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Targeted capture and enrichment approaches have proven effective for phylogenetic study. Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) in particular have exhibited great utility for phylogenomic analyses, with the software package phyluce being among the most utilized pipelines for UCE phylogenomics, including probe design. Despite the success of UCEs, it is becoming increasing apparent that diverse lineages require probe sets tailored to focal taxa in order to improve locus recovery. However, factors affecting probe design and methods for optimizing probe sets to focal taxa remain underexplored. Here, we use newly available beetle (Coleoptera) genomic resources to investigate factors affecting UCE probe set design using phyluce . In particular, we explore the effects of stringency during initial design steps, as well as base genome choice on resulting probe sets and locus recovery. We found that both base genome choice and initial bait design stringency parameters greatly alter the number of resultant probes included in final probe sets and strongly affect the number of loci detected and recovered during in silico testing of these probe sets. In addition, we identify attributes of base genomes that correlated with high performance in probe design. Ultimately, we provide a recommended workflow for using Phyluce to design an optimized UCE probe set that will work across a targeted lineage, and use our findings to develop a new, open‐source UCE probe set for beetles of the suborder Adephaga.  相似文献   

Mites (Acari) are one of the most diverse groups of life on Earth; yet, their evolutionary relationships are poorly understood. Also, the resolution of broader arachnid phylogeny has been hindered by an underrepresentation of mite diversity in phylogenomic analyses. To further our understanding of Acari evolution, we design targeted ultraconserved genomic elements (UCEs) probes, intended for resolving the complex relationships between mite lineages and closely related arachnids. We then test our Acari UCE baits in‐silico by constructing a phylogeny using 13 existing Acari genomes, as well as 6 additional taxa from a variety of genomic sources. Our Acari‐specific probe kit improves the recovery of loci within mites over an existing general arachnid UCE probe set. Our initial phylogeny recovers the major mite lineages, yet finds mites to be non‐monophyletic overall, with Opiliones (harvestmen) and Ricinuleidae (hooded tickspiders) rendering Parasitiformes paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The proliferation of genomic sequencing approaches has significantly impacted the field of phylogenetics. Target capture approaches provide a cost-effective, fast and easily applied strategy for phylogenetic inference of non-model organisms. However, several existing target capture processing pipelines are incapable of incorporating whole genome sequencing (WGS). Here, we develop a new pipeline for capture and de novo assembly of the targeted regions using whole genome re-sequencing reads. This new pipeline captured targeted loci accurately, and given its unbiased nature, can be used with any target capture probe set. Moreover, due to its low computational demand, this new pipeline may be ideal for users with limited resources and when high-coverage sequencing outputs are required. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by incorporating WGS data into the first comprehensive phylogenomic reconstruction of the freshwater mussel family Margaritiferidae. We also provide a catalogue of well-curated functional annotations of these previously uncharacterized freshwater mussel-specific target regions, representing a complementary tool for scrutinizing phylogenetic inferences while expanding future applications of the probe set.  相似文献   

Phylogenomics via ultraconserved elements (UCEs) has led to improved phylogenetic reconstructions across the tree of life. However, inadvertently incorporating non‐targeted DNA into the UCE marker design will lead to misinformation being incorporated into subsequent analyses. To date, the effectiveness of basic metagenomic filtering strategies has not been assessed in arthropods. Designing markers from museum specimens requires careful consideration of methods due to the high levels of microbial contamination typically found in such specimens. We investigate if contaminant sequences are carried forward into a UCE marker set we developed from insect museum specimens using a standard bioinformatics pipeline. We find that the methods currently employed by most researchers do not exclude contamination from the final set of targets. Lastly, we highlight several paths forward for reducing contamination in UCE marker design.  相似文献   

The identification of conserved loci across genomes, along with advances in target capture methods and high‐throughput sequencing, has helped spur a phylogenomics revolution by enabling researchers to gather large numbers of homologous loci across clades of interest with minimal upfront investment in locus design. Target capture for vertebrate animals is currently dominated by two approaches—anchored hybrid enrichment (AHE) and ultraconserved elements (UCE)—and both approaches have proven useful for addressing questions in phylogenomics, phylogeography and population genomics. However, these two sets of loci have minimal overlap with each other; moreover, they do not include many traditional loci that that have been used for phylogenetics. Here, we combine across UCE, AHE and traditional phylogenetic gene locus sets to generate the Squamate Conserved Loci set, a single integrated probe set that can generate high‐quality and highly complete data across all three loci types. We use these probes to generate data for 44 phylogenetically disparate taxa that collectively span approximately 33% of terrestrial vertebrate diversity. Our results generated an average of 4.29 Mb across 4709 loci per individual, of which an average of 2.99 Mb was sequenced to high enough coverage (≥10×) to use for population genetic analyses. We validate the utility of these loci for both phylogenomic and population genomic questions, provide a comparison among these locus sets of their relative usefulness and suggest areas for future improvement.  相似文献   

As coral populations decline worldwide in the face of ongoing environmental change, documenting their distribution, diversity and conservation status is now more imperative than ever. Accurate delimitation and identification of species is a critical first step. This task, however, is not trivial as morphological variation and slowly evolving molecular markers confound species identification. New approaches to species delimitation in corals are needed to overcome these challenges. Here, we test whether target enrichment of ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and exons can be used for delimiting species boundaries and population structure within species of corals by focusing on two octocoral genera, Alcyonium and Sinularia, as exemplary case studies. We designed an updated bait set (29,181 baits) to target‐capture 3,023 UCE and exon loci, recovering a mean of 1,910 ± 168 SD per sample with a mean length of 1,055 ± 208 bp. Similar numbers of loci were recovered from Sinularia (1,946 ± 227 SD) and Alcyonium (1,863 ± 177 SD). Species‐level phylogenies were highly supported for both genera. Clustering methods based on filtered single nucleotide polymorphisms delimited species and populations that are congruent with previous allozyme, DNA barcoding, reproductive and ecological data for Alcyonium, and offered further evidence of hybridization among species. For Sinularia, results were congruent with those obtained from a previous study using restriction site associated DNA sequencing. Both case studies demonstrate the utility of target‐enrichment of UCEs and exons to address a wide range of evolutionary and taxonomic questions across deep to shallow timescales in corals.  相似文献   

Gene capture coupled with the next‐generation sequencing has become one of the preferred methods of subsampling genomes for phylogenomic studies. Many exon markers have been developed in plants, sharks, frogs, reptiles, fishes, and others, but no universal exon markers have been tested in ray‐finned fishes. Here, we identified a suite of “single‐copy” protein‐coding sequence (CDS) markers through comparing eight fish genomes, and tested them empirically in 83 species (33 families and nine orders or higher clades: Acipenseriformes, Lepisosteiformes, Elopomorpha, Osteoglossomorpha, Clupeiformes, Cypriniformes, Gobiaria, Carangaria, and Eupercaria; sensu Betancur et al. 2013). Sorting the markers according to their completeness and phylogenetic decisiveness in taxa tested resulted in a selection of 4,434 markers, which were proven to be useful in reconstructing phylogenies of the ray‐finned fishes at different taxonomic levels. We also proposed a strategy of refining baits (probes) design a posteriori based on empirical data. The markers that we have developed may greatly enrich the batteries of exon markers for phylogenomic study in ray‐finned fishes.  相似文献   

Large‐scale genomic studies of wild animal populations are often limited by access to high‐quality DNA. Although noninvasive samples, such as faeces, can be readily collected, DNA from the sample producers is usually present in low quantities, fragmented, and contaminated by microorganism and dietary DNAs. Hybridization capture can help to overcome these impediments by increasing the proportion of subject DNA prior to high‐throughput sequencing. Here we evaluate a key design variable for hybridization capture, the number of rounds of capture, by testing whether one or two rounds are most appropriate, given varying sample quality (as measured by the ratios of subject to total DNA). We used a set of 1,780 quality‐assessed wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) faecal samples and chose 110 samples of varying quality for exome capture and sequencing. We used multiple regression to assess the effects of the ratio of subject to total DNA (sample quality), rounds of capture and sequencing effort on the number of unique exome reads sequenced. We not only show that one round of capture is preferable when the proportion of subject DNA in a sample is above ~2%–3%, but also explore various types of bias introduced by capture, and develop a model that predicts the sequencing effort necessary for a desired data yield from samples of a given quality. Thus, our results provide a useful guide and pave a methodological way forward for researchers wishing to plan similar hybridization capture studies.  相似文献   

The microhylid frog genus Kaloula is an adaptive radiation spanning the edge of the Asian mainland and multiple adjacent island archipelagos, with much of the clade's diversity associated with an endemic Philippine radiation. Relationships among clades from the Philippines, however, remain unresolved. With ultraconserved element (UCE) and mitogenomic data, we identified highly supported differences in topology and areas of poor resolution, for each marker set. Using the UCE data, we then identified possible instances of contemporary hybridization, past introgression, and incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) within the Philippine Kaloula. Using a simulation approach, and an estimate of the Philippine Kaloula clade origin (12.7—21.0 mya), we demonstrate that an evolutionary history including inferred instances of hybridization, introgression, and ILS leads to phylogenetic reconstructions that show concordance with results from the observed mitogenome and UCE data. In the process of validating a complex evolutionary scenario in the Philippine Kaloula, we provide the first demonstration of the efficacy of UCE data for phylogenomic studies of anuran amphibians.  相似文献   

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