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Blue crabs Callinectes sapidus are voracious predators in Chesapeake Bay and other estuarine habitats. The rapa whelk Rapana venosa is native to Asian waters but was discovered in Chesapeake Bay in 1998. This predatory gastropod grows to large terminal sizes (in excess of 150 mm shell length (SL)) and has a thick shell that may contribute to an ontogenetic predation refuge. However, juvenile rapa whelks in Chesapeake Bay may be vulnerable to predation by the blue crab given probable habitat overlap, relative lack of whelk shell architectural defenses, and the relatively large size of potential crab predators. Feeding experiments using three size classes of blue crab predators in relation to a size range of rapa whelks of two different ages (Age 1 and Age 2) were conducted. Blue crabs of all sizes tested consumed Age 1 rapa whelks; 58% of all Age 1 whelks offered were eaten. Age 2 rapa whelks were consumed by medium (67% of whelks offered were eaten) and large (70% of whelks offered were eaten) blue crabs but not by small crabs. The attack methods of medium and large crabs changed with whelk age and related shell weight. Age 1 whelks were typically crushed by blue crabs while Age 2 whelk shells were chipped or left intact by predators removing prey. Rapa whelks less than approximately 35 mm SL are vulnerable to predation by all sizes of blue crabs tested. Rapa whelk critical size may be greater than 55 mm SL in the presence of large blue crabs indicating that a size refugia from crab predation may not be achieved by rapa whelks in Chesapeake Bay until at least Age 2 or Age 3. Predation by blue crabs on young rapa whelks may offer a natural control strategy for rapa whelks in Chesapeake Bay and other estuarine habitats along the North American Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

The zonation of barnacles on rocky shores along the northern 40 km of the eastern shore of the Gulf of Elat is described. Tetrachthamalus oblitteratus Newman, forms a wide belt in the midlittoral zone; Tetraclita squamosa rufotincta Pilsbry, forms a second barnacle zone which dissects the Tetrachthamalus belt and nearly obliterates it in its central portion. On south-facing slopes the Tetrachthamalus belt is more developed while the Tetraclita belt is reduced and found lower than on other slopes. On beachrock Tetraclita is found on rough surfaces or forms a rim on the margins of crevices and ledges. It is concluded that Tetraclita is favoured by turbulence and wave action. It is suggested that Tetraclita and Tetrachthamalus compete in the main part of the midlittoral and that Tetrachthamalus is more tolerant to heat and desiccation than Tetraclita.  相似文献   

Effects of two presumably dominant competitors, the blue mussel Mytilus edulis and the barnacle Balanus improvisus on recruitment, population dynamics and community structure on hard substrata were experimentally investigated in the subtidal Kiel Fjord, Western Baltic. The hypothesis that blue mussels and/or barnacles are local dominants and strongly influence succession and community structure was tested by monitoring succession in the presence and absence of simulated predation on either or both species. Manipulations included blue mussel removal, barnacle removal, combined blue mussel and barnacle removal, as well as a control treatment for natural (non-manipulated) succession. In the second part of the experiment, recovery from the treatments was monitored over 1 year.During the manipulative phase of the experiment, blue mussels had a negative effect on recruitment of species, whereas barnacles had no significant effect. Even so, a negative synergistic effect of blue mussels and barnacles was detected. Calculation of species richness and diversity H′ (Shannon Index) showed a negative synergistic effect of blue mussels and barnacles on community structure. Additionally, diversity H′ was negatively affected by the dominant competitor M. edulis. These effects were also detectable in the ANOSIM-Analysis. The non-manipulative phase of the experiment brought about a drastic loss of diversity and species richness. Blue mussels dominated all four communities. Barnacles were the only other species still being able to coexist with mussels. Effects of simulated predation disappeared fast.Thus, in the absence of predation on blue mussels, M. edulis within a few months dominates available space, and diversity of the benthic community is low. In contrast, when mussel dominance is controlled by specific predators, more species may persist and diversity remains high.  相似文献   

Harley CD  O'Riley JL 《Oecologia》2011,166(2):531-541
Ecosystem engineering is an important process in a variety of ecosystems. However, the relationship between engineer density and engineering impact remains poorly understood. We used experiments and a mathematical model to examine the role of engineer density in a rocky intertidal community in northern California. In this system, the whelk Nucella ostrina preys on barnacles (Balanus glandula and Chthamalus dalli), leaving empty barnacle tests as a resource (favorable microhabitat) for other species. Field experiments demonstrated that N. ostrina predation increased the availability of empty tests of both barnacle species, reduced the density of the competitively dominant B. glandula, and indirectly increased the density of the competitively inferior C. dalli. Empty barnacle tests altered microhabitat humidity, but not temperature, and presumably provided a refuge from wave action. The herbivorous snail Littorina plena was positively associated with empty test availability in both observational comparisons and experimental manipulations of empty test availability, and L. plena density was elevated in areas with foraging N. ostrina. To explore the effects of variation in N. ostrina predation, we constructed a demographic matrix model for barnacles in which we varied predation intensity. The model predicted that number of available empty tests increases with predation intensity to a point, but declines when predation pressure was strong enough to severely reduce adult barnacle densities. The modeled number of available empty tests therefore peaked at an intermediate level of N. ostrina predation. Non-linear relationships between engineer density and engineer impact may be a generally important attribute of systems in which engineers influence the population dynamics of the species that they manipulate.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite for models of foraging behaviour of the whelk, Morula marginalba Blainville (Muricidae), the effects of variation in density of prey on the rate of feeding of the predator were examined in field conditions for three coexisting species of prey. Densities of prey used were those at which the prey, two limpets and a barnacle, occurred naturally in the rocky intertidal habitat.Large limpets, Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) can resist attacks by predatory gastropods by raising the mantle over the outside of the shell. These experiments showed that no C. tramoserica were killed by Morula marginalba even at very great densities and with no alternative prey present. For the small limpet Patelloida latistrigata (Angas), one of the whelk's most highly preferred prey, juveniles were eaten 1.4 times as fast as adults. Fitting the random predator equation gave greater attack coefficients and shorter handling times for juvenile than adult limpets.Sizes of both predator and prey affected rates of eating barnacles, Tesseropora rosea (Krauss), but not in a simple way. Whelks of 15-mm aperture length ate adult barnacles 4.2 times faster than did 12-mm whelks, but there was no significant difference in the rates at which the two sizes of snail ate juvenile barnacles.Rates of feeding on T. rosea and Patelloida latistrigata increased significantly with prey density. These results form a basis for including the density of prey in models of spatial dispersion of the predatory gastropod Morula marginalba.  相似文献   

Laboratory observations on the feeding behavior of four species of thaidid gastropods (Muricacea), when fed on the intertidal barnacle Balanus glandula (Darwin), revealed two interesting patterns. First, large inividuals of Thais (or Nucella) emarginata (Deshayes) (> 15 mm shell length) exhibited remarkably little variation in the locations at which they drilled barnacles, either among individual snails, among populations along a wave exposure gradient (≈ 5 km), or among populations along the Pacific coast of North America (≈ 3000 km). The results of laboratory crosses suggested that the small differences which did exist between populations from southeast Alaska (U.S.A.) and Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Canada) were genetically determined.A second pattern of interest was an ontogenetic shift in the preferred location of drilling in all four species of Thais examined (T. canaliculata (Duclos), T. emarginata T. lamellosa (Gmelin), and T. lima (Gmelin)): larger snails drilled much more frequently in the opercular region and, concomitantly, more frequently at the occludent margins of the scutal plates. The ontogenetic shift in these snails appeared to be primarily genetically predetermined rather than learned, since individuals of T. emarginata grown from one size class to the next on mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) did not differ greatly in their selection of drilling locations on Balanus glandula from those grown similarly on barnacles.  相似文献   

Larvae of many benthic invertebrates settle on surfaces where they metamorphose into juveniles if suitable substrata are available, and are responsible for the major costs of biofouling. When assessing new formulations or compounds for potential antifouling (AF) application, constraints such as seasonal availability may restrict most bioassays to relatively few taxa and species. For example, amongst barnacles, Amphibalanus amphitrite is popular as a test organism but is it really representative of other barnacle species? In order to test this hypothesis, we have chosen to work with marine natural extracts as a probe. Indeed, one substitution technology to toxic metal-based coatings to control fouling is the development of AF coatings with active compounds derived from marine organisms or analogues of the lead compounds. In this study, the AF activity and toxicity of extracts from 30 algae from the North East Atlantic coast were investigated for their potential anti-settlement activities against larvae of two species of barnacle, A. amphitrite and Semibalanus balanoides. As a trend, most of the active extracts displayed activity towards S. balanoides, only few displayed targeted activity against A. amphitrite, or against both species. In order to better understand if this tendency could be linked to chemical ecology, surface extracts were prepared on a selection of species. The results highlight that surface extracts of algae all displayed highest levels of activity than total extracts when tested on S. balanoides. This difference illustrates that specific compounds in their ecological context can have potentially a better efficacy on target species.  相似文献   

In the western Baltic Sea, the highly competitive blue mussel Mytilus edulis tends to monopolize shallow water hard substrata. In many habitats, mussel dominance is mainly controlled by the generalist predator Carcinus maenas. These predator-prey interactions seem to be affected by mussel size (relative to crab size) and mussel epibionts.There is a clear relationship between prey size and predator size as suggested by the optimal foraging theory: Each crab size class preferentially preys on a certain mussel size class. Preferred prey size increases with crab size.Epibionts on Mytilus, however, influence this simple pattern of feeding preferences by crabs. When offered similarly sized mussels, crabs prefer Balanus-fouled mussels over clean mussels. There is, however, a hierarchy of factors: the influence of attractive epibiotic barnacles is weaker than the factor ‘mussel size’. Testing small mussels against large mussels, presence or absence of epibiotic barnacles does not significantly alter preferences caused by mussel size. Balanus enhanced crab predation on mussels in two ways: Additional food gain and, probably more important, improvement in handling of the prey. The latter effect is illustrated by the fact that artificial barnacle mimics increased crab predation on mussels to the same extent as do live barnacles.We conclude that crab predation preferences follows the optimal foraging model when prey belong to different size classes, whereas within size classes crab preferences is controlled by epibionts.  相似文献   

Studies on cannibalism in harpacticoid copepods are restricted to predation on naupliar larvae in rock-pool harpacticoids of the genus Tigriopus. An earlier experimental study on the Mediterranean copepod Tigriopus fulvus indicated that females recognized their own larvae and preferentially preyed on nauplii other than their own. In a series of laboratory experiments, we tested if there were differences in naupliar predation as a function of crowding, food level and sex in Tigriopus brevicornis and T. fulvus. Results show that cannibalism was restricted to the first larval stages (N1 and N2). Both food availability and adult density significantly affected the predation rate. Contrary to earlier suggestions, adult males also preyed on the nauplii. We found no evidence that adults spare their own offspring, for neither T. fulvus nor T. brevicornis.This is in accordance with what one would expect for species having the life history characteristics of Tigriopus, i.e.: multiple broods and large number of offspring. Earlier results indicating parental care in Tigriopus must be taken with caution.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that the initial surface wettability, is of importance in the settlement of macrofouling larvae such as barnacles, bryozoans and hydroids in the field as well as in laboratory assays. In this study we present results from laboratory assays using hydrophilic and hydrophobic polystyrene (PS) and cyprid larvae of Balanus improvisus (Darwin). The results obtained differ markedly from those reported for the barnacle Balanus amphitrite (Darwin), where a high surface wettability seemed to be preferred for settlement. Our results show that a surface with intermediary wettability (hydrophilic PS) reduced settlement by 38% as compared to surfaces of low wettability (hydrophobic PS) during an 8-day period. During the experiment, the wettability in the hydrophilic PS dishes was not significantly changed as measured by advancing contact angle with mQ water. Over an 8-day period wettability of the hydrophobic PS dishes approached that of the hydrophilic PS surfaces. We further conducted experiments with highly hydrophilic and highly hydrophobic methylsilane-treated glass surfaces with known chemistry. In this experiment, the settlement of cyprid larvae was completely inhibited by the high wettability surfaces. Contact angle measurements revealed that the wettability during the length of the experiment of the hydrophilic glass surfaces was not significantly altered. We conclude by these experiments that even an intermediate wettability can significantly affect the overall settlement success of the barnacle B. improvisus. The mechanism by which the settlement is impeded might be biologically mediated through the recognition by cyprid larvae of the molecular composition of the surface when the cyprid reverts to the settlement phase, i.e. when swimming behaviour is abandoned in favour of surface exploration, or it is mediated by physicochemical forces acting between the surface and the larval body or the larval antennules.  相似文献   

The barnacle Balanus glandula was introduced in Argentina in the 1970s, and today it dominates the high intertidal level in most Argentinean rocky shores. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the type of substrata and intertidal height on a population of Balanus glandula by conducting field surveys and one-year field experiments in which we combined different substrata (hardness: hard and soft, and texture: smooth and rough) at two intertidal heights (mid and high). In natural populations, the highest density of adults and recruits occurred on soft-rough substratum and in the high intertidal. The different textures were important only on the soft substrata and high intertidal, and the density of barnacles of the soft-rough substrata was higher than soft and smooth ones. The most suitable experimental substratum was the soft-rough of the high intertidal, which had the highest recruitment, survival and final density of barnacles at the end of the experiment. In contrast, the hard and smooth of the high and middle intertidal were the least suitable in all cases. Although the recruitment of B. glandula occurred throughout the year, it was higher in the high intertidal, and it showed a recruitment peak in the winter and a second in the summer. While most studies on this barnacle investigated the effects of granite or other volcanic hard substrata, our study also focused on soft substrata. The effects of soft substrata are particularly important because soft sedimentary rocks characterise the southern Atlantic coast of South America and the presence of soft rocks appears to optimize the success of Balanus glandula.  相似文献   

Rates of uptake from solution and assimilation efficiencies of the trace metals Ag, Cd and Zn were investigated in the barnacle Balanus amphitrite after exposure in the laboratory for 19 days to low and high doses of added Ag and Cd in a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii) diet, the major route of metal uptake in barnacles. The hypothesis under test was that acute metal pre-exposure would affect the assimilation efficiency (AE) of that and other metals and their rate of uptake from solution. It was found that pre-exposure of the barnacles to atypically high dietary challenges of Cd and Ag did not cause changes in the rates of uptake of Cd, Ag or Zn from solution. Similarly, there was no clear consistent effect of dietary pre-exposure to Cd or Ag on the assimilation efficiency of Cd, Ag or Zn. The efflux rates of the metals were also comparable following the acute dietary exposure. Subcellular fractionation data indicated that the majority of the three metals were partitioned in the insoluble fraction, with very little in the soluble fraction consisting of metallothionein-like proteins and other (heat-sensitive) proteins. The lack of induction of increased Cd or Ag AE after pre-exposure in barnacles contrasts with results for mussels; this inconsistency is interpreted to result from differences in physiological accumulation patterns, the barnacles relying to an extreme extent on insoluble detoxification.  相似文献   

This paper deals with Neocalamites tubulatus nov. sp., an equisetophyte belonging to the Equisetaceae family. The material studied originates from the Upper Permian deposits of the northern part of European Russia. N. tubulatus nov. sp. is characterized by both sterile and fertile organs belonging to the same parent plant. It has long, flexible stems, rarely branched, with alternating nodes and prolonged ribs on the stem surface corresponding to vascular strands of the stem, and compact lateral strobili, in general aspect similar to the strobili of extant species of Equisetum. N. tubulatus nov. sp. is one of the most ancient representatives of the Equisetaceae family, which shows a distinct morphological pattern of features, among which the lateral position of strobili, characteristic of primitive equisetophytes, is most prominent in this phase of their evolution.  相似文献   

The lack of direct empirical evidence of predator evolution in response to prey adaptation is a fundamental weakness of the arms race analogy of predator-prey coevolution. I examined the interaction between the predatory busyconine whelk Sinistrofulgur sinistrum and its bivalve prey Mercenaria mercenaria to evaluate whether reciprocal adaptation was likely in this predator-prey system. Thick-lipped whelks use their shell lip to chip open the shell of their prey, often resulting in breakage to their own shell. Thus, hard-shelled prey, such as Mercenaria, may be considered dangerous because they are able to inflict damage to the predator as a consequence of the interaction. The strength of interaction between whelks and their bivalve prey was viewed by regressing predator performance (the incidence of shell breakage in encounters with prey) on prey phenotype (a function of size). Interaction with Mercenaria of varying sizes has strong and predictable consequences (r2=0.946; p=0.028) for Sinistrofulgur. Predators that select large, thick bivalve prey increase the likelihood that their shell lip will be broken in the process of attempting to open their prey. Ecological consequences of feeding-induced breakage may include reduced growth rate, reproductive success, and survivorship. These results suggest that natural selection should favor predator phenotypes that reduce feeding-induced breakage when interactions with damage-inducing prey occur.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that predator chemical cues can limit prey demographic rates such as recruitment. For instance, barnacle pelagic larvae reduce settlement where predatory dogwhelk cues are detected, thereby limiting benthic recruitment. However, adult barnacles attract conspecific larvae through chemical and visual cues, aiding larvae to find suitable habitat for development. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that the presence of adult barnacles (Semibalanus balanoides) can neutralize dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) nonconsumptive effects on barnacle recruitment. We did a field experiment in Atlantic Canada during the 2012 and 2013 barnacle recruitment seasons (May–June). We manipulated the presence of dogwhelks (without allowing them to physically contact barnacles) and adult barnacles in cages established in rocky intertidal habitats. At the end of both recruitment seasons, we measured barnacle recruit density on tiles kept inside the cages. Without adult barnacles, the nearby presence of dogwhelks limited barnacle recruitment by 51%. However, the presence of adult barnacles increased barnacle recruitment by 44% and neutralized dogwhelk nonconsumptive effects on barnacle recruitment, as recruit density was unaffected by dogwhelk presence. For species from several invertebrate phyla, benthic adult organisms attract conspecific pelagic larvae. Thus, adult prey might commonly constitute a key factor preventing negative predator nonconsumptive effects on prey recruitment.  相似文献   

Adult Tesseropora rosea (Krauss) and Tetraclitella purpurascens (Wood) are mostly found in the eulittoral (barnacle) zone of rocky seashores in New South Wales. Below this zone most space is occupied by the tube-worm Galeolaria caespitosa (Lamarck) or by various species of macroalgae. Within the eulittoral zone, T. rosea are mostly on sunny areas of rock exposed to relatively strong wave-action. T. purpurascens are present mainly in crevices, caves, and under ledges where there is considerable shade.Cyprids of both species settled on sandstone plates and on experimentally cleared areas in the barnacle and Galeolaria zones. Neither species settled where the substratum was already covered by algae or Galeolaria. No spat of T. purpurascens were found in sunny areas of the barnacle zone. T. rosea, however, settled in cleared substrata in sunny and shaded areas. Neither species settled in the littoral fringe above the upper limit of distribution of adults. On boulders transferred to high levels of the shore during a storm, small T. purpurascens died within a few weeks.Barnacles of both species which had settled in experimentally cleared areas in the Galeolaria zone survived and grew. In these areas some T. purpurascens were killed by being smothered by tube-worms which settled after the barnacles. This probably happens to T. rosea, but was not demonstrated experimentally. In the Galeolaria zone, both species of barnacles were very quickly smothered and killed by macroalgae growing over them, except where these were experimentally removed.Within the barnacle zone, all newly-settled spat of T. purpurascens transferred to sunny sites died within two months, whilst many of those in shaded sites survived. In areas where wave-action was strong, spat of T. rosea survived and grew well in sunny areas, but survived better in the shade. Under a ledge, however, where wave-action was reduced, all the T. rosea in sunny sites, and most of those in shaded sites died within two months; many newly-settled T. purpurascens survived in the shade in this area.The grazing limpet Cellana tramoserica (Sowerby) dislodged and crushed some newly-settled T. rosea and reduced survival in some sunny areas. T. rosea settled preferentially on bare rock and were rarely found on the shells of adult barnacles. Thus, the density of spat was greater where adult barnacles were absent. In contrast, many newly-settled T. purpurascens were found on the shells of adults of their own species in shaded areas; they also settled on cleared rock. Because T. purpurascens tended to settle amongst and on adults, and in crevices and confined areas, they were not much affected by limpets. When newly-settled T. purpurascens were in high densities, they had lower survival than in areas with reduced densities, because of squashing and smothering by each other.The upper and lower limits of vertical distribution (zonation) of these two species of barnacles are determined primarily by the settlement of cyprids. Neither species settled at the highest levels on the shore. Whether this was due to the decreasing time of submersion during high tide towards the top of the shore, or a result of preferences for settlement site is unknown. Even if cyprids were to settle in the littoral fringe, the spat would die very quickly probably as a result of desiccation. Below the barnacle zone, the entire substratum is usually occupied by other sessile species, particularly macroalgae, on which the barnacles do not settle. In experimentally cleared areas below the barnacle zone, or in any naturally cleared areas both species settled, and could survive the physical conditions. Newly-settled spat were, however, overgrown and killed by algae and Galeolaria.Within the barnacle zone, T. purpurascens is restricted to shaded areas because of the inability of newly-settled spat to survive the physical stresses of high temperature and desiccation in sunny habitats. T. rosea appears to be excluded from shaded areas by a combination of the lack of suitable substrata on which to settle, and the effects of reduced water-flow in many crevices and under ledges. T. rosea survived better in areas with strong wave-action and can survive in shaded areas where water-flow is not reduced by the topography of the substratum.  相似文献   

In nature, parasite transmission from one host to the next takes place within complex biotic communities where non-host organisms can reduce transmission rates, for instance by preying on infective stages. We experimentally investigated the impact of four very different non-host organisms on the transmission of the microphallid trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis from its snail first intermediate host to its crustacean second intermediate host. We show that in laboratory mesocosms, accumulation of parasites in juvenile stalk-eyed mud crabs, Macrophthalmus hirtipes (Ocypodidae), was not reduced in the presence of cockles, Austrovenus stutchburyi, barnacles, Balanus sp., or the algae Enteromorpha spp., three organisms whose feeding mode or general abundance could negatively impact the parasite's infective stages (cercariae). In contrast, the presence of the anemone Anthopleura aureoradiata in the mesocosms caused a more than 4-fold reduction in the number of parasites acquired by crabs when compared to control mesocosms. Observations on fluorescent-dyed cercariae confirmed that they are ingested by anemones. Given the often high densities of anemones on mudflats, they may represent an important regulator of the abundance of M. novaezealandensis, and thus of the impact of this parasite on its hosts. These anemones may decrease cercarial transmission for many other trematode species as well. Our results stress the need for studies of parasite transmission in natural contexts rather than under simplified laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Juvenile shore crabs Carcinus maenas (L.) were observed feeding on rock barnacles Semibalanus balanoides (L.) on a Bay of Fundy rocky shore. This previously unreported predatory behaviour was further investigated in the laboratory. When given a choice of three common and abundant gastropods, Nucella lapillus (L.), Littorina littorea (L.), and Littorina obtusata (L.), and the rock barnacle Semibalanus balanoides, juvenile shore crabs of both sexes ate mainly barnacles and consumed proportionately more barnacles than gastropods compared with adults, which ate mainly gastropods. The rock barnacle is an abundant and readily available food source which may be important in sustaining the juvenile crab through periods of moults and rapid growth. As the shore crab attains a certain age (size), it must forage lower on the shore as gastropods become more important in its diet.  相似文献   

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