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Hydroxyethyl starch (HES) is widely used as a plasma substitute. Serious side effects occur only rarely, whereas a high incidence of severe pruritus has been reported. Moreover, tissue storage of HES has been demonstrated in various organs. The aim of the current study has been to examine precisely the intracellular uptake and long-term storage of HES in the skin. Skin biopsies from 119 patients who received HES of various preparations and cumulative dosage were obtained 30 min to 130 months after infusion therapy. The samples were analysed by ultrastructural and immunoelectron microscopy with HES-specific monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. A characteristic vacuolisation of perivascular histiocytes was a regular finding in all skin biopsies as early as 1 day after a single infusion of 30 g. Immunoreactivity for HES was demonstrable within the vacuoles. Generally, the size and number of vacuoles in the histiocytes increased concomitantly with the cumulative dosage. Following administration of higher HES dosages, vacuoles were demonstrable in endothelial cells of blood and lymphatic vessels, basal keratinocytes, epithelia of sweat glands and in small peripheral nerves, the last mentioned being associated with pruritus. A subsequent reduction of the vacuoles in size and number could be demonstrated within 52 months. In nerves, HES deposits persisted no longer than 17 months paralleling the cessation of pruritus. Biopsies taken after 94 months exhibited no HES deposits in the skin. The condensation and final dissolution of the vacuoles may either indicate the release and subsequent redistribution of HES into the circulation or lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

The effects of freezing and thawing on Chinese hamster cells in tissue culture in the presence of PVP, HES, and various dextrans have been investigated. Cooling and thawing rates within a limited range (20–260 °C per min for cooling and 6–115 °C per min for thawing) were studied and best results were achieved with a cooling rate of 20 °C per min and a thawing rate of 115 °C per min in both 10% PVP, and 10% HES. Experiments demonstrated HES to be as good as, and possibly better than PVP. A number of dextrans of average molecular weight (10,000–500,000 daltons) were shown to be poor as cryoprotective agents in contrast to results obtained with this polymer with red cells and bacteria. The presence of 10% serum during all freezing and thawing procedures decreased day-to-day variability and with dextrans increased their limited effectiveness.  相似文献   

Red blood cells were frozen in small capillaries down to ?196 °C at different linear cooling rates with or without the cryoadditive HES; the thawing rate was 3000 or 6500 °C/min. Hematocrit and hydroxyethyl starch concentration varied independently. The hemolysis of red blood cells was determined photometrically after 250-fold dilution and compared to totally hemolyzed samples. The typical U-shaped curves for hemolysis as a function of the cooling rate were obtained for all cell suspensions investigated. Relative optimum cooling rates were determined for the respective combinations of HES and hct. The results show that increasing hct causes an increased hemolysis; increased HES concentration CHES reduces the optimum cooling rate Bopt; increased hct results in higher optimal cooling rates. The findings allow one to establish a linear correlation of the HES concentration and the optimum cooling rates when the dilution of the extracellular medium by the cell water efflux during freezing is taken into account. A comparison with results from larger volumes frozen (25 ml) shows that the established relationship between hematocrit, HES concentration, and optimal cooling rate remains valid.  相似文献   

Activity of LDG, MDG, alpha-GFDG, NAD X H2DG and NADP X H2DG was studied in different type cells of rabbit cornea subjected to cryopreservation (-196 degrees C) in the presence of PEO-400. Fresh cornea was used for comparison. It is revealed that the enzyme activity in the represerved tissue changes: the level of cytochemical reaction increases with MDG and alpha-GFDG detection and decreases with NADP X H2DG detection. The difference in response to cooling may be attributed to unequal sensitivity of structural cell elements to cooling.  相似文献   

There is marked endogenous production of nitrate in young calves. Here we have studied the contribution of exogenous nitrate and nitrite to plasma concentrations and urinary excretion of nitrite and nitrate in milk-fed calves. In experiment 1, calves were fed 0 or 200 &mgr;mol nitrate or nitrite/kg(0.75) or 100 &mgr;mol nitrite plus 100 &mgr;mol nitrate/kg(0.75) with milk for 3 d. In experiment 2, calves were fed 400 &mgr;mol nitrate or nitrite/kg(0.75) with milk for 1 d. Plasma nitrate rapidly and comparably increased after feeding nitrite, nitrate or nitrite plus nitrate. The rise of plasma nitrate was greater if 400 than 200 &mgr;mol nitrate or nitrite/kg(0.75) were fed. Plasma nitrate decreased slowly after the 3-d administration of 200 &mgr;mol nitrate or nitrite/kg(0.75) and reached pre-experimental concentrations 4 d later. Urinary nitrate excretions nearly identically increased if nitrate, nitrite or nitrite plus nitrate were administered and excreted amounts were greater if 400 than 200 &mgr;mol nitrate or nitrite/kg(0.75) were fed. After nitrite ingestion plasma nitrite only transiently increased after 2 and 4 h and urinary excretion rates remained unchanged. Plasma nitrate concentration remained unchanged if milk was not supplemented with nitrite or nitrate. Nitrate concentrations were stable for 24 h after addition of nitrite to full blood in vitro, whereas nitrite concentrations decreased within 2 h. In conclusion, plasma nitrate concentrations and urinary nitrate excretions are enhanced dose-dependently by feeding low amounts of nitrate and nitrite, whereas after ingested nitrite only a transient and small rise of plasma nitrite is observed because of rapid conversion to nitrate.  相似文献   

The plasma disappearance, metabolism and uptake in the brain of [3H-Phe4]-DT gamma E and [3H-Lys9]-DE gamma E were investigated following systemic administration of these neuroleptic-like peptides to rats. 3H-DT gamma E, 3H-DE gamma E and their radioactive metabolites in plasma and brain extracts were determined by reversed-phase HPLC. Plasma disappearance of DT gamma E upon intravenous (IV) dosing followed a biphasic pattern with half-lives of 0.7 min (distribution phase) and 5.5 min (elimination phase). For DE gamma E the plasma disappearance curve was best characterized by a one-compartment model since a second elimination phase was hardly detectable by our methods. The corresponding half-life was 0.6 min, probably representative for the initial distribution phase of DE gamma E. Both neuropeptides distributed rapidly over the larger part of the extracellular fluid. Following the IV route of administration, brain uptake of DT gamma E and DE gamma E appeared to be low. Brain levels of DT gamma E decreased from 0.0075% to 0.0031% of the administered dose/g tissue at 2-15.5 min after injection, whereas those of DE gamma E decreased very rapidly from 0.0174% of the dose/g brain tissue to below the detection limit at 2-4.5 min after injection. As compared to the IV route of administration, subcutaneous (SC) injection of DE gamma E resulted into lower but remarkably longer-lasting peptide concentrations in plasma as well as in brain, possibly because of a sustained release from the SC site of injection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Some of the biochemical changes in rat kidney following the administration of mercuric chloride have been determined. Mercuric chloride had an immediate effect on the renal brush border resulting in rapid loss of the microvilli. Plasma membranes were isolated and characterised at various stages in the necrotic process, mircovilli were absent from these preparations and the activities of marker enzymes for the brush border were significantly decreased. In contrast the basal plasma membranes were unaffected by the nephrotoxin during the early stages and no change occurred in the activity of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, a marker enzyme for the basal membranes. The change in the pattern of urinary enzyme excertion closely paralleled the ultrastructural changes in the tubular cells. The sequence of subcellular change following the administration of mercuric chloride is discussed in relation to the known mechanism of action of this agent.  相似文献   

Background With the development of cord blood banking, solutions have to be found to solve the storage space problem, by reducing the volume of cord blood units (CBU). Methods We compared total nucleated cell (TNC) and CD34(+) cell counts before and after processing with three different CBU volume reduction methods used consecutively in our bank: a manual method based on hydroxyethyl starch sedimentation (HES) (n=447), a top-and-bottom (TB) semi-automated method (n=181) using Optipress II, and the Sepax automated method (n=213). Statistical analysis was done using t-tests, linear regression and Spearman correlation coefficients. Adjusted variables included TNC, CD34(+) cell counts, CD34(+) cell percentage and CB volume before processing. Results TNC recovery was higher with Sepax (80.3+/-7.7%) than with HES (76.8+/-9.1%) and TB (60.7+/-13.5%) (P<0.0001, both). It was higher with HES than with TB (P<0.0001). CD34(+) cell recovery was higher with Sepax (86+/-11.6%) than with HES (81.5+/-12.5%) and TB (82.0+/-17.7%) (P<0.008 and <0.0001, respectively) and results with HES and TB were not significantly different (P=0.7). Interestingly, with Sepax, TNC and CD34(+) cell recoveries were not correlated with pre-processing values (P=0.8 and 0.4, respectively). Discussion In conclusion, the Sepax volume reduction method allows higher TNC and CD34(+) cell recoveries.  相似文献   

The temporal change in the levels of the gangliotetraose-series gangliosides, i.e., GMla, GDla, GD1b, GT1b, in the blood plasma after intramuscular administration of bovine brain gangliosides (5 mg/kg) to beagle dogs (11.3-12.2 kg) was determined with high sensitivity by a recently developed thin-layer chromatography/enzyme-immunostaining method (Hirabayashi, Y., Koketsu, K., Higashi, H., Suzuki, Y., Matsumoto, M., Sugimoto, M. and Ogawa, T. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 876, 178-182). The amounts of GMla, GDla, GD1b, GT1b and their combined total in the plasma of beagle dogs before administration of gangliosides were 21 +/- 1, 36 +/- 7, 15 +/- 2, 16 +/- 2 and 88 +/- 6 pmol/ml of blood plasma, respectively. Trapezoidal calculation showed that the times of the maximum levels of GMla, GDla, GDlb, GTlb and the total of the their levels in the plasma were 8.0 +/- 1.2, 8.7 +/- 0.7, 6.3 +/- 2.0, 17.0 +/- 7.0 and 8.7 +/- 0.7 h after the administration of gangliosides, and their maximum concentrations were 517 +/- 37, 654 +/- 53, 160 +/- 5, 184 +/- 20 and 1383 +/- 74 pmol/ml, respectively. The maximum level of each ganglioside decreased gradually, reaching the normal level after 10 days. The half-maximum level of each ganglioside occurred 2-3 days after the administration. Asialo GM1 (GA1) was not detected plasma at any of the test times.  相似文献   

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