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Sixteen vegetation types were described from a north-south transect in the western Kalahari. Pronounced differences were found between communities on the nutrient poor red Kalahari sand, covering most of the area and those on fine soils and white calcareous sand. Syntaxa resulting from severe overgrazing by livestock were in most cases clearly distinguished from the less disturbed vegetation. The communities on red sand consisted mainly of shrub savanna dominated by perennial tufted grasses, whereas in the vegetation on calcareous material and on overgrazed land, forbs, dwarf shrubs and shrubs played a more important role. The major communities on red sand showed a clear geographical zonation roughly corresponding to the gradient in mean annual rainfall and its interannual variation. In the northern and central Kalahari these syntaxa were dominated by species of Sudano-Zambezian origin and in the southern Kalahari by species showing Karoo-Namib affinities.  相似文献   

The spatial variations in the densities of adult (>1 year old) musselsMytilus edulis L. in the Exe estuary, South-west England, are investigated in relation to six potentially significant environmental gradients; distance up-estuary and up-shore, substrate softness, mussel bed topography, bed area and proportion covered by algae. The most important correlate of mussel density was the up-shore gradient, as measured by exposure time; mussels were densest just below mid-tide level. The level of recruitment of spat mussels (O yr) to each bed depended on the densities of adults already present; more spat were recruited where adults were denser. Their subsequent mortality was strongly density dependent, with the numbers surviving the winter also being related to the density of adults. Hence the population as a whole was self-sustaining and densities on the individual beds were related to the up-shore gradient of exposure time. The question of how adult densities became established in the first place is therefore discussed. In former times, fishermen laid many mussel beds over the estuary and it is concluded that, once abandoned, only those placed at or below the mid-tide level survived.  相似文献   

海河流域景观空间梯度格局及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于GIS技术,以海河流域为对象,首先,分别采用Fragstats3.3的标准法和移动视窗法先后分析了流域整体景观格局及其空间分异特征;然后,针对流域本身自然地理梯度特点,分别沿流域纵向(河流流向)梯度和横向(垂直与河流流向)梯度设置了两条样带,应用移动视窗法计算了景观层次下的斑块面积(AREA_MN)、蔓延度指数(CONTAG)、边界密度(ED)、形状指数(LSI)、斑块密度(PD)、多样性指数(SHDI),获得了景观沿两个样带方向的梯度格局;最后,以高程、降水、气温、人口和GDP为环境因子,以上述6个指数值为目标物种,利用去趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法研究了景观梯度格局与环境因子的关系。结果表明:2000年海河流域内景观基质为农田,面积占55.9%,流域内景观结构以块状结构为主,并零散分布有圈层和带状(廊道)结构;景观梯度格局在两条样带上均表现为类似的特征,即随景观类型变化呈现不同幅度的波动,两条样带上均存在较为明显的过渡带;DCCA分析表明:景观梯度格局与环境因子关系密切,区域高程、降水量、温度对流域尺度的景观格局起决定性作用,人口数量、GDP则在局部地区对景观格局有着重要影响。  相似文献   

The enclosed Baltic Sea, one of the world’s largest brackish water basins, resembles a large estuary with steep horizontal and vertical environmental gradients. Thus, salinities range from 25 to 30 ppt in the Danish Sound area in the south to 1–3 ppt in the inner reaches of the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland, and a persistent pycnocline in the Baltic basin causes stagnation of bottom waters for long periods, with periodic hypoxia/anoxia as a consequence, over an area covering up to 100 000 km2. Further, climatic variation from boreal to subarctic causes additional stress on the ecosystem. In recent decades, eutrophication and pollution have also significantly affected the biota of the Baltic Sea. The soft bottom infauna is poor in terms of species composition, and functional complexity is considered to be low. This paper examines the estuarine soft bottom infauna of the Baltic Sea along some principal environmental gradients using a functional-group perspective. We have used the functional-group concept (primarily feeding type, mobility and microhabitat), designed for polychaetes by 22 , to analyze and illustrate if and how the environmental gradients are reflected in the zoobenthos. A total of 25 functional groups were identified, forming clines from complex functional communities in the south and west, towards functionally poor assemblages in the north and east. The shift in functional groups indicates a loss of carnivores, tentaculate sessile organisms, and burrowers from areas beyond the Baltic and its marine approaches towards the inner bays. On the other hand, suspension feeders and surface deposit feeders increase in importance. In the northernmost areas of the Baltic only 1–3 functional groups are found, compared to 8–20 in the south.  相似文献   

A solid, porous matrix was used to establish steady-state concentration profiles upon which microbial responses to concentration gradients of nutrients or antimicrobial agents could be quantified. This technique relies on the development of spatially defined concentration gradients across a ceramic plate resulting from the diffusion of solutes through the porous ceramic matrix. A two-dimensional, finite-element numerical transport model was used to predict the establishment of concentration profiles, after which concentration profiles of conservative tracers were quantified fluorometrically and chemically at the solid-liquid interface to verify the simulated profiles. Microbial growth responses to nutrient, hypochloride, and antimicrobial concentration gradients were then quantified using epifluorescent or scanning confocal laser microscopy. The observed microbial response verified the establishment and maintenance of stable concentration gradients along the solid-liquid interface. These results indicate the ceramic diffusion system has potential for the isolation of heterogeneous microbial communities as well as for testing the efficacy of antimicrobial agents. In addition, the durability of the solid matrix allowed long-term investigations, making this approach preferable to conventional gel-stabilized systems that are impeded by erosion as well as expansion or shrinkage of the gel.  相似文献   

During the flood season of 1992–1993, 139 species of fishes were collected from a floodplain lake system in the central Amazon Basin. Fish species distribution was examined relative to abiotic variables in seven vegetation strata on Marchantaria Island, Solimões River. Both environmental variables and species distributions were influenced by a river channel to floodplain-interior gradient. Species diversity was significantly higher in vegetated areas than in unvegetated areas, with deeper water Paspalum repens stands harbouring the highest diversity. As a result, species richness and catches were positively related to habitat complexity, while catch was also negatively related to dissolved oxygen (DO) and water depth. Low DO and shallow waters appeared to act as a refuge from predation. Fish assemblages were related to water chemistry, but species richness was not. Canonical correspondence analysis provided evidence that floodplain fish assemblages formed by the 76 most common species were influenced by physical variables, macrophyte coverage and habitat complexity, which jointly accounted for 67% of the variance of fish species assemblages. Omnivores showed no pattern relative to the river channel to floodplain-interior gradient while detritivores were more likely to be found at interior floodplain sites and piscivores closer to the river. Piscivores could be further separated into three groups, one with seven species associated with free-floating macrophytes in deep water, a second with five species found in shallow waters with rooted grasses and a third with six open water orientated species. The results suggest that fish assemblages in the Amazon floodplain are not random associations of species.  相似文献   

Plant species aboveground allometry can be viewed as a functional trait that reflects the evolutionary trade‐off between above‐ and belowground resources. In forest trees, allometry is related to productivity and resilience in different environments, and it is tightly connected with a compromise between efficiency‐safety and competitive ability. A better understanding on how this trait varies within and across species is critical to determine the potential of a species/population to perform along environmental gradients. We followed a hierarchical framework to assess tree height‐diameter allometry variation within and across four common European Pinus species. Tree height‐diameter allometry variation was a function of solely genetic components –approximated by either population effects or clinal geographic responses of the population's site of origin– and differential genetic plastic responses –approximated by the interaction between populations and two climatic variables of the growing sites (temperature and precipitation)–. Our results suggest that, at the species level, climate of the growing sites set the tree height‐diameter allometry of xeric and mesic species (Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster and P. nigra) apart from the boreal species (P. sylvestris), suggesting a weak signal of their phylogenies in the tree height‐diameter allometry variation. Moreover, accounting for interpopulation variability within species for the four pine species aided to: (1) detect genetic differences among populations in allometry variation, which in P. nigra and P. pinaster were linked to gene pools –genetic diversity measurements–; (2) reveal the presence of differential genetic variation in plastic responses along two climatic gradients in tree allometry variation. In P. sylvestris and P. nigra, genetic variation was the result of adaptive patterns to climate, while in P. pinaster and P. halepensis, this signal was either weaker or absent, respectively; and (3) detect local adaptation in the exponent of the tree height‐diameter allometry relationship in two of the four species (P. sylvestris and P. nigra), as it was a function of populations' latitude and altitude variables. Our findings suggest that the four species have been subjected to different historical and climatic constraints that might have driven their aboveground allometry and promoted different life strategies.  相似文献   

Aim Climbing plants are characterized by long, wide vessel elements, which may be vulnerable to cold‐ or drought‐induced embolism. However, the difference in vulnerability between lianas (woody climbing plants) and vines (herbaceous climbing plants) has not yet been reported. Here we hypothesize that both lianas and vines are more sensitive to variations in water and temperature than are self‐supporting plants. Consequently, the proportions of lianas and vines in flora are expected to decline significantly along geographical and environmental gradients. Location China. Methods A unique dataset describing 82 floras in China was examined. The proportion of lianas in the flora (LPF) and the proportion of vines in the flora (VPF) were calculated independently. The proportion of the climbing plants in total spermatophyte flora (CPF) was also calculated. LPF and VPF were compared along latitudinal, mean annual rainfall (Rain), and mean January temperature (T1) gradients. Local linear regression analyses showed the changing tendencies of LPF and VPF. Prediction models of LPF using geographical and environmental factors were studied in some subranges. Results (1) LPF was highest in the tropics (13.8% on average), decreased linearly with increasing latitude within the latitude < 42 °N subrange, and reached < 1% north of 42 °N in China. VPF fluctuated slightly from tropical (4.7%), to subtropical (4.2%) to warm temperate (4.5%) regions, but declined significantly in temperate (3.2%) and dry (1.5%) zones in China. (2) LPF decreased significantly with decreasing rainfall, and decreased significantly with decreasing T1 in areas where T1 > −10 °C. In contrast, VPF tended to be constant in areas where T1 > −5 °C or Rain > 1000 mm, and declined under extreme water or temperature stresses. (3) Predictions of LPF using Rain and T1 in areas where T1 > −10 °C, and using latitude and altitude within the latitude < 42 °N subrange were both reliable. According to the geographical model for LPF and a constant VPF, tropical Asian forests would have a LPF as high as 25.4% and the highest CPF would be c. 30%. Conclusions We conclude that liana diversity is more sensitive to temperature and water availability than that of vines and other plants. Geographical and environmental gradients affected LPF but not VPF. Shorter life spans and underground nutrient storage may be effective strategies adopted by vines to avoid drought and cold stresses.  相似文献   

异龙湖湖滨带不同环境梯度下土壤养分空间变异性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
随着环境梯度的变化,生态系统的特征会发生明显的变异,土壤是其重要的表征要素。以纵向岭谷区红河流域异龙湖湖滨带为案例,运用多种统计分析方法对其不同环境梯度下土壤单个养分指标和土壤养分综合质量的空间分布特征进行了研究,结果表明:在北部湖滨坡地,海拔对土壤养分空间分布的影响并不十分显著,而坡位对其影响较大;北部湖滨农田土壤,水分梯度对钾的影响较大,全氮和有机质则一部分受水分梯度影响,另一部分受径流作用的影响;异龙湖湖滨带土壤养分综合质量指数大小的排序为:南部湖演农田〉北部湖滨农田〉北部湖滨坡地)南部湖滨坡地。还探讨了不同环境因子对单个土壤养分指标和土壤养分综合质量的影响,其中,气温、湿度、坡向和坡型对土壤中磷空间分布的影响较大,土壤含水量、坡度和海拔对土壤有机质、全氮和全钾的影响较大;土壤含水量即水分梯度对土壤养分综合质量影响最大。  相似文献   

Aim  To assess whether eight traits of fish communities (species richness, three reproductive traits and four trophic traits) respond similarly to environmental gradients, and consequently display convergence between the lakes of France and north-east USA (NEUSA).
Location  75 French and 168 north-east USA lakes.
Methods  The data encompass fish surveys, the assignment of species into reproductive and trophic guilds, and environmental variables characterizing the lakes and their catchments. The analytical procedure was adapted from the recommendations of Schluter (1986 ) [ Ecology , 67 , 1073–1085].
Results  The comparison of the regional pools of lacustrine fishes indicated that NEUSA was about twice as speciose as France, mostly due to higher species turnover across lakes, although NEUSA lakes were consistently about 20% more speciose than French lakes for a given surface area. Warmer environments were consistently inhabited by a higher proportion of phytophilous and guarder species than were colder lakes. Hence there was convergence in community reproductive traits. Conversely, there was no evidence of convergence in the trophic structure of lacustrine fish communities between regions.
Main conclusions  The influence of temperature on the availability and quality of spawning substrates appears to be a major constraint on present-day lacustrine fish communities. In parallel, phylogenetic constraints, past events such as the diversification of the North American fish fauna, and selective extinctions during Pleistocene glaciations and subsequent recolonizations contribute to explaining the dissimilarities between the communities of the two regions and differences in their relationship to the environment.  相似文献   

Community assembly processes is the primary focus of community ecology. Using phylogenetic‐based and functional trait‐based methods jointly to explore these processes along environmental gradients are useful ways to explain the change of assembly mechanisms under changing world. Our study combined these methods to test assembly processes in wide range gradients of elevation and other habitat environmental factors. We collected our data at 40 plots in Taibai Mountain, China, with more than 2,300 m altitude difference in study area and then measured traits and environmental factors. Variance partitioning was used to distinguish the main environment factors leading to phylogeny and traits change among 40 plots. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to colligate other environment factors. Community assembly patterns along environmental gradients based on phylogenetic and functional methods were studied for exploring assembly mechanisms. Phylogenetic signal was calculated for each community along environmental gradients in order to detect the variation of trait performance on phylogeny. Elevation showed a better explanatory power than other environment factors for phylogenetic and most traits’ variance. Phylogenetic and several functional structure clustered at high elevation while some conserved traits overdispersed. Convergent tendency which might be caused by filtering or competition along elevation was detected based on functional traits. Leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and leaf nitrogen content along PCA 1 axis showed conflicting patterns comparing to patterns showed on elevation. LDMC exhibited the strongest phylogenetic signal. Only the phylogenetic signal of maximum plant height showed explicable change along environmental gradients. Synthesis. Elevation is the best environment factors for predicting phylogeny and traits change. Plant's phylogenetic and some functional structures show environmental filtering in alpine region while it shows different assembly processes in middle‐ and low‐altitude region by different trait/phylogeny. The results highlight deterministic processes dominate community assembly in large‐scale environmental gradients. Performance of phylogeny and traits along gradients may be independent with each other. The novel method for calculating functional structure which we used in this study and the focus of phylogenetic signal change along gradients may provide more useful ways to detect community assembly mechanisms.  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷植物群落分布的环境与空间因素分析   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:45  
为了探讨土壤环境因子对植物群落物种数量、结构格局的影响 ,通过对岷江上游干旱河谷灌丛植被的大量群落学调查 ,采用了群落中 9个土壤特征指标 ,利用去势典范对应分析 (DCCA)排序方法 ,分析了不同群落类型中不同层次的物种数量结构的空间格局 ;定量分离了土壤、空间及其交互作用等因素对不同层次群落格局总体变异的影响。结果表明 :以水分为主导的多种环境因子耦合梯度决定着植物群落结构格局。环境因子对群落的影响程度在不同层次有差异 ,在灌木层中 ,单纯环境因子对植被格局的解释占 2 8.0 2 % ,环境 -空间耦合因子占 8.90 % ,空间因子独立占 10 .69% ,其他因子占 52 .3 9% ;而在草本层中 ,单纯环境因子对植被格局的解释占 2 0 .64% ,而环境 -空间耦合因子仅占 0 .83 % ,空间因子独立占 5.10 % ,其他因子占 73 .43 % ,草本的可解释性远远低于灌木。但无论是灌木层还是草本层 ,在诸多因子中 ,土壤水分始终在影响群落物种数量结构的空间格局分布中起着主导作用  相似文献   

Abstract. The prevalence and distribution of sponges was surveyed on vertical cliff surfaces at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland. The number of sponge species was recorded at 6-metre depth intervals at four sites within Lough Hyne, and at one site on the adjacent Atlantic coastline to examine differences in abundance and zonation patterns. Sites ranged from an exposed turbulent regime to sheltered, sedimented environments. Individual species showed different distributions and prevalence between sites and with increasing depth. Greatest differences were observed between the most- and least-disturbed sites. Distinct sponge zonation patterns were evident at all sites sampled. Twenty-five species were considered dominant at all five sites with the remaining 48 species considered rare. Only four of the 25 most-dominant species occurred at the site experiencing the most turbulent flow conditions, whereas 12 species were found at the site of unidirectional fast flow. At sites of moderate to slight water movement and high sedimentation, between 18 and 24 of the most dominant species were present. Encrusting forms constituted high proportions of sponge communities at all five sites sampled (although consisting of different species). At sites of turbulent and unidirectional fast flow massive forms also dominated whereas at the least turbulent sites, where sedimentation was high, arborescent sponges were abundant. Few species showed exclusive distribution to a single depth and site, but there was some degree of correlation between species distributions and abiotic factors such as sedimentation rate and flow regimes. Sponge distributions and densities are discussed with respect to the suitability of species' morphologies to particular environments, intra-specific and inter-specific competition and physiological adaptations that enable them to survive in different habitats.  相似文献   

We used an ordination approach to identify factors important to the organization of breeding bird communities in three floodplains: Cache River, Arkansas (AR), Iatt Creek, Louisiana (LA), and the Coosawhatchie River, South Carolina (SC), USA. We used 5-min point counts to sample birds in each study area each spring from 1995 to 1998, and measured ground-surface elevations and a suite of other habitat variables to investigate bird distributions and community characteristics in relation to important environmental gradients. In both AR and SC, the average number of Neotropical migrant species detected was lowest in semipermanently flooded Nyssa aquatica Linnaeus habitats and greatest in the highest elevation floodplain zone. Melanerpes carolinus Linnaeus, Protonotaria citrea Boddaert, Quiscalus quiscula Linnaeus, and other species were more abundant in N. aquatica habitats, whereas Wilsonia citrina Boddaert, Oporornis formosus Wilson, Vireo griseus Boddaert, and others were more abundant in drier floodplain zones. In LA, there were no significant differences in community metrics or bird species abundances among forest types. Canonical correspondence analyses revealed that structural development of understory vegetation was the most important factor affecting bird distributions in all three study areas; however, potential causes of these structural gradients differed. In AR and SC, differences in habitat structure were related to the hydrologic gradient, as indexed by ground-surface elevation. In LA, structural variations were related mainly to the frequency of canopy gaps. Thus, bird communities in all three areas appeared to be organized primarily in response to repeated localized disturbance. Our results suggest that regular disturbance due to flooding plays an important role in structuring breeding bird communities in floodplains subject to prolonged inundation, whereas other agents of disturbance (e.g., canopy gaps) may be more important in headwater systems subject to only short-duration flooding. Management for avian community integrity in these systems should strive to maintain forest zonation and natural disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

Patterns of fish population composition were examined in the San Pedro River, Ivory Coast, in 2001 to assess whether distinct types of assemblage exist along longitudinal gradients within this small coastal basin. A total of 45 species was found: 28 in the lower and the upper courses of the river and 29 in Faé man-made lake. The environmental variables most closely associated with assemblage-level patterns were those which can be significantly modified by dam construction: transparency, conductivity, current and sampling site position on the basin. Groups were separated by means of canonical correspondence analysis and cluster analysis. Downstream assemblages were distinguished by the presence of marine and brackish water fish species and a relatively low abundance of cichlid fishes. Assemblages from Lake Faé were characterised by a predominance of cichlids.  相似文献   

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