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红皮云杉外生菌根菌单接种及混合接种对苗木生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以提高外生菌根真菌对红皮云杉苗木促生长效果为目的,在前期研究的基础上,采用菌株配对培养的方法对获得的云杉外生菌根真菌进行混合接种菌株组合筛选;采用沟施菌剂方法,对3年生红皮云杉移床苗进行外生菌根菌菌株组合野外混合接种试验,同时以各菌株野外单接种作为对照,研究外生菌根真菌单接种及混合接种对红皮云杉苗木生长的影响。试验结果表明:供试菌株及菌株组合对红皮云杉苗木生长均有一定的促进作用。菌株L15促生长效果最佳,接种100d苗木高生长高于对照30.88%,地径高于对照15.29%。组合L15/025与L15/009促苗木生长效果低于单接种L15的效果,高于单接种009和025的效果。接种菌株010和组合L15/025的苗木与对照相比,叶绿素含量提高差异显著,叶绿素a水平分别高于对照59.15%、54.61%,叶绿素b水平分别高于对照76.34%和67.78%。除接种菌株010的苗木外,其他处理苗木其过氧化氢酶活性与对照相比均有所降低。所有处理苗木的根系活力均低于对照。综上,外生菌根菌高效菌株与一般菌株混合接种会弱化高效菌株自身接种效果;苗木过氧化氢酶活性、苗木根系活力与苗木的生物量间无相关性。  相似文献   

In Malaysia, acid sulfate soils contain high amounts of aluminium and are usually utilized for oil palm cultivation. As these soils are frequently flooded during rainy periods, it is thought that this may affect the growth performance of the oil palm. A glasshouse experiment was, therefore, conducted to study the effects of water regime and aluminium on the growth of oil palm seedlings. Soils used in the experiment were Typic Sulfaquepts and Sulfic Tropaquepts from Pulau Lumut Island, Malaysia. Best growth was observed on a non-jarositic freely drained topsoil. Oil palm seedlings were found the be moderately tolerant to soil acidity. Growth was only affected if Al3+ and Alsum activities in the soil solutions were above 100 and 700 M, respectively. Root length was found to be one of the better parameters to predict crop growth, while others included plant height, fron length and LAI. Soil solution attributes which could be used as indices of soil acidity for oil palm growth were pH and activities of Al3+, AlSO4 + and Alsum.  相似文献   

Throughout a 13 year period, the Throughfall Displacement Experiment sustained both increased (+33; wet) and decreased (−33%; dry) throughfall into an upland oak forest in Tennessee. Organic (O) horizon carbon (C) stocks were measured at several occasions before, during and after the experiment and mineral soil C stocks before and after the experiment. In the O horizon, higher C stocks were observed in the dry treatment compared to the ambient and wet, attributable to a combination of enhanced litter inputs and reduced decomposition. No precipitation treatment effects on mineral soil C stocks were found to a depth of 60 cm. Conversely, long-term reductions in surface mineral soil C stocks were surprisingly high for all treatments (3.5–2.7% C in the 0–15 cm layer and from 0.6 to 0.5% in the 15–30 cm layer) over the duration of the experiment. A clear explanation for this temporal trend in C storage was not readily apparent.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of coniferous monoculture on the distribution of C, Fe and Al in the upper horizons of brown ochreous earths of the Belgian Ardennes were investigated by comparing 5 soil profiles developed under an 80 year old spruce stand with another 5 profiles developed under a climactic broad-leaved forest (beechwood).Organic carbon, Fe and Al were extracted with 0.1N NaOH/Na-tetraborate solution buffered at pH 9.7: recent studies have shown that this extraction is particularly appropriate for the detection of incipient podzolisation in brown earths-brown podzolic soils intergrades.Even if most of the classic podzolisation indexes fail to illustrate differences, nevertheless our results show that fulvic acids and organo-ferric complexes are present in significantly greater amounts in the upper part of the cambic (B)1 horizon of the soils developed under conifers. Moreover, this podzolic tendancy is confirmed by the weathering patterns of the clay minerals in the A1(B) horizons developed under spruces, i.e. a more pronouced weathering of chloritic layers than those observed in the beechwood soil, with a correlative genesis of more abundant smectite-like minerals. One may therefore conclude that the change in the humus type (moder to mor) after the planting of spruce trees, has been sufficient, within the local climatic and edaphic context, to promote incipient podzolisation.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a montane mixed Fagus‐Abies‐Picea forest in Babia Gora National Park (southern Poland), the dynamics of an old‐growth stand were studied by combining an 8‐yr annual census of trees in a 1‐ha permanent sample plot with radial increments of Abies and Picea growing in the central part of the plot. The mortality among the canopy trees was relatively high (10% in 8 yr), but the basal area increment of surviving trees slightly exceeded the losses caused by tree death. DBH increment was positively correlated with initial diameter in Abies and Picea, but not in Fagus. For individual trees smaller than the median height, basal area increment was positively related to the basal area of old snags and the basal area of recently deceased trees in their neighbourhood, but negatively related to the basal area of live trees. Dendrochronological analysis of the past growth patterns revealed numerous periods of release and suppression, which were usually not synchronized among the trees within a 0.3 ha plot. The almost normal distribution of canopy tree DBH and the small number of young individuals in the plot indicated that stand dynamics were synchronized over a relatively large area and, hence, were consistent with the developmental phase concept. On the other hand, the lack of synchronization among periods of growth acceleration in individual mature Abies and Picea trees conforms more closely to the gap‐dynamics paradigm.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic soil acidification in mountain forests and consequent Al release still present a significant problem in many regions. The effect of deposition may differ according to stand conditions, including altitude. This contribution is focused on three elevation transects, two in the Jizera Mountains strongly influenced by acid deposition, one in the less affected Novohradske Mountains. Quantification of pools of different Al forms and related soil characteristics (organic carbon, exchangeable hydrogen cations, sorption characteristics, etc.) is evaluated. In the Novohradske Mountains, the pool of both organically bound and water-soluble Al increases with increasing altitudes. In the Jizera Mountains, the distribution is more complicated; it is strongly affected by different forest type (beech vs. spruce), deforestation, and other local differences. Higher amounts of Al are bound in the mineral horizons compared to the surface organic horizons, even in the case of organically bound Al pools. Further differences between different altitudes and between soil horizons in Al distribution were revealed by detailed Al speciation using HPLC/IC method.  相似文献   

Summary The soil fauna of a mull beech forest on lime-stone in southern Lower Saxony (West Germany) was sampled quantitatively. Biomass estimates, trophic characteristics, and measurement and calculation of the energetic parameters of the constituent animal populations were used to construct an energy budget of the total heterotrophic subsystem of the forest. Mean annual zoomass amounted to about 15 g d wt m–2; earthworms (about 10 g d wt m–2) and other groups of the macrofauna were dominant. Protozoa constituted about 1.5 g d wt m–2. Relative distribution of zoomass among the trophic categories was 50% macrosaprophages, 30% microsaprophages, 12% microphytophages, and 4% zoophages. Total annual consumption rate of the saprophagous and microphytophagous soil fauna (6328 and 4096 kJ m–2 yr–1, respectively) was of the same order of magnitude as annual litter fall (canopy leaves 6124 kJ m–2 yr–1, flowers and fruits 944 kJ m–2 yr–1, herbs 1839 kJ m–2 yr–1, fine woody material 870 kJ m–2 yr–1, tree roots 3404 kJ m–2 yr–1, without coarse woody litter). Primary decomposers (macrosaprophages) were the key group for litter comminution and translocation onto and into the soil, thus contributing to the high decomposition rate (k=0.8) for leaf litter. Consumption rates of the other trophic groups were (values as kJ m–2 yr–1): bacteriophages 2954, micromycophages 416, zoophages 153. Grazing pressure of macrophytophages (including rhizophages) was low. Faeces input from the canopy layer was not significant. Grazing pressure on soil microflora almost equalled microbial biomass; hence, a large fraction of microbial production is channelled into the animal component. Predator pressure on soil animals is high, as a comparison between consumption rates by zoophages and production by potential prey — mainly microsaprophages, microphytophages and zoophages — demonstrated. Soil animals contributed only about 11% to heterotrophic respiration. However, there is evidence that animals are important driving variables for matter and energy transfer: key processes are the transformation of dead organic material and grazing on the microflora. It is hypothesized that the soil macrosaprophages are donor-limited.  相似文献   

Summary This study addresses the question of whether gaseous air pollutants are capable of damaging spruce foliage. For this purpose, several twig pairs of an adult tree in a natural stand from the western part of the Bavarian Forest were supplied with pure and ambient air and gas exchange was monitored. With the exception of insignificant and unexplained differences during winter, the gas exchange of the twigs showed no negative deviation due to the influence of gaseous air pollutants. Because visible damage arises only in older needles, the duration of measurement is not sufficient to exclude a long-term influence of gaseous air pollutants.  相似文献   

Abstract Effect of ammonium on in vivo activity of nitrate reductase in roots, shoots and leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings was studied in relation to light/dark conditions and EDTA supply. Supply of 5 mM (NH4)2SO4 increased the steady state level of enzyme only in leaves and in light, while it had no effect in roots and shoots and in the dark. The substrate induction of enzyme was also little affected by 1 to 10 mM (NH4)2SO4 in roots and shoots. In the leaves the activity in the dark was either inhibited (minus EDTA) or stimulated (plus EDTA) by 5 to 10 mM (NH4)2SO4. The activity was stimulated in the light also in the presence of EDTA at higher concentrations of ammonium. When different concentrations of ammonium were supplied without any exogenous nitrate in the light, the enzyme activity increased at low concentration and was either inhibited or unaffected at higher concentrations depending upon the tissue used. Supply of EDTA with ammonium modified its effect to some extent. It is suggested that the effect of ammonium on nitrate reductase activity depends upon the tissue used and the effective concentration of the ammonium.  相似文献   

铝对水稻幼苗生长和生理的影响   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
石贵玉 《广西植物》2004,24(1):77-80
以不同浓度的铝处理水稻幼苗 ,研究铝对水稻幼苗的生理生化效应。结果表明 ,5 0 μmol·L 1的铝对水稻幼苗生长有促进作用 ,高于 5 0 μmol·L 1后 ,随着铝浓度的增加 ,植株生长明显受到抑制 ,株高、根长、鲜重和干重均下降 ;叶片叶绿素含量和SOD活性下降 ,POD活性先上升后下降 ,细胞膜透性增大。表明高浓度铝的毒害 ,导致体内保护酶活性受到抑制 ,膜系统受到伤害 ,从而影响水稻幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

Picea glehnii is distributed widely on serpentine soils in northern Japan. Serpentine soil is characterised by the presence of heavy metals (Ni, Cr) and excessive Mg; these elements often suppress plant growth. We have examined the tolerance to serpentine soil and its effects on growth of P. glehnii, P. jezoensis (distributed in the same region) and P. abies (planted for timber production).The dry mass of each organ was not reduced in P. glehnii planted in serpentine soil contained nursery (serpentine nursery). In contrast, growth of P. jezoensis and P. abies was suppressed. Concentrations of Ni and Mg in needles and roots of P. glehnii planted in serpentine nursery were the lowest of the three species. Moreover, the photosynthetic rate of P. glehnii planted in the serpentine nursery was not reduced. P. glehnii has high capability to maintain low concentration of Ni, and ectomycorrhizal symbiosis may have a positive effect to excluding Ni. As a result, P. glehnii has a high tolerance against Ni toxicity, and its photosynthetic capacity is not suppressed by accumulation of Ni.  相似文献   

Summary Cucumber seedlings were grown in a Portsmouth soil-sand system to study how varying soil clay and organic matter content might modify cucumber seedling response to ferulic acid, a reported allelopathic agent. Leaf area expansion of cucumber seedlings, soil respiration, and soil solution concentrations of ferulic acid were monitored. Leaf area, mean absolute rates of leaf expansion, and shoot dry weight of cucumber seedlings were significantly reduced by ferulic acid concentrations ranging from 10 to 70 μg/g dry soil. Ferulic acid was applied every other day, since it rapidly disappeared from soil solution as a result of retention by soil particles, utilization by microbes and/or uptake by roots. The amount of ferulic acid retained (i.e., adsorbed, polymerized,etc.) by soil particles appeared to be secondary to microbial utilization and/or uptake by roots. Varying clay (5.3 to 9.8 g/cup) and organic matter (2.0 to 0.04g/cup) contents of the soil appeared to have little impact on the disappearance of ferulic acid from soil solution under “ideal” growth conditions for cucumber seedlings unless larger amounts of ferulic acid were added to the soil; in this case 200 μg/g. The addition of ferulic acid to the soil materials substantially increased the activity of the soil microbes. This latter conclusion is based on recovery of ferulic acid from soil solution and soil respiration measurements. Paper No. 10347 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, N C 27695-7601. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in managed forests depends on management practices that determine the forest structure. The influence of stand structure on centipede diversity was investigated by comparing centipede communities from different forest development phases. Using the quadrat counts method, soil samples were taken thrice during 2000 (in spring, summer and autumn) from a deforested area and three evenly aged beech stands (juvenile, pole and timber phases) in managed beech forests in Slovenia. The characteristics of centipede communities and the similarities among them were estimated. The collection comprised 1150 centipedes representing 32 species. At a single site, 10–24 species were found. The average density was between 22 and 808 individuals per m2. Differences among communities from different sites were found. The highest species number and abundance were found in the juvenile phase and the lowest in the deforested area. The occurrence of species differed among phases, but none of the species found with a high incidence in one development phase was restricted to that phase. The composition of the centipede community was more sensitive to the successional status of the forest than to the season. A comparison with differently structured forest was made, which suggests that homogenisation leads to reduced centipede diversity. To preserve biodiversity and healthy forest functioning, the maintenance of heterogeneity within a forest stand should be an important focus of management operations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out with coconut seedlings grown in polybags filled with soils from maritime and forest environments. Salination treatments of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 g of common salt were applied to each polybag seedling fortnightly. The youngest open leaf, which was next to the spear leaf, of each seedling was sampled for chemical analysis after 12 months of seedling growth. Na and Cl content of leaf increased appreciably as a consequence of increased salt application while N, K, Ca and, to a lesser extent, P decreased with salinity. N and K content were higher in leaves of coconut plants grown in the forest soil while Na content was higher in those grown in the maritime soil. Antagonistic effects also occurred between Na and K, and Ca and P in both soils.  相似文献   

The biological effects of extremely low-frequency electric fields (ELF) on living organisms have been explored in many studies, but the results are controversial and only a few studies investigated the influence of the intensity of the applied field on seedling growth. Here we assess the effects of a 50 Hz sinusoidal electric field on the early growth of Vigna radiata seedlings while varying the field intensity. Experiments performed in a dark, constant-climate chamber on several thousands of seedlings show that the field produces an inhibitory effect at a low field intensity and an enhancing one at a higher intensity. The maximum negative effect occurs at about 450 V/m, which is an intensity much lower than the exposure limits currently in force in the safety regulations.  相似文献   

Picea is one of the most dominant conifer genera in the Northern Hemisphere and includes species which require coarse woody debris (CWD) as a seedbed for regeneration. To understand the future of forest distribution under global climate change, it is important to investigate regeneration mechanisms in Picea forests on the borders of its distribution. In the present study, we evaluated the biotic factors affecting the establishment of Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on CWD in one of its southernmost populations in central Japan, where there is dieback of Picea forest. Amplicon sequencing of the fungal ITS1 region of rDNA obtained from wood samples showed that forest dieback increased the frequency of brown rot fungi in CWD. The frequency of brown-rotted wood, in which wood holocellulose is decayed, increased with dieback intensity. The domination of brown-rotted wood in dieback forests was negatively associated with bryophyte cover which was positively associated with Picea seedling density. Forest dieback itself also had other strong negative effects on bryophytes. Thus, linkages between dead wood and spruce seedlings via bryophytes had collapsed after the dieback event, which may partly be a reason that the spruce forest shifted to and is staying as open grassland.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of air pollutants depends both on pollutant concentration and on stomatal conductance. This paper deals with the uptake of ozone (O3) from the air into the needles of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] under ambient climatic conditions. Regulation of O3 uptake by the stomata is shown and also the difference between the physiologically active O3 concentration and the O3 concentration of the ambient air. Data from the sun and shade crown of spruce trees at 1000 m a.s.l. are presented. Analysis of data from three vegetation periods has shown that at low ambient O3 concentrations the O3 uptake is largely regulated by stomatal conductance. Water vapour pressure deficit (VPD) of the atmosphere is the climatic factor which showed the highest positive correlation with O3 concentration. However, a high leaf-air VDP led to stomatal closure, thus reducing the O3 uptake in the needles despite high O3 concentrations in the ambient air. The potential O3 stress caused by high O3 concentrations can be strongly mitigated by this natural closing of the stomata and the simultaneous occurrence of moderate drought stress.  相似文献   

In European beech forests windstorms often create canopy gaps and change the level of incident light, soil moisture and nutrient availability on the forest floor. Understanding the interrelations between gap size and environmental change, and the effects these have on regeneration processes is a prerequisite for developing techniques of nature-based forestry. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of gap size on the resulting spatial distributions of key abiotic environmental variables (light and soil moisture) in gaps, and to study how light and soil moisture affect the abundance and distribution of herb layer species. To do this we used eight artificially created gaps – three large (diameter: 35–40 m) and five small (diameter: 10–15 m) – in a mesotrophic submontane beech forest. Data on species’ importance and substrate types were collected in systematically distributed 1 m×1 m quadrats before gap creation and on four occasions during the next two growing seasons. Hemispherical photographs were taken and analysed to estimate relative light intensity. Soil moisture was measured by frequency domain and capacitance probes. It was found that gap size had a profound effect on the environmental variables measured. While relative light intensity values in small gaps did not reach those in large gaps, soil moisture levels did reach similar maximum values in gap centres regardless of gap size. Richness, composition and total cover of herbaceous vegetation were different in small versus large gaps. Much of this difference was attributed to the presence of specific relative light intensities and also to the increased amount of available soil moisture in gaps. Species were differently affected by the combined effects of light and soil moisture, as well as by differences in available substrates. All this resulted in species-specific distribution patterns within gaps.  相似文献   

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