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Because of potential conflicts between commercial and conservation interests, one challenge in coastal-area management is how to regulate harvesting practices in coastal areas without adversely affecting the survival of migratory waterbirds. In most Spanish intertidal areas of importance for shorebirds, managers have concentrated only on stock management of the shellfish species. Here, we studied aspects of the foraging behaviour of Eurasian curlews Numenius arquata migrating through a Ramsar area in north Spain in the presence and absence of hand harvesters. We aimed to assess potential negative effects on curlews with a view to making coastal management recommendations that would help reduce conflict between local people and waterbirds. The average density of hand harvesters and foraging curlews at low tide was 0.56±0.09 persons per 10 ha and 16.47±0.73 birds per 10 ha, respectively. The presence of harvesters had a significant effect on foraging activity (no harvesting: 86.47±1.01%; harvesting: 82.70±1.00%). However, the absence of significant differences in all other foraging variables, between days with and without harvesting, indicated that curlews were able to compensate for the impact of harvesters on their foraging activity. We recommend, as a point of departure, that intertidal coastal managers of this Spanish site and similar areas of importance for shorebirds limit the harvesting load to <0.56 persons per 10 ha−1 at least during autumn migration.  相似文献   

Coastal pastures are common agroecosystems adjacent to estuarine areas that can provide valuable habitat for wildlife, particularly for migratory shorebirds. Disentangling the factors that influence coastal pasture use by wintering shorebirds will provide new insights into its role for buffering human disturbances and habitat loss in intertidal areas. We examined whether numbers of two shorebirds (Eurasian curlew and Black-tailed godwit) foraging actively on coastal pastures was affected by weather conditions, tidal stage (low/high tide) and number of harvesters at intertidal areas throughout winter. Both species frequently used coastal pastures and most individuals foraged actively there. The average percentage of the total wintering population of curlews and godwits foraging on coastal pastures was 27.4 and 7.8 %, respectively, and was significantly higher during high tide compared to low tide. The number of harvesters on mudflats also had a positive significant effect in explaining the presence of curlews, and to a lesser extent for godwits, on coastal pastures, and accumulated rainfall had a positive effect for both species too. These supratidal areas were consistently used as alternative foraging grounds during low tide by curlews, as well as supplementary foraging areas during high tide by wintering populations of both large shorebirds. By supplementary foraging, wintering curlews, and probably godwits, seemed to compensate for a negative effect of the presence of harvesters on their foraging activity. We recommend managing of those coastal agricultural fields adjacent to intertidal foraging grounds in order to increase the availability of supratidal foraging habitats for declining shorebird populations. These habitats may thus have a beneficial role in sustaining populations of wintering shorebirds, but further studies are needed to estimate if birds can compensate for any shortfall in daily energy budget by supplementary foraging on coastal pastures, thus providing insights into whether they are involved in large-scale population regulation of migratory birds.  相似文献   

Abstract The primary aim of this study was to investigate whether bait harvesting, with all its inherent effects, occurring in the intertidal zone of a subtropical estuary, had an impact on a migratory shorebird, the eastern curlew Numenius madagascariensis. In a large‐scale manipulative study (units of experiment were 1 ha plots), callianassid shrimp Trypaea australiensis populations were harvested simulating the technique (manual pumping) and the levels of harvesting intensity per unit area (347 shrimp per hectare per harvesting event) exhibited by bait‐collectors in SE Australia and South Africa. It was found that at present levels of harvesting intensity per unit area (approximately 1% of standing stock removed per harvesting event) there is no threat to the stocks of Trypaea exploited by the curlews in Moreton Bay, Australia. However, the results show that the curlews themselves apply a considerable predation pressure on Trypaea. Based on the birds' foraging rates and densities, it was estimated that they would consume up to 100% of the initial Trypaea stock over the course of a non‐breeding season (October to March). However, the stable seasonal trend in the density of the size‐cohort of Trypaea preyed upon by the curlews indicates that the existing rates of predation are easily counterbalanced, e.g. through continuous density‐dependent recruitment of these crustaceans. We suggest that this mechanism will provide for a stable foraging environment for both the shorebirds and bait collectors.  相似文献   

Conservation of shorebirds throughout their breeding and migratory ranges has become a priority as shorebird populations decline globally. Along the North Atlantic Coast, management efforts have particularly focused on preserving nesting habitat for piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), which are protected under the Endangered Species Act. It is unclear whether these conservation measures suffice to protect foraging habitat for piping plovers and other shorebirds on stopover during migration along the Atlantic Flyway. To evaluate the extent to which conservation of piping plover nesting areas extends to all habitats used by plovers, and to determine whether these protections also benefited non-breeding migratory shorebirds in the region, we conducted weekly shorebird surveys, recording the number and locations of piping plovers and other species, during northward and southward migration on Fire Island and Westhampton Island, New York, USA, from 2014–2016. We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to assess the degree of spatiotemporal overlap between breeding plovers, foraging plovers, and other migratory shorebirds that temporarily stage at the site. The spatiotemporal distribution of migratory shorebirds matched more closely with piping plovers seen during foraging than piping plovers observed tending nests and engaging in other breeding activities. Migratory shorebirds and foraging piping plovers were more abundant and frequent in wet intertidal zones outside of fenced-off nesting areas, which were not protected under current management regimes. Therefore, additional protection of piping plover foraging habitat could benefit plovers and migratory shorebirds that use similar feeding grounds during stopover on northward and southward migration. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract Broadscale habitat use by Eastern Curlews (Numenius madagascariensis) in their non‐breeding range in eastern Australia was assessed using low tide surveys on feeding grounds, where 60 skilled volunteers made repeated counts of the birds on intertidal flats, across 41% (9500 ha) of the intertidal habitat within Moreton Bay, Australia. We analysed 32 defined sections of intertidal flat, of roughly equal area (mostly 200–400 ha), which varied greatly in their curlew density (2–47 birds per 100 ha) and also in substrate and other environmental features. Sites with the least resistant substrates had densities three times those with the most resistant substrates. Of 10 environmental characteristics measured for each site, substrate resistance was the best predictor of curlew density (r2 = 0.45). Characteristics that were poor predictors included distance to the nearest roost, level of human disturbance and distance to urban settlement. For a finer‐scale assessment, microhabitat use and feeding behaviour were recorded during low tide within 12 intertidal flats, which varied in size (23–97 ha), substrate, topography and other features. Across all flats, curlews strongly preferred to feed relatively close (0–50 m) to the low‐water line. They fed on a variety of substrates (including sand, sandy‐mud, mud and seagrass) in broadly similar proportions to their occurrence in the habitat. There was a statistically significant preference for sand, although its magnitude was not strong. These results indicate that curlews select habitat most strongly at a between‐flat rather than within‐flat scale.  相似文献   

Here we address the question of whether the presence of the burrowing crabs Chasmagnathus granulatus affects small- and large-scale habitat use by migrant shorebirds. This crab is the dominant species in soft bare sediments and vegetated intertidal areas along the SW Atlantic estuaries (southern Brazil 28°S to the northern Argentinean Patagonia 42°S). They generate very extensive burrow beds in soft bottom intertidal areas. Our information shows that this burrowing crab affects the small-scale habitat use by shorebirds, given that shorebirds never walk through the funnel-shaped entrances of burrows. Given that crab burrow entrances occupy up to 40% of the intertidal area, there is a large decrease of available shorebird habitat in crab beds, restricting their activity to the spaces between the burrows. The southern migratory shorebird Charadrius falklandicus maximize the use of these areas by foraging closer to the burrows than the other bird species. Neotropical migrants, such as Calidris fuscicollis, Pluvialis squatarola and Tringa melanoleuca, used foraging paths that tended to maximize the distance from burrows, especially the distance to larger burrows. A field experiment showed that this was not necessarily due to a decrease in the availability of polychaetes near the crab burrows. A combination of landscape measurements and satellite images showed that crab beds covered up to 40% of the intertidal area of the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°40′S, Argentina), and nearly 100% of the intertidal area of the Bahia Blanca estuary (38°48′-39°25′S, Argentina). These two estuaries are located along the migratory flyway of Neotropical migratory shorebirds, but the Bahia Blanca estuary (area∼110,000 ha) shows a much lower shorebird diversity than Mar Chiquita (area∼4500 ha). The most common species in Bahia Blanca is the two-banded plover C. falklandicus, the species least affected by crabs at Mar Chiquita and which prefers to use high-density crab areas as foraging sites. The oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus was also most abundant in high-density crab areas, but they used these areas for resting. The abundances of preys varied during the study period and between the crab density areas, indicating that the use of these areas by birds is independent of crab density. However, burrowing crabs affect the depth distribution of polychaete and thus their availability to shorebirds. We suggest that this shorebirds-burrowing organism interaction could be generalized for other intertidal estuarine habitats.  相似文献   

Many species depend on multiple habitats at different points in space and time. Their effective conservation requires an understanding of how and when each habitat is used, coupled with adequate protection. Migratory shorebirds use intertidal and supratidal wetlands, both of which are affected by coastal landscape change. Yet the extent to which shorebirds use artificial supratidal habitats, particularly at highly developed stopover sites, remains poorly understood leading to potential deficiencies in habitat management. We surveyed shorebirds on their southward migration in southern Jiangsu, a critical stopover region in the East Asian Australasian Flyway (EAAF), to measure their use of artificial supratidal habitats and assess linkages between intertidal and supratidal habitat use. To inform management, we examined how biophysical features influenced occupancy of supratidal habitats, and whether these habitats were used for roosting or foraging. We found that shorebirds at four of five sites were limited to artificial supratidal habitats at high tide for ~11–25 days per month because natural intertidal flats were completely covered by seawater. Within the supratidal landscape, at least 37 shorebird species aggregated on artificial wetlands, and shorebirds were more abundant on larger ponds with less water cover, less vegetation, at least one unvegetated bund, and fewer built structures nearby. Artificial supratidal habitats were rarely used for foraging and rarely occupied when intertidal flats were available, underscoring the complementarity between supratidal roosting habitat and intertidal foraging habitat. Joined‐up artificial supratidal management and natural intertidal habitat conservation are clearly required at our study site given the simultaneous dependence by over 35,000 migrating shorebirds on both habitats. Guided by observed patterns of habitat use, there is a clear opportunity to improve habitat condition by working with local land custodians to consider shorebird habitat requirements when managing supratidal ponds. This approach is likely applicable to shorebird sites throughout the EAAF.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between the habitat use of migratory shorebirds and the spatial distributions of the Southwestern Atlantic Fiddler Crab Uca uruguayensis , polychaetes, sediment characteristics and tidal levels in the Río de La Plata estuary, Argentina, where U. uruguayensis is one of the most important intertidal species. Crabs have a well-defined patchy distribution that is segregated spatially from that of polychaetes. Crab density on the surface varied across the tidal cycle, reaching maximum values during low tide. Polychaete density decreased with depth but showed no change through the tidal cycle; however, given that sediment penetrability did change during the same period, their availability to probing shorebirds is expected to change. Habitat use by shorebirds followed the spatial distribution of prey; shorebirds that foraged on polychaetes (White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis , Two-banded Plover Charadrius falklandicus and Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica ) focused their attention on the areas with the highest densities of polychaetes, whereas species that preyed mostly on crabs (Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres , Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus and Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola ) predominantly used areas with crabs. This segregation occurred particularly during low tide, a period in which polychaetes became fully available. Results show that the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of mudflats in relation to the types and availability of prey has a strong effect on shorebird habitat use.  相似文献   

Dense flocks of migratory shorebirds from diverse species often concentrate in the intertidal areas for stopover. Trophic structure, food partition, prey availability and selectivity, predation risk, and abiotic factors are often used to explain the differences in habitat use of coexisting shorebirds. We sampled the macrobenthos and surveyed the distribution of shorebird populations to study the effects of foraging strategies on the habitat use of shorebirds at Chongming Dongtan, an important stopover site for shorebirds on the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. Results show that the relative abundance of epifaunal macrobenthos in salt marshes was much higher than that in the bare flats, whereas the relative abundance of infaunal macrobenthos in salt marshes was much lower than that in bare flats. The relative abundance of two life forms of macrobenthos was similar in the transitional zones between the salt marshes and the bare flats. Shorebirds with different foraging strategies exhibited different habitat uses. Pause-travel shorebirds mainly utilized the salt-marsh fringes, while tactile continuous shorebirds relied heavily on the bare flats. There was no significant difference in habitat use for visual continuous shorebirds. The density of tactile continuous shorebirds was positively correlated with bivalve density, and that of visual continuous shorebirds positively with crustacean density. Meanwhile, the relative abundance of pause-travel foraging shorebirds was positively correlated with the relative abundance of epifaunal, but negatively with infaunal macrobenthos. In contrast, the relative abundance of tactile foraging shorebirds had a positive correlation with infaunal but a negative one with epifaunal life form. Therefore, foraging strategies may play important roles in shorebirds’ habitat use in intertidal areas.  相似文献   

Many shorebird populations show evidence of declines. To identify the causes is a key issue in developing comprehensive shorebird conservation plans. In coastal areas, shorebirds are vulnerable to effects of shellfish and baitworm digging, including reduction of the food supply. The mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae is often reported to be the dominant inhabitant of intertidal mudflats, and is common in the diet of migrating and wintering shorebirds. This prosobranch mollusc lives at or just below the surface of intertidal mudflats, so it might be directly damaged and killed or buried within the mud by hand diggers. We studied the short-term effects of digging by hand on the availability of mudsnail to shorebirds. Twenty centimetres deep core samples were collected from undisturbed and recently disturbed intertidal mud. The total mudsnail density and biomass per core sample was similar in disturbed and undisturbed mud. However, mudsnail density and biomass were significantly lower in disturbed mud than in undisturbed mud when only the upper five centimetres of the mud were compared. If only the mudsnails found in this surface layer are potentially available for shorebirds, the available mudsnail density and biomass fraction for shorebirds had decreased by 62.6? ?±? 11.4% and 75.7? ?±? 7.2% in disturbed mud, respectively. The potential impact of this decreasing mudsnail fraction on shorebirds is addressed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Off-road vehicle (ORV) traffic is one of several forms of disturbance thought to affect shorebirds at migration stopover sites. Attempts to measure disturbance effects on shorebird habitat use and behavior at stopover sites are difficult because ORV disturbance is frequently confounded with habitat and environmental factors. We used a before-after-control-impact experimental design to isolate effects of vehicle disturbance from shorebird responses to environmental and habitat factors. We manipulated disturbance levels within beach closures along South Core Banks, North Carolina, USA, and measured changes in shorebird abundance and location, as well as the activity of one focal species, the sanderling (Calidris alba), within paired control and impact plots. We applied a discrete treatment level of one flee-response-inducing event every 10 minutes on impact plots. We found that disturbance reduced total shorebird and black-bellied plover (Pluvialis squatarola) abundance and reduced relative use of microhabitat zones above the swash zone (wet sand and dry sand) by sanderlings, black-bellied plovers, willets (Tringa semipalmata), and total shorebirds. Sanderlings and total shorebirds increased use of the swash zone in response to vehicle disturbance. Disturbance reduced use of study plots by sanderlings for resting and increased sanderling activity, but we did not detect an effect of vehicle disturbance on sanderling foraging activity. We provide the first estimates of how a discrete level of disturbance affects shorebird distributions among ocean beach microhabitats. Our findings provide a standard to which managers can compare frequency and intensity of disturbance events at other shorebird stopover and roosting sites and indicate that limiting disturbance will contribute to use of a site by migratory shorebirds.  相似文献   

Eastern curlews Numenius madagascariensis spending the nonbreeding season in eastern Australia foraged on three intertidal decapods: soldier crab Mictyris longicarpus, sentinel crab Macrophthalmus crassipes and ghost‐shrimp Trypaea australiensis. Due to their ecology, these crustaceans were spatially segregated (=distributed in ‘patches’) and the curlews intermittently consumed more than one prey type. It was predicted that if the curlews behaved as intake rate maximizers, the time spent foraging on a particular prey (patch) would reflect relative availabilities of the prey types and thus prey‐specific intake rates would be equal. During the mid‐nonbreeding period (November–December), Mictyris and Macrophthalmus were primarily consumed and prey‐specific intake rates were statistically indistinguishable (8.8 versus 10.1 kJ×min?1). Prior to migration (February), Mictyris and Trypaea were hunted and the respective intake rates were significantly different (8.9 versus 2.3 kJ×min?1). Time allocation to Trypaea‐hunting was independent of the availability of Mictyris. Thus, consumption of Trypaea depressed the overall intake rate. Six hypotheses for consuming Trypaea before migration were examined. Five hypotheses: the possible error by the predator, prey specialization, observer overestimation of time spent hunting Trypaea, supplementary prey and the choice of higher quality prey due to a digestive bottleneck, were deemed unsatisfactory. The explanation for consumption of a low intake‐rate but high quality prey (Trypaea) deemed plausible was diet optimisation by the curlews in response to the pre‐migratory modulation (decrease in size/processing capacity) of their digestive system. With a seasonal decrease in the average intake rate, the estimated intake per low tide increased from 1233 to 1508 kJ between the mid‐nonbreeding and pre‐migratory periods by increasing the overall time spent on the sandflats and the proportion of time spent foraging.  相似文献   

Ge Z M  Wang T H  Zhou X  Shi W Y 《农业工程》2006,26(1):40-47
Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpusmariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

Animals may alter their foraging behaviour in the presence of humans because they perceive humans as potential predators. In this study I determined whether people caused shorebirds to reduce feeding rates at a stopover site in coastal British Columbia, Canada. I controlled for prey density and flock size because these variables may influence both the foraging rates as well as the effect of human disturbance on feeding efficiency. Semipalmated plovers decreased feeding rates when there were more people on the beach (multiple regression: F1,15=5.86, b=0.59, P=0.029, R2=37.6%). For least sandpipers, the effect of human densities on feeding rates depended on flock size (F1,21=5.97, P=0.023) and amphipod availability (F1,21=4.98, P=0.037). This study demonstrated the importance of measuring subtle behavioural changes in foraging rates along with key ecological variables in order to assess the true impact of human disturbance on migratory shorebirds.  相似文献   

Coastal regions are important habitats for migratory shorebirds. The aim of the study is to understand habitat use by migratory shorebirds and to develop a conservation strategy in the sustainable use of wetlands. From March 2004 to January 2005, we conducted a seasonal shorebirds census in ten coastal habitats along the South Yangtze River mouth and North Hangzhou Bay, simultaneously examining the relative seasonal abundance of shorebirds and their spatial distribution. A total of 25 species were identified, the dominant seasonal species were Great Knot (Calidris tenuirostris), Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (Calidris alpine) and Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis) in spring; Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), Common Greenshank(Tringa nebularia) and Lesser Sand Plover (Charadrius mongolus) in summer; Kentish Plover, Red-necked Stint and Common Greenshank in autumn; Dunlin(Calidris alpine), Kentish Plover and Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) in winter. These species accounted for more than 85% of the total shorebirds. The numbers of shorebirds counted was highest in spring and then in autumn, winter and summer respectively. Among the four seasons, there were few significant differences in the number of bird species between the sites outside the seawall (intertidal mudflat) and the sites inside the seawall (artificial wetland), but the average density of shorebirds was obviously different. The habitat-selection analysis of the environmental factors (outside and inside the seawall) impacting on the shorebird community was made in the 10 study sites with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The study results indicated that: (1) Outside the seawall, the widths of the total intertidal mudflat and bare mudflat were the key factors affecting the shorebirds; the proportion of bulrush (Scirpus×mariquete) covering and supertidal mudflat width had a positive correlation with the abundance of birds, while human disturbance and the proportion of both reed (Phragmites communis) and smooth cord-grass (Spartina alterniflora) covering in total surveyed areas had negative impacts on bird numbers; (2) Inside the seawall, the proportions of areas with shallow water and mudflats occupying the total surveyed area were key factors influencing the number of birds; the size of the bulrush area should have a positive impact on the appearance of shorebirds. Habitats with heavy human disturbance, dense reed and smooth cord-grass or a high water level were not conducive to be inhabited by shorebirds.  相似文献   

长江口杭州湾鸻形目鸟类群落季节变化和生境选择   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
在长江口南岸杭州湾北岸滨海滩涂进行了鸻形目鸟类的资源调查,以及鸟类栖息地选择模式分析,2004年3月至2005年1月共统计到鸟类25种,春季优势种为大缤鹬(Calidris tenuirostris)、尖尾缤鹬(Calidris alpine)和红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis);夏季为环颈(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚鹬(Tringa nebularia)和蒙古沙(Charadrius mongolus),秋季为环颈、红颈滨鹬和青脚鹬,冬季为黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)、环颈和泽鹬(Tringa stagnatilis),鸟类总体数量呈春季>秋季>冬季>夏季,海堤外(自然滩涂)和堤内(人工湿地)鸟类种数四季大致相等,但鸟类平均密度季节差异显著。通过对样点内鸟类与环境因子进行多元分析,初步总结出堤外滩宽和光滩宽是影响鸟类栖息的最关键因子,海三棱草(Scirpus× mariquete)覆盖比例和潮上坪宽度的影响程度次之。堤内浅水塘比例和裸地比例是影响形目鸟类分布的关键因子,海三棱草覆盖比例也起正向作用。而人类干扰大、芦苇(Phragmites communis)/互花米草(Spartina alternifloral)密植和高水位的区域不利于鸟类利用。  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)盐沼湿地是黄渤海地区河口区域的重要湿地类型, 是水鸟迁徙停歇期的重要栖息地。本研究以辽河口国家级自然保护区为研究地点, 通过对盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地和相邻泥质滩涂两个固定样区连续三年的水鸟组成调查和行为观察, 分析盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地在鸻鹬类多样性维持和栖息地利用中的作用。共记录到鸻鹬类水鸟28种6,348只次, 其中盐地碱蓬湿地记录到4科13种, 泥质滩涂记录到4科27种, 泥质滩涂的物种多样性显著高于盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地。此外, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地与相邻的泥质滩涂的鸻鹬类鸟类群落组成存在较大差异, 盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地的鸟类群落组成以体型较大的大杓鹬(Numenius madagascariensis)、白腰杓鹬(N. arquata)、灰鸻(Pluvialis squatarola)等为主, 而泥质滩涂以环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、黑腹滨鹬(Calidris alpina)等小型鸻鹬类为主, 这说明两种生境在鸟类多样性维持中具有不同的功能。行为分析发现, 泥质滩涂中栖息鸟类的主要行为为取食(58.71%-93.26%), 而盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地鸟类的行为既包括较大比例的取食, 也包括休息, 特别是在春季迁徙期。这进一步说明, 两种生境在水鸟的栖息地利用中具有一定的生态功能差异。尽管盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地记录到的鸟类物种数和数量均低于泥质滩涂, 但是, 两种生境中存在较大比例的共同分布物种, 这说明其生态功能具有较强的生态互补性, 二者作为一种独特的湿地景观组合, 在鸻鹬类迁徙停歇期的栖息地利用和物种多样性维持中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

Capturing shorebirds during the non‐breeding season can be challenging because they are usually scattered over wide‐open intertidal areas while foraging and are sensitive to human disturbance at roosts where they gather during high tide in large vigilant flocks. Several techniques are available for capturing shorebirds, but, for a study of stopover ecology, we needed a method that would allow us to capture Dunlins (Calidris alpina) on a regular basis at high‐tide roosts during the day (ruling out mist‐nets), did not require the use of gun‐powder (ruling out cannon‐nets), and that would deploy a net faster than clap nets, whoosh nets, and wilsternets. Therefore, we developed a new method to capture shorebirds where a crossbow is used to pull a mist‐net over flocks of roosting birds. We tested this technique in four habitats (saltpans, salt marshes, beaches, and mudflats) in the Tagus estuary, Portugal, and captured over 380 birds representing eight different species. Advantages of this technique compared to other methods (e.g., mist‐nets, clap‐ and whoosh nets, and cannon‐nets) include (1) portability, (2) ease of set up, (3) minimal disturbance of birds near the capture area, and (4) no explosive materials are needed. Our results suggest that crossbow‐netting is a safe and useful capture technique, especially for studies requiring the capture of small numbers of birds on a regular basis.  相似文献   

Managed wetlands provide critical foraging and roosting habitats for shorebirds during migration; therefore, ensuring their availability is a priority action in shorebird conservation plans. Contemporary shorebird conservation plans rely on a number of assumptions about shorebird prey resources and migratory behavior to determine stopover habitat requirements. For example, the US Shorebird Conservation Plan for the Southeast-Caribbean region assumes that average benthic invertebrate biomass in foraging habitats is 2.4 g dry mass m?2 and that the dominant prey item of shorebirds in the region is Chironomid larvae. For effective conservation and management, it is important to test working assumptions and update predictive models that are used to estimate habitat requirements. We surveyed migratory shorebirds and sampled the benthic invertebrate community in coastal managed wetlands of South Carolina. We sampled invertebrates at three points in time representing early, middle, and late stages of spring migration, and concurrently surveyed shorebird stopover populations at approximately 7-day intervals throughout migration. We used analysis of variance by ranks to test for temporal variation in invertebrate biomass and density, and we used a model based approach (linear mixed model and Monte Carlo simulation) to estimate mean biomass and density. There was little evidence of a temporal variation in biomass or density during the course of spring shorebird migration, suggesting that shorebirds did not deplete invertebrate prey resources at our site. Estimated biomass was 1.47 g dry mass m?2 (95 % credible interval 0.13–3.55), approximately 39 % lower than values used in the regional shorebird conservation plan. An additional 4728 ha (a 63 % increase) would be required if habitat objectives were derived from biomass levels observed in our study. Polychaetes, especially Laeonereis culveri (2569 individuals m?2), were the most abundant prey in foraging habitats at our site. Polychaetes have lower caloric content than levels assumed in the regional plan; when lower caloric content and lower biomass levels are used to determine habitat objectives, an additional 6395 ha would be required (86 % increase). Shorebird conservation and management plans would benefit from considering the uncertainty in parameters used to derive habitat objectives, especially biomass and caloric content of prey resources. Iterative testing of models that are specific to the planning region will provide rapid advances for management and conservation of migratory shorebirds and coastal managed wetlands.  相似文献   

The intertidal hermit crab, Pagurus longicarpus, apparently utilizes material found in detrital foam floating on the surface of the water. In surface feeding, this species employs a behavior pattern quite different from its normal mode of feeding. This behavior, in conjunction with a highly opportunistic foraging strategy, enables the hermit crabs quickly to locate and utilize this unpredictable resource.  相似文献   

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