would also support a role for lysosomes and caspases in muscle wasting. Thus it cannot be excluded that different intracellular proteolytic systems may coordinately concur in shifting muscle protein turnover towards excess catabolism. Many different signals have been proposed as potentially involved in triggering the enhanced protein breakdown that underlies muscle wasting. How they are transduced to initiate the hypercatabolic response and to activate the proteolytic pathways remains largely unknown, however.  相似文献   

TRPV5, a member of transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels, plays a crucial role in epithelial calcium transport in the kidney. This channel has a high selectivity for Ca(2+) and is tightly regulated by intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations. Recently it was shown that the molecular basis of deafness in varitint-waddler mouse is the result of hair cell death caused by the constitutive activity of transient receptor potential mucolipin 3 (TRPML3) channel carrying a helix breaking mutation, A419P, at the intracellular proximity of the fifth transmembrane domain (TM5). This mutation significantly elevates intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and causes rapid cell death. Here we show that substituting the equivalent location in TRPV5, the M490, to proline significantly modulates Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation of TRPV5. The single channel conductance, time constant of inactivation (τ) and half maximal inhibition constant (IC(50)) of TRPV5(M490P) were increased compared to TRPV5(WT). Moreover TRPV5(M490P) showed lower Ca(2+) permeability. Out of different point mutations created to characterize the importance of M490 in Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation, only TRPV5(M490P)-expressing cells showed apoptosis and extremely altered Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation. In conclusion, the TRPV5 channel is susceptible for helix breaking mutations and the proximal intracellular region of TM5 of this channel plays an important role in Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Heparin stimulates the activity of nonactivated and activated skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase in a Ca2+-dependent manner.
  • 2.2. The stimulatory effect of heparin on the activity of nonactivated phosphorylase kinase is also expressed in the presence of calmodulin and glycogen. Heparin acted in synergism with glycogen.
  • 3.3. Heparin increases the affinity of phosphorylase kinase to Ca2+ 5–12 fold depending upon the activation conditions.
  • 4.4. Ca2+ influences the stimulation of liver phosphorylase kinase by heparin in a similar way.

Tricyclic antidepressants are moderately potent inhibitors of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase activity measured in erythrocyte ghosts. For the calmodulin-activated activity, half-maximal inhibition was observed in the presence of 0.25 mM clomipramine. Desipramine, imipramine, and trimipramine show half-maximal inhibition in the range of 0.8 to 1 mM. The inhibition dependence on clomipramine concentration is the same whether the enzyme is activated by exogenous calmodulin or by tryptic digestion. A similar behavior was observed for desipramine. The inhibition mechanisms utilized by clomipramine and desipramine are different. The clomipramine effect is associated with the Ca(2+)-bound enzyme conformation and can be attributed to a decrease in the rate of phosphorylation by ATP. The desipramine effect appears more related to the Ca(2+)-free conformation, since the partial reaction involved in the release of inorganic phosphate is perturbed by this drug. There is also little or no effect of tricyclics on the enzyme's affinity for ligand (Ca(2+) or ATP) binding.  相似文献   

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