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猪Ⅱ型圆环病毒豫A株的全基因组克隆与序列分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
参照国外发表的猪Ⅱ型圆环病毒(porcine circovirus type 2,PCV-2)全基因组序列,设计一对PCV-2特异性引物,用该室分离的PCV-2豫A株感染PK-15细胞,从中提取PCV-2复制型基因组DNA,并以之为模板进行PCR扩增.回收PCR产物,构建重组测序质粒T-PCV-2.测序结果表明,猪Ⅱ型圆环病毒豫A株的全基因组为1767bp,与GenBank收录的PCV-2国外分离株核苷酸的同源性可高达97%.序列分析表明,复制型豫A株的基因组包含10个读码框架,其中ORF1、ORF2是其两个最主要的读码框架,分别编码314、234个氨基酸.豫A株和PCV-1间的ORF1、ORF2的氨基酸序列同源性分别为85%、66%,与其它PCV-2毒株间的ORF1氨基酸同源性均在98%以上,而ORF2的氨基酸同源性为92%~97%.  相似文献   

Molecular-mechanical simulations have been carried out on “mismatched base” analogs of the DNA double-helical structure d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2, in which the base pairs CG at the 3 and 10 positions have been replaced by CA, AG, TC, and TG base pairs, as well as an insertion analog in which an extra adenine has been incorporated into one strand of the above structure between bases 3 and 4. The results of these simulations (calculated relative stabilities, structures, and nmr ring-current shifts) have been compared with calorimetric and nmr data. The calculated relative stabilities of the double-helical parent dodecamer and the various “wobble” base pairs qualitatively correlate with the experimental melting temperatures. The base-pairing structure for the GT wobble pair is in agreement with that previously determined from nmr experiments. For the GA base pair, the structure with both bases anti has a slightly more favorable energy from base pairing and stacking than a structure with non-Watson-Crick H-bonding with adenine syn, in agreement with nmr experiments. The CA wobble base is calculated to favor an adenine 6NH2 …? cytosine N3 H-bond over cytosine 4NH2 …? adenine N1, again, in agreement with nmr experiments. There is no definitive experimental data on the TC base pair, but the existence of (somewhat long and weak) H-bonds involving cytosine 4NH2 …? thymine 4CO and cytosine N3 …? thymine HN3 seems reasonable. We find a structure in which the extra adenine base of the insertion analogs sits “inside” the double helix.  相似文献   

The rate of recovery of UV-irradiated Hemophilus influenzae from acriflavine-sensitized loss of colony-forming ability was studied at various acriflavine concentrations, UV doses, and temperatures. This rate (as calculated from an equation based upon certain assumptions) was on the order of 0.07 per minute per cell at 37°C. This did not vary greatly with UV dose or acriflavine concentration, but did with temperature, giving a ΔH‡ of about 16 kcal/mole. In another set of experiments, cells bearing two genetic markers (resistance to 2000 μg/ml streptomycin and to 2.5 μg/ml novobiocin) were irradiated and then incubated without acriflavine. DNA extracts made from samples taken after various periods of incubation time were assayed on antibiotic-sensitive cells using acriflavine to inhibit repair during and following transformation. It was found that both in vivo irradiated markers were reactivated in the donor to approximately the same extent (with a rate constant of 0.04 per minute). This result was in contrast to the results obtained when extracted DNA bearing the same markers was irradiated in vitro and used to transform cells. In this latter case the streptomycin marker was much more sensitive than the novobiocin marker. This difference is interpreted as being due to the mechanics of the transformation system.  相似文献   

DNA methylases of Hemophilus influenzae Rd. I. Purification and properties   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Hemophilus influenzae strain Rd DNA contains small amounts of 5-methylcytosine (0.012%) and significantly greater amounts of N-6-methyladenine (0.34%). Four DNA adenine methylases have been identified and purified from crude extracts of H. influenzae Rd by means of phosphocellulose chromatography. Each of the four enzymes requires (S-adenosyl-l-methionine as a methyl group donor and each differs in its ability to methylate various DNAs in vitro. DNA methylase I is related to the genetically described modification-restriction system in H. influenzae Rd, and is presumably the modification enzyme for that system. DNA methylase II introduces approximately 130 methyl groups into a phage T7 DNA molecule and protects T7 DNA from the H. influenzae Rd restriction enzyme, endonuclease R, described by Smith and Wilcox (1970). These findings indicate that DNA methylase II is the modification enzyme corresponding to endonuclease R. A third modification-restriction system, which does not affect T7 DNA, has been detected in H. influenzae Rd. DNA methylase III is apparently the modification enzyme for this system. The biological function of DNA methylase IV remains unknown.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the deoxy oligonucleotide dodecamer d(CGCGTTAACGCG) recently determined in our laboratory shows that the helical parameters of the central TTAA segment are significantly different compared to the central AATT in d(CGCGAATTCGCG). The roll in the central TA step of the T2A2 dodecamer opens towards the minor groove while the AT step of the A2T2 dodecamer opens towards the major groove. Also, the roll angles at the steps 4 and 8 (GT and AC in T2A2) and (GA and TC in A2T2) are in opposite directions. The high cup and helical twist angles at the central base-pair of T2A2 decreases the base stacking interactions compared to A2T2. Tilt angles within the tetranucleotide segments TTAA and AATT have opposite signs. In spite of the local differences caused by the sequence inversion (TTAA----AATT), the two dodecamers exhibit similar overall bending. The top third is more bent than the bottom third relative to the central segment. This asymmetric bending in the two dodecamers is mainly due to crystal packing interactions.  相似文献   

An endonuclease purified from Hemophilus influenzae made single strand breaks in DNA containing apurinic or apyrimidinic sites but had no detectable endonuclease activity on untreated native DNA. The new 5'-termini created at the cleavage sites were base-free deoxyribose 5-phosphate residues. The enzyme preparation also catalyzed the exonucleolytic release of 5'-mononucleotides from bihelical DNA and the hydrolysis of DNA 3'-terminal phosphomonoesters. The phosphatase-exonuclease activity was indistinguishable from that reported by Gunther and Goodgal (J. Biol. Chem. (1970) 245, 5341-5349) and resembled that of exonuclease III of Escherichia coli. The endonucleolytic and exonucleolytic activities could not be separated by electrophoresis, sedimentation, or gel filtration, and they were also affected simultaneously by mutation. The enzymatic activities appear to be functions of a single monomeric protein (M(r) = 30,000).  相似文献   

Unlinked transformations were demonstrated to occur by varying the multiplicity of DNA molecules taken up by competent cells. The number of doubles was directly proportional to the product of the frequency of singles for varying concentrations of cells. The kinetics of transformation to doubles and the effect of DNA concentration on double transformations were consistent with the concept that the cell must take up two molecules of DNA in order to be doubly transformed. Linked markers, on the other hand, were a constant fraction of the single transformation for variations in DNA or cell concentration, or time. The kinetics of transformation of linked markers was the same as for the kinetics of single transforming factors. It was, therefore, concluded that linked transformations involve interaction between the cell and a molecule of DNA carrying both markers. The frequency of transformation was found to be the same from resistance to sensitivity as from sensitivity to resistance for the markers streptomycin (S) and cathomycin (C). Purified DNAs, in general, show lower levels of linkage than crude DNA preparations, and for some crude preparations all the S markers were linked to C, suggesting that some dispersion, at least, was a result of DNA preparation. The inactivation of linked markers by heat, ultraviolet, and DNAase was studied.  相似文献   

The human formyl peptide receptor (FPR) is a prototypical G(i) protein-coupled receptor, but little is known about quantitative aspects of FPR-G(i) protein coupling. To address this issue, we fused the FPR to G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) and expressed the fusion proteins in Sf9 insect cells. Fusion of a receptor to Galpha ensures a defined 1:1 stoichiometry of the signaling partners. By analyzing high affinity agonist binding, the kinetics of agonist- and inverse agonist-regulated guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPgammaS) binding and GTP hydrolysis and photolabeling of Galpha, we demonstrate highly efficient coupling of the FPR to fused G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) without cross-talk of the receptor to insect cell G proteins. The FPR displayed high constitutive activity when coupled to all three G(i)alpha isoforms. The K(d) values of high affinity agonist binding were approximately 100-fold lower than the EC(50) (concentration that gives half-maximal stimulation) values of agonist for GTPase activation. Based on the B(max) values of agonist saturation binding and ligand-regulated GTPgammaS binding, it was previously proposed that the FPR activates G proteins catalytically, i.e. one FPR activates several G(i) proteins. Analysis of agonist saturation binding, ligand-regulated GTPgammaS saturation binding and quantitative immunoblotting with membranes expressing FPR-G(i)alpha fusion proteins and nonfused FPR now reveals that FPR agonist binding greatly underestimates the actual FPR expression level. Our data show the following: (i) the FPR couples to G(i)alpha(1), G(i)alpha(2), and G(i)alpha(3) with similar efficiency; (ii) the FPR can exist in a state of low agonist affinity that couples efficiently to G proteins; and (iii) in contrast to the previously held view, the FPR appears to activate G(i) proteins linearly and not catalytically.  相似文献   

Ito H  Tanaka S  Miyasaka M 《Biopolymers》2002,65(2):61-80
We utilize electrophoresis and find that a thermally treated equimolar mixture of the oligonucleotide d(G(5)T(5)) and its complementary oligonucleotide d(A(5)C(5)) exhibits either two bands or a single band in one lane, depending on the conditions of the incubation solutions. The thermally treated d(G(5)T(5)) solution loaded in a different lane exhibits a single band of the parallel quadruplex [d(G(5)T(5))](4), which is composed of homocyclic hydrogen-bonded G(4) and T(4) tetrads previously proposed. For the thermally treated equimolar mixture of d(G(5)T(5)) and d(A(5)C(5)), the fast band is assigned to a Watson-Crick d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5)) duplex, so that the slow band with the same low mobility as that of [d(G(5)T(5))](4) may be assigned to either [d(G(5)T(5))](4) itself or a [d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5))](2) quadruplex. If the latter compound is true, this may be the antiparallel quadruplex composed of the heterocyclic hydrogen-bonded G-C-G-C and T-A-T-A tetrads proposed previously. After removing these three bands for the duplex and two kinds of hypothetical quadruplexes, we electrophoretically elute the corresponding compounds in the same electrophoresis buffer using an electroeluter. The eluted compounds are ascertained to be stable by electrophoresis. The circular dichroism (CD) and UV absorption spectra measured for the three isolated compounds are found to be clearly different. For the electrophoretic elution of the hypothetical [d(G(5)T(5))](4) quadruplex, the result of the molecularity of n = 4 obtained from the CD melting curve analysis provides further support for the formation of the parallel [d(G(5)T(5))](4) quadruplex already proposed. For the thermally treated equimolar mixture of d(G(5)T(5)) and d(C(5)A(5)), the fast band with a molecularity of n = 2 corresponds to the Watson-Crick duplex, d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5)). The slow band with a molecularity of n = 4 indicates the antiparallel quadruplex [d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5))](2), whose observed CD and UV spectra are different from those of [d(G(5)T(5))](4). By electrophoresis, after reannealing the eluted compound [d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5))](2), a distinct photograph showing the band splitting of this quadruplex band into the lower duplex and upper quadruplex bands is not possible; but by a transilluminator, we occasionally observe this band splitting with the naked eye. The linear response polarizability tensor calculations for the thus determined structures of the [d(G(5)T(5))](4) quadruplex, the McGavin-like [d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5))](2) quadruplex, and the Watson-Crick d(G(5)T(5)). d(A(5)C(5)) duplex are found to qualitatively predict the observed CD and UV spectra.  相似文献   

Netropsin is bound to the DNA decamer d(CCCCCIIIII)2, the C-4 bromo derivative d(CCCBr5CCIIIII)2and the C-2 bromo derivative d(CBr5CCCCIIIII)2in a novel 2:1 mode. Complexes of the native decamer and the C-4 bromo derivative are isomorphous, space group P1, unit cell dimensions a = 32.56 A (32.66), b = 32.59 A (32.77), c = 37.64 A (37.71), alpha = 86.30 degrees (86.01 degrees), beta = 84.50 degrees (84.37 degrees), gamma = 68.58 degrees (68.90 degrees) with two independent molecules (A and B) in the asymmetric unit (values in parentheses are for the derivative). The C-2 bromo derivative is hexagonal P61, unit cell dimensions a = b = 32.13 A, c = 143.92, gamma = 120 degrees with one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The structures were solved by the molecular replacement method. The novelty of the structures is that there are two netropsins bound end-to-end in the minor groove of each B-DNA decamer which has nearly a complete turn. The netropsins are held by hydrogen bonding interactions to the base atoms and by sandwiching van der Waal's interactions from the sugar-phosphate backbones of the double helix similar to every other drug.DNA complex. Each netropsin molecule spans approximately 5 bp. The netropsins refined with their guanidinium heads facing each other at the center, although an orientational disorder for the netropsins cannot be excluded. The amidinium ends stretch out toward the junctions and bind to the adjacent duplexes in the columns of stacked symmetry-related complexes. Both cationic ends of netropsin are bridged by water molecules in one of the independent molecules (molecule A) of the triclinic structures and also the hexagonal structure to form pseudo-continuous drug.decamer helices.  相似文献   

D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase is an editing enzyme that removes d-tyrosine and other d-amino acids from charged tRNAs, thereby preventing incorrect incorporation of d-amino acids into proteins. A model for the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme is proposed based on the crystal structure of the enzyme from Haemophilus influenzae determined at a 1.64-A resolution. Structural comparison of this dimeric enzyme with the very similar structure of the enzyme from Escherichia coli together with sequence analyses indicate that the active site is located in the dimer interface within a depression that includes an invariant threonine residue, Thr-80. The active site contains an oxyanion hole formed by the main chain nitrogen atoms of Thr-80 and Phe-79 and the side chain amide group of the invariant Gln-78. The Michaelis complex between the enzyme and D-Tyr-tRNA was modeled assuming a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of D-Tyr by the Thr-80 O(gamma) atom and a role for the oxyanion hole in stabilizing the negatively charged tetrahedral transition states. The model is consistent with all of the available data on substrate specificity. Based on this model, we propose a substrate-assisted acylation/deacylation-catalytic mechanism in which the amino group of the D-Tyr is deprotonated and serves as the general base.  相似文献   

The electronic structure of d(GG).d(CC), d(CG)2, d(GC)2 which are stacked base pairs in the DNA double helix, are elucidated for both A and B conformations in detail by DV-X alpha cluster calculations. These three DNA double helix fragments are contracted from the same bases, G and C, but the electronic structures of the fragments for both A and B conformations are different from each other characteristically. There are some delicate differences in the admixture of the orbital components and the overlap populations of intra- and inter- strand stacked bases among the stacking isomers. On the other hand, the electronic states of sugars differ in the 5'-3' direction, but are not almost dependent on stacked base pairs.  相似文献   

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