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Bees (Apidae), of which there are more than 19 900 species, are extremely important for ecosystem services and economic purposes, so taxon identity is a major concern. The goal of this study was to optimize the DNA barcode technique based on the Cytochrome c oxidase (COI) mitochondrial gene region. This approach has previously been shown to be useful in resolving taxonomic inconsistencies and for species identification when morphological data are poor. Specifically, we designed and tested new primers and standardized PCR conditions to amplify the barcode region for bees, focusing on the corbiculate Apids. In addition, primers were designed to amplify small COI amplicons and tested with pinned specimens. Short barcode sequences were easily obtained for some Bombus century‐old museum specimens and shown to be useful as mini‐barcodes. The new primers and PCR conditions established in this study proved to be successful for the amplification of the barcode region for all species tested, regardless of the conditions of tissue preservation. We saw no evidence of Wolbachia or numts amplification by these primers, and so we suggest that these new primers are of broad value for corbiculate bee identification through DNA barcode.  相似文献   

Studies focusing on marine macrophyte metabarcoding from environmental samples are scarce, due to the lack of a universal barcode for these taxa, and to their poor representation in DNA databases. Here, we searched for a short barcode able to identify marine macrophytes from tissue samples; then, we created a DNA reference library which was used to identify macrophytes in eDNA from coastal sediments. Barcoding of seagrasses, mangroves and marine macroalgae (Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta and Phaeophyceae) was tested using 18 primer pairs from six barcoding genes: the plant barcodes rbcL, matK and trnL, plus the genes ITS2, COI and 18S. The 18S gene showed the highest universality among marine macrophytes, amplifying 95%–100% of samples; amplification performance of the other barcodes was limited. Taxonomy was assigned using a phylogeny‐based approach to create an 18S DNA reference library. Macrophyte tissue sequences were accurately identified within their phyla (88%), order (76%), genus (71%) and species (23%). Nevertheless, out of 86 macrophytes tested, only 48% and 15% had a reference sequence at genus and at species level, respectively. Identification at these levels can be improved by more inclusive reference libraries. Using the 18S mini‐barcode and the reference library, we recovered eDNA from 21 marine macrophytes in sediments, demonstrating the barcode's ability to trace primary producers that contribute to blue carbon. We expect this barcode to also be useful for other ecological questions, such as tracing macro primary producers in marine food webs.  相似文献   

Small portions of the barcode region – mini‐barcodes – may be used in place of full‐length barcodes to overcome DNA degradation for samples with poor DNA preservation. 591,491,286 rbcL mini‐barcode primer combinations were electronically evaluated for PCR universality, and two novel highly universal sets of priming sites were identified. Novel and published rbcL mini‐barcode primers were evaluated for PCR amplification [determined with a validated electronic simulation (n = 2765) and empirically (n = 188)], Sanger sequence quality [determined empirically (n = 188)], and taxonomic discrimination [determined empirically (n = 30 472)]. PCR amplification for all mini‐barcodes, as estimated by validated electronic simulation, was successful for 90.2–99.8% of species. Overall Sanger sequence quality for mini‐barcodes was very low – the best mini‐barcode tested produced sequences of adequate quality (B20 ≥ 0.5) for 74.5% of samples. The majority of mini‐barcodes provide correct identifications of families in excess of 70.1% of the time. Discriminatory power noticeably decreased at lower taxonomic levels. At the species level, the discriminatory power of the best mini‐barcode was less than 38.2%. For samples believed to contain DNA from only one species, an investigator should attempt to sequence, in decreasing order of utility and probability of success, mini‐barcodes F (rbcL1/rbcLB), D (F52/R193) and K (F517/R604). For samples believed to contain DNA from more than one species, an investigator should amplify and sequence mini‐barcode D (F52/R193).  相似文献   

Recovery of DNA barcode sequences is often challenging from the archived specimens. However, short fragments of DNA may be recovered, which would significantly improve many unresolved taxonomic conflicts. Here, we designed a mini‐barcode for catfishes comprising several species and many cryptic taxa. We analysed a data set of 3048 publicly available COI barcode sequences representing 547 worldwide catfish species and performed 152 628 interspecies comparisons. A significantly more positively correlated interspecies distance was detected with transversion (0.78, < 0.001) than with transition (0.70, P < 0.001). This suggested that transversions were better diagnostics for species identification. In the aligned data set, two transversion‐rich fragments (53 bp and 119 bp) were identified. Transition/transversion bias value was 1.04 in 53‐bp fragment, 1.23 in 119‐bp fragment and 1.50 in full‐length barcode. The interspecies distance with full‐length barcode was 0.212 ± 0.037, while that with 53‐bp and 119‐bp fragments was 0.325 ± 0.039 and 0.218 ± 0.045, respectively. Survey of 53‐bp fragment showed a possibility of only 1144 barcodes, while that of 119‐bp fragment showed >4 million barcodes. Thus, the 119‐bp fragment is a viable mini‐barcode for catfishes comprising >3000 extant species. Experiment with 82 archived catfishes showed successful recovery of this mini‐barcode using the designed primer. The mini‐barcode sequences showed species‐specific similarity in the range of 98‐100% with the global database. Therefore, survey of a transversion‐rich fragment within the full‐length barcode would be an ideal approach of mini‐barcode design for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

Modern taxonomy requires an analytical approach incorporating all lines of evidence into decision‐making. Such an approach can enhance both species identification and species discovery. The character‐based DNA barcode method provides a molecular data set that can be incorporated into classical taxonomic data such that the discovery of new species can be made in an analytical framework that includes multiple sources of data. We here illustrate such a corroborative framework in a dragonfly model system that permits the discovery of two new, but visually cryptic species. In the African dragonfly genus Trithemis three distinct genetic clusters can be detected which could not be identified by using classical taxonomic characters. In order to test the hypothesis of two new species, DNA‐barcodes from different sequence markers (ND1 and COI) were combined with morphological, ecological and biogeographic data sets. Phylogenetic analyses and incorporation of all data sets into a scheme called taxonomic circle highly supports the hypothesis of two new species. Our case study suggests an analytical approach to modern taxonomy that integrates data sets from different disciplines, thereby increasing the ease and reliability of both species discovery and species assignment.  相似文献   

The extraordinary species diversity of the Neotropical freshwater fish fauna is world renown. Yet, despite rich species diversity, taxonomic and genetic resources for its Cerrado ichthyofauna remain poorly developed. We provide a reference library of 149 DNA barcodes for 39 species/lineages of Cerrado headwater stream fishes from the Brazilian Distrito Federal and nearby areas and test the utility of distance-based criteria, tree-based criteria and minibarcodes for specimen identification. Mean Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances within species to orders ranged 1·8–12·1%. However, mean intraspecific v. congeneric-interspecific distances (0·9–1·3%) overlapped extensively and distance-based barcoding failed to achieve correct identifications due to c. 4–12·1% error rates and 19·5% ambiguous identifications related to the presence of singletons. Overlap was reduced and best-match success rates improved drastically to 83·5% when Characidium barcodes representing potential misidentifications or undescribed species were removed. Tree-based monophyly criteria generally performed similarly to distance methods, correctly differentiating up to c. 85% of species/lineages despite neighbour-joining and Bayesian tree errors (random lineage-branching events, long-branch attraction). Five clusters (Ancistrus aguaboensis, Characidium spp., Eigenmannia trilineata, Hasemania hanseni and Hypostomus sp. 2) exhibited deep intraspecific divergences or para−/polyphyly and multiple Barcode Index Number assignments indicative of putative candidate species needing taxonomic re-examination. Sliding-window analyses also indicated that a 200 bp minibarcode region performed just as well at specimen identification as the entire barcode gene. Future DNA barcoding studies of Distrito Federal–Cerrado freshwater fishes will benefit from increased sampling coverage, as well as consideration of minibarcode targets for degraded samples and next-generation sequencing.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to protect species and ecosystems in Cuba, habitat degradation, overuse and introduction of alien species have posed serious challenges to native freshwater fish species. In spite of the accumulated knowledge on the systematics of this freshwater ichthyofauna, recent results suggested that we are far from having a complete picture of the Cuban freshwater fish diversity. It is estimated that 40% of freshwater Cuban fish are endemic; however, this number may be even higher. Partial sequences (652 bp) of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were used to barcode 126 individuals, representing 27 taxonomically recognized species in 17 genera and 10 families. Analysis was based on Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances, and for four genera a character-based analysis (population aggregation analysis) was also used. The mean conspecific, congeneric and confamiliar genetic distances were 0.6%, 9.1% and 20.2% respectively. Molecular species identification was in concordance with current taxonomical classification in 96.4% of cases, and based on the neighbour-joining trees, in all but one instance, members of a given genera clustered within the same clade. Within the genus Gambusia, genetic divergence analysis suggests that there may be at least four cryptic species. In contrast, low genetic divergence and a lack of diagnostic sites suggest that Rivulus insulaepinorum may be conspecific with Rivulus cylindraceus. Distance and character-based analysis were completely concordant, suggesting that they complement species identification. Overall, the results evidenced the usefulness of the DNA barcodes for cataloguing Cuban freshwater fish species and for identifying those groups that deserve further taxonomic attention.  相似文献   

Food‐associated insect pests are of great economic and hygienic importance. However, their identification requires expert knowledge and excessive time. Such pests are discovered in food as body parts or immature stages, which further complicates the identification process. In this study, we constructed a DNA barcode dataset of insect pests that can be detected in food. We also tested the efficacy of these DNA barcode sequences for identifying food‐associated insect pests. A 658 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was analyzed from 55 species of food‐associated insect pests in Korea. The results indicated that this portion of the COI gene effectively discriminated >90% of the food‐associated insect pests. Mean genetic divergences among individuals belonging to one species/between species belonging to one genus of the five orders, Blattaria, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, were 0.59%/13.18%, 0.84%/20.10%, 0.02%/22.61%, 0.24%/3.48% and 0.17%/15.90%, respectively. In conclusion, we established the first DNA barcode dataset and confirmed its efficiency for identifying food‐associated insect pests in Korea.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has emerged as a routine tool in modern taxonomy. Although straightforward, this approach faces new challenges, when applied to difficult situation such as defining cryptic biodiversity. Ants are prime examples for high degrees of cryptic biodiversity due to complex population differentiation, hybridization and speciation processes. Here, we test the DNA barcoding region, cytochrome c oxidase 1 and two supplementary markers, 28S ribosomal DNA and long‐wavelength rhodopsin, commonly used in ant taxonomy, for their potential in a layered, character‐based barcoding approach across different taxonomic levels. Furthermore, we assess performance of the character‐based barcoding approach to determine cryptic species diversity in ants. We found (i) that the barcode potential of a specific genetic marker varied widely among taxonomic levels in ants; (ii) that application of a layered, character‐based barcode for identification of specimens can be a solution to taxonomical challenging groups; (iii) that the character‐based barcoding approach allows us to differentiate specimens even within locations based on pure characters. In summary, (layered) character‐based barcoding offers a reliable alternative for problematic species identification in ants and can be used as a fast and cost‐efficient approach to estimate presence, absence or frequency of cryptic species.  相似文献   

Ciliates are a major evolutionary lineage within the alveolates, which are distributed in nearly all habitats on our planet and are an essential component for ecosystem function, processes and stability. Accurate identification of these unicellular eukaryotes through, for example, microscopy or mating type reactions is reserved to few specialists. To satisfy the demand for a DNA barcode for ciliates, which meets the standard criteria for DNA barcodes defined by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL), we here evaluated the D1‐D2 region of the ribosomal DNA large subunit (LSU‐rDNA). Primer universality for the phylum Ciliophora was tested in silico with available database sequences as well as in the laboratory with 73 ciliate species, which represented nine of 12 ciliate classes. Primers tested in this study were successful for all tested classes. To test the ability of the D1‐D2 region to resolve conspecific and congeneric sequence divergence, 63 Paramecium strains were sampled from 24 mating species. The average conspecific D1‐D2 variation was 0.18%, whereas congeneric sequence divergence averaged 4.83%. In pairwise genetic distance analyses, we identified a D1‐D2 sequence divergence of <0.6% as an ideal threshold to discriminate Paramecium species. Using this definition, only 3.8% of all conspecific and 3.9% of all congeneric sequence comparisons had the potential of false assignments. Neighbour‐joining analyses inferred monophyly for all taxa but for two Paramecium octaurelia strains. Here, we present a protocol for easy DNA amplification of single cells and voucher deposition. In conclusion, the presented data pinpoint the D1‐D2 region as an excellent candidate for an official CBOL barcode for ciliated protists.  相似文献   

Easy, economic, precise species authentication is currently necessary in many areas of research and diagnosis in molecular biology applied to conservation studies of endangered species. Here, we present a new method for the identification of three fox species of the Lycalopex genus in Chile. We developed an assay based on high‐resolution melt analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome B gene, allowing a simple, low cost, fast, and accurate species determination. To validate the assay applicability for noninvasive samples, we collected fecal samples in the Atacama Desert, finding unexpectedly one species outside of its known distribution range. We conclude that the assay has a potential to become a valuable tool for a standardized genetic monitoring of the Lycalopex species in Chile.  相似文献   

DNA barcodes were studied for 1,353 specimens representing 272 morphological species belonging to 149 genera and 55 families of Perciformes from the South China Sea (SCS). The average Kimura 2‐parameter (K2P) distances within species, genera and families were 0.31%, 8.71% and 14.52%, respectively. A neighbour‐joining (NJ) tree, Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum‐likelihood (ML) trees and Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) revealed 260, 253 and 259 single‐species‐representing clusters, respectively. Barcoding gap analysis (BGA) demonstrated that barcode gaps were present for 178 of 187 species analysed with multiple specimens (95.2%), with the minimum interspecific distance to the nearest neighbour larger than the maximum intraspecific distance. A group of three Thunnus species (T. albacares, T. obesus and T. tonggol), a pair of Gerres species (G. oyena and G. japonicus), a pair of Istiblennius species (I. edentulous and I. lineatus) and a pair of Uranoscopus species (U. oligolepis and U. kaianus) were observed with low interspecific distances and overlaps between intra‐ and interspecific genetic distances. Three species (Apogon ellioti, Naucrates ductor and Psenopsis anomala) showed deep intraspecific divergences and generated two lineages each, suggesting the possibility of cryptic species. Our results demonstrated that DNA barcodes are highly reliable for delineating species of Perciformes in the SCS. The DNA barcode library established in this study will shed light on further research on the diversity of Perciformes in the SCS.  相似文献   

This study summarizes results of a DNA barcoding campaign on German Diptera, involving analysis of 45,040 specimens. The resultant DNA barcode library includes records for 2,453 named species comprising a total of 5,200 barcode index numbers (BINs), including 2,700 COI haplotype clusters without species‐level assignment, so called “dark taxa.” Overall, 88 out of 117 families (75%) recorded from Germany were covered, representing more than 50% of the 9,544 known species of German Diptera. Until now, most of these families, especially the most diverse, have been taxonomically inaccessible. By contrast, within a few years this study provided an intermediate taxonomic system for half of the German Dipteran fauna, which will provide a useful foundation for subsequent detailed, integrative taxonomic studies. Using DNA extracts derived from bulk collections made by Malaise traps, we further demonstrate that species delineation using BINs and operational taxonomic units (OTUs) constitutes an effective method for biodiversity studies using DNA metabarcoding. As the reference libraries continue to grow, and gaps in the species catalogue are filled, BIN lists assembled by metabarcoding will provide greater taxonomic resolution. The present study has three main goals: (a) to provide a DNA barcode library for 5,200 BINs of Diptera; (b) to demonstrate, based on the example of bulk extractions from a Malaise trap experiment, that DNA barcode clusters, labelled with globally unique identifiers (such as OTUs and/or BINs), provide a pragmatic, accurate solution to the “taxonomic impediment”; and (c) to demonstrate that interim names based on BINs and OTUs obtained through metabarcoding provide an effective method for studies on species‐rich groups that are usually neglected in biodiversity research projects because of their unresolved taxonomy.  相似文献   

Many lemur species are arboreal, elusive, and/or nocturnal and are consequently difficult to approach, observe and catch. In addition, most of them are endangered. For these reasons, non‐invasive sampling is especially useful in primates including lemurs. A key issue in conservation and ecological studies is to identify the sex of the sampled individuals to investigate sex‐biased dispersal, parentage, social organization and population sex ratio. Several molecular tests of sex are available in apes and monkeys, but only a handful of them work in the lemuriform clade. Among these tests, the coamplification of the SRY gene with the amelogenin X gene using strepsirhine‐specific X primers seems particularly promising, but the reliability and validity of this sexing test have not been properly assessed yet. In this study, we (i) show that this molecular sexing test works on three additional lemur species (Microcebus tavaratra, Propithecus coronatus and P. verreauxi) from two previously untested genera and one previously untested family, suggesting that these markers are likely to be universal among lemurs and other strepsirrhines; (ii) provide the first evidence that this PCR‐based sexing test works on degraded DNA obtained from noninvasive samples; (iii) validate the approach using a large number of known‐sex individuals and a multiple‐tubes approach, and show that mismatches between the field sex and the final molecular consensus sex occur in less than 10% of all the samples and that most of these mismatches were likely linked to incorrect sex determinations in the field rather than genotyping errors. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Species concept and delimitation are fundamental to taxonomic and evolutionary studies. Both inadequate informative sites in the molecular data and limited taxon sampling have often led to poor phylogenetic resolution and incorrect species delineation. Recently, the whole chloroplast genome sequences from extensive herbarium specimen samples have been shown to be effective to amend the problem. Stachyuraceae are a small family consisting of only one genus Stachyurus of six to 16 species. However, species delimitation in Stachyurus has been highly controversial because of few and generally unstable morphological characters used for classification. In this study, we sampled 69 individuals of seven species (each with at least three individuals) covering the entire taxonomic diversity, geographic range, and morphological variation of Stachyurus from herbarium specimens for genome‐wide plastid gene sequencing to address species delineation in the genus. We obtained high‐quality DNAs from specimens using a recently developed DNA reconstruction technique. We first assembled four whole chloroplast genome sequences. Based on the chloroplast genome and one nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence of Stachyurus, we designed primers for multiplex polymerase chain reaction and high throughput sequencing of 44 plastid loci for species of Stachyurus. Data of these chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequences were used for phylogenetic analyses. The phylogenetic results showed that the Japanese species Stachyurus praecox Siebold & Zucc. was sister to the rest in mainland China, which indicated a typical Sino‐Japanese distribution pattern. Based on diagnostic morphological characters, distinct distributional range, and monophyly of each clade, we redefined seven species for Stachyurus following an integrative species concept, and revised the taxonomy of the family based on previous reports and specimens, in particular the type specimens. Furthermore, our divergence time estimation results suggested that Stachyuraceae split from its sister group Crossosomataceae from the New World at ca. 54.29 Mya, but extant species of Stachyuraceae started their diversification only recently at ca. 6.85 Mya. Diversification time of Stachyurus in mainland China was estimated to be ca. 4.45 Mya. This research has provided an example of using the herbarium specimen‐based phylogenomic approach in resolving species boundaries in a taxonomically difficult genus.  相似文献   

We report the first application of CRISPR‐Cas technology to single species detection from environmental DNA (eDNA). Organisms shed and excrete DNA into their environment such as in skin cells and faeces, referred to as environmental DNA (eDNA). Utilising eDNA allows noninvasive monitoring with increased specificity and sensitivity. Current methods primarily employ PCR‐based techniques to detect a given species from eDNA samples, posing a logistical challenge for on‐site monitoring and potential adaptation to biosensor devices. We have developed an alternative method; coupling isothermal amplification to a CRISPR‐Cas12a detection system. This utilises the collateral cleavage activity of Cas12a, a ribonuclease guided by a highly specific single CRISPR RNA. We used the target species Salmo salar as a proof‐of‐concept test of the specificity of the assay among closely related species and to show the assay is successful at a single temperature of 37°C with signal detection at 535 nM. The specific assay, detects at attomolar sensitivity with rapid detection rates (<2.5 hr). This approach simplifies the challenge of building a biosensor device for rapid target species detection in the field and can be easily adapted to detect any species from eDNA samples from a variety of sources enhancing the capabilities of eDNA as a tool for monitoring biodiversity.  相似文献   

Condition‐dependent genetic interactions can reveal functional relationships between genes that are not evident under standard culture conditions. State‐of‐the‐art yeast genetic interaction mapping, which relies on robotic manipulation of arrays of double‐mutant strains, does not scale readily to multi‐condition studies. Here, we describe barcode fusion genetics to map genetic interactions (BFG‐GI), by which double‐mutant strains generated via en masse “party” mating can also be monitored en masse for growth to detect genetic interactions. By using site‐specific recombination to fuse two DNA barcodes, each representing a specific gene deletion, BFG‐GI enables multiplexed quantitative tracking of double mutants via next‐generation sequencing. We applied BFG‐GI to a matrix of DNA repair genes under nine different conditions, including methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), 4‐nitroquinoline 1‐oxide (4NQO), bleomycin, zeocin, and three other DNA‐damaging environments. BFG‐GI recapitulated known genetic interactions and yielded new condition‐dependent genetic interactions. We validated and further explored a subnetwork of condition‐dependent genetic interactions involving MAG1, SLX4, and genes encoding the Shu complex, and inferred that loss of the Shu complex leads to an increase in the activation of the checkpoint protein kinase Rad53.  相似文献   

One of the most fundamental aspects of ecological research and monitoring is accurate species identification, but cryptic speciation and observer error can confound phenotype‐based identification. The CRISPR‐Cas toolkit has facilitated remarkable advances in many scientific disciplines, but the fields of ecology and conservation biology have yet to fully embrace this powerful technology. The recently developed CRISPR‐Cas13a platform SHERLOCK (Specific High‐sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter unLOCKing) enables highly accurate taxonomic identification and has all the characteristics needed to transition to ecological and environmental disciplines. Here we conducted a series of “proof of principle” experiments to characterize SHERLOCK’s ability to accurately, sensitively and rapidly distinguish three fish species of management interest co‐occurring in the San Francisco Estuary that are easily misidentified in the field. We improved SHERLOCK’s ease of field deployment by combining the previously demonstrated rapid isothermal amplification and CRISPR genetic identification with a minimally invasive and extraction‐free DNA collection protocol, as well as the option of instrument‐free lateral flow detection. This approach opens the door for redefining how, where and by whom genetic identifications occur in the future.  相似文献   

Species identification based on short sequences of DNA markers, that is, DNA barcoding, has emerged as an integral part of modern taxonomy. However, software for the analysis of large and multilocus barcoding data sets is scarce. The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is currently the fastest tool capable of handling large databases (e.g. >5000 sequences), but its accuracy is a concern and has been criticized for its local optimization. However, current more accurate software requires sequence alignment or complex calculations, which are time‐consuming when dealing with large data sets during data preprocessing or during the search stage. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a practical program for both accurate and scalable species identification for DNA barcoding. In this context, we present VIP Barcoding: a user‐friendly software in graphical user interface for rapid DNA barcoding. It adopts a hybrid, two‐stage algorithm. First, an alignment‐free composition vector (CV) method is utilized to reduce searching space by screening a reference database. The alignment‐based K2P distance nearest‐neighbour method is then employed to analyse the smaller data set generated in the first stage. In comparison with other software, we demonstrate that VIP Barcoding has (i) higher accuracy than Blastn and several alignment‐free methods and (ii) higher scalability than alignment‐based distance methods and character‐based methods. These results suggest that this platform is able to deal with both large‐scale and multilocus barcoding data with accuracy and can contribute to DNA barcoding for modern taxonomy. VIP Barcoding is free and available at http://msl.sls.cuhk.edu.hk/vipbarcoding/ .  相似文献   

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