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Macrofungal taxa and human population in Italy’s regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fungi are relatively understudied, particularly in terms of biogeographical patterns. We analyse whether there is a spatial correlation between macrofungi (Basidiomycota) and human population (both in terms of size and rate of change) in Italy’s regions. Although current fungal taxonomic richness increases with increasing number of inhabitants (censused in 1986 and 2006 and predicted for 2026) and with their density, these relationships are not significant when controlling for variations in area amongst regions. This result, along with other recent independent studies, suggests that the large-scale spatial correlation of people and species can be often explained by both variables correlating with a third factor such as area, habitat heterogeneity or energy availability. Macrofungal richness significantly increases with percentage of forest cover, but not with percentage of protected area, suggesting that the conservation of Italian fungi needs to be addressed also outside the current network of national and regional nature reserves. The absence of any significant association of the estimate of macrofungal taxa with human population change observed in the last and predicted for the next two decades implies that there is no current clear trend towards a change of the ratio between macrofungal taxa and human presence at this scale of analysis. Further work at a higher resolution is needed to assess the consequences for Italy’s fungal biodiversity of the abandonment of marginal land and the expansion of urbanized areas in regions of high environmental productivity.  相似文献   

Summary Aspergillus fasciculatum n. sp. has been found as contaminant of Lab. cultures, on 30.10.1952 and again on 29.9.1954. It grows well in Czapek neutral agar, as well as in Malt agar and Potato-dextroseagar, less intensively in Corn steep agar.Other media have not been tried so far.It presents conidiophores smooth or rough, yellowish, septated or not, undivided or branching at the apex, supporting then 2 vesicles or yet with the apex trifurcated or turning into branches, each swelling to form vesicles, side by side, with single head conidiophores.Abnormal structures in which the sterigma becomes a second conidiophore with a vesicle, were found very common. Normal structures present vesicles with two and one series of sterigmata.Having its connections within the Flavus-oryzae group, by these outstanding characteristics not reported before, it was considered a new species.

(Publicação No 5)

Os autores agradecem aD. Marilene Maranhão Moreira, a colaboração prestada no curso dêste trabalho.  相似文献   

Olivier Rampin 《Andrologie》2004,14(4):428-437
The brain control of the genital tract and sexual behaviour remains poorly understood. Clinical results and basic research indicate that the neural control of ejaculation depends on three levels of organization. The first level consists of peripheral autonomic and somatic nerves. Leaving the spinal cord, these nerves control the motility, secretions and blood supply of the genital tract, and contractions of perineal striated muscles. Their path in the abdominal cavity and the effects of their neuro-transmitters on peripheral tissues have been established. These nerves also convey sensory information from the genital tract to the spinal cord. The second level is represented by the spinal cord. The thoracolumbar (sympathetic), and sacral (parasympathetic and pudendal) segments of the cord contain the somata of autonomic and somatic motoneurons, whose axons run in the above nerves. These motoneurons are part of a spinal network that likely organizes the activity of the whole genital tract in a given context such as copulation. The role of the different spinal cord segments in the control of ejaculation is mainly inferred from observations of the deleterious effects of spinal cord injury in human patients. A small population of galaninergic positive neurons has recently been identified in the lumbar segments of the rat spinal cord that plays a major role in ejaculation (Truitt and Coolen, 2003). Selective lesion of this population abolishes in copula ejaculations, but spares erection. Finally, the third level of organization is represented by supraspinal nervous structures. The spinal cord receives direct excitatory and inhibitory information from the brainstem, pons and hypothalamus. In turn, these structures receive sensory information from the genital tract. However, their role in the control of ejaculation remains poorly investigated. Again, it is mainly inferred from the observation of the deleterious effects of pharmacological treatments on brain neurotransmission. Positron emission tomography has recently been used to observe brain areas whose activity is enhanced during ejaculation in humans (Holstege et al., 2003). In this study, several areas of the right side of the cortex and the cerebellum were activated. The targets of future clinical and basic research include: the neural basis of the required coordination between spinal autonomic and somatic nuclei that innervate the genital tract, the role of sensory information from the genital tract in the recruitment and coordination of spinal and supraspinal nuclei, and finally the integration of descending excitatory and inhibitory influences onto the spinal cord. Both the organization during development and the activation at puberty of the spinal neural network that controls the genital tract are dependent on androgens. Future research should identify the regulatory factors that, in response to the action of androgens, provide neurons with the possibility of building their connexions and selecting their neurotransmitters and receptors.  相似文献   

Clinical efficiency of laboratory results in spermiology needs to have reliable data, and a quality assurance in their determinations. This could be done by creating an External Quality Control, each laboratory analyzing the same specimens. We transferred in spermiology methodologies currently used in Quality Control in Biochemistry and results presented here referred to the 1992–1996 period. Volountary participation of 37 laboratories who recieved two slides issuing from the same ejaculate. Coloration was made with that used in their own laboratory. Two parameters were specially studied: the total normal sperm count and the degree of teratospermia by evaluation of the Multiple Abnormalities Index (MAI). An area around the target value of 15% is actually retained and results in terms of precision and accuracy are interpreted with the Youden’s diagram. For the total normal sperm count, the disperson remains important during the 4 years (about 30 and 40%) with a poor percentage of laboratories in the area of accuracy. For the MAI, results are better as soon as the dispersion falls from 25 to 15% during the same time and the percentage of laboratories in the accuracy area rises from 10% to 68%. After four years of external quality control, such a protocol is very useful. But the quality results of some parameters must be more extensively explored to reduce interlaboratory dispersion and to improve the clinical efficiency of laboratory data in the spermiology approach.  相似文献   

Résumé L'AGCD gère 60% de l'aide publique belge au développement. Celle-ci consiste essentiellement en l'envoi de personnel belge qualifié ou d'experts, en l'apport d'équipement et de matériel, en le financement d'études ou en la formation de cadres locaux. En pratique l'AGCD travaille soit en responsabilité directe soit en collaboration avec des institutions spécialisées, universités, centres de recherche, organisations non gouvernementales ou internationales. De plus l'AGCD dispose de moyens d'intervention de type financier tels que le Fonds des Prêts à des Etats Etrangers et le Fonds de la Coopération au Développement.
Summary The Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation (AGCD) is responsible for 60% of the Belgian public cooperation with Developing Countries. In addition to the standard means of cooperation like training, fellowships, Belgian experts, feasibility studies, donation of equipment and materials, etc., AGCD has been recently given two new instruments of cooperation, namely: the Fund for Loan to Foreign Countries and the Fund for Development Cooperation. Thanks to these new instruments AGCD is now in a position to assist by offering concessional loans, by participating in the equity of state-owned companies and by granting credit lines to national development banks. In the field of anaerobic digestion AGCD is presently undertaking two main projects: one in Burundi with the University of Louvain-la Neuve and another in Indonesia with the University of Ghent. It also co-finances punctual initiatives of non-governmental organisations and is finalizing the negotiations for the Belgian contribution to the World Bank Energy System Management Assistance Programme (better known as the ESMAP). Furthermore, Belgium is preparing a cooperation programme jointly with the World Bank to promote the biomethanation of organic domestic refuse.

Resumen La Administración General de Cooperación para el Desarrollo es responsable del 60% de la cooperación belga con países en desarrollo. Además de los sistemas tradicionales de cooperación tales como ayudas para formación, becas, profesionales belgas, proyectos, donación de equipo y materiales, etc. se ha dotado recientemente a la AGCD con dos nuevos instrumentos de cooperación, más concretamente: la Fundación de Crédito a países Extranjeros y la Fundación para la Cooperación al Desarrollo. Gracias a estos nuevos instrumentos la AGCD puede ahora ofrecer asistencia mediante la concesión de prestamos, participando en la gestión de empresas públicas y asegurando lineas de crédito para los bancos nacionales de desarrollo. En el area de la digestión anaerobia la AGCD tiene dos proyectos en curso: uno en Burundi en colaboración con la Universidad de Louvain-la-Neuve y otro en Indonesia con la Universidad de Ghent. La AGCD también co-financia iniciativas puntuales de organizaciones extra gubernamentales y esta en vías de finalizar las negociaciones para determinar la contribución belga al programa del Banco Mundial de asistencia para la gestión de recursos energéticos (conocido como ESMAP). Belgica esta además preparando un programa de cooperación con el Banco Mundial para promover la biometanación de desechos orgánicos domésticos.

J. Proust 《PSN》2008,6(1):31-37
The purpose of this article is to distinguish two functional levels that are often confused: intentions or actions whose goal is to transform or regulate the world, and intentions or actions whose goal is to transform or regulate oneself. The concept of metacognition, understood as the reflexive control of a cognitive system, allows one to explore the second level. Metacognition, which, presently, is only studied experimentally in the areas of metamemory and metareasoning, constitutes the scope of mental action. It also includes the control of attention, perception, planning, motivation and emotion, and makes it possible to approach traditional problems in neurology and psychiatry, such as insight and executive problems, using new tools, both for diagnostic purposes and rehabilitative care.  相似文献   

The history of “Rob de Laffecteur”, a very popular remedy for a long time due to the confused theories concerning syphilis, reflects the backward thinking in the field of venereology, even up until the second half of in the 19th century, as, in 1858, twenty years after the discoveries by Philippe Ricord, some venereologists still believed in the gonorrhoea and syphilis virus.  相似文献   

The erotic literature of ancient China constitutes an inexhaustible source of information on ejaculation control techniques, which remain valid today and are the source of the techniques advocated by contemporary sex therapists.  相似文献   

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