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Calpains are Ca(2+)-dependent cysteine proteases known to be important for the regulation of cell functions and which aberrant activation causes cell death in a number of degenerative disorders. To provide a tool for monitoring the status of calpain activity in vivo under physiological and pathological conditions, we created a mouse model that expresses ubiquitously a fluorescent reporter consisting of eCFP and eYFP separated by a linker cleavable by the ubiquitous calpains. We named this mouse CAFI for calpain activity monitored by FRET imaging. Our validation studies demonstrated that the level of calpain activity correlates with a decrease in FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) between the two fluorescent proteins. Using this model, we observed a small level of activity after denervation and fasting, a high level of activity during muscle regeneration and ischemia, and local activity in damaged myofibers after exercise. Finally, we crossed the CAFI mouse with the alpha-sarcoglycan-deficient model, demonstrating an increase of calpain activity at the steady state. Altogether, our results present evidence that CAFI mice could be a valuable tool in which to follow calpain activity at physiological levels and in disease states.  相似文献   

The covalent linkage of peptides or protein drugs to human serum albumin (HSA) greatly prolongs their lifetime in vivo but is pharmacologically irrelevant when it irreversibly inactivates them. We retain drug bioactivity by synthesizing a heterobifunctional reagent (MAL-Fmoc-OSu, 9-hydroxymethyl-2-(amino-3-maleimidopropionate)-fluorene-N-hydroxysuccinimide) that generates HSA-Fmoc-insulin on covalent conjugation to the amino group of insulin and the Cys-34 side chain of HSA. HSA-Fmoc-insulin is water-soluble and, upon incubation in aqueous buffers reflecting normal human serum conditions, slowly, spontaneously, and homogeneously hydrolyzes to release unmodified insulin with a t 1/2 of 25 +/- 2 h. A single subcutaneous or intraperitoneal administration of HSA-Fmoc-insulin to diabetic rodents lowers circulating glucose levels for about 4 times longer than an equipotent dose of Zn2+-free insulin. Following subcutaneous administration, onset of the glucose-lowering effect is delayed 0.5-1 h and persists for 12 h. Thus, we present a prototype insulin formulation possessing three desirable parameters: high aqueous solubility, delayed action following subcutaneous administration, and prolonged therapeutic effect.  相似文献   

Shyu YJ  Liu H  Deng X  Hu CD 《BioTechniques》2006,40(1):61-66
Protein-protein interactions play a pivotal role in coordinating many cellular processes. Determination of subcellular localization of interacting proteins and visualization of dynamic interactions in living cells are crucial to elucidate cellular functions of proteins. Using fluorescent proteins, we previously developed a bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay and a multicolor BiFC assay to visualize protein-protein interactions in living cells. However, the sensitivity of chromophore maturation of enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) to higher temperatures requires preincubation at lower temperatures prior to visualizing the BiFC signal. This could potentially limit their applications for the study of many signaling molecules. Here we report the identification of new fluorescent protein fragments derived from Venus and Cerulean for BiFC and multicolor BiFC assays under physiological culture conditions. More importantly, the newly identified combinations exhibit a 13-fold higher BiFC efficiency than originally identified fragments derived from YFP. Furthermore, the use of new combinations reduces the amount of plasmid required for transfection and shortens the incubation time, leading to a 2-fold increase in specific BiFC signals. These newly identified fluorescent protein fragments will facilitate the study of protein-protein interactions in living cells and whole animals under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Using a Doppler pulse flowmeter we measured the blood flow in the radial artery at rest and during physical exercise and various other stimuli (arithmetical calculations, electrical stimulation, deep inspiration). The mean resting flow in the radial artery was 0.66 ml/s. Every stimulus was instantaneously followed by a drop in the blood flow to a minimum value; there was no significant differences between these values. The results demonstrate that the new, non-invasive apparatus can be used to study quick changes in the blood flow not detected by routine non-invasive methods.  相似文献   

A reduced model of a sodium channel is analyzed using Dynamic Monte Carlo simulations. These include the first simulations of ionic current under approximately physiological ionic conditions through a model sodium channel and an analysis of how mutations of the sodium channel's DEKA selectivity filter motif transform the channel from being Na(+) selective to being Ca(2+) selective. Even though the model of the pore, amino acids, and permeant ions is simplified, the model reproduces the fundamental properties of a sodium channel (e.g., 10 to 1 Na(+) over K(+) selectivity, Ca(2+) exclusion, and Ca(2+) selectivity after several point mutations). In this model pore, ions move through the pore one at a time by simple diffusion and Na(+) versus K(+) selectivity is due to both the larger K(+) not fitting well into the selectivity filter that contains amino acid terminal groups and K(+) moving more slowly (compared to Na(+)) when it is in the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Mitochondria, composed of two membranes, play a key role in energy production in eukaryotic cells. The main function of the inner membrane is oxidative phosphorylation, while the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) seems to control the energy flux and exchange of various charged metabolites between mitochondria and the cytosol. Metabolites cross MOM via the various isoforms of voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). In turn, VDACs interact with some enzymes, other proteins and molecules, including drugs. This work aimed to analyze various literature experimental data related to targeting mitochondrial VDACs and VDAC-kinase complexes on the basis of the hypothesis of generation of the outer membrane potential (OMP) and OMP-dependent reprogramming of cell energy metabolism. Our previous model of the VDAC-hexokinase-linked generation of OMP was further complemented in this study with an additional regulation of the MOM permeability by the OMP-dependent docking of cytosolic proteins like tubulin to VDACs. Computational analysis of the model suggests that OMP changes might be involved in the mechanisms of apoptosis promotion through the so-called transient hyperpolarization of mitochondria. The high concordance of the performed computational estimations with many published experimental data allows concluding that OMP generation under physiological conditions is highly probable and VDAC might function as an OMP-dependent gatekeeper of mitochondria, controlling cell life and death. The proposed model of OMP generation allows understanding in more detail the mechanisms of cancer death resistance and anticancer action of various drugs and treatments influencing VDAC voltage-gating properties, VDAC content, mitochondrial hexokinase activity and VDAC-kinase interactions in MOM.  相似文献   

Dynamic force microscopy (DFM) allows imaging of the structure and the assessment of the function of biological specimens in their physiological environment. In DFM, the cantilever is oscillated at a given frequency and touches the sample only at the end of its downward movement. Accordingly, the problem of lateral forces displacing or even destroying bio-molecules is virtually inexistent as the contact time and friction forces are reduced. Here, we describe the use of DFM in studies of human rhinovirus serotype 2 (HRV2) weakly adhering to mica surfaces. The capsid of HRV2 was reproducibly imaged without any displacement of the virus. Release of the genomic RNA from the virions was initiated by exposure to low pH buffer and snapshots of the extrusion process were obtained. In the following, the technical details of previous DFM investigations of HRV2 are summarized. Published: June 29, 2004.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the developing testicular microvasculature in the testes of immature (3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30 and 35 days old) golden hamsters was examined and compared to the testicular microvasculature of adult (3 months old) hamsters. In addition, in 16- to 35-day-old hamsters vascular permeability was studied after localization of injected horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Angiogenic processes were present in the testes of all examined immature hamsters and were most conspicuous between 8 and 25 days of age. These processes were absent in the testes of 3-month-old hamsters. On days 3 and 5, few undifferentiated blood vessels with activated endothelium were present in the interstitial spaces. Endothelial cell migration started from these 'mother vessels' and led to invasion of intertubular spaces by vascular sprouts, before vascularization of peritubular spaces occurred (after day 12). Sprouting endothelial cells were identified by the presence of a basal lamina and characterized by abundant cytoplasm and cell organelles. HRP-positive slits were seen in developing vessels, which opened to form the vascular lumen. HRP exited the vascular lumen through unspecialized endothelial contacts and micropinocytotic vesicles. By day 16, the blood-testis barrier prevented HRP from entering the seminiferous tubules beyond the basal compartment. By days 30 and 35 most testicular microvessels and at the age of 3 months all testicular microvessels were of the mature type, with narrow inactive endothelium and specialized cell contacts (including tight junctions). These results demonstrate that the postnatal vascularization of the testis in the golden hamster is a timed complex process. Due to high permeability, vascular sprouts are likely to influence the metabolic situation and thus the maturation processes of the testis. Angiogenesis in the golden hamster testis shares typical morphological features with angiogenic processes in other organs and species under various pathological and physiological conditions. We therefore conclude that the postnatal testis can be viewed as a physiological model of angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Haematogenous metastasis of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is still a poorly understood process and represents the life threatening event in this malignancy. In particular, the rate-limiting step within the metastatic cascade is not yet clearly defined although, many findings indicate, that extravasation of circulating tumour cells is crucially important as most tumour cells within the circulation undergo apoptosis. If extravasation of SCLC tumour cells mimics leukocyte–endothelial interactions, SCLC cells should adhere to E- and P-selectins expressed on the luminal surface of activated endothelium. The adhesion to E- and P-selectin under physiological shear stress with regard to adhesive events, rolling behaviour and rolling velocity was determined in the human SCLC cell lines SW2, H69, H82, OH1 and OH3. OH1 SCLC cells adhered best to recombinant human (rh) E-selectin FC-chimeras and human lung endothelial cells (HPMEC), H82 SCLC cells adhered best to activated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) under physiological shear stress. As OH1 cells had also produced by far the highest number of spontaneous lung metastases when xenografted into pfp/rag2 mice in previous experiments our findings implicate that adhesion of SCLC cells to E-selectin is of paramount importance in SCLC metastasis formation.  相似文献   

Initially investigated as a color formation process in thermally treated foods, nowadays, the relevance of the Maillard reaction in vivo is generally accepted. Many chronic and age-related diseases such as diabetes, uremia, atherosclerosis, cataractogenesis and Alzheimer’s disease are associated with Maillard derived advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and α-dicarbonyl compounds as their most important precursors in terms of reactivity and abundance. However, the situation in vivo is very challenging, because Maillard chemistry is paralleled by enzymatic reactions which can lead to both, increases and decreases in certain AGEs. In addition, mechanistic findings established under the harsh conditions of food processing might not be valid under physiological conditions. The present review critically discusses the relevant α-dicarbonyl compounds as central intermediates of AGE formation in vivo with a special focus on fragmentation pathways leading to formation of amide-AGEs.  相似文献   

A technique to study membrane digestion and transport in the small intestine under physiological conditions has been developed. The technique is based on a continuous perfusion of a chronically isolated loop of the rat small intestine. Membrane hydrolysis and transport of some nutrients in the rat small intestine in chronic, as well as in acute (in situ) experiments was investigated. The absorption of hexoses and amino acids has been found to be 2.5-4 times higher under physiological conditions than in acute in situ experiments. Both the active transport of glucose released from maltose hydrolysis and the hydrolysis of the latter is increased under physiological conditions. A coupling between the final stages of hydrolysis and the initial stages of transport in chronic experiments was shown to be highly efficient; practically all or nearly all glucose released is being transported without entering the luminal phase. The hydrolysis rate of starch during the perfusion of a small intestinal segment in chronic experiments is many times higher than that in acute experiments or under anaesthesia. The enzymatic and transport activities revealed using a widely accepted technique in situ, the more so, in vitro account for only a small fraction of those which are typical of undisturbed processes under conditions close to the physiological. The levels of functioning of the digestive-transport systems of the small intestine considered as natural levels developed in the process of evolution, actually reflect only residual processes and, in most cases, they account for 1/3 to 1/10 of the true level of an actual physiological process.  相似文献   

Although most proteins can assemble into amyloid-like fibrils in vitro under extreme conditions, how proteins form amyloid fibrils in vivo remains unresolved. Identifying rare aggregation-prone species under physiologically relevant conditions and defining their structural properties is therefore an important challenge. By solving the folding mechanism of the naturally amyloidogenic protein beta-2-microglobulin at pH 7.0 and 37 degrees C and correlating the concentrations of different species with the rate of fibril elongation, we identify a specific folding intermediate, containing a non-native trans-proline isomer, as the direct precursor of fibril elongation. Structural analysis using NMR shows that this species is highly native-like but contains perturbation of the edge strands that normally protect beta-sandwich proteins from self-association. The results demonstrate that aggregation pathways can involve self-assembly of highly native-like folding intermediates, and have implications for the prevention of this, and other, amyloid disorders.  相似文献   

Considering three layers of the skin and subcutaneous region, an attempt has been made to obtain the analytical and numerical solutions for temperature distribution of the bioheat equation. The problem is studied under variable physiological parameters and atmospheric conditions. The role of metabolic heat generation, blood mass flow and perspiration in different thicknesses have been noted. The numerical solutions for different parametric values are shown graphically.  相似文献   

1H–15N HSQC spectroscopy is a workhorse of protein NMR. However, under physiological conditions the quality of HSQC spectra tends to deteriorate due to fast solvent exchange. For globular proteins only a limited number of surface residues are affected, but in the case of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) HSQC spectra are thoroughly degraded, suffering from both peak broadening and loss of intensity. To alleviate this problem, we make use of the following two concepts. (1) Proton-decoupled HSQC. Regular HSQC and its many variants record the evolution of multi-spin modes, 2NxHz or 2NxHx, in indirect dimension. Under the effect of fast solvent exchange these modes undergo rapid decay, which results in severe line-broadening. In contrast, proton-decoupled HSQC relies on Nx coherence which is essentially insensitive to the effects of solvent exchange. Moreover, for measurements involving IDPs at or near physiological temperature, Nx mode offers excellent relaxation properties, leading to very sharp resonances. (2) Cross-polarization 1H-to-15N transfer. If CP element is designed such as to lock both 1HN and water magnetization, the following transfer is effected: $ {\text{H}}_{\text{x}}^{\text{water}} \to {\text{H}}_{\text{x}}^{\text{N}} \to {\text{N}}_{\text{x}} . $ Thus water magnetization is successfully exploited to boost the amount of signal. In addition, CP element suffers less loss from solvent exchange, conformational exchange, and dipolar relaxation compared to the more popular INEPT element. Combining these two concepts, we have implemented the experiment termed CP-HISQC (cross-polarization assisted heteronuclear in-phase single-quantum correlation). The pulse sequence has been designed such as to preserve water magnetization and therefore can be executed with reasonably short recycling delays. In the presence of fast solvent exchange, kex ~ 100 s?1, CP-HISQC offers much better spectral resolution than conventional HSQC-type experiments. At the same time it offers up to twofold gain in sensitivity compared to plain proton-decoupled HSQC. The new sequence has been tested on the sample of drkN SH3 domain at pH 7.5, 30 °C. High-quality spectrum has been recorded in less than 1 h, containing resonances from both folded and unfolded species. High-quality spectra have also been obtained for arginine side-chain HεNε groups in the sample of short peptide Sos. For Arg side chains, we have additionally implemented (HE)NE(CD)HD experiment. Using 13C-labeled sample of Sos, we have demonstrated that proton-to-nitrogen CP transfer remains highly efficient in the presence of solvent exchange as fast as kex = 620 s?1. In contrast, INEPT transfer completely fails in this regime.  相似文献   

Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy is a heart disease characterized by a thickened interventricular septum which narrows the left ventricular outflow tract, and by systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve which can contact the septum and create dynamic subaortic obstruction. The most common explanation for SAM has been the Venturi mechanism which postulates that septal hypertrophy, by narrowing the outflow tract, produces high velocities and thus low pressure between the mitral valve and the septum, causing the valve leaflets to move anteriorly. This hypothesis, however, fails to explain why SAM often begins early in systole, when outflow tract velocities are low or negligible or why it may occur in the absence of septal hypertrophy. The goal of this study was therefore to investigate an alternative hypothesis in which structural abnormalities of the papillary muscles act as a primary cause of SAM by altering valve restraint and thereby changing the geometry of the closed mitral apparatus and its relationship to the surrounding flow field. In order to test this hypothesis, an in vitro model of the left ventricle which included an explanted human mitral valve with intact chords and papillary muscle apparatus was constructed. Flow visualization was used to observe the ventricular flow field and the mitral valve geometry. Displacing the papillary muscles anteriorly and closer to each other, as observed clinically in patients with cardiomyopathy and obstruction produced SAM in the absence of septal hypertrophy. Flow could be seen impacting on the upstream (posterior) surface of the leaflets; such flow is capable of producing form drag forces which can initiate and maintain SAM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Any profound comprehension of gene function requires detailed information about the subcellular localization, molecular interactions and spatio-temporal dynamics of gene products. We developed a multifunctional integrase (MIN) tag for rapid and versatile genome engineering that serves not only as a genetic entry site for the Bxb1 integrase but also as a novel epitope tag for standardized detection and precipitation. For the systematic study of epigenetic factors, including Dnmt1, Dnmt3a, Dnmt3b, Tet1, Tet2, Tet3 and Uhrf1, we generated MIN-tagged embryonic stem cell lines and created a toolbox of prefabricated modules that can be integrated via Bxb1-mediated recombination. We used these functional modules to study protein interactions and their spatio-temporal dynamics as well as gene expression and specific mutations during cellular differentiation and in response to external stimuli. Our genome engineering strategy provides a versatile open platform for efficient generation of multiple isogenic cell lines to study gene function under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Yuan J  Melder RJ  Jain RK  Munn LL 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):388-394
Physical interactions between circulating cells and the vascular wall play a central role in inflammation, metastasis, atherosclerosis, and therapeutic cell delivery. Unfortunately, traditional in vitro flow assays cannot be used to visualize the details of cell-surface interactions in blood flow because of inappropriate geometry and the poor penetration of light in erythrocyte solutions. To overcome these obstacles, we have developed an agarose-cast cylindrical vessel system to examine the profiles of cells interacting with surfaces under flow conditions. This design allows observation and quantification of cell deformation as cells adhere to surfaces under dynamic flow conditions without modifying the microscope or optical path. Furthermore, our flow system is uniquely suited for monitoring the profiles of adherent leukocytes deforming in response to erythrocyte suspension flow. We have used this flow system to study the role of erythrocytes in leukocyte-substrate interactions. Our results show that the cell deformation index (the ratio of the cell length to cell height) is higher in erythrocyte solutions compared to erythrocyte-free saline. This novel lateral view flow system provides a powerful technique for visualizing and quantifying the morphological changes of cells in contact with substrates exposed to shear stress.  相似文献   

In this study, we found that islet cells treated with polyphenol could be preserved for over 2 months under physiological conditions retaining their original function and maintaining their spherical shapes without any insulin secretion. When islets were treated at higher concentration than 250 microg ml(-1), these islets could retain their compact spherical shape over 65 days whereas non-treated islets were scattered ease to break within 2 weeks. The secretional capacity from treated islets in the initial stage is also lower than untreated islets. However, in the case of untreated islets, insulin release rapidly lowered with the progress in the culture time and secretion completely disappeared after 9 days. On the contrary, islets treated with polyphenol (250 microg ml(-1)) in RPMI culture medium showed significant enhancement of insulin secretion on 40th day. The secretional capacity of islets was greatly dependent on the treating concentration. Polyphenol treatment may be a useful method for preservation of mammalian islet cells. By changing the concentration of polyphenol, it is possible to control the preservation duration and insulin secretion of islets.  相似文献   

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