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Fluorescein diacetate (FDA) is hydrolyzed to a fluorescent compound, fluorescein (FRC) which is retained in viable animal cells having an intact plasma membrane. The FDA-FRC system was applied to analysis of viable cells for a mouse hybridoma 16-3F cell entrapped in alginate gel. As a result, visualization of the viable cell distribution in the gel matrix became possible. Moreover, a linear relationship was confirmed between the viable cell concentration determined by microscopic counting and the fluorescence intensity derived from FRC in the viable cells. Thus, cell growth could be quantitatively estimated on the basis of the fluorometry for the immobilized-cell culture.  相似文献   

Summary An assay for the determination of the protein content of whole cells immobilized in cross-linked synthetic gels was developed. The assay is based on a three step procedure: a) methanol dehydration, b) protein extraction by 1.0 M alkali at 125°C c) colorimetric assay of the extracted protein according to Bradford's procedure (Bradford M. M. (1976), Anal. Biochem. 72:248–254). The procedure worked out was found adequate for the determination of the protein content of microbial cells immobilized in synthetic and native polymer-gel-systems.  相似文献   

Diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells: a critical review   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Eleven experimental investigation of diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells are reviewed. The experimental data, which quantitatively express the diffusion coefficient as a function of the cell concentration, are compared with a number of well-known equations developed for mass transfer in heterogeneous media. Based on this comparison, a procedure for the theoretical prediction of effective diffusion coefficients in cell-containing gels is recommended.  相似文献   

Summary Erythropoietin, a glycoprotein that is a physiological stimulator of erythrocyte production, was produced continuously for more than 32 days by three kinds of anchorage-dependent animal cells immobilized in alginate gel particles. Gelation caused by divalent cations added to an alginate solution containing cells resulted in the formation of clearly vacant spaces (referred to here as channels) with prolate ellipsoidal shapes inside the gel particles. Each channel originated from a cell and extended towards the center of the gel particle. The animal cells grew well three-dimensionally in the channels but proliferated little outside the channels. Most of the channels had been filled with cells 2 weeks after immobilization. The cell concentration in the gel particles reached more than 1×107 cells/g gel. The alginate immobilization method was useful for high-concentration cultivation of the anchorage-dependent cells.  相似文献   

Streptomyces rimosus Pfizer 18234–2 cells were immobilized in calcium alginate and used for the production of oxytetracycline. The influence of the incubation period, alginate concentration and storage in CaCl2 were investigated. From the results of the repeated batch fermentations of the shake flasks, a good level of antibiotic was maintained for a period of about 28 days using 4% calcium alginate. The cell leakage and cell concentration inside the beads were affected by the alginate concentration and storage in CaCl2 solution.  相似文献   

The variability of the number of antibody-forming cells (AbFC) on using the plaque method is discussed. In the first part of the study it is shown on the basis of experimental data that the number of AbFC in a standard number of spleen cells has approximately Poisson distribution in one animal if the number of AbFC in a suspension is small, but that as the number of AbFC rises (even if the number of test cells in the given volume remains the same), variance increases more rapidly than the mean value and negative binomial distribution is a better probability model. The maintenance of conditions for Poisson distribution is evidently also related to the absolute number of test cells in a given volume, however. If the number of spleen cells in a given volume is raised, it is impossible to maintain complete homogeneity of the suspension; the cells form agglomerates, resulting in greater variability of the number of cells in individual drops. Under certain conditions, however, negative binomal distribution tends to Poisson distribution. In the second part, the question of determination of the error of estimation of the number of AbFC, expressed as percentages of the true value, is studied. Presuming Poisson distribution, it is pointed out that it is impossible to predetermine a fixed limit of the experiment, i.e one which will ensure for a given confidence level that the empirically determined value will not differ from the true value by more than a predetermined percentage of the true value; for routine use, however, a nomogram for the approximate estimation of the degree of error with which we work is suggested. Alternatively, the sequential method can be employed for estimating the number of AbFC with a given degree of error, but this statistical method is more exacting as regards both the preparation and the execution of the experiment. Dedicated to Academician Ivan Málek on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Procedures have been devised for the isolation of the surface membranes of mouse fibroblasts (L cell) and a variety of other cells. The surface membranes are stabilized by various reagents in a hypotonic solution and are then removed intact or as large fragments with a Dounce homogenizer. The membranes are purified by differential centrifugation on solutions of sucrose or glycerol or on a column of fine glass beads. A trilaminar pattern can be seen in thin sections of the membrane in the electron microscope. Sufficient material can be conveniently obtained for chemical analyses.  相似文献   

In an accompanying report (Bozzaro, S., and Roseman, S. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13882-13889), evidence is presented that the slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum contains three cell surface receptors specific for D-glucose, D-mannose, and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, respectively. The synthetic probes used for these studies consisted of the sugars covalently linked to polyacrylamide gels. In the present experiments, starved cells were placed on these and other immobilized sugars to determine whether the sugar derivatives influenced normal development in this organism. When D. discoideum cells are on a solid surface under water, they form aggregation centers and strands of cells (which radiate from the center), send "signals" i.e. pulses of cyclic AMP from the center down the strands, and finally, after cells in the strands migrate to the center, form tight aggregates. These results were obtained on all polyacrylamide gel derivatives tested except one class, derivatives of D-glucose (O- and S-glucosides, cellobiosides, and maltosides). On these gels, aggregation centers and strands formed normally, but at a certain point stopped "signaling" and suddenly dissociated, with the cells rapidly migrating away from one another by negative chemotaxis (see Appendix to this report). Furthermore, a simultaneous dissociation of several centers was often observed. Following a brief period of random movement after dissociation, aggregation centers once again formed and the cycle was repeated. This cycle was repeated as often as 30 times or more over a 24-h period. The cells on the glucoside gels became aggregation-competent at the same time as the control cells, and the adhesion-dissociation cycle appeared to have no effect on the synthesis of some developmentally regulated proteins, such as UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. Interpretations of the phenomenon and its potential for studying gene regulation in this organism are discussed.  相似文献   

A reliable, indirect method (GPD/INT assay) for estimating the number of live animal cells in multiwell culture has been devised. It is based on the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase activities present in the cytoplasm of viable eukaryotic cells but not in their bathing medium nor in nonviable cells. A single reagent mixture, buffered at pH 7.8 and containing Tris, Triton X-100, glucose-6-phosphate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), phenazine methosulfate, and iodonitrotetrazolium violet, is added to the cultures. The Triton X-100 releases the cytoplasmic contents into the medium, facilitating enzyme-catalyzed oxidation of the glucose-6-phosphate and 6-phosphogluconate by NADP. The resulting reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, NADPH, reduces tetrazolium violet to its formazan, the color of which reflects the number of living cells that were in the culture. The assay was tested on recombinant Gpdh and the several types of animal and insect cell lines to verify the premise that there is proportionality between the amount of GPdh and number of viable cells in the cultures. The method has been used to quantitate the effects of growth inhibitors on cells in 96-well cultures.  相似文献   

The goal of conformal radiotherapy is to concentrate the dose in a well-defined volume by avoiding the neighbouring healthy structures. This technique requires powerful treatment planning software and a rigorous control of estimated dosimetry. The usual dosimetric tools are not adapted to visualize and validate complex 3D treatment. Dosimetry by radiosensitive gel permits visualization and measurement of the three-dimensional dose distribution. The objective of this work is to report on current work in this field and, based on our results and our experience, to draw prospects for an optimal use of this technique. Further developments will relate to the realization of new radiosensitive gels satisfying, as well as possible, cost requirements, easy realization and use, magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) sensitivity, tissue equivalence, and stability. Other developments focus on scanning methods, especially in MRI to measure T1 and T2.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the number of anchorage-dependent cells growing on the surface of microbeads kept in suspension in a bioreactor is a tedious procedure fraught with many difficulties. Using the Coulter counter as a biomass probe, this article shows that the number of cells adhering to microbeads can be determined while the cells are still attached.  相似文献   

The noninvasive quality estimation of adherent mammalian cells for transplantation is reviewed. The quality and heterogeneity of cells should be estimated before transplantation because cultured cells are not homogeneous but heterogeneous. The estimation of cell quality should be performed noninvasively because most protocols of regenerative medicine are autologous cell system. The differentiation level and contamination of other cell lineage could be estimated by two-dimensional cell morphology analysis and tracking using a conventional phase contrast microscope. The noninvasive determination of the laser phase shift of a cell using a phase-shifting laser microscope, which might be more noninvasive, and more useful than the atomic force microscope and digital holographic microscope, was carried out to determine the three-dimensional cell morphology, and the estimation of the cell cycle phase of each adhesive cell and the mean proliferation activity of a cell population. Chemical analysis of the culture supernatant by conventional analytical methods such as ELISA was also useful to estimate the differentiation level of a cell population. Chemical analysis of cell membrane and intracellular components using a probe beam, an infrared beam, and Raman spectroscopy was useful for diagnosing the viability, apoptosis, and differentiation of each adhesive cell.  相似文献   

The immobilization of cells or enzymes is a promising tool for the development of biosensors, yet the interactions between the fixative materials and the cells are not fully understood, especially with respect to their impact on both cell metabolism and cell-to-cell signaling. We show that the spatiotemporal dynamics of waves of metabolic synchronization of yeast cells provides a new criterion to distinguish the effect of different gels on the cellular metabolism, which otherwise could not be detected. Cells from the yeast Saccharomyces carlsbergensis were immobilized into agarose gel, silica gel (TMOS), or a mixture of TMOS and alginate. We compared these immobilized cells with respect to their ability to generate temporal, intracellular oscillations in glycolysis as well as propagating, extracellular synchronization waves. While the temporal dynamics, as measured by the period and the number of oscillatory cycles, was similar for all three immobilized cell populations, significant differences have been observed with respect to the shape of the waves, wave propagation direction and velocity in the three gel matrices used.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase (EC has been immobilized in polyacrylamide gels over a platinum grid matrix. The immobilized enzyme is used to oxidize L-lactate in the presence of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and ferricyanide. The NADH produced is then chemically oxidized back to NAD+ by ferricyanide. The coupled reduction of ferricyanide ions to ferrocyanide ions results in a measurable electrochemical potential. This measurable zero-current potential is found to be Nernstian in nature and directly proportional to the logarithm values of L-lactate concentration over the range of 2 X 10(-5) to 5 X 10(-2)M. The results indicate that immobilized lactate dehydrogenase can be incorporated into a system to detect L-lactate acid in aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

The effective diffusivity of galactose was measured for calcium alginate gel membranes containing immobilized live Zymomonas mobilis cells at concentrations ranging from 0 to 150 g dry wt/L of gel. Since galactose is not taken up by living Z. mobilis organisms, the diffusion of this representative six-carbon sugar could be studied independently of sugar consumption. Various immobilized biomass loadings were achieved by two different techniques: addition of biomass at known concentrations to the sodium alginate solution before membrane formation and growth of cells in the gel to various biomass concentrations. The highest immobilized cell concentration, attained by in situ growth, corresponds to the maximum of this system, as growth beyond this maximum concentration led to disintegration of the gel membrane. The galactose effective diffusivity measurements for both methods of immobilized cell loading overlap within experimental error and follow the same general monotonic decline with entrapped biomass concentration. Most of the data fall below the upper bound predicted by Hashin and Shtrikman (1962) and show good agreement with the random pore model of Wakao and Smith (1962, 1964). Available effective diffusivity data from the literature provide evidence that the random pore model is an excellent predictor of sugar effective diffusivity in gel immobilized cell systems in general.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and death of anchorage-independent animal cells entrapped within porous biomass support particles (BSPs) in static or shake-flask cultures were evaluated by comparison of enzyme activity with non-immobilized cells grown under static culture using 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and release of lactate dehydrogenase into the culture medium. Mouse myeloma MPC-11 (ATCC CCL 167) cells inoculated within porous polyvinyl formal resin BSPs (3 × 3 × 3 or 2 × 2 × 2 mm; mean pore diameter, 60 ) grew exponentially at a specific growth rate comparable to that of non-immobilized cells in the initial period of incubation. Entrapped cells then reached the stationary phase with a cell density over 107 cells/cm3 BSP. The death rate of entrapped cells increased in response to the rise in viable cell density in the BSPs. Observation of viable cell distribution within the BSPs using MTT staining indicated that the cells concentrated within a thin outer shell of the BSPs with time. After the immobilized cells reached the stationary phase, penetration of cells into the outer shell ceased and heterogeneous distribution of cell density occurred in the viable cell layer in the shake-flask culture.  相似文献   

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