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S Carrière  E Ryten 《CMAJ》1993,148(9):1528-1532
In this article, the president of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges (ACMC) and its director of research review the issues that have confronted ACMC since its inception: the founding of ACMC; development of the clinical teaching unit; creation of the Medical Research Council and expansion of the research mission; the Royal Commission on Health Services and the founding of new faculties of medicine; ACMC''s in-house research program; accreditation and ACMC''s links with medical education in the United States; and French-language medical education in Canada. The review points out the perennial nature of many of these issues, and how often perceived solutions to the problems later become problems themselves. It ends on the optimistic note that ACMC can successfully meet the challenges of the future.  相似文献   

There are 2 parts to this article. Part 1 is a preamble, jointly prepared by Immigration and Overseas Health Services, Medical Services Branch and the Bureau of Communicable Disease Epidemiology, LCDC, Department of National Health and Welfare, to provide background information regarding the medical assessment of immigrants prior to landing in Canada. Part 2 is a set of guidelines for the investigation of individuals who were placed under surveillance for tuberculosis post-landing in Canada. It was jointly prepared by the Canadian Thoracic Society, the Tuberculosis Directors of Canada and the Department of National Health and Welfare in consultation with the provincial and territorial epidemiologists and has been approved by the Canadian Lung Association and the Canadian Thoracic Society.  相似文献   

B K Hennen 《CMAJ》1993,148(9):1559-1563
Fifty years ago family practice in Canada had no academic presence. Stimulated by a number of general practitioners and with the support of the Canadian Medical Association, the College of General Practitioners of Canada (CGPC) was founded in 1954. In 1962, conferences on education for general practice attended by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges and the CGPC led to pilot postgraduate residencies in family practice supported by Department of National Health and Welfare. The first certification examination was held in 1969 and, by 1974, all Canadian medical schools had a family medicine residency program. Today departments of family medicine contribute substantially to undergraduate education in all 16 schools. In Canada, the medical profession, governments and the medical schools have demonstrated the importance they place on appropriate education for family physicians.  相似文献   

J D Gray  J Ruedy 《CMAJ》1998,158(8):1047-1050
An overview of medical education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Canadian faculties of medicine is provided. Particular attention is focused on changes that have occurred in the 1990s and their effect on medical students and on educational programs. Also considered are the effects of reductions in the number of entry-level positions for residency training and the changes in educational requirements for licensure on senior medical students.  相似文献   

D. G. Fish 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):694-697
The current interest in medical education and the proposed expansion of medical education facilities have stimulated the development of a research program by the secretariat of the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges. The projects planned and now in progress include: (1) studies of the cost of medical education in Canadian teaching hospitals and medical schools; (2) a study of the basic medical science departments in Canada with special reference to the occupational careers of scientists who have received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in those departments; (3) establishment of a student registry to facilitate prospective studies of Canadian medical students; (4) a survey of the residents in training in Canadian hospitals to obtain their evaluation of their training experience.  相似文献   

L Curry  C Woodward 《CMAJ》1985,132(4):345-349
The results of a survey of Canadian primary care physicians for the Canadian Medical Association (CMA''s) Task Force on Education for the Provision of Primary Care Services are reported. Recent Canadian medical school graduates in primary care practice reported that the three major training routes (rotating and mixed internships and family medicine residencies) each prepared them differently for practice. The graduates of 2-year family medicine residencies were more satisfied with their preparation than were the graduates of the other major training routes. A 2- or 3-year family medicine residency was preferred by 50% of the respondents, although only 33% of them had actually taken one of these routes. There was considerable agreement in the respondents'' assessments of the types of postgraduate education needed for primary care practice. The results of this survey were consistent with the recommendations in the final report of the CMA''s task force.  相似文献   

The May 4, 1970 issue of the American Medical News contains an article on a report released in April by the British Medical Association following a two-year study of the British National Health Service. Although the BMA study is oriented to the specific program as it has evolved in Great Britain since 1946, its main thrust is in the development of a system of voluntary health insurance which would provide for greater consumer choice, based upon nationally determined guidelines and regulations. BMA''s recommendations would have the NHS utilize a combination of tax-supported and voluntary-supported mechanisms in providing medical services to various segments of the population, based upon categories of illness and income levels.Since the BMA proposal as reported in the AMA News parallels in some respects the one approved by the CMA House of Delegates and submitted to the AMA House of Delegates for its consideration, the reader will be interested in seeing the concept for a Voluntary Universally Available Health Benefits Program, independently developed by the California Medical Association. It is interesting to note that the CMA proposal attempts to avoid many of the problems with which the NHS has been identified, and at the same time would establish a single, coherent, integrated approach for development over the next decade, incorporating public programs into a unified system of medical care which utilizes the multiplicity of voluntary health insurance approaches and mechanisms.  相似文献   

Efforts to integrate gender medicine into medical school curricula have focused largely on the work of individual champions. Online sex and gender materials for undergraduate courses have also been developed and disseminated. Success has been sporadic, with varying uptake across schools within and between countries. International trends in medical school accreditation processes and the growing force of the millennial student voice offer untapped opportunities to promote more systematic integration of gender medicine on a national and international level. In this commentary, the president and CEO of the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada and the Scientific Director of the Institute of Gender and Health of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research jointly reflect on top-down and bottom-up levers for sustainable innovation in gender medicine for undergraduate medical training.  相似文献   

In May 1964 the Royal Commission on Health Services declared that “health research is essential to health progress”. However, since that time the means of providing adequate health care have received far less attention than have methods of payment for physicians'' services. Because medical education and research is the source from which all other health benefits flow, urgent attention must be paid to the adequate support of teacher-scientists, as set forth in the Woods, Gordon (Gundy) report. It is the numbers and quality of these men and women, more than any other factor, that will determine the shape of medical science and, hence, medical practice in Canada in the future. Expensive as it is, Canadian medicine and Canadian medical scientists must have generous support if medical care in this country is to be of high quality.  相似文献   

J F Seely  J F Scott  B M Mount 《CMAJ》1997,157(10):1395-1397
Canada faces a significant and growing burden of terminal illness. There are major unresolved economic, ethical and social issues related to care at the end of life. Despite the international reputation for Canadian efforts in palliative care, the medical profession in Canada has largely failed to recognize the importance of the field, as evidenced by the lack of commitment on the part of most medical faculties at Canadian universities to developing academic strength in palliative medicine, the lack of content in the undergraduate curriculum and of postgraduate programs in palliative medicine, and the lack of support for research into end-of-life care. The authors propose a conjoint initiative by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada to develop specialized training programs in palliative medicine as a critical step in addressing this crisis.  相似文献   

G. Gingras 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):756-757
Particularly since World War II physical medicine and rehabilitation have assumed a growing importance. The efforts of the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, following a survey of Canadian universities, to increase the theoretical and practical teaching of physiatrics are emphasized. It is considered important that the teaching of physical medicine and rehabilitation should be carried out concurrently with other medical and surgical teaching programs. Paramedical and auxiliary rehabilitation personnel should participate in the teaching program. The number of hours devoted to physiatrics should be increased, and the medical student should be permitted to choose physical medicine and rehabilitation as a part of his internship program.  相似文献   

A. A. Larsen 《CMAJ》1962,87(22):1164-1167
Plans are being formulated for organizing an Emergency Health Service in British Columbia. The same organization that is being created to deal with civilian casualties after an enemy attack should, it is felt, be able to assist in major natural disasters. Such an organization will have to remain ready but inactive for long periods; therefore the responsibility for planning, organizing and directing this service has been given to the Health Branch, Provincial Department of Health Services and Hospital Insurance.A committee has been struck to advise the Health Branch, and a Director and a Health Supplies Officer have been appointed. Agreement has been reached as to who is to be assigned to work in the Emergency Health Service in the event of a nuclear attack, and sites have been selected for the stockpiling of medical equipment.The Province has been divided into zones, and Emergency Health Service Directors have been appointed for each zone. Their duties include, among many others, organizing Advanced Treatment Centres and Emergency Hospitals, and developing an Emergency Public Health Service, an Emergency Blood Transfusion Laboratory and a Mortuary Service.  相似文献   

S. M. Deschênes 《CMAJ》1977,116(7):783-784
The 1976-77 statistical study of medical school enrollment by the Association of Canadian Medical Colleges shows that total enrollment in Canadian medical schools had increased 103.8% since 1960-61, although the rate of increase had decreased to almost zero by 1976-77. Women accounted for 30.3% of the total enrollment in 1976-77 (for all years of the course), which represents an increase of more than 550% in the 17-year period; for the 16 schools the proportion ranged between 23.9% and 43.8%. Enrollment of foreign students had decreased from 340 in 1966-67 to 90 (1.2%) in 1976-77; 71 of the 90 students were American. For the entire nation the mean number of medical students per 10 000 population was 3.1, but in British Columbia the figure was only 1.5. Of the Canadian and landed immigrant students 94.5% were attending medical school in their home province.  相似文献   

The Short-Doyle program represents a small part of the needed response to the base problem of mental illness. However, in the five years since the signing of the original bill, programs receiving aid under the Short-Doyle Act for Community Mental Health Services have made impressive steps toward meeting the need for community mental health services. They have done so under local auspices and working closely with general health and medical programs available locally.  相似文献   

B Hennen 《CMAJ》1997,156(3):365-367
The author considers the University of Toronto''s Health, illness and the Community course for undergraduate medical students, described in this issue by Wasylenki and associates (see pages 379 to 383). Social accountability in medical education demands a community orientation and hence an emphasis on outreach. Medical schools should expand their clinical service to the community, provide community-based residency placements and offer continuing medical education in rural and regional centres. Accountability also requires community involvement in planning and implementing research projects. Placing students in a community setting as part of the curriculum is praiseworthy, but it is not sufficient to ensure social accountability. What is needed now is a more comprehensive acceptance by faculties of medicine of the mandate of community-centred learning, together with well-targeted funding for education and research initiatives.  相似文献   

Professor Victor R. Fuchs is the Henry J. Kaiser Jr Professor at Stanford (California) University, where he applies economic analysis to social problems of national concern, with special emphasis on health and medical care. He holds joint appointments in the Economics Department and the School of Medicine''s Department of Health Research and Policy. Professor Fuchs is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association and a member of the American Philosophical Society, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He was the first economist to receive the Distinguished Investigator Award of the Association for Health Services Research and has also received the Baxter Foundation Health Services Research Prize. Professor Fuchs is president-elect of the American Economic Association. His latest book, The Future of Health Policy, was published by Harvard University Press in 1993.The following edited conversation between Professor Fuchs and Linda Hawes Clever, MD, Editor of the journal, took place on April 8, 1994.  相似文献   

Six Canadian medical students record their experience at a summer school of tropical medicine in Haiti, sponsored by the Canadian Association of Medical Students and Internes. The social, economic and medical background is described, including “Voodoo” practices, language and Haitian art. Attention is directed to the occurrence of umbilical tetanus, diarrhea and malnutrition. From even a brief stay in a country such as Haiti one comes to appreciate that a public health program in an underdeveloped nation is not strictly a medical undertaking but must be seen in its social and economic contexts.  相似文献   

The National Diabetes Data Group (NDDG) of the National Institutes of Health in the United States has recently issued a report setting guidelines for the classification and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and other forms of glucose intolerance. The report, intended to provide a uniform basis from which clinical and epidemiologic studies could be planned, and to serve as a guide for clinicians, is committed to the concept of avoiding overdiagnosis of diabetes and consequently expands the proportion of patients classified as having impaired glucose tolerance. The clinical and scientific section of the Canadian Diabetes Association has accepted the report in principle, anticipating that it may need to be modified in the light of future clinical experience and research findings. It is recommended that the NDDG and the expert committee of the World Health Organization be informed of this position and that the Canadian Diabetes Association offer to contribute to what will likely be periodic revision of the classification.  相似文献   

N Robb 《CMAJ》1996,154(4):557-560
Jehovah''s Witness representatives have visited more than 10 Canadian medical schools and 200 hospitals in an attempt to educate future and practising physicians about nonblood medicine. The trend is becoming more popular since the advent of HIV, and there are now about 100 bloodless medicine and surgery centres around the world, including 52 in the US. However, a Jehovah''s Witness spokesman says Canada is "conspicuously absent" from the list of countries that offer bloodless-medicine programs.  相似文献   

This article was prepared by Mr. William M. Whelan, Director of Special Services, California Medical Association, under the supervision of Dr. Francis J. Cox, Chairman of the Medical Services Commission of the Association, and Mr. Howard Hassard, the Association's Legal Counsel. It is intended as a brief synopsis of the California Workmen's Compensation Law as it applies to the physician in private practice. It is not an exhaustive treatment of the subject. A physician who desires to acquaint himself in detail with California industrial practice should consult the article entitled "The Physician's Role in Workmen's Compensation," California Medicine, 82:352-362, April, 1955. Inquiries regarding industrial medicine should be addressed to Mr. William M. Whelan, California Medical Association, 450 Sutter St., San Francisco 8.  相似文献   

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