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How morphology changes with size can have profound effects on the life history and ecology of an animal. For apex predators that can impact higher level ecosystem processes, such changes may have consequences for other species. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are an apex predator in tropical seas, and, as adults, are highly migratory. However, little is known about ontogenetic changes in their body form, especially in relation to two aspects of shape that influence locomotion (caudal fin) and feeding (head shape). We captured digital images of the heads and caudal fins of live tiger sharks from Southern Florida and the Bahamas ranging in body size (hence age), and quantified shape of each using elliptical Fourier analysis. This revealed changes in the shape of the head and caudal fin of tiger sharks across ontogeny. Smaller juvenile tiger sharks show an asymmetrical tail with the dorsal (upper) lobe being substantially larger than the ventral (lower) lobe, and transition to more symmetrical tail in larger adults, although the upper lobe remains relatively larger in adults. The heads of juvenile tiger sharks are more conical, which transition to relatively broader heads over ontogeny. We interpret these changes as a result of two ecological transitions. First, adult tiger sharks can undertake extensive migrations and a more symmetrical tail could be more efficient for swimming longer distances, although we did not test this possibility. Second, adult tiger sharks expand their diet to consume larger and more diverse prey with age (turtles, mammals, and elasmobranchs), which requires substantially greater bite area and force to process. In contrast, juvenile tiger sharks consume smaller prey, such as fishes, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Our data reveal significant morphological shifts in an apex predator, which could have effects for other species that tiger sharks consume and interact with. J. Morphol. 277:556–564, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates that are collected in large numbers pose major problems in basic and applied biodiversity research: identification to species via morphology is often difficult, slow and/or expensive. DNA barcodes are an attractive alternative or complementary source of information. Unfortunately, obtaining DNA barcodes from specimens requires many steps and thus time and money. Here, we promote a short cut to DNA barcoding, that is, a nondestructive PCR method that skips DNA extraction (‘direct PCR’) and that can be used for a broad range of invertebrate taxa. We demonstrate how direct PCR can be optimized for the larvae and adults of nonbiting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae), a typical invertebrate group that is abundant, contains important bioindicator species, but is difficult to identify based on morphological features. After optimization, direct PCR yields high PCR success rates (>90%), preserves delicate morphological features (e.g. details of genitalia, and larval head capsules) while allowing for the recovery of genomic DNA. We also document that direct PCR can be successfully optimized for a wide range of other invertebrate taxa that need routine barcoding (flies: Culicidae, Drosophilidae, Dolichopodidae, Sepsidae; sea stars: Oreasteridae). Key for obtaining high PCR success rates is optimizing (i) tissue quantity, (ii) body part, (iii) primer pair and (iv) type of Taq polymerase. Unfortunately, not all invertebrates appear suitable because direct PCR has low success rates for other taxa that were tested (e.g. Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Copepoda, Hymenoptera: Formicidae and Odonata). It appears that the technique is less successful for heavily sclerotized insects and/or those with many exocrine glands.  相似文献   

The ‘Symphyta’ is a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of the order Hymenoptera, comprising 14 families and about 8750 species. All have phytophagous larvae, except for the Orussidae, which are parasitoids. This study presents and evaluates the results of DNA barcoding of approximately 5360 specimens of ‘Symphyta’, mainly adults, and 4362 sequences covering 1037 species were deemed of suitable quality for inclusion in the analysis. All extant families are represented, except for the Anaxyelidae. The majority of species and specimens are from Europe, but approximately 38% of the species and 13% of the specimens are of non‐European origin. The utility of barcoding for species identification and taxonomy of ‘Symphyta’ is discussed on the basis of examples from each of the included families. A significant level of cryptic species diversity was apparent in many groups. Other attractive applications include the identification of immature stages without the need to rear them, community analyses based on metabarcoding of bulk samples and association of the sexes of adults.  相似文献   

Aim ‘Tropical Anagallis’ corresponds to one of two evolutionary lineages within the genus Anagallis L. Generally, species within this lineage have a limited distribution in (sub‐)tropical regions in Africa or Madagascar. Two species, however, are endemic to South America, and exhibit a trans‐Atlantic disjunction with the rest of the species within the lineage. To investigate this disjunct distribution, as well as other dispersal events, the distribution of extant taxa was used to hypothesize the ancestral area(s) of distribution. Location Africa, Madagascar, Europe and South America. Methods Dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) was used to optimize distribution areas onto parsimony and Bayesian phylogenies based on sequence data from four chloroplast loci and the nuclear internal transcribed spacers (ITS). Results Parsimony analysis gave one most parsimonious tree while Bayesian analysis resulted in a collapsed node due to alternative placements of Anagallis nummularifolia Baker, endemic to Madagascar. Optimization of the present distribution using DIVA, and the most parsimonious tree and six alternative topologies of the Bayesian analysis, show an origin of the lineage in Europe as most likely, although one topology indicates a broader ancestral distribution area. Dispersal to Africa appears to have been a single event, while two parallel dispersal events seem to have resulted in the American as well as Madagascan distributions. Main conclusions The lineage ‘tropical Anagallis’ evolved in Europe and may have been present in the Eocene boreotropical forests, although scarcity of fossils makes assessment of age difficult. Dispersal to South America is proposed to have been via the North Atlantic land bridge, or, more likely, through transport by the North Equatorial Current. Dispersal from Europe to Africa represents a single event, while dispersal to Madagascar from mainland Africa has occurred twice.  相似文献   

The speciation history of Anaspides tasmaniae (Crustacea: Malacostraca) and its close relatives (family Anaspididae) was studied by phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences. The phylogenetic analyses revealed that the Anaspides morphotype conceals at least three cryptic species belonging to different parts of its range. The occurrence of multiple cryptic phylogenetic species within one morphological type shows that substantial genetic evolution has occurred independently of morphological evolution. Molecular clock dating of the speciation events that generated both the cryptic and the morphological species of Anaspididae indicated continuous speciation within this group since the Palaeocene ~55 million years ago. This relatively constant rate of recent morphological and cryptic speciation within the Anaspididae suggests that the speciation rate in this group does not correlate with its low extinction rate or morphological conservatism.  相似文献   

This study attempted to eradicate Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) and Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) from virus‐infected in vitro shoots of apple rootstocks ‘M9’ and ‘M26’ using shoot tip culture and cryopreservation. In shoot tip culture, shoot tips (0.2 mm in length) containing two leaf primordia failed to show shoot regrowth. Although shoot regrowth rate was the highest in the largest shoot tips (1.0 mm in length) containing four leaf primordia, none of the regenerated shoots was virus‐free. Shoot tips (0.5 mm in length) containing two and three leaf primordia produced 100% and 10% of ASPV‐free shoots, respectively, while those (1.0 mm) containing four leaf primordia were not able to eradicate ASPV. ASGV could not be eradicated by shoot tip culture, regardless of the size of the shoot tips tested. In cryopreservation, shoot tips (0.5 mm in length) containing two leaf primordia did not resume shoot growth. Although 1.0‐mm and 1.5‐mm shoot tips gave similarly high ASPV‐free frequencies, the latter had much higher shoot regrowth rate than the former. Very similar results of shoot regrowth and virus eradication by shoot tip culture and cryopreservation were observed in both ‘M9’ and ‘M26’. Histological observations showed that only cells in upper part of apical dome and in leaf primordia 1–3 survived, while other cells were damaged or killed, in shoot tips following cryopreservation. Virus immunolocalization found ASPV was not detected in upper part of apical dome and leaf primordia 1 and 2, but was present in lower part of apical dome, and in leaf primordium 4 and more developed tissues in all samples tested. ASPV was also detected in leaf primordium 3 in about 16.7% and 13.3% samples tested in ‘M9’ and ‘M26’. ASGV was observed in apical dome and leaf primordia 1–6, leaving only a few top layers of cells in apical dome free of the virus. Different abilities of ASPV and ASGV to invade leaf petioles and shoot tips were also noted.  相似文献   



Larvae of scarab beetles live in the soil and are frequently hosts for microbial pathogens. In New Zealand, larvae of the grass grub, Costelytrae zealandica (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), and manuka beetles, Pyronota spp. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), have been collected from field populations showing loss of vigour and a whitened appearance. Diagnosis indicated an intracellular infection of fat body tissues by Rickettsiella‐like micro‐organisms. Rickettsiella bacteria are under evaluation as a possible new source of insect bio‐control agents for important agricultural pests as, e.g. scarabaeid and elaterid larvae. The present study aimed at the unequivocal molecular taxonomic identification and comparison of the bacteria associated with Costelytra and Pyronota.

Methods and Results

Electron microscopy and phylogenetic reconstruction using a multilocus sequence analysis approach based on the 16S ribosomal RNA gene together with four protein‐encoding markers (ftsY, gidA, rpsA, and sucB) demonstrated that both bacteria from New Zealand are phylogenetically closely related, but not identical, and belong to the taxonomic genus Rickettsiella.


The bacteria under study should be referred to as pathotypes ‘Rickettsiella costelytrae’ and ‘Rickettsiella pyronotae’, respectively. Moreover, on the basis of the currently accepted systematic organization of the genus Rickettsiella, both pathotypes should be considered synonyms of the nomenclatural type species, Rickettsiella popilliae.

Significance and Impact of the Study

The study demonstrates that Rickettsiella bacteria are geographically widespread pathogens of scarabaeid larvae. Implications of the phylogenetic findings presented for the stability of host adaptation by Rickettsiella bacteria are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Martin Pckert 《Ibis》2022,164(1):336-342
Online repositories of DNA sequences are a rich and indispensable source of comparative data for biodiversity research and taxonomic studies. Despite increasingly high data quality of published sequences and associated metadata, particular attention should be paid to taxonomic assignment of DNA sequences, in particular if voucher specimens are not available or cannot be examined. In this study, two nearly identical mitogenomes of two distinctive plover species (Charadrius alexandrinus and Charadrius placidus) were re-analysed and compared with a comprehensive dataset of DNA-barcode sequences (cytochrome-oxidase subunit 1, COI) for 55 shorebird species. Phylogenetic analysis separated the two plover species into two reciprocally monophyletic clades that differed by mean p-distances of 11.5–14.7%; however, the COI sequence from the C. placidus mitogenome was nested in the Kentish Plover clade (C. alexandrinus). A similar mismatch was found for another DNA-barcode sequence from a Charadrius mongolus mitogenome that clustered with one of two clades of Charadrius leschenaultii in the COI tree. These results strongly suggest that, to date, two of seven mitogenomes published for Charadriidae are not representative of the taxon names to which the respective GenBank entries were assigned. Only a few DNA-barcode sequences were associated with outdated taxonomy, while others were suspected to be chimeric sequences. Thus, free access to digital sequence information is a key factor for steady improvement of data quality in online repositories via swarm intelligence of the scientific community.  相似文献   

In this work, the antifouling activity of five alkaloids, isolated from trees of the Atlantic rainforest, was studied. The tested alkaloids were olivacine ( 1 ), uleine ( 2 ) and N‐methyltetrahydroellipticine ( 3 ) from Aspidosperma australe (‘yellow guatambú’) and the furoquinoline alkaloids kokusaginine ( 4 ) and flindersiamine ( 5 ) from Balfourodendron riedelianum (‘white guatambú’). All these compounds can be isolated from their natural sources in high yields in a sustainable way. The five compounds were subjected to laboratory tests (attachment test of the mussel Mytilus edulis platensis) and field trials, by incorporation into soluble matrix paints, and 45 days of exposure of the painted panels in the sea. The results show that compound 3 is a very potent antifoulant, and that compounds 4 and 5 are also very active, while compounds 1 and 2 did not show any significant antifouling activity. These results open the way for the development of environmentally friendly antifouling agents, based on abundant and easy‐to‐purify compounds that can be obtained in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

Placoderms (Devonian fossil fishes) are resolved phylogenetically to the base of jawed vertebrates and provide important evidence for evolutionary origins of teeth, particularly with respect to the Arthrodira. The arthrodires represent a derived group of placoderms; the dentition of other more primitive placoderms such as the acanthothoracids is less well known. Articulated acanthothoracid dental plates are rare; x‐ray computed tomography of a single, unique specimen, along with 3D segmentation of bone, oral denticles and vascular spaces, provides intrinsic developmental and topological information relevant to tooth origins. Recently, a disarticulated element was identified as a dental plate of the acanthothoracid Romundina stellina, with synchrotron microtomography providing characters to comment on ongoing debates regarding the evolution of teeth. We used segmental quantitative methods to re‐analyse this data, for comparison to the articulated and unquestionable acanthothoracid dental plates above. We demonstrate substantial differences between these, disputing the identity of the isolated plate of R. stellina as a dental plate, and thus its relevance to questions of tooth evolution.  相似文献   

Water plays a central role in plant biology and the efficiency of water transport throughout the plant affects both photosynthetic rate and growth, an influence that scales up deterministically to the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems. Moreover, hydraulic traits mediate the ways in which plants interact with their abiotic and biotic environment. At landscape to global scale, plant hydraulic traits are important in describing the function of ecological communities and ecosystems. Plant hydraulics is increasingly recognized as a central hub within a network by which plant biology is connected to palaeobiology, agronomy, climatology, forestry, community and ecosystem ecology and earth‐system science. Such grand challenges as anticipating and mitigating the impacts of climate change, and improving the security and sustainability of our food supply rely on our fundamental knowledge of how water behaves in the cells, tissues, organs, bodies and diverse communities of plants. A workshop, ‘Emerging Frontiers in Plant Hydraulics’ supported by the National Science Foundation, was held in Washington DC, 2015 to promote open discussion of new ideas, controversies regarding measurements and analyses, and especially, the potential for expansion of up‐scaled and down‐scaled inter‐disciplinary research, and the strengthening of connections between plant hydraulic research, allied fields and global modelling efforts.  相似文献   

A simple and effective method was reported for the preparation from MEH‐PPV of conjugated polymer nanoparticles (Pdots) that are water‐soluble and well dispersed. The as‐prepared Pdots show bright orange fluorescence at a quantum yield up to 32.37%. The fluorescence intensity of Pdots can be quenched with good selectively by the successive addition of Fe3+. In addition, the as‐obtained Pdots were applied to the imaging of HeLa cells, and exhibited low cytotoxicity and excellent biocompatibility. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fishery and biological data are presented for the poorly known bramble shark Echinorhinus brucus (Squaliformes: Echinorhinidae), from the deep waters of the south‐eastern Arabian Sea. A total of 5318 individuals from by‐catch landings of deep‐water bottom set longlines, gillnets and shrimp trawl fisheries operating at depths of 200–1200 m were recorded between January 2008 and December 2011 at the Kochi Fisheries Harbour (Kerala). A total of 431 individuals, from 46 to 318 cm total length (LT) and 0·8 to 132 kg total mass (MT), were examined to determine biological data for this species. The LT at which 50% were mature (LT50) for females and males was estimated at 189 and 187 cm LT. Litter size ranged from 10 to 36 and size at birth was between 42 and 46 cm LT. Dietary analysis of stomach contents revealed E. brucus feeds on a variety of prey including crustaceans (69% index of relative importance, IRI), teleosts (25·8% IRI), cephalopods (1·7% IRI) and elasmobranchs (0·7% IRI). This study provides the first detailed biological data for this species and also highlights the extent of the by‐catch fishery for this species in Indian waters.  相似文献   

An incomplete ‘mummy’ from the Phosphorites du Quercy (presumed Eocene) was identified as a salamander during the 19th century. The specimen has now been computed tomography (CT) scanned, and this revealed the incomplete skeleton (with perfectly preserved bones) and soft tissues (lung). The fossil represents a new, well‐characterized taxon. Despite the absence of the skull, several features allow a phylogenetic analysis. The fossil belongs to pseudosaurian caudates; it is tentatively assigned to the Salamandridae, although affinities with Plethodontidae cannot be definitely ruled out.  相似文献   

Oryctocephalus indicus is a widespread trilobite species described from the lower–middle Cambrian (provisional Cambrian Stage 5) of south China, North Korea, India, USA and possibly North Greenland. Principal component analysis (PCA) and thin‐plate splines (TPSs) based on a pooled sample of 359 specimens from four sections in the Guizhou Province, south China, demonstrated that the shape of this species is very constant, and only a small difference is detected in specimens from deeper part of the basin. Most of the variation is taphonomically controlled, and only the specimens from Sanwan Section show a modest natural difference due to a slightly different depositional environment. A comparison between the Chinese specimens and Oryctocephalus ‘reticulatus’ from the Molodo Section, Siberia, has been carried out. PCA and TPS show that O‘reticulatus occupies the same morphospace of O. indicus. However, the canonical variates analysis and the analysis of similarities detect small differences between the Siberian and Chinese populations, indicating a minor geographical variation caused by different environmental settings. The ontogenic variation is also described from early meraspids to holaspids. The most substantial changes take place during the first period of the early meraspid development, in which the glabella changes from a bell‐like shape to a cylindrical shape. The ocular ridge changes from poorly defined in early meraspid to well developed in late merapids. The results indicate that O‘reticulatus’ is a junior synonym of O. indicus, suggesting that the base O. indicus of Siberia can be correlated with the O. indicus Zone of south China.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships and condition factors of wild, cultured, and cultured loose‐shell affected Penaeus monodon (2,609 specimens total) were studied from March to August 2007. The regression equation for healthy cultured shrimps was log W = ?1.811 + 2.721 log L (r2 = 0.71); log W = ?1.444 + 2.485 log L (r2 = 0.91) for wild shrimps; and log W = ?1.112 + 2.237 log L (r2 = 0.92) for loose‐shell affected shrimps. All shrimps showed negative allometric growth, although ancova indicated significant differences (P < 0.05) among them. This study presents the first known reference dealing with LWRs and condition factors of cultured, wild and loose‐shell affected P. monodon.  相似文献   

We investigated the embryology of the ‘lower’ monimioids, i.e. Monimioideae (Monimia, Palmeria and Peumus) and Hortonioideae (Hortonia), which are poorly described embryologically. Our results show that, contrary to what has been reported in the literature, ‘lower’ monimioids show very little variation in their embryological characters. Comparisons with Mollinedioideae (a large derived subfamily in Monimiaceae) and other families in Laurales show that the ‘lower’ monimioids are relatively consistent in sharing predominantly isobilateral tetrads of microspores and megaspores, a non‐specialized chalaza, and a mesotestal–endotestal seed coat (with tracheoidal cells of the meso‐ and endotesta). It is likely that, while the shared successive cytokinesis during meiosis of microspore mother cells supports the Monimiaceae–Hernandiaceae–Lauraceae clade obtained by molecular evidence, no synapomorphies exist to support a sister‐group relationship of Monimiaceae with Hernandiaceae or Lauraceae. Instead, the lack of hypostase in ovules and/or young seeds, the lack of endosperm in mature seeds and the amoeboid tapetum in the anther are likely synapomorphies of Hernandiaceae and Lauraceae. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 228–241.  相似文献   

The application of high‐throughput sequencing to retrieve multi‐taxon DNA from different substrates such as water, soil, and stomach contents has enabled species identification without prior knowledge of taxon compositions. Here we used three minibarcodes designed to target mitochondrial COI in plankton, 16S in fish, and 16S in crustaceans, to compare ethanol‐ and tissue‐derived DNA extraction methodologies for metabarcoding. The stomach contents of pygmy devilrays (Mobula kuhlii cf. eregoodootenkee) were used to test whether ethanol‐derived DNA would provide a suitable substrate for metabarcoding. The DNA barcoding assays indicated that tissue‐derived operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were greater compared to those from extractions performed directly on the ethanol preservative. Tissue‐derived DNA extraction is therefore recommended for broader taxonomic coverage. Metabarcoding applications should consider including the following: (i) multiple barcodes, both taxon specific (e.g., 12S or 16S) and more universal (e.g., COI or 18S) to overcome bias and taxon misidentification and (ii) PCR inhibitor removal steps that will likely enhance amplification yields. However, where tissue is limited or no longer available, but the ethanol‐preservative medium is still available, metabarcoding directly from ethanol does recover the majority of common OTUs, suggesting the ethanol‐retrieval method could be applicable for dietary studies. Metabarcoding directly from preservative ethanol may also be useful where tissue samples are limited or highly valued; bulk samples are collected, such as for rapid species inventories; or mixed‐voucher sampling is conducted (e.g., for plankton, insects, and crustaceans).  相似文献   

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