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Previously, we generated a preclinical mouse prostate tumor model based on PSA-Cre driven inactivation of Pten. In this model homogeneous hyperplastic prostates (4-5m) developed at older age (>10m) into tumors. Here, we describe the molecular and histological characterization of the tumors in order to better understand the processes that are associated with prostate tumorigenesis in this targeted mouse Pten knockout model. The morphologies of the tumors that developed were very heterogeneous. Different histopathological growth patterns could be identified, including intraductal carcinoma (IDC), adenocarcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma, all strongly positive for the epithelial cell marker Cytokeratin (CK), and carcinosarcomas, which were negative for CK. IDC pattern was already detected in prostates of 7–8 month old mice, indicating that it could be a precursor stage. At more than 10 months IDC and carcinosarcoma were most frequently observed. Gene expression profiling discriminated essentially two molecular subtypes, denoted tumor class 1 (TC1) and tumor class 2 (TC2). TC1 tumors were characterized by high expression of epithelial markers like Cytokeratin 8 and E-Cadherin whereas TC2 tumors showed high expression of mesenchyme/stroma markers such as Snail and Fibronectin. These molecular subtypes corresponded with histological growth patterns: where TC1 tumors mainly represented adenocarcinoma / intraductal carcinoma, in TC2 tumors carcinosarcoma was the dominant growth pattern. Further molecular characterization of the prostate tumors revealed an increased expression of genes associated with the inflammatory response. Moreover, functional markers for senescence, proliferation, angiogenesis and apoptosis were higher expressed in tumors compared to hyperplasia. The highest expression of proliferation and angiogenesis markers was detected in TC2 tumors. Our data clearly showed that in the genetically well-defined PSA-Cre;Pten-loxP/loxP prostate tumor model, histopathological, molecular and biological heterogeneity occurred during later stages of tumor development.  相似文献   

RNA editing revises the genetic code at precise locations, creating single base changes in mRNA. These changes can result in altered coding potential and modifications to protein function. Sequence analysis of the Shab potassium channel of Drosophila melanogaster revealed five such RNA editing sites. Four are constitutively edited (I583V, T643A, Y660C and I681V) and one undergoes developmentally regulated editing (T671A). These sites are located in the S4, S5-S6 loop and the S6 segments of the channel. We examined the biophysical consequences of editing at these sites by creating point mutations, each containing the genomic (unedited) base at one of the five sites in the background of a channel in which all other sites are edited. We also created a completely unedited construct. The function of these constructs was characterized using two-microelectrode voltage clamp in Xenopus oocytes. Each individual 'unediting' mutation slowed the time course of deactivation and the rise time during channel activation. Two of the mutants exhibited significant hyperpolarized shifts in their midpoints of activation. Constructs that deactivated slowly also inactivated slowly, supporting a mechanism of closed-state inactivation. One of the editing sites, position 660, aligns with the Shaker 449 residue, which is known to be important in tetraethylammonium (TEA) block. The aromatic, genomically-encoded residue tyrosine at this position in Shab enhances TEA block 14 fold compared to the edited residue, cysteine. These results show that both the position of the RNA editing site and the identity of the substituted amino acid are important for channel function.  相似文献   

RNA编辑是重要的转录后修饰过程,目前已有多种算法用于识别RNA编辑,本文主要研究小鼠中测序深度对RNA编辑识别算法的影响,从而为RNA编辑的研究给出建议的方法. 本文使用STAR比对软件将小鼠的RNA-seq数据进行序列比对,然后使用GATK识别SNV,并用Separate Method、GIREMI、RNAEditor 3种方法识别出RNA编辑位点. 最后对3种方法识别RNA编辑位点的共同部分、识别效率、识别稳定性、识别与测序深度的关系进行分析. 结果发现3种方法识别的编辑位点数目差异大,共有位点较少,随着测序深度的增加,识别的RNA编辑位点数也在增加. 结果表明RNA编辑识别算法在小鼠中的识别性能与测序深度呈正相关.  相似文献   

使用转录组测序(RNA-Seq)数据识别黑猩猩RNA编辑位点,探索了RNA编辑的识别机制以及潜在的功能影响.基于黑猩猩RNA-Seq数据与基因组序列的比对信息发现RNA-DNA错配位点,并构建编辑位点候选集.从中滤除基因组或转录组测序质量低的位点,其他的过滤条件包括3′端测不准、覆盖度、SNP位点以及估算的编辑水平.构建二项分布统计模型和Bonferroni多重检验滤除候选集中的随机错误,得到RNA编辑位点.选取落在已知基因上的编辑位点进行功能分析,并用Two Sample Logo软件分析编辑位点上下游序列的特征.识别出黑猩猩12种碱基替换型RNA编辑位点8 334个,其中有41个编辑位点改变原有的氨基酸,另有3个编辑位点落在microRNA(miRNA)潜在靶基因的种子结合区.统计学分析表明,分别有640和872个RNA编辑位点存在组织和性别差异.上下游碱基频率分析表明,多种类型的编辑位点紧邻碱基具有显著偏好.结果显示, RNA编辑在黑猩猩体内大量存在,且潜在具有重要的生物学功能,为进一步深入研究灵长类RNA编辑的机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Poly(A) polymerase (PAP) plays an essential role in polyadenylation of mRNA precursors, and it has long been thought that mammalian cells contain only a single PAP gene. We describe here the unexpected existence of a human PAP, which we call neo-PAP, encoded by a previously uncharacterized gene. cDNA was isolated from a tumor-derived cDNA library encoding an 82.8-kDa protein bearing 71% overall similarity to human PAP. Strikingly, the organization of the two PAP genes is nearly identical, indicating that they arose from a common ancestor. Neo-PAP and PAP were indistinguishable in in vitro assays of both specific and nonspecific polyadenylation and also endonucleolytic cleavage. Neo-PAP produced by transfection was exclusively nuclear, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy. However, notable sequence divergence between the C-terminal domains of neo-PAP and PAP suggested that the two enzymes might be differentially regulated. While PAP is phosphorylated throughout the cell cycle and hyperphosphorylated during M phase, neo-PAP did not show evidence of phosphorylation on Western blot analysis, which was unexpected in the context of a conserved cyclin recognition motif and multiple potential cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) phosphorylation sites. Intriguingly, Northern blot analysis demonstrated that each PAP displayed distinct mRNA splice variants, and both PAP mRNAs were significantly overexpressed in human cancer cells compared to expression in normal or virally transformed cells. Neo-PAP may therefore be an important RNA processing enzyme that is regulated by a mechanism distinct from that utilized by PAP.  相似文献   

陆生植物叶绿体RNA编辑是转录后基因表达调控的一种重要方式。该文在预测棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)叶绿体基因RNA编辑位点的基础上,选取中棉10(CRRI 10)为实验材料,采用PCR、RT-PCR及测序等方法,确定CRRI 10的27个叶绿体蛋白编码基因共有55个编辑位点,均是C→U的转换。与棉种柯字310(C310)的编辑位点比对后发现,CRRI 10多出accD-468和rpoC1-163两个编辑位点,同时缺失psbN-10。利用生物信息学分析这3个位点,rpoC1-163和psbN-10的编辑可能会改变各自蛋白的二级结构。对CRRI 10中55个编辑位点上游的顺式作用元件(?30–?1)分析显示,共有8组顺式作用元件的相似性达到60%或以上,推测各组中的编辑位点可能由相同的反式作用因子来识别。  相似文献   

RNA编辑被认为是生命体一种新的基因加工与修饰现象,是指DNA转录成RNA后除RNA剪切外的其他加工过程,以核苷酸的删除、插入或替换等方式改变遗传信息,揭示生物进化过程中基因修饰和调控的另一个重要途径,是对中心法则的重要补充.而RNAi是一种由dsRNA介导的,在转录水平、转录后水平和翻译水平上阻断基因表达的基因调节途径.着重介绍 RNA编辑功能、RNA编辑与RNA干扰关系.  相似文献   

棉铃虫5型质型多角体病毒属于呼肠孤病毒科质型多角体病毒属,以重要农业害虫棉铃虫为其天然宿主,对棉铃虫的生物控制具有重要意义.本文对棉铃虫5型质型多角体病毒第3片段编码的蛋白的功能进行了初步研究.首先通过同源性对比,推测其所编码的蛋白可能行使RNA依赖的RNA聚合酶(RdRP)的功能.通过体外活性研究确定了该蛋白的RdRP活性,并确定了其保守活性位点GDD.随后以病毒基因组RNA和3′-OH封闭的病毒基因组RNA为模板,利用Northern blot方法研究该蛋白起始病毒基因组RNA合成的分子机制.结果表明,该病毒的RdRP主要通过引物非依赖的方式起始病毒基因组RNA的合成,并且该RdRP蛋白并不具有末端转移酶活性.最后,对RdRP行使功能的生化条件进行探索,发现RdRP功能的发挥需要二价金属离子Mg2+的存在.  相似文献   

The role of inflammation in cancer has been reported in various adult malignant neoplasms. By contrast, its role in pediatric tumors has not been as well studied. In this study, we have identified and characterized the infiltration of various inflammatory immune cells as well as inflammatory markers in Wilms tumor (WT), the most common renal malignancy in children. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks from tumors and autologous normal kidneys were immunostained for inflammatory immune cells (T cells, B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells) and inflammatory markers such as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), hypoxia-inducible factor 1α, phosphorylated STAT3, phosphorylated extracellular signal–related kinases 1 and 2, inducible nitric oxide synthase, nitrotyrosine, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression. Overall, we found that there was predominant infiltration of tumor-associated macrophages in the tumor stroma where COX-2 was robustly expressed. The other tumor-associated inflammatory markers were also mostly localized to tumor stroma. Hence, we speculate that COX-2–mediated inflammatory microenvironment may be important in WT growth and potential therapies targeting this pathway may be beneficial and should be tested in clinical settings for the treatment of WTs in children.  相似文献   

RNA编辑,即通过碱基的插入、删除和替换对RNA进行的转录后加工过程,这一表观遗传现象也被认为是在RNA水平上对遗传信息进行修复的一种修正机制.本文主要综述了目前植物中基于PPR基因家族等编辑复合体以及动物中关于CRISPR/Cas系统的两种RNA编辑系统,并介绍了RNA编辑在植物生长发育过程中的重要作用,并展望了RN...  相似文献   

目的:探讨前列腺癌细胞系中的环状RNA circRNA-1565的表达及鉴定。方法:培养前列腺正常上皮细胞(RWPE-1)、4种前列腺癌细胞(22RV1、LNCap、PC-3、DU145),提取总RNA,采用RT-PCR检测不同细胞系中circRNA-1565的表达,并对其进行成环性验证及细胞内亚定位实验,进行差异比较。结果:circRNA-1565在正常前列腺细胞系(RWPE-1)中表达量极低,在转移性前列腺癌细胞系中高表达,在非转移性前列腺癌细胞系中低表达。且circRNA-1565是一条主要定位于细胞质内的具有有效环状结构的RNA分子。结论:circRNA-1565在不同前列腺癌细胞系中存在差异表达,可能会通过mi RNA sponge途径发挥生物学作用。  相似文献   

RNA编辑是RNA转录过程中序列变化而引起的一种基因动态调控机制。腺苷脱氨酶(adenosine deaminases acting on RNA, ADAR)参与RNA编辑,将双链RNA中腺苷残基(A)转化为肌苷(I),接着被转录和拼接成鸟苷(G)。由ADAR催化,作用于RNA的A-I型RNA编辑是人类最常见的转录后修饰。近年来,这种修饰不仅存在于编码RNA中,在非编码RNA(noncoding RNA, ncRNA)中也逐渐被发现,如microRNA(miRNA)、小分子干扰RNA(siRNA)、转运RNA(tRNA)和长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)。这种修饰可能通过对microRNA和mRNA之间结合位点创造或破坏,进而影响ncRNA的生物起源、稳定性和靶向识别功能。目前,对这种生物现象的机制及ADAR底物,尤其是在ncRNA中的特性仍然没有得到充分的认识。主要对哺乳动物中ncRNA上的RNA编辑进行总结,并列举一些阐明其生物学功能的计算方法。  相似文献   

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