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Filters and wrappers are two prevailing approaches for gene selection in microarray data analysis. Filters make use of statistical properties of each gene to represent its discriminating power between different classes. The computation is fast but the predictions are inaccurate. Wrappers make use of a chosen classifier to select genes by maximizing classification accuracy, but the computation burden is formidable. Filters and wrappers have been combined in previous studies to maximize the classification accuracy for a chosen classifier with respect to a filtered set of genes. The drawback of this single-filter-single-wrapper (SFSW) approach is that the classification accuracy is dependent on the choice of specific filter and wrapper. In this paper, a multiple-filter-multiple-wrapper (MFMW) approach is proposed that makes use of multiple filters and multiple wrappers to improve the accuracy and robustness of the classification, and to identify potential biomarker genes. Experiments based on six benchmark data sets show that the MFMW approach outperforms SFSW models (generated by all combinations of filters and wrappers used in the corresponding MFMW model) in all cases and for all six data sets. Some of MFMW-selected genes have been confirmed to be biomarkers or contribute to the development of particular cancers by other studies.  相似文献   

Microarray data has a high dimension of variables but available datasets usually have only a small number of samples, thereby making the study of such datasets interesting and challenging. In the task of analyzing microarray data for the purpose of, e.g., predicting gene-disease association, feature selection is very important because it provides a way to handle the high dimensionality by exploiting information redundancy induced by associations among genetic markers. Judicious feature selection in microarray data analysis can result in significant reduction of cost while maintaining or improving the classification or prediction accuracy of learning machines that are employed to sort out the datasets. In this paper, we propose a gene selection method called Recursive Feature Addition (RFA), which combines supervised learning and statistical similarity measures. We compare our method with the following gene selection methods:
  • Support Vector Machine Recursive Feature Elimination (SVMRFE)
  • Leave-One-Out Calculation Sequential Forward Selection (LOOCSFS)
  • Gradient based Leave-one-out Gene Selection (GLGS)
To evaluate the performance of these gene selection methods, we employ several popular learning classifiers on the MicroArray Quality Control phase II on predictive modeling (MAQC-II) breast cancer dataset and the MAQC-II multiple myeloma dataset. Experimental results show that gene selection is strictly paired with learning classifier. Overall, our approach outperforms other compared methods. The biological functional analysis based on the MAQC-II breast cancer dataset convinced us to apply our method for phenotype prediction. Additionally, learning classifiers also play important roles in the classification of microarray data and our experimental results indicate that the Nearest Mean Scale Classifier (NMSC) is a good choice due to its prediction reliability and its stability across the three performance measurements: Testing accuracy, MCC values, and AUC errors.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel approach to gene selection based on a substantial modification of analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The modified AHP systematically integrates outcomes of individual filter methods to select the most informative genes for microarray classification. Five individual ranking methods including t-test, entropy, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, Wilcoxon and signal to noise ratio are employed to rank genes. These ranked genes are then considered as inputs for the modified AHP. Additionally, a method that uses fuzzy standard additive model (FSAM) for cancer classification based on genes selected by AHP is also proposed in this paper. Traditional FSAM learning is a hybrid process comprising unsupervised structure learning and supervised parameter tuning. Genetic algorithm (GA) is incorporated in-between unsupervised and supervised training to optimize the number of fuzzy rules. The integration of GA enables FSAM to deal with the high-dimensional-low-sample nature of microarray data and thus enhance the efficiency of the classification. Experiments are carried out on numerous microarray datasets. Results demonstrate the performance dominance of the AHP-based gene selection against the single ranking methods. Furthermore, the combination of AHP-FSAM shows a great accuracy in microarray data classification compared to various competing classifiers. The proposed approach therefore is useful for medical practitioners and clinicians as a decision support system that can be implemented in the real medical practice.  相似文献   

A major challenge in biomedical studies in recent years has been the classification of gene expression profiles into categories, such as cases and controls. This is done by first training a classifier by using a labeled training set containing labeled samples from the two populations, and then using that classifier to predict the labels of new samples. Such predictions have recently been shown to improve the diagnosis and treatment selection practices for several diseases. This procedure is complicated, however, by the high dimensionality if the data. While microarrays can measure the levels of thousands of genes per sample, case-control microarray studies usually involve no more than several dozen samples. Standard classifiers do not work well in these situations where the number of features (gene expression levels measured in these microarrays) far exceeds the number of samples. Selecting only the features that are most relevant for discriminating between the two categories can help construct better classifiers, in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. In this work we developed a novel method for multivariate feature selection based on the Partial Least Squares algorithm. We compared the method''s variants with common feature selection techniques across a large number of real case-control datasets, using several classifiers. We demonstrate the advantages of the method and the preferable combinations of classifier and feature selection technique.  相似文献   

遗传优化算法在基因数据分类中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的基因微阵列数据特征提取方法。首先对原始数据进行标准化,然后利用方差分析方法对数据进行降低维数处理,最后利用遗传算法对数据进行优化。针对基因数据对遗传算子和适应度函数进行设置,优化数据集选取特征基因,得到较小的特征子集。为了验证选取的特征,利用样本划分法通过判别分析建立分类器进行判定。实验论证此方法具有理想的分类效果,算法稳定、效率高。  相似文献   

癌症的早期诊断能够显著提高癌症患者的存活率,在肝细胞癌患者中这种情况更加明显。机器学习是癌症分类中的有效工具。如何在复杂和高维的癌症数据集中,选择出低维度、高分类精度的特征子集是癌症分类的难题。本文提出了一种二阶段的特征选择方法SC-BPSO:通过组合Spearman相关系数和卡方独立检验作为过滤器的评价函数,设计了一种新型的过滤器方法——SC过滤器,再组合SC过滤器方法和基于二进制粒子群算法(BPSO)的包裹器方法,从而实现两阶段的特征选择。并应用在高维数据的癌症分类问题中,区分正常样本和肝细胞癌样本。首先,对来自美国国家生物信息中心(NCBI)和欧洲生物信息研究所(EBI)的130个肝组织microRNA序列数据(64肝细胞癌,66正常肝组织)进行预处理,使用MiRME算法从原始序列文件中提取microRNA的表达量、编辑水平和编辑后表达量3类特征。然后,调整SC-BPSO算法在肝细胞癌分类场景中的参数,选择出关键特征子集。最后,建立分类模型,预测结果,并与信息增益过滤器、信息增益率过滤器、BPSO包裹器特征选择算法选出的特征子集,使用相同参数的随机森林、支持向量机、决策树、KNN四种分类器分类,对比分类结果。使用SC-BPSO算法选择出的特征子集,分类准确率高达98.4%。研究结果表明,与另外3个特征选择算法相比,SC-BPSO算法能有效地找到尺寸较小和精度更高的特征子集。这对于少量样本高维数据的癌症分类问题可能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Selecting relevant features is a common task in most OMICs data analysis, where the aim is to identify a small set of key features to be used as biomarkers. To this end, two alternative but equally valid methods are mainly available, namely the univariate (filter) or the multivariate (wrapper) approach. The stability of the selected lists of features is an often neglected but very important requirement. If the same features are selected in multiple independent iterations, they more likely are reliable biomarkers. In this study, we developed and evaluated the performance of a novel method for feature selection and prioritization, aiming at generating robust and stable sets of features with high predictive power. The proposed method uses the fuzzy logic for a first unbiased feature selection and a Random Forest built from conditional inference trees to prioritize the candidate discriminant features. Analyzing several multi-class gene expression microarray data sets, we demonstrate that our technique provides equal or better classification performance and a greater stability as compared to other Random Forest-based feature selection methods.  相似文献   



As microarray technology has become mature and popular, the selection and use of a small number of relevant genes for accurate classification of samples has arisen as a hot topic in the circles of biostatistics and bioinformatics. However, most of the developed algorithms lack the ability to handle multiple classes, arguably a common application. Here, we propose an extension to an existing regularization algorithm, called Threshold Gradient Descent Regularization (TGDR), to specifically tackle multi-class classification of microarray data. When there are several microarray experiments addressing the same/similar objectives, one option is to use a meta-analysis version of TGDR (Meta-TGDR), which considers the classification task as a combination of classifiers with the same structure/model while allowing the parameters to vary across studies. However, the original Meta-TGDR extension did not offer a solution to the prediction on independent samples. Here, we propose an explicit method to estimate the overall coefficients of the biomarkers selected by Meta-TGDR. This extension permits broader applicability and allows a comparison between the predictive performance of Meta-TGDR and TGDR using an independent testing set.


Using real-world applications, we demonstrated the proposed multi-TGDR framework works well and the number of selected genes is less than the sum of all individualized binary TGDRs. Additionally, Meta-TGDR and TGDR on the batch-effect adjusted pooled data approximately provided same results. By adding Bagging procedure in each application, the stability and good predictive performance are warranted.


Compared with Meta-TGDR, TGDR is less computing time intensive, and requires no samples of all classes in each study. On the adjusted data, it has approximate same predictive performance with Meta-TGDR. Thus, it is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Feature selection from DNA microarray data is a major challenge due to high dimensionality in expression data. The number of samples in the microarray data set is much smaller compared to the number of genes. Hence the data is improper to be used as the training set of a classifier. Therefore it is important to select features prior to training the classifier. It should be noted that only a small subset of genes from the data set exhibits a strong correlation with the class. This is because finding the relevant genes from the data set is often non-trivial. Thus there is a need to develop robust yet reliable methods for gene finding in expression data. We describe the use of several hybrid feature selection approaches for gene finding in expression data. These approaches include filtering (filter out the best genes from the data set) and wrapper (best subset of genes from the data set) phases. The methods use information gain (IG) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) as the filtering parameters and biogeography based optimization (BBO) as the wrapper approach. K nearest neighbour algorithm (KNN) and back propagation neural network are used for evaluating the fitness of gene subsets during feature selection. Our analysis shows that an impressive performance is provided by the IG-BBO-KNN combination in different data sets with high accuracy (>90%) and low error rate.  相似文献   

Feature Selection for Classification of SELDI-TOF-MS Proteomic Profiles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Proteomic peptide profiling is an emerging technology harbouring great expectations to enable early detection, enhance diagnosis and more clearly define prognosis of many diseases. Although previous research work has illustrated the ability of proteomic data to discriminate between cases and controls, significantly less attention has been paid to the analysis of feature selection strategies that enable learning of such predictive models. Feature selection, in addition to classification, plays an important role in successful identification of proteomic biomarker panels. METHODS: We present a new, efficient, multivariate feature selection strategy that extracts useful feature panels directly from the high-throughput spectra. The strategy takes advantage of the characteristics of surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF-MS) profiles and enhances widely used univariate feature selection strategies with a heuristic based on multivariate de-correlation filtering. We analyse and compare two versions of the method: one in which all feature pairs must adhere to a maximum allowed correlation (MAC) threshold, and another in which the feature panel is built greedily by deciding among best univariate features at different MAC levels. RESULTS: The analysis and comparison of feature selection strategies was carried out experimentally on the pancreatic cancer dataset with 57 cancers and 59 controls from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The analysis was conducted in both the whole-profile and peak-only modes. The results clearly show the benefit of the new strategy over univariate feature selection methods in terms of improved classification performance. CONCLUSION: Understanding the characteristics of the spectra allows us to better assess the relative importance of potential features in the diagnosis of cancer. Incorporation of these characteristics into feature selection strategies often leads to a more efficient data analysis as well as improved classification performance.  相似文献   

In response to the rapid development of DNA Microarray Technologies, many differentially expressed genes selection algorithms have been developed, and different comparison studies of these algorithms have been done. However, it is not clear how these methods compare with each other, especially when we used different developments tools. Here, we considered three commonly used differentially expressed genes selection approaches, namely: Fold Change, T-test and SAM, using Bioinformatics Matlab Toolbox and R/BioConductor. We used two datasets, issued from the affymetrix technology, to present results of used methods and software''s in gene selection process. The results, in terms of sensitivity and specificity, indicate that the behavior of SAM is better compared to Fold Change and T-test using R/BioConductor. While, no practical differences were observed between the three gene selection methods when using Bioinformatics Matlab Toolbox. In face of our result, the ROC curve shows that: on the one hand R/BioConductor using SAM is favored for microarray selection compared to the other methods. And, on the other hand, results of the three studied gene selection methods using Bioinformatics Matlab Toolbox are still comparable for the two datasets used.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genetic variations that determine the differences between any two unrelated individuals. Various population groups can be distinguished from each other using SNPs. For instance, the HapMap dataset has four population groups with about ten million SNPs. For more insights on human evolution, ethnic variation, and population assignment, we propose to find out which SNPs are significant in determining the population groups and then to classify different populations using these relevant SNPs as input features. In this study, we developed a modified t-test ranking measure and applied it to the HapMap genotype data. Firstly, we rank all SNPs in comparison with other feature importance measures including F-statistics and the informativeness for assignment. Secondly, we select different numbers of the most highly ranked SNPs as the input to a classifier, such as the support vector machine, so as to find the best feature subset corresponding to the best classification accuracy. Experimental results showed that the proposed method is very effective in finding SNPs that are significant in determining the population groups, with reduced computational burden and better classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genetic variations that determine the differences between any two unrelated individuals. Various population groups can be distinguished from each other using SNPs. For instance, the HapMap dataset has four population groups with about ten million SNPs. For more insights on human evolution, ethnic variation, and population assignment, we propose to find out which SNPs are significant in determining the population groups and then to classify different populations using these relevant SNPs as input features. In this study, we developed a modified t-test ranking measure and applied it to the HapMap genotype data. Firstly, we rank all SNPs in comparison with other feature importance measures including F-statistics and the informativeness for assignment. Secondly, we select different numbers of the most highly ranked SNPs as the input to a classifier, such as the support vector machine, so as to find the best feature subset corresponding to the best classification accuracy. Experimental results showed that the proposed method is very effective in finding SNPs that are significant in determining the population groups, with reduced computational burden and better classification accuracy.  相似文献   

To obtain predictive genes with lower redundancy and better interpretability, a hybrid gene selection method encoding prior information is proposed in this paper. To begin with, the prior information referred to as gene-to-class sensitivity (GCS) of all genes from microarray data is exploited by a single hidden layered feedforward neural network (SLFN). Then, to select more representative and lower redundant genes, all genes are grouped into some clusters by K-means method, and some low sensitive genes are filtered out according to their GCS values. Finally, a modified binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO) encoding the GCS information is proposed to perform further gene selection from the remainder genes. For considering the GCS information, the proposed method selects those genes highly correlated to sample classes. Thus, the low redundant gene subsets obtained by the proposed method also contribute to improve classification accuracy on microarray data. The experiments results on some open microarray data verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Feature selection algorithms are the cornerstone of machine learning. By increasing the properties of the samples and samples, the feature selection algorithm selects the significant features. The general name of the methods that perform this function is the feature selection algorithm. The general purpose of feature selection algorithms is to select the most relevant properties of data classes and to increase the classification performance. Thus, we can select features based on their classification performance. In this study, we have developed a feature selection algorithm based on decision support vectors classification performance. The method can work according to two different selection criteria. We tested the classification performances of the features selected with P-Score with three different classifiers. Besides, we assessed P-Score performance with 13 feature selection algorithms in the literature. According to the results of the study, the P-Score feature selection algorithm has been determined as a method which can be used in the field of machine learning.  相似文献   



DNA microarray analysis is characterized by obtaining a large number of gene variables from a small number of observations. Cluster analysis is widely used to analyze DNA microarray data to make classification and diagnosis of disease. Because there are so many irrelevant and insignificant genes in a dataset, a feature selection approach must be employed in data analysis. The performance of cluster analysis of this high-throughput data depends on whether the feature selection approach chooses the most relevant genes associated with disease classes.


Here we proposed a new method using multiple Orthogonal Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (mOPLS-DA) models and S-plots to select the most relevant genes to conduct three-class disease classification and prediction. We tested our method using Golub’s leukemia microarray data. For three classes with subtypes, we proposed hierarchical orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) models and S-plots to select features for two main classes and their subtypes. For three classes in parallel, we employed three OPLS-DA models and S-plots to choose marker genes for each class. The power of feature selection to classify and predict three-class disease was evaluated using cluster analysis. Further, the general performance of our method was tested using four public datasets and compared with those of four other feature selection methods. The results revealed that our method effectively selected the most relevant features for disease classification and prediction, and its performance was better than that of the other methods.  相似文献   

高维、小样本数据的特征选择方法在蛋白质质谱数据处理分析领域有着广泛应用。本文针对蛋白质质谱特征选择问题,结合稀疏表示这一新理论框架,提出了一种基于稀疏表示的特征选择算法(sparse representation based feature selection,SRFS)。该方法将稀疏表示分类的结果作为评定某一个特征子空间特征相对重要性的度量,然后通过对大量随机采样子空间计算结果的统计,得到特征空间中每个特征的排序,并进一步分析提炼出与肿瘤疾病相关的若干谱峰。通过在卵巢癌公共数据集OC-WCX2a和浙江省肿瘤医院乳腺癌数据集BC-WCX2a上的实验结果表明,SRFS算法可以有效应用于本文所使用的SELDI-TOF蛋白质质谱数据的分析。  相似文献   

基因芯片数据分析方法研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因芯片技术的出现改变了生物医学研究的前景,其产生的海量数据是限制其发展的瓶颈问题。为提取其中所隐含的有价值的信息,在基因芯片数据分析的复杂计算工具和方法方面近年来有很多尝试。本文对近5年来基因芯片表达数据的分类分析方法进行综述,既分类比较了以聚类分析为基础的分类方法,也吸收了当前应用数据挖掘、信息融合等系统生物学思路的研究技术,并对数据的分析结果进行评价。  相似文献   

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