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China harbors a high species diversity of freshwater fishes not shared with any of its neighboring nations. Freshwater fish diversity in the country has been under severe threat from human activities over the past decades, thus conservation freshwater fishes and ecosystems is urgently needed. To accumulate baseline data for guiding protection actions, the third red list assessment of Chinese freshwater fishes was carried out. Among Chinese freshwater fishes assessed, there are 355 at-risk species (22.3% of the total), including 69 ranked as Critically Endangered, 97 as Endangered, and 189 as Vulnerable. Two species are classified as Extinct and one as Regionally Extinct. China's threat level seems to be lower than the known average level found in the IUCN's global assessment of freshwater fishes, but this is an artifact of a high rate of species classified as Data Deficient. Conservation of freshwater fishes is presently facing a grim situation in China. Imperilment of Chinese freshwater fishes is primarily attributed to habitat loss and degradation arising from human perturbations, particularly river damming. Despite the adoption of protected areas setting up, captive breeding and release, and a fishing moratorium, conservation efforts for freshwater fishes are compromised by disproportional attention in China's biodiversity conservation, baseline data deficiency, insufficiently designed protection networks, and inefficient or inadequate implementation of conservation strategies. To achieve the objectives of Chinese freshwater fish conservation, it is proposed to conduct a national-scale survey of fish diversity and reassess their at-risk status, develop systematic conservation planning of freshwater fish diversity and ecosystems, prioritize strategies for protected areas development, perform genetic-based captive breeding for releasing in concert with other protection actions, and implement flexible fishing moratorium strategies in different water bodies.  相似文献   

Microbial diversity and function in Antarctic freshwater ecosystems   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Freshwater lakes occur through much of Antarctica and are characterized by short food chains dominated by microbes. Comparatively few studies have been made of continental freshwater lakes until recently, with the main emphasis being on the less extreme maritime Antarctic lakes. The wide range of trophic status seen at the northern extremes of the maritime Antarctic reduces markedly further south, but a wide range of micro-organisms occur throughout the latitudinal range. Information on seasonal and spatial patterns of microbial activity for freshwater lakes demonstrate rapid changes in community composition at certain times of year despite constant low temperatures. Benthic communities of cyanobacteria and bacteria are a feature of most lakes and are involved in a wide range of geochemical cycling. There is a need for more detailed taxonomic information on most groups and considerable potential for molecular studies.  相似文献   

为了解阿勒泰地区额尔齐斯河和乌伦古河流域的鱼类多样性现状和历史演变, 本研究于2013-2016年间在该流域的鱼类多样性进行了连续调查, 并结合历史资料和标本, 以Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数分析评估了流域内鱼类的多样性水平和时空变化。该流域历史上分布有土著鱼类23种, 当前记录到19种, 流域内还有外来鱼类15种。阿勒泰鱼类的区系组成以鲤科种类为主, 其中特有和珍稀濒危物种占比高, 具有重要的保护价值。多样性指数计算结果显示, 2013-2016年鱼类多样性情况整体稳定, 额尔齐斯河鱼类物种数多于乌伦古河。研究还基于鱼类生物完整性指数(Fish Index of Biological Integrity, F-IBI)对34个采集点的河流健康状况进行了评价, 结果显示额尔齐斯河流域大多数调查点的健康状况处于“亚健康”或“一般”水平, 乌伦古河流域多数调查点的健康状况处于“健康”水平。水利工程、外来物种、过度捕捞是影响阿勒泰地区鱼类多样性的重要因素。未来应通过水利工程的联合调度、下泄合理生态流量、布设鱼类通道、规范养殖渔业、严控外来物种、本地土著鱼类的人工增殖放流, 以及合理的就地保护措施对阿勒泰地区的鱼类多样性加以保护, 提升水体健康程度。  相似文献   

淡水鱼类功能生态学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在全球变化和人类活动的影响下,生物多样性正以前所未有的速度丧失,全球生物正经受第六次生物多样性危机。淡水生态系统是最脆弱的生态系统之一。淡水鱼类作为淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,承受着日趋严重的气候变化、栖息地退化、生物入侵和过度捕捞等压力,面临巨大的威胁。在此背景下,如何准确评估鱼类种群和群落对环境变化的响应,以及鱼类群落结构和功能的变化对生态系统功能的影响是淡水鱼类多样性和淡水生态系统保护的关键问题。近年来,淡水鱼类功能生态学的快速发展为解答这一问题提供了一个框架。系统地介绍了淡水鱼类功能生态学主要研究内容、方法、进展及其应用,并着重介绍了淡水鱼类功能特征及其与环境的关系、环境变化下的功能生态学响应研究。据此提出了淡水鱼类功能生态学未来的重点研究方向,指出了其在鱼类多样性保护和资源利用等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Thiamine concentrations were monitored in various organisms ranging from plankton to fish in the Lake Ontario ecosystem. The low concentrations found in most samples indicated thiamine levels were not strongly influenced by the trophic status of an organism. A similar conclusion was indicated from data reported by other studies in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Thiamine is produced by microbes and microalgae, and is acquired by higher trophic level organisms through the diet. The issue of thiamine deficiency in wild fish was also examined. It was concluded that increased dietary consumption of prey containing thiaminase was an important factor that can reduce thiamine levels in higher trophic level species.  相似文献   

The diversity–stability hypothesis in ecology asserts that biodiversity begets stability of ecological systems. This hypothesis has been supported by field studies on primary producers in grasslands, in which the interaction between species is mostly competition. As to ecosystems with multitrophic predatory interaction, however, no definite consensus has been arrived at for the relation between trophic diversity and ecosystem stability. The stability index suitable to ecosystems with predatory interaction is given by MacArthurs idea of stability and its formulation by Rutledge et al. More suitable indices of stability (relative conditional entropy) are proposed in this study for the comparison of different ecosystems, and the validity of the diversity–stability hypothesis for food webs (networks of predation) with many trophic compartments in natural aquatic ecosystems is examined. Results reveal that an increase in the biomass diversity of trophic compartments causes an increase in the whole systemic stability of food webs in aquatic ecosystems. Hence, evidence of the whole systemic validity of the diversity–stability hypothesis for natural aquatic ecosystems with ubiquitous multitrophic predatory interaction was obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish communities in Ecuador exhibit some of the highest levels of diversity and endemism in the Neotropics. Unfortunately, aquatic ecosystems in the country are under serious threat and conditions are deteriorating. In 2018–19, the government of Ecuador sponsored a series of workshops to examine the conservation status of Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Concerns were identified for 35 species, most of which are native to the Amazon region, and overfishing of Amazonian pimelodid catfishes emerged as a major issue. However, much of the information needed to make decisions across fish groups and regions was not available, hindering the process and highlighting the need for a review of the conservation threats to Ecuador's freshwater fishes. Here, we review how the physical alteration of rivers, deforestation, wetland and floodplain degradation, agricultural and urban water pollution, mining, oil extraction, dams, overfishing, introduced species and climate change are affecting freshwater fishes in Ecuador. Although many of these factors affect fishes throughout the Neotropics, the lack of data on Ecuadorian fish communities is staggering and highlights the urgent need for more research. We also make recommendations, including the need for proper enforcement of existing environmental laws, restoration of degraded aquatic ecosystems, establishment of a national monitoring system for freshwater ecosystems, investment in research to fill gaps in knowledge, and encouragement of public engagement in citizen science and conservation efforts. Freshwater fishes are an important component of the cultural and biological legacy of the Ecuadorian people. Conserving them for future generations is critical.  相似文献   

Both theory and evidence suggest that diversity stabilises productivity in herbaceous plant communities through a combination of overyielding, species asynchrony and favourable species interactions. However, whether these same processes also promote stability in forest ecosystems has never been tested. Using tree ring data from permanent forest plots across Europe, we show that aboveground wood production is inherently more stable through time in mixed‐species forests. Faster rates of wood production (i.e. overyielding), decreased year‐to‐year variation in productivity through asynchronous responses of species to climate, and greater temporal stability in the growth rates of individual tree species all contributed strongly to stabilising productivity in mixed stands. Together, these findings reveal the central role of diversity in stabilising productivity in forests, and bring us closer to understanding the processes which enable diverse forests to remain productive under a wide range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems in the mid- to upper-latitudes of the northern hemisphere are particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change as slight changes in air temperature can alter the form, timing, and magnitude of precipitation and consequent influence of snowmelt on streamflow dynamics. Here, we examine the effects of hydro-climate, flow regime, and hydrochemistry on Plecoptera (stonefly) alpha (α) diversity and distribution in northern freshwater ecosystems. We characterized the hydroclimatic regime of seven catchments spanning a climatic gradient across the northern temperate region and compared them with estimates of Plecoptera genera richness. By a space-for-time substitution, we assessed how warmer temperatures and altered flow regimes may influence Plecoptera alpha diversity and composition at the genus level. Our results show wide hydroclimatic variability among sites, including differences in temporal streamflow dynamics and temperature response. Principal component analysis showed that Plecoptera genera richness was positively correlated with catchment relief (m), mean and median annual air temperature (°C), and streamflow. These results provide a preliminary insight into how hydroclimatic change, particularly in terms of increased air temperature and altered streamflow regimes, may create future conditions more favorable to some Plecopteras in northern catchments.  相似文献   

植原体是引起众多植物病害的一类重要的无细胞壁的原核致病菌, 其寄主种类多、危害面积广, 对经济、环境等影响严重。大量研究表明植原体存在丰富的遗传多样性。本文就植原体遗传多样性研究现状作一概要评述, 并对植原体遗传变异的研究技术、产生机制、与致病性关系等今后可能的研究方向作一展望。对已完成的5个植原体全基因组序列分析发现, 它们在大小、结构和功能等方面皆存在显著差异, 缺少很多标准代谢所需的基因。不同植原体中质粒的数量、大小和功能等也存在一定差异。植原体含有2个核糖体RNA编码基因, 其序列在不同株系中的变异奠定了现今植原体分类鉴定的基础。对植原体蛋白编码基因如核糖体蛋白编码基因(rp)、蛋白延伸因子基因(tuffusA)、转运蛋白基因(secYsecA)、效应子及非编码区序列如启动子、假基因等的深入研究可进一步揭示植原体更丰富的遗传变异特征。由于植原体分离培养困难, 人们对其形态特征、生理代谢等了解甚少, 因而全基因组测序、多位点序列分析等现代分子生物学技术将会成为植原体遗传变异研究的主要手段。植原体遗传多样性研究进展有助于从分子水平上系统地阐明植原体遗传变异规律、系统进化特征及其与寄主(植物和昆虫)、生态环境间的互作和适应关系, 并产生新的认识。这对于提高植原体的分类鉴定、致病机制、流行预测及病害防治等研究水平具有重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   

Ten indigenous freshwater fish species belonging to nine genera and seven families were collected from Gandak River, Bihar, India during December, 2014 to September, 2016. Fishes were caught using Cast nets, Gill nets, Drag nets with mesh size of 15–20 mm, 25–30 mm and 5–10 mm respectively along with Traps. Sampling was done during dry and wet seasons and a total of 682 fish were collected for analysis of their Length–Weight Relationships (LWRs). Analyses included seven species for which no previous LWRs information were available in FishBase, and new maximum lengths were recorded for three species.  相似文献   

The freshwater resources of India are currently experiencing an alarming decline in fish biodiversity due to several factors and as a result, a sizeable portion of fresh water fishes have been categorized as threatened. This emphasizes an immediate need for initiating research and actions for alternative management techniques to protect these aquatic systems. One such option that has potential to protect freshwater ecosystem from numerous threats is the creation of freshwater aquatic sanctuary (FAS) within protected area network. Though similar conservation practices are well established in the terrestrial and marine ecosystem, however, the work on freshwater systems has been very slow and negligible. In the present communication we conceptualized the need and approach for developing FAS within the protected area network based on our observations in the water bodies of the selected wildlife sanctuaries in Northern India as well as success stories of some other countries. In this study we assessed the fish diversity in the selected protected areas of Northern India. The assessment indicated that these sanctuaries harbor 28.26–31.13% of freshwater fishes, which are threatened in other areas. Apart from Indian Major Carps, Tor putitora, Chitala chitala, Pangasius pangasius, Clupisoma gerua, Ailia coila, Aorichthys aor, Wallago attu, Rhinomugil corsula, Ompok pabda, Ombok pabo etc. were the important species encountered in the protected waters. The various issues related to FAS including objectives, approach, potential tools, implementation and management are discussed towards saving endangered fish germplasm resources. Approaches, tools and modus operandi proposed in this communication could be utilized by other developing countries in the region.  相似文献   

The length–weight relationships (LWRs) of three freshwater fish species from the Kangsabati and Rupnaryan river in West Bengal, India are presented, namely as Amblypharyngodon microlepis (Bleeker, 1853), Parambassis lala (Hamilton, 1822) and Macrognathus aculeatus (Bloch, 1786). Gill‐nets (mesh sizes with 0.5 cm–4 cm), cast‐nets (up to 1 × 1 cm mesh size with up to 4.0 m2 area) and scoop‐nets (0.3 × 0.3 cm and 0.5 × 0.5 cm mesh size) were used from January, 2017 to April, 2018. Sampling was done every 15 days during this period. The value of parameter “b” ranged from 2.751 to 2.895 with highly significant correlations (r2 > 0.95).  相似文献   

The “All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories” (ATBIs) project coordinated by the European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) aims to achieve a baseline biodiversity assessment of flora and fauna in those regions characterized by a lack of knowledge and a high potential for biodiversity. Within the framework of the ATBIs, the aim of this study was to analyse the diatom flora and ecology of a complex of freshwater ecosystems in the Maritime Alps Natural Park (Italy), designated as a Special area of Conservation under the European Habitat Directive. We sampled epilithic and epiphytic diatoms in different habitats in 24 sites: shallow lake, springs, and streams. Our analysis resulted in a list of 138 diatom taxa, highlighting the great biodiversity and the complex structure of the investigated diatom communities. The taxa list included a wide range of uncommon species, including some recorded for the first time in North-Western Italy. Among the different habitats the highest level of diversity was found in the more lentic waters, in particular in limnocrene springs. These results show that the diatom communities of pristine and undisturbed high-mountain environments are rich and complex, despite the severe environmental conditions.  相似文献   

孙然好  程先  陈利顶 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4473-4481
城市群快速发展严重影响着区域水生态系统的完整性,大尺度流域的河流生境功能辨识和分析尚缺乏系统研究。以海河流域为例,根据河段蜿蜒度、河段比降、断流风险、盐度等4个指标,构建了河流生境功能的分类指标体系。通过多源空间数据和人工判读,划分了6254条河段,在此基础上将河流生境类型划分为15类。通过52个监测样点的鱼类调查数据,分析了不同河流生境的水生生物特征差异,揭示了鱼类多样性高的区域多位于河流比降大、断流风险低的区域,而河流蜿蜒度对于鱼类多样性影响较小。根据京津冀13个地级市的河流生境差异,提出京津冀城市群的生态安全构建需要充分考虑河流生境的空间异质性,并制定融合城市发展目标、水资源利用需求和河流生境功能的综合指标体系。  相似文献   

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are nanoparticles in which charge carriers are three dimensionally confined or quantum confined. The quantum confinement provides size-tunable absorption bands and emission color to QDs. Also, the photoluminescence (PL) of QDs is exceptionally bright and stable, making them potential candidates for biomedical imaging and therapeutic interventions. Although fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy (PDT) of cancer have many advantages over imaging using ionizing radiations and chemo and radiation therapies, advancement of PDT is limited due to the poor availability of photostable and NIR fluorophores and photosensitizing (PS) drugs. With the introduction of biocompatible and NIR QDs, fluorescence imaging and PDT of cancer have received new dimensions and drive. In this review, we summarize the prospects of QDs for imaging and PDT of cancer. Specifically, synthesis of visible and NIR QDs, targeting cancer cells with QDs, in vitro and in vivo cancer imaging, multimodality, preparation of QD-PS conjugates and their energy transfer, photosensitized production of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI), and the prospects and remaining issues in the advancement of QD probes for imaging and PDT of cancer are summarized.  相似文献   

孙然好  程先  陈利顶 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8445-8455
水生态功能分区是针对水生态系统特征的陆地生态系统划分,是为流域水生态管理提供生态背景和基本单元。陆地-水生态系统的耦合是水生态功能分区的核心,但多停留在个别小流域进行理论探讨,大型流域的实际案例较少。针对海河流域独特的气候、地貌、水文和人类活动特征,提出了水生态功能分区的三级指标体系。一级二级区针对气候、地貌、水文背景进行"自上而下"的分区,三级区针对人类活动对水资源、水环境、生境影响,采用"自下而上"的分区方法。最终,海河流域划分了6个一级区、16个二级区和73个三级区。研究充分体现了"以水定陆、以陆控水"的基本原则,以及"自下而上"和"自上而下"分区方法的优点,结果可为海河流域水生态管理提供科学依据,为水资源空间调配与合理利用、产业结构布局与区域协调等服务。  相似文献   

This paper provides length‐weight relationships (LWRs) for three freshwater cyprinid fish species: Barbodes carnaticus (Jerdon, 1849), Hypselobarbus kolus (Sykes, 1839) and Tor khudree (Sykes, 1839) from the Chalakduy River in South Western Ghats of India. Fish samples were collected on a monthly basis between April 2011 to March 2012 using gill nets of different mesh sizes (3.5–10 cm). LWRs for these three species had not been previously reported in FishBase.  相似文献   

The influence of feeding on swimming performance and exercise recovery in fish is poorly understood. Examining swimming behavior and physiological status following periods of feeding and fasting is important because wild fish often face periods of starvation. In the current study, researchers force fed and fasted groups of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) of similar sizes for a period of 16 days. Following this feeding and fasting period, fish were exercised for 60 s and monitored for swimming performance and physiological recovery. Resting metabolic rates were also determined. Fasted fish lost an average of 16 g (nearly 12%) of body mass, while force fed fish maintained body mass. Force fed fish swam 28% further and required nearly 14 s longer to tire during exercise. However, only some physiological conditions differed between feeding groups. Resting muscle glycogen concentrations was twofold greater in force fed fish, at rest and throughout recovery, although it decreased in both feeding treatments following exercise. Liver mass was nearly three times greater in force fed fish, and fasted fish had an average of 65% more cortisol throughout recovery. Similar recovery rates of most physiological responses were observed despite force fed fish having a metabolic rate 75% greater than fasted fish. Results are discussed as they relate to largemouth bass starvation in wild systems and how these physiological differences might be important in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

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