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Eocene deposits of the famous La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, yielded the most diverse Paleogene fossil elasmobranch association of the Southern Hemisphere. In this assemblage, sharks clearly dominate the fauna, whereas batoids are very rare components. Herein, we describe two new taxa of cold water tolerant skates, Marambioraja leiostemma gen. et sp. nov., and Mesetaraja maleficapelli gen. et sp. nov., two new species of the genus Raja, Raja amphitrita sp. nov. and Raja manitaria sp. nov., as well as remains of warm water adapted myliobatiforms. It is, however, not possible to unambiguously assign these remains either to Myliobatidae or Rhinopteridae, or to any specific genus. Previously reported remains of Raja/Bathyraja sp. are assigned to the new described species Raja manitaria sp. nov. The biogeographic distribution of extant and extinct rays and skates clearly shows that both groups are more widely distributed today than in the past, and additionally seem to have been more diverse in the Northern than the Southern Hemisphere. The occurrence, albeit rare of isolated teeth of skates (Rajidae) and rays (Myliobatidae) in the La Meseta Formation representes a minimum age constraint for their first appearance in the Southern Ocean.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E507D86C-FFEC-4047-A337-AE77606BB1A6  相似文献   

Abstract Ice scouring is a key structuring force acting on high latitude shallow benthic communities. Despite its importance, detailed studies of scoured communities are still rare. Here we report the ecological effects of 12 iceberg impacts, across three contrasting study sites, at Adelaide Island, West Antarctic Peninsula. Grounded icebergs were marked with GPS and the newly formed scours (at 10–17 m depth) were sampled within 20 days of formation. Comparisons between scoured and adjacent unscoured assemblages were made using measures of abundance, biomass, taxon richness and the relative abundance of secondary consumers. Ice scouring was catastrophic at all sites, despite differences in substratum type, exposure and background community. Compared with undisturbed areas, scour assemblages were 95% lower in mean macrofaunal abundance and 75.9% lower in species richness. There was no general trend across all sites of ice scouring selecting for secondary consumers. The echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri and bivalve mollusc Mysella charcoti were highly abundant in undisturbed areas and were the biggest contributors to the observed differences between scours and undisturbed areas.  相似文献   

毛梦婷  张瑾  文姣  陈波  廖丽 《微生物学报》2023,63(6):2066-2077
【目的】南极洲具备独特的环境和相对的生物地理隔离,南极洲各类生境中蕴藏了大量尚未培养和难培养的微生物,也是新颖微生物物种的重要来源之一。本研究以南极冰锥洞这类特殊生境为研究对象,通过培养条件的多样化提升南极微生物的培养率和多样性,揭示南极冰锥洞可培养微生物类群多样性,为该环境可培养微生物功能研究奠定基础,也为南极极端环境未培养微生物的培养方法提供借鉴。【方法】通过采用不同培养基添加复苏促进因子(resuscitation promoting factor, Rpf)的方式,提高南极柯林斯冰盖冰锥洞生境中微生物的可培养率,探究该生境中微生物的多样性。采用4种不同营养水平的培养基,平行添加Rpf进行菌株培养,经分离纯化与16S rRNA基因鉴定,分析冰锥洞可培养微生物的多样性及培养条件对多样性的影响。【结果】本研究共分离培养细菌407株,涵盖5个门、18个科、29个属,其中:放线菌门(Actinomycetota)为优势门,占72.73%;微杆菌科(Microbacteriaceae)为优势科,占69.78%;Lacisediminihabitans属为优势属,占45.70%。从培养基效果...  相似文献   

Terrestrial invertebrate distribution was surveyed over 12 km2 of the ice-free area at Cape Bird, Ross Island, Antarctica. Gomphiocephalus hodgsoni (Collembola: Hypogastruridae), Stereotydeus mollis and Nanorchestes antarcticus (Acari: Prostigmata), Panagrolaimus davidi, Plectus sp. and Scottnema lindsayae (Nematoda), Tardigrada, Rotifera and Protozoa were all recorded. Invertebrates were found at 47 of 103 locations sampled. Logistic regression analysis suggested that the presence of mites and Collembola was strongly related to chlorophyll-a content of soil; but only Stereotydeus mollis and N. antarcticus were related to the presence of macroscopic vegetation, suggesting that current methods of assessing areas for protection may not adequately allow for invertebrate communities. Invertebrate communities were not dependent on ornithogenic carbon input. A better understanding of dispersal mechanisms is necessary to understand distributions of invertebrates in ice-free areas, particularly in light of potential habitat changes as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

The depth-related patterns in the benthic megafauna of the NE Weddell Sea shelf at the edge of the Fimbul Ice Shelf were investigated at seven sites using towed camera platform photographs. Megafaunal density decreased with depth from 77,939 ha−1 at 245 m to 8,895 ha−1 at 510 m. While diversity was variable, with H′ ranging between 1.34 and 2.28, there were no depth related patterns. Multivariate analyses revealed two distinct assemblages; a shallow assemblage with dense patches of suspension feeders in undisturbed areas and a deep assemblage where these were not present. Disturbance from icebergs explained many observed patterns in faunal distribution. In shallow waters probable effects of disturbance were observed as changes in successional stages; in deeper waters changes in habitat as a result of past disturbance explained faunal distributions. In deeper areas ice ploughing created a mosaic landscape of fine and coarse sediments. Total megafaunal density was highest in areas of coarse sediment (up to 2.9 higher than in finer sediment areas) but diversity was highest in intermediate areas (H′ = 2.35).  相似文献   

华北太行山前平原农田土壤养分的空间变异性研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
采用地统计方法,分别对栾城县(面积约30490hm^2)和中国科学院栾城生态农业试验站示范区(15hm^2)农田耕层土壤养分的空间变异特征进行了研究.结果表明,在2个不同采样间距下,各土壤养分含量均具有空间相关性,县域范围近似以1km网格采样,最大相关距离为4.2~15.6km,在示范区以20m网格采样,则为112~223m;在同一采样间距下,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效养分(N、P、K)含量的空间变异结构也各不相同,具有块金方差效应,半方差图分别遵从高斯和球函数模型.认识本区土壤的这种空间变异结构有助于实现对农田土壤养分的分区和合理管理.  相似文献   

The composition and the patterns of spatial and temporal variability of the epiphytic assemblages of Fucus vesiculosus of Clare Island, on the western coast of Ireland, were investigated for an annual cycle. Specimens of Fucus were collected on seven sampling dates from three sites of the island (Portlea, Kinnacorra and Portnakilly). Data of cover of the most common epiphytic species were collected and analysed by multivariate and univariate techniques. Elachista fucicola, Polysiphonia lanosa, Porphyra umbilicalis, Spongonema tomentosum and Ulva compressa were the most common species. Spatial and temporal variation was detected both for the whole assemblage and for the most abundant species. In general, the assemblage was quantitatively more abundant and diverse in spring-summer than in autumn-winter. In spring-summer, there was a clear differentiation among the assemblage of Portnakilly and the assemblages of the other two sites. Individual species were also generally more abundant in spring-summer and their distribution at the three sites was often not consistent in time; P. lanosa was the only epiphyte for which a consistent effect of site was found. Spatial variation on a scale of meters to tens of meters was the most striking pattern of distribution of the epiphytic assemblage; significant effects related to this spatial scale were detected both for the whole assemblage and for individual species. Phenological patterns of the epiphytic species determining availability of propagules and limited dispersal, leading to aggregated patterns of distribution, are considered the main factors responsible of such patchiness. The importance of the incorporation of small spatial scales in sampling designs analysing the distributional patterns of epiphytic assemblages is discussed.  相似文献   

Vinocur  Alicia  Pizarro  Haydée 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):171-185
The taxonomic composition and ecology of microbial mats were investigated in 26 lentic environments of Potter Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer of 1995/96. These have different limnological characteristics according to the location of the basins. Among the 139 algal taxa registered, 10 are new records for Antarctica. Bacillariophyceae was the dominant class in terms of species richness, followed by the Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyceae. TWINSPAN classification was used to describe six epilithic algal assemblages; Canonical Correspondence Analysis ordination showed that soluble reactive phosphorus, phytoplanktonic chlorophyll a concentration and conductivity were the main sources for the variation in the data.  相似文献   

优势树种对群落的构建和形成起主要作用。该文以海南岛尖峰岭60 hm2样地内重要值第二大的树种白颜树(Gironniera subaequalis)为研究对象, 探索其种群分布格局特征, 讨论环境异质性、密度依赖死亡、扩散限制等机制在格局形成过程中所起的作用。将白颜树10022个植株分为6个径级, 分别归属于幼树、中龄树、成年树三个生活史阶段, 采用成对相关函数分析各径级的空间分布特征; 双变量成对相关函数和标签关联函数分析不同生活史阶段之间的空间关系; Berman检验方法检验3个地形因子分别对幼树、中龄树、成年树分布影响的显著度。结果表明: 白颜树种群内I、II、III、IV径级呈现聚集分布, 聚集程度随径级的增加减弱; V和VI径级小尺度上均匀分布, 大尺度上以随机分布为主。幼树与中龄树空间正关联; 幼树与成年树空间负关联; 成年树与中龄树在较小的尺度上负关联, 大尺度上微弱正关联。但是不同生活史阶段的个体之间彼此分离, 个体间无直接的促进作用。地形因子中, 坡度、海拔、凹凸度对幼树的分布影响显著; 坡度、凹凸度对中龄树的分布影响显著; 仅坡度对成年树的分布影响显著。从现有的空间格局可以推断出环境异质性和密度依赖死亡对格局形成起作用, 但是种子的扩散限制对空间格局的影响没有明确地表现出来。  相似文献   

To date, no direct measurements of primary production were taken in the Amundsen Sea, which is one of the highest primary productivity regions in the Antarctic. Phytoplankton carbon and nitrogen uptake experiments were conducted at 16 selected stations using a 13C–15N dual isotope tracer technique. We found no statistically significant depletions of major inorganic nutrients (nitrate?+?nitrite, ammonium, and silicate) although the concentrations of these nutrients were markedly reduced in the surface layer of the polynya stations where large celled phytoplankton (>20?μm) predominated (ca. 64?%). The average chl-a concentration was significantly higher at polynya stations than at non-polynya stations (p?<?0.01). Average daily carbon and nitrogen uptake rates by phytoplankton at polynya stations were 2.2?g?C?m?2?day?1 (SD?=?±1.4?g?C?m?2?day?1) and 0.9?g?N?m?2?day?1 (SD?=?±0.2?g?N?m?2?day?1), respectively, about 5–10 times higher than those at non-polynya stations. These ranges are as high as those in the Ross Sea, which has the highest productivity among polynyas in the Antarctic Ocean. The unique productivity patterns in the Amundsen Sea are likely due to differences in iron limitation, phytoplankton productivity, the timing of phytoplankton growing season, or a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

The vegetation of a small fjord and its adjacent open shore was documented by subaquatic video. The distribution of individual species of macroalgae and the composition of assemblages were compared with gradients of light availability, hydrography, slope inclination, substratum, and exposition to turbulence and ice. The sublittoral fringe is usually abraded by winterly ice floes and devoid of large, perennial algae. Below this zone, the upper sublittoral is dominated by Desmarestia menziesii on steep rock faces, where water movements become irregular, or by Ascoseira mirabilis and Palmaria decipiens on weakly inclined slopes with steady rolling water movements. In the central sublittoral above 15 m, where turbulence is still active, Desmarestia anceps is outcompeting all other species on solid substratum, However, the species is not able to persist on loose material under these conditions. Instead, Himantothallus grandifolius may occur. Deeper, where turbulence usually is negligible, Desmarestia anceps also covers loose material. The change of dominance to Himantothallus grandifolius in the deep sublittoral cannot completely be explained at present. Himantothallus grandifolius also prevails in a mixed assemblage under the influence of grounding icebergs. Most of the smaller algae are opportunists with different degrees of tolerance for turbulence, but some apparently need more stable microhabitats and thus are dependent from continuing suppression of competitive large phaeophytes.The present work is part of the Argentinian-German cooperation program RASCALS (Research on Antarctic shallow coastal and littoral systems).  相似文献   

Karel  Weidinger 《Journal of Zoology》1996,239(4):755-768
Eggs of the Cape petrel Daption capense at Nelson Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, exhibited high variability in volume between females (up to 48%), while for each individual female, both volume and shape of eggs were highly correlated over two seasons. Both female size and body-condition at laying were unrelated to egg-volume in the 'good'season 1991, but larger females produced larger eggs in the 'bad'season 1990, when eggs were smaller on average. In 1991, females in better body-condition, but not larger, started laying earlier. In spite of synchronized laying (75% of eggs laid within five days), egg-volume decreased with laying date. Egg-volume differed significantly between the two years, which could not be explained by changes in the breeding population or timing of breeding. The laying of relatively small eggs and low overall breeding success in 1990 most probably reflected changes in food availability. Overall hatchability was 88% and did not differ significantly between disturbed and control colonies in 1991. Larger and more rounded eggs showed better hatching success, but hatchability was related more to egg-volume whereas hatching rate was related more to egg-shape. As the majority of egg losses were attributable to predation, the hatching rate was influenced by parental performance relatively more than by hatchability. Hence the relationship between hatching rate and egg-shape probably reflects improvement in hatching success with female age/experience, whereas the relationship between egg-size and hatchability suggests effect of egg-size independently of parental traits.  相似文献   

The communities of gammaridean amphipods associated with eight dominant macroalgal species were examined near Palmer Station, Western Antarctic Peninsula. A total of 78,415 individuals belonging to 32 amphipod taxa were identified with mean densities ranging up to 20 individuals/g algal wet wt. The most abundant amphipod taxon, Metaleptamphopus pectinatus, was found to associate predominately with the brown alga Desmarestia menziesii, while the second most common taxon, Jassa spp. occurred primarily on the red alga Gigartina skottsbergii. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis demonstrated that the population densities of each amphipod species and amphipod species composition were similar on the same algal species but dissimilar on different species of algae. Comparisons of amphipod communities associated with a given algal species but from different sampling sites indicated that although the structure of species-specific macroalgal-associated amphipod communities can vary across spatial scales of 3 km, 50% of the macroalgal species examined showed no significant inter-site differences in associated amphipod community structure. Spearman rank correlation analyses showed that higher abundances of amphipods occurred on the macroalgae with the highest number of branches. As many Antarctic amphipods are known consumers of macroalgae, their remarkable abundances are likely to play a significant role in mediating energy and nutrient transfer in nearshore Antarctic Peninsular macroalgal communities.  相似文献   

A total of 14 scats of the Leopard Seal were collected on ice floes close to Cierva Point, Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula, during February and March 2000. Krill was the most frequent and numerous prey and also constituted the bulk of the diet; penguins and fish followed in importance by mass. Among fish, Gobionotothen gibberifrons was the most frequent prey and also predominated by mass whereas the myctophid Gymnoscopelus nicholsi was the most numerous prey. The results are compared with previous studies and the differences in the composition of the diet observed among the Leopard Seal and other seals at the study area are discussed.  相似文献   

杨晓明  李逸欣  朱国平 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):4052-4058
南极磷虾作为南极生态系统中的关键物种,在空间分布上常表现出集群特征.这也反映到磷虾渔业生产的空间格局特征上.为了探讨捕捞能力有明显差异的船队在高/低单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)的情况下空间点分布格局特征及其生态学效应,基于南极半岛北部海域的两艘中国南极磷虾渔船(船A为专业南极磷虾渔船,船B为在智利竹筴鱼渔场与南极磷虾渔场转换的兼作渔船)的磷虾渔业数据,从空间点格局的角度出发,分别从两船的高、低CPUE的空间点格局在不同尺度上聚集特征,高、低CPUE在不同尺度上的二元点格局相关关系,以及CPUE点标记格局下的相关性关系等3个方面进行了分析.Ripley的L函数和标记相关函数分析结果表明: 研究对象在空间窗口所有尺度上的空间格局均表现为聚集性,高、低CPUE下均有聚集发生;在15 km尺度上,聚集强度近最大,在15~50 km尺度下,聚集程度稳定;总体上点格局分布的聚集强度依次为:船A高CPUE>船B低CPUE>船B高CPUE>船A低CPUE.船A高、低CPUE在0~75 km尺度上为正相关关系,在大于75 km尺度上为随机关系;船B在所有尺度上的高、低CPUE均为正相关,说明了低CPUE点事件伴随高CPUE的点事件同步发生,两者在大部分尺度下均显著相关.这是磷虾集群模式的动态性和复杂性造成.船A各点的CPUE值在0~44 km尺度上呈正相关,在44~80 km尺度上呈负相关;船B各点的CPUE值在50~70 km尺度上呈负相关,在其他尺度上无显著相关性;正相关反映了磷虾密集集群的种群分布特性,而负相关表明了磷虾群间由于食物和空间原因存在一定的竞争关系.捕捞能力强的船A和捕捞能力较弱的船B在点格局分布上存在较大差异.专业南极磷虾渔船更适于开展磷虾作业空间点格局分析及相关科学调查工作.  相似文献   

Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) are recognized to playan important role in the flux of exported carbon to the deepocean. However, there is little information on how TEP standingstocks are affected by different hydrographic conditions andother relevant ecological factors in situ. This lack of knowledgeis particularly serious for the Southern Ocean. During Australsummer 1999, the Strait of Bransfield presented high mesoscalevariability. Two fronts were present, the Bransfield hydrographicfront and a slope front along the South Shetland Islands andseveral mesoscale anticyclonic eddies and/or frontal meanders.The spatial distributions of biological properties were largelyaffected by this complex hydrography. Chlorophyll a (Chl a)(0.05–4.81 µg L–1), TEP (from undetectableto 346 µg GXeq L–1) and heterotrophic bacteria (HB)(1.7–9.4 x 105 cells mL–1) were positively correlateddespite the wide hydrographic heterogeneity of the BransfieldStrait. Higher abundances of autotrophic biomass, and correspondlyhigher TEP and heterotrophic bacteria (HB), were found in themore stratified waters. TEP spatial distribution was mostlyrelated to the abundance of autotrophic biomass although localhigh TEP concentrations were not matched by similarly high valuesof Chl a in some areas where diatoms were relatively abundant.  相似文献   

A computer programme for the statistical analysis of point data in a square is described. Several tests for randomness of the distribution of points are possible. The most comprehensive of these are comparisons of the empirical distributions of the inter-point and closest neighbour distances with their respective expected distributions under complete randomness, and tests based on Ripley' L function; using these, significant aggregation or regularity can be identified. It is also possible to calculate statistics of properties (“attributes”) associated with each spatial point, as well as to compare statistics for sub-areas of the experimental square. Several measures of spatial autocorrelation are available, amongst them correlograms and variograms. The programme can also find the tesselation of the study area and correlate tile properties with the point attributes. The procedures are illustrated by references to the spatial distribution and mound heights of Trinevitermes trinervoides on a study area in South Africa. Although the programme was developed specifically for application in entomology, it could be used to analyse data from many other disciplines.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns are presented for selected aquatic algae, and terrestrial algae, mosses and lichens, at three large, coastal ice-free regions on Ross Island. Each region is unique in certain aspects of its vegetation. The variation in areal and quantitative occurrence of different components of the vegetation in diverse ponds and streams, and over exposed ground surfaces, is related to the levels of marine salts in the environment, fertilisation by birds, water availability, substratum type and degree of exposure. A comparison is made with other antarctic, coastal, ice-free regions where similar broadscale patterns have been recognised.  相似文献   

The copepod Pseudoboeckella poppei (Daday) (Calanoida, Centropagidae) was sampled from Sombre and Heywood Lakes on Signy Island, Antarctica (60° S, 45° W) between January 1984 and March 1985. Sombre Lake is clear and oligotrophic with little phytoplankton and a bottom sediment low in organic content. By contrast Heywood Lake is turbid and mesotrophic; a substantial phytoplankton develops in summer and the bottom sediments are comparatively rich in organics. Both lakes freeze over for much of the year, forcing the copepods to adopt a benthic feeding strategy over winter. Adult Pseudoboeckella feed on phytoplankton when this is available, but also on detritus, diatoms and short algal filaments stirred up from the sediment. In Heywood Lake, male copepods show a smooth seasonal trend in lipid content with lipid being synthesised in early summer and utilised in late summer and winter. The summer increase in lipid content is associated with an increase in dry weight. Female lipid contents show evidence of two peaks of egg production. In Sombre Lake both male and female copepods increase in size during summer and show a wider range of lipid contents than in Heywood Lake; it is likely that this is due to the poorer winter feeding conditions which necessitate the synthesis of a much larger store of reserves during the summer. In contrast to marine calanoid copepods, lipid stores are exclusively triacylglycerol with no trace of wax ester.  相似文献   

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