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Background and Aims

Increased N availability induced by agricultural fertilization applications and atmospheric N deposition may affect plant nutrient resorption in temperate wetlands. However, the relationship between nutrient resorption and N availability is still unclear, and most studies have focused on leaf nutrient resorption only. The aim of our study was to examine the response of leaf and non-leaf organ nutrient resorption to N enrichment in a temperate freshwater wetland.


We conducted a 7-year N addition experiment to investigate the effects of increased N loading on leaf, sheath and stem nutrient (N and P) resorption of two dominant species (Deyeuxia angustifolia and Glyceria spiculosa) in a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China.


Our results showed that, for both leaf and non-leaf organs (sheath and stem), N addition decreased N resorption proficiency and hence increased litter N concentration. Moreover, the magnitude of N addition effect on N resorption proficiency varied with fertilization rates for D. angustifolia sheaths and stems, and G. spiculosa leaves. However, increased N loading produced inconsistent impacts on N and P resorption efficiencies and P resorption proficiency, and the effects only varied with species and plant organs. In addition, N enrichment increased litter mass and altered litter allocation among leaf, sheath and stem.


Our results highlight that leaf and non-leaf organs respond differentially to N addition regarding N and P resorption efficiencies and P resorption proficiency, and also suggest that N enrichment in temperate freshwater wetlands would alter plant internal nutrient cycles and increase litter quality and quantity, and thus substantially influence ecosystem carbon and nutrient cycles.  相似文献   

Invasive plants dramatically shift the structure of native wetland communities. However, less is known about how they affect belowground soil properties, and how those effects can vary depending on time since invasion. We hypothesized that invasion of a wetland by a widespread invasive plant (Typha × glauca) would result in changes in soil nutrients, denitrification, and bacterial communities, and that these effects would increase with time since invasion. We tested these hypotheses by sampling Typha-invaded sites of different ages (~40, 20, and 13 years), a Typha-free, native vegetation site, and a restored site (previously invaded ~30–40 years ago) but that had Typha return within 2 years of the restoration. At each site, we measured Typha stem density, plant species richness, soil nutrients, denitrification rates, and the abundance and composition of bacterial denitrifier communities. All Typha-dominated sites had the least plant species richness regardless of time since invasion. Additionally, sites that were invaded the longest exhibited significantly higher concentrations of soil organic matter, nitrate, and ammonium than the native site. In contrast, denitrification was higher in sites invaded more recently. Denitrifier diversity for the nirS gene was also significantly different, with highest nirS diversity in sites invaded the longest. Interestingly, the denitrifier communities within the restored site were most similar to the ones in T. × glauca sites, suggesting a legacy effect. Our study suggests this invader can alter important ecosystem properties, such as native species richness, nutrient pools, and transformations, as well as bacterial community composition depending on time since invasion.  相似文献   

Since 1958, L. microphyllum (Old World Climbing Fern), which originated from the Old World Tropics, has become a nuisance exotic and has rapidly spread and is being established system-wide in extremely remote and undisturbed areas such as the Florida Everglades. Of particular concern is that L. microphyllum is disrupting, at an alarming rate, the flora and fauna of the native ecosystem at the same time that a major 8.4 billion dollar Everglades restoration program is trying to enhance these same attributes. This research utilized IKONOS satellite data to map L. microphyllum within the 58,000-ha Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge wetland in south Florida. Results show that approximately 11.6% of the tree/shrub vegetation within the impoundment has been infected by L. microphyllum. These data were then utilized to explore the spatial spread patterns of L. microphyllum within the Refuge. Results suggest that L. microphyllum is more likely to establish on the southeast side of a tree/shrub island and then spread to the northwest, which corresponds to the prevailing wind direction in south Florida. Spatial pattern analysis of L. microphyllum spread indicated that it is correlated with the density and spatial distribution of tree/shrub island vegetation. It appears that the dispersion of L. microphyllum is density dependent, which can be expressed as a logistic function and has a catastrophic threshold of 160 m of mean distance between tree/shrub islands in the Everglades. It is predicted that 38% (or 1910 ha) of tree/shrub islands in the Refuge will be invaded by L. microphyllum by 2012. Tree islands in the Everglades wetland could be considered similar to oceanic islands throughout the world that are notoriously vulnerable to biological invasions.  相似文献   

Conformation switching in protein–protein complexes is considered important for the molecular recognition process. Overall analysis of 123 protein–protein complexes in a benchmark data-set showed that 6.8% of residues switched over their secondary structure conformation upon complex formation. Amino acid residue-wise preference for conformation change has been analyzed in binding and non-binding site residues separately. In this analysis, residues such as Ser, Leu, Glu, and Lys had higher frequency of secondary structural conformation change. The change of helix to coil and sheet to coil conformation and vice versa has been observed frequently, whereas the conformation change of helix to extended sheet occurred rarely in the studied complexes. Influence of conformation change toward the N and C terminal on either side of the binding site residues has been analyzed. Further, analysis on φ and ψ angle variation, conservation, stability, and solvent accessibility have been performed on binding site residues. Knowledge obtained from the present study could be effectively employed in the protein–protein modeling and docking studies.  相似文献   

Embodied agents can be conceived as entities perceiving and acting upon an external environment. Probabilistic models of this perception-action loop have paved the way to the investigation of information-theoretic aspects of embodied cognition. This formalism allows (i) to identify information flows and their limits under various scenarios and constraints, and (ii) to use informational quantities in order to induce the self-organization of the agent's behavior without any externally specified drives. This article extends the perception-action loop formalism to multiple agents. The multiple-access channel model is presented and used to identify the relationships between informational quantities of two agents interacting in the same environment. The central question investigated in this article is the impact of coordination. Information-theoretic limits on what can be achieved with and without coordination are identified. For this purpose, different abstract channels are studied, along with a concrete example of agents interacting in space. It is shown that, under some conditions, self-organizing systems based on information-theoretic quantities have a tendency to spontaneously generate coordinated behavior. Moreover, in the perspective of engineering such systems to achieve specific tasks, these information-theoretic limits put constraints on the amount of coordination that is required to perform the task, and consequently on the mechanisms that underlie self-organization in the system.  相似文献   

Verstraeten  G.  Van Rompaey  A.  Poesen  J.  Van Oost  K.  Govers  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):153-158
High loads of suspended sediment derived from surface water erosion processes are a major source of environmental and economic problems throughout the world. In many places, a reduction in the amount of sediment delivered from arable land to rivers has therefore become a major issue in environmental policy. In Flanders (Belgium), policy makers would like to achieve a reduction in soil erosion and sediment delivery through the use of various control measures adopted under an integrated environmental watershed management program. A distributed modelling approach (SEDEM/WaTEM) showed that although end-of-the-pipe solutions such as buffer strips or sediment retention ponds have a direct impact on sediment delivery, on-site soil conservation measures were more effective in reducing sediment loads in rivers. It remains questionable, however, whether the significant impact that watershed management has on local sediment yields, can be extrapolated to larger river drainage basins. In the case of highly regulated and channelized rivers, the impact may be much higher compared to natural rivers.  相似文献   

Improvements in biodiversity conservation are hampered by the lack of reporting on the effectiveness of conservation techniques and the organizations that implement them. Here we summarize the accomplishments and potential impact of the non-governmental organization, Island Conservation, which eradicates damaging invasive vertebrates from islands. Island Conservation has removed 54 populations of 10 invasive vertebrates from 35 islands totaling over 520 km2. These actions helped protect 233 populations of 181 insular endemic species and subspecies of plants and vertebrates and 258 populations of 54 species and subspecies of seabirds from the threat of local and global extinction. There were no reinvasions. One eradication attempt failed. These conservation actions and their apparent biodiversity impact demonstrate the potential of private organizations to protect biodiversity by eradicating invasive species from islands.  相似文献   

The small genome size (740 Mb), short life cycle (3 months) and high economic importance as a food crop legume make chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) an important system for genomics research. Although several genetic linkage maps using various markers and genomic tools have become available, sequencing efforts and their use are limited in chickpea genomic research. In this study, we explored the genome organization of chickpea by sequencing approximately 500 kb from 11 BAC clones (three representing ascochyta blight resistance QTL1 (ABR-QTL1) and eight randomly selected BAC clones). Our analysis revealed that these sequenced chickpea genomic regions have a gene density of one per 9.2 kb, an average gene length of 2,500 bp, an average of 4.7 exons per gene, with an average exon and intron size of 401 and 316 bp, respectively, and approximately 8.6% repetitive elements. Other features analyzed included exon and intron length, number of exons per gene, protein length and %GC content. Although there are reports on high synteny among legume genomes, the microsynteny between the 500 kb chickpea and available Medicago truncatula genomic sequences varied depending on the region analyzed. The GBrowse-based annotation of these BACs is available at http://www.genome.ou.edu/plants_totals.html . We believe that our work provides significant information that supports a chickpea genome sequencing effort in the future.  相似文献   

Using 11 consensus primer pairs designed from S-linked F-box genes of apple and Japanese pear, 10 new F-box genes (MdFBX21 to 30) were isolated from the apple cultivar ‘Spartan’ (S 9 S 10 ). MdFBX21 to 23 and MdFBX24 to 30 were completely linked to the S 9 -RNase and S 10 -RNase, respectively, and showed pollen-specific expression and S-haplotype-specific polymorphisms. Therefore, these 10 F-box genes are good candidates for the pollen determinant of self-incompatibility in apple. Phylogenetic analysis and comparison of deduced amino acid sequences of MdFBX21 to 30 with those of 25 S-linked F-box genes previously isolated from apple showed that a deduced amino acid identity of greater than 88.0 % can be used as the tentative criterion to classify F-box genes into one type. Using this criterion, 31 of 35 F-box genes of apple were classified into 11 types (SFBB1–11). All types included F-box genes derived from S 3 - and S 9 -haplotypes, and seven types included F-box genes derived from S 3 -, S 9 -, and S 10 -haplotypes. Moreover, comparison of nucleotide sequences of S-RNases and multiple F-box genes among S 3 -, S 9 -, and S 10 -haplotypes suggested that F-box genes within each type showed high nucleotide identity regardless of the identity of the S-RNase. The large number of F-box genes as candidates for the pollen determinant and the high degree of conservation within each type are consistent with the collaborative non-self-recognition model reported for Petunia. These findings support that the collaborative non-self-recognition system also exists in apple.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol for Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) in vitro culture was established using shoot apices of seedlings as explants. The optimal procedure of this protocol for majority of the genotypes was that meristematic cell clumps and small calluses were firstly induced from the bases of explants on initial culture medium supplemented with 0.9 μM 2,4-d and 8.9 μM 6-BA for 20 d, then were separated and transferred to shoot clumps induction medium containing 8.9 μM 6-BA for the formation of multiple shoot clumps. The percentage of multiple shoot clumps and numbers of shoots per clump were deeply related with the combinations of different plant growth regulators, duration of initial culture, the intensity of illumination and genotypes. Histological observation of the induced explants revealed that the meristematic cell clumps were produced from repeated division of the cortical cells and original meristematic primodium cells of explants, and the multiple shoots were formed via organogenesis pathway in the meristematic cell regions of cultures on shoot clumps induction medium. In this study, plantlets were efficiently regenerated on large scale from seven cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass. Hence the meristematic cell clumps and small calluses in this protocol could be considered good targets for genetic transformation of Kentucky bluegrass.  相似文献   

We study the final size equation for an epidemic in a subdivided population with general mixing patterns among subgroups. The equation is determined by a matrix with the same spectrum as the next generation matrix and it exhibits a threshold controlled by the common dominant eigenvalue, the basic reproduction number R0{\mathcal{R}_{0}}: There is a unique positive solution giving the size of the epidemic if and only if R0{\mathcal{R}_{0}} exceeds unity. When mixing heterogeneities arise only from variation in contact rates and proportionate mixing, the final size of the epidemic in a heterogeneously mixing population is always smaller than that in a homogeneously mixing population with the same basic reproduction number R0{\mathcal{R}_{0}}. For other mixing patterns, the relation may be reversed.  相似文献   

Leaf rust and stripe rust are important diseases of wheat world-wide and deployment of cultivars with genetic resistance is an effective and environmentally sound control method. The use of minor, additive genes conferring adult plant resistance (APR) has been shown to provide resistance that is durable. The wheat cultivar ‘Pastor’ originated from the CIMMYT breeding program that focuses on minor gene-based APR to both diseases by selecting and advancing generations alternately under leaf rust and stripe rust pressures. As a consequence, Pastor has good resistance to both rusts and was used as the resistant parent to develop a mapping population by crossing with the susceptible ‘Avocet’. All 148 F5 recombinant inbred lines were evaluated under artificially inoculated epidemic environments for leaf rust (3 environments) and stripe rust (4 environments, 2 of which represent two evaluation dates in final year due to the late build-up of a new race virulent to Yr31) in Mexico. Map construction and QTL analysis were completed with 223 polymorphic markers on 84 randomly selected lines in the population. Pastor contributed Yr31, a moderately effective race-specific gene for stripe rust resistance, which was overcome during this study, and this was clearly shown in the statistical analysis. Linked or pleiotropic chromosomal regions contributing to resistance against both pathogens included Lr46/Yr29 on 1BL, the Yr31 region on 2BS, and additional minor genes on 5A, 6B and 7BL. Other minor genes for leaf rust resistance were located on 1B, 2A and 2D and for stripe rust on 1AL, 1B, 3A, 3B, 4D, 6A, 7AS and 7AL. The 1AL, 1BS and 7AL QTLs are in regions that were not identified previously as having QTLs for stripe rust resistance. The development of uniform and severe epidemics facilitated excellent phenotyping, and when combined with multi-environment analysis, resulted in the relatively large number of QTLs identified in this study.  相似文献   

More than 109 base pairs of the genome in higher eucaryotes are positioned in the interphase nucleus such that gene activation, gene repression, remote gene regulation by enhancer elements, and reading as well as adjusting epigenetic marks are possible. One important structural and functional component of chromatin organization is the zinc finger factor CTCF. Two decades of research has advanced the understanding of the fundamental role that CTCF plays in regulating such a vast expanse of DNA.  相似文献   

Ongoing changes in attention and cognition depend upon cortical/subcortical interactions, which select sequences of different spatial patterns of activation in the cortex.  相似文献   


Key message

Carbohydrate differences in offspring as a consequence of maternal effects explain transgenerational tree-pathogen interactions.


The expression of disease is increasingly recognised as being influenced by maternal effects, given that environmental conditions experienced by mother trees affect tolerance in offspring. It is hypothesised that plant carbohydrates could mediate transgenerational tree-pathogen interactions. The carbohydrate content of Pinus pinaster seedlings obtained from two contrasting maternal environments was studied and seedlings from the two environments were challenged with Fusarium circinatum. The representative mid-infrared spectra of samples in the range of the carbohydrates diagnosed higher proportion of methylesterified pectic polysaccharides and lower proportion of nonesterified pectic polysaccharides for inoculated than for control seedlings. Total carbohydrate content of seedlings from the unfavourable environment did not differ much from total carbohydrate content of seedlings from the favourable maternal environment. However, glucose was 13 % higher and uronic acids 11 % lower in seedlings from the favourable environment after inoculation in comparison to seedlings from the unfavourable maternal environment which had their carbohydrate contents unaltered after inoculation. It is concluded that plant carbohydrates mediate transgenerational tree-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

The diversity of biological form is generated by a relatively small number of underlying mechanisms. Consequently, mathematical and computational modelling can, and does, provide insight into how cellular level interactions ultimately give rise to higher level structure. Given cells respond to mechanical stimuli, it is therefore important to consider the effects of these responses within biological self-organisation models. Here, we consider the self-organisation properties of a mechanochemical model previously developed by three of the authors in Acta Biomater. 4, 613–621 (2008), which is capable of reproducing the behaviour of a population of cells cultured on an elastic substrate in response to a variety of stimuli. In particular, we examine the conditions under which stable spatial patterns can emerge with this model, focusing on the influence of mechanical stimuli and the interplay of non-local phenomena. To this end, we have performed a linear stability analysis and numerical simulations based on a mixed finite element formulation, which have allowed us to study the dynamical behaviour of the system in terms of the qualitative shape of the dispersion relation. We show that the consideration of mechanotaxis, namely changes in migration speeds and directions in response to mechanical stimuli alters the conditions for pattern formation in a singular manner. Furthermore without non-local effects, responses to mechanical stimuli are observed to result in dispersion relations with positive growth rates at arbitrarily large wavenumbers, in turn yielding heterogeneity at the cellular level in model predictions. This highlights the sensitivity and necessity of non-local effects in mechanically influenced biological pattern formation models and the ultimate failure of the continuum approximation in their absence.  相似文献   

Bai J H  Wang Q G  Gao H F  Xiao R  Deng W  Cui B S 《农业工程》2010,30(4):210-215
Samples of surface (0–10 cm) and subsurface soils (10–20 cm) were collected using a grid sampling method in July and September in order to study the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of all forms of nitrogen and total nitrogen (TN) and the relationships between nitrogen concentrations and selected soil properties in Fulaowenpao wetland, a typical inland alkaline wetland. Results showed that there existed obvious heterogeneity at spatial and temporal scales. Generally, higher spatial variability for nitrate nitrogen (NO3-–N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4+–N) and available nitrogen (AN) were observed compared to organic nitrogen (Org-N) and TN. At the spatial scale, concentrations of NO3-–N, NH4+–N and AN in surface soils were higher than those in subsurface soils, but no significant differences were observed between both soil layers (p < 0.05). However, concentrations of Org-N and TN were significantly higher in surface soils compared to subsurface soils (p < 0.05), and both of them had similar spatial distribution patterns. At the temporal scale, with the exception of NH4+–N in both soil layers and NO3-–N in subsurface soils, concentrations of all the other forms of nitrogen and TN were generally higher in September than them in July, while there were no significant differences between both sampling periods (p < 0.05) except for AN (p < 0.01) in both soil layers. Correlation analysis showed that AN, Org-N and TN were significantly and positively correlated with soil organic matter, total phosphorous, and clay contents, while they were significantly negatively correlated with soil pH values; NO3-–N was also correlated with soil organic matter and total phosphorous, however, NH4+–N was only closely lined to water contents.  相似文献   

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