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The Prehistory of Sri Lanka: An Ecological Perspective . S. U. Deraniyagala. Memoir Volume 8, Parts 1 and 2. Sri Lanka: Department of Archaeological Survey, 1992. 813 pp.  相似文献   

The Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry (MATR) is a population-based registry of twin pairs ascertained from birth records and school system records of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The MATR was formed in 1997 with the merging of the Virginia and North Carolina Twin Registries, and it expanded to include South Carolina when access to twin birth records in that state was granted in 1998. Registered twins ("participants") number more than 51,000, with approximately 46,000 of these individuals representing complete pairs. Roughly two-thirds of MATR participants are over age 18, with a mean age of approximately 35 years. These participants have primarily been drawn from the more than 170,000 identical and fraternal twin pairs born in the three states between 1913 and 2000. Twins and their family members have participated in numerous research projects, ranging from general health surveys to studies on specific health topics such as cardiovascular disease; depression and anxiety; seizures; behavioral development; pregnancy complications; conduct disorder; drug use, abuse, and dependence; cleft lip/palate; obesity; and chronic fatigue syndrome. The MATR has established a privacy policy and strict standard operating procedures to protect the confidentiality of participant data. The MATR considers a limited number of qualified requests per year from investigators interested in recruiting MATR participants into their research studies.  相似文献   

The Australian Twin Registry (ATR), established in the late 1970s, is a volunteer registry of over 30,000 pairs of Australian twins of all zygosity types and ages unselected for their health or medical history. The ATR does not undertake research itself but acts as facilitator, providing an important national and international resource for medical and scientific researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Its core functions are the maintenance of an up-to-date database containing basic contact details and baseline information, and the management of access to the resource in ways that enhance research capacity within Australia while protecting the rights of twins. The ATR has facilitated more than 200 studies using a variety of designs, including classic biometrical twin and twin family studies, co-twin control studies, intervention studies, longitudinal studies, and studies of issues relevant specifically to twins. These have yielded more than 300 peer-reviewed publications to date. Areas of major research include studies of behavior, musculoskeletal conditions, teeth and face patterns, cardiovascular risk factors, substance abuse, and risk factors for melanoma and breast cancer. Extensive longitudinal data are available for around 10,000 pairs. DNA samples have been obtained from more than 6000 twins. Considerable efforts are devoted to maintaining the commitment of registry members and recruitment. The ATR hopes to secure funding to expand its activities, including the systematic collection of DNA samples, so that it can continue to play a major role in the development of twin research and contribute to the annotation of the human genome.  相似文献   

The Vietnam Era Twin (VET) Registry is composed of 7369 middle-aged male-male twin pairs both of whom served in the military during the time of the Vietnam conflict (1965-1975). The Registry is a United States Department of Veterans Affairs resource that was originally constructed from military records; the Registry has been in existence for more than 15 years. It is one of the largest national twin registries in the US and currently has subjects living in all 50 states. Initially formed to address questions about the long-term health effects of service in Vietnam the Registry has evolved into a resource for genetic epidemiologic studies of mental and physical health conditions. The management and administration of the VET Registry is described with particular attention given to the processes involved with database maintenance and study coordination. Several waves of mail and telephone surveys have collected a wealth of health-related information on Registry twins. More recent data collection efforts have focused on specific sets of twin pairs and conducted detailed clinical or laboratory testing. New Registry initiatives for the future include the construction of a web site and the development of a DNA repository.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic variation of 50 gene-enzyme systems was typed in a population of 33 captive leopards (Panthera pardus) from the island of Sri Lanka. The captive leopard population was composed of several lineages: (1) wild-caught leopards of the island subspecies (P. p. kotiya), (2) captive-born animals of the same subspecies, (3) a melanistic lineage whose founders were obtained from Malaysia (P. p. delacouri), and (4) leopards of known mixed lineage and unknown status. Two loci, APRT and PGD, were polymorphic in all samples, whereas 48 loci were invariant. Percent polymorphism (P) and percent average heterozygosity (H) were calculated as 4% and 1.4%, respectively, for the wild-caught leopards; 4% and 1.2% for the captive-born kotiya leopards; and 4% and 2.0% for the melanistic lineage. The overall results revealed a detectable decrease in genetic variability compared with a previous study of captive leopards from mainland origins. The mainland leopards had three additional polymorphic loci, ADA, ESI, and HBB. Reexamination of the TF locus using a revised protocol resolved a new allele in the sample of mainland leopards but not in the Sri Lankan sample. With this new polymorphism, recalculated P and H values for the mainland sample are 10% and 3.1%, respectively. No significant differences in polymorphic loci were observed between the leopard subspecies examined.  相似文献   

Two types of Sri Lankan ginger were examined (Sidda and Chinese varieties) and essential oils of both fresh and dried samples were prepared by standard procedures. Both varieties yielded relatively high percentages of oil (between 1.8 and 4.3%) and total aroma volatiles (ca 5 mg/g for dried samples). Analysis by GC and GC/MS showed terpenes to be the main aroma components (ca 99% for all samples). A number of the identified compounds have not previously been reported as ginger volatiles, including trans-β-ocimene, thujyl alcohol, terpinen-4-ol, myrtenal, guaiene, α-cubebene, δ-cadinene and farnesol. On drying, both varieties of Sri Lankan ginger showed considerable decrease in monoterpene content and very high increase in sesquiterpene concentration. Comparing the aroma volatiles of Sri Lankan dried ginger with those previously reported for dried ginger from some other countries, it was concluded that Sri Lankan ginger was as good as, if not superior to, other types. In particular, SriLankan dried ginger showed high levels of ar-curcumene together with reasonable levels of citral isomers and all other constituents previously claimed to be important to ginger aroma. Sri Lankan ginger would appear to be unusual in containing very low amounts of zingiberene but very high amounts of β-bisabolene.  相似文献   

The Registry consists of nearly 10,000 monozygous and dizygous adult caucasian twins aged 18-80 from all over the UK and was started in 1993. This is a volunteer sample recruited by successive media campaigns without selecting for particular diseases or traits. All twins receive a series of disease questionnaires. In addition over half the twins have been assessed in detail clinically for several hundred phenotypes related to common diseases or intermediate traits. The focus has been primarily on cardiovascular, metabolic, musculoskeletal, dermatological, and opthalmological diseases. Over 3000 DZ twins have had a genome wide scan performed as well as many candidate genes allowing both linkage and association studies. The registry has led to many successful innovative research projects, particularly in common diseases previously thought to be predominantly environmental and helped positionally clone some novel genes for common diseases.  相似文献   

Twenty-two identified alkaloids have been isolated from the root bark and leaves of a Sri Lankan Strychnos species supplied as S. nux-vomica. T  相似文献   

The National Twin Registry of Sri Lanka was established in 1997 as a volunteer register. To extend it to a population-based register, we examined the effectiveness of tracing older twins by inspecting birth records and recruiting them by postal invitation and in-person contact. Birth records at a divisional secretariat reported from 2 maternity hospitals between the years of 1954-1970 were scrutinised to identify a random sample of twins. These hospitals had the highest twin delivery rates for the whole country. We identified 620 twins and a questionnaire was mailed to them. Research assistants visited a cohort of non-respondents (71) in the postal survey. These 620 twins were identified after perusing 20700 birth records. The twinning rate was estimated at 29.95 ([620/20700] x 1000) twins per 1000 registered births (CI 27.63-32.27). In the postal survey, 37 (12%) responded and 62 letters were returned (20%). Both twins were still alive in 20 pairs, one was still alive in 15 pairs, and both twins were dead in 2 pairs. During field visits, 42 (59.2%) addresses were located. Information was available on 16 twin pairs. Both twins were alive in 8 pairs, one each in 4 pairs, and both were dead in 4 pairs and at least one twin was traced in 10 pairs (14%). Both the postal and the field survey gave a low yield. This finding is different from tracing younger twins born between 1985-1997 by using the same methods. Migration, urbanization and development in the country might have affected tracing older twins from the birth record addresses, which were decades old.  相似文献   

The Swedish Twin Registry in the third millennium.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Since the Swedish Twin Registry was first established in the late 1950s to study the importance of smoking and alcohol consumption on cancer and cardiovascular diseases, it has been expanded and updated on several occasions. The focus has similarly broadened to most common complex diseases. The content of the database is described, ongoing projects based on the registry are summarized, and we review some of the principal findings on aging, cancer and cardiovascular disease that have come from the registry. Ongoing efforts and future plans for the STR are discussed. Among others, we plan blood collection and genotyping to study the genetic bases of complex diseases, a first contact ever with the cohorts born after 1958, and in-depth studies of selected diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and chronic fatigue syndrome.  相似文献   

We used point pattern analysis to examine the spatial distribution of 46 common tree species (diameter at breast height >10 cm) in a fully mapped 500x500-m tropical forest plot in Sinharaja, Sri Lanka. We aimed to disentangle the effect of species interactions (second-order effects) and environment (first-order effects) on the species' spatial distributions. To characterize first-order associations (segregation, overlap), we developed a classification scheme based on Ripley's K and nearest-neighbor statistics. We subsequently used heterogeneous Poisson null models, accounting for possible environmental heterogeneity, to reveal significant uni- and bivariate second-order interactions (regularity, aggregation and repulsion, attraction). First-order effects were strong; overall, 53% of all species pairs occupied largely disjoint areas (segregation), 40% showed partial overlap, and 6% overlapped. Only 5% of all species pairs showed significant second-order effects, but about half of the species showed significant intraspecific effects. Significant plant-plant interactions occurred mostly within 2-4 m and disappeared within 15-20 m of the focal plant. While lack of significant species interactions suggests support for the unified neutral theory, species' observed spatial segregation does not support the assumptions of the neutral theory. The strong observed tendency of species to segregate may have supplementary effects on other processes promoting species coexistence.  相似文献   

Pentasomy 49,XXXXY is a rare sex chromosome disorder usually presenting with ambigous genitalia, facial dysmorphism, mental retardation and a combination of cardiac, skeletal and other malformations. The incidence of the condition is estimated to be 1 in 85,000 male births. Previously, this condition was identified as a Klinefelter variant. The condition is suspected in a patient, by a combination of characteristic clinical findings, and the diagnosis is confirmed by chromosome culture and karyotyping. In the case we report here, the main presentation of ambiguous genitalia led to a suspicion of a sex chromosome aneuploidy which was subsequently confirmed by chromosomal analysis.  相似文献   

A sap-transmissible virus, provisionally named Sri Lankan passion fruit mottle virus (SLPFMV), was isolated from Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa and shown to induce leaf mottling and distortion in that host. The virus infected 23 species in five plant families with systemic infection being common in the Passifloraceae. Chenopodium amaranticolor was a good local lesion host and Passiflora foetida was a useful systemic host for purification. In P. foetida extracts, SLPFMV lost infectivity after 10 min between 70–75°C, 6–7 days at 20–23°C and at dilutions of 10--5 -W-6. The virus had flexuous, filamentous particles with a normal length of c. 841 nm. Two polypeptides of mol. wt c. 33 200 and 28 700 were detected in purified virus preparations, and a major species of double-stranded RNA (mol. wt 7.0 × 106), was detected in infected plants. Pinwheels, tubular and laminated inclusions were found in ultrathin sections of infected P. edulis f. plavicurpa and cylindrical inclusions were observed in epidermal strips. SLPFMV was transmitted by the aphids Myzus persicae, Aphis spiraecola, A. gossypü and A. cruccivora after brief acquisition feeds. SLPFMV reacted with antisera to several potyviruses including passion fruit woodiness virus, passion fruit ringspot virus, potato virus Y and watermelon mosaic virus 2 and thus, apparently, is a member of the potyvirus group.  相似文献   

The Danish Twin Registry is the oldest national twin register in the world, initiated in 1954 by ascertainment of twins born from 1870 to 1910. During a number of studies birth cohorts have been added to the register, and by the recent addition of birth cohorts from 1931 to 1952 the Registry now comprizes 127 birth cohorts of twins from 1870 to 1996, with a total of more than 65,000 twin pairs included. In all cohorts the ascertainment has been population-based and independent of the traits studied, although different procedures of ascertainment have been employed. In the oldest cohorts only twin pairs with both twins surviving to age 6 have been included while from 1931 all ascertained twins are included. The completeness of the ascertainment after adjustment for infant mortality is high, with approximately 90% ascertained up to 1968, and complete ascertainment of all liveborn twin pairs since 1968. The Danish Twin Registry is used as a source for large studies on genetic influence on aging and age-related health problems, normal variation in clinical parameters associated with the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, and clinical studies of specific diseases. The combination of survey data with data obtained by linkage to national health related registers enables follow-up studies both of the general twin population and of twins from clinical studies.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Twin Registry is a birth-record-based twin registry. Begun in 1983, it includes data for 4307 surviving intact pairs born in Minnesota between 1936 and 1955. In addition, the Registry includes 901 twin pairs born in Minnesota from 1904 to 1934, as well as 391 male pairs born in Minnesota from 1961 to 1964. The research focus is primarily on human individual differences assessed by self-report. Questionnaires completed by the participants include measures of personality, occupational interests, demographics, and leisure-time activities. We outline major contributions that have resulted from Registry research, as well as current and future research directions.  相似文献   

Wim Van Daele 《Ethnos》2018,83(4):645-664
This paper seeks to elaborate the dynamics through which food acquires potency in shaping human life and organisation as it takes shape in enacting ritual transformation. I argue that whereas life and various existential concerns get condensed from the fringes of the social order into ritual, food further holographically condenses the existential concerns of life with which it is entangled as an assemblage. As such, it turns into a centripetal force in ritual by constituting a means that enables ritual and somatic transformation to materialize in the matter of food and thus in helping to render ritual effective. To grasp this complex process we will look at the basic dynamic of holographic condensation throughout the different ways in which various foods ritually enact the regeneration of life in the astrological New Year and the Sātuwe anti-sorcery healing rite in a Sinhalese Buddhist village in the North-Western province of Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the frequencies of non-metric tooth crown traits of Vedda of Sri Lanka and to investigate the affinities of these morphological variations with those of other world populations.Fifty dental plaster casts were observed. The Arizona State University dental anthropology system was adopted for classification of the 16 traits observed. We used 13 traits to compare the Vedda and other world populations. Using the frequencies of 13 traits, Smith Mean Measure of Divergence was calculated to determine inter-population distances. Affinities among the Vedda and other world populations were expressed in two dimensions of the principal coordinate analysis.Cusp number in mandibular second molar and hypocone absence in maxillary second molar had the highest frequency at 95.9% and 93.8%, respectively. Shovelling, double shovelling in the maxillary central incisor and deflecting wrinkle in the mandibular first molar had the lowest frequency at 0%. The principal coordinate analysis showed that Sino American and Western Eurasian populations were separated in negative and positive directions in the first principal coordinate axis. Vedda located with the Western Eurasian population groups. Sahul and Sunda Pacific populations located in the intermediate position between Sino American and Western Eurasian populations.The dental phenotype of Vedda has close affinities with those of early south Asian populations. They are far different from Sino American and Sunda pacific populations. Vedda shows closer affinities to Sahul Pacific and South African (Bantu) populations.  相似文献   

The fungal flora of 6 Asian medicinal plants, Aerva lanata (Linn.) Juss. Alyssicarpus vaginalis D.C., Tribulus terrestris Linn. Adhatoda vasica Nees., Centella asciatica (L.) Urb., Cardiospermum halicacabum Linn. was determined. After surface disinfection Aspergillus spp. were most frequently observed. Aspergillus flavus, isolated from Alyssicarpus vaginalis and Aerva lanata produced aflatoxins in culture. Aflatoxin B1 was also detected in a sample of Aerra lanata at a level of 0.5 g/g. Plant material destined for medicinal use should be stored carefully prior to its use to prevent growth of naturally occurring toxigenic mold fungi.  相似文献   

Previous research has provided evidence for a genetic effect in monozygotic twinning, indicated by an increased risk for monozygotic women to have monozygotic offspring. However, since the biological mechanism for this trait is unknown, it is not clear if there exists a paternal inheritance. In this study we investigated twin pregnancies in offspring born in 1941-1996 to male twins in the Swedish Twin Registry and population controls born in 1926-1980. In total 4,225,331 offspring, of which 89,286 were twins, were studied. There was neither an increase in the probability for monozygotic men to have like-sexed twin offspring risk ratio (RR = 0.95; 95% CI = 0.77-1.13) nor an increase in the estimated number of monozygotic twin births. Thus, there is no evidence for a paternal effect on monozygotic twinning, suggesting that the gene(s) increasing the liability for division of the embryo are expressed in the mother and not in the fertilised egg.  相似文献   

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