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It is hard to imagine a world without food‐associated microbes. The production of bread, wine, beer, salami, coffee, chocolate, cheese and many other foods and beverages all rely on specific microbes. In cheese, myriad microbial species collaborate to yield the complex organoleptic properties that are appreciated by millions of people worldwide. In the early days of cheese making, these complex communities emerged spontaneously from the natural flora associated with the raw materials, the equipment, the production environment or craftsmen involved in the production process. However, in some cases, the microbes shifted their natural habitat to the new cheese‐associated environment. The most obvious cause of this is backslopping, where part of a fermented product is used to inoculate the next batch. In addition, some microbes may simply adhere to the tools used in the production process. These microbial communities gradually adapted to the novel man‐made niches, a process referred to as “domestication.” Domestication is associated with specific genomic and phenotypic changes and ultimately leads to lineages that are genetically and phenotypically distinct from their wild ancestors. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Dumas et al. have investigated a prime example of cheese‐associated microbes, the fungus Penicillium roqueforti. The authors identified several hallmarks of domestication in the genome and phenome of this species, allowing them to hypothesize about the origin of blue‐veined cheese fungi domestication, and the specific evolutionary processes involved in adaptation to the cheese matrix.  相似文献   

Combining experimental evolution with whole‐genome resequencing is a promising new strategy for investigating the dynamics of evolutionary change. Published studies that have resequenced laboratory‐selected populations of sexual organisms have typically focused on populations sampled at the end of an evolution experiment. These studies have attempted to associate particular alleles with phenotypic change and attempted to distinguish between different theoretical models of adaptation. However, neither the population used to initiate the experiment nor multiple time points sampled during the evolutionary trajectory are generally available for examination. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Orozco‐terWengel et al. (2012) take a significant step forward by estimating genome‐wide allele frequencies at the start, 15 generations into and at the end of a 37‐generation Drosophila experimental evolution study. The authors identify regions of the genome that have responded to laboratory selection and describe the temporal dynamics of allele frequency change. They identify two common trajectories for putatively adaptive alleles: alleles either gradually increase in frequency throughout the entire 37 generations or alleles plateau at a new frequency by generation 15. The identification of complex trajectories of alleles under selection contributes to a growing body of literature suggesting that simple models of adaptation, whereby beneficial alleles arise and increase in frequency unimpeded until they become fixed, may not adequately describe short‐term response to selection.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that structural genomic variants such as inversions can promote adaptive diversification and speciation. Despite increasing empirical evidence that adaptive divergence can be triggered by one or a few large inversions, the degree to which widespread genomic regions under divergent selection are associated with structural variants remains unclear. Here we test for an association between structural variants and genomic regions that underlie parallel host‐plant‐associated ecotype formation in Timema cristinae stick insects. Using mate‐pair resequencing of 20 new whole genomes we find that moderately sized structural variants such as inversions, deletions and duplications are widespread across the genome, being retained as standing variation within and among populations. Using 160 previously published, standard‐orientation whole genome sequences we find little to no evidence that the DNA sequences within inversions exhibit accentuated differentiation between ecotypes. In contrast, a formerly described large region of reduced recombination that harbours genes controlling colour‐pattern exhibits evidence for accentuated differentiation between ecotypes, which is consistent with differences in the frequency of colour‐pattern morphs between host‐associated ecotypes. Our results suggest that some types of structural variants (e.g., large inversions) are more likely to underlie adaptive divergence than others, and that structural variants are not required for subtle yet genome‐wide genetic differentiation with gene flow.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) is a globally distributed, obligate pathogen of humans that can be divided into seven clearly defined lineages. An emerging consensus places the origin and global dispersal of M.tb within the past 6,000 years: identifying how the ancestral clone of M.tb spread and differentiated within this timeframe is important for identifying the ecological drivers of the current pandemic. We used Bayesian phylogeographic inference to reconstruct the migratory history of M.tb in Africa and Eurasia and to investigate lineage specific patterns of spread from a geographically diverse sample of 552 M.tb genomes. Applying evolutionary rates inferred with ancient M.tb genome calibration, we estimated the timing of major events in the migratory history of the pathogen. Inferred timings contextualize M.tb dispersal within historical phenomena that altered patterns of connectivity throughout Africa and Eurasia: trans‐Indian Ocean trade in spices and other goods, the Silk Road and its predecessors, the expansion of the Roman Empire, and the European Age of Exploration. We found that Eastern Africa and Southeast Asia have been critical in the dispersal of M.tb. Our results further reveal that M.tb populations have grown through range expansion, as well as in situ, and delineate the independent evolutionary trajectories of bacterial subpopulations underlying the current pandemic.  相似文献   

Hyma KE  Caicedo AL 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(17):3491-3493
Plasticity allows for changes in phenotype in response to environmental cues, often facilitating local adaptation to seasonal environments. Phenotypic plasticity alone, however, may not always be sufficient to ensure adaptation to new localities. In particular, changing cues associated with shifting seasonal regimes may no longer induce appropriate phenotypic responses in new environments ( Nicotra et al. 2010 ). Plastic responses must thus evolve to avoid being maladaptive. To date, the extent to which plastic responses can change and the genetic mechanisms by which this can happen have remained elusive. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Blackman et al. (2011a) harness natural variation in flowering time among populations of the wild sunflower, Helianthus annuus, to demonstrate that plasticity has indeed evolved in this species. Remarkably, they are able to detect changes in gene expression that are associated with both a loss of plasticity and a reversal of the plastic response. These changes occur in two separate, but integrated, regulatory pathways controlling the transition to flowering, suggesting that complex regulatory networks that incorporate multiple environmental and developmental cues may facilitate the evolution of plastic responses. This study leverages knowledge from plant genetic models to provide a surprising level of insight into the evolution of an adaptive trait in a non‐model species. Through discoveries of the roles of gene duplication and network modularity in the evolution of plastic responses, the study raises questions about the degree to which species‐specific network architectures may act as a constraint to the potential of adaptation.  相似文献   

Spatial genetic patterns are influenced by numerous factors, and they can vary even among coexisting, closely related species due to differences in dispersal and selection. Eucalyptus (L'Héritier 1789; the “eucalypts”) are foundation tree species that provide essential habitat and modulate ecosystem services throughout Australia. Here we present a study of landscape genomic variation in two woodland eucalypt species, using whole‐genome sequencing of 388 individuals of Eucalyptus albens and Eucalyptus sideroxylon. We found exceptionally high genetic diversity (π ≈ 0.05) and low genome‐wide, interspecific differentiation (FST = 0.15) and intraspecific differentiation between localities (FST ≈ 0.01–0.02). We found no support for strong, discrete population structure, but found substantial support for isolation by geographic distance (IBD) in both species. Using generalized dissimilarity modelling, we identified additional isolation by environment (IBE). Eucalyptus albens showed moderate IBD, and environmental variables have a small but significant amount of additional predictive power (i.e. IBE). Eucalyptus sideroxylon showed much stronger IBD and moderate IBE. These results highlight the vast adaptive potential of these species and set the stage for testing evolutionary hypotheses of interspecific adaptive differentiation across environments.  相似文献   

Recent papers have promoted the view that model‐based methods in general, and those based on Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) in particular, are flawed in a number of ways, and are therefore inappropriate for the analysis of phylogeographic data. These papers further argue that Nested Clade Phylogeographic Analysis (NCPA) offers the best approach in statistical phylogeography. In order to remove the confusion and misconceptions introduced by these papers, we justify and explain the reasoning behind model‐based inference. We argue that ABC is a statistically valid approach, alongside other computational statistical techniques that have been successfully used to infer parameters and compare models in population genetics. We also examine the NCPA method and highlight numerous deficiencies, either when used with single or multiple loci. We further show that the ages of clades are carelessly used to infer ages of demographic events, that these ages are estimated under a simple model of panmixia and population stationarity but are then used under different and unspecified models to test hypotheses, a usage the invalidates these testing procedures. We conclude by encouraging researchers to study and use model‐based inference in population genetics.  相似文献   

Populations that maintain phenotypic divergence in sympatry typically show a mosaic pattern of genomic divergence, requiring a corresponding mosaic of genomic isolation (reduced gene flow). However, mechanisms that could produce the genomic isolation required for divergence‐with‐gene‐flow have barely been explored, apart from the traditional localized effects of selection and reduced recombination near centromeres or inversions. By localizing FST outliers from a genome scan of wild pea aphid host races on a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) map of key traits, we test the hypothesis that between‐population recombination and gene exchange are reduced over large ‘divergence hitchhiking’ (DH) regions. As expected under divergence hitchhiking, our map confirms that QTL and divergent markers cluster together in multiple large genomic regions. Under divergence hitchhiking, the nonoutlier markers within these regions should show signs of reduced gene exchange relative to nonoutlier markers in genomic regions where ongoing gene flow is expected. We use this predicted difference among nonoutliers to perform a critical test of divergence hitchhiking. Results show that nonoutlier markers within clusters of FST outliers and QTL resolve the genetic population structure of the two host races nearly as well as the outliers themselves, while nonoutliers outside DH regions reveal no population structure, as expected if they experience more gene flow. These results provide clear evidence for divergence hitchhiking, a mechanism that may dramatically facilitate the process of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. They also show the power of integrating genome scans with genetic analyses of the phenotypic traits involved in local adaptation and population divergence.  相似文献   

Natural environments are rarely static; rather selection can fluctuate on timescales ranging from hours to centuries. However, it is unclear how adaptation to fluctuating environments differs from adaptation to constant environments at the genetic level. For bacteria, one key axis of environmental variation is selection for planktonic or biofilm modes of growth. We conducted an evolution experiment with Burkholderia cenocepacia, comparing the evolutionary dynamics of populations evolving under constant selection for either biofilm formation or planktonic growth with populations in which selection fluctuated between the two environments on a weekly basis. Populations evolved in the fluctuating environment shared many of the same genetic targets of selection as those evolved in constant biofilm selection, but were genetically distinct from the constant planktonic populations. In the fluctuating environment, mutations in the biofilm‐regulating genes wspA and rpfR rose to high frequency in all replicate populations. A mutation in wspA first rose rapidly and nearly fixed during the initial biofilm phase but was subsequently displaced by a collection of rpfR mutants upon the shift to the planktonic phase. The wspA and rpfR genotypes coexisted via negative frequency‐dependent selection around an equilibrium frequency that shifted between the environments. The maintenance of coexisting genotypes in the fluctuating environment was unexpected. Under temporally fluctuating environments, coexistence of two genotypes is only predicted under a narrow range of conditions, but the frequency‐dependent interactions we observed provide a mechanism that can increase the likelihood of coexistence in fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Identifying the individual loci and mutations that underlie adaptation to extreme environments has long been a goal of evolutionary biology. However, finding the genes that underlie adaptive traits is difficult for several reasons. First, because many traits and genes evolve simultaneously as populations diverge, it is difficult to disentangle adaptation from neutral demographic processes. Second, finding the individual loci involved in any trait is challenging given the respective limitations of quantitative and population genetic methods. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Hendrick et al. (2016) overcome these difficulties and determine the genetic basis of microgeographic adaptation between geothermal vent and nonthermal populations of Mimulus guttatus in Yellowstone National Park. The authors accomplish this by combining population and quantitative genetic techniques, a powerful, but labour‐intensive, strategy for identifying individual causative adaptive loci that few studies have used (Stinchcombe & Hoekstra 2008 ). In a previous common garden experiment (Lekberg et al. 2012), thermal M. guttatus populations were found to differ from their closely related nonthermal neighbours in various adaptive phenotypes including trichome density. Hendrick et al. (2016) combine quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, population genomic scans for selection and admixture mapping to identify a single genetic locus underlying differences in trichome density between thermal and nonthermal M. guttatus. The candidate gene, R2R3 MYB, is homologous to genes involved in trichome development across flowering plants. The major trichome QTL, Tr14, is also involved in trichome density differences in an independent M. guttatus population comparison (Holeski et al. 2010) making this an example of parallel genetic evolution.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, the genomic revolution has offered the possibility to generate tremendous amounts of data that contain valuable information on the genetic basis of phenotypic traits, such as those linked to human diseases or those that allow for species to adapt to a changing environment. Most ecologically relevant traits are controlled by a large number of genes with small individual effects on trait variation, but that are connected with one another through complex developmental, metabolic and biochemical networks. As a result, it has recently been suggested that most adaptation events in natural populations are reached via correlated changes at multiple genes at a time, for which the name polygenic adaptation has been coined. The current challenge is to develop methods to extract the relevant information from genomic data to detect the signature of polygenic evolutionary change. The symposium entitled “Detecting the Genomic Signal of Polygenic Adaptation and the Role of Epistasis in Evolution” held in 2017 at the University of Zürich aimed at reviewing our current state of knowledge. In this review, we use the talks of the invited speakers to summarize some of the most recent developments in this field.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion into estuaries creates stressful conditions for nektonic species. Previous studies have shown that Gambusia affinis populations with exposure to saline environments develop genetic adaptations for increased survival during salinity stress. Here, we evaluate the genetic structure of G. affinis populations, previously shown to have adaptations for increased salinity tolerance, and determine the impact of selection and gene flow on structure of these populations. We found that gene flow was higher between populations experiencing different salinity regimes within an estuary than between similar marsh types in different estuaries, suggesting the development of saline‐tolerant phenotypes due to local adaptation. There was limited evidence of genetic structure along a salinity gradient, and only some of the genetic variation among sites was correlated with salinity. Our results suggest limited structure, combined with selection to saltwater intrusion, results in phenotypic divergence in spite of a lack of physical barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

The adaptation of herbivorous insects to new host plants is key to their evolutionary success in diverse environments. Many insects are associated with mutualistic gut bacteria that contribute to the host's nutrition and can thereby facilitate dietary switching in polyphagous insects. However, how gut microbial communities differ between populations of the same species that feed on different host plants remains poorly understood. Most species of Pyrrhocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) are specialist seed‐feeders on plants in the family Malvaceae, although populations of one species, Probergrothius angolensis, have switched to the very distantly related Welwitschia mirabilis plant in the Namib Desert. We first compared the development and survival of laboratory populations of Pr. angolensis with two other pyrrhocorids on seeds of Welwitschia and found only Pr. angolensis was capable of successfully completing its development. We then collected Pr. angolensis in Namibia from Malvaceae and Welwitschia host plants, respectively, to assess their bacterial and fungal community profiles using high‐throughput amplicon sequencing. Comparison with long‐term laboratory‐reared insects indicated stable associations of Pr. angolensis with core bacteria (Commensalibacter, Enterococcus, Bartonella and Klebsiella), but not with fungi or yeasts. Phylogenetic analyses of core bacteria revealed relationships to other insect‐associated bacteria, but also found new taxa indicating potential host‐specialized nutritional roles. Importantly, the microbial community profiles of bugs feeding on Welwitschia versus Malvaceae revealed stark and consistent differences in the relative abundance of core bacterial taxa that correlate with the host‐plant switch; we were able to reproduce this result through feeding experiments. Thus, a dynamic gut microbiota may provide a means for insect adaptation to new host plants in new environments when food plants are extremely divergent.  相似文献   

Effective predictive and management approaches for species occurring in a metapopulation structure require good understanding of interpopulation connectivity. In this study, we ask whether population genetic structure of marine species with fragmented distributions can be predicted by stepping‐stone oceanographic transport and habitat continuity, using as model an ecosystem‐structuring brown alga, Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta. To answer this question, we analysed the genetic structure and estimated the connectivity of populations along discontinuous rocky habitat patches in southern Italy, using microsatellite markers at multiple scales. In addition, we modelled the effect of rocky habitat continuity and ocean circulation on gene flow by simulating Lagrangian particle dispersal based on ocean surface currents allowing multigenerational stepping‐stone dynamics. Populations were highly differentiated, at scales from few metres up to thousands of kilometres. The best possible model fit to explain the genetic results combined current direction, rocky habitat extension and distance along the coast among rocky sites. We conclude that a combination of variable suitable habitat and oceanographic transport is a useful predictor of genetic structure. This relationship provides insight into the mechanisms of dispersal and the role of life‐history traits. Our results highlight the importance of spatially explicit modelling of stepping‐stone dynamics and oceanographic directional transport coupled with habitat suitability, to better describe and predict marine population structure and differentiation. This study also suggests the appropriate spatial scales for the conservation, restoration and management of species that are increasingly affected by habitat modifications.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the history of populations is a longstanding goal of molecular ecologists. In addition to a better understanding of the past, it is hoped that this knowledge would also facilitate predictions regarding species’ responses to future events such as climate change. The traditional way of doing this is through the fossil record, but these historical records are often incomplete. Inferring historical demography from patterns of nucleotide variability can help to fill these gaps. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Holliday et al. (2010) glimpse into the demographic past of Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis, an economically and ecologically important species native to northwestern United States and Canada, by examining the site frequency spectrum (SFS) of 153 loci in six populations covering the species entire range.  相似文献   

The genetic and environmental homogeneity in agricultural ecosystems is thought to impose strong and uniform selection pressures. However, the impact of this selection on plant pathogen genomes remains largely unknown. We aimed to identify the proportion of the genome and the specific gene functions under positive selection in populations of the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. First, we performed genome scans in four field populations that were sampled from different continents and on distinct wheat cultivars to test which genomic regions are under recent selection. Based on extended haplotype homozygosity and composite likelihood ratio tests, we identified 384 and 81 selective sweeps affecting 4% and 0.5% of the 35 Mb core genome, respectively. We found differences both in the number and the position of selective sweeps across the genome between populations. Using a XtX‐based outlier detection approach, we identified 51 extremely divergent genomic regions between the allopatric populations, suggesting that divergent selection led to locally adapted pathogen populations. We performed an outlier detection analysis between two sympatric populations infecting two different wheat cultivars to identify evidence for host‐driven selection. Selective sweep regions harboured genes that are likely to play a role in successfully establishing host infections. We also identified secondary metabolite gene clusters and an enrichment in genes encoding transporter and protein localization functions. The latter gene functions mediate responses to environmental stress, including interactions with the host. The distinct gene functions under selection indicate that both local host genotypes and abiotic factors contributed to local adaptation.  相似文献   

Abstract How often will natural selection drive parallel evolution at the DNA sequence level? More precisely, what is the probability that selection will cause two populations that live in identical environments to substitute the same beneficial mutation? Here I show that, under fairly general conditions, the answer is simple: if a wild‐type sequence can mutate to n different beneficial mutations, replicate populations will on average fix the same mutation with probability P= 2/(n + 1). This probability, which is derived using extreme value theory, is independent of most biological details, including the length of the gene in question and the precise distribution of fitness effects among alleles. I conclude that the probability of parallel evolution under natural selection is nearly twice as large as that under neutrality.  相似文献   

Polymorphism describes two or more distinct, genetically determined, phenotypes that co‐occur in the same population, where the rarest morph is maintained at a frequency above the mutation rate (Ford 1945; Huxley 1955). In a recent opinion piece, we explored a new idea regarding the role of genetic architectures and morph interactions in colour polymorphisms and how this can negatively affect population performance (Bolton et al. 2015). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Forsman (2016) thoroughly discusses the current evidence for polymorphisms enhancing population performance and critiques the validity of the definitions of polymorphism we use in our original paper. We respond by clarifying that the negative consequences of polymorphisms that we discussed are likely to be most pertinent in species that have a particular set of characteristics, such as strong sexual or social interactions between morphs and discrete genetic architectures. Although it was not our intention to redefine polymorphism, we do believe that there should be further discussion about refining or characterizing balanced polymorphisms with respect to the degree of morph sympatry, discreteness of traits and their underlying genetic architecture, and the types of selection that drive and maintain the variation. The latter describes whether polymorphism is primarily maintained by external factors such as predation pressure or internal factors such as interactions with members of the same species. The contribution of Forsman (2016) is useful to this discussion, and we hope that our exchange of opinions will inspire new empirical and theoretical ideas on the origin and maintenance of colour polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Fluctuating selection is often thought to be ineffective in maintaining a genetic polymorphism except when generations overlap, for example when a seed bank causes a storage effect. Here, I demonstrate that fluctuating selection on sex‐limited traits automatically includes such a ‘storage effect’ because sex‐limited alleles are shielded from selection in the sex where they are not expressed. With analytical calculations and numerical simulations I show that fluctuating selection can maintain a genetic polymorphism in sex‐limited traits. Such a protected polymorphism can reduce the cost of sex when female‐limited traits are involved. But, this effect will probably be small compared to the two‐fold advantage of asexual reproduction unless many polymorphic loci interact or exceptionally strong environmental fluctuations are present. It is argued that genetic polymorphisms maintained by fluctuating selection on sex‐limited traits may partly explain the large genetic variance of traits under strong sexual selection.  相似文献   

The M and S forms of Anopheles gambiae have been the subject of intense study, but are morphologically indistinguishable and can only be identified using molecular techniques. PCR‐based assays to distinguish the two forms have been designed and applied widely. However, the application of these assays towards identifying hybrids between the two forms, and backcrossed hybrids in particular, has been problematic as the currently available diagnostic assays are based on single locus and/or are located within a multicopy gene. Here, we present an alternative genotyping method for detecting hybridization and introgression between M and S molecular forms based on a multilocus panel of single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) fixed between the M and S forms. The panel of SNPs employed is located in so‐called islands of divergence leading us to describe this method as the ‘Divergence Island SNP’ (DIS) assay. We show this multilocus SNP genotyping approach can robustly and accurately detect F1 hybrids as well as backcrossed individuals.  相似文献   

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