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小麦不同基因型材料花药培养中雄核发育的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
薛建平  张爱民 《植物学通报》2002,19(2):215-218,214
对小麦离体花药中花粉发育的调查表明 :难诱导材料花药在培养初期 ,花粉退化快 ,大量小孢子败育 ,多细胞 (核 )花粉出现晚、频率低 ;而易诱导材料花药培养初期 ,花粉退化相对延缓 ,多细胞 (核 )花粉出现早且频率高 ,这些内在的优势使得更多的小孢子有可能转向孢子体发育 ,从而获得较高的出愈率。  相似文献   

薛建平  张爱民 《植物学报》2002,19(2):215-218
对小麦离体花药中花粉发育的调查表明:难诱导材料花药在培养初期,花粉退化快,大量小孢子败育,多细胞(核)花粉出现晚、频率低;而易诱导材料花药培养初期,花粉退化相对延缓,多细胞(核)花粉出现早且频率高,这些内在的优势使得更多的小孢子有可能转向孢子体发育,从而获得较高的出愈率。  相似文献   

大鳞副泥鳅雄核单倍体的早期发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,有关鱼类雄核发育的研究已见于川鲽(Platichthys flesus)、马苏大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus masou)、虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、红点溪鳟(Salvelinus fontinalis)、鲤鱼(Cyprnus carpio)、尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)、泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)、斑马鱼(Danio rerio)等(Purdom,1969;Arai et al., 1979; Scheerer et al., 1991; May et al., 1988; Bongers et al., 1994;Grunina et al., 1990; Meyers, 1995; Masaoka et al., 1995; 赵振山等,1998;Corley-Smith et al., 1996).  相似文献   

大鳞副泥鳅雄核发育单倍体胚胎发育的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
雄核发育(androgenesis)系指卵子只依靠雄性原核进行发育的生殖方式。尽管已有川鲽(Platichthysflesus)(Purdom,1969)、马苏大麻哈鱼(Oncohychusmasou)(Arai等,1979)、虹鳟(Salmoga...  相似文献   

鱼类雄核发育的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
赵振山  吴清江  高贵琴 《遗传》2000,22(2):109-113
雄核发育是在雄核控制下发育的一种特殊的有性生殖方式,它是鱼类单性发育的重要组成部分。本文全面综述了国内外鱼类雄核发育研究的进展状况。主要包括雌核染色体灭活和雄核二倍化诱导技术。雌核染色体灭活主要通过γ、X和紫外线(UV)等辐射处理完成的,其辐射剂量和方法因研究者不同而不同。雄核的二倍化诱导则主要是采用静水压和温度休克阻止第一次有丝分裂来实现的,其二倍化诱导条件与研究的种类不同而有所差异。同时,本文对鱼类雄核发育在遗传育种中的应用前景作了评价。 Abstract:Fish andtogenesis is a kind of secial sexual development which is controlled by male nucleus and it is an important part of fish unisexual development. This paper summarizes the progress of fish androgenesis comprehensively in the world.It includes the techniques of inactive female nucleus of eggs and diploidization of male nucleus. The methods of inactive female nucleus are carride out by using γ,X and ultraviolet (UV)rays to irradiate the eggs,the irradiation dosages and methods are different based on the different researchers. The techniques of diploidization of male nucleus are carried out by using hydrostatic pressure, heat and cold shock to restrain the fish mitosis,the diploidization condition are different from species to species.Meanwhile,the paper evaluates the application perspectives of fish androgenesis on the genetics and breeding.  相似文献   

桔梗小孢子发生和雄配子体发育过程超微结构变化   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
对桔梗小孢子发生和雄配子体发育过程超微结构的观察表明,减数分裂过程中发生第一次细胞质改组,表现为:粗线期/双线期,核糖体数量消减,质体和线粒体结构简化;末期I,核糖体数量恢复,四分体时期,质体和线粒体获得正常结构。单核靠边期到二细胞花粉时期,发生第二次细胞质改组,表现同第一次细胞入组相。两次核糖体消减过程,均涉及到粗面内质网的。在和分前和有丝分裂前期存在核周腔膨大形成核液泡现象。结果表明,核糖体数  相似文献   

白刺小孢子和雄配子体发育的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对白刺小孢子和雄配子体发育的各个阶段进行了超微结构研究,结果表明在造孢细胞时期,药室内壁细胞形成“分隔细胞”;绒毛毡层细胞为分泌型,但后期完全解体而形成大量的原生质团;造孢细胞质浓,细胞器丰富;母细胞显示休眠细胞的特征;上孢子具有很厚的外壁内层;花药表皮具很厚的角质层等特征可能是旱生环境的适应。  相似文献   

利用常规石蜡切片技术对柠条锦鸡儿小孢子发生及雄配子体发育的过程进行了观察,为柠条锦鸡儿生殖生物学提供基础资料。结果表明:(1)柠条锦鸡儿雄蕊花药4室,花药壁完全分化时,由外到内依次是表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层,花药壁发育为基本型;表皮细胞1层,发育过程中始终存在;药室内壁在花药成熟时形成带状纤维层加厚;幼小花药壁的中层1~2层细胞,在花药发育成熟时退化消失;绒毡层1层细胞,腺质绒毡层,花药成熟时消失。(2)小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中的胞质分裂为同时型,产生四面体型和左右对称型小孢子。(3)成熟花粉粒为二细胞型,扫描电镜下观察其成熟花粉粒为圆球形,外壁近光滑。(4)花粉母细胞分裂后形成的四分体小孢子中出现多核仁现象,核仁数在2~6个范围变化,推测这可能和末期Ⅱ核仁融合的不彻底有关。研究发现,柠条锦鸡儿小孢子发生和雄配子发育过程没有发现异常现象。  相似文献   

采用染色体制片技术对Cucumis属双二倍体种(Cucumis hytivus Chen et Kirkbride)小孢子发生和雄配子体发育进行了细胞学研究。结果显示:在小孢子发生过程中,约31%的花粉母细胞在减数分裂中期Ⅰ具有正常的19Ⅲ,约69%的花粉母细胞染色体构型复杂,平均构型0.41Ⅰ 14.69Ⅲ 0.06Ⅲ 0.93Ⅳ 0.62Ⅵ 0.07Ⅷ;在四分体时期,形成约8.78%的四分孢子,其余为各种异常的多分孢子;在雄配子体发育过程中,约10%的小孢子可进行有丝分裂,最终发育为正常的两细胞、三孔花粉,其余90%的小孢子最终成为败育花粉。此外,还观察到了减数分裂后期Ⅱ的染色体组分离和新种花粉形态的变异等特殊现象。  相似文献   

草坪草育种研究进展 (综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍草坪草传统育种和转基因育种的历史与现状,概述草坪转基因育种的操作过程,对植物特别是草坪草转基因过程中存在的一些问题如基因丢失,基因沉默,基因流引起的转基因安全性等进行评述。  相似文献   

The Fabaceae species have a major role to play in sustainable farming systems, but they have lagged behind other families in respect to the development of doubled haploid protocols for plant improvement. Currently, no plant improvement program uses doubled haploids on a routine basis for any member of the Fabaceae. There has recently been renewed interest in haploid research as the usefulness of doubled haploid material in molecular mapping has become clear. This review provides a comprehensive account of the current information regarding the development of haploid protocols in the Fabaceae. In the Fabaceae crop species there have been isolated reports of haploid plant induction in the phaseoloid clade; soybean, cowpea and pigeonpea, as well as promising progress towards haploidy in peanut and winged bean. As yet there have been no reports of haploid plant production in the galegoid clade, but early stage haploid embryogenesis has been achieved in chickpea, field pea, and lupin. Success in the production of haploid plants has also been reported within the pasture genera Lotus, Medicago, and Trifolium and the arboreal genera Cassia, Peltophorum, and Albizzia. A review of the literature has enabled us to identify some general similarities between the protocols developed for haploid plant induction across the various legumes. These are the culture of intact anthers; use of a cold pretreatment to induce sporophytic development; targeting of microspores at the uninucleate stage of development; and use of MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962 Murashige, T. and Skoog, F. 1962. A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant., 15: 473497. [CSA][Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) based nutrient medium with plant growth regulators to encourage continued division following induction. These protocol commonalities will assist researchers to identify approaches suited to their target Fabaceae species. The paucity of research funding for haploid research in most Fabaceae species has highlighted the need for strong collaborative linkages between institutions and researchers.


单倍体培养是快速获得菊科纯合系的重要途径。目前已进行单倍体研究的菊科植物共有13个种,其中9个已成功获得单倍体植株。菊科中诱导单倍体的途径有花药培养、小孢子培养、离体雌核培养、远源杂交和辐射花粉诱导单倍体。本文详细论述了不同外植体发育时期、预处理、培养基、培养条件等因素对单倍体植株诱导再生的影响。对菊科植物单倍体诱导的几种途径进行对比总结,指出研究中存在的问题并提出思路和建议。  相似文献   

Suspension culture was more efficient method for haploid production than anther culture. All analysed androgenic regenerants originating from embryogenic microspores in suspension culture of Aesculus hippocastanum L. had a haploid number of chromosomes (n=20), while 50 % of those derived from anther culture were diploids. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Anther culture in solid and liquid medium and isolated microspore culture were compared in rye genotypes with potential agronomic characteristics. Some important factors influencing androgenic capacity were optimised. Three weeks cold pre-treatment of spikes and two days mannitol pre-treatment of anthers maximized callus and green plant yield in both culture methods. Intensity order of the culture methods in callus and green plant production was: isolated microspore culture, anther culture in liquid medium and anther culture in solid medium. Genotype ability of embryogenesis followed the same pattern in both cultivation methods. Kinetin (BA) with genotype dependent concentrations created the most effective regeneration conditions.  相似文献   

Cold pretreatments applied to excised anthers in liquid potato 2 medium proved to be unnecessary. Generally, cold pretreatments inhibited anther response and productivity as the duration was lengthened or as the pretreatment temperature was lowered. There were significant differences in response attributed to the anther donor genotype. Green and albino plants as well as roots only have been regenerated from the spring wheat cultivars Sinton, Neepawa, Pitic 62 and DW 50. Most plants were haploid.  相似文献   

Albinism is a common problem encountered in interspecific crosses and tissue culture experiments including anther culture and generation of doubled haploids. It is characterized by partial or complete loss of chlorophyll pigments and incomplete differentiation of chloroplast membranes. This in turn impairs photosynthesis and the plants eventually die at a young stage without reaching maturity. Environmental conditions such as light, temperature, media composition and culture conditions play some role in determining the frequency of albino plant formation. Genetic factors are even more important, and are major determinants in albinism. Genetic studies in different crops show that it is a recessive trait governed by many loci. Both the nuclear and chloroplast genomes affect albinism and incompatibilities between the two are a probable cause of many pigment defects in hybrid progenies. Such incompatibility has been reported in a large number of angiosperms. The mechanisms behind these incompatibilities are poorly understood. Studies of plastid DNA inheritance together with observations using electron microscopy have established that the transmission of plastids can be maternal, paternal or biparental, even within the same genus, especially following wide crosses; contrary to the widespread belief that plastids are almost always transmitted from the maternal parent. Albinism has been overcome in some crop species through somatic hybridization and development of cybrids (cytoplasmic hybrids). However, the strict requirement of efficient protoplast regeneration is a major limitation of these techniques. This review focuses on albinism following interspecific crosses or development of doubled haploids facilitated by tissue culture experiments, underlying mechanisms, and the possibilities for dealing with this important biotechnological limitation.  相似文献   

Androgenesis, development from paternal but not maternal chromosomes, can be induced in some organisms including fish, but has not been induced previously in mollusk. In this study we investigated the induction of haploid androgenesis in the Pacific oyster by ultraviolet irradiation and observed nuclear behavior in the androgenetic eggs. Irradiation for 90 seconds at a UV intensity of 72 erg/mm2 per second (6480 erg/mm2) was the optimal dose to achieve haploid androgenesis. The fertilization and development rates of D-shaped larvae decreased with increasing exposure time, and the development of the genetically inactivated eggs terminated before reaching the D-shaped stage. Cytologic observations showed that UV irradiation did not affect germinal vesicle breakdown or chromosomal condensation but caused various nuclear behavioral patterns during meiosis and first mitosis: 21.7% of eggs extruded all maternal chromosomes as 2 or 3 polar bodies, and 59.1% of eggs formed one female pronucleus. The maternally derived nucleus did not participate, or partially participated, in the first karyokinesis. The cytologic evidence demonstrates that the male genome is directing development in haploids produced by UV irradiation.  相似文献   

大麦雄核发育的基因型效应及相关的RAPD标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以具有不同花粉胚胎发生能力的两个大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)基因型为材料,对离体培养花药中不同类型小孢子频率的边续统计表明,两基因型的早期雄核发育过程无明显区别,最终出愈率(平均每个花药产生的愈伤组织块数)的显著差异是在小孢子形成多核花粉以后产生的。推测基因型之间胚胎发生能力的差异不受小孢子脱分化启动能力控制,而是由其多核花粉发育成愈伤组织的能力决定的,可能与细胞壁的形成有关。利用  相似文献   

豆科牧草基因工程研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张振霞  符义坤  储成才 《遗传》2002,24(5):607-612
豆科牧草既是重要的饲料作物,又在土壤改良、水土保持,以及生态环境保护方面发挥着积极作用。随着分子生物学和植物转化技术的发展和改进,通过基因工程技术对豆科牧草进行改良和培育已成为可能。本文就近几年来基因工程技术在各种豆科牧草的高产、抗病虫害、抗逆及品质改良等方面的研究进展进行了较全面的综述。 Progress in the Biotechnology of Legume Forage Plants ZHANG Zhen-xia1,2,FU Yi-kun1,CHU Cheng-cai2 1.College of Tasture,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,China; 2.Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China Abstract:As important forage crops,legume forage plants can play an important role in improving natural environment,maintenins water and soil.With development of molecular biology and improvement of plant transformation techniques,molecular breeding of legume forage plants by biotechnology is possible.This review summarized recent progress on improvement of several forage crops,including improvement of nutrient quality,increase of biomass,enhancement of the assimilation and efficient absorb of nutrient element,and enhancement of abiotic and biotic stress resistance. Key words:legume forage plants; transgene; progress  相似文献   

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