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Variations of breeding success with age have been studied largely in iteroparous species and particularly in birds: survival of offspring increases with parental age until senescence. Nevertheless, these results are from observations of free-living individuals and therefore, it remains impossible to determine whether these variations result from parental investment or efficiency or both, and whether these variations occur during the prenatal or the postnatal stage or during both. Our study aimed first, to determine whether age had an impact on the expression of maternal breeding care by comparing inexperienced female birds of two different ages, and second, to define how these potential differences impact chicks' growth and behavioural development. We made 22 2-month-old and 22 8-month-old female Japanese quail foster 1-day-old chicks. We observed their maternal behaviour until the chicks were 11 days old and then tested these chicks after separation from their mothers. Several behavioural tests estimated their fearfulness and their sociality. We observed first that a longer induction was required for young females to express maternal behaviour. Subsequently as many young females as elder females expressed maternal behaviour, but young females warmed chicks less, expressed less covering postures and rejected their chicks more. Chicks brooded by elder females presented higher growth rates and more fearfulness and sociality. Our results reveal that maternal investment increased with age independently of maternal experience, suggesting modification of hormone levels implied in maternal behaviour. Isolated effects of maternal experience should now be assessed in females of the same age. In addition, our results show, for first time in birds, that variations in maternal care directly induce important differences in the behavioural development of chicks. Finally, our results confirm that Japanese quail remains a great laboratory model of avian maternal behaviour and that the way we sample maternal behaviour is highly productive.  相似文献   

The development of fearfulness and the capacity of animals to cope with stressful events are particularly sensitive to early experience with mothers in a wide range of species. However, intrinsic characteristics of young animals can modulate maternal influence. This study evaluated the effect of intrinsic fearfulness on non-genetic maternal influence. Quail chicks, divergently selected for either higher (LTI) or lower fearfulness (STI) and from a control line (C), were cross-fostered by LTI or STI mothers. Behavioural tests estimated the chicks' emotional profiles after separation from the mother. Whatever their genotype, the fearfulness of chicks adopted by LTI mothers was higher than that of chicks adopted by STI mothers. However, genetic background affected the strength of maternal effects: the least emotional chicks (STI) were the least affected by early experience with mothers. We demonstrated that young animal's intrinsic fearfulness affects strongly their sensitivity to non-genetic maternal influences. A young animal's behavioural characteristics play a fundamental role in its own behavioural development processes.  相似文献   

Social influences on vocal development of young birds have been widely studied in oscine songbirds who learn to sing by vocal imitation of conspecifics, mainly male adults. In contrast, vocal development of non-vocal learners such as Galliformes is considered as being under strong genetic influence and independent of the social environment. In this study, we investigated the role of the mother on the vocal development of young Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). We compared the vocal development of mothered and non-mothered chicks during the first 21 days of life. We analysed the structural changes of two vocalisations: a) the rally call, emitted during long-distance communication and in stressful situations, b) the contact call, emitted during short-distance communication when chicks are in visual and/or auditory contact with congeners. We showed that temporal and spectral structures of the two types of calls changed during development and differed between mothered and non-mothered chicks. These results demonstrate that maternal presence influences the vocal development of the young in the Japanese quail. Even if the adaptive value of such changes was not assessed, these results highlight that plasticity of vocalisations in species considered as non-vocal learners has been underestimated.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,12(3):261-271
Food neophobia or a hesitancy to feed on unfamiliar food was examined in domestic chicks as a function of genetic and experiential factors associated with differential responsiveness to novelty. Chicks were presented with novel blue mash following a regime of food withdrawal and return. ‘S’ line chicks (light hybrid) fed significantly sooner, longer and more than did medium-hybrid ‘T’ line birds and females accepted novel food more readily than males. Food neophobia was significantly reduced by previous exposure to a variety of coloured foods and by enrichment of the home environment with assorted novel objects. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between food neophobia, general responsiveness to novelty and underlying levels of fearfulness.  相似文献   

Chicks can convey information about their needs with calls. But it is still unknown if there are any universal need indicators in chick vocalizations. Previous studies have shown that in some species vocal activity and/or temporal-frequency variables of calls are related to the chick state, whereas other studies did not confirm it. Here, we tested experimentally whether vocal activity and temporal-frequency variables of calls change with cooling. We studied 10 human-raised Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) chicks at 3–15 days of age. We found that the cooled chicks produced calls higher in fundamental frequency and power variables, longer in duration and at a higher calling rate than in the control chicks. However, we did not find significant changes in level of entropy and occurrence of non-linear phenomena in chick calls recorded during the experimental cooling. We suggest that the level of vocal activity is a universal indicator of need for warmth in precocial and semi-precocial birds (e.g. cranes), but not in altricial ones. We also assume that coding of needs via temporal-frequency variables of calls is typical in species whose adults could not confuse their chicks with other chicks. Siberian cranes stay on separate territories during their breeding season, so parents do not need to check individuality of their offspring in the home area. In this case, all call characteristics are available for other purposes and serve to communicate chicks’ vital needs.  相似文献   

Mother-infant vocal interactions play a crucial role in the development of human language. However, comparatively little is known about the maternal role during vocal development in nonhuman primates. Here, we report the first evidence of mother-daughter vocal interactions contributing to vocal development in gibbons, a singing and monogamous ape species. Gibbons are well known for their species-specific duets sung between mates, yet little is known about the role of intergenerational duets in gibbon song development. We observed singing interactions between free-ranging mothers and their sub-adult daughters prior to emigration. Daughters sang simultaneously with their mothers at different rates. First, we observed significant acoustic variation between daughters. Co-singing rates between mother and daughter were negatively correlated with the temporal precision of the song’s synchronization. In addition, songs of daughters who co-sang less with their mothers were acoustically more similar to the maternal song than any other adult female’s song. All variables have been reported to be influenced by social relationships of pairs. Therefore those correlations would be mediated by mother-daughter social relationship, which would be modifiable in daughter’s development. Here we hypothesized that daughters who co-sing less often, well-synchronize, and converge acoustically with the maternal acoustic pattern would be at a more advanced stage of social independence in sub-adult females prior to emigration. Second, we observed acoustic matching between mothers and daughters when co-singing, suggesting short-term vocal flexibility. Third, we found that mothers adjusted songs to a more stereotyped pattern when co-singing than when singing alone. This vocal adjustment was stronger for mothers with daughters who co-sang less. These results indicate the presence of socially mediated vocal flexibility in gibbon sub-adults and adults, and that mother-daughter co-singing interactions may enhance vocal development. More comparative work, notably longitudinal and experimental, is now needed to clarify maternal roles during song development.  相似文献   

Behavioral and adrenocortical reactivity to stressful stimulation was examined in 12- and 13-day-old chicks of two lines of Japanese quail selected over several generations for exaggerated (HS: high stress) or reduced (LS: low stress) plasma corticosterone (B) response to brief immobilization stress. Plasma B concentrations and tonic immobility (TI) fear reactions were measured in unstressed (control) and stressed (overnight cooping) chicks of both lines. The stress treatment was applied over a period of 12-20 hr and it involved capture by the experimenter, inescapable exposure to an unfamiliar environment and to strange conspecifics, reductions in ambient temperature and floor space, and the deprivation of food and water. Chicks of the HS line were more susceptible to the induction of TI and they remained immobile longer than did LS chicks. Therefore HS chicks were considered to be more fearful than their LS counterparts. Stress treatment elicited a marked adrenocortical response that was more pronounced in HS than in LS chicks. Stress treatment also increased susceptibility to TI but did not significantly affect the duration of immobility. These findings suggest that selecting the quail for differential corticosterone response to a particular stressor had exerted an unconscious and concomitant effect on underlying fearfulness as well as on their adrenocortical reactivity to several other stressful situations. The results are further discussed in terms of a putative relationship between adrenocortical activation and fearfulness.  相似文献   

The ability of mothers to transfer antibodies (Abs) to their young and the temporal persistence of maternal Abs in offspring constitute important life-history traits that can impact the evolution of host-parasite interactions. Here, we examined the effects of food availability and parental immunization on the transfer and persistence of maternal antibodies in nestling pigeons (Columba livia). This species can transmit maternal Abs to offspring before hatching through the egg yolk and potentially after hatching through crop milk. However, the role of this postnatal substance in immunity remains elusive. We used a full cross-fostering design to disentangle the effects of food limitation and parental immunization both before and after hatching on the levels and persistence of maternal Abs in chicks. Parents were immunized via injection with keyhole limpet hemocyanin antigens. Using an immunoassay that specifically detected the IgY antibodies that are known to be transmitted via the yolk, we found that the levels of anti-KLH Abs in newly hatched chicks were positively correlated with the levels of anti-KLH Abs in the blood of their biological mothers. However, this correlation was not present between chicks and their foster parents, suggesting limited IgY transfer via crop milk to the chick’s bloodstream. Interestingly, biological mothers subjected to food limitation during egg laying transferred significantly fewer specific maternal Abs, which suggests that the transfer of antibodies might be costly for them. In addition, the persistence of maternal Abs in a chick’s bloodstream was not affected by food limitation or the foster parents’ anti-KLH Ab levels; it was only affected by the initial level of maternal anti-KLH Abs that were present in newly hatched chicks. These results suggest that the maternal transfer of Abs could be costly but that their persistence in an offspring’s bloodstream may not necessarily be affected by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that increasing chick plasma testosterone concentrations, transmitted from the mothers via their eggs, enhances survival of their offspring and that the fitness of the young, depending on the maternal hormones, is influenced by parental quality. To test our hypotheses we distinguished the broods of white storks Ciconia ciconia L. where chicks died and those where all chicks survived. We analysed the plasma testosterone concentrations in the chicks, the ability of the chicks to be first to receive food and the mass of chicks before fledging in relation to their hatching order and recorded the body mass of parents and food mass delivered by them.
Female storks used the asymmetries in testosterone concentrations within a brood to control brood size and adjusted the number of young hatched to match the parental ability to rear offspring. Females of poor condition altered the testosterone concentrations to produce large differences between the chicks: The first-hatched chicks, which had high plasma testosterone levels, responded faster to the feeding parent and received more food than did their younger siblings. One or two later-hatched chicks, which had lower testosterone levels, died in these broods. Females in good condition produced small differences in testosterone concentrations between the chicks and all chicks survived in their brood. Chicks that were raised by the females of poor condition in reduced broods were heavier than chicks that were raised by females of good condition in broods where all chicks survived.
We suggest that the control of brood size by testosterone concentration, transmitted by the mother to the chicks, is a hormonal means of condition-dependent reproductive strategy in the white stork.  相似文献   

In otariids, mother’s recognition by pups is essential to their survival since females nurse exclusively their own young and can be very aggressive towards non-kin. Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, come ashore to breed and form dense colonies. During the 4-month lactation period, females alternate foraging trips at sea with suckling period ashore. On each return to the colony, females and pups first use vocalizations to find each other among several hundred conspecifics and olfaction is used as a final check. Such vocal identification has to be highly efficient. In this present study, we investigated the components of the individual vocal signature used by pups to identify their mothers by performing playback experiments on pups with synthetic signals. We thus tested the efficiency of this individual vocal signature by performing propagation tests and by testing pups at different playback distances. Pups use both amplitude and frequency modulations to identify their mother’s voice, as well as the energy spectrum. Propagation tests showed that frequency modulations propagated reliably up to 64m, whereas amplitude modulations and spectral content greatly were highly degraded for distances over 8m. Playback on pups at different distances suggested that the individual identification is a two-step process: at long range, pups identified first the frequency modulation pattern of their mother’s calls, and other components of the vocal signature at closer range. The individual vocal recognition system developed by Antarctic fur seals is well adapted to face the main constraint of finding kin in a crowd.  相似文献   

Females of some cooperative‐breeding species can decrease their egg investment without costs for their offspring because helpers‐at‐the‐nest compensate for this reduction either by feeding more or by better protecting offspring from predation. We used the southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) to evaluate the effects of the presence of helpers on maternal investment. Southern lapwings are cooperative (some breeding pairs are aided by helpers), chick development is precocial, thus adults do not feed the chicks, and adults offer protection from predators through mobbing behaviors. We tested whether southern lapwing females reduced their reproductive investment (i.e. load‐lightening [LL] hypothesis) or increased their investment (i.e. differential allocation hypothesis) when breeding in groups when compared with females that bred in pairs. We found that increased group size was associated with lower egg volume. A significant negative association between the combined egg nutritional investment (yolk, protein, and lipid mass) and group size was observed. Chicks that hatched from eggs laid in nests of groups were also smaller than chicks hatched in nests of pairs. However, there was no relationship between the body mass index of chicks, or clutch size and group size, which suggests that such eggs are, simply, proportionally smaller. Our results support the LL hypothesis even in a situation where adults do not feed the chicks, allowing females to reduce investment in eggs without incurring a cost to their offspring.  相似文献   



In chicken, oils in the maternal diet confer a specific scent to the yolk. Embryos are known to perceive and memorize chemosensory signals of the surrounding environment; however, the potential impact of the maternal diet has not previously been investigated. In the present study, we hypothesized that chicken embryos memorize the chemical signals of the maternal diet and that this perceptual learning may orient subsequent feeding behavior of the hatchlings.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Laying hens were fed standard food enriched with 2% menhaden oil (MH group) or 2% soybean oil (controls). The scent of menhaden was significantly more detected in MH egg yolks than in control yolks by a human panel. We analyzed the development and behavior of offspring towards different types of food, bearing or not bearing the menhaden scent. When chicks were exposed to a 3-min choice test between the familiar food bearing the menhaden scent and the familiar food without menhaden, no effect of treatment was observed. In a 3-min choice test with unfamiliar food (mashed cereals) MH chicks showed a clear positive orientation toward the unfamiliar food bearing the menhaden scent. By contrast, control chicks showed a preference for the non-odorized unfamiliar food. MH chicks expressed higher emotional reactivity level than control chicks as expressed by food neophobia and longer immobility in a restraint test.


Chicks exposed in ovo to menhaden oil via the maternal diet preferentially oriented their feeding behavior towards food containing menhaden oil, but only when the food was unfamiliar. We propose that oil in the maternal diet engenders maternal effects and contributes to the development of behavioral phenotype in the offspring. In ovo chemosensory learning may have evolved to prepare precocial offspring for their environment. This suggests a common principle of embryonic chemosensory learning across vertebrate taxa.  相似文献   

Superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) females use an incubation call to teach their embryos a vocal password to solicit parental feeding care after hatching. We previously showed that high call rate by the female was correlated with high call similarity in fairy-wren chicks, but not in cuckoo chicks, and that parent birds more often fed chicks with high call similarity. Hosts should be selected to increase their defence behaviour when the risk of brood parasitism is highest, such as when cuckoos are present in the area. Therefore, we experimentally test whether hosts increase call rate to embryos in the presence of a singing Horsfield''s bronze-cuckoo (Chalcites basalis). Female fairy-wrens increased incubation call rate when we experimentally broadcast cuckoo song near the nest. Embryos had higher call similarity when females had higher incubation call rate. We interpret the findings of increased call rate as increased teaching effort in response to a signal of threat.  相似文献   

The polygyny threshold model predicts that monogamous and secondary females on average settle at the same time and have similar reproductive success. This is not generally found. Incorporating varying female competitive strength into the model, changes the predictions to state that secondary females should breed later and show a reduced success compared to that of monogamous and primary females. We examined if this was the case by investigating growth and survival in chicks of northern lapwings Vanellus vanellus from mothers of monogamous, primary and secondary mating status. Chicks where monitored from hatching to the age of 15–18 d. Growth and survival in secondary chicks was lower than in monogamous and primary chicks. Primary chicks survived significantly better than secondary chicks. Survival of monogamous chicks was comparable to primary chicks and close to significantly higher than in secondary chicks (p = 0.086). Among surviving chicks, daily weight gain in monogamous chicks was significantly higher than in secondary chicks. Growth rates of primary chicks were comparable to monogamous chicks and tended to be higher than in secondary chicks (p = 0.11). Monogamous and primary females both bred significantly earlier than secondary females, and chick survival and body‐mass growth decreased significantly with hatching date. Given the premium on early breeding in lapwings, secondary females appeared to do the best of a bad job, and their later onset of breeding could have been caused by poorer condition and/or lower breeding experience. Additional costs might also have accrued from sharing breeding resources with primary females that presumably were stronger competitors.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effect of antimicrobial selective pressure on the transmission of antimicrobial resistant and sensitive strains of Salmonella in poultry. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eight pens housed 12 broiler chicks each. Two chicks in four of the pens were inoculated with a Salm. Typhimurium strain resistant to 12 antimicrobials (including tetracycline), and two chicks in each of the four other pens were inoculated with a strain sensitive to all antimicrobials tested. Two pens inoculated with each strain were treated with chlortetracycline and two were not. Chicks were killed on day 7 and caeca were cultured for Salmonella. Experiments were performed independently twice. Chicks exposed to pen mates inoculated with the resistant strain and treated with tetracycline were 90% positive for Salmonella; whereas 60% of chicks given no antimicrobials were positive. Chicks exposed to the sensitive strain were 95% positive with tetracycline treatment and 90% positive without treatment. CONCLUSIONS: A multidrug-resistant Salm. Typhimurium strain had significantly increased transmission when chicks were treated with tetracycline. Transmission of a sensitive strain was not inhibited by antimicrobial selective pressure at recommended therapeutic dose. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrates that antimicrobial usage may influence the transmission of antimicrobial-resistant pathogens in poultry.  相似文献   

Begging behaviour is an important element in the parent-offspring conflict; it has been studied in many avian species. However, the majority of the studies have been entirely based on the call counts, and they agreed that vocal activity was a good indicator of chick’s nutritional need and/or condition. Fewer researches were dedicated to the temporal-frequency variables of the begging calls themselves and they showed contrary results. Here begging behaviour in three burrow nested, uniparous species of auks (Alcidae) was studied. These objects provide an opportunity to study the signalling value of begging calls in the absence of important confounding factors such as nestling competition and predation pressure. I recorded calls of individual chicks in two conditions: during natural feeding and after experimental four-hour food deprivation. I found that almost all measured acoustic variables contain information about the chick’s state in all studied species. The hungry chicks produced calls higher in fundamental frequency and power variables and at higher calling rate compared to naturally feeding chicks. The effect of food deprivation on most acoustic variables exceeded both the effects of individuality and species. In all studied species, the frequency variables were stronger affected by hunger than the calling rate and call durations. I suppose that such strong change of acoustic variables after food deprivation can be explained by absence of vocal individual identification in these birds. As parents do not need to check individuality of the chick in the burrow, which they find visually during the day time, the chicks could use all of the acoustic variables to communicate about their nutritional needs.  相似文献   

IntroductionHusbands can play a crucial role in pregnancy and childbirth, especially in patriarchal societies of developing countries. In Myanmar, despite the critical influence of husbands on the health of mothers and newborns, their roles in maternal health have not been well explored. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with husbands’ involvement in maternal health in Myanmar. This study also examined the associations between husbands’ involvement and their spouses’ utilization of maternal care services during antenatal, delivery and postnatal periods.MethodsA community-based, cross sectional study was conducted with 426 husbands in Thingangyun Township, Yangon, Myanmar. Participants were husbands aged 18 years or older who had at least one child within two years at the time of interview. Face to face interviews were conducted using a pretested structured questionnaire. Factors associated with the characteristics of husband’s involvement as well as their spouses’ utilization of maternal care services were analyzed by multivariable logistic regression models.ResultsOf 426 husbands, 64.8% accompanied their spouses for an antenatal visit more than once while 51.6% accompanied them for a postnatal visit. Husbands were major financial supporters for both antenatal (95.8%) and postnatal care (68.5%). Overall, 69.7% were involved in decision making about the place of delivery. Regarding birth preparedness, the majority of husbands prepared for skilled birth attendance (91.1%), delivery place (83.6%), and money saving (81.7%) before their spouses gave birth. In contrast, fewer planned for a potential blood donor (15.5%) and a safe delivery kit (21.1%). In the context of maternal health, predictors of husband’s involvement were parity, educational level, type of marriage, decision making level in family, exposure to maternal health education and perception of risk during pregnancy and childbirth. Increased utilization of maternal health services was found among spouses of husbands who accompanied them to antenatal visits (AOR 5.82, 95% CI, 3.34–10.15) and those who had a well birth plan (AOR 2.42, 95% CI, 1.34–4.39 for antenatal visit and AOR 2.88, 95% CI, 1.52–5.47 for postnatal visit).ConclusionThe majority of husbands supported their spouses’ maternal care services use financially; however, they were less involved in birth preparedness and postnatal care. Exposure to maternal health education and their maternal health knowledge were main predictors of their involvement. Women were more likely to use maternal care services when their husbands company them for ANC visits and had a well-birth plan in advance.  相似文献   

In animal vocal communication, the development of adult-like vocalization is fundamental to interact appropriately with conspecifics. However, the factors that guide ontogenetic changes in the acoustic features remain poorly understood. In contrast with a historical view of nonhuman primate vocal production as substantially innate, recent research suggests that inheritance and physiological modification can only explain some of the developmental changes in call structure during growth. A particular case of acoustic communication is the indris’ singing behavior, a peculiar case among Strepsirrhine primates. Thanks to a decade of intense data collection, this work provides the first long-term quantitative analysis on song development in a singing primate. To understand the ontogeny of such a complex vocal output, we investigated juvenile and sub-adult indris’ vocal behavior, and we found that young individuals started participating in the chorus years earlier than previously reported. Our results indicated that spectro-temporal song parameters underwent essential changes during growth. In particular, the age and sex of the emitter influenced the indris’ vocal activity. We found that frequency parameters showed consistent changes across the sexes, but the temporal features showed different developmental trajectories for males and females. Given the low level of morphological sexual dimorphism and the marked differences in vocal behavior, we hypothesize that factors like social influences and auditory feedback may affect songs’ features, resulting in high vocal flexibility in juvenile indris. This trait may be pivotal in a species that engages in choruses with rapid vocal turn-taking.  相似文献   

When males and females have different fitness optima for the same trait but share loci, intralocus sexual conflict is likely to occur. Epigenetic mechanisms such as genomic imprinting (in which expression is altered according to parent-of-origin) and sex-specific maternal effects have been suggested as ways by which this conflict can be resolved. However these ideas have not yet been empirically tested. We designed an experimental evolution protocol in Drosophila melanogaster that enabled us to look for epigenetic effects on the X-chromosome–a hotspot for sexually antagonistic loci. We used special compound-X females to enforce father-to-son transmission of the X-chromosome for many generations, and compared fitness and gene expression levels between Control males, males with a Control X-chromosome that had undergone one generation of father-son transmission, and males with an X-chromosome that had undergone many generations of father-son transmission. Fitness differences were dramatic, with experimentally-evolved males approximately 20% greater than controls, and with males inheriting a non-evolved X from their father about 20% lower than controls. These data are consistent with both strong intralocus sexual conflict and misimprinting of the X-chromosome under paternal inheritance. However, expression differences suggested that reduced fitness under paternal X inheritance was largely due to deleterious maternal effects. Our data confirm the sexually-antagonistic nature of Drosophila’s X-chromosome and suggest that the response to male-limited X-chromosome evolution entails compensatory evolution for maternal effects, and perhaps modification of other epigenetic effects via coevolution of the sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

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