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For mating Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes to fuse with their partners, they must first lyse part of the anterior cell wall and protrude their mating structures. These responses can be artificially induced by compounds that raise the Cai level, viz. InsP3, A23187, TFP and ethanol. We conclude that calcium should be considered with cAMP to be involved in signal transduction during C. eugametos mating.  相似文献   

The gamete activity of compatible mating strains of the isogamous, heterothallic species Chlamydomonas eugametos was investigated. Gamete activity was optimum within 4 h after flooding of agar slants and was maintained over a 24-h period. When male and female mating strains were mixed in proportions of 1:4, 2:3, 1:1, 3:2, and 4:1, the results based on zygote yield, indicated the strains exhibited different degrees of gamete activity. The male strain consistently showed less gamete activity than the female strain in a variety of culture conditions.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a circadian rhythm in the surface density of receptors that play a dominant role in the mating process of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos.These receptors — called agglutinins — are large glycoproteins extrinsically bound to the membrane of gamete flagella. We found circadian fluctuations in their density. Since inhibition of protein synthesis affected the agglutinin density without a lag period at any time,we conclude that the density was dependent on de novo synthesis and that the fluctuations in density are caused by circadian oscillations in the rate of agglutinin synthesis. This phenomenon evidently underlies the pronounced endogenous rhythm in mating competence that we described previously (Demets et al. 1987). Finally, we speculate on the nature of the time keeping mechanism that is generating these rhythmic events.  相似文献   

The phototactic behavior of Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes and vis-à-vis pairs was quantitated using a fully automated, computer-controlled microvideo image analysis system. Two different mt- (mating type minus) and one mt+ (mating type plus) strain, together with the two combinations of pairs were studied. One mt- strain of dark-adapted gametes was non-phototactic while the others were positively phototactic at all effective intensities of white light. The mt+ strain exhibited one of the strongest positive responses that has so far been reported in algae (r-values greater than 0.7). After sexual fusion, the mt+ cell powers the swimming vis-à-vis pair. Its phototactic behavior reversed on fusion, with the pairs swimming away from all effective light intensities, irrespective of whether its partner was formerly phototactic or not. However, when adapted to the dark for an hour or more, vis-à-vis pairs swam positively to the light. The ecological consequence could be that pairs settle and develop into zygotes under intermediate light intensities or at light-dark interfaces.  相似文献   

Summary The protein composition of the flagellar membrane of C. eugametos mt gametes was analyzed using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The association of the proteins with the membrane was assessed by differential extraction and an assay for glycosylation. Particular attention was paid to integral membrane proteins that could be associated with the mt agglutinin, the membrane-bound sexual receptor by which the mt gamete binds to its mt + partner. This agglutinin is a peripheral membrane glycoprotein and must be bound to the flagellar surface by an integral membrane anchor protein that connects the agglutinin with the cell's interior. Immunoaffinity chromatography was performed using Mab 66.3, a monoclonal antibody specific for the mt agglutinin, in order to isolate protein complexes consisting of agglutinin molecules and associated components. Only one integral membrane glycoprotein (Mr = 125 kDa) was isolated that has an association with the agglutinin. It did not bind Mab 66.3, but did bind the lectin wheat germ agglutinin. This was an expected property of the membrane anchor protein because previous research (Kooijman et al. 1989) has shown that cross-linking a WGA-binding glycoprotein by this lectin induces sexual responses that are similar to those induced by agglutinin-agglutinin interactions during mating. We conclude that the 125-kDa glycoprotein is the membrane anchor for the agglutinin.Abbreviations BSA Bovine serum albumin - CBB Coomassie Brilliant Blue - CHAPS 3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate - GTC guanidine thiocyanate - mt /mt + mating type minus/plus - PAS periodic acid Schiff - PBS phosphate buffered saline - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TBS TRIS-buffered saline - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the mt- sexual agglutinin of Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes. Those that blocked the agglutination site were selected. They were divided into two classes dependent upon whether they gave a weak (class A) or clear positive (class B) reaction with mt- flagellar membranes in an ELISA and an indirect immunofluorescence test using glutaraldehyde-fixed mt- gametes. Class A antibodies were shown to be specific for the agglutinin in an extract of mt- gametes, based on results from immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, affinity chromatography, and the absence of a reaction with nonagglutinable cells. Surprisingly, class A mAbs also recognized two mt+ glycoproteins, one of which is the mt+ agglutinin. Class B antibodies were shown to bind to several glycoproteins in both mt- and mt+ gametes, including the mt- agglutinin. Fab fragments from class A mAbs blocked the sexual agglutination process, but those from class B did not, even though the parent antibody did. We conclude that the class A epitope lies in or close to the agglutination site of the mt- agglutinin, whereas the class B epitope lies elsewhere on the molecule. We also conclude that the mt- agglutinin is the only component on the mt- flagellar surface directly involved in agglutination. Class A mAbs were found to elicit several reactions displayed by the mt+ agglutinin. They bound to the mt- agglutinin on gamete flagella and induced most of the reactions typical of sexual agglutination, with the exception of flagellar tip activation. None of these reactions was induced by Fab fragments. High concentrations of class A mAbs completely repressed the sexual competence of live mt- gametes, but low concentrations stimulated cell fusion.  相似文献   

An alteration of the form and ultrastructure of the tips of the flagella of Chlamydomonas eugametos, occurring during sexual agglutination, is shown to be persistent in the mt - flagella of the resulting vis-à-vis pairs. It is argued that this phenomenon is related to the lack of motility of mt - flagella in vis-à-vis pairs of this species.  相似文献   

Abstract The sexual mating reaction between gametes of the green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos starts by cell-cell contacts involving sex-specific cell-adhesion molecules (agglutinins) at the flagellar membrane. An in vitro adhesion assay is described using glutaraldehyde-fixed gametes. In vitro adhesion was fully comparable to in vivo adhesion, making it a reliable assay to study the initial recognition step of sexual adhesion in vivo. It was shown that both agglutinins are capable of inhibiting sexual adhesion at similar concentrations (1−2×10−10 M), indicating that mt+ and mt agglutinins interact with each other during binding. This was confirmed by demonstrating that charcoal particles adsorbed with purified agglutinins of the opposite mating type aggregate with each other.  相似文献   

Several treatments were tested to extract the sexual binding site from membrane vesicles derived from the flagellar surface of Chlamydomonas eugametos. Extraction with detergents, chaotropic and hydrogen bond-disrupting agents, as well as sonication, was effective in reducing the isoagglutination activity of these membrane vesicles. Complementary with this reduction, a sex-specific biological activity related to isoagglutination, called twitch activity appeared in the extract. This was only observed with vesicles derived from minus mating type (mt-) gametes. After fractionation of the extract, one high-molecular weight glycoprotein fraction appeared to be responsible for this activity. When extracts were treated with cross-linking agents, a pelletable fraction was obtained with isoagglutinative activity. We conclude that the mt- factor, responsible for twitch activity, causes isoagglutination when it is rendered multivalent.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes agglutinate sexually by their flagellar surfaces. The agglutination factor on mating type minus (mt-) gametes is thought to be a glycoprotein named PAS-1.2. To test this idea, an antiserum was raised against purified PAS-1.2., which reacted with isolated PAS-1.2 (immunoprecipitation tests) and blocked the ability of isolated PAS-1.2 to induce sexual twitching in mt + gametes. When tested with living cells, the antiserum specifically agglutinated mt - gametes and induced a reaction resembling twitching. Mt + flagella were shown to bind the antiserum (indirect immunofluorescence) but much less than mt - gametes. Mt - gametes pretreated with Fab fragments of the antiserum were unable to reproduce sexually, while treated mt + gametes were unaffected. This effect presumably results from the ability of the serum to block mt - sexual agglutination, for mt - isoagglutinin was completely inactivated by the serum, while mt + isoagglutinin was unaffected. It is therefore argued that PAS-1.2 is the in vivo mt - agglutination factor. However it is shown that the antiserum was able to react in vitro not only with PAS-1.2 but with several other proteins in both mt - and mt + flagella.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PAS periodic acid-Schiff - GTC guanidine thiocyanate - mt +/- mating type plus or minus - PBS phosphate buffer-saline - Fab univalent antibody fragment The investigations were supported by the Foundation for Fundamental Biological Research (BION), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.)  相似文献   

Alcohols induce mating-structure activation in Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes. From the effect of ethanol on the 32P-labelling of polyphosphoinositides, we conclude that the synthesis of these lipids is stimulated. Biologically inactive concentrations of ethanol (<6%) had no effect on synthesis, but 6–8% ethanol stimulated synthesis for upto 60 min. The 32P incorporated into polyphosphoinositides and phosphatidic acid during ethanol treatment was readily chased out when 1 mM unlabelled Na3PO4 was added. Using a binding assay for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, we show that the production of this phospholipid constituent is dramatically increased after ethanol treatment. This effect, coupled to a rise in intracellular calcium concentration, could explain gamete activation. The significance of these results in explaining other ethanol-induced phenomena in algae is discussed.Abbreviations Ins(1,4,5)P3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate - PtdA phosphatidic acid - PtdIns phosphatidylinositol - PtdIns(4)P phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate - PtdIns(4,5)P2 phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate To whom correspondence should be addressedWe thank Dr. P. van Haastert (Biochemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and his colleagues for introducing us to their Ins(1,4,5)P3 assay, and Ben ten Brink (Molecular Cell Biology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) for information about contractile vacuoles. We also thank Bas Nagelkerken, Marcel van der Vaart, Pieter van der Schoor, Gyuri Fenyvesi and Susan Kenter for their help.  相似文献   

Gametes of opposite mating type (mt + and mt -) of the green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos agglutinate via their flagella as a prelude to sexual fusion. To quantitate sexual agglutination, an in vitro assay has been developed using 35S-labeled flagella and the isolated mt -agglutination factor. It is shown that not only isolated flagella, but also the mt -agglutination factor rapidly bind to the flagella of intact gametes of the opposite mating type. This confirms the role of the mt -agglutination factor in determining the sexual agglutinability of mt -gametes. As a function of binding, the agglutinative power of the flagella of both mating types is destroyed by a temperature-sensitive process. Likewise, the mt -agglutination factor can be completely inactivated.Abbreviations Mt +/- mating type plus or minus - PAS periodic-acid Schiff-reagent - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethansulfonic acid - HMC buffer Hepes buffer (10 mM. pH 7.2, containing 1 mM MgCl2 and 1 mM CaCl2)  相似文献   

We describe a quick and reliable protocol to determine the plus or minus mating type of haploid Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains from very small amounts of cells. The method combines a fast DNA preparation adapted from forensic work of Walsh et al. (1991) with one for use with Chlamydomonas by Berthold et al. (1993). We used PCR to amplify the minus-specific mid gene (minus dominance) or the plus specific fus1 gene (fusion). Both primer pairs have the same optimum annealing temperature and could be used in the same PCR reaction. The fus1 and mid amplification products could be distinguished by agarose gel electrophoresis due to their different PCR product size. Diploid strains, which should have both mating type genes, could also be detected by the occurrence of both amplification products.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes of opposite mating type make cell-cell contact via their flagellar surfaces. This contact triggers an increase in the intracellular level of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and several cellular responses which are necessary for cell fusion. Here, we show that wheat-germ agglutinin, which binds to the flagellar surface and induces all mating responses, also increased the intracellular cAMP level. Dibutyryl-cAMP added to non-mating gametes induced flagellar twitching, cell-wall lysis, mating-structure activation, flagellartip activation and an increase in agglutinability. It did not induce agglutinin transport to the flagellar tip (tipping) and may not be the direct cause of flagellar twitching and flagellar-tip activation. In non-illuminated cells, dibutyryl-cAMP was far more effective in evoking mating reactions than in illuminated cells. Light induced a 50% decrease in the cAMP level within 1 min. Adenylate cyclase was found to be associated with cell membranes but only 8% of the total was present in the gamete flagella.Abbreviations db-cAMP dibutyryl-cAMP - FTA flagellar tip activation - Mab monoclonal antibody - mt /mt+ mating-type minus/plus - WGA wheat-germ agglutinin We gratefully acknowledge the fruitful discussions with Dr. Rainer Gilles of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Cologne (FRG), and the advice generously given by Dr. Roel van Driel of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).  相似文献   

Formin is a major protein responsible for regulating the nucleation of actin filaments, and as such, it permits the cell to control where and when to assemble actin arrays. It is encoded by a multigene family comprising 21 members in Arabidopsis thaliana. The Arabidopsis formins can be separated into two phylogenetically-distinct classes: there are 11 class I formins and 10 class II formins. Significant questions remain unanswered regarding the molecular mechanism of actin nucleation and elongation stimulated by each formin isovariant, and how the different isovariants coordinate to regulate actin dynamics in cells. Here, we characterize a class II formin, AtFH19, biochemically. We found that AtFH19 retains all general properties of the formin family, including nucleation and barbed end capping activity. It can also generate actin filaments from a pool of actin monomers bound to profilin. However, both the nucleation and barbed end capping activities of AtFH19 are less efficient compared to those of another well-characterized formin, AtFH1. Interestingly, AtFH19 FH1FH2 competes with AtFH1 FH1FH2 in binding actin filament barbed ends, and inhibits the effect of AtFH1 FH1FH2 on actin. We thus propose a mechanism in which two quantitatively different formins coordinate to regulate actin dynamics by competing for actin filament barbed ends.  相似文献   

The flagellar glycoproteins exposed on Chlamydomonas eugametos gametes were labeled by means of lactoperoxidase, diiodosulfanilic acid and chloramine T, and characterised in SDS-electrophoresis gels. The medium from gamete cultures contains particles (isoagglutinins) that agglutinate gametes of the opposite mating type. When crude preparations of these particles were subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in a caesium chloride gradient, two bands of particles were found. The lighter, active band consisted of membrane vesicles. The denser, inactive band consisted of cell wall material. The active band had the same glycoprotein composition as membrane vesicles artificially made from isolated flagella. Preparations of glagella were also separated on a caesium chloride cushion into pure flagella and cell wall material. The flagella, but not the cell wall material, isoagglutinated opposite gametes. Again the glycoprotein composition of pure flagella was similar to that of pure isoagglutinin vesicles. No difference was detected between the protein and glycoprotein compositions of flagella and isoagglutinins from both mating types.Abbreviations LPO lactoperoxidase - PB phosphate buffer - DISA diazotized 125I-iodo-sulfanilic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - CBD coomassie Brilliant Blue - PAS periodic acid Schiff  相似文献   

Reagents that block or cross-link sulfhydryl (–SH) groups and those that reduce disulfide (S–S) bonds have been tested for their effects on mating in Chlamydomonas reinhardii. Wild-type (wt) gametes of mating type + (mt+) and mt?, and a fusion-defective mt? mutant, gam-11, were studied. Differential sensitivities of mt+ vs mt? and of wt mt? vs gam-11 mt? were analyzed. Concentrations of reagents that did not disrupt flagellar agglutination, the first stage of the mating reaction, were generally used. Pretreatment of mt+ gametes with the membrane permeable –SH reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) inhibits flagellar sexual signaling at concentrations that do not inhibit any part of the mating reaction of mt? gametes. Wt mt? is more sensitive than wt mt+ to inhibition by low concentrations of p-chloromercuribenzoate sulfonate (pCMBS), an organic mercurial. The membrane-impermeable reducing agent, reduced glutathione (GSH), also preferentially inhibits wt mt?. Gam-11 mt?, a fusion-defective mutant, which has been used to study the sensitivity of the adhesion of the plasma membrane-associated mating structures, is less sensitive to GSH and pCMBS inhibition that is wt mt?. DDT and pCMBS cause an increase in mating structure adhesion in pretreated gam-11. The differential inhibition of pair and group formation during gam-11 × wt mt+ matings has suggested a possible mechanism for mating structure adhesion.  相似文献   

The mating activity of mating-type plus gametes of Chlamydomonas eugametos depends on light. Cells lost their ability to agglutinate with mating-type minus gametes after a dark period of 30 min. They regained their agglutinability after 10 min exposure to light. Other mating reactions, such as tipping and flagellar tip activation, were not dependent upon light. Since cycloheximide and tunicamycin did not affect the light-induced activation of flagellar agglutinability, no protein synthesis or glycosylation is involved in this process. Equal amounts of biologically active agglutination factor could be extracted from cells placed either in light or in darkness. A minor portion of the active material was found to be located on the flagellar surface of illuminated cells. No active material was found on the flagellar surface of dark-exposed cells, whereas their cell bodies contained the same amount of active material as the cell bodies of illuminated cells. Since a light-induced flow of agglutination factors from the cell body to the flagella could not be detected and dark-exposed cells could be slightly activated by amputation or fixation by glutaraldehyde, we propose that light affects flagellar agglutinability by an in-situ modification of the agglutination factor on the flagella. When mt + and mt - strains were crossed and the progeny examined for light-sensitivity, it was apparent that this phenomenon is not mating type-linked.Abbreviations and symbols FTA flagellar tip activation - mt +/- mating type plus or minus - WGA wheat-germ agglutinin  相似文献   

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