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Chronology is a necessary component of paleoclimatology. Radiocarbon dating plays a central role in determining the ages of geological samples younger than ca. 50 ka BP. However, there are many limitations for its application, including radiocarbon reservoir effects, which may cause incorrect chronology in many lakes. Here we demonstrate temporal changes in the radiocarbon reservoir age of Lake Xingyun, Southwestern China, where radiocarbon ages based on bulk organic matter have been reported in previous studies. Our new radiocarbon ages, determined from terrestrial plant macrofossils suggest that the radiocarbon reservoir age changed from 960 to 2200 years during the last 8500 cal a BP years. These changes to the reservoir effect were associated with inputs from either pre-aged organic carbon or 14C-depleted hard water in Lake Xingyun caused by hydrological change in the lake system. The radiocarbon reservoir age may in return be a good indicator for the carbon source in lake ecosystems and depositional environment.  相似文献   

云南鳅属鱼类是云贵高原及邻近区域特有鱼类,其独特两性异形现象可能是对喀斯特高原特定生境的一种重要适应.本文对云南星云湖特有鱼类长臀云南鳅两性异形、个体繁殖力及与之关联的雌雄摄食分化问题进行了研究,以揭示其两性异形特征并探讨其与生境的关系.结果表明:长臀云南鳅两性异形指数为0.23,表明它是偏向于雌性体型较大的两性异形类...  相似文献   

Intensification of catchment agriculture has increased nutrient loads and accelerated eutrophication in some lakes, often resulting in episodic harmful algal blooms or prolonged periods of anoxia. The influence of catchment agriculture on lake sediment denitrification capacity as a nitrogen (N) removal mechanism in lakes is largely unknown, particularly in contrast to research on denitrification in agricultural streams and rivers. We measured denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) to assess sediment denitrification potential in seven monomictic and three polymictic lakes that range in the proportion of agriculture in the catchment from 3 to 96% to determine if there is a link between agricultural land use in the lake catchment and sediment denitrification potential. We collected sediment cores for DEA measurements over 3 weeks in austral spring 2008 (October–November). Lake Okaro, with 96% catchment agriculture, had approximately 15 times higher DEA than Lake Tikitapu, with 3% catchment agriculture (232.2 ± 55.9 vs. 15.9 ± 4.5 μg N gAFDM−1 h−1, respectively). Additionally, sediment denitrification potential increased with the proportion of catchment in agriculture (R 2 = 0.85, P < 0.001). Our data suggest that lakes retain a high capacity to remove excess N via denitrification under increasing N loads from higher proportions of catchment agriculture. However, evidence from the literature suggests that despite a high capacity for denitrification and longer water residence times, lakes with high N loads will still remove a smaller proportion of their N load. Lakes have a denitrification potential that reflects the condition of the lake catchment, but more measurements of in situ denitrification rates across lake catchments is necessary to determine if this capacity translates to high N removal rates.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Fagus sylvatica (beech) dominates the montane forests of the Apennines and builds old-growth high-conservation value stands. However, recent severe drought-induced diebacks raise...  相似文献   

Feeding and growth traits of Cyprinus carpio and Cyprinus pellegrini (both at age-0) were compared in three experiment, in an attempt to analyze potential causes for the displacement of the native C. pellegrini in the Xingyun Lake, Yuxi, Yunan, China. Experiment I was conducted in water which fluctuated between 15 and 20°C. Experiment II and III were conducted in a laboratory and water temperature was maintained between 20°C and 25°C, respectively. Three common trends were noted for all three experiments: (1) feeding rate of C. carpio was lower than that of C. pellegrini, and this difference was found to be significant in experiment I; (2) growth rate of C. carpio was higher than C. pellegrini, and the difference was found to be significant in experiment II; (3) food conversion efficiency and energy retention efficiency for C. carpio were higher than those of C. pellegrini, and significant differences were noted in experiment I and II. Since the growth period for fish in the Xingyun Lake generally occurs when water temperatures are between 15 and 25°C, it can be suggested that C. carpio has advantages over C. pellegrini in growth and food utilization efficiency, and lower food consumption than C. pellegrini. These physiological traits of C. carpio might allow this species to be more resistant to food shortage and predation, and may be partially responsible for the displacement of C. pellegrini by C. carpio.  相似文献   

We employed culture-dependent and -independent techniques to study microbial diversity in Lake Chaka, a unique hypersaline lake (32.5% salinity) in northwest China. It is situated at 3,214 m above sea level in a dry climate. The average water depth is 2 to 3 cm. Halophilic isolates were obtained from the lake water, and halotolerant isolates were obtained from the shallow sediment. The isolates exhibited resistance to UV and gamma radiation. Microbial abundance in the sediments ranged from 108 cells/g at the water-sediment interface to 107 cells/g at a sediment depth of 42 cm. A major change in the bacterial community composition was observed across the interface. In the lake water, clone sequences affiliated with the Bacteroidetes were the most abundant, whereas in the sediments, sequences related to low G+C gram-positive bacteria were predominant. A similar change was also present in the archaeal community. While all archaeal clone sequences in the lake water belonged to the Halobacteriales, the majority of the sequences in the sediments were related to those previously obtained from methanogenic soils and sediments. The observed changes in the microbial community structure across the water-sediment interface were correlated with a decrease in salinity from the lake water (32.5%) to the sediments (approximately 4%). Across the interface, the redox state also changed from oxic to anoxic and may also have contributed to the observed shift in the microbial community.  相似文献   

Regulatory agencies use many chemical standards to help protect human health and the environment. Some of these standards could potentially be adversely influenced by climate change, so it is important to scope the likelihood of such changes, and develop a plan for addressing them. A review of the literature showed that many complex interactions could occur between climate change factors, chemicals, and receptors. However, the way in which chemical standards are currently set is already likely to take into account predicted climate changes in temperate regions, at least implicitly. In contrast, compliance monitoring to ensure that chemical standards are not breached may be compromised if climate change leads to more variability in measured parameters, with a consequent reduction in the statistical power of monitoring programs.  相似文献   

【背景】高原湖泊因其海拔高、气压低、辐射强、氧气含量低,是一类特殊环境,而其中的微生物是高原湖泊生态系统物质循环与能量流动的重要参与者,其胞外酶活性的表现决定其适应这一特殊环境的方式与能力。【目的】对分离自云南高原湖泊抚仙湖和星云湖湖水的酵母菌进行产胞外酶活性的筛选,以期获得具有潜在应用价值的活性菌株。【方法】在5°C和25°C培养温度下,采用平板筛选法对两个湖泊酵母菌进行产胞外蛋白酶、纤维素酶、淀粉酶、脂肪酶、几丁质酶、木聚糖酶、植酸酶、菊粉酶、漆酶、锰依赖过氧化物酶和木质素过氧化物酶活性的筛选。【结果】抚仙湖和星云湖的所有测试酵母菌菌株至少都能产1种胞外酶,且主要产植酸酶、菊粉酶和淀粉酶;其次为脂肪酶、纤维素酶、木聚糖酶、锰依赖过氧化物酶和木质素过氧化物酶;产几丁质酶、蛋白酶和漆酶的酵母菌很少,星云湖酵母菌都不产漆酶。培养温度为5°C时,抚仙湖和星云湖的酵母菌产5种及5种以上胞外酶的活性菌株数均多于25°C。【结论】抚仙湖和星云湖的酵母菌产胞外酶菌株多样性丰富,胞外酶种类多样,产酶酵母菌可能参与高原湖泊生态系统的物质循环;筛选得到的产胞外酶菌株为开发与利用高原湖泊酶资源提供了良好的种质资源,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

以星云湖为代表的云南大中型湖泊近年来受到多个环境压力的胁迫,出现水质持续恶化、环境功能降低、生态系统退化等问题。目前针对这些湖泊生态环境的研究主要集中于以富营养化为代表的单一环境胁迫,且以短期监测为主,因此有效的湖泊治理与生态修复急需评价多重环境压力的长期驱动过程与特征。本文围绕星云湖枝角类群落沉积物记录,开展了多指标(如色素、粒度等)的综合分析,并结合湖泊调查、历史资料和多变量统计方法对主要环境压力与长期生态响应模式进行了识别。结果表明:沉积物分析中共鉴定出枝角类10属16种,其中盘肠溞属与象鼻溞属占绝对优势;在1890年之前湖泊沉积物色素浓度稳定在较低水平,随后湖泊生产力缓慢上升且沉积物颗粒(63μm)增加;1980年初开始沉积物色素含量快速上升,耐污种C.sphaericus明显增加并成为绝对优势种;随着湖泊生产力水平的上升,枝角类生物量持续增加(R2=0.753,P0.001,n=33),且枝角类群落出现显著变化(R2=0.953,P0.001,n=33);同时,随着外来鱼类的引入和鱼类捕食压力的变化,象鼻溞生物量总体下降但个体大小变化不明显;营养水平的持续增加与水生植物的逐渐消亡,可能导致了枝角类物种趋于单一,底栖枝角类生物量总体下降。总之,星云湖枝角类群落结构与生物量在过去100年来出现了显著变化,湖泊富营养化与生产力的变化是主要驱动因子,同时外来鱼类的引入、水文条件及水生植物的变化也对枝角类群落产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

The study on climate-vegetation relationship is the basis for determining the re sponse of terrestrial ecosystem to global change. By means of quantitative analysis on climate-vegetation interaction, vegetation types and their distribution pattern could be corresponded with certain climatic types in a series of mathematical forms. Thus, the climate could be used to predict vegetation types and their distribution, the same is in reverse. Potential evapotranspiration rate is a comprehensive climatological index which combines temperature with precipitation, and could be used to evaluate the effect of climate on vegetation. In this respect, Holdridge life zone system has been drawing much attention and widely applied internationally owing to its simplicity. It is especially used in the assessment of sensibility of terrestrial ecosystems and their distribution in accordance with climate change and in prediction of the changing pattern of vegetation under doubled CO2 condition. However, Prentice (1990) pointed out that the accurancy of Holdridge life zone system is less than 40 % when it is used at global scale. The reason may be that the potential evapotranspiration calculated by Thornthwaite method, which is used in Holdridge life zone system, reflects the potential evapotranspiration from small evaporated area, while climate-vegetation classification is based on the regional scale. The authors try to establish a new climate-vegetation classification system based on the regional potential evapotranspiration. According to the following formula: where E designates regional actual evapotranspiration: Ep local potential evapotran-spiration: Epo, regional potential evapotranspiration. Ed can be calculated from Penman model or other models. E can be calculated from the following model: E=r · Rn (r2+Rn2+r · Rn) / (2) (r+Rn) · (r2+Rn2)where r designates precipitation (mm); Rn, net radiation (mm). Thus, Ep0 can be easily obtained. It is used as the regional thermal index (RTI) of climate-vegetation classification,and can be expressed as: RTl = Epo (3) Moisture index is another index of climate-veggetation classification. Usually, it can be expressed as the ratio between potential evapotranspiration and precipitation. However, this ratio can not reflect soil moisture, which is important for plant. The ratio between regional actual evapotranspiration and regional potential evapotranspiration is associated not only with climatic condition but also with soil moisture. So it can be used as the moisture index of climate-vegetation classification, and is defined as regional moisture index (RMI): RMI = E/Epo (5) Based on the average climatological data of 30 years from 647 meteorological observation stations in China. It was found that RTl could well reflect a regional thermal level. The values of RTI were less than 360 mm in cold temperate zone, 360~650 mm in temperate zone, 650~380 mm in warm temperate zone, 780~1100 mm in subtropical zone. And more than 1100 mm in tropical zone. RMI also reflects a regional moisture level very well. The values of RMI was less than 0.4 in desert area, 0.4~0.7 in grassland area and more than 0.7 in forest area. Thus, the climate-vegetation classification in China is established on the basis of the two indices: RTI and RMI. According to this model, the changing patterns of vegetation zones in China are given under the conditions of mean annual temperature in creasing by 2℃ and 4℃ and mean annual precipitation increasing by 20%. The results showed that the areas of forest and grassland would decrease, the vegetation zones would move northward and upward, and the area of desert would increase. The results also indicate that the Tibetan Plateau is an area highly sensitive to global change. It could be considered as an indicative or forewarning area for global change , and therefore, an area of great siginificance for monitoring and research. The possible beneficial effect of global change on China terrestrial ecosystems is that the plantation boundary will move northwards and upwards; and the disadvantageous effect is the expansion of desertification and the increase of instability in climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Nutrient reduction in impacted lowland freshwater systems is ecologically and culturally important. Gaining a greater insight into how lakes respond to lowering nutrient loads and how...  相似文献   

A yearlong campaign to examine sediment resuspension was conducted in large, shallow and eutrophic Lake Taihu, China, to investigate the influence of vegetation on sediment resuspension and its nutrient effects. The study was conducted at 6 sites located in both phytoplankton-dominated zone and macrophyte-dominated zone of the lake, lasting for a total of 13 months, with collections made at two-week intervals. Sediment resuspension in Taihu, with a two-week high average rate of 1771 g·m-2·d-1 and a yearly average rate of 377 g·m-2·d-1, is much stronger than in many other lakes worldwide, as Taihu is quite shallow and contains a long fetch. The occurrence of macrophytes, however, provided quite strong abatement of sediment resuspension, which may reduce the sediment resuspension rate up to 29-fold. The contribution of nitrogen and phosphorus to the water column from sediment resuspension was estimated as 0.34 mg·L-1 and 0.051 mg·L-1 in the phytoplankton-dominated zone. Sediment resuspension also largely reduced transparency and then stimulated phytoplankton growth. Therefore, sediment resuspension may be one of the most important factors delaying the recovery of eutrophic Lake Taihu, and the influence of sediment resuspension on water quality must also be taken into account by the lake managers when they determine the restoration target.  相似文献   

The Great Khingan Mountain range, Northeast China, is located on the northern limit of modern East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and thus highly sensitive to the extension of the EASM from glacial to interglacial modes. Here, we present a high-resolution pollen record covering the last glacial maximum and the early Holocene from a closed crater Lake Moon to reconstruct vegetation history during the glacial-interglacial transition and thus register the evolution of the EASM during the last deglaciation. The vegetation history has gone through distinct changes from subalpine meadow in the last glacial maximum to dry steppe dominated by Artemisia from 20.3 to 17.4 ka BP, subalpine meadow dominated by Cyperaceae and Artemisia between 17.4 and 14.4 ka BP, and forest steppe dominated by Betula and Artemisia after 14.4 ka BP. The pollen-based temperature index demonstrates a gradual warming trend started at around 20.3 ka BP with interruptions of several brief events. Two cold conditions occurred around at 17.2–16.6 ka BP and 12.8–11.8 ka BP, temporally correlating to the Henrich 1 and the Younger Dryas events respectively, 1and abrupt warming events occurred around at 14.4 ka BP and 11.8 ka BP, probably relevant to the beginning of the Bølling-Allerød stages and the Holocene. The pollen-based moisture proxy shows distinct drought condition during the last glacial maximum (20.3–18.0 ka BP) and the Younger Dryas. The climate history based on pollen record of Lake Moon suggests that the regional temperature variability was coherent with the classical climate in the North Atlantic, implying the dominance of the high latitude processes on the EASM evolution from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to early Holocene. The local humidity variability was influenced by the EASM limitedly before the Bølling-Allerød warming, which is mainly controlled by the summer rainfall due to the EASM front covering the Northeast China after that.  相似文献   

泸沽湖是中国西南重要的水鸟越冬地和旅游风景区,开展泸沽湖越冬水鸟群落组成现状调查并进行历史变化分析,对指导泸沽湖水鸟及其栖息地保护和管理具有重要意义。2013年10月至2014年2月(12月除外),逐月对泸沽湖全湖及其西北方向的竹地海湿地(距离泸沽湖约500 m,面积约0.4 km2)越冬水鸟进行调查。泸沽湖共记录到水鸟27种,观察的最大个体总数约为22 600只,符合国际重要湿地标准。泸沽湖越冬水鸟群落的主要优势物种为骨顶鸡(Fulica atra),其最大观察数约为10 300只。竹地海湿地共记录到水鸟16种,观察到的最大个体总数约为3 600只,其中赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)约为2 700只;鉴于竹地海湿地亦为水鸟聚集的栖息地,建议将其划入泸沽湖自然保护区加以保护。对比1992年的调查数据,发现泸沽湖及其附近竹地海湿地越冬水鸟的物种丰富度(species richness)可能有所下降,由原来的33种下降到现在的30种,但个体总数量相对稳定。多种涉禽和喜浅水活动的钻水鸭类(dabbling ducks)消失,可能与湖岸区旅游活动的持续进行有关;泸沽湖曾经的主要优势物种赤嘴潜鸭(Netta rufina)种群数量大幅下降,暗示泸沽湖生态系统可能已发生变化。泸沽湖旅游业进一步发展的同时,保护好现存的浅水栖息地将是泸沽湖水鸟多样性不再继续下降的关键。  相似文献   

Climate Change and War Frequency in Eastern China over the Last Millennium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We explore the association between climate change and warfare in eastern China over the past millennium from a macro-historic perspective. High-resolution palaeo-temperature reconstructions and the complete record of warfare incidence in eastern China were compared. Results show that warfare frequency in eastern China (its southern portion in particular) significantly correlated with the Northern Hemisphere temperature oscillations. Almost all peaks of warfare frequency and dynastic changes occurred in cooling phases. We suggest that in historic China, the reduction of thermal energy during cooling phases significantly shrank agricultural production. Such ecological stress interacted with population pressure and China’s unique historic and geographic setting to bring about the high frequencies of warfare over the last millennium. We recommend scholars take climate change into account as they consider the anthropology of warfare in the historic past.  相似文献   

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