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Processes of forest regeneration in two unlogged areas and in three areas that were logged nearly 25 years ago were quantified in Kibale National Park, Uganda. For forests to recover from logging, one would predict recruitment and growth processes to be accelerated in logged areas relative to unlogged areas, facilitating increased recruitment of trees into the adult size classes. We examined this prediction first by determining the growth of 4733 trees over a 51 to 56 month period and found that growth rates in the most heavily logged area were consistently slower than in the two unlogged areas. In contrast, the lightly logged forest had similar growth rates to unlogged areas in the small size classes, but trees in the 30 to 50 cm DBH size cohort exhibited elevated growth rates relative to the unlogged areas. Mortality was highest in the heavily logged areas, with many deaths occurring when healthy trees were knocked over by neighboring treefalls. We found no difference in the density or species richness of seedlings in the logged and unlogged forests. The number of seedlings that emerged from the disturbed soil (seed bank+seed rain) and initially seed-free soil (seed rain) was greater in the logged forest than in the unlogged forest. However, sapling density was lower in the heavily logged areas, suggesting that there is a high level of seedling mortality in logged areas. We suggest that the level of canopy opening created during logging, the lack of aggressive colonizing tree species, elephant activity that is concentrated in logged areas, and an aggressive herb community, all combine to delay vegetation recovery in Kibale Forest.  相似文献   

Forest succession was studied in four plots in former grasslands at the Ngogo study area in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The plots were located in areas that had been protected from fire for 0.58, 25, 9 and ≈30 years for plots 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Species richness reflected the length of time that the plot had been protected from fire; it was highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. Species density, stem density and basal area were all highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. The species densities of plots 2 and 3 were not different. Similarly, plots 2 and 4 did not differ with regard to stem density or basal area. Animal seed dispersers played a vital role in the colonization of grasslands by forest tree species.  相似文献   

A study on the forest association and phenology of wild coffee ( Coffea canephora Pierre) was conducted in Kibale forest, Uganda. Nested quadrats were used to enumerate tree species, including coffee and herbaceous plants associated with forest and coffee stands. A total of 150 coffee trees was marked along transects and monthly scans carried out to score for fruits, flowers, leaves and leaf insect damage. Pre- and post-dispersal predation levels and coffee yield estimates were made by examining fruits from trees, forest floor and seasonal fruit falls into demarcated plots. In the forest, wild coffee stands are associated with low-quality forest types in terms of timber species (about 10.5 canopy species/study site) and low stocking densities of trees ≥ 50 cm d.b.h. (average 38 trees ha−1 for each site) and poor forest regeneration. In the forest, wild coffee reproductive phases overlap with ripening, coinciding with flower bud and flower production. The variable peak ripening season falls between November and April. The wild coffee yields are generally low (average of 3.5 intact fruits 16 m−2 month−1), with low insect fruit/seed damage (4–19%) but high levels of wastage due to monkeys, bats and birds.  相似文献   

Very few locomotor studies have been conducted on galagos. This is surprising given their interesting anatomy and ecology, as well as their increasing species diversity. In this study we investigated locomotion and postures in two sympatric galagos species (Galagoides thomasi and Galago matschiei) living in Kibale National Park, Uganda. G. thomasi uses arboreal quadrupedalism and leaping, while G. matschiei is more leaping-oriented. Both species utilize small oblique branches in the mid-canopy. These similarities in substrate use are most likely due to the similar body sizes and anatomies of the two species, as well as to the structure and availability of trees in Kibale National Park. Lastly, we compare the locomotor patterns of G. thomasi and G. matschiei with those observed in the few other quantitative locomotor studies available for galagos.  相似文献   

A goal of conservation biology is to determine which types of species are most susceptible to habitat disturbance and which types of disturbed habitats can support particular species. We studied 20 forest fragments outside of Kibale National Park, Uganda, to address this question. At each patch, we determined the presence of primate species, tree species composition, patch size, and distance to nearest patch. We collected demographic, behavioral, and dietary data for Abyssinian black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza). Black-and-white colobus and red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius) were in almost all fragments; Pennant's red colobus (Procolobus pennantii) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were in some fragments; and blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) and gray-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena) were absent from all fragments. No species characteristics—home range, body size, group size, or degree of frugivory—predicted the ability of species to live in patches. No characteristics of patches—area, distance to the nearest patch, distance to Kibale, or number of food trees present—predicted the presence of a particular species in a patch, but distance to Kibale may have influenced presence of red colobus. Black-and-white colobus group size was significantly smaller in the forest patches than in the continuous forest of Kibale. For a group of black-and-white colobus in one patch, food plant species and home range size were very different from those of a group within Kibale. However, their activity budget and plant parts eaten were quite similar to those of the Kibale group. The lack of strong predictive variables as well as differences between other studies of fragmentation and ours caution against making generalizations about primate responses to fragmentation.  相似文献   

Intercommunity coalitionary killing of adult and adolescent males has been documented in two chimpanzee communities in the wild, and it was strongly suspected in a third. It may increase survivorship for the attackers, their mates, and their offspring by reducing the combined strength of hostile neighbors and/or by increasing territory size and food availability, and it may help the attackers to attract mates. Lethal coalitionary attacks by males on other male members of their own communities would not provide these benefits and are not expected, given the importance of cooperation among male community members in contests for dominance rank and in both defense and offense against neighboring males. Nevertheless, intracommunity coalitionary killings associated with struggles for alpha rank occur in the wild and in captivity, and observers have seen serious gang attacks on maturing adolescent and young adult males at Mahale and Budongo: the victim in the Budongo case was killed (Fawcett and Muhumuza, 2000). I describe a lethal attack on a young adult male by a large coalition of males from his community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. The Ngogo community is the largest known for chimpanzees and has an unusually large number of males. The attack was not related to a struggle for alpha rank: the victim was low-ranking and the community had a well-established alpha at the time. However, the victim had risen substantially in the male hierarchy over the past few years and might have appeared threatening to many higher-ranking males. Simultaneously, he associated relatively little with most other adult males, had relatively few grooming partners and was not well integrated into the male grooming network, and had no influential allies. The combination of these social factors with the unusual demographic circumstances – which presumably meant that mating competition was relatively high and the cost of losing one male relatively low – might have triggered the attack.  相似文献   

Colobines often associate with cercopithecines at various African sites. Such polyspecific associations presumably have an antipredation function. At Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) spend considerable time in association with red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius), and they are also heavily hunted by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). I conducted behavioral observations and playback experiments to test the hypothesis that red colobus and red-tailed monkeys obtain mutual protection and predator-related benefits by associating. Despite high chimpanzee hunting pressure on red colobus and much lower hunting pressure on red-tailed monkeys, red-tailed monkeys initiate, maintain, and terminate the associations. The results suggest that rather than providing red colobus with protection against chimpanzees, the associations occur mostly because they protect red-tailed monkeys against predation by eagles.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have hostile intergroup relations throughout most or all of their geographic range. Hostilities include aggressive encounters between members of neighboring communities during foraging and during patrols in which members of one community search for neighbors near territory boundaries. Attacks on neighbors involve coalitions of adult males, and are sometimes fatal. Targets include members of all age/sex classes, but the risk of lethal intergroup coalitionary aggression is highest for adult males and infants, and lowest for sexually swollen females. The best-supported adaptive explanation for such behavior is that fission-fusion sociality allows opportunities for low-cost attacks that, when successful, enhance the food supply for members of the attackers' community, improve survivorship, and increase female fertility. We add to the database on intergroup coalitionary aggression in chimpanzees by describing three fatal attacks on adult males, plus a fourth attack on an adult male and an attack on a juvenile that were almost certainly fatal. Observers saw four of these attacks and inferred the fifth from forensic and behavioral evidence. The attackers were males in two habituated, unprovisioned communities (Ngogo and Kanyawara) in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We also summarize data on other intercommunity attacks at Ngogo. Our observations are consistent with the "imbalance of power" hypothesis [Manson & Wrangham, Current Anthropology 32:369-390, 1991] and support the argument that lethal coalitionary intergroup aggression by male chimpanzees is part of an evolved behavioral strategy.  相似文献   

The ecological pressures shaping chimpanzee anatomy and behavior are the subject of much discussion in primatology and paleoanthropology, yet empirical data on fundamental parameters including body size, morbidity, and mortality are rare for wild chimpanzees. Here, we present skeletal pathology and body size data for 20 (19 crania, 12 postcrania) chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from Kibale National Park, Uganda. We compare these data with other East African populations, especially Gombe National Park. Estimated body size for Kibale chimpanzees was similar to other East African populations and significantly larger than Gombe chimpanzees. The high rates of trauma and other skeletal pathology evident in the Kibale chimpanzee skeletons were similar to those in the Gombe skeletal sample. Much of the major skeletal trauma in the Kibale skeletons was attributable to falls, although other pathologies were noted as well, including apparent injuries from snares, degenerative arthritis, and minor congenital abnormalities.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of crop raiding by elephants across gender and age classes in relation to elephant life history and sociobiology and estimated the quantitative contribution of crops to elephant diet in Kibale National Park (KNP). Elephant dung‐boli sizes were used to estimate age and sex, while the presence of crop remains in the dung of crop‐raiding elephants was used as evidence of repeated raiding. To estimate the expected proportion of elephants raiding per age class, the age distribution of raiders was compared with the age distribution of all KNP elephants. Elephants raiding crops were predominantly males. They began raiding in expected proportions at 10–14 years while a higher than expected proportion raided crops at 20–24 years. These results suggest that crop raiding is initiated at an age when male elephants leave their families and a large proportion of elephants raid when they are approaching reproductive competition. Evidence from dung of crop raiders, suggests that repeated raiding increases with age. Crop raiders derived 38% of their daily forage from the short time spent raiding, consistent with expectations of foraging theory. Males may be more likely to learn crop raiding because they are socially more independent and experience intense mating competition than females.  相似文献   

Very little information exists on mineral nutrition of tropical, forest-dwelling species, yet minerals are critical to growth, reproduction, and survival. We examined the mineral resources available to and consumed by colobus in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We combined behavioral data on black-and-white (Colobus guereza) and red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in a section of unlogged forest, a heavily logged area, and a forest fragment with mineral analysis of their foods to estimate the proportion of the diet containing specific minerals (mineral content). We compared mineral content of colobus foods (natural and crops) across plant parts and among plant species. Additionally, we estimated mineral intake of frugivorous primates in Kibale from published dietary data and our estimates of mineral content of foods. Dietary mineral content for all colobus groups and frugivorous species is similar despite significant differences in the mineral content of foods. Ripe and unripe fruits are lower in mineral content than most foods. Foods rarely consumed, such as bark, petioles, and caterpillars have high levels of some minerals. The mineral content of crops is low in comparison to that ofnatural foods. For all colobus groups of both species, sodium content of foods was extremely low and iron content was generally low, suggesting that intake isbelow suggested requirements, though current suggested iron requirements may overestimate physiological needs. Copper content was marginal and deficient seasonally for most colobus groups. Despite a sodium-limiting environment, only one of 8 colobus groups appeared to select sodium; however, this may be due to a lack of variation in sodium content among plant species and a positive correlation between high plant sodium content and secondary compounds. Despite the lack of selection for sodium by colobines, some behaviors point to a potential sodium deficiency, including urine drinking, consumption of high-sodium swamp plants, and use of mud-puddles.  相似文献   

Changes in species composition, stem abundance, and basal area of trees taller than or equal to 10 m in a medium altitude tropical rain forest at the Ngogo study area, Kibale National Park, Uganda are described for the period between 1975 and 1998 ( n  = 23 years). Two enumeration episodes were conducted in 263 plots of 5 m by 50 m during 1975–80 and 1997–98. During this period, species richness decreased by 3% (from 92 to 89). Species diversity (H') also declined slightly from 2.97 to 2.86. The number of trees recorded in the sample plots decreased by 8% (from 2545 to 2329), while basal area decreased from 49.48 m2 ha−1 to 48.68 m2 ha−1. However, stem abundance and basal area increased for some species.  相似文献   

Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A combination of trapping and foot surveys was used to assess the breeding status of birds in unlogged and logged sites in the tropical rain forest of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Breeding of forest edge and gap species was greatly enhanced by logging, whereas crevice and hole nesting specialist breeders were adversely affected. Egg‐laying periods corresponded to higher rainfall regimes at the nearby field station. The relevance of these findings to bird conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have documented infanticide by adult males in four wild chimpanzee populations. Males in three of these have killed infants from outside of their own communities, but most infanticides, including one from Kanyawara, in Kibale National Park, Uganda, took place within communities. Here we report two new cases of infanticide by male chimpanzees at a second Kibale site, Ngogo, where the recently habituated chimpanzee community is the largest yet known. Both infanticides happended during boundary patrols, which occur at a high frequency there. Patrolling males attacked solitary females who were unable to defend their infants successfully. The victims were almost certainly not members of the Ngogo community. Males cannibalized both infants and completely consumed their carcasses. These observations show that infanticide by males is widespread in the Kibale population and that between-community infanticide also happens there. We discuss our observations in the context of the sexual selection hypothesis and other proposed explanations for infanticide by male chimpanzees. The observations support the arguments that infanticide has been an important selective force in chimpanzee social evolution and that females with dependent infants can be at great risk near range boundaries, but why male chimpanzees kill infants is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Few data exist regarding long-term changes in primate populations in old-growth, tropical forests. In the absence of this information, it is unclear how to assess population trends efficiently and economically. We addressed these problems by conducting line-transect censuses 23.5 years apart at the Ngogo study area in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We conducted additional censuses over short time intervals to determine the degree to which the temporal distribution of censuses affected estimates of primate numbers. Results indicate that two species, blue monkeys and red colobus, may have experienced significant reductions over the past 23.5 years at Ngogo. In contrast, five other species, baboons, black-and-white colobus, chimpanzees, mangabeys, and red-tailed guenons, have not changed in relative abundance. Additional findings indicate that different observers may vary significantly in their estimates of sighting distances of animals during censuses, thus rendering the use of measures of absolute densities problematic. Moreover, censuses conducted over short periods produce biased estimates of primate numbers. These results provide guidelines for the use of line-transect censuses and underscore the importance of protecting large blocks of forests for primate conservation.  相似文献   

Revenue sharing aims to balance the disadvantages people encounter living next to protected areas while fostering improved conservation behaviours. In Uganda, 20% of protected area entrance fees are shared with local governments to benefit communities adjacent to national parks. The process to distribute funds and implement projects was investigated by interviewing Uganda Wildlife Authority wardens, local government and village residents around Kibale National Park, Uganda. The perceived benefit of revenue sharing by officials and local communities was collected through interviews and a household survey, while the influence of the program on conservation objectives was assessed by measuring illegal resource extraction from the national park adjacent to study villages. It was found that the program is evolving into an effective mechanism for sharing benefits, but that better project management and increased accounting transparency could further improve the program. If the projects specifically dealt with the problem of crop raiding by park-protected animals, then villagers did benefit and lower levels of illegal activity were found inside the park. Generally household perceived benefit was low, however reduced in-park illegal activity was recorded where the village chairperson perceived higher benefit from the program, implying that the village leadership may be influencing the conservation behaviours within the community. Compared with other incentive options such as loss compensation, direct payment, and collaborative management, revenue sharing appears to be an effective and practical choice, given the limited funding available to the wildlife authority to benefit local communities while trying to improve conservation behaviours.  相似文献   

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