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ROMO, A. M., 1992. Contribution to the taxonomy and nomenclature of the vascular plants of Morocco. As a result of studies on the flora of Morocco, a number of new taxa and a series of new nomenclature combinations are proposed which are more in line with current knowledge. Three new taxa are described: Dianthus atlantica from the Great Atlas; Ranunculus spicatus Desf. subsp. fontqueri Romo, endemic to Er Rif, and a hybrid: Saxifraga × fontqueri Romo (= S. crenata Psau & Font Quer × Saxifraga globulifera Desf.). The following new combinations are made: Astragalus gombo Cosson & Durieu subsp. pseudogombo (Fernandez Casas) Romo, Avenula bromoides (Gouan) H. Scholz subsp. cincinnatus (Ten.) Romo, Chaenorrhinum origanifolium (L.) Fourr. subsp. flexuosum (Desf.) Romo, Digitalis laciniata Lindley subsp. riphaea (Pau & Font Quer) Romo, Digitalis purpurea subsp. mauretanica (Humbert & Maire) Romo, Lavandula pedunculata Miller subsp. atlantica (Braun-Blanquet) Romo, Paeonia coriacea Boiss. var. maroccana (Pau & Font Quer) Romo, Sideritis arborescens Bentham subsp. antiallantica (Maire) Romo.  相似文献   

Section Sideritis is an extremely diversified group which is formed mainly by species growing at low altitude. The group of high altitude taxa of this section is polyphyletic and has been taxonomically divided in different subsections in which these taxa appear normally associated with low-lying planitiary ones, the latter being the probable ancestors. The subsections comprising high altitude taxa are: subsect. Gymnocarpae , subsect. Fruticulosae; subsect. Hyssopifoliae , subsect. Luridae; subsect. Boigiae and subsect. Aranensis . Most of the high altitude taxa of section Sideritis are endemics with small distribution areas; they are incompletely known and threatened with extinction. The upper altitude limit of this section is attained at over 3000 m in Sierra Nevada (Spain) by Sideritis glacialis Boiss., which has been included in subsect. Fruticulosae Obón and D. Rivera. The taxonomy of this complex group of high altitude endemic taxa of Sideritis subsection Fruticuhsae is discussed on the basis of macro-morphological and micro-morphological characters. These are used in identification keys and for analysis of dissimilarity. The different habitats, allied species and plant communities are described. The following taxa are recognized: Sideritis glacialis subsp. glacialis, S. glacialis subsp. vestita, S. glacialis subsp. virens and S. glacialis subsp. fontquerii .  相似文献   

The following new taxa have been described Bauhinia foraminifera var. falcata var. nov., B. kockiana var. angustifolia var. nov., B. kockiana var. bakoensis var. nov., B. kockiana var. beccarii var. nov., B. kockiana var. brevipedicellata var. nov., B. kockiana var. calcicola var. nov., B. merrilliana var. borneensis var. nov., B. pachyphylla var. wenzelii var. nov., B. semibifida var. acuminata var. nov., B. semibifida var. bruneiana var. nov., B. semibifida var. longebracfeata var. nov., B. stipularis var. brachystylus var. nov., B. wrayi var. blumeana var. nov., and B. wrayi var. borneensis var. nov.
The following new combinations have been made: Bauhinia ahemiana var. subglabra comb. nov., B. ampla var. schlechteri stat. nov., B. bidentata var. breviflora stat. nov., B. bidentata var. fraseri comb. nov., B. bidentata var. gracilipes stat. nov., B. bidentata var. monticola stat. nov., B. fabrilis comb. & stat. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. amoena comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. leptopus comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. montana comb. nov., B. integrifolia ssp. integrifolia var. nymphaeifolia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. scarlatina stat. nov., B. kockiana var. sericeinervia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. velutina comb. nov., B. lingua var. antipolana stat. nov., B. lingua var. riedelii stat. nov., B. semibifida var. perkinsae stat. nov., B. semibifda var. stenostachya comb, nov., B. wrayi var. cancellata comb. & stat. nov., B. wrayi var. cardiophylla comb, nov., and B. wrayi var. rubella comb. nov.  相似文献   

RIVERA NUÑEZ, D., OBON DE CASTRO, C., TOMAS-LORENTE, F., FERRERES, F. & TOMAS-BARBERAN, F. A., 1990. Infrasectional systematics of the genus Sideritis L. section Sideritis (Lamiaceae). A new taxonomic division of the section Sideritis is proposed on the basis of morphological, cytological and chemical characters. The following subsections art-recognized: Grandiflora, Ovata, Camarae, Linearifolia, Gymnocarpae, Stachydioides, Lacaitae, Hirsuta, Chamaedryfolia, Arborescens, Flavovirens, Leucantha, Angustifolia, Serrata and Scordioides . Possible evolutionary pathways are discussed.  相似文献   

An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga L.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
GORNALL, R. J., 1987. An outline of a revised classification of Saxifraga. A revised classification of Saxifraga is presented in which 15 sections, 19 subsections and 34 series are recognized. A total of 394 names are accounted for, including the following new taxa, combinations and names: series Hirculoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lychnitidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Nulanles (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Cinctae (H. Sm.) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Gemmiparae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Spinulosae (C. B. Clarke) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Rosulares Gornall, nom. nov.; subsection Serpyllifoliae Gornall, subscct. nov.; subsection Hemisphaericae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Merkianae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Stellares (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Birostres Gornall, ser. nov.; series Melanocentrae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Astasianlhes (Sternberg) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Aulaxis (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Dermasea (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Micranthes (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.; scries Aretioideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Juniperifoliae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Lilacinae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Marginatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Squarrosae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Rigidae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Engleria (Siindermann) Gornall, stat. nov; series Subsessiliflorae Gornall, ser. nov.; series Oppositiofoliae (Hayek) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Tetrameridium (Engler) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Mutatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Florulentae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; section Odontophyllae Gornall, sect, nov.; series Biternatae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Triplinervium (Gaudin) Gornall, stat. nov.; series Arachnoideae (Engler & Irmscher) Gornall, stat. nov.; subsection Tridactylites (Haworth) Gornall, stat. nov.  相似文献   

As a precursor for the treatment of Caesalpiniaceae in Flora Malesiana the following new combinations are proposed: Cassia javanica ssp. pubiflora stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. agnes stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. microcalyx stat. nov. C. javanica ssp. renigera stat. nov., C. javanica ssp. bartonii stat. nov., Senna divaricata comb. nov., Chamae-christa pumila comb. nov. and Chamaechrista mindanaensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

23 species, one subspecies and three varieties have been described or named for the pan-tropical genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) in continental Africa. In the present revision thirteen species, five subspecies and one variety are recognized; additionally two hybrids are proposed. Of the previously named taxa, the subspecies is raised to species rank whereas two species are degraded to subspecies and variety status, respectively. Five species are synonymised including two varieties, and four are left with uncertain status, including one variety. The distribution of the genus in Africa consists of two distinct elements: one component is found in the Guineo-Congolian regional centre of endemism and one in the eastern part of Afiomontane Archipelago-like regional centre of endemism. A centre of species diversity is found in Eastern Arc Mts., where six endemic species occur together with L. laxinervis and the more widespread L. kilimandscharicus. Four of the species are strict endemics of the Uluguru Mts. In addition to the presentation of the new section: Lasianthus Sectio Membranacei, sect. nov., this revision contain two hybrids from Uluguru Mts.: L. macrocalyx × pedunculatus and L. cereifizorus × pedunculatus, and following new taxa and new combinations: L. africanus ssp. biokoensis, subsp. nov.; L. africanus ssp. mayumbensis, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens, ssp. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens var. xanthospermus, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. hirsutus, ssp. nov.; L. laxinervis, stat. nov.; L. pedunculatus ssp. angustisepalus, ssp. nov.  相似文献   

Two new genera are described to include six taxa commonly considered members of Limoniastrum Heist. ex Fabr. Saharanthus M.B. Crespo & M.D. Lledó nom. nov. is proposed on the basis of the illegitimate Lerrvuxia Caball., for a woody species from western Sahara, also known as Caballeroa Font Quer. Ceratolimon M.B. Crespo & M.D. Lledó gen. nov. is proposed for a group of five taxa (four species and one additional variety) of dwarf shrubs with horned spikelets, which show a disjunct distribution on the edges of the Sahara Desert. This latter name applies to most species formerly placed in the illegitimate Bubania . Types are indicated for all taxa, and identification keys are also presented.  相似文献   

The genus Terpnosia Distant is newly defined. Terpnosia elegans (Kirby) stat. rev. is resurrected from junior synonymy with Terpnosia psecas (Walker). Seven species are now considered to belong to Terpnosia sensu stricto, including two species currently placed in this genus: T. psecas (Walker) and T. elegans (Kirby) stat. rev. Five species are transferred from Pomponia Stål to Terpnosia: T. polei (Henry) comb. nov., T. lactea (Distant) comb. nov., T. similis (Schmidt) comb. nov., T. simusa (Boulard) comb. nov., and T. graecina (Distant) comb. nov. Yezoterpnosia Matsumura stat. rev. is resurrected from junior synonymy with Terpnosia. Six species formerly in the genus Terpnosia are transferred to Yezoterpnosia: Y. nigricosta (De Motschulsky), Y. ichangensis (Liu) comb. nov., Y. shaanxiensis (Sanborn) comb. nov., Y. vacua (Olivier) comb. nov., Y. obscura (Kato) comb. nov., and Y. fuscoapicalis (Kato) comb. nov. Terpnosia is placed in the subtribe Psithyristriina of the tribe Cicadini, and Yezoterpnosia is placed in the subtribe Leptopsaltriina of Cicadini. Terpnosiina syn. nov. is synonymized with Psithyristriina.  相似文献   

Alpha taxonomy, and specifically the delimitation of species, is becoming increasingly objective and integrative. The use of coalescent-based methods applied to genetic data is providing new tools for the discovery and delimitation of species. Here, we use an integrative approach via a combination of discovery-based multivariate morphological analyses to detect potential new species. These potential species are then used as a priori species in hypothesis-driven validation analyses with genetic data. This research focuses on the harvestmen genus Sclerobunus found throughout the mountainous regions of western North America. Based on our analyses, we conduct a revision of Sclerobunus resulting in synonymy of Cyptobunus with Sclerobunus including transfer of S. cavicolens comb. nov. and elevation of both subspecies of S. ungulatus: S. ungulatus comb. nov. and S. madhousensis comb. nov., stat. nov. The three subspecies of S. robustus are elevated, S. robustus, S. glorietus stat. nov., and S. idahoensis stat. nov. Additionally, five new species of Sclerobunus are described from New Mexico and Colorado, including S. jemez sp. nov., S. klomax sp. nov., S. skywalkeri sp. nov., S. speoventus sp. nov., and S. steinmanni sp. nov. Several of the newly described species are single-cave endemics, and our findings suggest that further exploration of western North American cave habitats will likely yield additional new species.  相似文献   

Plotococcus Miller & Denno is synonymized with Leptococcus Reyne (Coccoidea: Pseudococcidae). The genus is redescribed and the adult female of the type species, L. metroxyli Reyne, is redescribed and illustrated. All species hitherto included in Plotococcus are transferred to Leptococcus as L. capixaba (Kondo) comb. nov., L. eugeniae (Miller & Denno) comb. nov., L. hambletoni (Kondo) comb. nov., L. minutus (Hempel) comb. nov., and L. neotropicus (Williams & Granara de Willink) comb. nov. A new species of Leptococcus, L. rodmani Kondo sp. n., from leaves of Guarea guidonia (Meliaceae) from Colombia, is described and illustrated based on the adult female. A revised key to adult females of all species in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Type material of Navicula kotschyi was studied, and this species was transferred to Dorofeyukea gen. nov. as D. kotschyi comb. nov. Dorofeyukea was described on the basis of DNA sequence and morphological data. Additional species assigned to this genus that were previously included in Navicula include: D. ancisa comb. nov., D. grimmei comb. nov., D. ivatoensis comb. nov., D. orangiana comb. nov., D. rostellata comb. nov. & stat. nov., D. savannahiana comb. nov., D. tenuipunctata comb. nov., and D. texana comb. nov. All Dorofeyukea species share the same morphological features, including having a narrow stauroid fascia surrounded by 1–3 irregularly shortened striae, uniseriate, and weakly radiate striae, circular, or rectangular puncta in the striae that are covered internally by dome‐shaped hymenes, presence of a pseudoseptum at each apex and absence of septa. Partial DNA sequences of SSU and rbcL loci show Dorofeuykae belongs to the clade of stauroneioid diatoms together with Stauroneis, Prestauroneis, Craticula, Karayevia, Madinithidium, Fistulifera, Parlibellus, and, possibly, Schizostauron. A new species from the monoraphid genus Madinithidium, M. vietnamica sp. nov., was described based on valve and chloroplast morphology as well as DNA sequence data.  相似文献   


Part 4(3) of this monographic series of papers on the genus Hypericum is prefaced by an introduction to the genus and a summary of the aims and methods of the project. This is followed by treatments of the remaining parts of sect. 9. Hypericum sensu stricto and the last segregate section from the original sect. Hypericum, sect. 9b. Graveolentia. Both hitherto untreated parts of the reduced sect. Hypericum are mainly Japanese, but some species extend in distribution as far as Kamchatka, eastern Siberia, central China, and Sabah (Mt. Kinabalu). Sect. Graveolentia is North and Central American. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Hypericum series Senanensia contains seven species from northern Japan and adjacent areas, including H. pibairense (Miyabe & Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. miyabei (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov., H. nakaii subsp. tatewakii (S. Watanabe) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. and H. senanense subsp. mutiloides (R. Keller) N. Robson, comb. et stat. nov. Sect. Hypericum subsect. Erecta contains 23 species and one hybrid from Japan, Korea, central China, Taiwan, Luzon, Sabah and Sumatera, including H. kawaranum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. watanabei N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. kimurae N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. pseudoerectum stat. et nom. nov., H. kitamense (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov., H. kurodakeanum N. Robson, stat. et nom. nov., H. furusei N. Robson, sp. nov., H. nuporoense N. Robson, sp. nov. and H. ovalifolium subsp. hisauchii (Y. Kimura) N. Robson, stat. nov. Sect. Graveolentia contains nine species and one hybrid from southeastern Canada, the eastern half of the United States, Mexico and western Guatemala, including H. oaxacanum subsp. veracrucense N. Robson, subsp. nov. and H. macvaughii N. Robson, sp. nov.  相似文献   

The typification of Clematis viticella L. is discussed, and a lectotype designated from the Clifford Herbarium (BM). A standard specimen for C. viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' has also been selected. Data from hybridization experiments and studies of natural distribution suggest that Clematis campaniflora Brotero is better treated as a subspecies, i.e. as C. viticella subsp. campaniflora (Brotero) Font Quer ex O. Bolòs & Vigo, than as either a species or variety.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers in plant taxa endemic to the Balearic Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitotic chromosome numbers are reported from 20 vascular plant taxa that are endemic to the Balearic Islands and poorly known cytogenetically. The chromosome numbers of Arenaria grandiflora L. ssp. glabrescens (Willk.) G. López & Nieto Feliner (2 n  = 44), Dianthus rupicola Viv. ssp. bocchoriana L. Llorens & Gradaille (2 n  = 30), Solenopsis minuta (L.) C. Presl. ssp. balearica (E. Wimm.) Meikle (2 n  = 28), Romulea asumptionis Font Quer & Garcías Font (2 n  = 56), Scutellaria balearica Barceló (2 n  = 22) and Galium balearicum Briq. (2 n  = 22) have been determined for the first time. A new chromosome number was found in two populations of Helictotrichon crassifolium (Font Quer) Holub (2 n  =  c. 98) suggesting that this species is a high polyploid (14 x ), in contrast to an earlier report of a lower chromosome count (2 n  = 12 x  = 84). Cytogenetic observations suggest that Naufraga balearica Constance & Cannon has a diploid chromosome complement of 2 n  = 20, with 0–2 accessory chromosomes. The banded karyotype (chromomycin A3) of Crepis triasii (Cambess.) Fries was determined for individuals belonging to eight populations from three islands. Two chromomycin A3-positive regions were recorded in the diploid complement. These are present on the telomeric regions of the shortest subtelocentric chromosomes. This species is karyologically stable in chromosome number, karyotype and fluorochrome-banding pattern among populations from separate islands.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 219–228.  相似文献   

Taxonomic changes in three species of Diplotaxis are proposed. Diplotaxis erucoides (L.) DC. subsp. cossoniana (Boiss.) Martinez-Laborde, comb, et stat. nov. is proposed for the Algerian subspecies of D. erucoides. Two North African varieties are raised to subspecific rank: D. tenuisiliqua Del. subsp. rupestris (Ball) Martinez-Laborde, stat. nov. and D. muralis (L.) DC. subsp. ceratophylla (Batt.) Martinez-Laborde, stat. nov.  相似文献   

Atriplex griffithii is divided into two subspecies, ssp. griffithii and ssp. stocksii , stat. nov. Atriplex farinosa is typified and divided into two subspecies, ssp. farinosa and ssp. keniensis , stat. nov. A new species of Atriplex, A. nogalensis is described from Somalia. The subtribe Sevadinae is revised and found to consist of the two monotypic genera Sevada and Fadenia and the genus Lagenantha with two species, L. cycloptera , comb. nov. (which includes the types of Gyroptera and Cycloptera) , and L. gillettii , comb. nov.  相似文献   

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